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Applicability of Information and Communication Technologies: Tics in The Teaching-Learning Process of Environmental Education

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research

and Science (IJAERS)

Peer-Reviewed Journal
ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
Vol-9, Issue-3; Mar, 2022
Journal Home Page Available: https://ijaers.com/
Article DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers.93.31

Applicability of Information and Communication

Technologies: Tics in the Teaching-Learning Process of
Environmental Education
Yolanda Vitória Lima Pereira Maia1, Marcos Victor do Carmo Loiola2; Valdineide Reis
de Sousa3

1 Especialista em Gestão, Educação Ambiental e Auditoria Ambiental, Faculdade de Educação Superior de Pernambuco FACESP
Email: [email protected]
2 Doutorando do (PPGADT), Universidade do Estado da Bahia UNEB

Email : [email protected]
3 Doutoranda do (PPGADT), Universidade do Estado da Bahia UNEB

Email: [email protected]

Received: 27 Jan 2022, Abstract— This work is part of a descriptive narrative bibliographic
Received in revised form: 06 Mar 2022, review based on the investigation and critical analysis of relevant
retrospective research to provide the construction of ideas and concepts
Accepted: 15 Mar 2022,
about Information and Communication Technologies – ICTs in their
Available online: 30 Mar 2022 evolution and in environmental education. It is evident that, in addition to
©2022 The Author(s). Published by AI the Covid-19 pandemic moment, the incorporation of ICTs in the teaching
Publication. This is an open access article process brings many advantages, such as making the classroom more
under the CC BY license attractive for the student and stimulating their interest in the contents
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). taught, in this context that we realize the importance to think of a new
teaching practice in which teachers rethink their attitudes in educational
Keywords— Learning, Computing,
relationships and make new suggestions for schools. Based on the studies
Environment, Educational Tools.
surveyed, in addition to promoting a new teaching environment,
educational technology also provides adequate educational practices for
people who have lived in parallel with society for a long time.

I. INTRODUCTION In this research, considering the current scenario, the

The world has gone through a series of technological impact of digital transformation in education is studied,
advances, reflecting the emergence and progress of especially in the field of education and teaching practice.
technology and its effects on education. Globalization has Therefore, the 21st century is characterized by
had a significant impact on people's lives and society has technological advances, with faster resources and access to
increased the demand for goods and services derived from information, inserted in an environment with different
the planet's environmental resources, as well as needs from the past, which leads us to the most active and
technological resources, alerting the world to the need to participatory education of today.
look at environmental education. Society is constantly ICTs have great potential in the relationship between
evolving, this is a fact, but these changes are happening teaching and learning, in this sense, the classroom
faster and faster, with Information and Communication environment needs to follow the emergence of these
Technologies (ICTs) as the main responsible. technologies to use them in everyday life to meet students'

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expectations. However, this is not a complete reality, as teachers also have new methods that can be applied to the
some teachers resist using these resources [1]. teaching process. For example, exchanging different types
On the other hand, the National Curricular Common of scientific and cultural information and creating a
Base (BNCC) assumes responsibility for individual teaching environment centered on student activities, social
training and global development, safeguarding the interaction, and autonomy.
application of technical resources in the construction of The teacher also guides the student to the place where
knowledge and the democratization of digital culture and he can get information, how to handle and use this
encouraging schools to materialize the shared meaning of information correctly, to help improve the quality of
new model’s students and educators [2]. teaching. However, Souza and Souza [6] warn that the
Pereira [3] is aware of the existence of 19th century accumulation of knowledge acquired through the Internet,
schools with 20th century educators and 21st century if not properly managed, can lead to a reversal of the main
students. Therefore, even knowing that students are not objective, which is based on the use of this technological
whiteboards, teachers still adhere to traditional teaching tool to improve the quality of teaching and education.
models and resist innovative suggestions. Therefore, this learning.
research seeks to investigate the situation of ICTs in the In other words, students can read news without
context of contemporary social education. analyzing them, that is, the congestion of multiple theories
In this sense, a narrative literature review was carried about a given content. This is because the contact with the
out with research related to the topic. However, this work information is too hasty, in this case, the students are not
is divided into three different but closely related moments. free to make value judgments on the topic, resulting in a
Initially, some aspects of contemporary society were punctual knowledge that has been erased and a little
introduced to understand their needs. forgotten. Therefore, the application of technology in
education aims to encourage students to learn and promote
Second, it is about the prominence of ICTs in terms of
changes, thus altering the relationship between students
their contemporaneity and their applicability in teaching
and school [6].
and learning. Finally, it reflects the importance of
reconstructing teaching practice from an Information and This type of stimulus occurs mainly in the insertion of
Communication Technologies perspective. It is necessary new learning content and promotes the teacher's role not
to be aware of the challenges of using new technologies in only to disseminate knowledge, but also to acquire
the teaching process, with a view to improving the level of knowledge through new methods. The use of these
development of students, allowing them to perceive that technical teaching tools can not only stimulate students'
they are the main instance that understands their own creativity and form new concepts in different ways,
history and social reality and those responsible for its transforming difficult tasks into dynamic and easier
transformation, including in adverse contexts, such as the processes, but also materialize new knowledge concepts.
current Covid-19 pandemic. Analyze how technologies are being used in education,
Education includes the relationship between specific their historical evolution, and the uniqueness of use in
production work and human social reproduction on the schools in the country, also explaining their contributions
material and spiritual plane, in this case, participants in a as tools for integration in the classroom, including in the
teaching situation interact with each other and with the current context of social isolation in the pandemic.
natural and social world [4]. School education,
characterized by material basis and other social practices, II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
constitutes learning with a transformative purpose.
This work is part of a descriptive narrative literature
In this context, Oliveira [4] affirmed the existence of review based on investigation and critical analysis of
scientific-technological points of view, pointing out that relevant retrospective research to provide the construction
technology includes the connection between man and of ideas and concepts. The narrative literature review
matter, also including the use of production methods to act involves the steps of topic selection, literature search,
on matter, based on energy, in knowledge and information. selection, reading, analysis, and writing [7] and consists of
Nowadays, information becomes easily accessible and introduction, development, reflection, and references.
changes quickly, combined with new technologies such as Sampaio and Mancini [8] explain that narrative reviews do
social work networks: Google Meet, Ava and Zoom. not exhaust the sources of information and the choice of
Given this reality, Mercado [5] pointed out that in research depends on the author's enthusiasm. This is
addition to a series of activities with teaching interest, interesting because it can establish connections with

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previous research and propose new perspectives on the process to improve learning; systematic methods, which
topics discussed. have the particularity of change.
The data were collected from the search system on However, after this characterization, the Internet
“Google Acadêmico”, available within the Portal brought new challenges to education. The author
Periodicals CAPES/MEC. From this, a filter was carried highlights that these new technologies were introduced in
out to select articles only from the last five (5) years, that schools in the 1980s, namely: overhead projectors,
is, articles between the period 2017 and 2021. After this portable recorders, camcorders, photocopiers, televisions,
filter, articles that were related to the theme were searched, video recorders and computers. In addition, the author lists
obtaining If a total of 3,240 articles, consequently, there three aspects of this insertion: the use of the media in the
was the exclusion of articles that did not have the context of school curricular projects, the training of
keywords determined as necessary for data collection and teachers and the work environment, the integration of the
research constitution, these were: "application", media in teaching and the school updating policy [12].
"technology", "tool", "teaching”, “environment”, Oliveira [4] highlighted that from the second half of the
“learning” and “communication”. Then, the titles and 1980s to the first half of the 1990s, including the period
abstracts of the remaining articles were read and those that before the approval of the National Curricular Guidelines
did not reach significant relevance for the realization of the (DCNs) and the Law of Directives and Bases for National
research and their possible relationships with the theme Education (LDB) in 1996, in addition to the retreat from
were excluded. As a result, a total of seventeen (17) criticism in this regard, people returned to defend the use
articles were obtained that contributed as an informative of technology as a fair means in teaching practice.
constructive basis for this article.
However, the proposal is still a discussion of school
In the qualitative-quantitative analysis, environmental informatics, and is mainly related to the pilot center for
education is a comprehensive field of research, being educational informatics designated in 1984 in five
considered an important tool for the formation of citizens universities in the country. In 1990, technology reappeared
who are concerned with the protection of the environment, in the context of schoolwork, whether in the classroom or
a necessary element for the survival of our planet. These in management and administration.
surveys were obtained online and printed, and, after data
Almeida [13] also comments that, with the creation of
collection, the survey was critically evaluated for the
SEED / MEC in 1990, plans for the use of technology in
selection of works that will be used for review. In this
education and distance education were promoted through
sense, research can acquire and update knowledge on
cooperation between the Federal, State and Municipal
specific topics in a shorter period and is related to
governments, and these plans were affected. Political
continuing education [9].
power does not always interest them, as Gilleran [14] said,
along with the purchase of equipment, software, and other
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS artifacts, plans and projects for teacher training have been
History and evolution of technologies in teaching developed with the aim of changing school daily life.

According to Toschi [10], scientific theory emerged in Therefore, the incorporation of ICTs in schools has
the 17th century to solve technical problems and promote stimulated major changes in student learning. However,
technology, where the author translates it into knowledge according to Borba and Penteado [15], all these technical
about how it is used and how to achieve its goals. tools may have affected schools and school education
Furthermore, technology changes the environment, both parameters, as the new generation is affected by different
positively and negatively. In Brazil, as in other countries, styles of reading and writing, leading to the development
the use of computers in education stems from the of other languages and online methods in schools. schools.
experience of universities in the 1970s. In this context, Bauerlein [16] commented that children
According to Alonso [11], even if there are differences and young people in this technological environment no
between Brazil and other countries that have started to use longer focus on reading, as they only absorb the
information and communication technologies (ICTs) in information that interests them and rarely use sets of
education, the progress of teaching through technologies is contents. In contrast, Silva et al. [17] highlighted that the
very similar to that of other countries. According to Blanco use of new technologies is conducive to the generation of
and Silva [12], the development of technology and media meanings related to the reading and writing process, as
in the educational system has three characteristics: their methods are carried out in a school environment.
Modernization of teaching; optimization of the educational

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However, Sancho [18] emphasized that all processes as part of society, culture, and productive practice, they are
involving the use of ICTs in educational environments are inseparable from language, art, and scientific knowledge,
affected by the mechanical and effective use of existing which makes technology increasingly vital to society. The
economic models, which diminishes their potential for second chain refers to the understanding of the scientific
more creative uses. From the point of view of teaching, the and technological basis of production, a mechanism that
use of information and communication technologies has favors the incorporation of the curriculum into the real
changed the role of the teacher in the school environment, world of the production of goods and services, necessary
which is not only disseminator of knowledge, but also for survival. The Educational Guidelines and Fundamental
places him as a protagonist in this case. However, Alonso Law (LDB) do not aim to establish technical education in
[11] pointed out that the problem is that the school, as an isolation, but to establish technical education in each
institution, is marked by the logic of transmission, which subject of the curriculum so that students can acquire
conflicts with the logic of ICTs and with the school logic. knowledge of the principles of science and technology
Therefore, Blikstein [19] questioned the more “closed” necessary for modern life in an integrated way.
school education models, which ignore the combination of Considering the moment of paradigm transformation,
various media and generate new languages, and therefore this view that the fragmented world is no longer idealized,
require a better understanding for their use. Furthermore, and a new paradigm is installed that encompasses the
the author commented that the integration of social whole world and changes frequently [24]. As everyone
emotions, interactions, motivations, and knowledge knows, ICTs allow the democratization of educational
relationships with life experience is the content that opportunities.
increasingly influences the education and training process. However, considering the situation we live in,
Therefore, the pedagogical activities of the teaching traditional teachers need to be aware of the relevance of
process using information and communication using ICTs. In the school environment, students often
technologies are conducive to the development of students understand new technologies better than teachers, which
and teachers. In this sense, Freitas [20] highlighted that the reflects their generation. In this sense, continuing
importance of integrating ICTs does not represent only the education actions are important for
tool itself, but also what it makes available to the Santos [25] believes that education has not kept up
discipline, that is, its contributions in relation to the with the technological advancement of society, as
content worked. Knowing how to use them to benefit traditional methods, techniques, and theories still exist in
students is essential. Therefore, one of the challenges of teaching practice and are considered the only way to
incorporating technologies into the school environment is acquire knowledge.
that they cover all students, as well as all teachers and the
A study by Vilarinho-Rezende et al. [26] analyzed the
existing school environment, on an equal basis.
relationship between the use of ICTs and creativity in an
For Almeida [13], the use of educational technology educational context. Furthermore, by evaluating the
must be integrated into the curriculum, teaching and active literature composed of empirical articles and reports, they
learning, to transform schools and classrooms into an found that the deliberate and pedagogical use of
environment for citizen education and democratic technologies in the educational process can improve the
experience. Therefore, Selwyn [21] emphasized that the measurement of quality and creativity.
use of information and communication technologies is not
In addition, the application of technology in the
limited to survival conditions in 21st century society, but
classroom not only brings the language of students closer
constitutes an important part of today's social progress,
to the teacher, but also promotes greater student interest in
which applies better to education and learning than any
learning, inclusion, and more meaningful learning,
other field.
generating knowledge that was more difficult to obtain
Contemporary society needs to discuss the importance years ago. behind. However, it is important to correctly
and advantages of technological tools in the construction apply information and communication technologies in
of knowledge, as considering the current teaching process everyday school life, use technical tools in a
that does not use technological resources is a setback for complementary way to promote learning, that is, use them
human evolution [22]. as strategies to activate mental processes and accelerate the
Santos and Silva [23] analyze technology in basic acquisition of knowledge.
education from two complementary aspects. Firstly,
technical literacy refers to how to teach to use computers
and technical methods. In addition to understanding them

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Pedagogical Reconstruction in ICTs off topic; the race to deflect technology and turn life into
Silva and Correia [22] are genuine in proposing that new things; or master the process and develop skills to
educators need to reinvent themselves in the face of the control the technology and its impact” [27].
dynamism of new technologies. However, this adaptation The third way is to enable the integral formation of the
is still challenging for many. One of the main reasons is discipline. Therefore, teachers need to master information
that not everyone has technical resources, in addition, the and communication technologies and use them as a tool in
use of these resources in the classroom can cause teaching practice, always being cautious and having a clear
insecurity and fear. It turns out that students are better at objective, to provide learning situations, instead of
using technology than teachers because they belong to transforming it into a teaching method.
distant generations in chronological order. It is in this context that we realize the importance of
Therefore, it is necessary to think about continuing thinking about a new teaching practice in which teachers
education to provide teachers with "digital literacy" so that rethink their attitudes in educational relationships and
they can rebuild their teaching practice from the make new suggestions for schools. The school assumes the
perspective of the use of ICTs. Many education role of training the students of the future and needs to be
professionals and educational institutions themselves rely prepared for issues related to the current scenario and the
on traditional teaching methods. Theorist Jean Piaget world in which students live. These issues involve
believes that the object must destroy the subject's structure technological, behavioral, and social changes.
to develop cognitively.
Therefore, he believes that it must also be the students' Digital Transformation in Education in times of
learning environment, that is, students must be able to Pandemic
interact with learning objects, breaking with the old
The education sector is one of many sectors affected by
paradigm that teachers are holders of knowledge and
the new coronavirus pandemic. According to the World
students are frameworks. white. The information is
Health Organization [28, 29], Covid-19 is a disease caused
printed. Therefore, it is acceptable that the role of the
by the Sars-CoV-2 virus, which can cause infection, being
teacher in contemporary society still needs the changes
identified in 2020, therefore, it was classified as a
that occur with the insertion of technology in the
pandemic and due to its form. of fast-spreading infection
educational environment.
when meeting an infected person, the security protocol
In this case, the paradigm of teacher education has aims to curb the spread of the virus, through the measure
changed from a model in which teachers are just of social isolation a priori. However, the development of
transmitters of information to a new model full of drugs and vaccines to control this virus are still being
uncertainties. In this logic, teacher education must be developed and studied, although there are already safe
process oriented. Continuously use their critical, reflective, vaccines, the mutation of the virus has been a problem for
and creative skills to promote their professional the end of this pandemic, in addition, washing your hands
development [25]. The incorporation of ICTs in the correctly and with frequently, using alcohol gel and masks,
teaching process brings many advantages, such as making help to maintain social isolation, being strategic measures
the classroom more attractive to students and stimulating taken as preventive methods to control the spread of the
their interest in the contents taught. virus [30].
According to the National Curricular Common Base - In this perspective, the Ministry of Health, following
BNCC, personal experiences in the family, in the the criteria of the guidelines of the World Health
community, in the social and cultural environment and in Organization, presented the measure of social isolation,
the interaction with technologies can stimulate curiosity, having a great impact on everyone's daily life. Suddenly,
creativity, critical capacity and debate, questioning and everything changed, and it was necessary to stay indoors.
stimulate logical thinking. The use of ICTs increased Outside during the quarantine measure, only essential
students' understanding of themselves, the environment businesses for survival were open, such as pharmacies and
and the social world and the relationship between man and supermarkets, in addition, even schools were closed
nature [2]. completely, including in Brazil [28].
To perceive this reality in the classroom, Brito [27] In this way, Brazilian education has faced challenges in
believes that schools need a project of reflexive action to distance teaching and learning, and the implementation of
correctly use ICTs in the perspective of contemporary ICTs is of great need, thus favoring the reduction of the
society and rebuild their teaching process. However, the impacts of the pandemic on education [31].
school has three goals: “Reject technology and try to stay

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Relationship between Environmental Education Table 1. Table of ICTs used in the Covid-19 Pandemic.
and Information and Communication Technologies - Title TICs
It allows the creation of discipline pages,
After a separate analysis of the selected category, we workgroups and learning communities,
will now investigate what has been determined about the Moodle
courses, and online classes, available in 75
relationship between the two cores. Bene et al. [32] System
different languages. The platform is free
presented in their research how effective ICT-based and accepts videos and various files.
learning strategies can generate a wide range of learning
motivation among students, revitalize the educational Free online streaming and
process and open new ideas for environmental education videoconferencing for lives with one or
based on closely related autonomous learning. with more professionals. Could be related to
internal motivations. YouTube or Facebook.

To confirm this information, Bernini [33] brought us: Application to make online video
They are optimistic about the integration and use of ICTs conferences, with several participants, up
in teaching because they consider the motivational aspects, to 100 in the free version, with a maximum
for example, the possibility of making the classroom more time of 60 minutes per meeting, in this
interesting, improving the presentation of teaching version.
materials, increase the exchange of knowledge, reducing Streaming classes and video repository
barriers of time and space, autonomy, and ease of access to YouTube Platform for sharing videos and streaming
information. content (live or recorded).
In fact, young people from all walks of life use ICTs Source: [30].
quickly and carry out educational experiences to encourage
the use of technology in environmental education,
Table 2. Table of ICTs used in Environmental Education.
breaking the paradigm [34]. Morais and Cunha [35]
showed that the technology courses of the distance model Title Author Year TICs
of the Instituto Federal do Piauí use VLE Moodle and From the illusion of
proposed: Moodle is a learning management system movement to the
(LMS) that facilitates the approximation of the composition of Stop
assumptions of the method by providing easy resources [37] 2015
animations: stop motion motion
learning and social constructivist that provides a user- in the training of
friendly interface for teachers and students. teachers.
They introduce the use of forums and chat features in The use of educational
their research. These resources are socially relevant games as a didactic tool
elements for sharing student records, discussions and for environmental Digital
resources, files, and links. “It intends to include reflection education in a school in [38] 2016 educational
in the forum for students to express their reflections on the the surroundings of the games
topic” [35]. ICTs have brought the possibility of proximity ecological park of JI-
between subjects with the same goals in different places, PARANÁ/RO.
allowing dialogue between different cultures and
Use of the forum as a
expanding students' horizons of knowledge. Information
Space for Socio-
and communication technologies have been integrated into
environmental Forum on
our daily lives, and the biggest challenge is to incorporate
reflection: a Case Study [35] 2016 the AVA
them into the educational process to take advantage of
in the Formation of the platform
their enormous potential for educational innovation
Technical Course in the
without reducing quality [36].
As shown in Table 1. and Table 2., from the eligible
selection criteria for the research included in the method, Environmental education
mediated by Information Digital
four articles were selected that presented the main
and Communication [39] 2017 educational
behaviors of adherence to Information and Communication
Technologies at the games
Technologies, the first of ICTs in the pandemic and the
second of ICTs in Environmental Education. Federal Institute of

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Amazonas – Campus knowledge, such as environmental education through

Humaitá. dynamic and fun ways, as in Helbel [38] and Lopes [39].
The use of information While Environmental Robotics would be a pedagogical
and communication practice of building robots, cars and other projects in a
technologies as a Environme learning environment that uses or not recyclable materials,
didactic resource for the [40] 2018 ntal it is always beneficial for the community to use them in a
promotion of Robotics positive educational way, generating social impact,
environmental corroborating with the study by Soares and Vasconcelos
education. [40].

Conscious Use of Water Regarding the use of Podcasts, this is an audio

Through Information publication tool, which can be of various themes, such as
and Communication sustainability, climate change and environmental policies,
Video usually with daily or weekly updates for its users, such as
Technologies (Tics), as a [41] 2019
production Silva and Lima [42] present.
presupposition for
Environmental And the drone, this being an unmanned aerial vehicle
Education (UAV) that can be operated remotely, like aircraft, also
having a camera stabilization system, you can capture high
quality images even in motion and at a considerable
height, such as the view from above of a certain stretch of
Challenges in the
[42] 2020 Podcast a degraded environment, or in environmental recovery,
association between ICT
and environmental thus being one of the most useful tools in the teaching and
learning of environmental education, as pointed out by
Paula and Araújo [43].
Drones, digital social
Thus, revealing a relevance regarding issues related to
networks, and
the use of technologies in environmental education, noting
[43] 2021 Drones that although research in the area is still timid, the role of
education: a teaching-
ICTs in promoting environmental education has been
learning proposal in
expanded with a diversification of tools in a more effective
teaching-learning process.
Source: Own authorship.
The importance of developing experiences and using
new technological resources to diversify and promote
As can be seen in Table 2, from the total of 17 articles, changes in teaching is known, and these are not limited to
only eight articles were selected for the final product, due the installation of computers or any other tools in schools.
to greater relevance for this study, in addition, all of them However, the use of technologies appropriates to the
are from Brazil, to identify which are the main tools of content, the dimensions of space and time and the
ICTs used in the scenario of national environmental transformation of the classroom into a place where
education, being observed as teaching instruments: Stop teachers and students can carry out diversified works are
motion, educational games, Environmental Robotics, related to the knowledge and interests of the students.
Podcast and Drones. However, in addition to promoting a new teaching
The Stop motion tool makes use of a sequence of environment, educational technology also provides
photos taken by a camera and edited on the computer, and appropriate educational practices for people who have long
a range of materials can be used in the production of lived in parallel with society. Through these new
images, being common the use of clay, pieces of wood resources, it is possible to welcome and value differences
recyclable and related materials, producing a final material in the classroom. In addition, we must insist on teacher
rich in movement and environmental and biological training and insert these technical resources in a
knowledge, as in the research by Santos, Modesto and transformative way.
Araújo [36] and also having a similar objective to the Today's society is surrounded by a high-tech
production of videos, evidenced in the study by Castro, environment, which allows quick access to information
Ferreira, Cunha and Neto [41]. and facilitated communication. The new era imposes new
As digital educational games are programs developed requirements for the formation of subjects, which has
ethically and critically with the aim of transmitting triggered a reflection on the current education process, that

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is, if the teaching methods currently used meet the needs activity with a sense of civic responsibility, therefore, the
of contemporary society. greater the level of importance of its role in the
In fact, we still have an impasse between schools and environment, the greater its impact on environmental
teachers who use outdated teaching methods and students education. Thus, promoting positive impacts and
from a more active and involved generation, which hurts improving the relationship between people and natural
the expectations of these students. In view of resources.
contemporary society, schools need to consider the new Furthermore, science and technology permeate social
information and communication technologies in their and cultural relationships. When we link the formal
teaching practices, as they are essential for the integral education process to the technical tools available in the
development of individuals, including their preparation for market, it becomes very promising to seek the connection
living in a high-tech and globalized society. between them, thus expanding the possibility of learning
In short, the way of teaching must be in accordance and exchanging experiences. Emphasizing the need for
with the development of society, in this context, teachers environmental education to achieve the proposed
need to understand the impact of the correct use of objectives in the classroom.
information and communication technologies in teaching
practice, strengthen the acquisition of knowledge by ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
students and promote problematization.
To all the employees of FACESP for all their support
From this perspective, it is effective to promote the and contributions to my professional training.
continuing education of teachers and the improvement of
ICTs so that they can rethink their teaching strategies and
provide training to. REFERENCES
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