Al Qahtani2001

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SPE 71688

Optimization of Acid Fracturing Program In the Khuff Gas Condensate Reservoir of

South Ghawar Field Saudi Arabia by Managing Uncertainties Using State-of-the-Art
Mohammed Y. Al-Qahtani, SPE, and Zillur Rahim, SPE, Saudi Aramco

Copyright 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

models. The paper also discusses the need and importance of
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and some of the tests and the quality of the results that may be
Exhibition held in New Orleans, Louisiana, 30 September–3 October 2001.
obtained from them.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
Finally, the paper presents reservoir modeling and history
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to matching of acid fracture treatment using state of the art
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at coupled geomechanical single well simulation model.
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
Predictions of acid fracture performance versus time under the
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is Khuff abnormal stress conditions are presented.
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
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acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
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Since the beginning of the fracturing campaign in 1999 in
order to enhance gas production and deliver the required gas
Abstract volume to the gas plant, over 20 wells have been acid
The Khuff reservoir in South Ghawar, Saudi Arabia is a fractured in the South Ghawar carbonate reservoir.1 The
heterogeneous tight carbonate reservoir. Acid fracturing carbonate reservoir is tectonically active and high stress is
program has been initiated to enhance gas production from encountered in various part of the formation. Thus, at the
this reservoir to deliver 1.2 BSCFD of gas. The complex beginning of the fracturing program, study and research
nature of the tectonic stresses, geomechanical properties, initiatives were undertaken in order to better understand the
reservoir geology and quality, coupled with aerially varying geomechanical properties and reservoir characteristics.2
fluid properties (H2S) have sometimes reached the limits of Numerous microfrac and minifrac tests were conducted to
reservoir simulation and stimulation. develop and calibrate the geomechanical model3 used to
During the early stages of development, numerous predict reservoir in-situ properties. This current model thus
diagnostic tests were conducted on every well before, during, predicts the main mechanical properties such as in-situ stress,
and after fracture treatment. These tests include pre- and post- Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio with precision, which
fracture pressure transient analysis, radioactive tracer or are used by the fracturing model to compute fracture initiation
temperature log runs during mini and main fracture treatments, and propagation.
production tests, and production logging. Several acid At the initial stages of the project, large volumes of pad
fracturing fluids, such as, 28% HCl, emulsified 28% and 15% and acid sequences were used to fracture the reservoir. 28%
HCl, were applied to achieve optimum fracture length and strength HCl was commonly used with volumes ranging
conductivity, and avoid CO2 corrosion. Complete reservoir between 1,500 and 1,800 gals per feet of net interval treated.
characterization, history matching of actual fracture treatment Along with numerous sensitivities performed through
and production forecasts were performed for every well. The stimulation designs, different methods to stimulate the wells
objective of these tests and detailed evaluation is to optimize were implemented in the field. The objective was to optimize
future acid fracture design. the treatments in terms of cost, effectiveness of stimulation,
This paper presents in detail the integrated optimization and meeting the needs of future completion requirements.
process of acid fracturing in the Khuff reservoir. The paper Because of the heterogeneity of the reservoir and the risk of
demonstrates that early investment in technology, developing condensate bank near well due to pressure
management of uncertainties, and state of the art reservoir and dropping below dew point, the optimization process has been
fracture modeling significantly improved the optimization a challenge to the reservoir and stimulation engineers.
process. Nevertheless, the improvement in applying and optimizing
The paper presents detailed assessment of several key stimulation technology has been distinct and the work for
wells, comparison between various acid fracturing fluids and continuous research and development will be on going,
techniques, and calibration of results of the stress and fracture particularly when these wells are put into production.

Background of Khuff Reservoir Table 1 Acid Fracture Development Program

The Khuff is deep gas condensate reservoir under active Acid Type Acid Acid Sequence Initial Perforations
tectonic stress environment. The reservoir consists mainly of Vol. Pad
dolomite and limestone sections with streaks of shale and gals/ft gals
anhydrite that constitute the non-permeable and possible Straight 1,500 ~ 1 Pad Stage 60° phasing
fracture barrier zones. The reservoir extends up to several Acid (28% 2,000 + 1 Acid Stage 50,000 and 60 SPF
hundred feet in thickness with varying quality and production HCl)
potential. An example of reservoir variation and heterogeneity
is presented in Fig. 1. Formation logs for three wells have Spearhead acid
been presented in this figure. Each log indicates three distinct Emulsified 1,200 + 4Pad Stages
Acid (28% + 4Acid Stages
sections within the same well with varying reservoir quality. HCl)
Heterogeneity also exists between a well and another as 15,000
can be seen from Fig. 1. Although the three wells are not very 1,000 Oriented
far from each other, HRDH-EE shows an excellent Organic Spearhead acid (180°)
development in reservoir porosity, particularly in the bottom Acid (15% 2 Pad Stages
section where the porosity reaches as high as 27% compared HCl + 9% + 3Acid Stages
to this section in HRDH-GG well, which is poorly developed. Formic) (Use of CFA)
On the other hand, reservoir development in HRDH-FF well is
intermediate. Initial Pad Volume
HRDH Khuff Heterogeneity The purpose of initial pad volume is to create a wide and
long fracture that will provide an easy and quick conduit for
the acid to penetrate into the reservoir. Pad volume is
calculated so that it ensures the length required for a particular
formation as well as vertical coverage of all pay zones of
interest. Use of low pad volume may not create the fracture
that is needed to get the optimal production. On the other
hand, excess pad volume will not increase etched fracture
area, as acid may already be spent before it reaches all created
10 km 12 km fracture. Rather, increased pad volume will damage the
formation more. Formations that exhibit moderate to good
reservoir quality where inducing a high conductivity fracture
is the objective, low pad volume is usually used.
About five wells were treated with over forty thousand
gallons of initial pad volume. This volume was reduced to
about 15,000 and over 20 wells have been fractured so far
with this reduced pad volume. Most wells have tested
Figure 1 Reservoir Heterogeneity in Khuff Reservoir expected production increase after acid treatments. This
Development of Acid Fracturing Program change in volume reduces the cost of acid fracturing while it
Currently the Khuff reservoir is actively being developed with does not compromise with the effectiveness of the treatments.
vertical wells and by routinely treating these wells with acid
fracturing. Accurate modeling of geomechanical properties Fracture Stages
and using the best acid fracturing technology are essential Use of multiple independent fracture treatments on the
elements for ensuring a successful depletion of gas reserves. same well has also been implemented. The decision of such
Within the past two years, several gradual changes and steps staging is based on extensive sensitivity runs with the fracture
have been planned and implemented to the acid-fracturing design model. Few important parameters that impact such
program for efficient development of the Khuff reservoir. The staging are the in-situ stress contrast among productive and
technical steps included calibrating existing geomechanical non-productive intervals, layer flow properties, and the layer
and fracture model as well as to develop completion thicknesses. Using the correct geomechanical and reservoir
technique, pumping schedule, and acid formula that will be properties and then making sensitivity runs on fluid volume,
optimal for certain types of reservoir property. Table 1 perforation placement, etc., will indicate whether or not a
summarizes the evolution process that was implemented. single treatment will contact and effectively cover all vertical
Next, some details of development program are discussed and net pay intervals.
benefits of the development are presented. An example well (Well A) is shown in Fig. 2. The distinct
upper and lower sections are separated by 50 to 60 ft thick
interval, which is only partially permeable and porous. The
in-situ stress contrast between them is about 0.1 psi/ft. The

design runs indicated that the two sections cannot be 60 4,000

effectively treated by a single treatment and that a single

WellHead Pressure, psig

Well A

Gas Rate, MMSCFD

fracture will not grow through the stress barrier. Since both Well C 3,000
sections have good net pay sections as indicated by the Well B
production profile log in Fig. 2, it was decided to implement 2,000
Well C
two treatments separately in the upper and lower sections, 40
Well A

respectively. Well B 1,000

30 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Tim e, Hours

Figure 3 Post Acid Fracture Production Tests

Fig 4 presents another example of a well that was fractured
using a single stage treatment. Although the reservoir showed
three very prolific intervals, they are all of similar reservoir
properties. Again, preliminary acid fracturing design
sensitivities showed that a single treatment will effectively
cover all three sections.

Figure 2 Gas Contribution from Different Reservoir Sections,

Well A
As such, about 30,000 gals of 28% HCl was used in each
interval with slightly bigger pad volume in the second stage
(upper interval) to get sufficient width and penetration. This
well tested 10 MMSCF/D at a wellhead pressure of 2,500 psi
for the lower intervals.
Another example of multi-stage acid fracturing is of Well
C. This well is comparable to Well A in terms of reservoir
properties, and was similarly treated with 32,000 gals of acid
per stage. Post-fracture production from Well A and Well C
are presented in Fig. 3. Along with these two wells, we
compare production from Well B, which was acid fractured
using single stage with about 65,000 gals of acid. Although Figure 4 Radioactive Tracer Log Indicates Fracture Vertical
the production tests are of short duration (3 days for Wells A Extent, Well D
& B), the production rate and wellhead pressure indicate Radioactive tracer with three different isotopes was
excellent performance from all three wells. In case of Well B, pumped during the pad and acid treatment. Post fracture log
single-stage treatment was sufficient to effectively fracture all survey showed effective invasion of pad and acid in all the
production intervals.

intervals assuring the creation of conductive fracture in the net

pay sections.

Perforating Technique
Perforations are very important factor for the success of a
stimulation treatment.4 It is through perforations that
stimulation fluid is propagated from wellbore to the formation
for the initiation and propagation of a fracture. If perforation
sizes are large and are oriented in the correct direction, which
is the direction of the maximum in-situ horizontal stress, then
this configuration reduces significantly the friction pressure
and thus the overall pressure during fracturing. In the Khuff
reservoir of South Ghawar field, the maximum horizontal
stress is calculated to be very near to East-West direction.
Thus the “oriented perforation” technique should induce Figure 6 Near Well Pressure Drop, Conventional Perforations
perforations in the wellbore toward the E-W direction and
Acid Formula
with a 180° phasing to have them all aligned in the same
One important item undertaken in acid the fracturing
vertical plane. This process, which will ensure all perforations
program was in terms of experimenting with different acid
toward the direction of the maximum stress, will then direct
formulas. This issue is investigated in order to comply with
the fracturing fluid and help it creating and propagating the
the most recent and future completion methods, increase
induced fracture perpendicular to the minimum horizontal
lateral penetration for low permeability reservoirs, and to
stress, immediately after fracture initiation. Fig. 5 presents in-
reduce stimulation cost. 28% gelled HCl has been used until
situ stress and fracture development in the Khuff reservoir.
recently in all acid fracturing treatment along with high acid
volumes, on the order of 1,800 gals/ft of net interval.
σmin For increasing the lateral penetration, we have used
emulsified acid in conjunction with the 28% gelled acid.
σmax Emulsified acid has been proven to spend gradually, thus
increasing etched fracture length.
As the new wells are being completed using Chrome 13
Frac tubing instead of the regular carbon steel to address the gas
Propagation corrosion problem, the need to reduce acid strength has
become very important. This is because 28% HCl will be
highly corrosive on Cr 13 (while it was tolerable on carbon
steel) and will not allow acid fracturing using such formula.
Figure 5 Fracture and Stress Directions in Ghawar Khuff Thus the implementation of 15% HCl along with 9% Formic
acid has been on the way and few wells have been recently
Recently we have begun using the oriented perforations in fractured using this formulation. These wells tested
the Khuff gas reservoir and preliminary analyses indicate substantial incremental production after fracturing, thus
significant reduction in near wellbore friction pressure that assuring the effectiveness of the new acid system.
would otherwise be present due to tortuous path fracture fluid Also, depending on the reservoir properties, acid volume
will take before it can proceed toward the maximum stress per feet of net pay is also modified. We have recently used
direction to initiate and propagate fracture. between 1,000 and 1,200 gals/ft for acid treatments with 28%
Fig. 6 shows an example well step rate tests conducted acid. However, with 15% HCl acid system, we are still
prior to fracturing to measure the pressure drop near wellbore. maintaining high volume to ensure etching effectiveness.
The total friction loss, as is seen from the figure, is over 2,000 Further study is ongoing on the acid volume with the 15% HCl
psi for a typical 40 bpm pump rate. Most of this pressure drop acid system.
is from near wellbore tortuosity effects. For a recent well that Example Wells
was fractured using oriented perforation, the total near Well E and Well F porosity profiles are presented in Fig. 7.
wellbore friction pressure loss was calculated to be few Well F exhibits better reservoir quality compared to Well E in
hundreds psi. This significant difference is believed to due to terms of porosity and flow capacity. Well E was acid
the easy path created by the oriented perforations toward the fractured using 28% gelled acid in October 2000. Well B was
maximum stress direction along which a fracture propagates. also acid fractured in March 2001 with 15% HCl and 9%
Formic acid. The post fracture rate, pressure, and some
reservoir and formation qualities are given in the table
presented in Fig. 7.

Figure 7 Comparison of Results for Different Acid System


The post fracture data indicate that both wells are almost
equally treated. Although permeability-thickness product for
well F is double of that in Well E, Well F produces at a 5%
and 20% higher rate and wellhead pressure, respectively,
compared to Well E. Hence the reduction in acid
concentration did not negatively impact production, rather it is
expected that lower concentration acid will have more lateral

Indirect Fracturing
Indirect fracturing technique, which is to perforate “not the
best” reservoir interval and initiate the fracture from that Figure 8 Example Well Perforated For Indirect Fracturing
interval and expect that the fracture will grow vertically, Long Term Testing
contact, and effectively etch the better intervals, has also been As part of optimization process, Saudi Aramco is
designed and implement in the Khuff Carbonate reservoir. conducting long term testing on wells to examine the
Because of the heterogeneity of the reservoir, different layers sustainability of gas production and bottomhole pressure and
are encountered in the same well with large contrast of the effectiveness of fracture conductivity. Fig. 9 presents a 7-
reservoir porosity and permeability. As such, acid penetrates day production test conducted on one Khuff well after fracture
preferentially to the most porous and permeable sections if treatment. The response from this well shows that although
entire reservoir is perforated and simultaneously fractured. there is about 500 psi pressure drop during this time, the rate
Fig. 8 is an example well where the lowermost Khuff C has been very steady and history matching rate and pressure
interval is most prolific. Fracture sensitivity runs indicated data and forecasting to 10 years show about 70 BCF of gas
that if the lowermost interval is perforated, most of the acid being produced from this reservoir. This is about 30% over
will penetrate and be spent in this interval leaving the upper the production that would be achieved from a non-fractured
porous sections less treated. This well was therefore not reservoir.
perforated in the lowermost interval as presented in Fig. 9. 60 8,000
Flowing Wellhead Pressure,

Fracture diagnostics indicated that the fracture quickly

penetrated the lower section and etched effectively all net

Pressure 6,000
intervals. An excellent etched fracture throughout the entire

pay section was attained. 4,000

40 2,000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
TIME, days

Figure 9 Long-Term Post-Fracture Production Test


60 70
300 50

Production Rate, MMSCF/D

50 60
Cum Production, BCF

50 250 45

Fracture Half-Length, ft

Gas Rate, MMSCF/D

30 Model Cum 200 40
Model Rate 30
20 150 35
10 10
100 30
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
50 25
Production Time, Years

Figure 10 10-Year Rate Prediction 0 20

0 50 100 150 200 250
Examples of Increased Production Rate Perm eability-Thickness, m d-ft
Acid fracturing has been a successful means for improved
gas production in the Khuff carbonates.5 In this section we Figure 11 Correlation Between Fracture Geometry and
present results obtained from few wells that have been acid Reservoir Properties
fractured. Table 2 summarizes the results obtained where Coupled Reservoir Geomechanics Model
Wells H1-H4 are fractured with 28% HCl, while the rest are As part of acid fracturing optimization efforts, a detailed
fracture with 15% HCl and 9% Formic acid. Pre- and post- coupled geomechanics modeling study was initiated to
fracture production tests from these wells indicate about 2 optimize several aspects of well performance during and post
folds increase in short-term rate. There is also a significant acid fracturing.6-8 The study objectives were to model
gain in bottomhole pressure as seen in Table 2. microfracture and fracturing treatment treatments, in-situ
Table 2 Pre- and Post-Fracture Production Rate stress changes during depletion, stress changes during fracture
injection, estimate possible near well-bore restriction effects
Well Pre Frac Post Frac on injection pressure, and finally, predict post-fracture
Rate, FWHP, Rate, FWHP, production performance.
MMSCF/D psig MMSCF/D psig The work was started by modeling the injection tests in
Well H1 25 2,230 32 4,520 two wells, HWYH AA and HRDH AA, using a coupled
Well H2 20 1,100 38 2,600 reservoir and geomechanical approach, in combination with
Well H3 15 1,760 42 2,925 dynamic fracture modeling. In addition, the acid treatment in
Well H4 7 1,000 43 4,100 HWYH AA has been modeled using a fracture model and the
Well H5 20 2,450 52 3,050 acidized fracture dimensions were predicted. The results of
Well H6 21 1,260 45 3,300 this work were then used to build a sector (single well) model
Well H7 5 518 26* 2,500 of a typical well and generate an acid fracture treatment for
Well H8 16 1,630 38 3,250 this well using acid data calibrated by the match of the well
*Test on Khuff B and C, 15% HCl HWYH AA. This model was then used to study the
Fig. 11 shows fracture half-length and post-fracture geomechanical effects on long-term production.
production rate as function of permeability-thickness product.
Interestingly enough, this plot shows that as kh values Modeling Methodology
increase, the calculated fracture half-lengths are shorter. This The following presents a brief review of the coupled
is explained by the fact that for better reservoirs, where the reservoir flow and geomechanical. The primary coupled
porosity and permeability values are higher, much of the acid phenomena occurring in the reservoirs are:
cannot penetrate to a far distance, rather is spent close to the - Stress changes induced by pressure changes
well. Also, this is how the initial design is done, as for the (poroelasticity)
moderate to high permeability reservoirs, the focus is to - Stress changes induced by temperature changes
achieve short and high conductive fractures. (thermoelasticity)
- Multiphase fluid flow dependence on stress through the
pore volume coupling
- Permeability and relative permeability dependence on
- Fluid flow properties dependence on temperature (thermal
reservoir simulation)
- Initiation and propagation of induced fractures
- Dependence of flow conductivity of propped or acidized
fractures on stress

These phenomena can be thought of as couplings between forecasts for a vertical well producing from a stress dependent
three main simulation modules: a thermal reservoir simulator, acidized fracture.
a stress-strain simulator (including poro- and Acid reaction coefficients (reaction rate and order data)
thermoelasticity), and a fracture mechanics simulator. The from lab test using Khuff cores and 28% HCl were used.
schematics of the physical system which includes these Correct estimation of leak-off during acid jobs is a key
couplings is shown in Fig. 12. Such system was used to element for a realistic history match. The leak-off generally
conduct this study. increases with time because of gradual matrix acidizing and
wormholing which takes place at the fracture wall. This effect
is particularly critical for reservoirs with high permeability.
The matching of fracturing data was then repeated using
stress-dependent leak-off multipliers. The result of one of the
history matches is plotted in Figure 13. The main issue in
obtaining a history match was to obtain a stress dependent
leak-off function in the geomechanics model. The leak-off
multipliers necessary to obtain a match ranged from 1.0 at
initial average effective stress and minimum stress to a
maximum multiplier of about 10.0 for leak-off at the fracture
HWYH-AA Coupled Fracture Model Match


Figure 12 3D Coupled Geomechanical Model Including a Vertical 1.2E+04

BHP, psi

General Model Setup 1.1E+04

A three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate grid system was 1.0E+04

used to model the single well as opposed to a radial coordinate 9.0E+03

system. This allows flexibility for simulating either horizontal 8.0E+03

or vertical hydraulic fractures. The system is symmetrical and Observed

therefore, an element of symmetry representing one quarter of 7.0E+03

the drainage area was simulated. Single-well coupled Time

Figure 13 Coupled Fracture Model Match of Minifrac Data
simulation-modeling runs were performed using data from
wells HWYH-AA and HRDH-AA. The history match was Figure 14 shows the acid treatment match using the
performed for the minifrac and the mainfrac data. coupled geomechanics model and the acid fracturing module.
Two main physical processes were key to obtaining a history
Initial State of Stress match of the data. Pressure or stress dependent leak-off was
The results obtained by history matching the minifrac were necessary to match the fall-offs. The change in back-stress
used to interpret the overall picture of the stress state present due to the high pressure gradients away from the fracture was
in the Khuff. In general, a minimum principal stress gradient found to be a significant factor in the coupled modeling. This
of 0.87 psi/ft was interpreted for the good porosity zones more accurate back-stress behavior was required to match the
tested while a minimum principal stress gradient exceeding high pumping pressures with reasonable fracture toughness.
1.1 psi/ft was interpreted for the poor porosity zones tested.
Both of these gradients are higher than what would normally
be expected. It was hypothesized that this elevated stress state
could be the result of tectonic activity in the region. Differing
rock mechanical properties (E,ν) between rock types (the good
and poor porosity rocks) coupled with tectonic loading could
explain the high contrast in horizontal stresses between layers.

Acid fracture history match

The data from this fracturing job (pre-acid fracture testing
as well as the acid treatment) were used to further characterize
the stress state of the Khuff and predict the acid frac length.
The history matched acid fracture length was then used as a Figure 14 Acid Treatment Match Using the Coupled
basis for simulating a typical Khuff well which has been Geomechanics and Fracturing Model
stimulated with acid fracturing in order to make long-term

Long-Term Performance Using Coupled Modeling

The purpose of this work was to determine if 3500 10000

geomechanical effects play a role in long-term forecasting of 3400 B H P , c o n s ta n t p e r m (c o u p le d o r u n c o u p le d )

Q g , c o n s ta n t p e r m (c o u p le d o r u n c o u p le d )

Khuff production, and if realistic predictions can be obtained 3300 Q g , k = f(S tr e s s ), c o u p le d 8000
Q g , k = f(p ), u n c o u p le d
with a conventional simulator or not. This analysis has been

Gas production rate (MSCF/d)

3200 7000

done without and with hydraulic (acid) fracture, in order to 3100 6000

separate the effects of reservoir permeability and fracture

BHP (psia)
3000 P r o d . r a te 5000

behavior. The calibrated, coupled reservoir and geomechanics

2900 4000
model was used to predict long-term production rates for an
individual well in the Khuff. 2800

2700 2000

Case with stress dependence of permeability 2600 1000

The permeability at full depletion tends to some 2500 0

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
asymptotic value, which may be ½ to 1/5 or less of the value tim e (d a ys )

at initial stress. Measured data on Khuff cores confirms the Figure 16 Comparision of Coupled and Uncoupled Models –
stress dependant function used for matching the fracturing Variable Permeability
data as shown in Figure 15.
Production Forecasting with Fracture
Effect of stress during production If the well is fractured, in addition to matrix permeability
The following variations were compared: changes, the fracture conductivity is a strong function of
a) The coupled solution disregarding the effect (constant “closure stress” which is the effective stress normal to fracture
permeability). plane. For example, for an acidized fracture, the conductivity
b) Coupled model with k=f(effective stress) as given in Fig. is a function of the initial etched width W0 (at zero stress) and
15. closure stress. The relationship often used in absence of data is
c) Uncoupled (reservoir-only) model in which the data of the Nierode-Kruk correlation, in which the additional
Fig. 15 was converted to k=f(p). correlating parameter is the embedment strength of the
fracture face. Similar relationships exist for propped fractures.
9 Laboratory data
Curve used for generic model preliminary work Conductivity reduction with stress can be severe. For this
Composite data for generic productivity predictions
work, some literature data were used. The results are shown in
permeability multiplier

Figs. 17 and 18. Fracture width and conductivity as a function
of stress plays a very important role in productivity reduction.
Opening of
microfractures not Laboratory experiments and extended testing will be used to
4 seen in core
predict this effect and model it accurately.
3 sensitiv ity to conductiv ity as a function of p or stress
20 000

18 000 no frac

1 Frac Hf=8 5 ft, W =0.07 5 in

16 000
Frac Hf=8 5ft, W =0.0 75,const kf
-1000 1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 13000 15000 14 000

average effective stress (psia)

12 000
Figure 15 Reservoir Permeability vs. Stress From Cores and
Qg (MScf/d)

Modeling 10 000

The results of the comparison are shown in Fig. 16. Note 8 000

that ignoring the stress dependency overpredicts well 6 000

productivity significantly compared to the coupled solution, 4 000

which represents the most rigorous estimate. On the other 2 000

hand, trying to use an uncoupled model actually underpredicts 0

0 10 00 2000 30 00 400 0 5 000 600 0 7 000 800 0

productivity (although by a smaller amount). tim e (day s)

Figure 17 Sensitivity to Acidized Fracture Conductivity as

Functions of Stress or Pressure

sensitiv ity to acid ized w idth, kf=f(p), Hf=85 ft

warranted from our experience and what have been presented
n o frac in this paper.
1. Each well and reservoir must be studied as a
Frac H =8 5 ,W =0 .0 2 5
Frac H =8 5 , W =0 .0 7 5
Frac H =8 5 , W =0 .1 5
separate case and fracturing design should be done
Qg (MScf/d)

2. Single- vs. multiple-fracturing on the same well is
dictated by in-situ stress contrast, permeability, and
interval thickness. The goal is to contact all net pay
3. Use of 15% HCl over 28% HCl acid has provided

comparable results.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
tim e (d a y s)

4. Implementation of oriented perforation technique

Figure 18 Sensitivity to Acidized Fracture Width (k(p), and Hf =85’)
reduces pressure drop near wellbore, thus it
becomes easy to initiate and propagate a fracture.
Future Work
5. Use of various forms of testing like production
Stimulation and reservoir engineering work deal with many
logging, radio active tracer logs, temperature logs,
uncertainties. These uncertainties include reservoir properties,
pressure transient tests are useful and needed at the
fracture fluid characteristics, fracture geometry, and
initial development stage of the program.
incremental production. Reservoir property includes
6. An example of a coupled reservoir geomechanics
formation porosity and permeability near well and also lateral
model to history match acid fracturing data,
homogeneity and continuity of the formation. Lateral
calibrate leak-off and stress dependant
continuity of the formation is important and impacts on long-
permeability, and predict long term performance of
term production of a well. This issue can be addressed by
wells in the Khuff reservoir was presented.
reviewing geological and seismic data and developing
7. The predicted fracture dimensions for acid
correlation among wells using these data, core, and log
treatments are very sensitive to reservoir and rock
properties. However, one essential data item to evaluate
mechanics parameters. This indicates a large
reservoir properties and fracture efficiency is to monitor and
potential for optimization as well as a need for
evaluate well performances. Long-term production tests from
careful design and uncertainty analysis.
few wells do not necessarily provide enough data points to
8. Stress dependent properties in the depletion region
extrapolate for the entire reservoir. We therefore plan to
can have a large impact on well deliverability.
follow production history as the wells are brought into
Ignoring the effect will over-predict the production,
production and use numerical simulation to match these data.
while modeling it with conventional reservoir
The more well performance history is available, the better will
simulator with k=f(p) will under-predict it. For a
be the calibration of geomechanical, fracturing, and reservoir
fractured well, the stress dependence of fracture
modeling tools. This calibration will then provide more
conductivity Cf is the dominant factor.
realistic fracture dimension calculations and predict
production with accuracy.
The acid development program only recently started
1. Saudi Aramco Gas Reservoir Management Division,
fracturing wells with the lower acid concentration. In the
Internal Documentations
future, many different types of acid formulas will be tested in
2. Al-Qahtani, M. Y. and Rahim, Z., “A Mathematical
the laboratory and implemented in the field. Another
Algorithm for Modeling Geomechanical Rock
important aspect of the development program includes the use
Properties of the Khuff and Pre-Khuff Reservoirs in
of proppant fracturing. It is expected that long-term fracture
the Ghawar Field,” SPE 68194 presented in the
conductivity may be maintained more with proppant than with
Middle East Oil Show, Bahrain, March 2001.
etched fracture faces created with acid fracturing.
3. MECPRO, a Geomechanical Calibrated Model to
compute In-Situ Rock Properties, Saudi ARAMCO.
4. Rahim, Zillur and Al-Qahtani, M. Y., “Selecting
Extensive development in acid fracturing is a high priority and
Perforation Intervals and Stimulation Technique in
challenging Saudi Aramco project that has involved reservoir,
the Khuff Reservoir for Improved and Economic Gas
production, and stimulation engineers. The objective is to
Recovery,” SPE 68216 presented in the Middle East
better understand the reservoir and stimulation mechanisms,
Oil Show, Bahrain, March 2001.
calibrate geomechanical and fracturing models, optimize
5. Rahim, Zillur, Al-Qahtani, M. Y., and Buhidma, I.:
stimulation techniques, and improve recovery. The past two
“Improved Gas Recovery From Acid or Hydraulic
years of study, research, modeling, and field implementations
Fracturing,” Saudi Aramco Journal of Technology,
have given us lots of insights and information that are helping
Spring 2000.
us pursuing our objectives. The following conclusions are

6. Report on Geomechanical Modeling, Saudi Aramco

Internal Documentation.
7. Settari, A. and Mourits, F.M.: “A Coupled Reservoir
Geomechanical Simulation System,” SPEJ,
September 1998, pp 219-226.
8. Settari, A. and Walters, D.A.: “Advances in Coupled
Geomechanics and Reservoir Modeling With
Application to Reservoir Compaction”, SPE 51927
presented at the 1999 SPE Reservoir Simulation
Symposium, Houston, TX, February 14-17, 1999.

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