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The Zebrafish is a fresh water fish related with Cyprinid family. It’s also commonly known as
Danio rerio. It is a unique animal possessing a small body, in field of biomedical research
because of its high rate of productivity with completely sequenced genome and external
fertilization that causes a rapid development of this specie. Zebrafish is a beneficial vertebrate in
neurophysiology, genetics and developmental biology. (Grunwald and Eisen, 2002; Rubinstein,
2003; Shahjahan et al., 2013). This species of fish can be easily and cheaply breeded in a large
number in laboratory throughout the year.
The growth of crops is increased highly in the recent years by using different pesticides and
insect killing drugs. It targets other environmental bodies too such as air water land, sediments
and food(Miller and Miller, 2004). Recent evaluated percentages are 98% pesticides and around
95% herbicides are having a great impact on environment. They contaminate the water bodies
and causes adverse effects on aquatic life. the results are devastating as it directly and indirectly
causes fish deaths thus decreases fish productivity every year.(Talukdar et al.,2012; Rahman et
al., 2012; Uddin et al., 2016).
The aquatic environment is disturbed and destroyed due to pesticides because it declines the
condition required for the survival of fish(Konar and Ghosh, 1982). Pesticides have been
considered as a major contributor of gradual decline of the favorable conditions of fish habitat
and as a result it is destroying aquatic environment. The pesticides fall under four major groups
viz. organochlorine, carbamate, organophosphate, and pyrethroid. (till here)
Through neuro-behavior and psychological mechanism, pesticides and insecticide effect aquatic
life causing lesser fish productivity. It also leads fish to an abnormal productive stage where
situations are commonly like a reduction in number of sperms and abnormal or unstable gamete,
fecundity (Patyna et al., 1999), reduction in hatching, sex reversal (Mills and Chichester, 2005),
and survival rate of fish(Rahman et al., 2002).
Hence it is critically important to study the toxic effects of pesticides on fish.
Sumithion, the O, O Dimethyl O-(3-methyl-4-nitrophenyl), is used to kill pests usually present in
rice, vegetables, cereals etc. It is n organophosphate insecticide that washes away in felids and
later adversely affects the water bodies. This drug is also used by public to kills mosquitoes,
cockroaches and files. This pesticide Sumithion is harmful to fish(Thomson, 1989). It effects the
productivity of zebrafish and other fish for example example The 96 h LC50 was 1.7 mg/L for
brook trout and 3.8 ppm for bluegill sunfish (Meister, 1994).
As Sumithion is a pure chemical pesticide used to kill the aquatic insects and hence directly used
in pounds it is crucial to be aware of its damage to the life of fish living within effected water
reservoirs. Various hematological parameters are used to identify fish response to contaminated
habitat for instance the effect of hemoglobin level and glucose level is widely used clinical
indicators of health in research (Dethloff et al., 2001).
On hematological parameters of zebra fish the present studies are unveiling the toxicity of
sumithion on fish life. This investigation is definitely going to be helpful to understand the
adverse effects of insecticides and pesticides on fish. It can also help as once the cause is
understood to save fish life in future and controlling the pollution in environment by limitizing
the use of pesticides such as sumithion to protect the world of living beings.

Review of Literature:
Ahmed, S., Zahangir, M., Haque, F., Ahmmed, M., & Shahjahan, al.(2016). They did
research on Alteration of blood glucose and hemoglobin levels in zebra fish by exposing it to
sumithion pesticide. In the experiment sexually matured zebrafish undergoes a test of extreme
toxicity (96 h LC50 value as 7.89 mg/L) of a pesticide sumithion. For seven days the fish was
exposed to four concentrations (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/L). The blood glucose levels were
observed with changes in sexual dimorphic. The blood glucose level in male were increased to
significant amount (P<0.05) increased in all concentrations (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/L) of sumithion
compared to control (0 mg/L), while in females the change was visible in higher concentration
(2.0 mg/L). it was quite intriguing as the glucose levels were higher in females of zebrafish than
males. The changes in hemoglobin and glucose levels indicate the toxic effects of sumithion in
Shahjahan, M Rahman, M.S., Islam, S.M.M. et al (2019) conducted research on pesticides
toxicity in fish specially zebrafish. They also checked the result of sumithion and highlighted
changes nuclear and cellular abnormalities in erythrocytes (red blood cells) of zebra fish deu to
temperature rise that directly rises the toxic effects of pesticides. In a selected two days renewal
bioassay system to determine the 96h LC 50 value of sumithion at three different temperature
patterns such as 25, 30 and 35 °C. In three temperature conditions they measured the blood
glucose mg/dL level in controlled which was maintained at 0.0 mg/L and at low concentration
1.0 mg/L of sumithion during the estimation of LC 50. At 35°C it was witnessed the 96h LC 50
value of sumithion obtained for zebrafish was significantly lessened in fish. Increase in
temperature directly increases the toxicity of sumithion. The dissolved oxygen in water decreases
yet there were no changes in pH and total alkalinity of water in experiment.
Durkin (2008) and Faria et al (2010) gathered results of the 96h LC50 values for various species,
such as for Ptychocheiilus Lucius it was 9.14mg/L, for Heteropneustes fossilis LC50 value was
11.8, and 15.3 mg/L for Gila elegance. On the other hand, Pathiratne and George, (1998) listed
lesser 96 h LC50 value, such as 2.2 mg/L for Nile tilapia and 1.7 mg/L for trout.
Winkaler et al (2007) conducted research and put forward the results that effect of pesticides on
blood of fish is deu to the high requirement of energy to survive, due to increase in the pesticide
concentrations. It might be caused due to enhanced gluconeogenesis of coping mechanism
stressed fish in their attempt to accommodate with their new energy requirements to survive in
Abalaka et al (2011) and Mills and Chichester (2005) researched to understand the impact of
pesticides on aquatic life, hence less similar results were reported in Clarius gariepinus common
carp and they also affirmed that increased glucose concentration was a response to enhance
gluconeogenesis of stressed fish.
Hossain et al (2015) and Chowdhury (2000) reported and exposed the sublethal concentration of
testosterone alterations in blood glucose levels in Heteropneustes fossilis.
Singh and Singh (1982) explained during hyperexcitability there is an increase in blood glucose
level for the rapid utilization of blood glucose. They suggested convulsions and tremors in fish
when they were exposed to toxic pesticides specially such characteristic behavior was observed
as a reaction of organophosphate pesticide used in experiments for measuring their toxic effects
on fish.

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