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STUDENT BOOK STUDENT BOOK ‘SONGS AND CHANTS BY Ritsuko Nakata Karen Frazier Barbara Hoskins Carolyn Graham @ ‘Guide for Classroom Presentation Tool OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD 198 Madison Avenue [New York, NY 0016 USA Great Clarendon Stset, Oxford, 0x2 6DP, United Kingdom ‘Oxford University Press isa department ofthe University of Oxford Ie furthers the Universiys objective of excellene i esearch scholarship, nd education by publishing worlwide. Oxford isa registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries (© Oxford University Press 2028 “The moral rights ofthe author have been aserted ‘eBook Edition ax: 9780 19 404997 9 First published in 2018 No copying or filesharing “This cigtal publication i protected by international copyright laws. No part of this digital publication may be reproduced, modified, adapted, store ina retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, ‘toany other person or company without the peor permission in writing ‘of Oxford University Press, oras expressly permitted by law. Enquiries ‘concerning reproduction ouside the scope ofthe above shouldbe sent to ‘the ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Pres, athe address above ‘You must not modify adapt. copy. store transfer or circulate the contents ‘ofthis publication under any other branding or a pat of any otber product. ‘You may not print out material for any commercial purpose or resale ‘Any websites refered ton this publication are in the publicdomainand their addresses are provided by Oxford University Press for information ony. ‘Oxford University Press dsclaims alland any responsibil forthe content ‘ofsuch websites aver srt: Danie Grif -straionsby Danel Griff: pages 4to 17,58, 59:nd eats on pages, 10,12, 14,16, 18, 20,22, 24.26, 28, 30,32, 34, 36, 38,40, 42.44, 46, 48, 50 52, 154,56, 58, 60,63; Lalena Fisher: pages 4 18 029, 58, 59; Daniel Sharp: pages 5 30to.43, 58, 59: Michael Morris: pages S44 58. 59,61 a ers Lessons 1-5 SIERMOWOIS ects eis vis oinje' oie oia's 6 Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu Lessons 6-13 The EEGroup............-. 16 Ce, Gg, Bb, Dd, Pp, Tt, Vv, Zz Lessons 14-19 The EH Group. Ff, LI, Mm, Nn, Ss, Lessons 20-21 The EIGroup........... . WE Jj, Kk Lessons 22-26 The Mixed Group.......... 4B Hh, Qq, Rr, Ww, Yy Lesson 27 The Alphabet.............. 58 Lesson 28 Goodbye! . 60 Esa | Cll Sette teteietetetets cleivisis o'r vrs vie ses vin oe 62 Word List .. “The order ofthe lettersis based on the Model, Action, Tok Method developed by Fitsuko Nok, ‘See the Teacher's Guide for mare inforration Scott Andy Kate Jenny Sam j Ginger ae ‘ » Ss 5s © Listen and point. Ora The Vowels The EH Group ss os srl [i The EI Group The Mixed Group @ a ela ©) Learn the words. @m=3 |. Andy 2. ant 3. alligator 4. apple © Watch, point, and chant. @4:" unis! The A Chant 6 Lesson | Aa Hi, Andy! Hello! Icansay Hi! and Hello! Lesson | Aa 7 eas Were) ©) Learn the words. @m=3 ow |. Eddie 2. elbow & 3. egg 4. elephant © Watch, point, and chant. @&" Quan’ The E Chant 8 Lesson 2 Ee ae oo © Ask and answer. @=D What’s your name? @ I can say the Ee words. ) | [can say What's your name? I'm Eddie. J Lesson2 Ee 9 eas Learn i ©) Learn the words. @mp |. Isabel 2. ink 10 Lesson 3 Ii aa L—_S i can say the Ii words. _ |cansay Hi! How are you? ! | 1 I'm fine. —— We y Lesson 3 li II Let's Wee) i ©) Learn the words. @ma @ |. Oliver 2. octopus +43 3. omelet 4. ostrich © Watch, point, and chant. @4:" Ousis! 12 Lesson 4 Oo book ball jump rope doll vax at | can say the Oo words. | I|cansay What is it? It’s a book. 1 Lesson4 Oo 13 eas Were) ©) Learn the words. @ms g |. Uncle Jim 2. umpire 3. umbrella 4. upside down © Watch, point, and chant. @4" Ous)s’ Se Listen and sing the A-E-I-O-U Song. @ma‘s" 14 Lesson 5 Uu What is it? “‘€ 3 die, (oases i Its a balloon. balloon bicycle cap bat | can say the Uu words. _ |can say What is it? It’s a cap. ‘ ) Lesson 5 Uu 15 ae) eas Were) \ ©) Learn the words. @mp |. Carol 2. car s(@Qe 3. cat 4. candy © Watch, point, and chant. @4:" Ounis! | The C Chant 16 Lesson 6 Cc ee @ Listen and say. Or Let's count! OK! 1! OF | can say the Ce words. ' 5 f Icancount: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Lesson 6 Cc I7 3. gorilla 4. game © Watch, point, and chant. @4:" Ousis! The G Chant 18 Lesson 7 Gg Ez eo eee Listen and say. O29 I can say the Gg words. ( Ican count: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Lassen? eg 1? Lesson 8 a ela ©) Learn the words. @m=3 ey |. Beth 2. boy 3. bird 4. bag © Watch, point, and chant. @4:" Ousin! Listen and sing the B-C G-C Song. Qa!’ 20 Lesson 8 Bb a oo © Ask and answer. @3 | can say the Bb words. Ican say How many? ! Lesson 8 Bb 21 eas Leam © Learn the words. @m yp) |. David 2. dog 3. desk 4. dinosaur © Watch, point, and chant. @ 4" Onl: 22 Lesson 9 Dd a oo Ask and answer. @)r=3 How old are you? . cy « = © fe | can say the Dd words. Ican say How old are you? I'm 7. Lesson9 Dd 23 Lesson 10 Pp ©) Learn the words. @m2 a ela |. Peter ao 3. pencil 4. picture © Watch, point, and chant. @4:" Ounis! si ak el Tha Listen and sing the D-G P-G Song. @m=a!/ 24 Lesson 10 Pp re ee a © Ask and answer. @m5 ea %e eggs pencils pictures peaches ¢ | can say the Pp words. Ican say What are they? | They're eggs. Lesson 10 Pp 25 eas Leam ©) Learn the words. @m=3 |. Tom 2. table 3. telephone 4.TV © Watch, point, and chant." @ua's/ The T Chant 26 Lesson II Tt © Ask and answer. @= What are they? “ja cars apples dinosaurs books | can say the Tt words. | can say What are they? They're cars. Lesson II Tt 27 eas Leam ©) Learn the words. @m= |. Vicky 2. volcano 3. vest 4. violin © Watch, point, and chant. @4:" unis! The V Chant 28 Lesson 12 Ww a oo Ask and answer. m3 What color is it? ] *® It’s blue. 4 .2¥ & / CZ I can say the Vv words. can say What color is it? ; It’s Lesson 12 W 29 Py ry ©) Learn the words. @=a 2. zebra 3. zero 4. zipper © Watch, point, and chant. @&" Ous!r’ oe . \ | Listen and sing the T-V Z-V Song. @mn!s” 30 Lesson 13 Zz |.can say the Zz words. Ican say What color is it? It’s pink. Lesson 13 Zz 31 yay etoLi) ©) Learn the words. ®@m3 — |. Fay 2. finger 3. foot 4. fan © Watch, point, and chant. @&" Quan’ 32 Lesson 14 Ff Ree Ask and answer. @3 is it? ; . aa What shape is it? Irs a circle. f a circle a square a triangle a rectangle I can say the Ff words. Ican say What shape is it? , . des are Lesson 14 Ff 33 a Learn ©) Learn the words. @ma |. Luke 2. lamb 3. lemon 4. lion © Watch, point, and chant. @&" Onn’ The L Chant 34 Lesson 15 LI Ask and answer. @i= It’s a star. What shape is it? a star a diamond a heart I can say the LI words. Ican say What shape is it? It’s a star. an oval Lesson 15 LI 35 Ty Detsbeam ©) Learn the words. @=2 M |. Mary 2. moon ae 3. man 4. monkey © Watch, point, and chant. @4:" Osis! Listen and sing the F-L-M Song. Qn !/ 36 Lesson 16 Mm Eze ees © Listen and say. O=3 Orr Peewee ™~ Icansay Good morning. Good night. Lesson 16 Mm 37 eas Leam ©) Learn the words. @m=3 3. notebook 4. nest © Watch, point, and chant. @ 4" Ou: 38 Lesson 17 Nn a oo Listen and say. @I9 Thank you! Lesson 18 |. Scott 2. sandwich 3. seesaw 4. sun © Watch, point, and chant. @&" Quoin’ 40 Lesson 18 Ss a ela ©) Learn the words. @ia pye a |. Mr. X 2. X-ray 3. box 4. fox © Watch, point, and chant. @4:" Ousin! The X Chant Listen and sing the N-S-X Song. @mza '/ 42 Lesson 19 Xx a oo © Listen and say. Ors These are my eyes. | These are my ears This is my nose. I can say the Xx words. { Icansay These are my ; Lesson 19 Xx 43 Lesson 20 eas Were) i ©) Learn the words. @ma |. Jenny 2. jam ™ wes 3. juice 4. jet © Watch, point, and chant." @ua's/ 44 Lesson 20 Jj @ Listen and say. These are my arms. These are my hands. Lesson 20 Jj 45 eas Leam ©) Learn the words. @za |. Kate 2. kitten 3. kite 4. kangaroo © Watch, point, and chant. @&" Oun'r’ The K Chant 46 Lesson 21 Kk make ) Listen and say. =a This is my left hand. This is my right hand vf age Be mi Icansay This is my left hand. c ) Lesson 21 Kk 47 eas Were) ©) Learn the words. @ma |. Henry 2. hat 3. horse 4. house © Watch, point, and chant." @mals/ Listen and sing the J-K-H Song. @ma's/ 48 Lesson 22 Hh © Listen and say. Touch your shoulders. Touch your elbows. Touch your knees. * | can say the Hh words. » Icansay Touch your shoulders. _ J Lesson 22 Hh 49 Lesson 23 eas Leam ©) Learn the words. @ma & 1. Quinn 2. queen ea 3. quilt 4. question 50 Lesson 23 Qq ra ee a @ Listen and say. Oza Ouch! I hurt my nose. . Ouch! I hurt my knee. eS I can say the Qq words. ~_) ' J t Ican say Ouch! I hurt my knee. Lesson 23 Qq 51 eas Leam ©) Learn the words. @m |. Roger 2. rocket rdA 3. rabbit 4. radio © Watch, point, and chant. @4" Ounis! en eeu am Listen and sing the Q-R Song. Qn!’ 52 Lesson 24 Rr Ez eo eee 5 Listen and say. i = go! Up nei | can say the Rr words. Let’s go! Up! k! { Ican say 9 0 Lesson 24 Rr 53 5 Learn ©) Learn the words. @m=9 2. water 3. watch 4. woman © Watch, point, and chant. @&" Ounis! 54 Lesson 25 Ww ee @ Listen and say. OS Lesson 26 Yy ©) Learn the words. @m=3 eas Leam |. Yolanda 2. yak 3. yarn 4. yo-yo © Watch, point, and chant. @&" Oun's! Listen and sing the W-Y Song. @usa/s/ 56 Lesson 26 Yy Listen and say. I can swim. | can say the Yy words. | , can say I can swim Lesson 26 Yy 57 ©) Listen, point, and sing. Qua!’ ai Euneueen 272 Oar ote § - Ic say the alpha bet. Lesson 27 The Alphabet 59 © Play a game. Say the letters. Say a word. diGiio Fish + eee ) @ Vise E NG 2~y) K A) > BP Ss Se uv T BS 8g y WW. C) a Tt = nit} #9 B fo gneP ss aw J ¥ qb > Sim Hx Vid 60 Lesson 28 Goodbye! ma 4 (5 Listen and say. @m= i + Icansay Goodbye! later! ! Lesson 28 Goodbye! 61 Let’s Begin 1 Syllabus {¢!': Set Read! The Vowels: AE 10 U The EI Group: J K ‘The EE Group: CGBDPTVZ The Mixed Group: HQ R WY 1 | Aa Language: 8 | Bb Language: ad Hil Helio, Beth How many? 7! cnt, aligator, boy, bird, bag coe The B Chont The A Chant mepcecs 2 | Ee Language: 9 | da Language: Eddie What's your name? Dovid How old ore you? elbow, egg, I'm Eddie. dog, desk, Im7. elephont dinosaur ‘The E Chant The D Chant 3 | al Language: 10 | Pp Plurals: Isabel Hil How are you? Peter e998, pencils, ink, igloo, insect | I'm fine. peach, pencil, | pictures, peaches picture Language: The I Chant a ne nn Wasee ey? They're eggs. The D-G PG Song 4 | 00 Toys: [tt Plurals: Oliver book, ball, jump Tom cars, apples, octopus, omelet, | rope, doll table, telephone, | dinosaurs, books ostrich Language: W Languag Whol is it? Whal are they? The © Chant Whats i? The T Chant eet 5 | uu Toys: 12 |W Colors: Uncle Jim balloon, bicycle, Vicky blue, red, yellow, umpire, umbrella, | cap, bat volcano, vest, | green, orange paisa denr Language: violin Language: What is it? What colo is i? The UChant I's a balloon. Te Vent I's blue The AELO-USong 6 | Cc Numbers: 13 | zz Colo Coro! 1,2,3,4,5 Zeck pink, purple, black, car, cat, candy | Language: zebra, zer0, zipper | brown, white Let's count! OK! 1! Language: The C Chant The Z Chant Whol colorist? The TV ZV Song_| It's purple. 7 | 6g Numbers: | FP Shapes: Gail 6,7,8,9, 10 Fay accircle, « square, a girl, gorila, game | Language: finger, foot, fan | triangle, @ rectangle Let's count! OK! 6! Language: “The G Chant The F Chant What shope isi? It's a circle. 62 Let's Begin | Syllabus a i | u Shapes: 22 | Hh Body: Luke star, o diamond, 0 Henry shoulders, elbows, lamb, lemon, ion | heart, on oval hat, horse, house | knees, toes Language: Language: pe cco Whol shove fk? The H Chant Touch your shoulders. I's ator. The JH Song 16 | Mm Language: 23 | aq Body: Mory Good morning! Quinn knee, nose, head moon, man, Good night! queen, quit, Language: monkey question Ouch! I hurt my knee. The M Chant The Q Chant “The FLM Song 17 [Nn Language: 24 | Rr Directions: Nino Thank you. Roger up, down, turn nut, notebook, —_| You're welcome. rocket, rabbit, | around, in, out nest radio Language: “The N Chant The R Chant ined The OR Song 18 | Ss Body: 25 | ww Actions: Scott body, head, face, Wendy walk, run, skip, jump sondwich, seesow, | mouth water, watch, Language: sun Language: woman Tan walk. ‘The S Chant This is my body. The W Chant 19 | X& Body: 26 | vy Actions: Mr. X eyes, ears, nose, Yolanda swim, hop, sing, X-ray, box, fox | fingers yok, yarn, yoryo | dance Language: The Y Chant Language: ie chant These are my eyes. The WY; Tan swim. The NSXSong | Thisis my nose. Song 20 | Jj Body: 27 | The Alphabet Jenny arms, hands, legs, The Alphabet Song ‘jam, juice, jet feet Language: The J Chant These are my arms. 21 | Kk Body: 28 | Goodbye! Language: Kote right, lef, hand, foot Goodbye! kitten, Kte, Language: See you later! feonoroa! This is my right hand. “The Goodbye & The K Chant Let’s Begin | Syllabus 63 Word List A dinosaur 22 alletter) .....6 doses ce :2r a(word).....13 909-+ +--+ + 22 A 6 doll “ 13 ligator......6 GWM «+--+ 88 on. ont ‘apple ‘apples. ore... corms. . bog ball... balloon bat bicycle bird black. blue... body book.....+-13 finger bOOKS......27 fingers... 4S bas HE five (6)... 7 boy 20 foot........82 brown ....-31 four() 17 c fox 42 fon fine goodbye... .61 64 Let's Begin | Word List head 4 heart.......35 hello........7 hi 7 hop........57 horse 48 house......48 how 0.2... hurt, 51 I ign 10 Iletter). ... 10 1 (word)... .51 Tm.......- igloo 10 rr) ink 0.2... 10 insect . 10 is 13 it 13 WS. 18 J Jj 44 J 44 jom 44 jet HH juice... .44 jump. 55 jump rope. ..13 K Keeeee ee 6 K icon s ness HB kangaroo. . 46 kite 46 kitlen 2.46 knee. 51 knees 49 L 1 34 Lease c wasn lomb ......34 left 47 legs 45: lemon 34 let's 17 len 34 omelet one (I). . orange . . ostrich ouch out oval Pp p. Prowse peach. . peaches pencA . pencAs picture . pictures. pink purple. 31 sss questEn ....50 quAt 50 R ' 52 R.. 52 rabbit 52 rode .......52 rectangle . ..23 Ted........29 fight .......47 rocket... . .62 run 2.55 s Sooceeeee HO s or) sandwich . . .40 see you later 61 seesaw... .40 seven (7)....19 shape. .... .33 shoulders . ..49 sing .......57 six (6) ......19 skip....... 55 square 33 SIs 2 san i8S sun .......40 swim 87 Tt 1 26 Tooccc ee 26 table ......26 telephone. .26 ten (10) 19 thank you . ..39 these ..... 43 they .......25 they'te .....25 this 41 three (3) .... 17 foes .......49 fouch ......49 triangle... ..38 tum around . .53, TW... 26 two (2) .....17 zebra zero (0). . zipper . ol a 4 oH 4 4 5H 54 55 54 5H 213; 31 Su 42, 42, 42, 56 56 56 in 6: 29 56 al 39 30 30 30 30 30 Lesson a “s Learn/Let's Talk Page? (GLEE Ican find the Aa words. Listen and match. Then say. 1.0© 20@ 3.0®@ 4 O0® © © © © een Lesson t's Learn/Let’s Talk roses CD Ican find the Ee words. Listen and choose. Then say. * ap A A “Ma A # Sona Lesson tis Learn/Let's Talk Page 11 Ican find the Ii words. Listen and match. Then say. 1.0© 20© 30© 4 O0®@ cre at's Learn/Let’s Talk Ican find the Oo words. Listen and choose. Then say. 3.@ Sona Lesson “5 Learn/Let's Talk rasers CEE Ican find the Uu words. Listen and match. Then say. 1.0© 20@ 3.0®@ 4O®© 1) 1) () is wo es eel Lesson t's Learn/Let's Talk Page17 (ie Ican find the Cc words. Listen and match. Then say. 1.0© 20©@ 3.O0©@ 4O0@ %: me Zo ni ’s Learn/Let’s Talk Page 19 Ican find the Gg words. Listen and choose. Then say. Hewscs @6s bos Lesson crn “s Learn/Let'’s Talk Page21 (Gabe Ican find the Bb words. Listen and match. Then say. 1.0© 20©@ 3.O0©@ 4O0@ =~. of ad Lesson t's Learn/Let's Talk Page 23 Ican find the Dd words. Listen and choose. Then say. »p) 3.@ i 4.@ wn Lesson’ crn Learn/Let’s Talk Page 25 Ican find the Pp words. Listen and match. Then say. 10© 20@© 3.0@ 4O0@ © en Sona at's Learn/Let’s Talk Lesson Page27 Ican find the Tt words. Listen and choose. Then say. 1.® 2@ 3® 4.® eer t's Learn/Let's Talk Page 29 Ican find the Vv words. Listen and match. Then say. 1.0© 20@© 3.O0©@ 4O0@ © @® © ® Sona Lesson t's Learn/Let's Talk Page 31 Ican find the Zz words. Listen and match. Then say. 1.0@© 20@ 30@ 4D®@ © © © © a O Box eA eee Talk ee Page 33 Ican find the Ff words. Listen and choose. Then say. et at SYR “2 “ee Sona Lesson at's Learn/Let’s Talk Page3s Ican find the LI words. Listen and match. Then say. 1.0© 20© 30© 4 O0®@ © © © © @ + ¥ % Y A eer t's Learn/Let's Talk Page 37 Ican find the Mm words. Listen and choose. Then say. Sona at's Learn/Let’s Talk Lesson Ican find the Nn words. Listen and match. Then say. 1.0© 20© 30© 4 O0®@ weyers t's Learn/Let's Talk Ican find the Ss words. Listen and choose. Then say. i S Learn/Let'’s Talk Page43 Ican find the Xx words. Listen and match. Then say. 1.0© 20© 30© 4 O0®@ A® eer t's Learn/Let’s Talk Page 45 Ican find the Jj words. Listen and match. Then say. 1.0© 20@© 3.O0©@ 4O0@ ti 2a @ Sona t's Learn/Let's Talk Page47 Tcan find the Kk words. Listen and choose. Then soy. 1d 4 { 2. & 4a, “ 4 @ ” es 7 4 cre ets Learn/Letis Talk Ican find the Hh words. Listen and match. Then say. 1.0© 20@© 3.O0©@ 4O0@ "i i i S Learn/Let'’s Talk Pages Ican find the Qq words. Listen and match. Then say. 1.0© 20© 30© 4 O0®@ eer t's Learn/Let’s Talk a i Page 53 . Lesson a ‘s Learn/Let's Talk : Pagess Ican find the Ww words. Listen and choose. Then say. 20 Lesson: eer t's Learn/Let’s Talk Pages? (QGEEt Ican find the Yy words. Listen and match. Then say. 1.0© 20©@ 3.O0©@ 4O0@ ote Sana Lesson: e Alphabet Page 59 Ican say the alphabet. Listen and choose. Then say. ® 1.ABCD 4.0 PQ 2ZFGHIS 5.5 TU nn 3L M \ Ae 6.W XY cre at's Learn/Let’s Talk Ican find the letters. Choose. Then say. The Vowels The EI Group 1. _strich - 60 Sea The EE Group The Mixed Group 2@ inosaur 5.@ atch The EH Group 3@ un eo

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