Av Onion Kalunga PLUS

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 Specifically bred for Zimbabwe and Africa
 Early maturing
 Long storage
 Short-day onion

Onion Kalunga PLUS is proudly bred by Avanos Seeds, in and for Zimbabwe. It is an early maturing short-
day onion with an excellent yield potential. The bulbs are very uniform, firm and have a round shape with
attractive medium dark yellow scales. Kalunga PLUS is widely adapted, has high tolerance to Downy Mildew
and has excellent storage ability. The percentage of medium to large sized first grade bulbs is high.
Kalunga PLUS is well suited for growing from seedlings. Kalunga PLUS may bolt if sown and transplanted
early in the season. It is best grown for production of dried bulbs.


KIND Onion (Allium cepa L.)
TYPE Short-day onion
SOWING TIME MID-APRIL TO MID-MAY, high risk of bolting for early sowing
DAYS TO MATURITY 90 – 110 days from transplanting
BULB COLOUR Medium yellow
OUTER SCALES Applying proper curing methods will enhance development and
firmness of outer scales
BULB SIZE Medium 130-160g depending on plant population/ fertilizer rates
FLAVOUR Slightly pungent
BULB SHAPE, UNIFORMITY Round and very uniform
LEAF GROWTH HABIT, COLOUR Upright, medium dark green
PLANT SPACING 7 cm x 15-20 cm
BOLTING TOLERANCE Good, with due regard to planting date. Suited to late planting
FIRMNESS Firm within the short-day onion range
MARKETS / END USE Fresh market Green Bunch and Dry Onions
POTENTIAL YIELD/HA 50 – 65mt (fresh weight)
STORAGE Excellent storage under ambient conditions, up to 6 months
PLANT POPULATION/HA 650 000 – 850 000 plants
DISEASE Excellent field tolerance to Downy Mildew and Purple Blotch
FERTILISATION GUIDE Basal fertilizer: 800 -1000 kg/ha of Compound C or Vegetable Blend.
Top: 30kg of Calcium Nitrate applied at 3, 5, 7 & 9 weeks. NOTE:
This is general recommendation hence soil test should be done for
correct fertilizer types and rates.

DISCLAIMER: This information is based on our observations and/or information from other sources. As crop performance depends on the interaction between the genetic potential of the seed,
its physiological characteristics, and the environment, including management, we give no warranty express or implied, for the performance of crops relative to the information given nor do we
accept any liability for any loss, direct or consequential, that may arise from whatsoever cause. Please read the Avanos Seeds Conditions of Sale before ordering seed.

Avanos Seeds
52 Alpes Road Vainona, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Phone: +263 242 884707 / +263 242 885 100.
Cell/WhatsApp: +263 772 572 634.
Email: [email protected]: www.avanosseeds.com
Facebook Page: Avanos-Seeds

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