Pob Scheme of Work Form 4 - September To December 2021

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Academic Year: 2022/2023 TERM: I CLASS/FORM: 4 SUBJECT: Principles of Business
Teacher: Ms. P. Jaggan-Martin
Proposed Unit Topic/Lesson Specific Objectives - Teaching/ Resources Evaluation/ Comment
Cycle/ Topic Students will be able to: Learning Assessment
Period(s) Activities
05/09- Orientation to Subject 1. Acquaint Presentation Power point
09/09 Matter. himself/herself Explaining presentation
with the subject Questioning Discussion
area. Giving

12/09- SECTION 1: THE 1. Explain terms and Presentation Lesson notes In-Class
16/09 & NATURE OF concepts related to Explaining Power point Exercises
19/09- BUSINESS business. Questioning presentations Home-Work
23/09 -Definition and 2. Discuss the Giving Discussion Exercises
explanation of the features of the examples Reference
following terms and barter system. Textbooks
concepts: 3. Explain the
a. Enterprise drawbacks of the
b. Entrepreneurship barter system.
c. Barter 4. Explain the
d. Profit advantages of
e. Loss specialization.
f. Trade 5. Explain the
g. Organization disadvantages of
h. Economy specialization.
i. Producer
j. Consumer
k. Exchange
l. Goods
n. Market
o. Commodity
p. Capital
q. Specialization

26/09- SECTION 1: THE 1. explain the Presentation Lesson notes In-Class

30/09 & NATURE OF development of the money Explaining Power point Exercises
03/10- BUSINESS economy. Questioning presentations Home-Work
07/10 -Brief history of trading 2. describe the Giving Discussion Exercises
instruments from development of examples Reference
subsistence economy to instruments of exchange. Textbooks
money economy, 3. discuss the role of
including the use of the money.
following: 4. identify the instruments
a. bills of exchange of exchange.
b. electronic transfer 5. interpret information on
c. tele-banking and e- various instruments of
commerce payment.
d. cheques
e. money orders
f. debit cards
g. credit cards
h. bank drafts
i. telegraphic money
j. bank transfers
k. M-money/mobile
money and mobile

10/10- SECTION 1: THE 1. outline the features of Presentation Lesson notes In-Class
14/10 & NATURE OF the various forms of Explaining Power point Exercises
17/10- BUSINESS organizational units. Questioning presentations Home-Work
21/10 -Forms of business 2. discuss the relative Analysing Discussion Exercises
organizations and advantages and Giving Reference
arrangements: disadvantages of different examples Textbooks
definition, formation forms of business Teamwork
and management of: organizations.
a. sole trader 3. differentiate between
b. partnerships the private sector and the
c. co-operatives public sector.
d. companies
conglomerates and
e. franchises
f. state corporations
and nationalized
g. local and municipal
h. government
i. concept of private
and public sector

24/10- SECTION 1: THE 1. understand the types of Presentation Lesson notes In-Class
28/10 NATURE OF economic systems that Explaining Power point Exercises
BUSINESS exist in various countries. Questioning presentations Home-Work
-Types of economic 2. discuss the features of Analysing Discussion Exercises
systems those economic systems. Giving Reference
a. traditional 3. differentiate among the examples Textbooks
(subsistence) types of economic Teamwork
b. command or planned systems.
c. free or capitalist
d. mixed (public and
31/10- SECTION 1: THE 1. Describe the Presentation Lesson notes In-Class
04/11& NATURE OF functional areas of Explaining Power point Exercises
07/11- BUSINESS a business Questioning presentation Home-Work
11/11 -Functional areas of a 2. Identify the Analysing Discussion Exercises
business: stakeholders Giving Reference
a. Production involved in examples Textbooks
b. Marketing business activities Teamwork
c. Finance 3. Discuss the role
d. Human Resource and functions of
e. Research and the stakeholders
Development involved in
-Roles and functions of business activities
the following
stakeholders involved in
business activities:
a. owners/employers
b. employees
c. consumers
d. suppliers
e. communities
f. environment
g. future generations
h. government
14/11- SECTION 1: THE 1. Explain the ethical Presentation Lesson notes In-Class
18/11 NATURE OF and legal issues in Explaining Power point Exercises
BUSINESS the establishment Questioning presentations Home-Work
-Ethical and legal issues and operations of a Analysing Discussion Exercises
relating to the business Giving Reference
establishment and 2. Explain the examples Textbooks
operation of a business: principles that Case Studies
a. ensuring that the must be adopted in Teamwork
business is a bonafide the establishment
firm or establishment and operation of a
and not using it as a business
front for money 3. Explain the
laundering and other consequences of
illicit activities unethical and
b. ensuring that capital illegal practices on
is legally obtained and business
not tainted with illegal
operations as the source
of funding
c. in the operations of a
business, payment of
national insurance
contributions and taxes
-Ethical and legal
principles that must be
adopted in the
establishment and
operations of a
a. the adoption of an
organization code of
b. policies on
environmental issues
c. handling of personal
-The negative effects of
unethical and illegal
practices on the
a. misleading
advertisements – unfair
and fraudulent practice
on the population
b. withholding of tax –
cheating the
government of revenue
c. unethical disposal of
waste – pollution
d. money laundering –
distortions in the
national economy

21/11- SECTION 1: THE 1. Describe the Presentation Power point In-Class

25/11 NATURE OF careers in the field Explaining presentation Exercises
BUSINESS of business Questioning Discussion Home-Work
-Careers in the field of Giving Reference Exercises
business: examples Textbooks
a. advertising and Teamwork
public relations
b. compliance officers
c. strategic planners
d. educators (online and
e. information officers
f. entrepreneurs
g. resource personnel
h. web designers
i. web planners
j. software developers

28/11- Revision in preparation 1. Understand the Presentation Whiteboard Oral questions

02/12 for End of Term concepts/content Explaining Lesson notes Worksheet
Examinations taught previously Questioning
and during this Analyzing
term. Giving
2. Analyze questions examples
and respond to
questions using
previously taught.

05/12- End of Term 1. Apply Giving Printed Scripts Online Submission

09/12 Examinations concepts/content instructions to Papers I and II Written Submission
taught to respond students for
to questions on the completion of
examination paper. End of Term

Expected Coursework Assessments:

Structured questions and multiple-choice items on the following topics:
1. The barter system
2. Instruments of exchange
3. Private and public sector
4. Forms of business organisations
5. Economic systems
Expected End of Term Examination (s):
Paper I Duration: 75 mins
Paper II Duration: 2 hrs.
Final Evaluation:
Coursework Mark (100%) - 25% weighting Number of Students In class: 35
End of Term Examination Mark (100%) - 75% weighting
TOTAL -100%

Respectfully submitted: ……Pratibha Jaggan-Martin………………………………………………….. Dated: 09/09/2022

Teacher’s Signature

Received by: …………………………………………………………………… Dated:

HOD’s Signature

Reviewed by: …………………………………………………………………… Dated:

Principal/Vice Principal’s Signature

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