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Qualitywings Bae146 Flight Management Computer Tutorial

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QualityWings BAe146 Flight Management Computer


The QualityWings BAe146 FMS is a simulated version of Honeywell's GNS-XLS FMS system.
Many (but not all) features included in the real GNS-XLS are simulated here including the user
interface behavior. The primary features in this FMS are the ability to load or create flight plans,
include procedures, create waypoints, track fuel usage, and set holding patterns.

This tutorial manual is derived from Ernie Alston’s Integrated Simavionics Group (ISG) manual.
It provides a number of tutorials on the most important functions of the FMS.
For an explanation of all FMS pages, please refer the Ultimate 146 Collection User’s

Line Select Keys (LSK)

The Line Select keys (LSK) are the 5 buttons on the right and left side of the display screen. In most
situations each LSK is linked to select two rows, the row above the LSK and the row below it. The LSK's
(L2-L5, and R2 to R5) normally have 3 modes or 3 presses.

Press 1 Edit Line 1 (The upper item's background will highlight in yellow).
Press 2 Edit Line 2 (The lower item's background will highlight in yellow).
Press 3 Edit off. (If the item is highlighted the highlight will turn off).

When an LSK is active a greater than/less than character '<' or '>' will display to the left or right side of the
screen to note that particular LSK is currently active.


Tutorial: Load a stored Flight Plan

1) Press the FPL button until the label at the top of the screen reads 'FLIGHT PLAN LIST'.

2) To the right of the 'FLIGHT PLAN LIST' label on the top right will indicate the current page and
number of list pages (Ex 1/3 means current Flight Plans list page is 1 total Flight Plan list pages is 3).

3) Each Flight Plan List page will show up to 8 Flight plans with 3 columns of data.
 Column1: Departure Airport ICAO Code.
 Column2: Destination Airport ICAO Code.
 Column3: Flight Plan list identifier.

4) Press the 'NXT', 'PRV' button to scroll through the list pages.

5) Select the LSK closest to the row/position of the flight plan you wish to select. - The identifier will
highlight in yellow. - If the highlighted identifier is just above your desired flight plan, push the LSK
again to select the identifier below it. - If the highlighted identifier is correct, press the 'ENTER' key.

6) After the 'ENTER' key is pressed, the Temp

Flight Plan page is displayed showing the
waypoints for the selected flight plan.

7) Press the LSK on the lower right (next to the

'SELECT' label).

8) The 'SELECT' label will highlight in yellow

as 'SELECT?'.

9) Press the 'ENTER' key.

10) After the ENTER key is pressed, the flight

plan is loaded, and the ACTIVE FPL page is

11) If you have the MFD,EHSI or MCU open

you will see the new flight plan displayed
there as well.

Tutorial: Create a New Flight Plan

1) Press the FPL button until reaching the last 'Flight Plan List' page.
2) Click on the last active right LSK until the last item reads 'NEXT FPL'
3) Press the ENTER button

4) The 'Flight Plan' page displays

5) The first item will be displayed as '******' and


6) Using the Alpha keys Enter the Id of the departure


7) Press the 'ENTER' key. - The Waypoint page will

display for verification

8) Press the 'ENTER' key.

9) The second item will be displayed as '******' and


10) Using the Alpha keys Enter the Id of the first flight
plan waypoint.

11) Press the 'ENTER' key.

12) The Waypoint page will display for verification.

13) Press the 'ENTER' key.

14) Repeat the process until the all desired Flightplan

waypoints are inserted into the flight plan.

15) Type in the id of the destination airport as the last


16) Click on the LSK next to the 'SELECT text.

17) The 'SELECT?' label will highlight.

18) Press the 'ENTER' button

19) The Flight Plan will become the active flight plan and
be reflected on the MFD, and MCU gauges.

20) The 'Active Flight Plan' page is displayed


Tutorial: Insert a Waypoint into the Active Flight Plan

1) Press the FPL button until the label at the top of the page reads 'ACTIVE FPL'.

2) Select the LSK closest to the row/position of the waypoint you wish to insert the new waypoint 'in
front' of.

3) The waypoint will highlight in yellow.

4) Using the keypad Enter the ICAO code of the new


5) Press the ENTER button.


6) The Database waypoint page will display

7) Verify the displayed Navaid/Waypoint is the one


8) If there is more than one navaid in the database with

that same ICAO identifier press the PREV/NEXT
buttons to scroll through the list.

9) Press the 'ENTER' key to insert the new waypoint into

the active flight plan.

10) The MCU/MFD/EHSI displays will update to show the

new route change.

 If the waypoint is inserted in front of the active waypoint the new waypoint will become the active
waypoint. If LNAV mode is in this case, the autopilot will be commanded to fly to the new waypoint.
 If the entered identifier is not found in the database the ‘Pilot

After pressing ‘Enter’ if the scratchpad is blank, or the entered identifier is not found in the database; the
'PILOT ENTERED WPT' page will display.

Tutorial: Insert an Airway Segment into the Active Flight Plan

11) Press the FPL button until the label at the top of the
page reads 'ACTIVE FPL'.

12) Select the LSK next to the waypoint that will be the
entry point onto the airway

13) Using the keypad Enter a '#' character followed by the

Airway identifier (ex #J65 for airway J65).

14) Press the ENTER button.


15) The Airway page will display, with the 'entry' waypoint

16) Select the LSK next to Airway waypoint you wish to

exit leave the airway at.

17) All the Airway waypoints between the Entry and Exit
Airway waypoints will highlight in yellow.

18) Press the 'ENTER' key.

19) The selected Airway segment will be inserted into the

Active flight plan.

20) The Navigation displays and Legs/route pages will

update to show the new route change.

Tutorial: Insert a SID route into the Active Flight Plan

1) Press the LSK next to the 'DEPART' label.

2) The 'DEPART?' label will highlight in yellow.

3) Press the ENTER key.

4) The Departure page will display. Press LSK next to the

SID line once or twice to display the available SID list.

5) Select the LSK closest to the row/position of the

desired SID identifier.

6) Press the ENTER key.


7) If the Sid has more than one transition they will be

listed, if not the transition field will be filled

8) Press the LSK next to the desired SID transition

identifier if more than one is listed.

9) Press the ENTER key

10) If the available runways are not displayed, Press the

LSK next to the runway line to display the available

11) Press the LSK next to the desired runway to select a

runway from the runway list.

12) Press the ENTER key

13) When the Sid/Transition/Runway are all selected, the

waypoints of the SID based on those selections will be

14) The 'SELECT?' label will be highlighted.


15) Click on the ENTER key to insert the displayed SID

route into the flight plan.

16) The Navigation displays and Legs/route pages will

update to show the new route change.

 All SID's are given a designated transition in the interface. To use a SID without a published
transition select the listed transition that will exit the SID prior to any real transition routes.

 Selecting a runway or Transition will filter the SID list to show only the SID's available for the
selected runways or transitions.

 Selecting a SID will filter the runway and transition lists to show only the runways and transitions
available for the selected SID.

 A newly inserted Sid will replace any SID currently in the flight plan. The SID waypoints will be
indented on the Active flight plan page.

 If a new airport is selected the Sid or Star waypoints in the flight plan will no longer be considered a
Sid/Star route by the FMS, and will no longer be indented in the active flight plan page.

Tutorial: Insert a STAR route into the Active Flight Plan

1) Click on the LSK next to the 'ARRIVE' label.

2) The 'ARRIVE?' label will highlight in yellow.

3) Click on the ENTER key

4) The Arrival page will display.

5) Press the LSK next to the Transition line once or twice

to display the available STAR Transitions list.

6) Press the left or right LSK next to the desired Star

Transition id.

7) The selected transition identifier will highlight.

8) Press the ENTER key.


9) If the selected Transition has more than one STAR they

will be listed, if not the STAR field will be filled

10) If the STAR field is not filled, Press the LSK next to
the Star line.

11) Press the LSK next to the desired STAR id. The
selected Star will highlight

12) Press the ENTER key.

13) Press the LSK next to the runway line.

14) The available runways for the selected The BDF3 Star is the only STAR for the IRK
STAR/Transition will display. transition, so the STAR field is filled in automatically.
Steps 10-12 will not apply in this instance.

15) Press the LSK next to the desired runway to select a

runway from the runway list.

16) Press the ENTER key.

17) When the Star/Transition/Runway are all selected, the

waypoints of the STAR based on those selections will
be displayed.

18) The 'SELECT?' label will be highlighted.

19) Click on the ENTER key to insert the displayed STAR

route into the flight plan.

 All STAR's are given a designated transition in the interface. To use a STAR without a published
transition, select the entry waypoint of the STAR as the transition.

 Selecting a runway or Transition will filter the STAR list to show only the Stars available for the
selected runways and transitions.

 Selecting a STAR will filter the runway and transition lists to show only the runways and transitions
available for the selected STAR.

 A newly inserted Star will replace any Star currently in the flight plan.

 The Star waypoints will be indented on the Active flight plan page.

 If a new airport is selected the Sid or Star waypoints in the flight plan will no longer be considered a
Sid/Star route by the FMS, and will no longer be indented in the active flight plan page.

Tutorial: Delete a Waypoint from the Active Flight Plan

1) Select the LSK next to the waypoint to delete/remove.

2) The waypoint will highlight in yellow.

3) Press the 'BACK' button.

4) A 'DELETE?' label will highlight in yellow.

5) Press the ENTER button.

6) The waypoint will be removed from the flight plan.

 If the removed waypoint is active flight plan waypoint the next waypoint that follows the deleted
waypoint will become the active flight plan waypoint.

 If the deleted/removed waypoint is part of a SID or STAR, the other Sid/Star waypoints are no longer
considered a Sid/Star by the FMS. And will not be indented on the active flight plan page.

Tutorial: Insert a non-precision approach into the Active Flight Plan

1) press the LSK next to the 'APPROACH' label

2) The 'APPROACH?' label will highlight.
3) Click on the ENTER key.

4) Press the LSK next to the 'Runway' line to display the

available runways.

5) Press the LSK next to the desired runway.

6) The selected runway will highlight in yellow.

7) Press the ENTER button to select the runway


8) Press the LSK next to the 'TYPE' line.

9) The Approach types for the selected runway will be

displayed (GPS,VOR, NDB, or BC).

10) Press the LSK next to the desired approach type.

11) The selected approach type will highlight in yellow.

12) Press the ENTER button.

13) Press the LSK next to the TRANSITION line.

14) The approach transitions (or IAF's) for the selected

runway and type will display.

15) Select the LSK next to the desired transition.

16) The selected transition will highlight in yellow.

17) Press the ENTER button.

18) The waypoints of the approach will be displayed, and

the 'SELECT?' label will be highlighted.

19) Press the ENTER button to insert the selected approach

into the flight plan.

 There is not an approach database included (a few samples from the PHX are ABQ areas are included).
 The approach route will be inserted between the last waypoint of the flight plan and the destination
 RNAV approaches will be listed as 'GPS' type in the FMS.
 The approach waypoints will be indented on the active flight plan page.

Tutorial: Save the Active Flight Plan

1) Press the Bottom left LSK next to the 'SAVE FPL' label.

2) Press the 'ENTER' button

3) The Save Flight Plan page will display.

4) The default filename (DEPDEST.RTE) will be


5) To change the filename press the right LSK next to the

'Filename' label.

6) The filename will highlight in yellow. Use the alpha

keys to enter in a new filename.

7) Press the 'ENTER' key to save the active flightplan

under the displayed filename.


Tutorial: Enter a new pilot entered waypoint

1) On the ‘Active fpl’ page, use the LSK to select/highlight

a waypoint.

2) Enter the identifier for the new waypoint that 'does not'
match a navaid id already in the database.

3) Press the 'ENTER' button.

4) When no match is found the 'Pilot Entered Wpt' page

will display.

5) By default the lat/lon area will be highlighted in yellow

for entry.

6) To begin entry first enter a 'N,S,E, or W' character. It

will not accept numeric entry until the 'N,S,E, or W' is first

7) If N or S is entered the top (or latitude) line will accept

input, if 'E or W' is entered the bottom (or longitude) line
will accept input. A pink cursor will display to show which
line is active for entry.

8) Enter the remaining numeric values and press the 'Enter'


9) When both the lat and lon values are entered, and the
enter button is pressed the new waypoint will be inserted
into the flight plan.

Tutorial: Insert Offset waypoint into Flight Plan

1) On the active fpl page , use one of the left LSK’s to

select/highlight a waypoint.

2) Enter the identifier for the anchor waypoint followed by

an asterisk '*' (ex MCN*).

3) Press the 'ENTER' button.

4) The 'OFFSET WPT' page will display.

5) Use the right LSK (R3) to select/highlight the RAD and

DIS items.

6) The Radial will highlight first, Use the numeric keys to

enter the radial value from the anchor waypoint then press
the 'ENTER' button to insert the radial value.

7) Press the R3 LSK to highlight the DIS, then use the

numeric keys to enter the distance value. Press the
'ENTER' button to insert the distance value.

When there is both a RAD and DIS value, the new lat/lon
value will be displayed at the bottom next to the
'POS' label (If you change or update any of the values this
will re-calculate).

The bottom of the page will then have a label 'OK? Enter',
pressing enter when this is label is displayed will insert the
offset waypoint as a new waypoint in the flight plan, with
the anchor id followed by an asterisk '*' as the new flight
plan waypoint.

Tutorial: Save the Panel State

1) Press the Bottom left LSK next to the 'SAVE FPL' label.

2) Press the 'BACK' button. The label will change to “SAVE PNL?”

3) The Save Panel State page will display.

4) To enter the filename press the left LSK next to the

'Filename' label.

5) The filename will highlight in yellow. Use the alpha

keys to enter in a new filename.

6) Press ‘ENTER’ to confirm the filename

7) Press the 'ENTER' key to save the panel state under the
displayed filename.

Tutorial: Activate Holding pattern

1) Go to Active Flight Plan page.

2) Select/Highlight the waypoint to hold at.
3) Press the 'HOLD' button.

4) The holding pattern page will display with the holding information listed. By default the inbound
course will be set as the flight plan track for that waypoint leg.
5) On the MFD or EHSI a holding pattern will be drawn to show the hold mode is active.
6) The aircraft will fly the hold indefinitely until commanded to leave the hold. This mode is noted on the
'EXIT MODE' label on the hold page as 'MANUAL'.

7) To leave the hold press the LSK next to the 'MANUAL' text.
8) The text will highlight in yellow.
9) Press the 'BACK' button.
10) The highlighted text will change to 'AUTO'.
11) Press the 'ENTER' button.

When the 'EXIT MODE' is 'AUTO' the aircraft will leave the hold and the next completion of the hold
pattern and continue the flight plan route.

The hold can also be turned off directly by pushing the 'HOLD' button on the MCU which will cause the
aircraft to leave the hold immediately and continue to fly the flight plan.

The inbound course, turn direction, leg time, and leg distance can be modified on the hold page by using by
pressing the right LSK’s and entering new values using the numeric keys and/or the back button. Pressing
the ‘Enter’ key will enter the new hold parameter value.

Tutorial: Go Direct to a Navaid/Fix

1) Press the 'DCT' button (if there is an active flight plan,

all the waypoints are displayed, also the current active
waypoint is highlighted).
2) Press the appropriate LSK to insert a new waypoint in
from of (select the '******' waypoint if adding to the
end of the list of a single direct to waypoint).

3) Use the alpha keys to enter the ID of the new waypoint

(right now only VOR's supported).
4) Press the 'ENTER' key (the Database Wpt page will

5) View/Verify the info of the Navaid info (if necessary

use the PREV/NEXT' keys to scroll through the navaid
list if more than one with that identifier).

6) Press the 'ENTER' key. The direct to list will display

again, this time with the proposed new position of the
entered waypoint.

7) Press 'ENTER' to insert waypoint and change target

flight plan waypoint position. If you select a flight plan
waypoint (i.e. to jump to a current flight plan
waypoint) via a LSK and just press enter, the database
wpt page is skipped and the 'confirm' ‘direct to’ page is
displayed. Optionally pressing the 'DCT' button until
the last page is reached will display a list of the 9
nearest airports.

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