Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Unit 2 - Task 4 - Lets Talk and Share - Speaking Task
Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Unit 2 - Task 4 - Lets Talk and Share - Speaking Task
Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Unit 2 - Task 4 - Lets Talk and Share - Speaking Task
1. Activity description
Type of the activity: Individual
Evaluation moment: Intermediate at Unit 2
Activity higher score: 100 points
Activity starting date: Monday, Activity deadline: Friday, may 6th
march 21st 2022 2022.
• Read all the directions in this guide and complete every activity in directly in
the Discussion Forum - Unit 2 - Task 4 – Let’s talk and share. Speaking Task.
• Share the link (Youtube, Vimeo, Google Drive, Onedrive) to your video in the
forum. Verify it belongs to a public category (no passwords should be
required to open it) Check that your link works perfectly.
Upload in the evaluation environment a PDF document with the link to your
video and a screenshot of your video practice session.
Step 1: Schedule a video practice meeting with your tutor. Use the feedback
provided by your tutor during the practice session to give a structured speech
during your video recording.
The tutor will feedback your participation during the practice session not
in the forum.
After you study the suggested modules, select and complete one of the following
listening and reading comprehension exercises. Share the screenshot directly on
the forum. Make sure not to choose an exercise previously selected by another
course mate:
Esta etapa está orientada a su reflexión y crecimiento personal aquí usted debe
realizar una autoevaluación dando respuesta en español a los siguientes
To have in mind:
• You can practice with the tutor before uploading your video. There will be a
link in the forum with the schedule for you to register and program your
video meeting. (Meets or Zoom)
• Use the feedback provided by your tutor during the practice session to give
a structured description during your video recording.
• Vocaroo:
• Front page
• Screenshot of the speaking practice with your tutor.
• selected e-book exercise – developed activity
• Link of the video
• Self-assessment: reflection and personal growth
Consider that In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article 99, it is
considered as offenses that undermine the academic order,
among others, the following: literal e) “Plagiarism, that is, submitting as of its
own authorship the all or part of a work, document or invention made by
another person.
It also implies the use of quotes or false references or proposing quotes where
there is no match between it and the reference”and literal f) “Reproducing or
copying for profit, educational materials or results of research products, which
have intellectual rights reserved for the University.
The academic sanctions the student will face are the following:
The student schedules the practice session but does not make
part of it the first time and ask for another schedule day.
This criterion
represents 20 If your work is at this level, you will get from 10 to 15
points of the points
total of 100
points of the Low level: The student does schedule the practice session.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 0 points to 0
Second evaluation If your work is at this level, you will get from 7 to 10
standard: Module points.
Medium level: The student selects the activity of the
This criterion module and work on it, but it has mistakes.
represents 10
points of the total The student selects the activity of the module and work on it
of 100 points of but does not do it.
the activity.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 3 to 6
Low level: the student doesn’t select the activity of the module
to work on it.
Medium level: the student records and upload the video but
This criterion
the content is not well developed.
represents 25
points of the
If your work is at this level, you will get from 10 points to
total of 100
19 points
points of the
Low level: The student does not record the video.
Fifth evaluation If your work is at this level, you will get from 7 to 10
standard: points.
Reflection and
personal growth. Medium Level: The student shares the answers to some questions of
his reflection and personal growth in relation to his performance, (step
5). The student self-critically assigns her score for this criterion.
This criterion
represents 10 If your work is at this level, you will get from 4 to 6 points
points of the
total of 100 Low Level: The student does not share the answers to the questions
points of the of his reflection and personal growth; and / or does not self-assess or
activity. share her score.
The student does not participate in the forum; and / or plagiarism is
demonstrated in her/his work.