An Anatomic Arthroscopic Description of The Hip Capsular Ligaments For The Hip Arthroscopist
An Anatomic Arthroscopic Description of The Hip Capsular Ligaments For The Hip Arthroscopist
An Anatomic Arthroscopic Description of The Hip Capsular Ligaments For The Hip Arthroscopist
Jessica J. M. Telleria, B.S., Derek P. Lindsey, M.S., Nicholas J. Giori, M.D., Ph.D.,
and Marc R. Safran, M.D.
Purpose: To examine and describe the normal anatomic intra-articular locations of the hip capsular
ligaments in the central and peripheral compartments of the hip joint. Methods: Eight paired
fresh-frozen human cadaveric hips (mean age, 73.3 years) were carefully dissected free of soft tissue
to expose the hip capsule. Needles were placed through the capsule along the macroscopic borders
of the hip capsular ligaments. Arthroscopy was performed on each hip, and the relations of the
needles, and thus the ligaments, to the arthroscopic portals and other soft-tissue and osseous
landmarks in the hip were recorded by use of a clock-face reference system. Results: The iliofemoral
ligament (ILFL) ran from 12:45 to 3 o’clock. The ILFL was pierced by the anterolateral and anterior
portals just within its lateral and medial borders, respectively. The pubofemoral ligament was located
from the 3:30 to the 5:30 clock position; the lateral border was at the psoas-U perimeter, and the
medial border was at the junction of the anteroinferior acetabulum and the cotyloid fossa. The
ischiofemoral ligament (ISFL) ran from the 7:45 to the 10:30 clock position. The posterolateral portal
pierced the ISFL just inside its superior/lateral border, and the inferior/lateral border was located at
the posteroinferior acetabulum. In the peripheral compartment the lateral ILFL and superior/lateral
ISFL borders were in proximity to the lateral synovial fold. The medial ILFL and lateral pubofemoral
ligament borders were closely approximated to the medial synovial fold. Conclusions: The hip
capsular ligaments have distinct and consistent arthroscopic locations within the hip joint and are
associated with clearly identifiable landmarks in the central and peripheral compartments. The
standard hip arthroscopy portals are closely related to the borders of the hip capsular ligaments.
Clinical Relevance: These findings will help orthopaedic surgeons know which structures are being
addressed during arthroscopic surgery and may help in the development of future hip procedures.
From the Stanford University School of Medicine (J.J.M.T.), Stanford; Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System (D.P.L., N.J.G.),
Palo Alto; and Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Stanford University School of Medicine (N.J.G., M.R.S.), Redwood City, California,
Supported by the Office of Research and Development (Rehabilitation R&D Service), Department of Veterans Affairs, and Stanford
University Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Internal Research Grant and Stanford University School of Medicine Medical Scholars
Research Grants. Stanford Sports Medicine receives support from Smith & Nephew Endoscopy, ConMed Linvatec, and Ossur. M.R.S. is a
consultant for Ross Creek Medical, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Cool Systems, Biomimetica, and Arthrocare.
Received February 3, 2010; accepted January 6, 2011.
Address correspondence to Marc R. Safran, M.D., Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Stanford University, 450 Broadway St, M/C 6342,
Redwood City, CA 94063, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected]
© 2011 by the Arthroscopy Association of North America
628 Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 27, No 5 (May), 2011: pp 628-636
Arthroscopy An insufficiency fracture occurred in 1 hip speci-
Hip arthroscopy on all specimens was performed by men halfway through the experiment; data collected
the supine approach by the senior author, an experi- before the fracture are reported in this study. All
enced hip arthroscopist. Traction was applied to dis- reported distances to the arthroscopic portals were
tract the hip joint approximately 1 cm, as confirmed measured to the perimeter of the 5-mm cannulas;
by fluoroscopic imaging. An 18-gauge spinal needle therefore, the additional 2.5 mm to the center of the
was used to penetrate the capsule, and the hip joint cannula is not included.
was distended with saline solution by use of a gravity
flow system. The anterolateral portal (ALP) was used Portals
as the introductory portal as is customary during hip The clock-face locations and relations of the ALP,
arthroscopy procedures. Under fluoroscopic guidance, PLP, and AP to the hip capsular ligaments are re-
the spinal needle, a guidewire, and finally, a 5-mm ported in Table 1 and depicted in Fig 2.
cannulated trocar and sheath were introduced into the
joint to establish the portal; fluoroscopy was used to Iliofemoral Ligament
confirm that the portal was in the same position as is
observed during routine hip arthroscopy. Under direct The divergence of the ILFL medial and lateral arms
arthroscopic visualization from the ALP, the anterior occurred distal to the joint line, and the individual
portal (AP) and posterolateral portal (PLP) were es- arms could not be visualized arthroscopically. In the
tablished in a similar fashion. Standard 4.0-mm video- central compartment the ILFL lateral border was lat-
articulated arthroscopes with 30° and 70° lenses were eral to the ALP and the medial border was medial to
used to visualize the entire joint. the AP; both portals pierced the ligament (Figs 2 and
Arthroscopy of the central compartment was per- 3, Table 2). In the peripheral compartment the ILFL
formed first with traction applied with the hip posi- lateral border was anterior to the LSF at the level of
tioned at 0° of flexion, at 0° of abduction, and in the head and neck junction and the medial border was
Anterolateral Pierces ILFL just inside lateral border 1.1 ⫾ 1.6 (0-3) 1:00 (12:30-1:30)
Posterolateral Pierces ISFL just inside superior/lateral border 5.3 ⫾ 5.8 (0-15) 10:30 (9:30-11:15)
Anterior Pierces ILFL just inside medial border 1.5 ⫾ 1.8 (0-5) 3:00 (2:30-3:00)
NOTE. Distances were measured from the perimeter of the 5.0-mm cannulas.
lateral to the MSF at the level of the zona orbicularis Ischiofemoral Ligament
(Table 3).
In the central compartment the ISFL inferior/medial
Pubofemoral Ligament border was near the most posteroinferior aspect of the
acetabulum and the superior/lateral border was pos-
In the central compartment the PFL lateral border
teromedial to the PLP; the PLP pierced the ISFL (Figs
was adjacent to the edge of the psoas-U and the medial
2 and 5, Table 2). In the peripheral compartment the
border was near the junction of the anteroinferior
acetabulum and the cotyloid fossa (Figs 2 and 4, Table ISFL inferior/medial border was not associated with a
2). In the peripheral compartment the PFL lateral consistent arthroscopic landmark and the superior/
border was lateral to the MSF at the level of the zona lateral border was posterior to the LSF at the level of
orbicularis and the medial border was not associated the head and neck junction (Table 3).
with a consistent arthroscopic landmark (Table 3). The individual fibers of the ILFL, PFL, and ISFL
could not be discerned arthroscopically in any speci-
men; however, through localization of the needles, the
exact locations of the ligaments could be determined.
Lateral ILFL Just lateral to ALP (landmark), pierced by portal 1.1 ⫾ 1.6 (0-3) 12:45 (12:30-1:30)
Medial ILFL Just medial to AP (landmark), pierced by portal 1.5 ⫾ 1.8 (0-5) 3:00 (2:30-3:00)
Lateral PFL Adjacent to psoas-U (landmark) 0.4 ⫾ 1.1 (0-3) 3:30 (2:30-4:45)
Medial PFL At junction (landmark) of anteroinferior 1.0 ⫾ 1.9 (0-5) 5:30 (5:00-6:00)
acetabulum and cotyloid fossa
Inferior/medial ISFL Near most posteroinferior aspect of acetabulum 5.5 ⫾ 4.2 (0-10) 7:45 (7:00-9:30)
Superior/lateral ISFL Border is just posteromedial to PLP (landmark), 5.3 ⫾ 5.8 (0-15) 10:30 (9:30-11:15)
pierced by portal
NOTE. Distances were measured from the perimeter of the 5.0-mm cannulas.
tively; and PLP capsulotomies extended posteriorly midanterior and modified midanterior portals, to
may violate the ISFL. These capsuloligamentous in- better address specific hip pathology. Furthermore,
cisions are often left unrepaired, and because the hip whereas some surgeons, including the senior au-
capsular ligaments are known to play an important thor, prefer 30° of flexion to evaluate the peripheral
role in hip stability,38 these procedures may have a compartment,43 which was investigated in this
detrimental effect on hip stability. Incision or resec- study, others favor 40° to 45° of flexion during their
tion sites may also serve as a nidus for future capsular procedures. The relations of the hip ligaments can
injury; as an example, traumatic full-thickness tear of reasonably be expected to change in a consistent
the ILFL has been reported in the region of a previous manner with different hip positions, such as in-
AP capsulectomy.23 creasing flexion or internal rotation, and thus should
On the basis of these findings, it may be preferable be considered by the hip arthroscopist.
to avoid capsulotomies and capsulectomies when pos-
Therefore, given that many hip procedures are cur-
sible or to create the smallest possible incision when
rently being performed arthroscopically worldwide,
capsulotomy is deemed necessary for the completion
anatomic and functional descriptions using arthros-
of the arthroscopic procedure. When required, inci-
sions extended obliquely in line with the ligamentous copic methods may aid in the diagnosis and treatment
fibers are recommended because they will minimize of hip soft-tissue pathology.
the impact on ligamentous macrostructure and, there-
fore, stability. Consideration should be given to cap- Limitations
sular repair after significant capsulotomies, particu-
larly in individuals with ligamentous laxity. Further Although we believe that this study provides a
studies evaluating the effect of capsular and ligamen- comprehensive and detailed evaluation of the ar-
tous compromise on hip stability, including partial throscopic anatomy of the hip capsular ligaments,
sectioning of the individual hip ligaments, are war- there are a few potential factors that may limit the
ranted. generalizability of our data. First, this study only
Ligamentous disruption after low-velocity trauma used 4 cadavers, for a total of 8 hips. As a result,
in athletes has been reported if there is a failure in uncommon ligament variations in anatomy may be
normal capsular healing after hip trauma-laxity and, missed in our study or may be inadvertently present.
subsequently, instability may occur.25,26,29 Further- However, the results are relatively consistent
more, capsular redundancy has been found in patients among the 4 cadaveric specimens. Another limita-
with recurrent post-traumatic dislocation37,45,46; in tion is the difficulty in accurately measuring ar-
these cases capsular repair, alone or in combination throscopic distances of more than a few millimeters.
with other procedures, was shown to resolve the re- These measurements are partially limited by the hip
current instability.45-47 Capsular repair has also been arthroscopy equipment that is currently commer-
shown to resolve recurrent instability in patients after cially available, because the equipment needs to be
hip arthroscopy21,23,26 and even total hip arthroplasty calibrated, flexible, and curved to account for the
through the posterior approach,48,49 further highlight- 3-dimensional relations. In addition, this study only
ing the importance of the hip capsule. Thus knowing evaluated the hip in neutral rotation and 0° and 30°
the exact arthroscopic locations of the hip capsular
of flexion. Although we achieved our goal of de-
ligaments may help identify situations in which cap-
scribing normal arthroscopic anatomy, additional
sular repair or plication is prudent, could aid surgeons
studies exploring ligamentous anatomy through the
in localizing which structures may be deficient or in
need of arthroscopic repair, and may potentially help full hip range of motion are advisable to further
minimize complications such as hip subluxation or describe these ligaments. However, the description
dislocation after hip arthroscopy. of ligamentous anatomy in the central compartment
Of note, this study focused on the normal ar- is close to the fixed bony attachment of these liga-
throscopic anatomy of the hip ligaments in neutral ments, and it would not be expected to change as
rotation with respect to the AP, ALP, and PLP. As much as the peripheral definition of the ligaments
hip arthroscopy continues to gain popularity, and with changes in hip position. In addition, the liga-
surgeons gain more experience with the procedure, mentous relations to alternative arthroscopic portals
some arthroscopists are adopting a 2-portal ap- and in specimens with intact soft-tissue envelopes
proach or are using alternative portals, such as the would provide additional valuable information.
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