High Efficiency Heat-Recirculating Domestic Gas Burners
High Efficiency Heat-Recirculating Domestic Gas Burners
High Efficiency Heat-Recirculating Domestic Gas Burners
Article in Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EXP THERM FLUID SCI) · July 2002
DOI: 10.1016/S0894-1777(02)00164-4
54 2,164
2 authors, including:
S. Jugjai
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
All content following this page was uploaded by S. Jugjai on 04 January 2018.
Existing designs of most conventional domestic burners (CB) have typically relied on open combustion flame, where a large
amount of energy loss with the flue gas arises, resulting in relatively low thermal efficiency (<30%). Against this background, a novel
semi-confined porous radiant recirculated burner (PRRB) concept based on heat-recirculating combustion using the porous medium
technology was developed for energy savings in domestic use and in the small-scale food processing industry. Performance of the
new burner using the same ring burners as those in the CB, i.e. the PRRB(CB) were evaluated by comparing thermal efficiencies and
the combustion characteristics with those of the conventional one (CB). Operating parameters such as heat input, flow type of the
ring burners (conventional radial flow (CB) or swirling central flow (SB)) were clarified. The proposed PRRB(CB) is very effective in
establishing a heat-recirculation mechanism from the hot exhaust gas to the combustion air, resulting in efficient combustion air
preheating with maximum combustion air temperature of 300 °C. Thermal efficiency of the proposed PRRB(CB) is increased to
about 12% higher than that of the conventional one (CB). Further improvement in thermal efficiency of the burner can be realized
by combining the PRRB with the swirling central flame ring burner (SB), i.e. the PRRB(SB), yielding a maximum thermal efficiency
of about 60% and, thus, energy saving of about 50% in average over the operating range. The proposed PRRB(SB) provides not
only high thermal efficiency and considerable improvement in energy saving but also environmentally compatible emissions. With
the model proposed, the calculated thermal efficiencies of the PRRB(SB) can be predicted and agree well with the experimental
ones. Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Porous medium; Heat-recirculating combustion; Heat transfer enhancement; Swirling flow; Gas burner; Premixed impinging flame
such as radiant tube burners, glass melting furnaces and to its relatively low thermal efficiency (<30%). Thus,
slab reheating furnaces [11–14]. Recent development on improvement in the thermal efficiency of the domestic
the new type of glass melting regenerative furnace at burners CB is of great interest in view of the need for
Nippon Furnace Kogyo (NFK) makes it possible to energy conservation and of concern on global environ-
preheat the combustion air, typically above 1000 °C, by mental pollution, especially in Thailand where energy
recirculating the hot exhaust gas resulting in fuel saving consumption in the domestic sector is comparable to
up to 50% over cold air systems, as well as a significant that in industry.
decrease of greenhouse gas CO2 and NOx emissions [12]. In the present paper experimental investigations are
Heat-recirculating combustion based on the porous me- discussed under two major headings. The first concerns
dium technology has now been considered as the emerg- the application of the porous medium technology to
ing furnace design methodology for the next generation establish the heat-recirculating mechanism from exhaust
of high performance combustion systems. gas to combustion air in the conventional domestic
While the above-mentioned development of the heat- burner (CB) so as to realize a new version, high effi-
recirculating burners using porous medium technology ciency heat-recirculating gas burner for domestic appli-
has been focused on large-scale industrial gas burners ances and for small-scale food processing industries (i.e.
and furnaces, very little attention [15,16] has been paid the PRRB(CB)). The second concentrates on the appli-
to domestic application in this type of burner (i.e. the cation of the swirling central flow burner (SB) technol-
porous radiant recirculated burner PRRB). Existing ogy (see Fig. 6) to further enhancing thermal efficiency
domestic burners have solely relied on the self-aspirating of the new burner (i.e. the PRRB(SB)). Performance of
atmospheric conventional burner with radially flowing, the new burner is compared with that of the conven-
ring burner (hereafter referred to as CB, see Fig. 5). The tional one (CB) through measured thermal efficien-
importance of the CB need not be stressed here, owing cies, energy saving and emission characteristics. With
to its simplicity and wide application, both in domestic the detailed numerical model proposed, the thermal
appliances and small-scale industrial burners. However, efficiency of this new type of burner is computed and
in view of energy conservation, it is less attractive owing compared with the experimental observation.
S. Jugjai, N. Rungsimuntuchart / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 26 (2002) 581–592 583
Fig. 1. Comparison of enthalpy history between systems with and Fig. 3. Heat exchanger based on energy conversion between convection
without heat recirculation. and thermal radiation by porous medium.
584 S. Jugjai, N. Rungsimuntuchart / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 26 (2002) 581–592
Table 1
Detailed specifications of the ring burners
Type Number of port Total port Port area ratio, Flow type
Inner ring Outer ring area (mm2 ) % SB/CB
Qb ¼ m_ g Cp;g ðTf Tex Þ ð5Þ
port burner is less than 5 mm, then flames stabilized 5.2. Improvement of thermal efficiency by the proposed
over the individual ports can interact by exchange of PRRB(CB)
heat and reactive radicals and species, and the flame
stability of the burner can be greatly enhanced in com- 5.2.1. Comparison of thermal efficiency
parison to that of an array of more widely spaced ports Fig. 10 shows the measured thermal efficiencies of
[25]. For extensive arrays of closely spaced ports con- the PRRB(CB) and the CB as a function of heat input
figuration, a single inner cone covers all of the ports and Qin . The PRRB(CB) remarkably yields about 12%
is stabilized at the edge of the port array. This phe- higher thermal efficiency on average than that of the CB
nomena was avoided during the modification of the throughout the experimental range. An increase in the
proposed SB from the original smaller one [19] so as to maximum thermal efficiency gth from 30% to 44% using
maintain the flame stability. The structure of the swirl- the PRRB(CB) is observed. This is attributed to an ef-
ing central flame of the SB, which shows a strong in- fective heat-recirculation mechanism from the exhaust
teraction of flame jets issued from the individual ports, is gas to the combustion air as shown in Fig. 11. A large
visible in Fig. 8. The flame structure of the conventional temperature drop across the thickness of the emitting
radial flow flame (CB) with an array of more widely porous medium (TEP;u TEP;d ) over the experimental
spaced ports is also shown in Fig. 9 for comparison. The range implies that a large amount of exhaust gas enth-
SB flame is well stabilized down to a turndown ratio of alpy was converted to an increase in enthalpy of the
5:1 and yielded multiple blue inner cones in which the primary air flowing through the absorbing porous me-
edges of the inner cones have coalesced and the outer dium AP, leading to a significant increase in the tem-
diffusion flame is common to all ports. For this case, the perature (Tair;pre ) of the primary combustion air. The
SB has a port area of about 84% of that of the CB. PRRB(CB) can preheat the primary air to the maximum
Fig. 8. Swirling central flame (SB) in the PRRB housing. Fig. 10. Improvement of thermal efficiency by the PRRB(CB).
temperature level of about 300 °C at Qin ¼ 28 kW. Both 5.2.3. Effect of optical thickness of the porous medium
the CB and the PRRB(CB) reveal the same qualita- Since the radiative heat flux emitted from the emitting
tive characteristics of the heat input dependency of the porous medium EP is a function of its optical thickness
thermal efficiencies (Fig. 10). When Qin is increased, the sEP , sEP was increased from 1.5 to 3 by increasing the
burner efficiencies are also increased because of an in- number of layers of the wire net that forms the porous
crease in the heat transfer coefficient at the bottom medium. The more radiative heat flux emitted from EP,
surface of the vessel [19]. Then the thermal efficiencies as is warranted by a larger temperature drop across the
come to the optimum values at Qin ranging from 10–12 thickness of the EP (TEP;u TEP;d ) at sEP ¼ 3 than that at
kW. For Qin above this range, the normal behavior of sEP ¼ 1:5 as shown in Fig. 13, the higher Tair;pre becomes
decreasing gth with increasing Qin for the two burners as shown in Fig. 14. As expected, this can be translated
are observed. This is because of an excessive heat rate to a significant increase in thermal efficiency gth as
causing incomplete combustion and a higher heat loss shown in Fig. 15. gth of the CB is also included for
rate with the flue gas to the environment than the heat comparison. However, a further increase in sEP may lead
absorption rate by the vessel. to a significant increase in pressure drop of the exhaust
gas flowing through the EP, causing poor ventilation
5.2.2. Effective heat-recirculation mechanism by the and thus leading to incomplete combustion.
porous medium
Since the preheated air temperature Tair;pre is one of 5.3. Further improvement of thermal efficiency by the
the most important factors characterizing the heat-re- PRRB(SB)
circulation performance of the porous medium (EP and
AP) for the PRRB(CB), measurements of the Tair;pre at By replacing the conventional ring burner CB
various experimental conditions were performed and with the swirling central flame ring burner SB, thermal
compared. Fig. 12 shows Tair;pre as a function of heat efficiency gth of the PRRB(SB) is greatly enhanced
input Qin with different combinations of the EP and AP
for the PRRB(CB). Among them the PRRB(CB) with
both EP and AP installed (sEP ¼ 1:5; sAP ¼ 3) yielded
the strongest dependence of Tair;pre on Qin with the
highest Tair;pre (up to about 300 °C). A similar trend was
found for the other combinations but with smaller
Tair;pre . In particular, the PRRB(CB) without both EP
and AP installed (sEP ¼ sAP ¼ 0) gave the lowest Tair;pre
irrespective of the heat input Qin , implying that no heat-
recirculation from the exhaust gas to the combustion air
had occurred. It can, therefore, be concluded that the
PRRB(CB) with the combination of both the EP and
AP is the most effective configuration of the PRRB(CB)
in recirculating heat from the exhaust gas to the com-
bustion air.
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