Treatment in Schizophrenia: Factors For Adherence: Francisca Caiado de Bragança
Treatment in Schizophrenia: Factors For Adherence: Francisca Caiado de Bragança
Treatment in Schizophrenia: Factors For Adherence: Francisca Caiado de Bragança
Fevereiro, 2020
Francisca Caiado de Bragança
Treatment in Schizophrenia: factors for adherence
Fevereiro, 2020
Aos meus pais
Treatment in Schizophrenia: factors for adherence
Corresponding author:
Francisca Caiado de Bragança
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto
Alameda Prof. Hernâni Monteiro, 4200-319 PORTO, Porto, Portugal
E-mail: [email protected]
This narrative review analyzes the existing scientific evidence on factors related
to medication adherence in schizophrenia.
Using PubMed as the database, a research was conducted targeting articles
published between 2009 and 2019, written in English or Portuguese, about predictors of
antipsychotic compliance in schizophrenia.
Factors affecting adherence have been generally subdivided into 4 categories:
disease-related, patient-related, medication-related and environmental-related. Factors
which were found to be consistently associated with poor adherence include poverty,
high symptom burden, high levels of hostility, poor insight, presence of substance abuse,
negative attitudes toward medication and antipsychotic side-effects. On the other hand,
variables such as neurocognitive dysfunction, type of antipsychotic, social support and
demographic parameters often yielded contradictory results.
Variables consistently associated with non-adherence should be assessed in
clinical practice and strategies put in place to correct them or dampen their effect. Since
conflicting results are often found regarding several studied variables, future research
should aim at identifying further predictors of adherence in order to better guide clinicians
and maximize the patient’s benefit of treatment.
1. Introduction
2. Methods
A research was conducted using the PUBMED database on the 10th September
2019, using the following query: ((((("schizophrenia"[MeSH Terms]) OR schizophre*))
AND ((("risk factors"[MeSH Terms]) OR predictors) OR reasons)) AND (((("treatment
adherence and compliance"[MeSH Terms])) OR "medication adherence"[MeSH Terms])
OR non adherence)) AND "antipsychotic agents"[MeSH Terms]. Articles were included
if written in English or Portuguese, published between 2009 and 2019, related to
The database returned a total of 181 references. After reading the title and
abstract, 115 articles were excluded for not being related to the theme. After the full
reading of the remaining 66 articles, 27 were excluded due to information that did not
apply to this study. To this total of 39 articles, 10 were added after a hand search of
relevant content found in references of selected articles. Thus, 49 articles were included
in this review.
3. Results
3.1.2. Symptomology
compliance, especially when patients perceive paranoia as a survival strategy.21 22
study assessing the way patients perceive the possible gain from illness showed that
28% of patients discontinue their medication due to increased necessity of “importance
and power”, desire of “becoming another person” or “missing voices”.21 It is, thus, crucial
to assess how patients feel about their symptoms, in order to better guide the choice of
The premorbid functioning level of a patient who develops schizophrenia and its
impact on adherence is understudied and subject to conjecture.14 Those with higher
premorbid intellectual function, itself affected by the neurodevelopmental nature of
schizophrenia, are thought to better deal with the neural insult of the disease.24 An
improved cognitive reserve is thought to increase the ability to inhibit the abnormal neural
processes responsible for psychotic symptoms.24 Thus, it possibly translates into a
diminished symptom burden, which by itself improves adherence.14
The multidimensional concept of insight includes the awareness of being ill, the
recognition of symptoms, the ability to attribute deficits to the disease and the
understanding of the need for treatment.25 26
The level of insight may be modulated by
the presence of neurocognitive deficits or coping mechanisms.25 18 In the literature, low
insight has been consistently associated with non-adherence.19 27 7 28 29
Patients with preserved insight are more able to lable psychotic symptoms as
pathological, have a greater awareness of the social consequences of the disease and
are ultimately more likely to find the treatment both reasonable and necessary.7 11 18
It is also noteworthy that, although impaired insight is a well-established predictor
of non-adherence, patients taking long-acting injectable antipsychotics may be adherent
despite having poor insight, making these medications a reasonable option to improve
outcomes in patients whose insight is impaired.25
3.1.5. Hostility
3.2. Patient-related factors
3.2.1. Socio-demographics
having a significant higher educational level (of 13 or more years) was shown to improve
adherence.23 18 Patients who are employed and have a higher educational level appear
to have a higher level of insight and functioning, which may contribute to improved
adherence.18 However, a higher educational level has also been associated with worse
compliance,3 possibly due to other intervening variables such as negative attitudes
toward medication.3
Past or current alcohol and drug use is common amongst schizophrenic patients
and most studies have considered these risk factors for medication non-adherence.9 30
15 33
Patients with addictions are, in many cases, primarily concerned with short-term
demands, investing less on long-term goals, including those related to their own health.
Furthermore, these patients often exhibit psychiatric comorbidities and are commonly
stigmatized within medical environments, generating mistrust and fueling avoidance of
the system.36 There is still debate, however, on whether substance abuse is a cause or
a consequence of non-adherence.28 To better answer this question, detailed prospective
studies will be needed.28
3.2.5. Religion
Religion can provide support for patients whose social life and individual identity
has been hindered by the disease, fostering feelings of hope and purpose.6 However,
religious beliefs can also lead to the replacement or delay of medical treatment, since
some groups focus solely on spiritual healing and perceive suffering as salutary.6
Christianity was found to be a predictive factor of adherence.4 Christian patients
were found to be 3,23 times more likely to commit to treatment than Buddhists, Muslims,
Hindus and free thinkers.4 Authors attribute this to the fact that Christians tend to be less
stigmatized by their religious peers,4 and that Christianity is more receptive to science-
based and less supportive of superstition-based treatments.4
In a study conducted in the United Arab Emirates, the involvement of patients
with faith healers was significantly associated with non-adherence,27 and
recommendations were made to educate patients and families on the consequences of
such practices.27
It is known that the patient’s attitudes toward medication may not translate directly
into behaviors of adherence and non-adherence.20 A patient may forget to take the
medication even though he understands its benefits.20 The same happens with someone
who, although believing the medication is unnatural, harmful, lenghty or unnecessary,
takes it for other reasons, such as pressure from others.20
Other studies have reached different results, with a negative attitude towards
medication predicting non-adherence directly.19 31 These patients have also been shown
to have lower levels of insight, more medication side-effects and diminished trust in the
doctor-patient relationship.37 11
It seems that several variables are able to change the
patient’s view and attitude towards the treatment, ultimately impacting adherence.
Concerning patients exhibiting positive attitudes, 85% were adherent to
medication,20 and this pattern has been found in independent studies.11 31 18
3.3. Environmental-related factors
3.3.2. Poverty
In a study conducted in rural Ethiopia, the most common reason for non-
adherence among schizophrenic patients was the lack of assess to basic livelihood, such
as proper food.38 Moreover, in empoverished areas which commonly lack community
mental health care, the support from family members is even more important since it is
often the only one in which the patient can rely.38
In the homeless population, the estimated prevalence of schizophrenia is
approximately 11%.12 Considering the unique difficulties and context of this population,
it is understandable that, to these patients, medication adherence is not a primary
concern. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies should, in this way, be
laid out to better address schizophrenia in the context of homelessness.12
Because of the low mental health literacy among the general population, people
tend to distance themselves from those exhibiting strange behaviour.4 Schizophrenic
patients fear being labeled as mentally ill, since this is frequently associated with fewer
marriage and job opportunities.38 Stigma is, thus, a powerful barrier to adherence.38
On the other hand, patients feel safe and understood sharing their condition with
a significant other who provides support and encouragement.4 19 A caregiver is of great
importance to these patients as it was found by a study that 44% of adherent patients
had a family caregiver, contrasting with only 24,6% of non-adherent patients.18 However,
significant others can also negatively impact adherence,21 as it was noted in a sample of
72 non-adherent patients, in which 20% attributed non-compliance to friends or family
advice against medication intake.21
3.3.4. Doctor-patient relationship
Patients who place trust in their doctor and report good relationships with medical
personnel exhibit better medication adherence.4 11
Likewise, when the psychiatrist
includes the patient in the medication decision process, he tends to feel better informed
and more open to discuss fears and uncertainties.39 An important thing to consider is the
confounding effect of insight in the association between the quality of the therapeutic
relationship and adherence.39 The extent to which the patient perceives the relationship
as satisfactory depends on the concordance between doctor’s and patient’s views and
goals, which is naturally increased when the patient has preserved insight.39
3.4.1. Hospitalizations
Side-effects from medication are often referred as the most important contributor
to non-adherence, 21 22 although other studies don’t find such association.7 A patient who
had previous negative experiences with medication, either through distressful side-
effects or non-response, is likely to feel skeptical about it.39 Moreover, the weight of
specific side-effects will depend upon study population.22
In general, side-effects strongly associated with non-adherence vary widely
between studies and include extrapyramidal symptoms, such as tardive dyskinesia,
akathisia and parkinsonism, cognitive side-effects such as sedation, sleepiness and
dizziness, autonomic side-effects such as diarrhea and nausea and diminished sexual
drive and weight gain.3 7 22
Another point worth noting is the difference between acutely ill and stable patients
on chronic treatment. Acutely ill patients, in which lack of insight and delusions
predominate, are likely to overestimate the improvement in positive symptoms,
underestimating side-effects from medication.16 On the other hand, multiepisode
schizophrenic patients report changes in appearance as a significant reason for non-
adherence, in comparison to first episode patients.40 It is important to take into account
that long term users of antipsychotics may underreport side-effects both because they
get used to them or believe the side-effects are deeply intertwined with the benefits of
The balance between the discomfort from side-effects and the medication’s
benefits seems more relevant in terms of adherence than side-effects alone.18
The impact of the type of antipsychotic on adherence has been a matter of debate
and also of controversy since studies differ widely.10 While some don’t find a relationship
between the type of antipsychotic used and the level of medication adherence,11 33 19
One of the aims in the development of LAI antipsychotics, also known as depot
antipsychotics, was improving adherence in schizophrenia.41 These new drugs would
also allow earlier and easier detection of relapse, clearer distinction between lack of
adherence and lack of efficacy, reduced risk of self-poisoning and more stable and
predictable serum concentrations.41 In face of non-adherence, LAI antipsychotics also
would have the advantage of creating a window of opportunity to encourage patient’s
compliance without a precipitous drop in drug levels.42
The use of LAI antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia has then been
proposed as an alternative to their oral counterparts when there is a concern of poor
adherence but in real-life discontinuation still occurs, albeit in a smaller percentage
comparing to oral antipsychotics.41 43
However, this benefit on adherence is not
supported by all studies.18
One could hypothesize that LAI antipsychotics would improve adherence mainly
through improved efficacy. In terms of such claim, debate on whether the clinical
outcomes are improved by their use over oral antipsychotics is still ongoing.41 43 A large
randomized control trial concluded LAI antipsychotics were not superior to oral
antipsychotics in terms of time to hospitalization, symptom relief and quality of life.44 On
the contrary, they have shown to reduce hospitalization frequency in a meta-analysis of
mirror-image studies.45
In the clinical setting, LAI antipsychotics still tend to have low prescribing rates,
mostly ascribed to psychiatrists’ concerns.41 These include the potentially stigmatizing
effect of such drugs, concerns about the loss of patient’s autonomy, beliefs that they are
associated with worse side-effects in comparison to their oral counterparts and concerns
related to patient’s acceptance.41 The cost of LAI antipsychotics has also been pointed
as a reason for underprescription, since this drug’s availability is often restricted in certain
areas by the institutions holding the medication budget.41
Although most evidence seems to support the use of LAI antipsychotics to the
benefit of adherence,2 it remains questionable whether depot antipsychotics truly
improve adherence or simply reveal non-adherence in patients with schizophrenia.
It has been found that a complex regimen comprised of many medications with a
high frequency of administration negatively affects adherence.26 This is especially
pertinent in schizophrenia, since the cognitive deficits associated with the disease further
impact the ability to understand an already complex regimen.26
However, it has been found that patients taking both types of antipsychotics,
instead of just one, more likely remembered to take the medication.4 Authors propose
that, in these patients, one antipsychotic is not enough for symptom improvement, hence
patients taking more than one showed better compliance.4 The same probably applies
to patients on other psychiatric medications such as mood stabilizers, anticonvulsants,
anticholinergics and anxiolytics.32
3.5. First episode psychosis (FEP) and multiepisode schizophrenia
4. Discussion
Both atypical and typical antipsychotics seem to yield similar efficacy in
schizophrenia’s symptoms and relapse risk.2 10 In this way, the choice of antipsychotic is
normally guided by side-effects or patient’s specific factors, such as comorbidities and
past experience with these drugs.2 Although there is conflicting evidence regarding which
type of antipsychotic is better in terms of adherence, most clinicians favor the use of
atypical antipsychotics, which are less likely to induce prominent extrapyramidal
symptoms and endocrinal side-effects.10
Simplifying the treatment regimen, both in terms of amount of medication and
frequency of administration, is a way of improving adherence. Depot antipsychotics are
also an effective way of simplifying the regimen while guaranteeing administration.26
The inconsistent results often found can be ascribed to several limitations unique
to adherence studies. In the first place, the definition of medication adherence varies
widely between studies10 and there are no universally established cut-off points. As
adherence can be evaluated in categorical, dichotomous and continuous ways,10 there
should be an effort to standardize its measurement and categorization.26
Moreover, medication adherence can be generally assessed in two ways:
objetively and subjetively.10 Objetive assessments, such as the measurement of urine or
serum antipsychotic concentrations, seem more reliable and take into account individual
pharmacokinetics, but are usually limited by financial constraints.8 10
Other examples
include the direct observation of medication intake, pill counts, electronic monitoring
systems (MEM) and pharmacy refill records.10 Subjective assessments are the most
commonly used in research, mostly because of their time and cost effectiveness, ease
of use and relative reliability.15 These include patient’s self-report, interviews, diaries or
provider reports.8 49
Although self-reporting questionnaires are patient-friendly, less
expensive and easier to conduct,23 they rely on patient recall, and overestimation is likely
to occur.10 9 It has been proposed that studies should include two measurements in their
adherence assessment where at least one is objetive.7
Most studies are also designed as cross-sectional.8 Limitations include failure to
assess patients over time, limiting cause-effect conclusions,31 especially since
adherence is a dynamic process.18
Adherence is a complex topic in schizophrenia, with current literature exhibiting
vast and heterogenous findings. Since the biology of the disease is itself an intervening
factor and variables strongly interplay with one another, it is often difficult to establish
predictive relations.
Taking into account the importance of this topic, and since patients’ behavior is
known to fluctuate over time, future research should focus on prospective study designs
over long periods of time, and in large samples, under naturalistic settings.
Not applicable.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Declaration of interest
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