Peer Pressure
Peer Pressure
Peer Pressure
A Research
Presented to
In Partial Fulfillment
Grade 12 - HUMSS 1
July 2023
The researchers would like to express their sincere appreciation to the following
people who offered their untiring support and helped make this research complete:
First and foremost, a big thanks to Almighty God for giving us the strength,
knowledge, ability, and opportunity to undertake this research study. Without His
guidance and protection, we would not be able to accomplish this research and all of
To Mrs. Jane P. Canoy for the constructive criticism, patience in checking the
and provisions that helped in the completion and success of this study. It was a great
National High School (DVRMNS), for support through signing the transmittal letter
To our parents, who sustained and motivated us throughout this whole semester,
for willingly giving us the moral and financial support for this study.
To our friends, who were really there to make us smile when things went wrong,
and for their cheers and inspirational comments when we were so down.
To our fellow researchers for the cooperation and hard work that everyone put
It was really wonderful to have all your support during the process of completing this
Introduction 1
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework 3
Definition of Terms 10
Research Method 15
Research Respondents 15
Research Environment 16
Research Instrument 17
Research Procedure 17
Ethical Consideration 19
Summary of Findings 69
Conclusions 70
Recommendations 70
A. Letter of Transmittal 73
B. Questionnaire 74
Performance 35
Academic Performance 39
Peers Daily
Non-Academic Issues.
Performance of Senior High Humss Student at Don Vicente Rama Memorial National
High School. The type of research method used in this study was Mixed - Methods. A
random sampling to identify the respondents. The total population size 51 Senior
High school student. There are 25 students from grade 11 Humss and 26 of them
from grade 12 Humss. Using the survey questionnaire that compose qualitative and
quantitative questions, the research found out that Grade 11 and 12 Humss
Student experienced both positive and negative effects of peer pressure on their
academic performances. In order to deal with the detrimental impacts of peer pressure
effects with optimism. Students may use positive or negative approach towards peer
pressure. Teacher and parents may guide and help them in facing the problems.
Chapter I
Peer pressure is occurring more and more in teens because of the fear that friends can
leave if they do not conform to the norms and values of the peer group. (Rim Orillana,
2018) suggests that peer pressure is a social pressure from peers to do something,
embrace specific values, or otherwise adapt to be accepted. When starting college life,
it is sometimes normal for students to feel influenced by their peers to negotiate and
manage new structures around friendships, belief systems, and where they fit in. Peer
pressure can cause students to do or say things they would not normally do or say. Lo
is always a bad thing: pressure from a student’s peers to study harder or to stand up
from bullying can have positive results. But on the other role, some influences can be
negative such as pressure from peers to treat some people badly or to engage in risky
behaviors, such as smoking (Rima, 2008). This type of peer pressure can impact to the
According to Lashbrook (2000), adolescents are well aware that they influence
one another. Peer influence can provide many positive elements in an adolescent’s life.
It is important, however, to remember that peer influence can potentially have a deadly
professionals to understand the complexity of peer influence in order to nib it the bud.
It is assumed that peer groups can have both positive and negative effects on an
groups may not allow adolescents to be “themselves” in the truest sense of the word.
Adolescent sometimes need to put on an act in order to gain acceptance from the
specific group with which they would like to be associated with. Furthermore, it is
assumed that peers, as well as parents, siblings, and teachers, all play a major role in
when applying for a decent job, this will help today and future learners have a brighter
future ahead of them. This study aims to find answers as to how peer pressure impacts
the academic performance of competent students in several ways. The research seeks
to help the targeted subject on how to cope or what coping mechanism suits the best
Theoretical Framework
Peer Pressure
connected with peer pressure affecting their academic performance. According to the
others. This provides a credible explanation for the motivational power of peer
to behave in ways that are consistent with those around us. As a result, we can adopt
power of peer influence may stem from adolescents need for autonomy from parental
influence. Students’ interactions with their peers can help them improve their
capability and academic performance in school because they can seek help from their
peers, which can serve as motivation rather than working alone. Competence, the
need to produce desired outcomes and to experience mastery. The need to produce
surrounds them. To look into the peer groups of the students can help us to determine
The relevance of the theory to the presented study in it aims to determine the
impacts of peer pressure to senior high school students of Don Vicente Rama
Memorial National High school. Determining the impacts of peer pressure will help
The researchers formulated the expected theory and concepts to be faced along
the studies where as it contains the impacts of peer pressure to the students
The purpose of this study aims to determine the impacts of peer pressure to the
academic performance of senior high school humanities and social sciences students.
This study will be conducted at Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School
3. How does victims of Peer Pressure managed the influence of their peers?
(2000), Peer Pressure can potentially lead to a deadly impact of negative effects
are influenced by their peers as they negotiate and manage new structures around
friendship, belief systems and where they fit in. This study serves as a tool in
determining the Impact of peer pressure to the academic performance of senior high
school HUMSS students in Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School. On
the practical aspect the the findings from this study will immense benefits to students,
Students. Students can determine the Impact of Peer Pressure and provide
them information on why a lot of people are experiencing it. This study will also help
them determine what they need to improve their decision making skills and help them
School Administrator. This will be able to make use of the findings of the
study as an evidence that these subjects of Peer Pressure. To gain more insights into
the topic and add it to their academic curriculum to guide learners how to prevent peer
understandings, their children could have an easier time by themselves or even with
their peers.
Future researchers. The ideas offered may be used as reference data in future
studies. This study will also act as a cross-reference for individuals, providing
The main purpose of the study is to determine the Impact of Peer pressure to
the Academic Performance of Senior High School HUMSS students at Don Vicente
Rama Memorial National High School within the Academic Year 2022 - 2023. The
Senior High School, Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) are the total subject
of this study with a total population of four-hundred three (403) students. The
researchers will conduct a survey using the Assessment on the Effects of Peer
The primary subject of this research study are the Senior High School students
enrolled in Academic Track Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) within the
Academic year 2022-2023. Instead of the whole population of Grade 11 and Grade 12
HUMSS which cover the population of four hundred three (403), the researchers only
Definition of Terms
HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) - A strand that focuses on the study
arts, culture, and literature. An Academic strand that are the main
Impacts - The action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another. It
same age and social group, one must act in the same way. The
This Chapter presents the literature and studies which provide relevant facts
about the Impacts of Peer Pressure to the Academic Performance of Senior High School
Humanities and Social Science Students in Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High
Related Literature
This section presents the literature which are relevant to the proposed study.
Peer Pressure
acquired. The hereditary type is typically nurtured by parents and guardians, whereas
the immediate environment can also influence behavior. A peers can alter the original
formed behavior. The change can be formed as a result of peer pressure to adopt new
attitudes, values, or behaviors in order to conform to the group's norms. This can have
Peer pressure is the influential you feel from another person or group of people
to do something you would not normally do. It's natural to want to fit in with a group
and feel like you belong in a community, especially if you're new or have less
experience than the people around you. Peer pressure is frequently applied because you
do not want to be alone or excluded. So you conform to what others think in order for
them to accept you. A peer can be anyone your age or younger, such as a friend, a
classmate, or someone you admire on TV. You might try to live up to other peoples
perceptions, but it's important not to let other people's expectations cloud your vision
of what you want. You aren't the only one if you are subjected to peer
pressure.(Ramteke, 2014)
Peer groups, according to Black (2002), serve as a forum for teens to construct
development causes such instability in one's sense of identity. Peer labeling may aid in
the formation of positive identities for some adolescents but negative identities for
others (Downs & Rose, 1991). Unfortunately, members of groups may accept and
The generalization, however, that peer relationships are harmful does have truth
to it. Peers can influence others to become rebellious and take risks. This often leads to
Related Studies
This section presents the studies which are relevant to the proposed study.
Orillana (2018) suggests that peer pressure is a social pressure from peers to do
inside the school, students think that they are required to belong to a group. Peer influ-
development of emotional and social skills, as well as educational goals, are both im-
portant. It influences educational choices strongly and whether students make signifi-
2019). For instance, a college course that a senior high school student wants to pursue
is not an "in-demand job." They will choose the stand and course they do not want to
take because their parents or friends teach them to be practical and choose a more "sus-
tainable career path." It may cause them to have difficulties finishing the degree they
are not happy taking. In other words, peer pressure profoundly affects students' deci-
ents push their children at an early age to study hard to get more opportunities in the
future. The child will bring this positive peer pressure while growing up, and it can be
their motivation to be successful in the future. On the negative side, it occurs when
and influences individuals to do dreadful things that can destroy a student's entity. One
because they must be “in.” This negative peer leads teens into an unpleasant situation.
peer pressure.
performance (Sultan and Shafi, 2014). Peers play a significant role in students' aca-
demic performance. Hence, their study proved that perceived teachers’ competence af-
are three significant aspects that teachers may regulate and impact students' academic
approach. Teachers who are influential in fostering an environment of warmth and sup-
when applying for jobs. If you succeed in applying for a decent job, this will help todays
and future learners have a brighter future ahead of them. This study aims to find an-
students in several ways. The research seeks to help the targeted subject on how to cope
or what coping mechanism suits them best depending on their situation. Mental health
and decision-making skills are heavily involved in this matter. It is a relevant factor to
focus on, reflecting on their academic performance. This will help future generations
of students and researchers be aware of this matter and their outcomes, even of the most
The cited literature and studies are relevant to the proposed study because it
discussed theories explaining the Impact of Peer Pressure to the students and to the
readers. The factors examined in the propose study; further, some of the Impact of Peer
Pressure previously mentioned are similar to oes mentioned in the proposed study.
However, the respondents may vary respectively as this proposed study uses HUMSS
everything that has been stated, the proposed study iss more specific compared to cited
literature and studies since some of the impacts are not tackled in the said literature and
Chapter 3
respondents, sampling technique, instruments, data gathering procedure, and the dat
Research Method
data simultaneously. To gather the quantitative and quantitative data, the researchers
are conducting a survey. The study is non experimental and correlational in nature,
looking at the significant difference between the students’ peer influence towards the
school performance when it comes to their Academic Performance. In this study, the
researchers used the Assessment on the Effects of Peer Pressure on Academic Perfor-
mance of Students in the case of Aleta Wondo Secondary Schools, Sidama Zone, South-
ern Ethiopia by Moges Desta (2019) and are conducting a face-to-face data gathering
Research Respondents
The study is limited to Senior High School, Grade 11 and Grade 12 HUMSS
(Humanities and Social Sciences) students. Out of four-hundred three (403) total pop-
ulation of HUMSS students in Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School
which includes sections HUMSS 1, HUMSS 2, HUMSS 3 and HUMSS 4 for Grade 11
and HUMSS 1, HUMSS 2, HUMSS 3 and HUMSS 4 for grade 12. Among the four-
hundred three (403) students, only fifty one (51) students answered the survey ques-
Research Environment
This study was conducted in Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High
School located at Macopa Street, Basak, Cebu City which was the first national high
school in the south of Cebu City. It was opened on June 7, 1993, having the name as
Cebu City Don Carlos A. Gothong Memorial National High School Extension through
DECS order no. 5, series of 1989. This was made possible through the joint effort of
the Department of Education, Culture and Sports, now DepEd and the Division of Cebu
City headed by Dr. Dolores P. Abellanosa and Cebu City Government with Honorable
Alvin b. Garcia as the Mayor. The school started with 300 first year students with 50
year after, the school acquired its new name Basak National High School. Through
Memorial National High School. The School’s namesake was the representative of
Cebu’s 3rd district instrumental author and sponsor of the bill of creating the City of
Cebu and was enacted into a law as Commonwealth Act. 58 by the Philippine Congress
on October 20, 1936. Don Vicente Rama is also known as the “Father of the Cebu City
The school mainly serves the entire portion of Basak San Nicolas and Basak
Pardo with its vision-mission that students do ordinary things extra-ordinary well to
achieve Culture of Excellence. It also serves the nearby barangays of Mambaling, Punta
Principal IV, together with Mr. Noel Nacorda, Assisting to the Prinicipal of the Senior
High Department. Currently, there are ten buildings, seven (7) of which accommodates
Junior High School students and the remaining three (3) accommodates the Senior High
School students. The researchers will conduct the study to Senior High School HUMSS
Research Instrument
The research instrument used was the Assessment on the Effects of Peer Pres-
Schools, Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia by Moges Desta (2019). In the preparation
of the instrument, relatable situations were chosen into consideration to assist the
parts, the first part was section A, which is the Demographic Profile in this part, Grade
Level and Sections, gender, age and the first semestral grades is asked. The second
part, is the Profile of the Peer Groups in the study area wherein number or average of
hours is asked. The third part, is the Likert Scale which consists of five statement indi-
cators asking the respondents their answers regarding the Impacts of Peer Pressure to
the Academic Performance and Lastly, Interview Questions as which consist of three
Research Procedure
A 28-item survey questionnaire are given to Grade 11 and Grade 12 Senior High
School HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) students as part of the pilot testing
to ensure that all the questions are relevant and will work properly for the respondents
in terms of determining whether the participants are knowledgeable about the topics
discussed in the questions. The researchers randomly selects two (2) students for the
dry run: For Grade 11, there are two (2) respondents in HUMSS 1, two respondents
(2) in HUMSS 2 and one respondent in HUMSS 3. For Grade 12, there are two (2)
respondents in HUMSS 2, two (2) respondents in HUMSS 3 and one (1) respondent in
HUMSS 4. The researchers utilizes the 15 items likert scale to determine the Impacts
of Peer Pressure. After the dry run procedure, the researcgers are expecting to receive
various feedbacks and constructive criticisms from the respondents that will be a pos-
Preparation Stage
First, the research advisor provided the researchers a template to use as a guide.
Upon receipt, the researchers send a transmital letter to Don Vicente Rama Memorial
National High School's principal requesting for permission for conducting the study
there. After receiving a copy of the transmittal letter that had been signed, the research-
ers wrote to the senior high school's grade leader requesting the following data: a list of
the HUMSS sections for grades 11 and 12, the number of male and female students in
each section, the number of Class Advisors, and the total number of HUMSS students.
The Class Advisors were informed in writing that the data gathering procedure would
be taking place. Finally, the researchers provided a Parental permission and Informed
Data Collection
Upon the approval of the research instrument after series of revisions, the re-
Principal IV of Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School (DVRMNHS), sent
an informed consent to Class Advisers and Parental and Assent Consent to the Parent
or Guardians of the respondents. This is to ask their permission to conduct a data gath-
ering procedure to Senior High School Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) stu-
dents. The researchers are conducting a face to face data gathering procedure. For the
researchers are getting ready half an hour before we proceed to each classrooms for the
researchers are not allowed to interrupt during class hours. Before handing the survey
questionnaires, the researchers gave them an overview about the background of the
Study, its benefits and instructions on answering the survey questionnaires. The re-
spondents of the study are given 8-10 minutes to complete their answers. The respond-
ents can rest assured that their answers data the gathered will be kept confidential be-
The respondents will calculate each of the respondents’ 28 item which consists
qualitative and quantitative questions to determine the Impacts of Peer Pressure to the
Academic Performance of Senior High School Grade 11 and Grade 12 students. The
survey results are interpreted and summarized by the researchers based on the data
gathered from the respondent. The researchers then transfers the information to an Ex-
cel Spreadsheet for analysis and desciprtive statistics to represent and measure the re-
sponses of the students in meaningful way. Their greatest results will be used as deci-
sive measures to find out the Impacts of Peer Pressure to the Academic Performance of
Ethical Consideration
The researchers uses the Assessment on the Effects of Peer Pressure on Aca-
demic Performance of Students in the case of Aleta Wondo Secondary Schools, Sidama
Zone, Southern Ethiopia by Moges Desta (2019) which undergoes through a series of
reliability and validity tests. The research instrument has been used in various studies.
The researchers asked for the approval from the School Principal and Class Advisers
ducting the data gathering procedures, the researchers provided an overview of study
its goals and how it will benefit the future researchers. The respondents are asked to
answer the survey voluntarily and assures that all of the asked data will be kept confi-
dential. Moreover, personal informations are not asked and not required to state in the
survey questionnaire.The respondents of the study are asked to answer the survey ques-
tionnaires voluntarily. The researchers ensure that the study is ethical and free of pla-
Chapter 4
This chapter provides the graphical and tabular presentation of the data
gathered, its analysis and interpretation on the Impacts of Peer Pressure on the
analysis and interpretation of data are incorporated in this portion of the study.
Figure 2 Shows that out of 96 respondents, there are fifty-one (51) students
who experienced Peer pressure, which is 53.1% of the respondents while there are
forty-five (45) who don’t, covering 46.9%. This means that majority of the
The researchers have gathered that shows the demographic profile of HUMSS
students. This information can provide insights into the characteristics and
Table 1 presents the results of how many grade levels participated in the
Grade 11 Grade 12
(%) (%)
participated in the study. 22 percent of them are male, 9 (18%) percent from grade 11
and 2 (4%) from grade 12 in total of 11 males students covering 22%. While other 78
percent are females, 16 (31%) from grade 11 and 24 (47%) from grade 12 in total 40
Total 51 100%
Table 1.2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents
according to age. Among the 51 respondents, 8 of them are 16 years old that represent
16%. Followed by the respondents who are 17, 18.19, and 20-22 years old
Table 1.3 shows the data of the HUMSS student’s first semester average grade
75-80 0 0%
81-85 10 20%
86-90 12 23%
91-95 22 43%
96-100 7 14%
Total: 51 100%
Table 1.3 shows the frequency and percentage of students who received a
certain range of average grades in the first semester. Out of 51 students, no one
received a grade between 75-80. The majority of students (43%) received an average
grade between 91-95, while 20% received a grade between 81-85, and 23% received a
grade between 86-90. Only 14% of students received a grade between 96-100.
The following data presents the profile of peer groups in the study area as
identified by the researchers. The data aims to provide a better understanding of the
Figure 3 shows the data on how much time each student spend their time with
The majority, with 27 responses (52.9%) of the 51 respondents said they spent
more than 4 hours a day with their peers, while the two choices had the same number
of percentage (7.8%) and said they spent less than an hour a day, and some of them
amount of time with their peers every day, which may have an effect on how well
they perform academically. The 52.9% of respondents who said they spent more than
4 hours a day with peers may be more vulnerable to distractions and peer pressure,
Figure 4 shows the graphical data on how many times the respondent contacts
reported contacting their peer members more than four times a week, while 6 of the
respondents with the lowest percentage (11.8%) indicated that they spoke with their
With over half (51%) of respondents reporting contacting them more than four
times a week, this data suggests that the majority of respondents are in regular contact
with their peer members. Frequent interactions with peers may raise the possibility of
Figure 5 exhibits the data on the number of member in each peer group a
respondent has.
said they were in peer groups with two to four people, while only 2 (3.9%) said they
The data gathered suggests that the majority of respondents are a part of peer
distractions and harmful peer influences, smaller peer groups may offer more
Figure 6 shows the graphical data on how much number of peer group a
respondent engages.
four peer groups, and only 6 (11.8%) said they participated in just one peer group.
According to the data, quite a few of the respondents are active in multiple
peer groups, which may increase the risk of peer pressure and failure from academic
participated in just one peer group, which might suggest a more committed and
Figure 7 presents the data on the intensity of peer pressure a HUMSS student
has in school.
Only three respondents (5.9%) out of the total 51 reported having a low
influence from peers, while 27 (52.9%) said peers had a medium impact.
According to the data, the majority of respondents believe that their peers have
a medium level of influence over them in school, while a sizeable minority believe
that they have a high or very high level of influence. Only a small portion of
respondents believe that their peers have little influence over them.
Figure 8 displays the data on the preference of the respondent when it comes
to staying.
reported that they stay more with their peer members at the peer's house. Only a small
According to the data, fact that the majority of respondents reported staying
more with their peer members at the peer's house suggests that socializing in private
Figure 9 exhibits the data on the time preference of the respondent when
Of the 51 respondents in total, 30 (58.8%) said they stay more with their peer
members more during rest time. This could include lunch breaks, free periods, or
other times during the school day when students have time to socialize. While the
occurrence for this particular group of respondents, with the majority of them
reporting doing so more than an hour a day. The majority of respondents stated that
they preferred to spend their free time at school rather than at the homes of their
peers. This indicates that respondents prefer more private settings for socializing and
issues with their peer members sometimes. Only a small number of respondents
(3.9%) reported rarely discussing academic issues with their peers, and no one
issues with their peers suggest that even though this is not a common topic of
conversation, academic issues are still a pertinent and significant element of their peer
interactions. This could imply that adolescents' social interactions are not exclusively
focused on academic issues, but that these issues are still seen as being important to
Figure 11 shows the graphical data on which type of issue do peers engage.
Academic Issues.
surveyed, claimed to interact with peers about both academic and non-academic
issues. This may indicate that adolescents view their peer relationships as having
multiple dimensions and are not just concerned with academic matters.
respondents reported interacting with their peers primarily about academic matters.
This might suggest that for some people, peer relationships might matter more to their
academic success.
Figure 12: Frequency of Habits Among Peer Members in the Peer Group
indicated that peer group members discuss academic issues. Peer members also
frequently read together, according to 5 (9.80%) responses, and share books for
respondents mentioned other habits such as drinking alcohol, going to the library, and
Based on the results, it can be inferred that the respondents prioritize academic
activities within their peer group. This can be a positive indication of the influence of
peer groups on academic performance. The data also suggests that the peer group
members have a healthy and constructive relationship, where they engage in academic
Upon doing the survey, some of the respondents were not able to follow the
instructions carefully. Some of them missed to answer the Questions in the last part.
The reason maybe is that, they were not concentrated enough in comprehending some
of the instructions, questions, and filling up the questionnaire. To overcome these, the
researchers must guide the repondents while filling out the questionnaire. The
respondents must be taught by the researchers on what to fill out especially the
necessary informations.
The researchers collected and analyzed data from various schools and
universities to provide insights into the relationship between peer pressure and
academic achievement.
Table 2 shows the data on how peer pressure is affecting the students in term
Table 2
interacting in class
4.59 Agree 1
because of my
2. Me and my
friends encourage
4.55 Agree 1
each other to fin-
3. My classmate’s
academic perfor-
mance motivates
4.41 Agree 1
me to excel more
in my perfor-
4. I am comparing my
academic achieve-
2.14 Rarely 4
ments to my class-
5. I feel intimidated
and pressured by
recitation in class.
6. My classmates
to do at school.
7. My classmates
keep me posted
whenever there
4.06 Most of the times 2
are newly an-
nounced assign-
8. My friends moti-
me to do some-
cheating to get
good scores.
beforehand and
3.24 Sometimes 3
review what I
have learned.
11. I am submitting
my school re-
4.08 Most of the times 2
quirement on
12. I am submitting
my school re-
4.39 Agree 1
quirement on
13. I am unprepared
14. I procrastinate
first before I
2.67 Sometimes 3
make my school
vated to learn in
class because I
2.62 Sometimes 3
cannot keep up on
my classmates do.
4.21-5.00- Agree
2.61-3.40- Sometimes
1.81-2.60- Rarely
1.00-1.80- Never
The table 2 presents the survey results on how peer pressure affects students’
score and interpretation The higher the weighted mean score, the more the students
agree with the statement and the lower the weighted mean score is means it is closer
Table 3
similar results”
kaedad nga nakab-ot ang maayo nga mga grado nga ako mobati
nga nadasig nga mas lisud nga makab-ot ang parehas nga mga
R4 N/A
R5 N/A
academic performance”
R10 “Some are in good and some are bad because sometimes we talk in
(Ang uban naa sa maayo ug ang uban dili maayo kay usahay
in school”
sa eskwelahan)
in school”
sa eskwelahan.
R15 N/A
(Pinaagi sa pagtan-aw sa akong higala nga marka nga mas taas kay
nervous or pressured”
sa pagdasig kanako)
want to do”
can't understand”
mga higala tungod kay kami adunay gana nga tapuson dayon ang
nga negatibo)
want to do”
R27 “In terms of academic performance, my peers and I have the same
R29 “Positive peer pressure can motivate students to work harder and
(Sa matag higayon nga kauban nako sila, gipugos nila ako sa mga
oras, imbes nga igugol kana nga oras sa pagbuhat sa kana nga
buluhaton sa akademiko.)
my academic performance”
academic performance”
tungod kay dili ako uhaw sa mga grado. Mao kini kung unsa kini)
(Giduso nila ako nga buhaton ang akong labing maayo sa akong
pasundayag sa akademiko)
performance better”
R42 N/A
particularly in highschool"
R44 N/A
aron dili ako mabiyaan. Dugang pa, nakatabang usab kini kanako
nga naglungtad)
R49 N/A
to the respondents listed above, peer pressure can have both positive and negative
pressured to adopt their peers' study habits. Peer pressure can either encourage
students to work harder and earn better grades or it may distract their attention from
their studies and have a negative impact on their performance. Peer pressure can,
Table 4 Students who experienced or have not experienced peer pressure and how they
Table 4
R1 “Yes I can barely manage because I sometimes cannot keep up with their
date or on time”
(Oo, halos dili ko makadumala tungod kay usahay dili ako makapadayon
sa ilang mga kalihokan ug mao nga sa mga panahon nga ako nagpunting
R3 “No”
R4 N/A
R5 N/A
R6 “If a student is struggling with negative air pressure there are several
R7 “No”
R8 “No”
R9 “No/Maybe”
R10 “No”
R11 “No”
R12 “No”
R15 N/A
R16 “No”
(Gidumala nako ang akong presyur kung mahuman nako ang akong mga
R18 “No”
R19 “No”
R20 “No”
R23 “Yeah it's struggle for me sometimes but i keep on managing it secret
(Oo kini usa ka pakigbisog alang kanako usahay apan nagpadayon ako sa
pagdumala niini)
R24 “Yes because sometimes we can take restime because or the assignment
R25 “No”
R26 "Yeah it’s struggle for me sometimes but I keep on managing it secret
(Oo kini usa ka pakigbisog alang kanako usahay apan nagpadayon ako sa
pagdumala niini)
R27 “No”
placed on them. Student can try to avoid the situation or people that may
R30 “In some aspects, namely social and relationship wise, I am kind od
(Sa pipila ka mga aspeto, nga mao ang sosyal ug relasyon nga maalamon,
ako medyo napugos sa pag-apil sama sa ilang gibuhat. Bisan pa, gilikayan
nako ang pagbuhat sa mga butang nga dili makatampo sa akong kaayohan
nga hinungdanon)
R31 “Sometimes yes, because there’s a time that I can benefit from it and
overcome too”
(Usahay oo, tungod kay adunay panahon nga ako makabenepisyo niini ug
mabuntog usab)
R32 “Yes, sometimes I struggled to keep up with them, but they motivate me
to do better”
R33 “Yes, and I manage my peer pressure with my friends, because they
understand my feelings.”
(Oo, ug gidumala nako ang akong peer pressure sa akong mga higala,
R34 “No”
R35 “No”
R36 “No”
(Dili, tungod kay ang tanan nga ilang gibuhat kanako mao ang pagtabang
R39 “No”
R40 “No”
R41 "Yes because everyone has peers , get support from a trusted adult such
as parents and teachers can listen to them with strategies that might work
in their situation"
(Oo, tungod kay ang tanan adunay mga kaedad , pagkuha og suporta
ilang sitwasyon)
R42 "Yes, is because it can also affects mental health. It can decease self
R43 N/A
R44 “No”
R45 "Yes because everyone has peers , get support from a trusted adult such
as parents and teachers can listen to them with strategies that might work
in their situation"
(Oo, tungod kay ang tanan adunay mga kaedad , pagkuha og suporta
ilang sitwasyon)
R46 "Yes, sometimes that is why I am always trying my best so that I won't be
left behind"
mga buhatonon)
R47 “No”
R48 N/A
R49 “Yes, I am struggling with peer pressure because they can do better than
least my works are average. I also just tend to ignore the feeling to not
nila ang labi ka maayo kaysa kanako, ang akong paagi sa pag-atubang sa
nga labing menos ang akong mga buhat kasagaran. Ug ang ako nalang
R50 “Yes, because can also affect mental health it can decrease self
R51 N/A
with peer pressure and how they manage peer pressure. The question aims to
determine whether or not students are having problems with peer pressure and how
they handle it. Different responses are given. Students who struggle with peer
exclusion. Responses may shed light on the methods students use to combat peer
pressure, such as asking for help from dependable friends, speaking up for
Table 5 showed the opinions of students on how should an organization address the
Table 5
R1 “An orientation it is best to orient the students who are influenced by peer
orientation should be fit for this there should be a host discussing the
the problem”
(Usa ka oryentasyon labing maayo nga i-orient ang mga estudyante nga
alang niini kinahanglan adunay usa ka host nga maghisgot sa mga bentaha
R4 N/A
R5 N/A
R6 “By building positive relationships, here mentors can help them says
R7 N/A
R8 N/A
adunay panag-istoryahanay)
R15 N/A
R16 “Nothing”
R17 “I suggest don't pressure your health this is challenge your life”
R21 “Counselling”
R22 “Counselling”
R23 N/A
(Pagtambag ug konsultasyon)
R26 N/A
R29 “By building positive relationship with their mentors, your mentor can
help them resist negative peer pressure and achieve academic success”
R30 “Not very specific but it would be beneficial for students to engage in
identity in order for them to not be suffocated with the pressure from their
(Himoa nga ang matag estudyante adunay ilang personal nga oras)
R33 “Yes, and I manage my peer pressure with my friends, because they
understand my feelings.”
(Oo, ug gidumala nako ang akong peer pressure sa akong mga higala,
R34 “No”
R35 “No”
R36 “No”
R37 “More teachings about good and bad effects of peer pressure whether face
to face or virtual”
R40 “None”
R41 N/A
R44 “Program that I can suggest for addressing peer pressure in school would
recognizing his/her strength and a program were everyone can just enjoy
iyang kusog ug usa ka programa nga ang tanan makatagamtam sa usag usa
nga kompanya)
R45 "If I were to say my suggest I would suggest raising awareness of each
people on how peer pressure in school realky affect the mental health,
(Kung akong isulti ang akong sugyot isugyot nako ang pagpataas sa
R46 I'm not really specific on what kind of program but I'm hoping that
R49 N/A
R50 “None”
R51 N/A
should be implemented in assessing peer pressure, and there are various responses from
the respondents. Students can suggest initiatives that encourage education and
awareness of the negative effects of peer pressure, giving them the information they
need to make wise decisions. Implementing peer support or mentoring programs that
give students a safe place to talk about and deal with peer pressure are some suggestions
that might be made. Lastly, students may suggest programs aimed at fostering a positive
school climate, fostering inclusivity, and fostering student resilience to fend off harmful
peer pressure.
and Social Sciences students in Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School.
Summary of Findings
The study was conducted for the purpose of determining the Impacts of Peer
and Social Sciences) students in Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School.
It specifically answered the following sub problems: the profile of peer groups, the im-
pacts of peer pressure to the academic performance and how does the subjects of peer
pressure managed their academic performance. The Mixed-Method approach was uti-
lized and Convenience Sampling Technique was used to gather the data from the ran-
domly selected fifty-one (51) respondents from Grade 11 and Grade 12 (HUMSS) Hu-
manities and Social Sciences Students who experienced Peer Pressure using the As-
case of Aleta Wondo Secondary Schools, Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia by Moges
Desta (2019) as the research instrument. The inquiry was done during the Academic
1. There are 53.1 % of the respondents experienced peer pressure. Which means,
2. The influence of Peer Pressure has impacted the Academic Performance of Sen-
with the right circle or peers that motivates them to improve and excell in their
academic performance.
From the given findings, the researchers concluded that Peer Pressure is expe-
rienced by majority of Senior High School (HUMSS) Humanities and Social Sciences
Students in Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School. Majority of the stu-
dents has great and positive impacts with their peers in terms of Academic Performance.
with the right people that helps them to improve and excell in their Academic Perfor-
School. The principal, teachers, parents should remind and check the people
that their sons/daughters are surrounded with. They must have a meeting regarding the
Peer Pressure and might as well raise awareness about the issue.
Downs, W.R., & Rose, S.R. (1991). The relationship of adolescent peer groups to
Lyness, D. (2015). Dealing with peer pressure. Nemours KidsHealth - the Web's
Dear Respondents,
The purpose of this study is to determine the Impacts of Peer Pressure to the Academic
Performance of Humanities and Social Sciences Students of Don Vicente Rama Memorial
Your sincere response to the questions will be highly appreciated and every information
Yours sincerely,
The Researchers
Please write a Check (✔) in the box and state the information asked.
1. School:
2. Grade
Grade 11 Grade 12
3. Sex
Female Male
4. Age
_____ years old
5. First semester average grade _____ for the Academic School Year 2022 - 2023.
Directions: Choose the best answer from the given alternatives and please encircle the letter only.
1. How much time do you spend with peers on average per day?
a. Below 1 hour
b. 1 - 2 hours
c. 2 - 3 hours
d. 3 - 4 hours
e. Above 4 hours
2. How many times do you contact your peer members on average per week?
a. Once/week
b. Twice/week
c. Three times/week
a. Two – four
b. Five – seven
c. Eight – ten
a. Only one
b. Two
c. Three
a. Very high
b. High
c. Medium
d. Low
a. Peer’s house
c. Library
d. Sports fields
a. Rest time
c. After class
d. At weekend
8. To what extent do you discuss academic issues with your peer members?
a. Always
b. Frequently
c. Sometimes
d. Rarely
e. Never
9. Most of the time, on which issue do you engage with your peer members?
a. Academic
b. Non – academic
c. Both
10. Which one of the following do you think is the most frequent habit of peer members in your
a. Drinking alcohol
b. Going to library
f. Reading together
g. Use of drugs
Part III:
Directions: The indicators are designed to determine the Impacts of Peer Pressure on the Academic
QUESTIONS 5 4 3 2 1
1 I enjoy learn-
acting in class
because of my
2 Me and my
friends en-
courage each
other to finish
tasks on time.
3 My class-
mate’s aca-
demic perfor-
mance moti-
vates me to
excel more in
my perfor-
4 I am compar-
ing my aca-
to my class-
5 I feel intimi-
dated and
pressured by
my class-
mate’s perfor-
mance during
recitation in
6 My classmates
me in what I
need to do at
7 My classmates
keep me
posted when-
newly an-
nounced as-
8 My friends
motivate me to
study harder.
9 My peers
force me to do
something ter-
rible like
cheating to get
good scores.
10 I prepare for
class before-
view what I
have learned.
11 I am submit-
ting my school
on time.
12 I am submit-
ting my school
on time.
13 I am unpre-
of focus when
I am in class.
14 I procrastinate
first before I
make my
school require-
15 I do not feel
motivated to
learn in class
because I can-
not keep up on
the lessons
like my class-
mates do.
1. As a student, how does peer pressure influence you in terms of academic performance?
Are you struggling with peer pressure? If yes, why, and how do you manage peer pressure?
Approved by:
III Adviser/Mentor
Personal Data
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Personal Data
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Personal Data
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Personal Data
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Personal Data
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Personal Data
Age: 18 years
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Personal Data
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Tagunol St., Sitio San Roque, Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City, 6000
Personal Data
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Personal Data
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Personal Data
Age: 18 years
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Personal Data
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Personal Data
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Personal Data
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Personal Data
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino