Influence of Age and Sex On The Position of The Conus Medullaris and Tuffier's Line in Adults
Influence of Age and Sex On The Position of The Conus Medullaris and Tuffier's Line in Adults
Influence of Age and Sex On The Position of The Conus Medullaris and Tuffier's Line in Adults
Background: The purpose of this study was to analyze the regarding selection of the intervertebral space, especially in the
position of the conus medullaris and Tuffier’s line in the same aged and obese population.
patient population, to correlate this position with age and sex,
and to determine an objective guide for the selection of a safe
intervertebral space during spinal block. MOST typically, Tuffier’s line, which connects the high-
Methods: Magnetic resonance imaging studies of the lumbar est points of the iliac crests, has been used as a marker of
spine were reviewed in 690 consecutive patients. The study the lumbar spine level. Variation in the position of the
population consisted of patients older than 20 yr who had been conus medullaris follows a normal distribution, with a
taken in the supine position, the Tuffier’s line was of the Tuffier’s line was higher (F ⫽ 8.80, P ⬍ 0.001), with
formed twice by connecting the highest points of the age, such that the in-between distances in segments was
ilium and the two radiopaque markers, respectively. The shortened with age (F ⫽ 10.27, P ⬍ 0.001) (fig. 4).
segment of a vertebral body or intervertebral space that The conus medullaris and Tuffier’s line (median
the lines crossed was identified and recorded in the same [range] and mean of the segment number ⫾ SD [range])
way as in the main study. The same assessor, blinded to were positioned, respectively, at L1L (T12U–L2L) 29.1 ⫾
the study design and purposes, delineated the Tuffier’s 1.7 [25–35] and at L4L5 (L3L4 –L5S1) 16.4 ⫾ 1.2 [12–20]
line and identified the segment in each patient. The in men, and at L1L2 (T12L–L3U) 28.3 ⫾ 1.8 [23–33] and
segmental position of the two lines (median [twenty-fifth L4L5 (L4U–L5L) 15.9 ⫾ 1.2 [13–19] in women. The
to seventy-fifth percentiles]) that was compared by the positions of the conus medullaris and Tuffier’s line were
Wilcoxon signed rank test was not different (L4L5 [L5U– lower in women than in men (P ⬍ 0.001), but the
L4L5] each; P ⫽ 0.25). In no case was there a discrep- in-between distances in segments were the same regard-
ancy of more than one segment between the two lines. less of sex.
Thus, formation of the Tuffier’s line on radiographs does The study group included 12 patients with sacraliza-
not seem to be different from the bedside determination tion and 29 patients with lumbarization. In the patients
of the line in adults with a normal body build. with sacralization, the conus medullaris, Tuffier’s line,
and dural sac (median [range] and mean of the segment
number ⫾ SD [range]) were positioned at L1M (T12U–
Results L1L2) 30.8 ⫾ 2.0 [28 –35], at L4U (L3L4 –L4L) 18.7 ⫾ 1.2
Images from 690 patients (347 male, 343 female) [17–20], and at S1L/S1S2 (S1M–S2M) 8.2 ⫾ 1.3 [6 –10],
were assessed for the study. The age of the patient group respectively. In the patients with lumbarization, the co-
(mean ⫾ SD [range]) was 51 ⫾ 17 [20 –90] yr, height nus medullaris, Tuffier’s line, and dural sac (median
163 ⫾ 9 [143–186] cm, and weight 63 ⫾ 11 [34 –106] kg. [range] and mean of the segment number ⫾ SD [range])
The conus medullaris, Tuffier’s line, and dural sac
(median [range] and mean of the segment number ⫾ SD
[range]) were L1L (T12U–L3U) and 28.7 ⫾ 1.8 [23–35],
L4L5 (L3L4 –L5S1) and 16.2 ⫾ 1.2 [12–20], and S2M
(S1U–S3L) and 6.5 ⫾ 1.6 [1–11], respectively (fig. 2).
The calculated distance (mean ⫾ SD [range]) between
the conus medullaris and Tuffier’s line was 12.6 ⫾ 1.9
[7–18] segments, which corresponded to about 2– 4 units
of the vertebral body and intervertebral space (fig. 3). In no
case did the Tuffier’s line overlap the conus medullaris. The
position of the conus and Tuffier’s line was correlated with
age (Pearson correlation coefficient ⫽ ⫺0.137 [P ⬍ 0.001] Fig. 3. Distribution of the vertical distance between the conus
medullaris and Tuffier’s line. The number of units of vertebra
and 0.243 [P ⬍ 0.001], respectively). The position of the and intervertebral space corresponds to the height of one ver-
conus medullaris was lower (F ⫽ 2.98, P ⫽ 0.007), and that tebral body and intervertebral disc space.