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American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS)

ISSN (Print) 2313-4410, ISSN (Online) 2313-4402

© Global Society of Scientific Research and Researchers

Assessment Lagging Performance Indicators of Cooling

Tower Water Wastage at Refinery (Parco) & Possible
Upgradations to Eco Design for Water Conservation

ZA-Dastia*, Iftikhar Ahmadb, Khalid Qammarc

Joined Pak-Arab Fertilizer in the year Oct 1999 received B.SC Chemical Engineering BZU Multan 1999 and
PhD (Environmental Management) from NCBA Main Campus Lahore. Presently he is research scholar at
Water Conservation and Air Pollution without holding any post, before he has worked at Environment
Protection Agency (EPA) Islamabad as Dy. Director 2009, China Petroleum UAE 2012 and SEC. Saudi Arabia
2016. His research interest includes renewable energy, waste to energy, Carbon Capture, Solid Waste
Management, Environment Impact Assessment and Cleaner Production, Industrial Waste Water Technology
Email:, +923334811894


About 20% of energy in manufacturing is connected to refrigeration, heating water, the purpose of this research
is to save environment by conserving water losses and these has to be replenished. Monitor rate of evaporation
make up and blow down water superiority to authorize that the up-gradated structure is acting as predicted.
Increasingly the most forward thinking using highly treated recycled water, side filtration, and option of ozone
treatment, changing behavior of blow-down and replacing water saving equipment’s or modifying to reduce
energy in addition water needs, which save budgets in addition recover water management in the future. This
will address the problems found through an environmental review of current and future cooling systems, the
technological, economic and environmental implications, with possible technical and non-technical solutions.
Considering the current water crisis around the world, it is essential to expand the functions of these wet
refrigeration towers to decrease their water consumption with maintaining their performance, therefore it has a
great potential to recycle water evaporation. Which has not considered so far? This retrofit research using
possible up-gradations at different research study, Reference [22] at existing facility regarding environment
improvements (sustainability & water conservation) to perform a realistic evaluation of this idea.

* Corresponding author

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

Experimental data measured and dynamic Eco approaches performed to evaluate the water saving potential. The
result shows that water losses at one unit control from maximum (440 m hr ) to minimum 108 m 3 hr level
to promote environment sustainability.

Keywords: cooling tower; make up water; evaporation rate; blow-down; water conservation; sustainability; Eco

1. Introduction

Water is one of the endeavor necessities for all industrial development systems including thermal power plant,
Refineries, Fertilizers, cement, textile, Sugar, Leather and paper. The rare water is commonly drawn from
intense water source such lake, canal, reservoir, and barrage. Treated manure water can be used as a foundation
of rare water for the plants located adjacent to the cities. Hence, water is an essential input to a refinery. Water is
a main input to many industries and it is imperative for human life. Pakistan is the country of most concern for
water constraints, and the plants are located in water scarce or stressed areas. Water scarcity is already
influencing industrial projects, causing delays and operational losses. Thus, there is aimed to minimize
consumptive water requirement for refinery plants. Further, as water, resources become scarcer, human
consumption like drinking and irrigation uses have high priority over industrial uses. Hence, it has been
observed that water is becoming scarce, which needs to be properly utilized leaving no room for wastage, to
ensure a sustainable development. At present, some of the projects those are already in pipeline are facing
hurdles in execution and lacks viability due to unavailability of water allocation. Any level of initiative in the
area of reduction in water consumption gains importance at this current scenario. So measures to be taken for
reducing consumptive water than the designed value. This paper aims at discussing different aspect of water
consumption in a refinery & device a simplified methodology to reduce the water. The strategy underline
particularly on evaporative open mechanical induced draft cross flow cooling units, due to the spirit of
evaporative cooling units, water mislaid from evaporation and blow-down has to be top off, in area where
potable supply is abundant, cooling towers use potable water for making up the water losses in the cooling
tower. However, as water supplies are increasingly unnatural, businesses and institutions can think about
converting to recycled water to supply the make-up water. Evaporative cooling systems are compiled of two
components: a heat exchanger and cooling units. The main function of cooling tower is to push out the heat
from the heated water professionally. Heat is removed by transmitting it to air through evaporation. Public water
systems use chlorine in the gaseous form, which is considered too dangerous and expensive for home. Private
systems use liquid chlorine (sodium hypochlorite) or dry chlorine (calcium hypochlorite). To avoid hardness
deposits on equipment, manufacturers recommend using soft, distilled or demineralized water when making up
chlorine solutions. Injection is operated only water is being pumped. Trihalomethanes (THMS) disinfection by-
product formed from degradation of plant material combine with free chlorine cause cancer chance element.
Hence, cooling tower make up has enough. Potential for improvement and needs further study / optimization.
When water has been fade away throughout cooling in the Cooling Tower, leaves behind resolved solids / salts
in the system and increases total dissolved solid (TDS) level. This will increases the COC in the circulating
water system. Cycle of Concentration refers to the ratio of impurities or the TDS in the make-up water. A

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

particular Cycle of Concentration in a circulating water system is compulsory to stay away from any deposition
in the condenser heat transfer tubes, which obstruct the plant efficiency. Hence, to maintain a desirable Cycle of
Concentration, some amount of CW is to be removed on continuous basis from the system, called blow down.
The amount of blow-down is calculated by the following formula [29].

Below down = Evaporation loss / (COC – 1)

The evaporation loss in Cooling Tower, generally for about 1.75 % of total Cooling Water flow, including drift
loss and spillage etc, so there will be two types of loss in the Cooling Water system such as: [5]

1. Evaporation loss

2. Blow down low

Make up water is requisite to, meet those losses. Since the Cooling Tower has been working on evaporative
principal, it is essential for Cooling Tower to know these evaporation losses. Improvements in water quality /
water treatment technology, COC of Circulation Water system has been increased from 2 to maximum level 50.
That leads huge decline in blow down water condition. Additionally, a technology to reduce the loss further
below the designed value will be very essential considering significance of water. The amount of make-up is
given by.

Quantity of Make-up water = Evaporation loss + Blow down

= Evaporation loss+ Evaporation loss (COC -1)

Cooling tower is a heat refusal mechanism that rejects waste heat to the atmosphere through the cooling of a
water stream to a lower temperature. Cooling tower either use the evaporation of water to remove process heat
and cool the working fluid to near the wet-bulb air temperature or, in the case of closed circuit dry cooling
towers, rely solely on air to cool the working fluid to near the dry-bulb air temperature. In Cooling Water
Return, the hot water flow is initiated descending throughout scatter needles into plug in the interior the tower.
The dissimilar category of fills (splash, trickle, fills) that are presumed at creating extra exterior area to exploit
contact among the Hot CWR & air, As air mount within the tower, it obtain the latent het of vaporization from
the H2O & thus hot water is cooled [42].

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

Figure 1: Presents system of blow-down and chlorination [28]

Water is essential to human life. Yet, worldwide, 2.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water and 4.5
billion people lack safely managed sanitation services. Globally, eight forty four million people lack access to
clean water. The consequences of unsafe water and poor sanitation are far-reaching, impacting health,
education, economic productivity, and the dignity of those living in extreme poverty. In 1993, the United
Nations established World Water Day to bring awareness to the importance and management of freshwater
sources. Today, the UN Sustainable Development Goal #6 aims to bring an end to the crisis, with safe water and
sanitation for all, by 2030.According to a report by the World Economic Forum, the world's water crisis ranks
fifth on the list of issues threatening humanity's survival. A 2013 Global Water Institute report says over 700
million people across- 43 countries face water scarcity. Climate change, increasing water scarcity, population
growth, demographic changes and urbanization already pose challenges for water supply systems. By 2025, half
of the world's population will be living in water-stressed areas. Re-use of wastewater, to recover water,
nutrients, or energy, is becoming an important strategy. Increasingly countries are using wastewater for
irrigation — in developing countries; this represents 7% of irrigated land. While this practice if done
inappropriately poses health risks. Every minute a newborn die from infection caused by lack of safe water and
an unclean environment. However, investing in clean water saves lives, and according to the World Bank,
promoting good hygiene is one of the most cost effective health interventions. (WATER-AID). ―How can we
make water available for all?‖ (WHO) half of the world’s hospital beds are occupied by patients suffering from
diseases associated with lake of access to clean water (WHO). Demand is expected to outstrip supply by 40% in
2030, if current trends continue. Pakistan has already proven that decoupling water use from economic growth it
possible. AS, in Australia, water consumption declined by 40% between 2001 and 2009 while the economy
grew by more than 30% the most cost-effective way of decoupling water use from economic growth. It is
estimated that about 768 million people around the world do not have access to good water [44]. Water, as the

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

component of every cooling system. Cooling towers are an Waged component of many cooling systems that
provide comfort or process cooling. Cooling tower systems operation is most efficient when their heat transfer
surfaces are clean. However due to variations in the water source and their operating in an open environment,
cooling towers are subject to four for water treatment comma comas, scaling, fouling and microbiological
activity. These factors can significantly reduce the efficiency of the cooling towers.

1.1 Background

Researcher has stated research in that area of Pakistan which is situated between two Rivas (Indus, Chenab)
where ground water level at 1980 were almost near 22 ft due to a lot of reasons (population, urbanization,
industrialization absence). Now at the time of research 2020, these areas have been developed with having three
big plants (TPS, AES LAL PIR, and KAPCO), One Oil Refinery (PARCO) and many sugars and tumbles
industries, due to which the pound water level coalition is goes down 300 to 500 ft for agriculture as well as for
drinking purposes. There is a serious concern for our next generations regarding water unavailability and
sustainability of our ecosystem (Habitat destruction) e.g. skin, lungs diseases, deforestation & Birds migration,
quality of water due to pollutions (water, air, land). The developments of these areas are good initiatives from
Government due to rise of education level, infrastacture development, unemployment and media freedom, but
there is a need of awareness (Enforcement of Law i.e. dispirit absence of water charges) for water conservation
and Environment Sustainability. On behalf of this retrofit research at one-target industry, the scholar will prove
the water savings and calculated overall approximate water wastage at main big industries (refinery) in Pakistan,
eight refineries are in Operation (Pakistan Refinery Ltd, National Refinery Ltd, Pak-Arab Refinery Co, Attock
Oil Refinery Ltd, Byco-1-11, and Enar-1-11). Proposed Refinery (Gawadar 3 Lac bpd, Hub Coastal 250,000
bpd, ORI 250,000 bpd, PSO Power China 3Lac bpd, Falcon Oil 40K bpd, Khyber Refinery Ltd Kohat 20K bpd)
Expatriate Companies, British Petroleum 1954, ENI 1953, OMV 1956, MOL 1991, BHP 2001. National
Companies, OGDCL 1961, PPL 1950, Mari Gas 1957, POL 1950 and OPI (Orient Petroleum industry) Services
Company, Schlumberger 1926, Weather ford 1948, Halliburton l924, Baker Hughes 1987, Sprint and Eastern
testing. Pak Arab Refinery (PARCO) is a cooperative enterprise founded in 1974 between the Government of
Pakistan and the Abu Dhabi Emirate. The Pakistani Government holds 60% of the shares, although the Abu
Dhabi Emirate holds 40%.

1.2 Objectives of Research

Following are the important points of study,

1. To highlight/chalk out the different basic causes for water losses at realm cooling tower and apply with
alternate technical, non-technical past research solution.
2. To assess the most suitable up-gradated Eco approaches to reduce; influence of lagging key
performance indicators.
3. To study the cooling tower water aspect on Environment (local and global).
4. To build-up Way Forward of Audit Control, Evaluation and management Operation.

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

2. Literature Review

Water and energy consumption in buildings has dramatically increased in current years with the growth of the
metropolitan building industry. Water and energy conservation could be a vital step towards achieving
environmental change in this field [2]. Because of the location of wet cooling towers, which are the combined
water and energy customers [15], heat is transmitted from the cooling system of a building by touch air and
water. In terms of modeling and evaluating retrofit behavior, simulation of the energy system in the building is
sufficient [1,36]. The heat exchanger networks have the cooling tower to deny electricity. Therefore, it is
necessary to consider the importance of cooling and make-up water not just to maintain a finest working state,
but also to mitigate adverse environmental effects [18]. It is necessary to allow the dissolved minerals to achieve
a full concentration level to save water and processing chemicals. The concentration period is known as the
blow-downstream concentration of a soluble product in the make-up stream [18]. The overall concentration
period would depend on the water quality [33]. To order to improve water quality, chemical, physical and
biological methods are used to address cool water issues, such as scale forming.Non-chemical treatment
approaches such as ozone are considered as effective and environmentally friendly solutions for the use of
maquillage water among all processes. Conventional water treatment methods for the cooling tower include the
handling of microorganisms with additives, size, and pressure to eliminate impurities. Both these activities
contribute to the operation and maintenance expenses of the cooling tower [9]. Integration of ozone water
treatment with the cooling water system, selection of the saturation process, which decreases the concentration
of water circulation of insolvent materials [43]. In the process sector, cooling systems are used frequently to
cool machines and goods and move waste heat into the air [26, 39]. When demand falls year by year and severe
contamination [10] rises, the water management and carbon control of the open water refrigeration system has
attracted more and more interest. At present, the exploration of modern water sparing primarily incorporates two
angles [20] utilizing water-sparing gear or water-elective innovation, (for example, air-cooling rather than
water-cooling) and enhancing the structure and working parameters of the water framework in general, which is
the focal point of this paper. The advancement of modern water frameworks, for the most part, incorporates two
classes. (1) Water squeeze investigation [25] has a place with a realistic strategy and has the benefits of clear
physical importance and basic arrangement. In any case, by and large, it is legitimate for a solitary contamination
framework, and can't give the comparing ideal structure of water utilization frameworks. (2) Mathematical
programming technique: Apart from the water squeeze examination, increasingly more research utilizes the
numerical programming strategy [45,8 ]. For the improvement of water structures by logical programming, the
proposed model can perceive the perfect transport of cooling water inside the framework and the perfect
foundation zones and weight head of siphons required for CWS [7]. Broke down the attributes of water
frameworks in the steel business, set up numerical models, and examined the connection between water restore and
the patterns of COC [46]. System fluid cooling and vapor condensation are important functions of Chemical
Process Industries (CPI). The most common way in CPI operations is to use a cooling tower, and the coolant
used most frequently in most of this operation to eliminate waste heat. A typical large oil refinery handling
40,000 mt hr condensation needs a soothing water power of 80,000 m hr . For every barrel of crude oil

refined, it is approximately equivalent to 25 barrels of water (CHEMICAL ENGG: PERRY HANDBOOK). In

agriculture, energy can be saved by incorporating shift in behavior, changing and or upgrading facilities through

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

water saving to reduce total water use and improve internal reuse [30]. Energy conservation can be achieved in
factories. Resource optimization and expense minimization, exposure to actual use of resource and priorities are
relevant. Reducing the use of commercial water is a way to tackle the global water issue, which accounted for 5-
10% of total fresh water recycling use in 1999. The ventilation of industrial plants is a major part of all
commercial water consumption. A fact sheet explains how electricity can be used more efficiently in output.
Optimization for the water consumption of industry is significant because it can decrease local water shortages,
while raising water availability and community relations, increasing productivity through intake of water,
reducing waste water discharges and pollutant burdens, reducing energy usage and possibly manufacturing costs
between 1987 and 2003. In addition to using the amount used in processing (UNESCO 2009), most factories
create chemicals as a by-product of their industrial operations through effect of wastewater runoff and
contamination capacity. Oil sediments, as the water temperature increases, dissolved water oxygen in the water
reduces, low oxygen content in the water can be harmful to aquatic creatures and the major pollutants are
pesticides, bacteria, heavy metals, synthetic and industrial material, oil sediments and fire. The cycle of
concentration (COC) is defined as the concentration ratio of a soluble component in the blow-downstream to
that in the make-up stream [28]. Changing cooling tower blow down from cold water side to hot water side in
CW system for reduction in evaporation loss & heat load in CT (2018) [31,3]. Application of an
environmentally optimum cooling water system design to water and energy conservation [38], reducing water
consumption by increasing the cycles of concentration and considerations of corrosion and scaling in a cooling
system. Water consumption of cooling towers can be reduced significantly by minimizing blow down in
coordination with an integrated scaling and corrosion control program. Blow down minimized by increasing
when concentration cycles increased. At his study research influence of sodium Hexa-meta-phosphate (HMP),
2-MercaptoBenzoThiazole (MBT) and ZnSO4 inhibitors on the control of corrosion and scaling for carbon steel
and admiralty brass alloys at two concentration cycles in a power plant cooling system was investigated. The
studies also shown HMP is hydrolyzed in low concentration intervals to orthophosphate. Orthophosphate is used
as an intractable and alarming orthophosphate measure in the condenser pipeline, together with ion calcium,
magnesium and iron ions. Reduced scaling and under substrate degradation, as well as maximizing the volume
6 3
of ZnSO4 and MBT. If the concentration periods rose from 6.5 to 9, about 1.1x 10 m / hr of water would be
extracted per year while the cooling would be the same [12], Side Stream Filtration for Cooling Towers October
2012, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory [37,39,46], Analysis and Optimization of Open Circulating
Cooling Water System. The model is used to determine the water temperature's impact on the makeup rate while
the cooling power is inadequate. It is obvious that the CT evaporation rate is a main parameter for the models
developed [47], respectively. Outdoor air conditions, inlet and exit levels of cooling water and the air-to-water
ratio primarily affect the evaporation level.

3. Methodology

In the course of time, huge quantities of potable groundwater can be consumed in the cooling towers of complex
industrial processes (refinery, thermal energy, Cement, paper and engraving).The refrigerant tower water use
must be carefully regulated and minimized, if necessary, as the costs of its eventual testing grow larger and
more and more involved. Operators responsible for comprehensive and dynamic network processes within the

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

large plant may need to take certain factors into account, including downstream bleed use to achieve full site
productivity and their specialist water treatment professional may be required to advice. . Cleaner development
processes, including non-evaluation, evaluation and analysis approaches, innovative management strategies that
can produce comparable outcomes. The entire tower water balance was tackled in order to optimize the energy
preservation of any cooling tower. Evaporation, leakage, overflows and spill, stream down, wind age and device
leaks are included in the water flows (losses). Some water outputs (evaporation and bleeding) are managed and
essential for the proper operation of the system and the tower. Those controlled outflows must be optimized.
Some outflows of water (overflow, drift, outflow, wind age, leaks and backwashing filtering) are unchecked.
Uncontrolled outflows of water must be reduced or removed. A system's water output has to be improved and a
system water analysis is the first step. KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) method was evaluated and
documented and determined for key water parameters. A system must be designed for water production. The
audit would help identify water consumption areas and future permit savings areas and formally recognize and
report on refrigeration entry water quality. Water conservation and the output of the system at the required level
should be carried out regularly.

Table 1: Audit the Tower Water Balance

Item Audit action Comments

Check air inlets clear of obstructions and Any new plant/equipment, any material storage.
contaminated sources.
Check for airborne debris Any evidence leaves, litter, insects etc.? Air
Entering tower. Inlet filters required?
Check for strong wind exposure. Screens required?
Cooling tower

Check drifts eliminators. Installed correctly? Clean and unobstructed?

Check tower casing. Free of corrosion, damage and leaks?
Check for evidence of splash out. Any staining on casing or support platform?
Check for evidence of leaks. Check tower connections
and system pipe work.

Checks fill situation & fixing. Fill spotless & un-damaged. No block-age. Fill
Cooling Tower

installed stage?

Check H2O delivery scheme. Nozzle in position, un-damaged, apparent?

Ensure H2O delivery pattern over fill with fan H2O allocated uniformly over fill?
at full speed.
Ensure tower fan at occupied speed. Proof air magnitude.
Several strange noise or vibration.

Check pumps connections. Check and adjust any packed gland seal.
Replace any leaking mechanical gland seal.

Check control system operation. Tower fan cycle suitably? Inconsistent speed


impels operating?

Check tower water and air flow rates. Within manufacturer/design limits?
Check variable speed drive operation. Critical frequencies locked out?

Ensure makeup H2O meter.





Ensure blow-down meter.

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

Ensure blow-down is automatic

&conductivity, managed.
Ensure blow-down solenoid valve & filter.
Ensure conductivity sensor.
Ensure COC for (C) Scheme.

Ensure for some image proof of run over.

Water overflow

Discontinue pump & make sure for run over.

Ensure makeup valve setting.
Ensure scheme non-Return valve.
Ensure pipe work plan/amount.
Ensure equalizer pipe & valve for multiple
tower schemes.

Ensure H2O superiority constraints/KPI. compute, estimate & proof;

Conductivity of tower H2O (uS or ohms/cm)
Conductivity of tower make-up H2O (uS or
Departure H2O Temperature C
Scheme COC
Chlorides (as Cl or as caco3) ppm.
Total hardness (ppm as caco3)
Ca hardness (ppm as caco3)
Water management

Ma hardness (ppm as caco3)

Some extra particular scheme KPI.
Ensure scheme sieves. Dirt free, redevelop or reinstate as requisite.
Ensure sieve backwash. Backwash meter mounted?
Estimate tower H2O efficiency.

H20 protection in H2O cure & safeguarding contract


Regular maintenance in place? Record corrective & preventive maintenance

Water audits carried out. Record date of last

Energy audits carried out? Record date of last

System optimized? Is this system optimized?

Site log book maintained? Documentation Record date of last entry, License?

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

Table 2: Evaluating the Cooling System

Cooling system component considerations

Material Water Quality Effects Management Considerations
wood N/A Defend from decline or chemical
Mild steel High-total dissolved solids, suspended liquids, This ability is reduced by chemical water
wood, strong and scale-susceptible to treatment. This capacity is reduced by
corrosion. higher flow speeds and regular flushing of
heat exchangers.
Galvanized Vulnerable to erosion from high Decrease series of attentiveness.
iron(Cu & Zn
coating) Melted solids and pH levels below 6.5or Adjust pH with chemical treatment
above 8.5.
Stainless Steel Chloride vulnerability to corrosion. When This risk is reduced by chemical water
conditions exist for deposit-forming. Deposits treatment. The durability of a safe oxide
304-SS of biomass may trigger fast flares. Corrodes layer in stainless steel would benefit from
of 200 mg / l chloride are usable under maintaining a positive oxidant standard
deposit conditions. Tolerates 1,000 mg / l on and rising the deposition of biomass. It is
clean surfaces containing chlorides. understood that nitrates that exist in
recycled water at higher levels cause
corrosion of Stainless Steel.
STAINLESS Compared to 304-SS but higher tolerances of Similar to 304-SS.
STEEL chloride. 5000 mg / l of chloride tolerates. If
there are requirements of deposit-forming.
316-SS This tolerates clean surfaces with chloride
amounts of up to 30 000 mg / l.
Copper alloys Ammonia and readily dissolved solids Water action can diminish this potential.
resistant to corrosion. The levels of ammonia Copper corrosion inhibitors such as TTA
above 0.5 mg / l as NH3 can trigger cracking (Tolytriazole) or BZT (Benzotriazole) in
and corrosion and can cause copper alloy addition BBT (Butylbenzotriazole) reduce
corrosion within deposits in biomass. Nickel but do not totally eliminate cracking. BBT
alloys with copper (90/10 and 70/30) are is greatest effective. Copper nickel alloys
crack-resistant. (90/10 and 70/30) are resilient to
plastics Save clean besides free of bonds to avert
clogging. Keep plastic film free of
biomass buildup.

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

Table 3: Microbiological Growth Controls

Chemicals * USE Recommended Max
Concentration **
Phosphates* Control steel scaling 20mg/l as PO4
Poly phosphate Corrosion inhibitor & scaling 20mg/l as PO4
Sodium silicates Corrosion inhibitor 100mg/l SiO2
Triazole (Aromatics) Corrosion inhibitor 2-4mg/l
Molybdates*** Corrosion inhibitor 40mg/l as molybdenum
Isothialozin DBTP Amines**** Biological inhibitor
Bromine, chlorine Biocides Biological inhibitor 0.5mg/l

A lot of work at cooling towers water management has been done well by different researcher/scientist.
Continuing the previous suggested modifications of past research, that has been recommended optional on this
existing refinery, with little bit addition of Exhaust air. A High density polyethylene (HDPE)eleven feet angular
cylinder mounted cooling coils as shown in Figure below containing inlet cooling water supply CWS and outlet

cooling water return CWR flow of 10 m 3 / hr inside the coil after circulation pump line at normal make-up
water temperature of 32 C and pressure of 3.5 kg m 2 , model run at simulation program and output share
physically at site to get the proof reading comparison and experiment research applied where 50% of
evaporation losses recovered mathematically as expected to suggested modeling of Refinery where 108 m hr
i.e. 50% condensate return to Hot water distribution channel to improve the CT efficiency due to recycle water
temperature difference. This paper aims at discussing diverse feature of water consumption in an industrial
sector & device a simplified tactic to reduce the water consumption. The blow down carried out from hot water
side i.e. condenser outlet going to cooling tower to ensure water conservation. That will decrease total water
flow in cooling tower, which in turn reduces evaporation loss in the cooling tower. As blow down, evaporation
is directly proportional, depending on COC, both evaporation, and blow down will be reduced in the proposed
plan. As TERLYN 1996 give perception of strong bonding element in makeup water to increase COC from 3 to
50 Cycles, The water consumption and blow-down usually change with the varying parameters such as quality
and temperature. With the purpose of water saving, it is very important to optimize the operation strategy of
water systems. The concept of cycles of temperature is proposed to evaluate the temperature relationship of
various parts of the circulating cooling water system. A mathematical relationship is established to analyze the
influence (co-influence) of the water temperature on the makeup water rate of the system under the condition of
insufficient cooling capacity of the cooling tower.

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

Figure 2: Proposed system of below down & IOTCS [28]

Three optimize areas based on the present data of existing target refinery, COC optimize -most excellent
concert, hold classification- make sure procedure continuation verify and keep H2O use, executive sustain-
guarantee the running squad answerable and comprehensible aims, goals. H2O is a finite resource. It is not
possible to produce more water than what already exists on earth. The research based at some physical
parameters changes e.g. chlorination replaced to IOTCS [33]. Understanding water treatment reports will assist
in maintaining a water efficient cooling tower the overall purpose of a water treatment report is to provide a
snapshot of the cooling tower operation and the effectiveness of the current water treatment to define the
outcomes of a water treatment program. Suitable KPIs must be in place within the water treatment contract
including tracking the associated performance (water efficiency), COC, own the system, management support.

Figure 3: Advance Eco Approach (Angular Cylinder)

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

Water is cooled by air in a cooling tower the volume flow rate of air and the mass flow rate of the required
makeup water are:

a- The mass flow rate of dry air through the tower remains constant ma1  ma 2  ma

but the mass flow rate of liquid water decrease by an amount equal to the amount of water that vaporize in the
tower during evaporation must be made up later in the cycle to maintain steady operation

Applying the mass and energy balance

Dry air mass balance

 ma   ma
i e m3  ma1 w1  m4  ma2 w2  ma2  ma

m3  m4  ma(w2  w1 )mmakeup

Energy Balance

Ein  Eout E system  0 dueto steadyState

Ein  Eout

 m h   m h sin ce Q  W  0
i i e e

m h  m h
e e i i

ma 2 h2  m4 h4  ma1h1  m3 h3  0

ma(h2  h1 )  (m3  mmakeup )h4  m3 h3  0

Solving for ma

m3 (h3  h4 )
ma  h4
(h2  h1 )  ( w2  w1 )

From psychometric chart

h1  44.7
kg dry air

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

h2  106.6 h3  h f @ 40C  167.53 h4  h f @ 30C  125.74
kg dry air

kg water L
w1  0.008875
kg dry air G

kg water L
w2  0.02905
kg dry air G

v1  0.848
kg of dry air


(167.53  125.74) kg
ma  40 125.74  28.17
(106.6  44.7)  (0.02905 0.008875) s

The volume flow of air into the cooling tower

v1  mav1  28.17  0.848  23.9

b-The mass flow rate of the required water is determine from

mmakeup  ma ( w2  w1 )  28.17(0.02905 0.008875)  0.568

Evaporation rate m 3  m 4  1 .1

Heat dissipation Q  m3C w (T3  T4 )  2.9MW

For dew point ANTOINE EQ

P(Tdew )  p(T )

4. Methods

The present scenario the evaporation rate is 220m3/hr and which is reduced to by suggesting modification from
cold side blow-down to cooling water return (CWR) hot side due to the following benefits [22].

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

W R i
For cooling Network water balance F F F _________ (1)

For the cooling Tower Water balance F  F  F  F  F ________ (2)

The control Equation of the system can be obtained by the following Water balance

F  F  F  F ___________(3)

For the Rate of make-up, leakage, blow-down and evaporation rate water balance equation

f  f  f  f ___________(4)

Here after, the reference to water quality means the cycle of concentration (N)

CR fW fV
N  P  1  ________ (5)
CW f  f L FP FL

The make-up rate Vs COC can be written f  f Y N ( N  1) 1 ________ (6)

But the Relationship b/w leakage rate, blow-down rate and COC obtained

f P
 f ( N  1) 1  f ________ (7)

If f 0 Zero emission

N  1 L
______________ (8)

When cooling tower is presupposed to be capable to absolutely eliminate the equipment cooling load
and therefore the egress temperature of the cooling tower

t R  t n K = 1 cooling Index. At this point there is no requiring of temperature of the make-up water.
Circulating water entirely cooled by the cooling tower for some reasons, cooling tower fouling or excessive
outdoor air temperature resulting

K <1 t R  t n . When this ensue the inlet temperature of cooling network will continue to rise. However, it

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

should be noted that in some industrial submission the cooling tower cannot cool the circulating water of the
structure for some reasons.e.g. Heat exchangers declined or outdoor air temperature is too elevated. Rather than
develop the cooling reason of the cooling tower, as an alternative, users take up fresh make-up water to reinstate
part of circulating water. At that time, to keep the inlet water temperature of cooling network at the required
rank. Since of the utilization of new water. It is vital to set up the connection between the make-up rate and
temperature of make-up water and the circulating water so.

W t R  tn
f  _____________ (9)
t R  tW

tR  tn t
Then Nt  , Nt   K R  K .Nt ______________ (10)
tW tW tW

Nt=cycle of Temperature of Cooling tower outlet Nt = cycle of temperature of cooling network inlet.

Energy Balance Models

mw ,in CpinTin  Qevap  mw ,out C p outTout


Approach temperature and water flow rate the approach is more important
than the water flow rate and the range in achieving a high driving force for cooling. This is because of the
driving force become more limiting as the approach become narrow. Since cooling performance is influence by
the water flow as well as other factors [23]. The evaporation rate is a function of water flow rate and
temperature difference of cooling tower [22] evaporation rate is.

The water entering the cooling tower is

mw,in 

Amount of evaporation depends on air flow rate, humidity of inlet air and humidity of cooling tower outlet air.
Exit air humidity is related to water temperature and transfer area of packing. So it means evaporated water loss
is not constant when design variables are considered flexible [24].

d w KaAfr
 (wsw  w)
dz ma

The saturated humidity ratio at water temperature is [3].

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

wsw  0.622
(P  Ps )

Cooling tower characteristic is given by Equation [21].

KaV C p dTw
 
L Tout
(hasw  hawv )

The amount of water dmevapo is evaporated; the evaporative loss forces an increase in cooling tower supply

flow rate [21].

dmevapo  ma d w

dQa  mwdhfw  h fwma d w

1 E  0.00175 Flow rate cycle ratio

f  R  DT
E were f  0.65  0.85 1000  approxlatent heat vaporation

E  DT  Q 

E  0.0085 1.8  flow rate DT

2 Cooling tower capacity

(TR )  500  DT 

At tower L/G ratio, definite cooling assortment approach perfect cooling range of cooling tower. Energy of air is
divided into air via convection and evaporation, air convection is function of dry bulb temperature and
evaporation is function humidity ratio of wet air moving from bottom to top of the tower. The effect of
temperature ratio as a function of inlet wet bulb temperature, temperature ratio decreases with increases in L/G
ratio this is due to increase in heat load which leads to lesser cooling range approach ideal range [29].
Evaporation loss is decrease with increase in air inlet wet bulb temperature TW BI , while evaporation loss

increase with inlet water temperature (t wi ) ,L/G changes in outlet water temperature (t we ) with respect to inlet

water temperature (Twbi ) is less when compared to inlet air wet bulb temperature . Inlet air WBT has more

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

effect on outlet water temperature than inlet water temperature

The size of cooling tower the number of transfer units (NTU)

L wr dw
NTU  hd Av  f
wsw  W

L wi dw
NTU  hd Av  f
wsw  W

Figure 4: Mass and energy balance

Approach =outlet water temperature t we -inlet air wet bulb temperature t wbi

Approach is high at tower inlet air wet bulb temperature t wbi when compared to higher inlet air wet bulb
temperature t wbi at same L/G ratio.

Water approach temperature increases with L/G ratio due to increases in heat load which leads to decrease in
cooling range [13].

Effectiveness  where Qact  actual heat removed Q max  max imum heat removed
Air flow rate is expressed [13].

Fair  Where wout  outlethumidity Win  inlet humidity
Wout  Win

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

Win  f (Twb  Tamb ), Wout  f (Tin  Tout )

Tc  Cc  Oc

Table 4: Design Data (Cooling tower Refinery)

Cooling Tower Cooling Tower Cooling Tower

Item Description
Refinery Fertilizer Power plant
1 Water circulation rate (gpm) 1500m3/h 30,000m3/h 55000m3/h
2 Hot water temperature (F) 38 35 40
3 Cold water temperature (F) 32 26 32
4 Wet bulb temperature (F) 30 29 30
5 Drift loss(%design 20m3/h 60m3/h 110m3/h
6 No of fans 03 06 06
7 Evaporation loss (m3/hr) 220 528 968
8 Bleed(BD) (m3/hr) 200 528 7968
9 Make up water (m3/hr) 440 1056 1936
10 Price/Loss m3/hr 3.6 3.8 3.9

Table 5: Make up water current quantity

Sr.No COC Evaporation Blow-down Make-up

t/h t/h t/h
1 2 220 220 440
2 3 220 110 330
3 4 220 73 293
4 5 220 55 275
5 6 220 44 264
6 7 220 36 256
7 8 220 31 251
8 9 220 27 247
9 10 220 24 244

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

Table 6: Make-up Water Proposed Quantity

Blow- Make-
Make-up Make-up
Blow- down up
Sr.No COC down
proposed savings
savings current
t/h t/h t/h t/h t/h t/h
1 2 216 220 436 440 4
2 3 216 108 2 324 330 6
3 4 216 72 1 288 293 5
4 5 216 54 1 270 275 5
5 6 216 43 1 259 264 5
6 7 216 35 1 251 256 4
7 8 216 30 1 246 251 5
8 9 216 26 1 242 247 5
9 10 216 23 1 239 244 5
Total savings 9 44

Table 7: Make up water advance quantity

Blow-down Make-up Make-up Make-up

CO Evaporation Blow-down
C savings Advance current savings
t/h t/h t/h t/h t/h t/h
2 108 108 216 440 224
3 108 54 54 162 330 168
4 108 36 72 144 293 149
5 108 27 81 135 275 140
6 108 21.60 86.4 129.6 264 134.4
7 108 18 90 126 256 130
8 108 15.42 92.58 123.42 251 127.58
9 108 13.50 94.5 121.50 247 125.5
10 108 12 96 120 244 124
Total savings 666.48 1322.48

Falling the evaporation loss in CT and to defend water in the CW structure. This suggestion recommend to
fulfils blow-down of cooling water from hot water of CT i.e. after cooling net work and control of evaporation
rate. By taking blow-down before it enters the cooling tower, the total flow to the cooling tower reduces by an
amount equivalent to the amount of blow-down. As the evaporation loss in the cooling tower is directly
proportional to the amount of cooling water flow, less water will evaporate in cooling tower. Because the hot
water that removed as blow-down from hot water side before it enters the cooling tower, less water will

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

evaporate in the cooling tower compared to present system of cold-water blow-down or the same operational
performance. This leads to savings of water, this kind of water savings is very well applicable and appreciable in
any kind of industrial plant irrespective of their unit capacity /size and the type of cooling tower.

Figure 5: Advance System of Water saving (ECO-Design)

Table 8: advanced make-up water savings

Blow-down water savings Make-up water savings

M3/h M3/h
1 2 224
2 3 54 168
3 4 72 149
4 5 81 140
5 6 86.4 134.4
6 7 90 130
7 8 92.58 127.58
8 9 94.5 125.5
9 10 96 124
Total savings 666.48 1322.48
Savings 666.48+1322.48=1988.96x3.6=7160.256-Rs//h

Hence, significant quantity of water saved in a refinery by this uncomplicated amendment. The savings of
make-up water is very significant at lower COC. In addition, the following improvements have visualized.
Decrease in heat load of CT. Decline in expenditure of water. Reduce in water cost. Reduce in Cooling Water

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

cure cost in channel. Reduce in water cure cost. Reduce in pumping cost of blow down water. Reduce in
Cooling Water pumping power. Based on experience, it is found that, hot CW blow down water can safely
replace cold blow down water without any process related difficulty in the applications.

Figure 6: Operating range comparison

The advance approach applies at Exhaust of cooling tower as shown below Figure-13 where 216m 3/hr of
evaporation losses controls by modification. A vertical cylinder of 11 feet containing circulation water supply
after pump passing through cooling coil above exhaust air that contained condensed evaporation losses and
approximately reduced 50% losses by this experiment as calculated in experiment mathematically. No evidence
effect of exhaust air pressure and fan back pressure or any other consequences build up during physical
experiment at site. Water saving targets 1988.96m3/hr achieves.

5. Results and Discussion

Related information, in this way, is separated from regular weight channels since components are confined on
the outside of channel as opposed to entering to channel media. Which gives two advantages: (1) filtration can
be accomplished down to 0.45 micron even on a perfect media bed on the grounds that the utilization of the
extra fine sand media and (2) discharge necessities are short since particles are not caught endless inside the
channel media. For a sludge that takes around 5 to 8 minutes, only about 50% of the designed front flow via a
high-performance filter is needed, compared with 150% of the expected sands flow that needs 15 to 20 minutes.
Such filters are effectively managed in a smaller system. High efficiency filters will process 18 gallons of water
on a square foot of a media sheet, opposed to 8 to 10 gallons of normal pressure filters per square foot. The
differentiation between filters can be very critical for mechanical room devices to be chosen.

Table 9: Relationship between makeup rate and COC graph

fW 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0

COC 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.75

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

3 3
2.5 2.5
2 2 Series1
1.5 1.5 Series2
1 1
0 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Figure 7: Relationship between water flow rate and COC

According to graphs lesser COC guide to upper makeup rate .this tendency suit extra visible when the COC is
less than 2.that seen that increasing the COC is one of the significant techniques to shrink water utilization and
cooling tower join with other tools to chill the cooling water to reduce the evaporation of water. The makeup
rate will be reduced.

6. Status of Implementation

The scheme of cold side blows down and evaporation rate control has executed under 2types: Class-I: The
proposed amendment has been incorporated for the forthcoming new industrial plants, which are below conduit
/ preparation phase. Class-II: Compulsory recommended for achievement of this suggested modification for all
the running units has been issued; as such, these units are running with low COC, the prospective for water
savings is elevated.

7. Savings Potential

It is approximation that by implementing the warm water blow down design all across Refinery, Power plant etc
would result in makeup water economy of approx. million m3 per annum and Auxiliary power savings, which
results into financial savings of ApproxRs. 627 million/year.

8. Conclusion

Advance study establish that by taking blow-down from hot side of cooling tower, reduction in evaporation loss and
reduction in the water makeup to the CW system is achieved, compared to cold side blow-down. The proposed
modification will be implemented across all industries to conserve water. The proposed modification may be taken up
as a measure of conserving water and energy to promote sustainable environment for the present /future plants
(Refinery, Fertilizer and Power Plant) located across the country.

 Use of hot side blow-down in cooling water system save max.of approx.1988 m3/hr of water compared
to cold side blow-down system .

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94

 The proposed modification has many advantageous in addition to saving in water like ,reduction in
pumping power, reduction in CT heat load, water cost etc.
 The water saving potential is inversely proportional to the COC of the CW system, which varies from
plant to plant.
 In refinery, there is a potential savings of approx. Rs.62.7 million/year. 62723790

Considering the total water consumption in one target industry, the water savings obtained by this advance
method is very small in quantity. However, whatever savings in water consumption even in very small quantity
is very much essential in country like Pakistan, where demand for water is huge and in many states (Sindh,
Baluchistan) water availability is a major point of concern at present and tomorrow. Cooling tower consume a
significant amount of water due to evaporation. Therefore make-up water is frequently used for replacing the
evaporated H2O. This make-up H2O is usually cold enough to condense the evaporated water.

 The outlet air relative humidity is above 80%,which results to a significant water evaporation of about
 The makeup water temperature is lower than the exhaust air dew-point temperature and so it has a good
potential to condense the exhaust air moisture.
 Using the makeup water to cool the outlet air will result to a significant water savings about 108m3/h.

Main indicator at water reduction is COC &outcome calculated by model illustrate that make-up rate & blow-
down rate of the scheme turn down with the increase of COC. The subsequently phase of my do research will be
experimental substantiation of this practice.

9. Recommendation

The water management practices at industry is at top priority due to concept of water conservation in the region
under PEPA Act 1997 but different cleaner production technology implementation is still lagging i.e.

 Chlorination replace by Ozonation

 Side filtration need to be improved by high efficiency sand filter.
 Internal/External Third Party water audit. Evaluation Plan.
 Water chemical non chemical and integrated approaches.
a. It is further suggested to change the behavior of water blow-down from Cooling Water Supply to
Cooling Water Return and most important the Evaporation loss may be reduced to 50% by following
the research outcome model as suggested.
b. Water charges proposed and revised suggested. Implementation, monitoring and audit evaluation is the
responsibility of Law Enforcement authority. Status of implementation of modification suggested
across all industry in the region of country under signatories conditions of globe.

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 66, No 1, pp 68-94


Writer aspiration to recognize the collaboration and support of Pak Arab Refinery Company and CNG Pump
Station during this research.


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