Ahmous (Seeded)
Earliness Early
Maturity 75 - 85 Days
Antilop* (Seeded)
Earliness Early
Maturity 75 - 85 days
Exclamation* (Seedless)
Farao (Seeded)
Maturity 75 - 85 Days
Fascination (Seedless)
Maturity 75 - 85 Days
Prince* (Seeded)
Maturity 75 - 85 Days
SP-6* (pollenizer)
Earliness Medium early
head 1 Kg
Type weight
Super pollinizer for all seedless watermelon production
areas & segments SP-6 F1 new way of growing seedless
watermelon. SP-6 is the new generation of a non-
harvestable Super-pollinator that offers a good package IR: Powdery mildew (Px:1),
Disease Anthracnose (Co: 1),
of resistances. Light green exterior with no stripes and
Resistance Fusarium wilt (Fon: 0, 1, 2)
thin rind. Small plant growth with minimum land cover.
Better plant vigor ,better flowering for optimal
Seedless hybrid Pollinator SP-6 F1
Yield and quality potential of seedless crop.
Improved disease resistance. DISCLAIMER: We have exercised the utmost care in compiling this information. The data should
however be handled by the user in accordance with his own knowledge and experience of local
Super pollinizer for all seedless watermelon production circumstances. We therefore cannot accept any liability in connection with this information. The
term is used here refer to the known and described physios of certain pathotypes. However,
areas & segments. other unknown, and/or non-described disease physios may exist. We cannot, therefore, accept
any liability for varieties listed in this leaflet turning out to be non-resistant or non-tolerant to such
pathotypes. Whatever the reason. In case of doubt we recommend carrying-out small scale trial
production in order to test local growing conditions.
Refreshing and sweet
Next to direct sowing, consideration should be given to
the use of transplants. Sowing can be done in pressed
peat blocks or in tray cells. Size of block should be
5 x 5 cm. Water the planting medium thoroughly
and allow to drain for 4-6 hours before sowing. After
sowing the optimal air temperature should be at least
25 °C, although outdoors this is difficult to regulate.
Transplanting can take place 3 - 4 weeks later when
the young plant has 3 - 4 true leaves. Harden-off the
plants before planting. This can be done by lowering the
greenhousetemperature, reducing irrigation, or moving
Stage: Germination Transplanting Growth Sideshoots Flowering Ripening
Days: 0-20 20-25 20-30 30-50 50-70 70-100 100-150
Whitefly KARATE