Cis Ram

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Duty of Care in Action

In the case of a security breach and litigation, or regulatory audit, your organization’s security certifications (PCI DSS, ISO 27001,
etc.) may help, but your ability to prove due care through a strong Risk Assessment will matter even more.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Although a major retailer successfully The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) A major medical center was being
achieved information security has consistently required since 2002 sued for not appropriately protecting
certifications (PCI DSS), a US District “the design and implementation of information. A Superior Court utilized
Court permitted banks to sue the reasonable safeguards to control the “duty of care” balance test and
retailer after determining that due the risks identified through risk found that the medical center was in
care was not achieved. In other words,
“reasonable” controls were not in
assessment.” A Risk Assessment (such
as the CIS RAM), and appropriate risk
the right, and that they did not have a
duty to protect breached employees.
For “Reasonable”
place to prevent a foreseeable negative
impact to the banks and the public.
treatment, is required by the FTC even
if there are other security certifications
Implementation of the
in place. CIS Controls


CIS RAM was authored by HALOCK Security Labs in partnership with the CIS
to establish reasonable implementation of the CIS Controls. By leveraging
CIS RAM, organizations can methodically build what is reasonable and
appropriate security safeguards (“reasonable” controls) for their specific
environment. Not only does CIS RAM provide standardized methods to
achieve compliance, but it also ensures organizations devote the right
amount of resources to maintain security. CIS (Center for Internet
About HALOCK Security) and HALOCK
HALOCK is a U.S.-based information security consultancy that is privately
owned and operated out of its headquarters in Schaumburg, IL. From Security Labs are providing
mid-sized to the Fortune 100, HALOCK’S clients span a variety of industries
including financial services, healthcare, legal, education, energy, SaaS/ the CIS Risk Assessment
cloud, enterprise retail, and many others. HALOCK strives to be your
security partner, providing both strategic and technical security offerings. Method (CIS RAM) to help
HALOCK Security Labs
HALOCK combines strong thought leadership, diagnostic capabilities, and
deep technical expertise with a proven ability to get things done. HALOCK organizations implement the
1834 Walden Office Square, Suite 200
Schaumburg, IL 60173
helps clients prioritize and optimize their security investments by applying
just the right amount of security to protect critical business assets while
CIS Controls reasonably.
844-570-4666 satisfying compliance requirements and corporate goals.
About CIS
Center for Internet Security, Inc. (CIS®) is a forward-thinking, non-profit
entity that harnesses the power of a global IT community to safeguard
private and public organizations against cyber threats. Our CIS Controls™
and CIS Benchmarks™ are the global standard and recognized best practices
for securing IT systems and data against the most pervasive attacks. These
proven guidelines are continuously refined and verified by a volunteer,
31 Tech Valley Drive
global community of experienced IT professionals. CIS is home to the
East Greenbush, NY 12061
Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center® (MS-ISAC®), the go-to
resource for cyber threat prevention, protection, response, and recovery for U.S. State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial government entities.
CIS RAM is the Solution Justification for CIS RAM
What is “Reasonable” Security? CIS RAM addresses these challenges in the following ways: • Helps organizations prioritize and implement CIS Controls reasonably.
• CIS RAM provides a method for evaluating risk by • Provides a method to develop risk criteria that demonstrates due
If you are breached and your case goes to litigation, you will be asked to demonstrate “due care.” This is calculating the likelihood of an impact to customers, care as expected by authorities.
the language judges use to describe “reasonable.” Organizations must use safeguards to ensure that risk is business objectives, and external entities (regulators,
• Creates consensus among interested parties.
reasonable to the organization and appropriate to other interested parties at the time of the breach. The CIS vendors, etc.).
• Provides instructions, worksheets, and exercises to guide you through
RAM method can help your organization demonstrate “due care.” • CIS RAM provides a method to “draw a line” at an your risk assessment. Three different sets of materials support the
organization’s Acceptable Risk Definition, with risks below tiers of risk maturity found in the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.
the line adhering to due care and risks above the line
• Integrates with CIS Community Attack Model to model complex
requiring risk treatment.
What is CIS RAM? • Together these principles provide organizations with a
CIS (Center for Internet Security) and HALOCK Security Labs have co-developed the CIS Risk Assessment Method (RAM) to help organizations concise and defendable process to accept or address risk.
justify investments for reasonable implementation of the CIS Controls. CIS RAM helps organizations define their acceptable level of risk, and
to prioritize and implement the CIS Controls to manage their risk.
The CIS RAM Helps You Apply the Right Amount of Security
Risk analysis helps shape and customize controls to address the internal and external challenges that organizations face. Too often
An Industry with Many Interested Parties – Each with a Unique Set of Challenges organizations rely on gap assessments to determine the severity of their vulnerabilities. The CIS RAM enables you to apply just the right
amount of security — not too much, not too little — striking a balance between keeping you safe and ensuring your organization can
Information security professionals need to satisfy many interested parties, all of which have vastly different concerns. Addressing the
conduct business as usual.
concerns of these interested parties creates a set of unique challenges.
Remediating all gap assessment deficiencies can lead to over-securing and over-investing, while remediating risks identified in a CIS RAM
Assessment can lead to applying just the right amount of security and investment.


Interested Party Their Concerns Your Challenges Interested Party CIS RAM Solution
CIOs / Executives / Board j How does our investment in the CIS Controls tie to Justifying security investments requires a CIOs / Executives / Board j Risks are concisely calculated and prioritized against the needs of customers, business objectives, and
what is important to the business? defendable risk calculation, translating risks into external entities. This helps justify investments, create defendable rise calculations, and translate risks into
initiatives and executive-level dashboards. prioritized initiatives.
Attorneys / Judges j Did you implement reasonable controls that could Demonstrating to a judge that the CIS Controls Attorneys / Judges j CIS RAM allows you to achieve a reasonable implementation of CIS Controls by evaluating your risks in a
have prevented a breach? you implemented are reasonable. manner that aligns with judicial reasoning.
Regulators j Is your use of the CIS Controls reasonable and Showing regulators that your implemented CIS Regulators j CIS RAM balances risks with burdens to match regulators’ expectations for reasonable and appropriate
appropriate to achieve their version of compliance? Controls achieves their version of compliance. compliance.
Customers j Are you appropriately protecting our information Assuring customers that their information is Customers j The Acceptable Risk Definition is stated in plain language allowing you to explain to Customers how their
from harm? appropriately protected. information is appropriately protected.
IT and Security Professionals j How can we get this done? Prioritizing CIS Controls implementation, and IT and Security Professionals j CIS RAM allows you to prioritize what matters to interested parties, and to accept risks at a level the
accepting risks at a reasonable level. organization agreed to.



Example data only. Individual risk assessment results will vary.   Example data only. Individual risk assessment results will vary.    

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