Volvo Penta Inboard Diesel
Volvo Penta Inboard Diesel
Volvo Penta Inboard Diesel
Smooth running with very low vibra-
tion levels results from a dynamically
e d c
balanced design and high efficiency
rubber insulation.
The engine’s high torque provides f g h i
excellent operating characteristics to
aid maneuvering, particularly in con-
fined spaces.
Additional on board comfort fea-
tures are available from an extensive l
range of matched accessories.
The engine’s direct injection and ad-
vanced combustion system ensure
high efficiency and low fuel con-
sumption, which minimize noxious ex-
haust emissions and enhance overall
enjoyment of boating. j
For increased flexibility, in both de-
sign and installation, the following
complete matched transmission
units are available:
— HS25A, MS25A and MS25L
reverse gears, both down angle The engine illustrated may not be entirely identical to production standard engines.
and straight a. Exhaust elbow, wet type g. Fuel filter
— 120S – the exceptionally smooth b. Heat exchanger with integral ex- h. Seawater pump
and quiet sail drive, also allowing pansion tank i. Electrical terminal box
the engine to be installed in re- c. Oil filter j. Starter motor
verse position using a kit. d. Flexible engine mounting k. Alternator (GEN)
All units are built for durability and e. 120S drive l. Injection pump
smooth operation. f. Fuel feed pump
Technical Data — Pistons fitted with two compression rings — Electrically operated stop
Engine designation ...................... MD22L and a single oil scraper ring — Glow plugs for excellent cold starting
— Overhead camshaft — Electric starter motor (1.8 kW output)
Crankshaft power, kW (hp) ..... 36.5 (50) — Replaceable, hardened valve seats in cyl- — Extension cable harness with plug-in con-
Propeller shaft inder head nection available in various lengths
power1), kW (hp) .......................... 36 (49) — Flexible coupling on flywheel — Choice of instrument panels or separate in-
Lubrication system struments
Full throttle
— Spin-on full flow oil filter Transmissions:
operating speed, rpm ........ 2600–3000 — Separate oil scavenger pipe HS25A Hydraulic – drop center with 8° down
Displacement, l (in3) ................ 2.0 (122) — Closed circuit crankcase ventilation angled output shaft. Trolling valve kit available.
Number of cylinders ............................... 4 Fuel system — Ratio 2.29:1 and 2.71:1 (RH and LH rota-
Bore, mm (in.) ............................. 84 (3.3) — Flange mounted injection pump of rotor tion).
type with mechanical regulator for accu- MS25A Mechanical – drop center with 8°
Stroke, mm (in.) .......................... 89 (3.5) rate speed control down angled output shaft.
Compression ratio ............................ 17:1 — Feed pump with hand primer – Ratio 2.23:1/2.74:1 (RH/LH) and 2.74:1/
Dry weight with reverse gear — Spin-on type fine fuel filter 2.74:1 (RH/LH).
Exhaust system MS25L Mechanical – drop center with straight
HS25A, kg (lb) ........................ 253 (558) output shaft.
— Freshwater-cooled exhaust manifold and
MS25A, kg (lb) ....................... 242 (534) seawater-cooled exhaust elbow — Ratio 2.3:1/2.1:1 (RH/LH) and
2.74:1/2.72:1 (RH/LH).
MS25L, kg (lb) ....................... 240 (529) Cooling system 120S – S-drive.
Dry weight with sail drive — Freshwater cooling system governed by — Ratio 2.2:1.
S-Drive 120S, kg (lb) ............ 248 (547) thermostat and circulation pump
Duty rating: R5–R3 — Tubular heat exchanger with integral ex- Accessories
Technical data according to ISO 8665. Fuel with a lower calorific pansion tank An extensive range of accessories are avail-
value of 42,700 kJ/kg and density of 840 g/liter at 15°C (60°F). — Coolant system prepared for hot water able. For detailed information, please see Ac-
Merchant fuel may differ from this specification which will influence outlet fittings
engine power output and fuel consumption.
cessory catalogs. Contact your local Volvo
1) With MS25L
— Impeller pump for seawater system Penta dealer for further information.
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Electrical system
Technical description: — 12V, two-pole, corrosion-protected electri-
Not all models, standard equipment and accessories are available
in all countries. All specifications are subject to change without
Engine and block cal system notice.
— Cylinder block manufactured from high grade — 14V/60A marine alternator
cast iron and cylinder head and pistons of alu- — Charging regulator with electronic sen-
minum alloy sor for voltage drop compensation
Dimensions MD22L/MS25L/120S
Not for installation
© 2001 AB Volvo Penta.
AB Volvo Penta
SE-405 08 Göteborg, Sweden