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Command Promt Codes

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Here are some of the codes in command promt to do the jobs simple, CMD or command.com = to open command prompt in the run command. EXIT = exit the command prompt PATH = displays the places that if will look for if not in the name first CLS = clears up everything on command prompt page TIME = displays time and you can change it if you want HELP = displays help, more commands DIR OR DIR /? = Shows a lot of information CD\PROGRA~1 ENTER THEN DIR = Programs installed (1) CD\ ENTER THEN DIR = shows installations of programs (DEL OR COPY OR DIR) *.* C:\TARGET = you can either delete, copy or dir a program NET = you get options to use it SHUTDOWN ?LETTER OR SHUTDOWN/? = you can shutdown Your computer or another computer NETSTAT = view the stats of the computers one feature is to get people?s I.P. for more type netstat/? FSUTIL AND FSUTIL FSINFO = shows you things like list of all drives BASIC OF CMD PART 2 ERASE C:\PROGRAM FILES = erases all program files or leave just the c delete everything NBTSTAT = GETTING INFORMATION ON YOUR COMPUTER AND OTHERS TREE = displays all files on program files and desktop good for seeing if you have any keyloggers TRACERT (IP) = to see if the I.P. exist NET USE C: \\PCNAME\C$ /USER: PCNAME\ADMINISTRATOR = to sign in as an administrator that?s not signed in NSLOOKUP SET TYPE=MX EXP:HOTMAIL.COM = getting ips from web sites /WHOIS (SCREENAME) = only on a chat room, to find

information a that person which owns the screename an I.P. For use in command prompt for path chanching DISKPART = shows you stuff like the computer name and takes you to disk part option CD\PROGRA~1 ENTER THEN DIR = Programs installed (2) CD \WINDOWS \SYSTEM = to look for stuff in this folders BASIC OF CMD PART3 TELNET : remote controlling NET START MESSENGER = start net send when it is disable For use in command prompt only on a network or hacking BOOTCFG = you can make changes to boot the computer , boot it mess it up GPRESULT = shows all the information of a computer DRIVERQUERY = list of drives and their properties GETMAC = this gets the Mac (media access control) address NETSH = good for hacking a network configuration tool type netsh /? For more OPENFILES = only for windows professional allows an administrator to display or disconnect open files REG = THE CONSOLE REGISTRY TOOL SYSTEMINFO = info TASKLIST AND TASKKILL = LIKE PRESING CTRL+ALT+DELETE open corresponding programs: cmd - To run MS - DOS calc - To run calculator control - To open Control Panel defrag - To defrag the hard disk drives dialer - For dialing seups dosprompt - To get a minimized DOS window explorer - To open Windows Explorer net - For net information cum help ping - For bytes information and bandwidth of internet connection information regedit - To open Registry (.exe) telnet - Command runner if the system is conncected in a UNIX system network

tuneup - For Task Scheduling wizard, i.e. Task Maintanance notepad - To run Notepad write - To run WordPad scanregw - To scan the Registry and to backup it progman - To maintain, run and view the files in all drives directcc - To join your computer in cable connection with other computers scandskw - To open Scandisk to scan the hard drives winfile - Windows File Manager taskman - To manage current running open programs or files. Nice replacement for default Windows taskbar msconfig - To maintain the configuration of computer. winrep - To run Windows Report Tool winver - To know the version of Windows packager - Insert objects in documents, presentations or worksheets winfile - Another Windows Explorer

To run these commands, you'll need to open a command prompt (either type cmd into the start menu search or run box, or find the item listed in the accessories menu under the start menu)

Command Description attrib Allows setting of hidden, read only and system file attributes. cacls Utility to change permissions of files. Windows Vista users should use icacls instead. chkdsk Checks your hard drive for errors and optionally repairs them. cls Clears the command prompt screen. copy Copies files from one location to another. del Deletes one or multiple files. dir Shows a list of files and folders. echo Display a message out to the command prompt display. exit Close the command prompt or exit a script. fc Compare two files and display the differences. for Loop through a set and run a command for each item. fsutil A powerful command that can be used to configure many file system properties. ftype Display or change file associations from the command line. getmac Display the MAC address for your network card. goto Go to a specific line in a batch file. Also the bane of the programming world. icacls Display or change the access control list (permissions) for files. if Used as a conditional operator in a batch file. ipconfig Display and change your TCP/IP configuration settings, or to flush DNS or renew

DHCP leases. Make a directory. Also can be used through the md command. Displays output of a command one screen at a time. Move a file or files from one place to another. A set of commands for interacting with Windows network functions. Powerful utility that can adjust many network and interface settings. Displays immediate networks stats, such as open ports and routing table information. Set the path used by Windows for finding files without having to type the full path of path a file. pathping Used for network troubleshooting. pause Used in batch files to pause the display. ping Used for simple network troubleshooting. Not very powerful. popd Change the directory back to the directory stored by pushd. pushd Change the directory and store the current directory. reg Interact with the registry from the command prompt. rmdir Delete a folder. Can also be used with the "rd" command. ren Change the name of files or folders. sc Useful for configuring services. schtasks Schedule tasks. set Display or change environment variables. sfc System File Checker, used to check whether system files are valid or not. shutdown Shutdown the computer, optionally restarting if specified. start Start a new application separate from the current session. subst Map a folder to a drive letter. systeminfo Show detailed info about the computer. taskkill Used to kill processes. tasklist Display a list of processes with their IDs, useful in conjunction with taskkill. Used for troubleshooting network connections by tracing through the route to a tracert server. tree Display the directory structure in an ascii-style tree. type Show the contents of a text file, similar to the cat command on Linux. xcopy Copy command that also copies subdirectories and files. mkdir more move net netsh netstat

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