1 Bid Document Vol I
1 Bid Document Vol I
1 Bid Document Vol I
“Construction of 70 MLD WTP as an extension for existing 130 MLD WTP for ultimate
design capacity of 200MLD WTP at Sakatpura and New construction of 50 MLD WTP
at Shreenathpuram including installation of VT pumps at existing intakes & Pump
houses and Construction of new CWR’s, Pump houses and all related works along with
PLC / SCADA for both WTP’s for UWSS Kota, including Operation and maintenance
for 10 years.”
Ref. of NIT : 09/2020-21, Date: 05/06/2020
Name of Work : Construction of 70 MLD WTP as an
extension for existing 130 MLD WTP
for ultimate design capacity of 200MLD
WTP at Sakatpura and New
construction of 50 MLD WTP at
Shreenathpuram including installation
of VT pumps at existing intakes &
Pump houses and Construction of new
CWR’s, Pump houses and all related
works along with PLC / SCADA for
both WTP’s for UWSS Kota, including
Operation and maintenance for 10
Bidding Document
S. No. Particulars
A Volume-I
1 Notice Inviting Bids
2 Section-I: Instructions to Bidders
3 Section-II: Bid Data Sheet
4 Section-III: Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
5 Section-IV: Bidding Forms
6 Section-V: Procuring Entity’s Requirements
7 Section-VI-A: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
8 Tripartite Agreement
9 Section-VI-B: Special Conditions of the Contract/ Contract Data (SCC)
B Volume-II
1 Section-7.0: Scope of Work
2 Section-7.1: Employers’ Requirement
3 Section-7.2: Technical General Specifications
4 Section-7.3: Technical Specific Specification
5 Section-7.4: Technical Specifications- O & M
C Volume-III
1 Section- 8 Drawings
D Volume-IV
1 Section- 9 Price Schedule
Table of Contents
Volume I
1. General
1.1 Scope of Bid 1.1.1 In support of the Invitation to Bid indicated in the Bid Data
Sheet (BDS), the Procuring Entity as indicated in the BDS,
issues this Bidding Document for the procurement of
works as named in the BDS and as specified in Section V,
Procuring Entity’s Requirements.
1.2 Interpretation 1.2.1 Throughout this Bidding Document:
The term “in writing” means communicated in written
form through letter, fax, e-mail etc. with proof of receipt.
if the context so requires, singular means plural and vice
versa; and “Day” means a calendar day
1.3 Code of 1.3.1 Any person participating in the procurement process
Integrity shall,-
i. not offer any bribe, reward or gift or any material
benefit either directly or indirectly in exchange for an
unfair advantage in procurement process or to otherwise
influence the procurement process;
ii. not misrepresent or omit that misleads or attempts to
mislead so as to obtain a financial or other benefit or
avoid an obligation;
iii. not indulge in any collusion, bid rigging or anti-
competitive behavior to impair the transparency,
fairness and progress of the procurement process;
iv. not misuse any information shared between the
Procuring Entity and the Bidders with an intent to gain
unfair advantage in the procurement process;
v. not indulge in any coercion including impairing or
harming or threatening to do the same, directly or
indirectly, to any party or to its property to influence the
procurement process;
vi. not obstruct any investigation or audit of a procurement
vii. disclose conflict of interest, if any; and
viii. Disclose any previous transgressions with any Entity in
India or any other country during the last three years or
any debarment by any other Procuring Entity.
1.3.2 Conflict of Interest: A conflict of interest is considered to
be a situation in which a party has interests that could
improperly influence that party’s performance of official
2.1 Sections of 2.1.1 The Bidding Document consists of Parts I, II, and III,
the Bidding which include all the Sections indicated below, and should
Document be read in conjunction with any Addenda issued in
accordance with ITB Clause 2.3 [Amendment of Bidding
Part I: Bidding Procedures
Section I. Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
Section II. Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
Section IV. Bidding Forms
Part II: Requirements
5.10 Evaluation of 5.10.1 The Procuring Entity shall evaluate each Financial Bid,
Financial the corresponding Technical Bid of which has been
Bids determined to be substantially responsive.
5.10.2 To evaluate a Financial Bid, the Procuring Entity shall
only use all the criteria and methodologies defined in this
Clause and in Section III [Evaluation and Qualification
Criteria]. No other criteria or methodology shall be
5.10.3 Deleted
5.11 Comparison 5.11.1 The Procuring Entity shall compare all substantially
of Bids responsive Financial Bids to determine the lowest-
evaluated Financial Bid in accordance with ITB Sub-
Clause 5.10 [Evaluation of Financial Bids].
5.12 Negotiations 5.12.1 To the extent possible, no negotiations shall be conducted
after the pre-Bid stage. All clarifications needed to be
sought shall be sought in the pre-Bid stage itself.
5.12.2 Negotiations may, however, be undertaken only with the
lowest Bidder under the following circumstances-
(i) When ring prices have been quoted by the Bidders
for the subject matter of procurement; or
(ii) When the rates quoted vary considerably and
considered much higher than the prevailing market
5.12.3 The Bid evaluation committee shall have full powers to
undertake negotiations. Detailed reasons and results of
negotiations shall be recorded in the proceedings.
5.13 Procuring 5.13.1 The Procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject
Entity’s Right any Bid, and to annul the Bidding process and reject all
to Accept Bids at any time prior to Contract award without
Any Bid, and assigning any reasons thereof and without there by
to Reject Any incurring any liability to the Bidders.
or All Bids
6. Award of Contract
6.1 Procuring 6.1.1 If the Procuring Entity does not procure any subject
Entity’s Right matter of procurement or procures less than the quantity
to Vary specified in the Bidding Document due to change in
Quantities circumstances, the Bidder shall not be entitled for any
claim or compensation except otherwise provided in the
Bidding Document.
6.1.2 Order for additional quantity of an item of the Works upto
50 percent of the original quantity of that item in the Bill
of Quantities and for extra items not provided for in the
Bill of Quantities may be given but the amount of the
additional quantities and extra items, taken together, shall
not exceed 50 percent of the Contract Price.
6.2 Acceptance of 6.2.1 The Procuring Entity after considering the
the successful recommendations of the Bid Evaluation Committee and
Bid and the conditions of Bid, if any, financial implications,
award of samples, test reports etc., shall accept or reject the
contract successful Bid.
6.2.2 Before award of the Contract, the Procuring Entity shall
ensure that the price of successful Bid is reasonable and
consistent with the required specifications.
6.2.3 A Bid shall be treated as successful only after the
competent authority has approved the procurement in
terms of that Bid.
6.2.4 The Procuring Entity shall award the contract to the
Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the lowest
in accordance with the evaluation criteria set out in the
Bidding Document if the Bidder has been determined to
be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily on the
basis of qualification criteria fixed for the Bidders in the
Bidding Document for the subject matter of procurement.
6.2.5 Prior to the expiration of the period of validity of Bid, the
Procuring Entity shall inform the successful Bidder in
writing, by registered post or email, that its Bid has been
6.2.6 If the issuance of formal letter of acceptance (LOA) is
likely to take time, in the meanwhile a Letter of Intent
(LOI) may be sent to the Bidder. The acceptance of an
offer is complete as soon as the letter of acceptance or
letter of intent is posted and/ or sent by email (if
available) to the address of the Bidder given in the
Bidding Document.
6.3 Signing of 6.3.1 In the written intimation of acceptance of its Bid sent to
Contract the successful Bidder, it shall also be requested to execute
an agreement in the format given in the Bidding
Document on a non-judicial stamp of requisite value at his
cost and deposit the Performance Security, if applicable,
within a period specified in the BDS or where the period
is not specified in the BDS, then within fifteen days from
the date on which the LOA or LOI is dispatched to the
6.3.2 If the Bidder, whose Bid has been accepted, fails to sign a
written procurement contract or fails to furnish the
required Performance Security, if applicable within the
specified time period, the Procuring Entity shall forfeit the
Bid Security of the successful bidder and take required
action against it as per the provisions of the Act and the
6.3.3 The Bid Security, if any, of the Bidders whose Bids could
not be accepted shall be refunded soon after the contract
with the successful Bidder is signed and his Performance
Security is obtained. Until a formal contract is executed,
LOA or LOI shall constitute a binding contract.
6.4 Performance 6.4.1 Performance Security (if applicable) shall be solicited
Security from the successful Bidder. The State Government may
relax the provision of Performance Security in particular
procurement. or performance security /security deposit @
10 % Shall be deducted from running bills.
6.4.2 Performance Security (if applicable) shall be furnished in
one of the following forms as applicable-
(i) Bank Draft or Banker's Cheque of a Nationalized /
Scheduled Bank in India; or
(ii) National Savings Certificates and any other script/
instrument under National Savings Schemes for
promotion of small savings issued by a Post Office in
Rajasthan, if the same can be pledged under the
relevant rules. They shall be accepted at their surrender
value at the time of Bid and formally transferred in the
name of the Procuring Entity with the approval of Head
Post Master; or
(iii) Bank guarantee Payable at Kota. It shall be got verified
from the issuing bank. Other conditions regarding bank
guarantee shall be same as specified in ITB Sub-
Clause; or
(iv) Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) of a Nationalized /
Scheduled Bank. It shall be in the name of the
Procuring Entity on account of Bidder and discharged
by the Bidder in advance. The Procuring Entity shall
ensure before accepting the Fixed Deposit Receipt that
the Bidder furnishes an undertaking from the bank to
make payment/ premature payment of the Fixed
Deposit Receipt on demand to the Procuring Entity
Appendix A:
Grievance Handling Procedure during Procurement Process (Appeals)
1. Filing an appeal
No appeal shall lie against any decision of the Procuring Entity relating to the following
matters, namely: -
b) On the date fixed for hearing, the First Appellate Authority or Second Appellate
Authority, as the case may be, shall, -
i) hear all the parties to appeal present before him; and
ii) Peruse or inspect documents, relevant records or copies thereof relating to the
c) After hearing the parties, perusal or inspection of documents and relevant records
or copies thereof relating to the matter, the Appellate Authority concerned shall
pass an order in writing and provide the copy of order to the parties to appeal free
of cost.
d) The order passed under sub-clause (c) above shall be placed on the State Public
Procurement Portal.
FORM No. 1
[See rule 83]
Memorandum of Appeal under the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement
Act, 2012
1. Particulars of appellant
i) Name of the appellant:
ii) Official address, if any:
iii) Residential address:
2. Name and address of the respondent(s):
3. Number and date of the order appealed against and name and designation of the officer /
authority who passed the order (enclose copy), or a statement of a decision, action or
omission of the Procuring Entity in contravention to the provisions of the Act by which
the appellant is aggrieved:
6. Grounds of appeal:
…………………………………………………………….....(Supported by an affidavit)
7. Prayer:
Place …………………………………….
Date ……………………………………
Appellant's Signature
1. Introduction
ITB 2.2.1 For clarification purposes only, the Procuring Entity’s address is :
Attention: Mr. Ashok Kumar Jain, Executive Engineer (w)
Complete Address with Floor and Room number: Room No. 101, First Floor,
UIT Kota, Near CAD circle, Kota.
City: Kota PIN Code: 324005
Telephone: 0744-2500567
Facsimile number: 0744-2500828
Email address: [email protected]
ITB 2.2.2 A Pre-Bid conference shall take place at the following date, time, and
Date : 24-06-2020
Time: 11:00 AM
ITB 3.11.2 The written confirmation of authorization to sign on behalf of the Bidder shall
consist of: Authority letter from bidder.
ITB 6.4.2 The period within which the Performance Security (if applicable) is to be
submitted by the successful Bidder and the Contract Agreement is to be signed
by him from the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance is 15 Days.
ITB 6.4.2 Performance Security at the rate of 10 percent of the contract value or
Performance Security Declaration, as the case may be, shall be required.
ITB 7.1.1 The designation and complete address of the First Appellate Authority is:
Secretary UIT Kota
The designation and complete address of the Second Appellate Authority is:
Secretary /Principal Secretary/ Addl. Chief Secretary, UDH Jaipur.
A. Evaluation Criteria: -
1.1 The successful Bid will be the lowest evaluated responsive Bid, which qualifies in
technical evaluation.
B. Qualification Criteria: -
The Technical and Financial proposals shall be opened and evaluated only of those bidders
who fulfil the eligibility criteria as specified below;
The Procuring Entity may include other qualification criteria also as per the requirement of
the nature of the concerned Works.
1. Eligibility:
2. Pending Litigation:
3. Financial Situation:
ii) Financial The bidder should have achieved Must meet NA NA NA Form
Turn over a financial turn over at least 50% requirement FIN-2
of cost of work (bid cost) in any
one of the last 5 financial years;
however bidder may opt the
current year in five-year
assessment period.
4. Experience:
5. Personnel:
The Contractor shall provide details of the key personnel proposed for administration,
execution and quality control of the Contract, and shall complete the following Schedule of
Key Personnel which summarizes their qualifications and experience. The Contractor shall
attach biographical data in support of his proposal. Engagement of the proposed personnel
will be subject to the Employer’s approval, and in case the Employer does not approve any of
the proposed personnel the Contractor will be required to provide a replacement with
equivalent or better qualifications, abilities and relevant experience. The contractor shall
deploy staff at site to complete the work in time and following all the safety precaution at site
for execution of the work.
Required Period
Designation Nos from starting of Experiences
1 Engineer- 2 Full time Having experience of similar project minimum
In-Charge 10 year to handle the two or more sites of
similar projects as an engineer in charge and the
minimum qualification is graduation in civil
engineering from reputed institute of India or
2 Quality 2 Full time Having experience of similar project minimum
Control/Saf 3-5 year of Quality Control the minimum
ety qualification is graduate in civil engineering
Engineer from reputed institute of India or aboard.
3 Billing 1 Full time Having experience of similar project minimum
engineer 5-8 year to handle the two or more sites of
similar projects and the minimum qualification
is graduate in civil engineering from reputed
institute of India or aboard.
4 Civil 4 Full time Having experience of similar project minimum
Supervisor 3-5 year to handle the two or more sites of
similar projects and the minimum qualification
is diploma in civil engineering from reputed
institute of India or aboard.
5 Computer 2 Full time Having experience of minimum 3-5 year of
operator computer job work the minimum qualification
is graduate/diploma in any streams from
reputed institute of India or aboard.
6 Office 2 Full time Well behaved with adequate qualification
6. Bid capacity:
Bidders who meet the minimum qualification criteria shall be qualified only if their available
bid capacity at the time of bidding is more than the total estimated cost of the works for
which bid is submitted. The available bid capacity shall be calculated as under:
A= Maximum value of works executed in any one year during the last 10 years (updated to the
current price level) taking into account the completed as well as works in progress;
N = completion period of the Works for which the bid has been invited in number of years, and
B = Value at current price level of the existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed
during the next N years
2. Details of Registration.
4. Enlistment details with address and contact details of the enlisting authority
(enclose copy of Enlistment Certificate of appropriate class).
7. Generated receipt of online payment for cost of bid document, processing fee
and Bid Security (earnest money).
11. Financial details (except the Financial Bid) of the Bidder, as requested.
To: _______________________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________
In the capacity of: ________________________________________
Signed: ______________________
Date: ___________________
Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of: __________________
Complete Address ______________________________________
Tel: ___________________ Fax: _________________
E-mail: _______________________
We accept that we will automatically be suspended from being eligible for bidding in any
contract with you, Secretary, UIT Kota for the period of time of [insert number of months or
years, as required by the Procuring Entity] starting on [insert date], if we are in breach of
our obligation(s) under the bid conditions, more specifically, if we:
(a) withdraw or modify our Bid after deadline for submission of bids, during the period of
bid validity specified in the Bid Data Sheet (here in after “the BDS”); or
(b) Having been notified during the period of bid validity specified in the BDS, about the
acceptance of our Bid by you,
(i) Failure refuse to execute the Contract Agreement within the time specified in the BDS,
(ii) Fail or refuse to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the Instructions
to Bidders (here in after “the ITB”) within the time period specified in the BDS,
(c) Not accept the correction of arithmetical errors in accordance with the ITB; or
(d) Breach a provision of the Code of Integrity specified in the RTPP Act, RTPP Rules and
the ITB.
We understand this Bid-Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the successful Bidder,
upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of your notification to us of the name of the successful
Bidder; or (ii) thirty days after the expiration of our Bid.
Signed: ____________________________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________________
Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of: __________________
Dated on day of ,
Bidder’s authorized
representative (name, address,
telephone numbers, fax
numbers, e-mail address)
Pending Litigation
Total Assets
Total Assets
Total Outside
Total Liabilities
Net Worth
Net Worth
Current Assets
Current Assets
Current Liabilities
Current Liabilities
Others as required
Information from Profit & Loss Account/ Income & Expenditure Statement
Total Operating
Revenues/ Income
Profit/ Excess of
Income over
Expenditure before
Profit/ Excess of
Income over
Expenditure after
Others as required
Attached are attested copies of audited financial statements (balance sheets including all related
notes, and Profit & Loss Account/ Income & Expenditure Statement) for the last ………. years, as
indicated above, complying with the following conditions:
Year Amount-Rupees
Average Annual
The information supplied should be the Annual Turnover of the Bidder in terms of the
amounts billed to clients for each year for work in progress or completed, at the end of the
period reported. To bring the earlier year’s amount to the last financial year’s level a
multiplier of 1.10 per year may be applied.
A= Maximum value of works executed in any one year during the last 10 years (updated to
the current price level) taking into account the completed as well as works in progress;
N = Number of years prescribed for completion of the works for which bids are invited, and
B = Value at current price level of the existing commitments and ongoing works to be
completed during the next 18Months (period of completion of the work for which bids have
been invited)
Signature ____________________
Name _________________________________
1. We are eligible and possess the necessary professional, technical, financial and managerial
resources and competence required by the Bidding Document issued by the Procuring Entity;
2. We have fulfilled our obligation to pay such of the taxes payable to the Central
Government or the State Government or any local authority, as specified in the Bidding
3. We are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, not have our affairs
administered by a court or a judicial officer, not have our business activities suspended and
are not the subject of legal proceedings for any of the foregoing reasons;
4. We do not have, and our directors and officers not have, been convicted of any criminal
offence related to our professional conduct or the making of false statements or
misrepresentations as to our qualifications to enter into a procurement contract within a
period of three years preceding the commencement of this procurement process, or not have
been otherwise disqualified pursuant to debarment proceedings;
6. We have complied and shall continue to comply with the Code of Integrity as specified in
the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, the Rajasthan Transparency in Public
Procurement Rules and this Bidding Document, till completion of all our obligations under
the Contract.
(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Document, including
Addenda No.:_________________________________________________________
(b) We offer to execute in conformity with the Bidding Document the following Works:
(c) We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in
your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal
Contract is prepared and executed.
(d) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid or any other
bid that you may receive.
Name: ____________________________________________
In the capacity of: ________________________________________
Signed: ___________________________________________________
Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of:___ __________
Complete Address ______________________________________
Date: ___________________
Tel: ____________ Fax: ___________ E-mail: _______________
4. 9Bill of Quantities
1. The Bill of Quantities (BOQ) shall be read in conjunction with the Conditions of
Contract (General and Special), Technical Specifications (including BIS, IRC,
CPHEEO Manual for water Supply, PHED guidelines), design and Drawings.
2. The quantities given in the Bill of Quantities are estimated and provisional, and are
given to provide a common basis for bidding, The basis of payment will be the actual
quantities of work ordered and carried out by the Contractor and as measured and
verified by the Engineer- in-charge and valued at the rates and prices tendered in the
priced Bill of Quantities, where applicable, and otherwise at such rates and prices as
the Engineer-in-charge may fix within the terms of the Contract.
3. The rates and prices tendered in the priced Bill of Quantities shall, except in so far as
it is otherwise provided under the Contract, include all constructional plant, labour,
supervision, materials, machinery & equipment, T&P, quality assurance, erection,
defect liability, maintenance (if included in the Contract), insurance, profit, taxes and
duties, together with all general risks, liabilities and obligations set out or implied in
the Contract.
4. The rates and prices shall be quoted in the units indicated and entirely in Indian
5. The whole cost of complying with the provisions of the Contract shall be included in
the items provided in the priced Bill of Quantities, including miscellaneous items
involved in the concerned item, and items not mentioned in the BOQ but required to
be executed will be considered as Extra items.
6. General directions and descriptions of works and materials are not necessarily
repeated or summarized in the Bill of Quantities. References to the relevant sections
of the contract documentation shall be made before entering rates or prices against
each item in the Bill of Quantities. The execution of various items shall be in full
conformance to the relevant specifications and codes, drawings and designs as
confirmed through sampling and testing and the third-party quality inspection as per
ISO 17020.
7. The method of measurement of completed work for payment shall be in accordance
with IS 1200.
A-Works Items
We quote (in figures and words) in BOQ.xls file (online only)% above/ below the
prices of Bill of Quantities.
1. In Item Rate contracts, the item for which no rate or price has been entered in, shall not be
paid for by the Procuring Entity when executed and shall be deemed covered by the rates and
prices of other items in the Bill of Quantities.
2. Unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the bidder in Indian Rupees.
3. Where there is a discrepancy between the rate in figures and words, the rates in words shall
[The Procuring Entity shall specify the Schedule of stages of completion of the Works
(Activity Schedule) at which payments shall be released as percentages of the fixed sum]
Section V -
Procuring Entity’s Requirements
This Section contains the Specifications, the Drawings, and supplementary information that
describe the Works to be procured and Quality Assurance Plan for the executed Works.
Following guidelines are given for preparing Procuring Entity’s requirements
5.1 Specifications
1. Precise and clear Specifications or specific clause references to standard
specifications, are a prerequisite for bidders to respond realistically and
competitively to the requirements of the Procuring Entity without qualifying or
conditioning their bids. To attract the widest possible competition and, at the same
time, present a clear statement of the required standards of materials, Plant, other
supplies, and workmanship be provided in the Specifications. If this is done, the
objectives of economy, efficiency, and equality in procurement will be realized,
responsiveness of bids will be ensured, and the subsequent task of bid evaluation
will be facilitated. The Specifications should require that all materials, Plant, and
other supplies to be incorporated in the Works are pretested and approved. A clause
setting out the scope of the Works is often included at the beginning of the
Specifications, and it is customary to give a list of the Drawings. Where the
Contractor is responsible for the design of any part of the Permanent Works, the
extent of his obligations must be stated in Contractor's General Obligations.
2. In more complex cases, a “turnkey” or “design-and-construct” approach may be
more appropriate, in which cases a two-stage bidding process is recommended .
3. The General Specifications should cover all classes of workmanship, materials, and
equipment commonly involved in construction, although not necessarily to be used
in a particular Works contract. Deletions or addenda should then adapt the General
Specifications to the particular Works.
4. The surveys, investigations, designs, drawings and other details provided by the
Procuring Entity shall be verified and confirmed by the Contractor to his entire
satisfaction. The Contractor shall hold the Procuring Entity indemnified against
possible errors in execution on account of the data and details provided by the
Procuring Entity.
5.2 Drawings
i. It is customary to bind the drawings in a separate volume, which is often larger than
other volumes of the Contract documents. The size will be dictated by the scale of
the drawings, which must not be reduced to the extent that details are rendered
ii. A simplified map showing north, the location of the Site in relation to the local
geography, including major roads, airports, and railroads, is helpful.
iii. The construction drawings, even if not fully developed, must show sufficient details
to enable bidders to understand the type and complexity of the work involved and
1. The Contractor shall critically examine, confirm all geo-tech investigations, levels,
findings and evaluate the designs, drawings, details and BOQ/ Activity Schedule
documents provided by the Procuring Entity and specifically point out
modifications, if any, required to these documents. Such modifications should not
dilute the specifications or durability of the structures.
2. Pretest and confirm/ seek approval from the Procuring Entity of all input materials.
Suggest any suitable local materials along with its test data for use in the Works
through value engineering. Any non-conformance or failure of the Works on
account of use of such materials shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
4. Prepare a detailed quality assurance plan for execution on a three tier platform with
the help of a field laboratory established at his cost. Keep all BIS, IRC,CPHEEO
Manuals, PHED Guidelines and other required codes/ specifications available in the
field laboratory for use. This plan should be complied with in totality.
8. Labour Laws to be followed as per existing norms Child Labour strictly prohibited
10. Employ the team of engineers as specified in the Contract, skilled and other labour
in planned manner.
11. Comply to the instructions of the Engineer-in Charge and the Third Party Quality
Inspection Agency, if any, with regard to quality and durability of the Works.
12. Serve faithfully the defect liability and the maintenance period, if any.
13. On completion of the Works, prepare the as built drawings and designs for
submission to Engineer-in-Charge.
Section VI -A:
General Conditions of Contract
2. In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately by each
partner, thereof, or in the event of the absence of any partner, it must the signed on his behalf,
by a person holding a power of attorney, authorizing him to do so. Such power of Attorney
will be submitted with the tender and it must disclose that the firm is duly registered under
Indian Partnership Act, by submitting the copy of registration certificate.
3. Receipts for payments, made on account of a work when executed, by a firm must also be
signed by the several partners, except where the contractors are described in their tender as a
firm, in which case the receipts must be signed in the name of the firm by one of the partners
or by some other person having authority to give effectual receipts for the firm.
4. Any person, who submits percentage rate tender, shall fill up the usual printed form stating at
how much percent, above or below the rates specified in scheduled G, he is willing to
undertake the work. Only one rate of percentage more or less on all the estimated rates/
Scheduled rates shall be mentioned. Tenders, which propose any alteration in the work
specified in the said form of invitation to tender, or in the time allowed for carrying out the
work, or which contain any other conditions of any sort, will be liable to rejection. No single
tender shall include more than one work, but contractors who wish to tender for two or more
works shall submit a separate tender for each work. Tenders shall have the name and number
of the work, to which they refer, written outside the envelope.
5. The Chief Engineer or other duly authorized Engineer will open the tenders in the presence of
any tendering contractor(s) or their authorized representatives who may be present at the
time, and will announce and enter the rates/amounts of all tenders in the register of Opening
of tenders, (Form RPWA 20A). In the event of the tender being accepted, a receipt for the
Earnest Money deposited shall be given to the contractor, who shall sign copies of the
specifications and other documents mentioned in Rule 1. In the event of a tender being
rejected, the earnest money forwarded with such unaccepted tenders shall, be returned to the
Contractor making the same.
6. The Chief Engineer or other duly authorized Engineer shall have the right of rejecting all or
any of the tender without assigning any reason
7. The receipt of an Accountant, Cashier or any other official, not authorized to receive such
amount, will not be considered as an acknowledgement of payment to the Chief Engineer or
other duly authorized Engineer
8. The memorandum of work tendered for, the memorandum of materials and of Tools and
Plants to be supplied by the Department and their rates, shall be filled in and completed in the
office of the Chief Engineer or duly authorized Engineer before the tender form is issued.
9. If it is found that the tender is not submitted in proper manner, or contains too many
corrections and or unreasonable rates or amounts, it would be open for the Engineer-in-
charge not to consider the tender, forfeit the amount of earnest money and/or delist the
contractor. The tenderer shall sign a declaration under the Official Secrets Act for
maintaining secrecy of the tender document, drawings or other records connected with the
work given to him in form given below. The unsuccessful tenderer shall returned all the
drawings given to them.
10. Declarations
“I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender documents, drawings and other records,
connected with the work, as secret confidential documents, and shall not communicate
information derived therefrom to any person other than a person to whom I/We am/are
authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the
safety of the same.”
11. Any percentage rate tender containing item-wise rates, and any item rate tender containing
percentage rate below or above estimated/scheduled rates, will be summarily rejected.
However, if a tenderer voluntarily offers a rebate for payment within a stipulated period, this
may be considered.
12. On acceptance of the tender, the name of the accredited representative(s) of the Contractor
(with a photograph and signature attested), who would be responsible for taking instructions
from the Engineer in charge, shall be communicated to the Engineer-in-charge.
13. GST will be paid by the Bidder as per clause 9 of section VI-B SCC and quoted price
shall be inclusive of GST. Deduction of Income Tax at source will be made as per
provisions of the Income Tax Act, in force from time to time.
14. The tender to work shall not be witnessed by a Contractor or Contractors who
himself/themselves has/have tendered or who may and has/have tendered for the same
work. Failure to observe the secrecy of the tenders will render tenders of the
contractors, tendering as well as witnessing the tender, liable to summary rejection.
15. If on check, there are discrepancies, the following procedure shall be followed:-
(i) Where there is a difference between the rates in figures and words, lower of
the two rates shall be taken as valid and correct rate.
(ii) When the rate quoted by the contractor in figures and in words tallies, but the
amount is not worked out correctly, the rate quoted by the contractor shall be
taken as correct and not the amount worked out.
(iii) While quoting rates, if rate/rates against any item or items are found to be
omitted, the rate given in the Schedule „G‟ by the department for such items
will be taken into account while preparing comparative statement and
contractor shall be bound to execute such item on G-Schedule rates.
(iv) In case where percentage is given but the above or below not scored, the tender
will be non-responsive.
16. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Apprenticeship Act, 1961, and
the rules and orders issued, thereunder, from time to time. If he fails to do so, his
failure will be breach of the contract and the original sanctioning authority in his
discretion may cancel the contract. The Contractor shall also be liable for any
pecuniary liability arising on account of violations by him of the provisions of the
17. The Contractor shall read the specifications and study the working drawings carefully
before submitting the tender.
18. The site for execution of the work will be made available as soon as the work is
awarded. In case, it is not possible for the Department to make the entire site
available on the award of the work, the Contractor shall arrange his working
programme accordingly. No claim, whatsoever, for not giving the site in full on
award of the work or for giving the site gradually in parts will be tenable. The
contractor may satisfy himself regarding site, acquisition of land, approach roads etc.
19. The tender documents show already the specific terms and conditions on which
tenders are required by the Government. Hence, all tenders should be in strict
conformity with the tender documents and should be fulfilled in, wherever necessary,
and initialed. Incomplete tenders are liable to be rejected. The terms and conditions of
the tender documents are firm, as such conditional tenders are liable to be rejected.
20. The tenderer, while submitting tender, must provide adequate information regarding
his financial, technical and organizational capacity and working experience to execute
the work of the nature and magnitude.
21. The Chief Engineer or other duly authorized Engineer reserves the right to ask for
submission of samples as in respect of materials for which the tenderer has quoted his
rates before the tender can be considered for acceptance. If the tenderer, who is called
upon to do so, does not submit within seven days of written order to do so, the
Engineer-in-charge shall be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely.
22. The Contractor shall submit the list of the works, which are in hand (progress), in the
following form:-
23. The Contractor should quote his rates only in one language i.e. either in Hindi or
English. Rates should be quoted in figures as well as in words. In case a Contractor
has quoted rates in both the languages, and the rates so quoted differ, then the lower
of the two shall be treated as the rate quoted by the Contractor.
24. All additions, deletions, corrections and overwriting, must be serially numbered and
attested by the Contractor at every page, so also by the officer opening the tenders, so
as to make further disputes impossible on this score.
25. After acceptance of the tender, the Contractor or all partners (in the case of
partnership firm), will append photographs and signatures duly attested, at the time of
execution of Agreement.
26. If any contractor, who having submitted a tender does not execute the agreement or
start the work or does not complete the work and the work has to be put to
retendering, he shall stand debarred from participating in such retendering in addition
to forfeiture of Earnest Money/Security Deposit and other action under agreement.
27. The tender documents shall be issued to those contractors only having valid
enlistment as on the date of issue of documents.
28. (a) If a tenderer reduces the rates voluntarily after opening of the tenders/negotiations,
his offer shall stand cancelled automatically, his earnest money shall be forfeited and
action for debarring him from business shall be taken as per enlistment rules.
b) If a non-tenderer offers lower rates after opening of tenders, action for debarring
him from business shall be taken as per enlistment rules.
29. Contractors shall submit only unconditional tenders. Conditional tenders are liable to
be rejected summarily.
A contractor may, however, elect to furnish bank guarantee or any acceptable form of
security for an amount equal to the full amount of security deposit @ 10% of the work order
before or at the time of executing the agreement. In that case earnest money may be refunded
only after furnishing of the bank guarantee as above. During the execution of the work or
after completion of the work also a contractor may replace the security deposit by furnishing
bank guarantee for an equal amount. However, during execution of the work if cost of work
exceeds as shown at the time of furnishing bank guarantee, balance security deposit shall be
deducted from the Running Account Bills."
If the contractor during the course of execution of the work or after completion of the work
desires to replace the security deposit paid in cash or deducted from running bills by bank
guarantee, he may be allowed to furnish a bank guarantee in the prescribed form for the
required amount and period and after accepting of such bank guarantee the amount of such
security deposit earlier deposited/deducted may be refunded.
All compensation or other sums of money payable by the Contractor to Government under
the terms of his contract may be deducted from or paid by the sale of a sufficient part of his
Security Deposit, or from interest arising therefrom, or from any sums, which may be due or
may become due to the Contractor by the Government on any account whatsoever, and in the
event of his Security Deposit being reduced by reason of any such deduction or sale as
aforesaid, the Contractor shall within ten days thereafter, make good in cash or Bank
Guarantee of Nationalised/Scheduled bank, as aforesaid, any sum or sums which may have
been deducted from or raised by sale of his Security Deposit or any part thereof.
The liability or obligation of the bank under the Guarantee Bond shall not be affected or
suspended by any dispute between the Engineer-in-Charge and the Contractor, and the
payment, under the Guarantee Bond by the bank to the Government shall not wait till
disputes are decided. The bank shall pay the amount under the Guarantee, without any
demur, merely on a demand from the Government stating that the amount claimed is required
to meet the recoveries due or likely to be due from the Contractor. The demand, so made,
shall be conclusive as regards to amount due and payable by the bank, under the guarantee
limited to the amount specified in the Guarantee Bond. The guarantee will not be discharged
due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Contractor.
The Bank Guarantee shall remain valid upto the specified date unless extended on demand by
the Engineer-in-Charge which shall include the period of completion of the contract and the
defect removal period as per terms of the Agreement. Bank’s liability shall stand
automatically discharged unless a claim in writing is lodged with the Bank within the period
stated in the Bank Guarantee including the extended period. After satisfactory completion of
the contract and clearance of all dues by the Contractor, the Chief Engineer or duly
authorised Engineer will discharge the Bank Guarantee after expiry of the original or the
extended period, as the case may be. In case the date of expiry of the Bank Guarantee is a
holiday, it will be deemed to expire on the close of the next working day.
Government is not concerned with any interest accruing to the Contractor on any form of
Security (primary or collateral) lodged by him with the bank or any sums payable to sureties
obtained by the Bank as counter guarantee to secure its own position. These will be the
matters between the Bank and the Contractor.
The contractor shall, further, be bound to carry out the work in accordance with the date and
quantity entered in the progress statement attached to the tender.
In case the delay in execution of work is attributable to the contractor, the span wise
compensation, as laid down in this clause shall be mandatory. However, in case the slow
progress in onetime span is covered up within original stipulated period, then the amount of
such compensation levied earlier shall be refunded. The Price escalation, if any, admissible
under clause 45 of Conditions of Contract would be admissible only on such rates and cost of
work, as would be admissible if work would have been carried out in that particular time
span. The Engineer-in-Charge shall review the progress achieved in every time span, and
grant stage wise extension in case of slow progress with compensation, if the delay is
attributable to contractor, otherwise without compensation.
However, if for any special job, a time schedule has been submitted by the Contractor before
execution of the agreement, and it is entered in agreement as well as same has been accepted
by the Engineer-in-charge, the Contractor shall complete the work within said time schedule.
In the event of the Contractor failing to comply with this condition, he shall be liable to pay
compensation as prescribed in forgoing paragraph of this clause provided that the entire
amount of compensation to be levied under the provisions of this Clause shall not exceed
10% of the value of the contract. While granting extension in time attributable to the
Government, reasons shall be recorded for each delay.
(i) If the Contractor having been given by the Engineer-in-charge, a notice in writing to
rectify, reconstruct or replace any defective work or that the work is being performed
in any inefficient or otherwise improper or un- workman like manner shall omit to
comply with the requirements of such notice for a period of seven days, thereafter, or
if the Contractor shall delay or suspend the execution of the work so that either in the
judgment of the Engineer-in-charge (which shall be final and binding) he will be
unable to secure completion of the work by the date for completion or he has already
failed to complete the work by that date,
(ii) If the Contractor, being a company, shall pass a resolution or the court shall make an
order that the company shall be wound up or if a receiver or a manager, on behalf of a
creditor, shall be appointed or if circumstances shall arise, which entitle the court or
creditor to appoint a receiver or a manager or which entitle the court to make a
winding up order,
(iii) If the contractor commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract,
(iv) If the contractor commits any acts mentioned in, clause 19 thereof. When the
Contractor has made himself liable for action under any of the cases aforesaid, the
Engineer-in charge on behalf of the Governor of Rajasthan shall have powers: -
(a) To determine or rescind the contract, as aforesaid (of which determination or
rescission notice in writing to the Contractor under the hand of the Engineer-in charge
shall be conclusive evidence), upon such determination or rescission, the earnest
money, full security deposit of the contract shall be liable to be forfeited and shall be
absolutely at the disposal of Government.
(b) To employ labour paid by the Department and to supply materials to carry out the
work or any part of the work, debiting the Contractor with the cost of the labour and
the price of the materials (of the amount of which cost and price certified by the
Engineer-in-charge shall be final and conclusive against the contractor) and crediting
him with the value of the work done in all respects in the same manner and at the same
rates, as if it had been carried out by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract.
The certificate of the Divisional Officer, as to the value of the work done, shall be
final and conclusive evidence against the Contractor provided always that action under
the sub-clause shall only be taken after giving notice in writing to the Contractor.
Provided also that; if the expenses incurred by the Department are less than the
amount payable to the Contractor at his agreement rates, the difference shall not be
paid to the Contractor.
(c) After giving notice to the contractor to measure up the work of the contractor and to
take such part thereof, as shall be unexecuted out of his hands, and to give it to another
contractor to complete, in which case any expenses which may be incurred in excess
of the sum which would have been paid to the original contractor, if the whole work
had been executed by him (of the amount of which excess, the certificate in writing of
the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and conclusive) shall be borne and paid by the
original Contractor and may be deducted from any money due to him by Government
under this contract or on any other account whatsoever, or from his Earnest Money,
Security Deposit, Enlistment Security or the proceeds of sales thereof, or a sufficient
part thereof, as the case may be. In the event of any one or more of the above courses
being adopted by the Engineer-in-charge, the Contractor shall have no claim to
compensation for any loss sustained by him by reason of his having purchased or
procured any materials or entered into any engagements or made any advances on
account or with a view to the execution of the work or the performance of contract.
And, in case action is taken under any of provisions aforesaid, the Contractor shall not
be entitled to recover or be paid, any sum for any work thereof or actually performed
under this contract unless and until the Engineer-in-charge has certified, in writing, the
performance of such work and the value payable in respect thereof, and he shall only
be entitled to be paid the value so certified.
Clause 4: Contractor remains liable to pay compensation, if action not taken under
clause 3
(i) In any case in which any of the powers conferred by clause 3 hereof, shall have become
exercisable and the same shall have not been exercised, the non-exercise, thereof, shall
not constitute waiver of any of the conditions hereof, and such power shall, not
withstanding, be exercisable in the event of any future case of default by the Contractor
for which, by any clause or clauses hereof, he is declared liable to pay compensation
amounting to the whole of his Security Deposit /Earnest Money/Enlistment security and
the liability of the Contractor for past and future compensation shall remain unaffected.
Powers to take possession of, or require removal, sale of Contractor’s plant
(ii) In the event of the Engineer-in-Charge putting in force, powers vested in him under the
preceding Clause 3 he may, if he so desires, take possession of all or any tools, plants,
materials and stores, in or upon the works or the site, thereof or belonging to the
contractor or procured by him and intended to be used for the execution of the work or
any part thereof, paying or allowing for the same in account, at the contract rates or, in
case of these not being applicable, at current market rates, to be certified by the Chief
Engineer or duly authorized Engineer (whose certificate thereof, shall be final and
conclusive), otherwise the Engineer-in-Charge may, by notice in writing to the
contractor or his clerk of the works, foreman or other authorized agent, require him to
remove such tools, plant, materials or stores from the premises (within a time to be
specified in such notice), and in the event of the contractor failing to comply with any
requisition, the Chief Engineer or other duly authorized Engineer may remove them at
the contractor’s expenses, sell them by auction or private sale on account of the
Contractor and at his risk in all respects, and the certificate of the Chief Engineer or
other duly authorized Engineer, as to the expense of any such removal, and the amount
of the proceeds and expense of any such sale shall be final and conclusive against the
sum actually realised by the sale thereof. On completion, the work shall be measured by the
Engineer-in-charge himself or through his subordinates, whose measurements shall be
binding and conclusive against the contractor. Provided that, if subsequent to the taking of
measurements by the subordinate, as aforesaid, the Engineer-in-charge had reason to believe
that the measurements taken by his subordinates are not correct, the Engineer-in-charge shall
have the power to cancel the measurements already taken by his subordinates and
acknowledged by the Contractor and to take measurements again, after giving reasonable
notice to the Contractor, and such re-measurements shall be binding on the Contractor.
Within thirty days of the receipt of the notice, Engineer-in-charge shall inspect the work and
if there is no visible defect on the face of the work, shall give the Contractor, a certificate of
completion. If the Engineer-in-charge finds that the work has been fully completed, it shall
be mentioned in the certificate so granted. If, on the other hand, it is found that there are
certain visible defects to be removed, the certificate to be granted by Engineer-in-charge shall
specifically mention the details of the visible defects along with the estimate of the cost for
removing these defects. The final certificate of work shall be given after the visible defects
pointed out as above have been removed.
of final bill or 6 months from the date of receipt of registered notice regarding completion of
work in accordance with clause 6 of the conditions of the contract, the defects, if any, shall
be brought to the notice of the higher authority. The period of 3 months shall commence
from the date of rectification of the defects. The higher authority shall ensure that in no case
final bill should be left unpaid after 9 months from the receipt of registered notice regarding
completion of work. The contractor shall submit a memorandum of the disputed items along
with justification in support within 30 days from the disallowance thereof, and if he fails to
do so, his claims shall be deemed to have been fully waived and absolutely extinguished.
The specifications of work, material, and methodology of execution, drawings and designs
shall be signed by the Contractor and Engineer-in-charge while executing agreement and
shall form part of agreement.
Clause 12:
The Engineer–in–charge shall have power to make any alterations, omissions or additions to
or substitutions for the original specifications, drawings, designs and instructions, that may
appear to him to be necessary during the progress of the work and the contractor shall carry
out the work in accordance with any instructions which may be given to him in writing
signed by the Engineer–in-charge and such alterations, omission, additions or substitutions
shall not invalidate the contract and any altered, additional or substituted work, which the
contractor may be directed to do in the manner above specified as part of the work, shall be
carried out by the contractor on the same conditions in all respects on which he agreed to do
the main work. The time for the completion of the work shall be extended in the proportion
that the altered, additional or substituted work bears to the original contract work, and the
certificate of the Engineer-in-charge shall be conclusive as to such proportion. The rates for
such additional, altered or substituted work under this clause shall be worked out in
accordance with the following provisions in their respective order:
(i) If the rates for the additional, altered or substituted work are specified in the contract
for the work, the contractor is bound to carry out the additional, altered or substituted
work at the same rates as are specified in the contract for the work.
(ii) If the rates for the additional, altered or substituted work are not specifically provided
in the contract for the work, the rates will be derived from the rates for a similar class
of work as are specified in the contract for the work.
(iii) If the rates for the altered, additional or substituted work cannot be determined in the
manner specified in the sub-clauses (i) to (ii) above, then the rates for such composite
work item shall be worked out on the basis of the concerned Schedule of Rates of the
District/area specified above minus/plus the percentage which the total tendered
amount bears to the estimated cost of the entire work put to tender. Provided always
that if the rate for a particular part or parts of the item is not in the Schedule of Rates,
the rate for such part or parts will be determined by the Engineer-in-Charge on the
basis of the prevailing market rates when the work was done.
(iv) If the rates for the altered, additional or substituted work item cannot be determined in
the manner specified in sub-clauses (i) to (iii) above, then the contractor shall within 7
days of the date of receipt of order to carry out the work, inform the Engineer- in –
Charge of the rate which it is his intention to charge for such class of work supported
by analysis of the rate or rates claimed and the Engineer-in-Charge shall determine the
rate or rates on the basis of prevailing market rates, and pay the contractor
accordingly. However, the Engineer-in-Charge, by notice in writing, will be at liberty
to cancel his order to carry out such class of work and arrange to carry it out in such
manner, as he may consider advisable. But under no circumstances, the contractor
shall suspend the work on the plea of non-settlement of rates on items falling under
the clause.
(v) Except in case of items relating to foundations, provisions contained in sub- clauses
(i) to (iv) above shall not apply to contract or substituted items as individually exceed
the percentage set out in the tender documents under clause 12.A.
For the purpose of operation of clause 12 (v) the following works shall be treated
as work relating to foundations: -
(a) For buildings, compound wall plinth level or 1.2 meters (4 ft.) above ground
level whichever is lower, excluding items above flooring and D.P.C. but
including base concrete below the floors.
(b) For abutments, piers, retaining wall of culverts and bridges, walls of water
reservoir and the bed of floor level.
(c) For retaining walls, where floor levels is not determinate 1.2 metres above the
average ground level or bed level.
(d) For roads, all items of excavation and filling including treatment of sub base
and soling work.
(e) For water supply lines, sewer lines underground storm water drains and similar
work, all items of work below ground level except items of pipe work for
proper masonry work.
(f) For open storm water drains, all items of work except lining of drains.
(g) Any other items of similar nature, which Engineer-in-Charge may decide
relating to foundation.
The rate of any such work, except the items relating to foundations, which is in excess of the
deviation limit, shall be determined in accordance with the provisions contained in
Clause 12A:
The quantum of additional work for each item shall not exceed 50% of the original quantity
given in the agreement and the total value of additional work shall not exceed 20% of the
total contract value, unless otherwise mutually agreed by the Engineer-in-charge and the
Contractor. This limit shall not be applicable on items relating to foundation work which
shall be executed as per original rates or provision of clause 12 (i) to (iv).
In case of contract substituted items or additional items, which results in exceeding the
deviation limit laid down in this clause except items relating to foundation work, which the
contractor is required to do under clause 12 above, the contractor shall within 7 days from the
receipt of order, claim revision of the rate supported by proper analysis in respect of such
items for quantities in excess of the deviation limit notwithstanding the fact that the rates for
such items exist in the tender for the main work or can be derived in accordance with the
provision of sub clause (ii) of clause 12 and the Engineer-in-Charge, may revise their rates
having regard to the prevailing market rates and the contractor shall be paid in accordance
with the rates so fixed. The Engineer- in-Charge shall, however, be at liberty to cancel his
order to carry out such increased quantities of work by giving notice in writing to the
contractor and arrange to carry it out in such manner as he may consider advisable. But under
no circumstances, the contractor shall suspend the work on the plea of non-settlement of rates
of items failing under this Clause.
All the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall equally apply to the decrease in rates of
items for quantities in excess of the deviation limit notwithstanding the fact that the rates for
such items exist in the tender for the main work or can be derived in accordance with the
provisions of sub-clause(ii) of the preceding clause 12 and the Engineer-in-Charge may
revise such rates having regard to the prevailing market rates unless otherwise mutually
agreed by the Engineer-in-Charge and the Contractor.
the State Government for the purpose to visit the works shall have been given to the
Contractor, either himself be present to receive orders and instructions or have a responsible
agent duly accredited in writing, present for the purpose. Orders given to the Contractor’s
agent shall be considered to have the same force as if they had been given to the Contractor
Clause 17: Contractor liable for damage done and for imperfections
If the Contractor or his work people or servants shall break, deface, injure or destroy any part
of a building, in which they may be working or any building, road, fence, enclosure, or
cultivated ground contiguous to the premises on which the work or any part of it is being
executed, or if any damage shall happen to the work, while in progress, from any cause,
whatsoever, or any imperfections become apparent in it, within a period specified in clause
37, after a certificate, final or otherwise of its completion, shall have been given by the
Engineer-in-charge, may cause the same to be made good by other workmen and deduct the
expense (of which the certificate of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final) from any sums
that may be then, or at any time thereafter, may become due to the Contractor, or from his
security deposit, or the proceeds of sale thereof, or of a sufficient portion thereof.
Engineer- in-charge, at the expense of the Contractor, and the expenses may be deducted
from any money due to the Contractor under the Contract, or from his Security Deposit or
the proceeds of sale thereof, or a sufficient portion thereof. The Contractor shall also provide
all necessary fencing and lights required to protect the public from accident and shall be
bound to bear the expenses of defence of every suit, action or other proceeding at law, that
may be brought by any person for injury sustained owing to neglect of the above
precautions, and to pay any damages and costs which may be awarded in any such suit,
action proceeding to any such person or which may, with the consent of the Contractor, be
paid to compromise any claim by any such person.
Clause 19
Work not to be sub-let, Contract may be rescinded and Security Deposit and Performance
Forfeited for sub-letting, bribing or if Contractor becomes insolvent.
The Contractor shall not be assigned or sublet without the written approval of the Chief
Engineer, and if the contractor shall assign or sublet his contract or attempt so to do, or
become insolvent, or commence any insolvency proceedings or mark any composition with
his creditors, or attempt so to do, or if any bribe, gratuity, gift, loan, requisite reward or
advantage, pecuniary or otherwise, shall either directly or indirectly, be given, promised or
offered by the Contractor or any of his servants or agents to any public officer or person, in
the employ of Government, in any way, relating to his office or employment, or if, any such
officer or person shall become, in any way, directly or indirectly, interested in the contract,
the Chief Engineer may, thereupon, by notice, in writing, rescind the contract and Security
Deposit of the Contractor shall, thereupon, stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal
of Government and the same consequences shall ensure as, if the contract had been rescinded
under Clause 3 hereof, and in addition the Contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be
paid for any work therefore, actually performed under the Contract.
what manner, they are to be commenced, and from time to time, carried on.
Procedure and Application for referring cases for settlement by the Standing Committee
shall be, as given in Form RPWA 90.
be debited to the Contractor, in his account, at the rates shown in the schedule attached to the
contract, and if they are not entered in the schedule, they will be debited at cost price, which
for the purposes of this contract, shall include the cost of carriage and all other expenses,
whatsoever, which shall have been incurred in obtaining delivery of the same at the stores
aforesaid plus storage charges.
Clause 28:
It cannot be guaranteed that the work will be started immediately after the tenders have been
received. No claims for increase of rate will be entertained, if the orders for starting work are
Clause 29: Payments at reduced rates on account of items of work not accepted and not
completed to be at the discretion of the Engineer-in-charge
The rates for several items of works, estimated to cost more than Rs. 1,000/-, agreed within,
will be valid only when the item concerned is accepted as having been completed fully in
accordance with the sanctioned specifications. In cases, where the items of work are not
accepted, as so completed, the Engineer-in-charge may make payment on account of such
items, at such reduced rates, as he may considers reasonable, in the preparation of final or on
account bills, and his decision in the matter shall be final and binding.
Clause 33:
The Contract includes clearance, levelling and dressing of the site within a distance of15
meters of the building on all sides except where the building adjoins another building.
necessary for the proper and workman like execution of the work, shall be provided by the
Contractor free of cost.
Clause 36A:
The liability, if any, on account of quarry fees, royalties, Octroi and any other taxes, cess and
duties in respect of materials actually consumed on public work, shall be borne by the
Clause 36B:
The cost of all water connections, necessary for the execution of work, and the cost of water
consumed and hire charges of meters and the cost of electricity consumed in connection with
the execution of work, shall be paid by the Contractor, except where otherwise specifically
Clause 36D:
In respect of goods and materials procured by the Contractor, for use in works under the
contract, sales tax will be paid by the Contractor himself. But in respect of all such goods
manufactured and supplied by the Contractor and works executed under the contract, the
responsibility of payment of sales tax would be that of the Engineer-in- charge.
(a) In case of contracts relating to hiring of trucks and other T&P, transportation including
loading, unloading of materials and the amount of Security Deposit is refundable along
with the final bill.
(b) Supplies of material: As per provisions of G.F. &A.R.
(c) Ordinary repairs: 3 months after completion of the work provided the final bill has
been paid.
(d) Original works/special repairs/renewal works: Six months after completion except in
case of works, such as building works, bridge works, cross drainage works, Dams,
Canals, water supply and sewerage schemes (except where provided otherwise in any
specified case) etc., the Security Deposit will be refunded 6 months after completion, or
expiry of one full rainy season or after expiry of defect liability period, whichever is
later, provided the final bill has been paid.
(a) For works costing Rs. 100 Lac and above – One Graduate Engineer
(b) For works costing between Rs. 50 Lac to Rs. 100 Lac - One qualified diploma holder
having experience of not less than 3years.
(c) For works costing between Rs. 15 Lac and Rs. 50 Lac - One qualified diploma holder
The technical staff should be available at site, whenever required by Engineer-in-
charge to take instructions.
Clause 39 A:
The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Apprenticeship Act, 1961, and the
Rules and Orders issued, there under, from time to time. If he fails to do so, his failure will
be a breach of contract. The Contractor shall also be liable for any pecuniary liability arising
on account of any violation by him of the provisions of the said Act.
Note: By the term "near relative" is meant wife, husband, parents, and grand-parents,
children and grandchildren, brothers and sisters, uncles and cousins and their corresponding
Clause 43 A:
The work (whether fully constructed or not) and all materials, machines, tools and plant,
scaffolding, temporary buildings and other things connected therewith, shall be at the risk of
the contractor until the work has been delivered to the Engineer-in- charge, and a certificate
from him, to the effect, obtained.
Base price for adjustment of price escalation will be date of opening of tender/ date of
Increase or decrease in the cost of Labour and materials shall be calculated quarterly. The
first statement of price adjustment shall be prepared at the end of quarter in which the work
was awarded and the work done from the date of start to the end of quarter shall be taken into
account. For subsequent statement, cost of work done during every quarter shall be taken into
account. At the completion of work, the work done during the last quarter or fraction,
thereof, shall be taken into account.
For the purpose of reckoning the work done during any period, bills prepared during the
period shall be considered. Dates of recording measurements in the Measurement Book by
the EIC shall be the guiding factor to decide the bills relevant to any period. The date of
completion, as finally recorded by the EIC in the Measurement Book, shall be the criterion.
The index relevant to any quarter, for which such compensation is paid, shall be the
arithmetical average of the indices relevant of the calendar month.
The amount to be added to or be deducted from the Payment Certificates for changes in cost
shall be determined from formulae as stated below:
VL =0.75 x L/ 100 x R x (IL1 - IL0) / IL0
VL = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration.
R = Value of the work done during the quarter under consideration.
IL0= Base Price which is Consumer Price Index for Industrial labour for Jaipur issued by
Labour Bureau, Shimla on the base date.
IL1= Final price (average for the quarter under consideration) which is Consumer Price
Index for Industrial labour for Jaipur issued by Labour Bureau, Shimla.
L= Percentage of labour components.
(b) HSD:
Vi = 0.75 x Pi /100 x R (F1 – F0) / F0
Vi= Increase or decrease in the cost of the work during the quarter under consideration
due to change in rate for fuel and lubricant.
R= Value of the work done during the quarter under consideration excluding the cost of
materials supplied by the department.
F0= Base price which is the Wholesale Price Index for HSD issued by Economic Advisor,
GoI on the date of opening tender/ Negotiation.
F1= Final price (average for the quarter under consideration) which is the Wholesale Price
Index for HSD issued by Economic Advisor, GoI.
Pi= Percentage of HSD component excluding HSD supplied by the Department.
(e) Bitumen:
Vb = 0.75 x B/100 x R (Bi – B0) / B0
Vb= Increase or decrease in the cost of the work during the quarter under consideration.
R= Value of the work done during the quarter under consideration excluding the cost of
materials supplied by the department.
Bo= Base price which is the Wholesale Price Index for Bitumen issued by Economic
Advisor, GoI on the base date.
Bi= Final price (average for the quarter under consideration) which is the Wholesale Price
Index for Bitumen issued by Economic Advisor, GoI.
Pb= Percentage of bitumen component excluding bitumen supplied by the Department.
(f) Mild Steel long produce (excluding material supplied by the department).
Vs = 0.75 x S / 100 x R (LsI - Ls0) / Ls0
Vs= Increase or decrease in the cost during the quarter under consideration.
R= Value of the work done during the quarter under consideration excluding the cost of
material supplied by the department.
Lso= Base price which is the Wholesale Price Index for ferrous metal issued by Reserve
Bank of India on the base date
Lsi= Final price (average for the quarter under consideration) which is the Wholesale
Price Index for ferrous metal issued by Reserve Bank of India
S= Percentage of steel component.
The exact percentage of labour/ Material (excluding material to be supplied by the
department) are as under:
Components Percentage of Component
Labour 22.00
HSD 2.00
All Material 38.00
OPC (Cement) 10.00
Bitumen 1.00
Mild Steel long product 27.00
Total 100.00
Foreign currency payments, if any, will be converted into the local currency (INR) at the
selling exchange rate, published by Reserve Bank of India, on the last date of quarter for
which the index is required to be applicable.
Until such time as each current cost index is not available, the Engineer shall determine a
provisional index for the issue of Interim Payment Certificates. When a current cost index is
available, the adjustment shall be recalculated accordingly.
The price variation clause 45 of the PWF&AR is applicable as detailed in the agreement. All
the conditions stipulated in the contract document will be applicable.
period specified elsewhere in this contract, shall be recoverable from the Contractor, as any
other dues payable to the Government.
The department shall, further, have the right to effect such recoveries under Public Demand
Recovery Act.
(Referred in Clause 10 C)
S. No. Item Rate Place of Delivery and
1 2 3 4
The contractor has been informed that his tender has been accepted
Executive Engineer
UIT Kota
Section VI-B
Special Conditions of Contract
1. It is to be noted that this tender has been floated on “ Design& Build Basis/ EPC”
Contractor will have to get structural design of RCC and other structural
components of this project on his own cost through qualified and experience
structural engineer/consultant as per architectural concept and design provided
by UIT Kota. Structural Engineer/Consultant will be selected after getting prior
approval of Engineer in charge.
Contractor will also be required to get structural design proof checked from any
NIT/IIT after getting prior approval of engineer in charge.
Nothing is payable towards expenditure for design and proof checking.
Contractor should incorporate this expenditure in quoted rate.
2. Contractor enlisted in “AA” Class in UIT Kota or any other State/Central Govt.
Departments can participate in tender process.
3. Work will be carried out as per relevant &prevailing PHED SOR 2019, RUIDP BSR
2017 & Electrical UIT BSR 2013 and specifications unless otherwise specified.
4. Steel Reinforcement (un-tensioned):
Only TMT steel reinforcement (un-tensioned) conforming to clause 1600 of
MORTH specification & relevant IS specifications shall be used for all the
component of Bridge and approaches. The steel shall be procured from Billet
original /ingot manufacturers only.
5. Only OPC cement shall be used, The Contractor shall submit, for approval,
certified laboratory test data and/or manufacturer's certificate.
6. Contractor should have automatic batching mix of capacity of at least 30 cum per
hour and concrete should be placed through chutes or pumping through concrete
pumps as per requirement at site.
7. All arrangements regarding Site office, Electricity, water, T&P required for the
work will be made by the contractor at his own cost.
8. Contractor will have to prepare model of this project on his own cost within one
month after issuing of work order as per instructions of Engineer in charge.
9. Contractor is bound to follow labour laws and fair wages clause. Labour cess,
Income tax, Sales tax/GST, royalty, and all other taxes if any levied by the
government will be paid by the contractor as per rules.
10. Quality control test shall be carried out by the contractor as per norms. In case any
material is required to be tested, the contractor will make all arrangements at this
own cost. Charges of testing including third party inspection if required shall be
borne by the contractor. The contractor will have to establish quality control lab for
testing of mortar, concrete cubes &brick etc. sieve analysis and other tests as per
direction of Engineer- in-charge.
11. The bidder shall submit a power of attorney for his legal representative on Non-
Judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100.00 dully attested.
25. No equipment or personnel will be removed from site without permission of the
Engineer in charge.
26. Providing/fixing reflective type sign M.S. Boards of size 8'×4' with channel will be
fixed by contractor on his own cost in standard format as per direction by Engineer-
27. Safe Diversion arrangement like safety ribbon, safety cone, Diversion Information
board and other required shall be done by contractor on his own cost.
28. The color photographs of (size 4"×6") of site will be arranged by contractor on his
own cost before commencement of work and after completion of work as per
direction by Engineer-in-charge.
29. Dewatering/Pumping/Diversion of water/coffer dam etc. if required at site shall be
done by contractor at his own cost.
30. Contractor shall be liable for any damage of pipe line, sewer line/cables, OFC etc.
during the work.
31. The acceptance of bid/tender shall vest with the competent authority as per schedule
of powers in force at the time of sanction which does not bind him to accept the
lowest tender/bid and competent authority reserves the right to reject any or all of
the tenders/bids received without assigning a reason.
32. Any other conditions mention by the contractor in tender shall not be acceptable by
the undersigned and the undersigned shall have the right to the reject the
conditional tender.
33. For any legal dispute the jurisdiction will be Kota only.
34. In case of any escalation is payable then the components of the same will be as per
clause 45 of GCC-
Components Percentage of Component
Labour 22.00
HSD 2.00
All Material 38.00
OPC (Cement) 10.00
Bitumen 1.00
Mild Steel long product 27.00
Total 100.00
35. In any case escalation is not applicable during O&M.
36. The contractor is required to arrange tools and Plants /construction equipment for
execution of construction activity as per direction of engineering in charge.
37. If any type of design is required for execution of the work, cost of design will borne
by contractor.
38. Work should be executed as per RTPP act 2012 & Rule 2013.
39. Site Office For Engineer-In-Charge And Other Supervisory Staff :-
Within 30 days of award of work, contractor shall provide the 2 no. site offices with
suitable area for the Engineer-in-Charge and his staff, and CSDC consultant staff at each
WTP location. The site offices shall include necessary furniture, required office
equipment’s i.e. Telephone, Fax, photocopy, computers in required no. with color laser
40. Minimum staff requirement during O&M but not limited to as below: -
lab assistant
Foreman /
Class 4
As per requirement for operation and maintenance of 70 MLD & 50 MLD newly developed
water supply system round the clock.
41. The salvaged materials against stone masonry &concrete dismantling and rock
excavation will become the property of the Contractor for disposal or use in
42. Suitable barricading shall be erected along the periphery of the site immediately
after the award of work and maintain it during execution of the work till handing
over the site to the Client. The barricading should be sufficiently strong to prevent
falling of any material on the densely populated area, located down the hill, besides
protection to the site personnel and labors working at the site. The payment of
barricading shall be made as per norms.
Due precautions shall be taken by the Contractor, at his own cost, to ensure the safety
and protection against accidents of all staff and Labour engaged on the works, local
residents in the vicinity of the works, and the public traveling through the works. The
contractor shall deploy one competent Safety and Accident Prevention Officer,
qualified to promote and maintain safe working practices. The SAPO shall have
authority to issue instructions and shall take protective measures to prevent accidents,
including but not limited to the establishment of safe working practices and the
training of staff and labor in their implementation. The contractor shall furnish to the
department the name and qualification of such officer before the start of the work.
The contractor/firm or company while executing the work will adopt all safety
measures at his cost to safeguard from any loss of life and damage of public and
private property. If any loss and damage is occurred, they will pay the full
compensation from their own pocket to the concern. All the consequence (legal and or
financial) will be born by the contractor only and U.I.T. will not be responsible in any
The contractor will pay compensation to the house owner or to the owner of any
adjoining property or any other works for the damaged sustained on account of this
Contractor shall be the sole custodian of the men and material at work and will be
fully responsible for any loss of life or otherwise occurred during the execution of the
The Contractor shall, at his own expense, provide protective clothing and equipment
to all staff and labour engaged on the Works to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and
on his failure to do so the Employer shall be entitled to provide the same and recover
the cost from the Contractor. Such clothing and equipment shall include, at a
minimum, protective footwear for workmen undertaking concrete mixing work,
protective footwear and gloves for any workmen performing bituminous paving
works, protective footwear, clothing, cream, gauntlet-type gloves, hats, safety glasses
or goggles and filter masks for workmen undertaking lime stabilization works, hard
hats for workmen engaged on bridge construction, and otherwise as appropriate to the
job in hand and to the Engineer's satisfaction.
45. Pre-Construction Inspection, Testing & Review of Data for Materials, Plant &
The contractor shall place order for the material and the equipment only after the
approval of the Engineer-In-Charge. The Contractor shall submit the detailed
drawings for the approved manufacturer and the procedure of submission, review and
revision shall be specified herein below.
The Contractor shall inform the Engineer-In-Charge about the likely dates of
manufacturing, testing and dispatching. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer-In-
Charge for Inspection and Testing, at least twenty eight days prior to packing and
shipping and shall supply the manufacturer’s test results and quality control
certificates. The Engineer-In-Charge will decide whether he or his representative will
inspect and test the material/ equipment or whether he will approve it on the basis of
manufacturer’s certificate. The contractor shall bear all expenses towards inspection
activities including travelling expenses.
46. Contractor is responsible for third party inspection of complete work at his own cost.
Contractor will submit three names for third party agency to the Department and
department will approve a name of third party agency. Three names of third party
agency should have experience as a third party in similar nature of work in minimum
two projects. This third party agency will visit at work fortnightly minimum and will
submit the report of satisfactory work as per approved design and drawings. Payment
of civil works will be made to the Contractor after satisfactory report of third party
agency. The contractor may arrange any NIT/IIT for this work. IIT/NIT will be
exempted for above said experience.
The construction of the Water Supply Project shall conform to all the relevant Codes /
Specifications / CPHEEO Manual of Water Supply Scheme etc.
After completion of work, the contractor will have to remove/dispose surplus building
material, debris as per direction and satisfaction of Engineer in charge.
48. a). Defect liability period for Civil works is three years after actual date of completion.
Refund of security deposit will be made in installments as given below after
obtaining a certificate from the Engineer-in Charge with respect to satisfactory
performance of the maintenance and repair as and when required.
After one year – 10% of SD
After two years – 10% of SD
After three years – 80 % of SD
b). Defect liability period for Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation work. One
year after actual date of completion. Refund of security deposit will be made after
completion of defect liability period or from the date of last removal of defect
whichever is later.
49. If bidder fails to repair or remove defects as noticed or pointed out by Engineer-in-
charge then UIT is fully authorized to do this work and the cost of expenditure will
be deducted from security deposit.
a) As mentioned in the Contract, each item has been divided into broad
components, the provision of measurement will be applicable only for the
assessment of value of work done for inclusion in any interim certificate for
part payment to the contractor.
e) The contractor shall, after approval of his detailed designs and drawings,
furnish to the Engineer an initial bill of quantities of all major items referred
to as BPQPW (Bill of principal quantities of permanent works), to be
reviewed and updated periodically with the Engineer. This bill of quantity
f) The contractor shall give the break-up for percentage of total cost to be paid
on completion, for various other items of work, which are not given in this
i) For interim payment purpose this schedule will be read in conjunction with
other schedules & Volumes & price schedule of this Volume.
Table:1 - B 1: Works at Intake Pump House on the upstream of Kota Barrage on left bank of
Chambal river i.e. Thermal side
S. Payment
No. Item description breakup
BOQ item No- B 1.1
A1 Civil Work 10%
A2 Supply & installation of Electro Mechanical Works 90%
Total 100%
S. Payment
No. Item description breakup
Supply & Storage of equipment at Site as per suggestive
1 30%
Installation / placing at desired place as per suggestive
2 50%
3 Testing / Trail run / Commissioning 20%
Total 100%
S. No.
Item description breakup
BOQ item No- B 2.1 Civil Works for increasing treatment capacity from 130 MLD to
200 MLD (i.e. 70MLD) of existing WTP
A1 Inlet channel extension 5%
A2 Flash Mixture 5%
A3 Flocculators 10%
A4 Lamella Clarifiers 10%
A5 Filter Building 30%
A6 Chlorine Contact Tank 2%
A7 Filter Backwash Recycling Tank & Pump House 5%
A8 Sludge Thickener 2%
A9 Sludge Holding Tank & Pump house 2%
A10 Centrifuge Building 3%
A11 Power Control Center Room 3%
A12 Provision of interconnection with existing CWR 1%
A13 Staff Quarter, Store & Security Cabin 7%
Development of Campus, including Boundary Wall, internal
A14 10%
road, pathways Entry gates, plantation & Horticulture
A15 Miscellaneous works other than listed above 5%
Total 100%
S. No.
Item description breakup
3 On Completion of 20%
a) Platform and Walkway - 10%
b) Railings / Super structure of building - 10%
4 Hydraulic / Pneumatic test 10%
5 Miscellaneous items 20%
a) Screeding / flooring - 3%
b) Plastering & Painting etc - 5%
c) Doors / Windows / Ventilators - 5%
d) Any other item (s) - 7%
6 Commissioning 10%
Total 100%
If any particular breakup is not applicable on specific
structure then %age of that particular breakup will
distribute on balance schedule of breakups on their
weightage basis
BOQ item No- B 2.2 Mechanical Work for increasing treatment capacity from 130
MLD to 200 MLD (i.e. 70MLD) of existing WTP
A1 Inlet works 5%
Puddle collars, pipe, valves, gates including gear boxes, drive
A1.1 - 37%
monitor, flash mixer, agitators and frames etc. complete
Flow measuring system. Indicator, transmitter, flow recorder
A1.2 - 63%
etc. complete
A2 Flash Mixer, Chemical works etc. 11%
A2.1 G.I & S.S fitting GM & SS valve drains etc. complete - 04%
Levels indicators, float operated level switch, electric
operated monorail hoist, platform (bucket) stairs, reduction
A2.2 - 12%
gear boxes, base frame driving motor & arrangement control
unit etc. complete
A2.3 Tonner, electric operated gantry girder roller support,
auxiliary ton container valve and yokes isolation valves etc. - 31%
A2.4 piping for neutralization basin, showersa and chlorine dosing
pipes, diffusers, copper flexible pipes etc. at all floors - 04%
A2.5 Chlorinator, pump, etc. complete - 21%
A2.6 Leak detectors, pressure gauge, air breathing apparatus, etc.
- 05%
A2.7 Puddle collars, pipe, valve and specials etc. for inlet and
- 11%
outlet manhole cover, checkered plate, covers etc. complete
A2.8 Float operated level switch, office-measuring device etc.
- 06%
S. No.
Item description breakup
A2.9 Lab apparatuses, furniture's etc. - 04%
A2.10 Pump motor piping for sampling - 02%
A3 Plate settler along with accessories 42%
A4 Filtration works 32%
Pipe for raw water inlet filter, outlet wash water inlet-outlet
A4.1 - 05%
and air, including puddle collar etc. complete
A4.2 HDPE pipe line and fitting etc. complete - 05%
A4.3 Valves for raw water inlet, filter outlet and wash water inlet
- 42%
outlet etc. complete
A4.4 Electric actuators for inlet-outlet backwash, wash water unlet-
- 07%
outlet and air valve etc.
A4.5 Monomatric LOH gauges, ROF indicators filter, outlet control
- 06%
gear pressure gauges etc.
A4.6 Air blower, motors and NRVs etc. complete - 22%
A4.7 Filter media etc. complete - 13%
A5 Recycling and Sludge thickening works 5%
pump sets at recycling tank sludge detention tank and pump to
A5.1 - 33%
A5.2 pipes to connect recycling tank, sludge detention tank, gravity
- 23%
sludge thickener, pump house and centrifuge
A5.3 2 nos. DWPE solution dozing tank including pipe to
- 11%
centrifuge valves etc.
A5.4 centrifuge - 33%
A6 Miscellaneous items / works other than listed above 5%
Total 100%
Break up for interim payment of Mechanical items / works
A1 to A 6
A1 to A6
1 Supply & Storage of equipment at Site (Unit wise) 60%
2 Installation at desired place (Unit wise) 20%
3 Testing & Trial Run 10%
4 Commissioning Equipment 10%
Total 100%
BOQ item No- B 2.3 Electrical & Instrumentation Work for increasing treatment
capacity from 130 MLD to 200 MLD (i.e. 70MLD) of existing WTP
A1 LV Switchboard 20%
A2 Power Cable 10%
A3 Control Cable 5%
A4 Lightning 6%
A5 Earthing 4%
S. No.
Item description breakup
A6 Cable Trays 4%
A7 Local Push Button Station 6%
A8 Flow and Pressure Instruments 5%
A9 Level Instruments 5%
A10 PH Transmitter 5%
A11 Turbidity Transmitters 5%
A12 Chlorine Analyzer 5%
A13 Filter Consoles 15%
A14 Instrument Cables 5%
Total 100%
Break up for interim payment of Electrical &
A1 to A14
Instrumentation Works items A1 to A14
1 Supply & Storage of equipment at Site 60%
2 Installation at desired place 20%
3 Testing & Trial Run 10%
4 Commissioning Equipment 10%
Total 100%
BOQ item No- B 2.4 Civil Work for CWR (6000 KL) and CWPH CWPH (8 Nos HSC
Pumps of various duty conditions including one no. in existing pump house)
A1 Construction of CWR 60%
A2 Construction of CWPH 40%
Total 100%
A1 & A2 Break up for interim payment of Civil Works items A1 & A2
On Completion of Excavation, Lean Concrete , Floor slab,
1 20%
Foundation, Column etc.
a) Excavation - 3%
b) Plain Cement Concrete - 3%
c) Foundation & Plinth Beam - 7%
d) Floor Slab / Grade Slab / Pump foundations - 7%
2 On Completion of RCC walls / Columns 20%
3 On Completion of 20%
a) Platform and Walkway - 10%
b) Railings / Super structure of building - 10%
4 Hydraulic / Pneumatic test 10%
5 Miscellaneous items 20%
a) Screeding / flooring - 3%
b) Plastering & Painting etc - 5%
c) Doors / Windows / Ventilators - 5%
S. No.
Item description breakup
d) Any other item (s) - 7%
6 Commissioning 10%
Total 100%
BOQ item No- B 2.5 Mechanical Work for CWR (6000 KL) and CWPH CWPH (8 Nos
HSC Pumps of various duty conditions including one no. in existing pump house)
HSC Centrifugal pump sets with LT Motor & complete in all
A1 25%
A2 Resilient Seated D/F DI Sluice valves 20%
A3 Resilient Seated D/F DI Butterfly valves 20%
A4 DI dual plate check valves 11%
A5 Dismantling joint with suitable for sluice valves etc. 5%
A7 Double flanged ISI marked DI pipes as per IS:8329-2000 2%
A8 Miscellaneous works other than listed above 5%
Total 100%
Break up for interim payment of Mechanical items / works
A1 to A 6
A1 to A8
1 Supply & Storage of equipment at Site (Unit wise) 60%
2 Installation at desired place (Unit wise) 20%
3 Testing & Trial Run 10%
4 Commissioning Equipment 10%
Total 100%
BOQ item No- B 2.6 Electrical & Instrumentation Works for CWR (6000 KL) and
CWPH CWPH (8 Nos HSC Pumps of various duty conditions including one no. in
existing pump house)
A1 LV Switchboards 50%
A2 Power Cable 10%
A3 Control Cable 10%
A4 Lightning 5%
A5 Earthing 2%
A6 Cable Trays 10%
A7 Local Push Button Station 5%
A8 Flow and Pressure Instrument 5%
A9 Level Instrument 3%
Total 100%
Break up for interim payment of Electrical &
A1 & A9
Instrumentation Works items A1 & A9
1 Supply & Storage of equipment at Site 60%
S. No.
Item description breakup
2 Installation at desired place 20%
3 Testing & Trial Run 10%
4 Commissioning Equipment 10%
Total 100%
BOQ item No- B 2.7 PLC / SCADA for entire works for 70 MLD WTP
A1 PLC Cum instrument Panel 60%
A2 SCADA Software 40%
Total 100%
Break up for interim payment of Electrical &
A1 & A2
Instrumentation Works items A1 & A2
1 Supply & Storage of equipment at Site 60%
2 Installation at desired place 20%
3 Testing & Trial Run 10%
4 Commissioning Equipment 10%
Total 100%
Item description breakup
BOQ item No- B 3.1
A1 Civil Work 10%
A2 Supply & installation of Electro Mechanical Works 90%
Total 100%
Item description breakup
BOQ item No- B 4.1 Raw Water Transmission Main
Supply of pipes, valves joints etc & Storage of equipment at
A1 50%
Survey & design, Excavation, Earthwork including
Dewatering , Foundation Work/ Bedding/Dressing of
A2 trenches, Back Filling and removal of Surplus earth/ malba 30%
including casing at Nallahs, provide pedestals/ thrust blocks,
laying & jointing complete work.
A3 Sectional Hydrotesting 5%
A4 Road Restoration complete work etc. 10%
A5 Trial Run & Commissioning Equipment 5%
Total 100%
S. No.
Item description breakup
BOQ item No- B 5.1 Civil Works for 50 MLD WTP at Shreenathpurm
A1 Inlet channel extension 5%
A2 Flash Mixture 5%
A3 Flocculators 7%
A4 Clarifiers 8%
A5 Filter Building 25%
A6 Chlorine Contact Tank 2%
A7 Filter Backwash Recycling Tank & Pump House 5%
A8 Sludge Thickener 2%
A9 Sludge Holding Tank & Pump house 2%
A10 Centrifuge Building 3%
A11 Power Control Center Room 3%
A12 Provision of interconnection with existing CWR 1%
A13 Staff Quarter, Store & Security Cabin 7%
Development of Campus, including Boundary Wall, internal
A14 10%
road, pathways Entry gates, plantation & Horticulture
A15 Road Bridge & Steel Truss bridge for crossing the Nallah 10%
A16 Miscellaneous works other than listed above 5%
Total 100%
S. No.
Item description breakup
Break up for interim payment of Civil Works items A1 to
A1 to A16
On Completion of Excavation, Lean Concrete , Floor slab,
1 20%
Foundation, Column etc.
a) Excavation - 3%
b) Plain Cement Concrete - 3%
c) Foundation & Plinth Beam - 7%
d) Floor Slab / Grade Slab - 7%
2 On Completion of RCC walls / Columns 20%
3 On Completion of 20%
a) Platform and Walkway - 10%
b) Railings / Super structure of building - 10%
4 Hydraulic / Pneumatic test 10%
5 Miscellaneous items 20%
a) Screeding / flooring - 3%
b) Plastering & Painting etc - 5%
c) Doors / Windows / Ventilators - 5%
d) Any other item (s) - 7%
6 Commissioning 10%
Total 100%
BOQ item No- B 5.2 Mechanical Work for for 50 MLD WTP at Shreenathpurm
A1 Inlet works 5%
Puddle collars, pipe, valves, gates including gear boxes, drive
A1.1 - 37%
monitor, flash mixer, agitators and frames etc. complete
Flow measuring system. Indicator, transmitter, flow recorder
A1.2 - 63%
etc. complete
A2 Flash Mixer, Chemical works etc. 11%
A2.1 G.I & S.S fitting GM & SS valve drains etc. complete - 04%
Levels indicators, float operated level switch, electric
operated monorail hoist, platform (bucket) stairs, reduction
A2.2 - 12%
gear boxes, base frame driving motor & arrangement control
unit etc. complete
A2.3 Tonner, electric operated gantry girder roller support,
auxiliary ton container valve and yokes isolation valves etc. - 31%
A2.4 piping for neutralization basin, showersa and chlorine dosing
pipes, diffusers, copper flexible pipes etc. at all floors - 04%
A2.5 Chlorinator, pump, etc. complete - 21%
S. No.
Item description breakup
A2.6 Leak detectors, pressure gauge, air breathing apparatus, etc.
- 05%
A2.7 Puddle collars, pipe, valve and specials etc. for inlet and
- 11%
outlet manhole cover, checkered plate, covers etc. complete
A2.8 Float operated level switch, office-measuring device etc.
- 06%
A2.9 Lab apparatuses, furniture's etc. - 04%
A2.10 Pump motor piping for sampling - 02%
A3 Plate settler along with accessories 42%
A4 Filtration works 32%
Pipe for raw water inlet filter, outlet wash water inlet-outlet
A4.1 - 05%
and air, including puddle collar etc. complete
A4.2 HDPE pipe line and fitting etc. complete - 05%
A4.3 Valves for raw water inlet, filter outlet and wash water inlet
- 42%
outlet etc. complete
A4.4 Electric actuators for inlet-outlet backwash, wash water unlet-
- 07%
outlet and air valve etc.
A4.5 Monomatric LOH gauges, ROF indicators filter, outlet control
- 06%
gear pressure gauges etc.
A4.6 Air blower, motors and NRVs etc. complete - 22%
A4.7 Filter media etc. complete - 13%
A5 Recycling and Sludge thickening works 5%
pump sets at recycling tank sludge detention tank and pump to
A5.1 - 33%
A5.2 pipes to connect recycling tank, sludge detention tank, gravity
- 23%
sludge thickener, pump house and centrifuge
A5.3 2 nos. DWPE solution dozing tank including pipe to
- 11%
centrifuge valves etc.
A5.4 centrifuge - 33%
A6 Miscellaneous items / works other than listed above 5%
Total 100%
Break up for interim payment of Mechanical items / works
A1 to A 6
A1 to A6
1 Supply & Storage of equipment at Site (Unit wise) 60%
2 Installation at desired place (Unit wise) 20%
3 Testing & Trial Run 10%
4 Commissioning Equipment 10%
Total 100%
BOQ item No- B 5.3 Electrical & Instrumentation Work for 50 MLD WTP at
S. No.
Item description breakup
A1 LV Switchboards 20%
A2 Power Cable 10%
A3 Control Cable 5%
A4 Lightning 6%
A5 Earthing 4%
A6 Cable Trays 4%
A7 Local Push Button Station 6%
A8 Flow and Pressure Instruments 5%
A9 Level Instrument 5%
A10 PH Transmitter 5%
A11 Turbidity Transmitter 5%
A12 Chlorine Analyzer 5%
A13 Filter Consoles 15%
A14 Instrument Cable s 5%
Total 100%
Break up for interim payment of Electrical &
A1 to A14
Instrumentation Works items A1 to A14
1 Supply & Storage of equipment at Site 60%
2 Installation at desired place 20%
3 Testing & Trial Run 10%
4 Commissioning Equipment 10%
Total 100%
BOQ item No- B 5.4 Civil Work for CWR (5000 KL) and CWPH (6 Nos HSC Pumps of
various duty conditions)
A1 Construction of CWR 60%
A2 Construction of CWPH 40%
Total 100%
A1 & A2 Break up for interim payment of Civil Works items A1 & A2
On Completion of Excavation, Lean Concrete , Floor slab,
1 20%
Foundation, Column etc.
a) Excavation - 3%
b) Plain Cement Concrete - 3%
c) Foundation & Plinth Beam - 7%
d) Floor Slab / Grade Slab / Pump foundations - 7%
2 On Completion of RCC walls / Columns 20%
3 On Completion of 20%
a) Platform and Walkway - 10%
b) Railings / Super structure of building - 10%
4 Hydraulic / Pneumatic test 10%
S. No.
Item description breakup
5 Miscellaneous items 20%
a) Screeding / flooring - 3%
b) Plastering & Painting etc - 5%
c) Doors / Windows / Ventilators - 5%
d) Any other item (s) - 7%
6 Commissioning 10%
Total 100%
BOQ item No- B 5.5 Mechanical Work for CWR (5000 KL) and CWPH (6 Nos HSC
Pumps of various duty conditions)
HSC Centrifugal pump sets with LT Motor & complete in all
A1 25%
A2 Resilient Seated D/F DI Sluice valves 20%
A3 Resilient Seated D/F DI Butterfly valves 20%
A4 DI dual plate check valves 11%
A5 Dismantling joint with suitable for sluice valves etc. 5%
A7 Double flanged ISI marked DI pipes as per IS:8329-2000 2%
A8 Miscellaneous works other than listed above 5%
Total 100%
Break up for interim payment of Mechanical items / works
A1 to A 6
A1 to A8
1 Supply & Storage of equipment at Site (Unit wise) 60%
2 Installation at desired place (Unit wise) 20%
3 Testing & Trial Run 10%
4 Commissioning Equipment 10%
Total 100%
BOQ item No- B 5.6 Electrical & Instrumentation Works for CWR (5000 KL) and
CWPH (6 Nos HSC Pumps of various duty conditions)
A1 LV Switchboard 20%
A2 Power Cable 10%
A3 Control Cable 10%
A4 Lightning 10%
A5 Earthing 10%
A6 Cable Trays 10%
A7 Local Push Button Station 10%
A8 Flow and Pressure Instrument 10%
A9 Level Instrument 10%
S. No.
Item description breakup
Total 100%
Break up for interim payment of Electrical &
A1 & A9
Instrumentation Works items A1 & A9
1 Supply & Storage of equipment at Site 60%
2 Installation at desired place 20%
3 Testing & Trial Run 10%
4 Commissioning Equipment 10%
Total 100%
BOQ item No- B 5.7 PLC / SCADA for entire works for 50 MLD WTP
A1 PLC Cum instrument Panel 60%
A2 SCADA Software 40%
Total 100%
Break up for interim payment of Electrical &
A1 & A2
Instrumentation Works items A1 & A2
1 Supply & Storage of equipment at Site 60%
2 Installation at desired place 20%
3 Testing & Trial Run 10%
4 Commissioning Equipment 10%
Total 100%
Executive Engineer
UIT Kota
Signature of the bidder………………