MGT602 Technical Article Theme 2

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Technical Articles Theme 02

Title: Routes to Entrepreneurship: Buying an Existing Business

Videos: 13-23

Topics Covered
13. The potential drawbacks of being entrepreneur
14. What is feeding your entrepreneurial fire (source of motivation)
15. How to become an entrepreneur?
16. Establishing new venture
17. Buying an existing business
18. Buying an existing business-Why on sale
19. Buying existing business-Financial Statements
20. Buying existing business-Evaluation
21. Buying existing business-Evaluation Methods
22. Factors to Consider in Valuing a Business
23. Buying Existing Business Negotiating and Closing the Deal

Author: Aneeqa Tauseef, Instructor Business Administration, Virtual University of Pakistan

Potential Drawbacks of Being an Entrepreneur
Though, there are countless benefits of being an entrepreneur but the drawbacks should not be
ignored. There is no fixed income. Sometimes it is high due to higher sales/services and sometimes
low. There is always risk of failure and in case of loss entire investment can go in vain. Unlike
normal job hours entrepreneurs might have longer working hours depending on the nature of
business. For the businesses with less startup finances quality of life suffers somehow until the
business gets established. Stress level is ultimately high. Because everything is own responsibility
so can’t blame anyone. Family pressure, market trends and other factors may lead to
discouragement. Entrepreneurs are not just limited to enjoying benefits but they might have to do
several tasks at a time including financial analysis, physical efforts and many other. Due to
uncertain income, sometimes there is risk for family expenses and social life. Debt becomes
difficult and a burden until the business gets established. Meeting the deadlines is difficult. Even
after properly set plans and procedures it is not sure to be successful in business as consumers and
market has its own trends.

Source of Motivation to Become an Entrepreneur

Economy and economic indicators can lead to several new entrepreneurial ideas. These
indicators can be: purchasing power, inflation or deflation, loan rates, price competition, industry
growth rate, tax rebates and global ties. This can be understood with a simple example i.e. Due to
ongoing projects of CPEC in Gwadar, people all over the country and in fact globally are pre
planning to invest in Gwadar. Demographic factors also play an important role. Minorities have
their own needs and festivals. A number of population falls under 25 years of age. They have their
own needs and wants. They need to earn as well so it’s better to be job creator instead of job
seekers. In urban areas, there are a lot of working couples and have specific requirements in their
daily life routines. Women entrepreneurs are increasing day by day due to increase in social media
and several other factors. Unplanned urbanization might create a lot of problems as well as
opportunities for potential entrepreneurs. There are many part time entrepreneurs who have started
some business along with their jobs.

Universities are offering degrees in entrepreneurship which is ultimately a motivator for

youngsters to start their own ventures. Universities have developed incubation centers. Even if
you are not graduates, but have business ideas, universities support and facilitate that. Most online
business these days offer services. There is overall shift to service economy which leads to several
new ideas. Technological advancements lead to several new ideas. For example, in Japan there
is a large number of old age people and youngsters are not available to take care of them so they
have developed robotic nurses. Feeling of achievement that you have done something for
betterment of people is itself a drive towards new ideas. E-commerce and World Wide Web

becomes a source somehow. This is age of internet and social media. Many businesses these days
run only on social media.

How to become an entrepreneur?

Most of the people think that there is only one way to become entrepreneur i.e. creating your own
business from scratch. Some also think that if you are having unique business idea only then you
can be an entrepreneur. Another misconception is that if you have joined a family business only
then you are called an entrepreneur. Only sole proprietorship is called entrepreneurship is also a
myth. It is not appropriate to say that if you are an engineer, doctor, or chemist then you cannot be
an entrepreneur, or you have to start business in your relevant field only. If you are from any
profession you can start your business.

Sometimes when graduates during their studies think of starting their own ventures, they dropout
and try their luck in business. This is called academic spinout. When students get to have some
business idea through some teacher or some videos they watch and they then go for starting their
own business it is called inside out approach. When somebody who is working somewhere or
doing a job thought of some business idea, they then went to an incubation center of any university
which supports and facilitates them for their venture is called outside-in approach.

There are multiple ways to become an entrepreneur which are:

 Establishing new venture

 Buying an existing business
 Family entrepreneurship
 Franchising

Establishing New Venture

Creating a new venture means: start-up. It means starting the business from scratch. It requires
more time, risk and finance. The fate of start-up is uncertain. Usually the size is small and
frustration increases when there is risk of failure.

Incubation centers are made to facilitate new ventures especially if they face challenges and
problems. Through incubation centers and other facilitation centers people gather from different
areas of industry thus it helps in network development. Legal and administrative issues might
arise and through network you know where to approach. Initially it is assumed to have market
knowledge but because they have not gone into market, they don’t have much knowledge about
actual market dynamics. Sometimes it is difficult to have skilled labor which is suitable for your
venture. Initially startups have limited finance. It is mostly because of risk involved, people tend
to invest less. Product/ service design issues may also arise.

Stages of New Venture Creation

Information seeking is one of the most critical parts. One must seek information if currently
unaware. Cultural and market awareness is a must. There must be strong intention to start a
business and must have strong determination. Idea for a product or a service must be clear. Must
have knowledge about competition and price. Supplier info and every other possible information
required for startup must be gained. Must have knowledge about the expected challenges. After
start up, steps must be taken for growth and expansion. After business is established networks are
developed which help in growth. You might have to go for certain trainings to grow. Several
certified trainings are available for this purpose.

Key Points to Consider

Entrepreneurs must consider all the economic factors before starting new venture. What was the
basic drive or intention to be entrepreneur must be kept in mind. There can be some worrisome
issues for new venture. Potential entrepreneurs must foresee these issues. One must have a proper
business plan for smooth running of business.

Some questions like: Which resources are most difficult to obtain? And what are the ways to
obtain. What hurdles or issues can be faced in this regard? Must be considered before starting the
business. As discussed earlier seeking market information is very much important to start and run
the business smoothly. In addition to market information investor related information is also
important. Factors regarding product development or product development plan must be clear.
Competitors’ information along with level of competition must be gathered beforehand.

Entrepreneurship myopia is a concept which states that, sometimes new entrepreneurs read
stories of successful entrepreneurs and overlook the struggle of them which frustrates these new
or potential entrepreneurs if they don’t reach the similar point of success.

Buying an existing business

We have discussed in detail about starting a new venture. Now, for buying an existing business
some important things must be kept in mind. Must have knowledge about the business one intends
to buy. Relevant industry experience would also be a plus. One must research about all the
possibilities regarding potential of expansion or at least maintenance at current level. Knowledge
about current customers of the business and related market trends must also be kept in mind before
buying an existing business. There might be certain practices regarding payment methods.
Whether cash payment required or credit terms must be initially analyzed and worked out.
Liabilities and receivables must also be kept in mind. If you are to enter new business, is it related
to your existing business? Would it be profitable to diversify? Business model sustainability issues
must also be considered. Is the brand image good so that you can buy? Must consider goodwill.

Advantages of buying an existing business

Successful existing business may continue to be successful. It might already have best location
which can benefit the buyer. Employees and suppliers are already established and working
smoothly. Fixed expenses e.g. equipment's are already installed especially when buying a
manufacturing unit. Productive quality is already known because already production is going on.
Inventory is already in place and might have knowledge about inventory in hand and required
things. Experience of previous owner might be useful because this is an opportunity for network
development as well. Save the time, energy and cost of establishing new venture. Customers and
market are already developed which can save from a lot of hassle.

Disadvantages of buying an existing business

In documents the business might be showing profits and receivables but in actual it’s not that
profitable. The business model might be faulty. It might not have proper supply chain or delivery
system. The location could be unsatisfactory. Location at some faraway place might be a source
of increase in expenses. Competitors might have purchased updated equipment. Outdated
inventory might also be increase in cost. After a certain time, it might be observed that there are
many liabilities which can be a source of bankruptcy. Financial assessment might conclude that
you have bought an overpriced business. These include assessments can be done using several
techniques including balance sheet, adjusted balance sheet, receivables and payables, capitalized
earnings approach. There have been many examples in which due to negative brand image
reputation of buyer collapsed. Sometimes crucial information or documentation might be missing.
In some cases, business secrets are already known to previous owner. Existing employees may
leave which usually happens. In case of partnership, the partners may create problems.

Finding Out Why the Business Is For Sale

Business might be running well but due to old age or illness he wants to sell. Owner might be
shifting to different section of the country or probably moving to some other country and due to
nature of the business he can’t move the business. Sometimes it might happen that you are running
your own business but you get another different but good option from other company. The business
might be no more profitable. Contract with major franchisors might have ended and business is
not profitable with local brand name so he wants to sell. Owner might have foreseen that the
business is not going to grow in future and might face loss so he can sell.

Examining the Financial Data

When somebody buys an existing business, it is somehow evaluated on the basis of financial
statements they show you. So, the following guidelines must be kept in mind.

1. Review financial statements and tax returns for the past five years. These statements
show the performance of the business over the years.

2. Recognize that financial data can be misleading. These can be misleading in the
following heads.
I. Assets overvalued
II. Expenses overstated/understated
III. Income underreported
IV. Unrecorded debts
3. Adjust asset valuations to reflect the true state of the business

Investigating and Evaluating Available Businesses

When one has decided to buy existing business he/she must evaluate the same and keep following
things in mind:

While evaluating about an existing business, hasty decisions should not be made. Professional
services might be required. These can be Accountants especially chartered accountants because
they are experts in business valuation so it is better to attain their services. They can accurately
validate the information. There might be several legal agreements with entities so it would be better
to attain services of attorneys. These may be domain experts relevant to the specific type/ field of

Evaluation Methods

Asset-Based Valuation Approach. Assets’ value/price is determined. This approach is mostly

buyer friendly but sellers usually do not agree with this approach because sometimes it is not
suitable for assets of a running business.

Market-Based Valuation Approach. Looks at similar businesses sold recently and price is
determined accordingly. Main issue is that in our country, there is hardly any platform where we
can find such data. So implementation of this method is a bit difficult.

Earnings-Based Valuation Approach. Future earnings capacity is analyzed and price is

determined accordingly. More the future earning capacity, higher the prices.

Cash Flow-Based Valuation Approach. On the basis of past cash flows, future cash flows are
projected and price is determined. As it is a complex procedure, professional help of accountants
might be required in this.

Determinants of a Firm’s Capitalization Rate

Capitalization rate here is considered as rate at which business reinvest its earnings. Value of a
business is usually determined at its capitalization rate. A Business that has to reinvest most of its
earnings is considered a risky business and is less valuable as compared to a business that has to
reinvest just a percentage of earning. Capitalization rate is determined on the basis of risk and
projected growth. If there is high risk means capitalization rate is high so the value of the firm will

be low. If the risk is low with low capitalization rate, firm’s value will be higher. If projected
growth will be high, it means firm has low capitalization rate and its value will be high. With low
projected growth, there would be high capitalization rate and firm value will be low.

Factors to Consider in Valuing a Business

There are some Non quantitative Factors to Consider in Valuing a Business. If the business has
more competition means more pressure and you can have to compromise on price and other factors
in future. If there is more customer base and potential of the business, it can be profitable to buy
that. If community can have positive changes with the business, it would be a better decision to
buy that. Odd legal commitments e.g. improper rental agreements and supply chain agreements
might create trouble. If there is employee or trade unions, agreements with those must also be
checked. Situation of the building must also be checked. Poor condition of which might require
major investments. Product prices can you set must also be kept in mind.

Negotiating and Closing the Deal

After evaluation and valuation of the business, we are towards the last step i.e. negotiating and
closing the deal.

Terms of Purchase

While deciding about buying an already established business following things must be kept in

• Assets purchase or total entity. It must be considered whether you are buying whole
business or its assets. If you are buying assets only, you might not be owner of the name
of the business

• Indemnification clause. This clause suggests that after a particular time if it is found out
that due to some error at seller’s end buyer faces any loss, seller has to bear that loss.
This clause in the agreement is a guarantee for the buyer. Any misleading or hidden fact
revealed after a time would be a penalty on the seller.

• Payment in full or partial payments over time. Experts recommend when you buy any
business must not pay in full. 30 to 40% must be paid in advance and rest must be in 3 to
4 installments. Payment span must also be more than a year.

Closing the sale

Any lawyer or agency or firm can act as that third party to close the sale process and they must
check all the documents including, Bill of sale, tax certifications and Payment-to-seller agreements
and guarantees.

---------------------------------------------------The End-------------------------------------------------------

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