CIS RAM Version 1.0

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CIS RAM Version 1.

Center for Internet Security®
Risk Assessment Method

For Reasonable Implementation and

Evaluation of CIS ControlsTM

Version 1.0 – April 2018 i

CIS RAM - Center for Internet Security® Risk Assessment Method (Version
April 2018
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0
International Public License (the link can be found at
CIS RAM also incorporates the CIS Controls™ Version 7, which is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International Public License (the link
can be found at
To further clarify the Creative Commons license related to the CIS Controls and CIS RAM, you
are authorized to copy and redistribute the content as a framework for use by you, within your
organization and outside of your organization for non-commercial purposes only, provided that (i)
appropriate credit is given to CIS, and (ii) a link to the license is provided. Additionally, if you
remix, transform or build upon the CIS Controls or CIS RAM, you may not distribute the modified
materials. Commercial use of the CIS Controls or CIS RAM is subject to the prior approval of
CIS® (Center for Internet Security, Inc.).

Background and Acknowledgements

The original content of CIS RAM was developed by HALOCK Security Labs. It is based on their
extensive experience helping clients and legal authorities deal with cybersecurity and due care
issues. Recognizing the universal need for a vendor-neutral, open, industry-wide approach to
these issues, HALOCK Security Labs approached CIS to make this work openly available to the
entire cybersecurity community. This generous contribution of intellectual property (and the
extensive work to generalize and tailor it to the CIS Controls) has been donated to CIS and is
now available and maintained as a CIS community-supported best practice.

As with all CIS work, we welcome your feedback, and we also welcome volunteers who wish to
participate in the evolution of this and other CIS products.

CIS gratefully acknowledges the contributions provided by HALOCK Security Labs and the
DoCRA Council in developing CIS RAM and the CIS RAM Workbook.

Significant contributions to Version 1 of CIS RAM were made by:

Principal Author:
Chris Cronin. Partner, HALOCK Security Labs

Contributing Authors:
Jim Mirochnik, Terry Kurzynski, and David Andrew, Partners, HALOCK Security Labs. Erik Leach
and Steve Lawn, HALOCK Security Labs. Paul Otto, Attorney, Hogan Lovells US LLP.

Review and vetting was provided by multiple members of the CIS staff.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 i

Table of Contents
Forward .......................................................................................................................................... iv
Who this risk assessment method is for ..................................................................................... iv
What this document provides ....................................................................................................... v
The role of professional judgment ................................................................................................ v
Author’s Introduction ................................................................................................................... vi
Structure of the Document ...........................................................................................................vii
Glossary ........................................................................................................................................ viii
Risk Assessment Method Examples ............................................................................................ x
Chapter 1: Risk Analysis Primer .................................................................................................. 2
CIS Risk Assessment Method for Due Care ................................................................................ 3
Evolving Risk Analysis Methods .................................................................................................. 7
Overview of the CIS Risk Assessment Method ........................................................................... 9
Selecting A Tier for Your Risk Assessment Instructions ............................................................ 12
Chapter 2: Control-Based Risk Assessment Instructions for Tier 1 Organizations ............. 15
The Risk Assessment Project .................................................................................................... 15
Defining the Scope & Scheduling Sessions ............................................................................... 17
Defining Risk Assessment Criteria ............................................................................................. 21
Defining Risk Acceptance Criteria ............................................................................................. 25
A Control-Based Risk Assessment Process .............................................................................. 27
Risk Treatment Recommendations ............................................................................................ 38
Chapter 3: Asset-Based Risk Assessment Instructions for Tier 2 Organizations ................ 48
The Risk Assessment Project .................................................................................................... 48
Defining the Scope & Scheduling Sessions ............................................................................... 49
Defining Risk Assessment Criteria ............................................................................................. 53
Defining Risk Acceptance Criteria ............................................................................................. 59
An Asset-Based Risk Assessment Process............................................................................... 61
Risk Treatment Recommendations ............................................................................................ 74
Chapter 4: Threat-Based Risk Assessment Instructions for Tiers 3 and 4 Organizations .. 84
The Risk Assessment Project .................................................................................................... 84
Defining Risk Assessment Criteria ............................................................................................. 85
Defining Risk Acceptance Criteria ............................................................................................. 92
A Threat-Based Risk Assessment Process ............................................................................... 94
Risk Treatment Recommendations .......................................................................................... 110
Chapter 5: Risk Analysis Techniques ...................................................................................... 116
Risk Analysis Techniques ........................................................................................................ 116
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 116
Defining Impacts for Tier 1 organizations ................................................................................ 116
Defining Impacts for Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 organizations ................................................... 121
Estimating Likelihood Through “Defense-Readiness” Analysis ............................................... 127
Using Probability with Duty of Care Risk Analysis ................................................................... 129

Version 1.0 – April 2018 ii

Noting How Realized Risk Might be Detected ......................................................................... 133
Leveraging Duty of Care Risk Analysis for Maturity Models .................................................... 135
Interview Techniques ............................................................................................................... 136
Evaluating Inherent Risk .......................................................................................................... 139
Root Cause Analysis ................................................................................................................ 140
Helpful Resources ...................................................................................................................... 142
Contact Information ................................................................................................................... 143

Version 1.0 – April 2018 iii

The objective of the Center for Internet Security® Risk Assessment Method (“CIS RAM”) is to help
organizations plan and justify their implementation of CIS ControlsTM Version 7, whether those
controls are fully or partially operating. Few organizations can apply all controls to all information
assets, because – while reducing some risks – security controls also introduce new risks to
efficiency, collaboration, utility, productivity, or available funds and resources.
Laws, regulations, and information security standards all consider the need to balance security
against an organization’s purpose and its objectives, and require risk assessments to find and
document that balance. The risk assessment method described here provides a basis for
communicating cybersecurity risk among security professionals, business management, legal
authorities, and regulators using a common language that is meaningful to all parties.
The CIS RAM conforms to and supplements established information security risk assessment
standards, such as ISO/IEC 27005,1 NIST Special Publication 800-30,2 and RISK IT.3 By
conforming to these standards, the CIS RAM helps the reader conduct risk assessments
according to established standards. By supplementing these standards, the CIS RAM helps its
readers evaluate risks and safeguards using the concept of “due care” and “reasonable
safeguards” that the legal community and regulators use to determine whether organizations act
as a “reasonable person.”
The CIS® designed and prioritized the CIS Controls so that they would prevent or detect the most
common causes of cybersecurity events as determined by a community of information security
professionals. As a result, CIS Controls V7 has risk considerations at its core.
But because risks vary from one organization to the next, the risk analysis methods described in
this document can assist organizations in applying the CIS Controls so that they reasonably and
defensibly address the unique risks and resources at each organization.

Who this risk assessment method is for

Cybersecurity risk assessments are important tools for organizations that help them evaluate and
prioritize their risks, but also to determine when their risks are acceptable. This risk assessment
method is designed to be practical for a broad population of users, whether they are novices to
cybersecurity issues, capable of recognizing cybersecurity concerns, or experts.
Organizations that must demonstrate “reasonable” safeguards and risk management for
regulatory, contractual, or security management purposes may benefit from the use of the
method. Additionally, the CIS RAM is designed to promote meaningful communications and
consensus among technicians, non-technical management, security experts, risk managers, as
well as legal and regulatory professionals.

1 ISO/IEC 27005:2011 provided by the International Organization for Standardization.

2NIST Special Publications 800-30 Rev. 1 provided by the National Institute of Standards and
3 RISK IT Framework provided by ISACA.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 iv

What this document provides

The CIS RAM guides readers to conduct risk assessments in a way that match the expectations
stated in laws, regulations, and information security standards. The CIS RAM accomplishes this
by providing instructions, templates, examples, and exercises to demonstrate its methods. These
substantiate the framework of a risk assessment.

The role of professional judgment

Using CIS RAM, the reader will be able to rapidly develop a risk register that communicates
reasonableness to many authorities and experts, but the reader will also need to bring their
professional judgment (theirs and the judgment of collaborating experts) to the task.
Professional judgment will help organizations determine the scope and boundaries of the risk
assessment, to define the organization’s mission, objectives, and obligations, to decide which
risks will be evaluated, to identify foreseeable threats, and to recommend risk treatment

Version 1.0 – April 2018 v

Author’s Introduction
The information security community, regulators, attorneys, and managers all understand that
perfect cybersecurity is not possible. Even as organizations implement safeguards that are as
practical as CIS Controls V7, there are limitations to the degree that organizations can implement
security safeguards. Limited security resources (money, experts, and time), competing business
priorities, and the ever-changing threat landscape make it difficult for organizations to completely
implement a cybersecurity standard equally to all information assets.
Even without these challenges, organizations must operate in somewhat vulnerable environments
to fulfill their mission and achieve their objectives. For example, the security value of encryption is
obvious, yet information at some point must be unencrypted to serve its purpose. And sometimes
information must be unencrypted to enforce other security safeguards, such as data loss
prevention. But how does an organization know whether to accept the risk of those moments and
transactions when information is unencrypted? And how does it determine whether other
supporting safeguards are appropriately protecting the unencrypted information? There is no
single answer to that question or to other “grey area” cybersecurity questions that organizations
regularly encounter. To assist organizations in their security efforts, laws, regulations, the courts,
and information security professionals tell us to use risk assessments to answer for ourselves
whether we should accept or reduce risks.
Cybersecurity safeguards must be reasonable and appropriate. They must reduce the risk of
harm to organizations and to others, but they also must not create too great a burden on the
organizations that use those safeguards. The terms “reasonable” and “appropriate” are loaded
with many legal, regulatory, expert, and business meanings. But these meanings can be
addressed, documented, and justified using a well-constructed risk assessment.
By using the CIS RAM as part of their cybersecurity program, organizations will be more able to
adopt CIS Controls V7 in a way that can be successfully demonstrated as reasonable and
appropriate to internal management, authorities, security experts, and legal counsel who have an
interest in the organization’s success.
The CIS RAM document is designed to guide organizations step-by-step through their risk
assessment, regardless of their experience in conducting these assessments. We encourage
readers to work through each chapter that is suited for their organization, and to follow along with
the exercises, worksheets, and examples until their risk register is complete.

Chris Cronin
Partner, HALOCK Security Labs
Chair, DoCRA Council

Version 1.0 – April 2018 vi

Structure of the Document
Center for Internet® Security Risk Assessment Method (CIS RAM) is a documented process for
conducting risk assessments that address requirements for security, business, regulations, and
duty of care requirements. This document will describe the risk assessment method using the
following components:
• Instructions are the major portion of the CIS RAM. Instructions provide step-by-step guidance
for conducting a risk assessment as a project. Three sets of instructions are provided that
address the risk assessment method for organizations based on their risk management
maturity. Instructions may be further customized and adapted by each organization according
to their needs. Risk assessment techniques are provided at the end of the document to help
organizations further develop their risk assessment capabilities.
• Principles state the necessary and fundamental rules for assessing risks according to this
method. The principles are the fundamental characteristics of a risk assessment that
translates security concerns to regulatory, legal, and business expectations. As organizations
customize instructions and templates for their organization, these principles should remain.
Risk assessment processes that are developed and conducted without adherence to these
principles cannot be considered as “conforming” to the method.
• Examples demonstrate processes and steps. Examples will be accompanied by explanatory
scenarios to show the reader how each step is to be conducted. Examples are provided both
in this document, and in a separate document, the CIS_RAM_Workbook for ease of use.
• Templates model the risk assessment steps, risk analysis methods, and reporting. Templates
will assist in rapid adoption of the method’s processes by each organization, and will provide
for consistent risk assessment practices between organizations. Templates are provided in a
separate document, the CIS_RAM_Workbook for easy adoption of CIS RAM.
• Exercises encourage the reader to apply what they’ve learned in the instructions by using the
provided templates to design and conduct their own risk assessment.
• Background notes explain why a risk assessment step is taken, or why a principle is applied.
Background commentary enables risk practitioners to describe to interested parties how their
risk assessment addresses the needs of interested parties and authorities.
• The Glossary provides definitions for specialized terms used in this document. Because risk
management methods vary and audiences have variable experience in risk management, the
glossary will ensure consistent term usage and meaning.


This guide includes references a selection of controls from CIS Controls V7 as examples of
safeguards that are specifically selected to help protect organizations. Since such resources
change from time to time, please contact CIS or refer to our website for the most recent
information. (

Version 1.0 – April 2018 vii

Appropriate: A condition in which risks to information assets will not foreseeably create harm that
is greater than what the organization or interested parties can tolerate.
Asset Class: A group of information assets that are evaluated as one set based on their similarity.
“Servers,” “end-user computers,” “network devices” are examples, as are “email servers,” “web
servers” and “authentication servers.”
Attack Path: A series of activities and information assets within the lifecycle of a security incident.
Attack Path Model: A description of how a specific attack path may occur within an environment.
Burden: The negative impact that a safeguard may pose to the organization, or to others.
Business Owners: Personnel who own business processes, goods, or services that information
technologies support. i.e. customer service managers, product managers, sales management.
Constituents: Individuals or organizations that may be benefit from effective security over
information assets, or may be harmed if security fails.
Control: A documented method for protecting information assets using technical, physical, or
procedural safeguards.
Control Objective: The intended outcome of a control.
Due Care: The amount of care that a reasonable person would take to prevent foreseeable harm
to others.
Duty of Care: The responsibility to ensure that no harm comes to others while conducting
activities, offering goods or services, or performing any acts that could foreseeably harm others.
Impact: The harm that may be suffered when a threat compromises an information asset.
Impact Score: The magnitude of impact that can be suffered. This is stated in plain language and
is associated with numeric scales, usually from ‘1’ to ‘3’ or ‘1’ to ‘5’.
Impact Type: A category of impact that estimates the amount of harm that may come to a party or
a purpose. The CIS RAM describes three impact types; Mission, Objectives, and Obligations.
Information Asset: Information or the systems, processes, people, and facilities that facilitate
information handling.
Inherent Risk: The likelihood of an impact occurring when a threat compromises an unprotected
Key Risk Indicator: Aggregations and trending analysis of measures that management may use
to understand their risk status.
Likelihood: The degree to which a threat is expected to create an impact. May be stated in terms
of frequency, foreseeability, or probability.
Measure: A repeatable, evidence-based indication that a safeguard achieves its control objective.
Observed Risk: The current risk as it appears to the risk assessor.
Probability: The product of statistical analysis that estimates the likelihood of an event.
Reasonable: A condition in which safeguards will not create a burden to the organization that is
greater than the risk it is meant to protect against.
Residual Risk: The risk that remains after a safeguard is applied. This concept is not directly used
by CIS RAM, but implies that risk is lowered when a safeguard is applied. Residual risk does not
take into account potential negative impacts to the organization when safeguards are applied.
Risk: An estimation of the likelihood that a threat will create an undesirable impact. In terms of
this method, risk may be expressed as the product of a likelihood and an impact.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 viii

Risk Analysis: The process of estimating the likelihood that an event will create an impact. The
foreseeability of a threat, the expected effectiveness of safeguards, and an evaluated result are
necessary components of risk analysis. Risk analysis may occur during a comprehensive risk
assessment, or as part of other activities such as change management, vulnerability
assessments, system development and acquisition, and policies exceptions.
Risk Assessment: A comprehensive project that evaluates the potential for harm to occur within a
scope of information assets, controls, and threats.
Risk Evaluation: The mathematical component of risk analysis that estimates the likelihood and
impact of a risk, and compares it to acceptable risk.
Risk Management: A process for analyzing, mitigating, overseeing, and reducing risk.
Risk Treatment Option: The selection of a method for addressing risks. Organizations may
choose to Accept, Reduce, Transfer, or Avoid risks.
Risk Treatment Plan: A comprehensive project plan for implementing risk treatment
Risk Treatment Recommendations: A listing of safeguards or processes that may be
implemented and operated to reduce the likelihood and/or impact of a risk.
Safeguard: Technologies, processes, and physical protections that prevent or detect threats
against information assets. Safeguards are implementations of controls.
Safeguard Risk: The risk posed by recommended safeguards. An organization’s mission or
objectives may be negatively impacted by a new security control. These impacts must be
evaluated to understand their burden on the organization, and to determine whether the burden is
Security: An assurance that characteristics of information assets are protected. Confidentiality,
Integrity, and Availability are common security characteristics. Other characteristics of information
assets such as velocity, authenticity, and reliability may also be considered if these are valuable
to the organization and its constituents.
Standard of Care: A set of practices, controls, or requirements that are known to improve
outcomes and reduce failures for practitioners of a specialized field or profession.
Steward: Personnel who are responsible for the security and proper operations of information
assets, (e.g. database administrator, records manager, or network engineer).
Threat: A potential or foreseeable event that could compromise the security of information assets.
Threat Model: A description of how a threat could compromise an information asset, given the
current safeguards and vulnerabilities around the asset.
Vulnerability: A weakness that could permit a threat to compromise the security of information

Version 1.0 – April 2018 ix

Risk Assessment Method Examples
CIS RAM provides three sets of instructions that each describe a full risk assessment project.
Each set of instructions is designed for organizations of varying information security management
capabilities to increase the method’s usefulness.
All three sets of instructions present a fictional organization that is conducting an information
security risk assessment, and that improves its risk management capabilities over time. The
example organization begins the risk assessment in the first set of instructions as a security
novice with little involvement by business management. After a year of improving their security
posture and abilities, they assess risk in the second set of instructions using more refined
reasoning and methods, and in collaboration with business management. Finally, they mature
enough as a capable organization to take on complex risk analysis in the third set of instructions.
The example organization described in this document manufactures and services medical
devices (“diary devices”) that read biological information from patients that wear the devices. The
organization works in clinical environments to support the patients as well as the devices, and as
a result carries private health information about the patients. Because they work with military and
veterans’ organizations, many of their patients are active or former members of the armed forces.
As a result, the organization poses heightened risk and requires heightened scrutiny over their
cybersecurity controls.
The example organization is hypothetical and is not based on a known organization, technology,
or service. But the risks they encounter are commonly seen and managed by many types of
organizations. Example materials related to the example organization are provided in the
document CIS_RAM_Workbook in re-usable templates.

The reader will best develop an understanding of the risk assessment method by following
along with the workbook, and by entering their own examples in the spaces provided
within each sample worksheet.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 x

Center for Internet Security®
Risk Assessment Method

CIS RAM Version 1.0

April 2018

Version 1.0 – April 2018 1

Chapter 1: Risk Analysis Primer
CIA RAM describes a method for cybersecurity risk analysis that includes methods that are new
to most readers. Chapter 1 will provide an explanation and description of new concepts,
language, and processes to provide the reader with a solid foundation for the remaining chapters.

After completing Chapter 1, the reader will be directed to one of three chapters that provide
instructions for conducting risk assessments. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 present processes, materials,
and examples that are suitable for organizations with varying degrees of capability for conducting
risk assessments.

After completing the instructions chapters, all readers will benefit from the guidance, tips, and
deep dives presented in Chapter 5.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 2

CIS Risk Assessment Method for Due Care

Laws, regulations, and information security standards do not expect that the public can or will
prevent all information security incidents. They instead make us responsible for looking ahead to
what might go wrong, and to use safeguards that are not overly burdensome to prevent that
harm. That is the essence of Duty of Care Risk Analysis4 (“DoCRA”) that the CIS RAM is based
• Since 1993, all US regulations – whether or not they are related to information
security – require risk analysis to achieve a cost-benefit balance while achieving
• Information security standards have called on the public to use risk analysis when
designing security controls that match their environment.6
• Judges have used a “duty of care balance test” to determine liability in data breach
• The Federal Trade Commission has consistently required that organizations use risk
assessments to determine the reasonableness of their security controls.8
• The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) that requires privacy protections
for EU residents, and bases its security requirements on risk analysis.9

Experts and authorities consistently require organizations to secure information and systems as
much as they can to prevent harm to others, but not to allow safeguards to be overly burdensome
to them or the public. And they point to risk assessments as the way to find the balance.

4 Also known the DoCRA Standard.

5 Executive Order 12866” signed in 1993 requires all federal regulation to be enforced using cost-
benefit analysis. The Office of Management and Budget enforces the order in part by requiring
that regulated organizations use risk assessments to identify effective controls that are
6 See ISO/IEC 27001:2013, NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4, PCI-DSS v3.2
7See Dittman v. UPMC, 154 A.3d 318 (Pa. Super. Ct. 2017), In re: Target Corporation Customer
Data Security Breach Litigation, Memorandum and Order, MDL No. 14-2522 (D. Minn. 2014)
8Federal Trade Commission. “Commission Statement Marking the FTC’s 50th Data Security
9 General Data Protect Regulation. Directive 95/46/EC.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 3

Basis in Law and Regulation
CIS RAM’s risk analysis method was designed to provide common ground for security specialists
and business managers, and for legal and regulatory authorities who must evaluate the
sufficiency of security safeguards.
Risk analysis became the basis of regulatory law in 1993 when President Bill Clinton signed an
executive order, E.O. 12866,10 that required regulations to be enforced using a cost-benefit
analysis. The Office of Management and Budget determined that the best way to achieve cost-
benefit analysis was to embed risk analysis in all existing and new regulations.
Starting in 1999 the United States began enforcing regulations with information security and
privacy requirements that used risk analysis as the basis for compliance. The Gramm-Leach-
Bliley Act Safeguards Rule,11 the HIPAA Security Rule,12 and the Federal Trade Commission all
required that organizations conduct risk assessments to define their own compliance goals. Risk
assessments should help organizations determine for themselves the likelihood and impact of
threats that could harm the public, and ensure that safeguards would not be overly burdensome.
This risk analysis has been commonly described as “Risk = Impact x Likelihood.”
At about this time this same idea emerged independently among a separate set of professionals.
Domestic and international information security standards bodies developed risk assessment
methods such as NIST Special Publications 800-30, ISO 27005, and RISK IT to help the public
assess risks in information technology environments. These information security standards also
used the same equation used by U.S. regulators – “Risk = Impact x Likelihood” – to express the
foreseeability of harm that might come to information and information systems.
In parallel with the development of these two efforts (and since earlier in the twentieth century)
attorneys and judges debated in court rooms and in law journals about how to determine whether
someone acted as a “reasonable person” when a plaintiff sued for damages. These debates led
to the creation of the “Learned Hand Rule”13 (aka “the Calculus of Negligence”). The Hand Rule,
as it is now known, states that a burden to prevent harm should not be greater than the
probability of harm times the liability after a harmful event; or mathematically stated, B <= P x L.
Courts (variably) have extended this rule to “duty of care balancing tests” that determine whether
lack of foresight and less-than-reasonable safeguards led to harm.
But while these disciplines – law, information security, and regulations – all drew on a common
definition of risk, each seemed to be unaware of the other’s risk analysis methods. Even so, each
discipline searched for a universal translator that would allow the entire community of experts and
authorities to understand one another.
The CIS RAM provides that universal translator.

10 Executive Order 12866 – Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 51735; October 4, 1993
11 Gramm Leach Bliley Act Safeguards Rule 16 CFR Part 314
12 HIPAA Security Rule 45 CFR Part 160 and Subparts A and C of Part 164
13 U.S. v. Carroll Towing, 159 F.2d 169 (2d Cir. 1947)

Version 1.0 – April 2018 4

CIS RAM Principles and Practices
CIS RAM adopts the three principles and ten practices from Duty of Care Risk Analysis. The
three principles state the characteristics of risk assessments that align to regulatory and legal
expectations. The ten practices describe features of risk assessments that make the three
principles achievable.

1. Risk analysis must consider the interests of all parties that may be harmed by the risk.
2. Risks must be reduced to a level that authorities and potentially affected parties would
find appropriate.
3. Safeguards must not be more burdensome than the risks they protect against.


1. Risk analysis considers the likelihood that certain threats could create magnitudes of
2. Risks and safeguards are evaluated using the same criteria so they can be compared.
3. Impact and likelihood scores have a qualitative component that concisely states the
concerns of interested parties, authorities, and the assessing organization.
4. Impact and likelihood scores are derived by a numeric calculation that permits
comparability among all evaluated risks, safeguards, and against risk acceptance criteria.
5. Impact definitions ensure that the magnitude of harm to one party is equated with the
magnitude of harm to others.
6. Impact definitions should have an explicit boundary between those magnitudes that
would be acceptable to all parties and those that would not be.
7. Impact definitions address; the organization’s mission or utility to explain why the
organization and others engage risk, the organization’s self-interested objectives, and the
organization’s obligations to protect others from harm.
8. Risk analysis relies on a standard of care to analyze current controls and recommended
9. Risk is analyzed by subject matter experts who use evidence to evaluate risks and
10. Risk assessments cannot evaluate all foreseeable risks. Risk assessments re-occur to
identify and address more risks over time.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 5

Table 1 aligns these principles and practices with the three disciplines of law, regulations, and
information security standards.

Table 1 - CIS RAM Principles and Practices Alignment to Law, Regulations, and Security Standards

CIS RAM and DoCRA Principles and Practices Law Regulations Standards
Risk analysis must consider the interests of all parties
that may be harmed by the risk.
Risks must be reduced to a level that authorities and
potentially affected parties would find appropriate.
Safeguards must not be more burdensome than the risks
they protect against.
Risk analysis considers the likelihood that certain threats
could create magnitudes of impact.
Risks and safeguards are evaluated using the same
criteria so they can be compared.
Impact and likelihood scores have a qualitative
component that concisely states the concerns of
interested parties, authorities, and the assessing
Impact and likelihood scores are derived by a numeric
calculation that permits comparability among all evaluated
risks, safeguards, and against risk acceptance criteria.
Impact definitions ensure that the magnitude of harm to
one party is equated with the magnitude of harm to
Impact definitions should have an explicit boundary
between those magnitudes that would be acceptable to
all parties and those that would not be.
Impact definitions address; the organization’s mission or
utility to explain why the organization and others engage
risk, the organization’s self-interested objectives, and the
organization’s obligations to protect others from harm.
Risk analysis relies on a standard of care to analyze
current controls and recommended safeguards.
Risk is analyzed by subject matter experts who use
evidence to evaluate risks and safeguards.
Risk assessments cannot evaluate all foreseeable risks.
Risk assessments re-occur to identify and address more
risks over time.

Key: Fully addressed Partially addressed Not addressed

Organizations that conduct risk assessments using the CIS RAM will have a plan for
implementing CIS Controls V7 that is reasonable, and defensible to authorities and experts alike.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 6

Evolving Risk Analysis Methods

Evolving Classic Risk Concepts

To bridge information security risk analysis with legal and regulatory expectations, CIS RAM
builds on and extends a few classic risk analysis concepts. This section will briefly describe how
CIS RAM evolves risk evaluation, and definitions for “impact,” risk acceptance, and residual risk.

Calculating Risk Includes Multiple Impacts

CIS RAM uses the classic risk assessment calculation “Risk = Impact x Likelihood” with a few
modifications. Most significantly, risk is calculated by multiplying a likelihood value by multiple
impact values. These multiple impacts include impacts to the organization’s objectives, it’s
mission, and is obligations to protect others. Organizations should be aware of the many ways
that information security risk can create harm.

The risk calculation used by CIS RAM resembles the structure below:
“Risk = Max (Mission Impact, Objectives Impact, Obligations Impact) x Likelihood.”
The instructions provided later in this document clearly describe how this calculation works.
Organizations that use this extended calculation will consistently consider the many ways that
information security risks can create harm.

Impact Definitions Include Harm to Multiple Parties

To ensure fairness and balance, impact definitions will include potential harm to individuals and
organizations that may be impacted by risks. Impacts and impact magnitudes will be stated in
qualitative and quantitative form to easily communicate levels of risk to all interested parties, and
in a way that matters to each party.

Risk Acceptance Is Clearly Defined

CIS RAM provides organizations with clear guidance for defining acceptable risk that appears fair
to authorities and interested parties, and that can be consistently applied to all information
security risks.
Acceptable risk will consider whether a observed risk is “appropriate” (all potentially affected
parties would agree that the risk is acceptable), and whether a recommended safeguard is
“reasonable” (it does not create more of a burden than the risk it protects against).
By expanding the definition of risk acceptance by these two factors, organizations will have an
easily communicated rationale for accepting risk, or for prioritizing unacceptable risk.

“Residual Risk” is Known As “Safeguard Risk”

“Residual risk” has traditionally meant the reduced amount of risk that remains after a security
control has been implemented. Organizations have generally used “residual” to declare how a
planned security safeguard presents acceptable risk. CIS RAM evolves the notion of a “residual
risk” to “safeguard risk” to describe the risk that a new safeguard may pose.
The purpose behind evaluating residual risk this way is to address the fact that new controls often
have unintended consequences. Recall that impact definitions will be based on multiple factors,
such as an organization’s mission, its objectives, and its obligations (described in more detail
later in the document). Security controls may reduce the risk to security obligations by controlling
access to data, but may increase the risk to the organization’s mission which requires sharing the
data. Legal decisions and regulations consider these excessive safeguards as “burdens” because
they may harm the organization that is trying to protect the data.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 7

By evaluating safeguard risk using the same criteria that are used to evaluate risks, organizations
will be more cognizant of the true cost of controls, and will have a defensible way of stating
whether recommended controls are overly burdensome to them or the public.

Evolving Risk Acceptability

Figure 1 illustrates how CIS RAM evaluates “appropriate” risk using a simplified risk statement. In
this scenario, an organization is analyzing a risk of a lost device, and estimates the likelihood and
expected impact of the loss. Impact definitions estimate potential harm to the organization, and to
Using a scale of ‘1’ to ‘3’, the organization multiplies the likelihood score by the higher of the two
impact scores to arrive at a risk score of ‘6’. In this example, an acceptable risk would be less
than ‘4’, so the score of ‘6’ is not appropriate. “Others” would not accept the possibility of this risk.
Note: The CIS RAM provides extensive guidance on how likelihood and impact scoring and
acceptable risk criteria are defined. The values in Figure 1 and Figure 2 are provided simply for
illustrative purposes.

Figure 1 - Simplified Risk Model Showing Inappropriate Risk

In Figure 2 the inappropriately high risk is matched with a recommended safeguard to encrypt all
devices. Because a safeguard is evaluated using the same criteria as the risk, the organization is
evaluating the burden of the safeguard. In this case, they believe there is a small likelihood (‘1’) of
a notable cost impact (‘2’). As a result, the safeguard risk calculates as ‘2’ which is lower than the
observed risk it is addressing (‘6’). As a result, this safeguard is reasonable.

Figure 2 – Simplified Risk Model Showing a Reasonable Safeguard

Version 1.0 – April 2018 8

Is This Extended Analysis Worthwhile?
Put simply, yes.
Information security controls are very often considered to be a hindrance to business. Users often
complain that security controls get in the way of productivity, efficiency, ease of collaboration and
communication, and other business-impacting concerns. Organizations should take these
complaints seriously. Fortunately, regulators have provided organizations with a means to
evaluate these concerns. Moreover, courts consider the burden of safeguards in lawsuits and
would understand the reasoning that this risk analysis provides.
By evaluating risks and their recommended safeguards using the same criteria, organizations
ensure that risk analysis addresses the concerns of all parties within and outside of their
organization, and provides evidence of their conscientious decision to regulators and judges.

Overview of the CIS Risk Assessment Method

Using Risk Assessments to Design and Evaluate CIS Controls V7

CIS Controls V7 was designed to address the most common causes of security incidents in the
general public. As a result, the CIS Controls are to a degree risk-prioritized, especially if
organizations implement the first five CIS Controls before implementing the remaining 15.
However, each organization has special circumstances, including the potential harm they may
cause to others, the need to operate somewhat vulnerable systems based on their mission, the
needs of their constituents, their available resources, and the foreseeability of threats in their
The risk assessment method described by CIS RAM will help organizations determine whether
their implementation of CIS Controls V7 – or their de-prioritization or customization of controls – is
reasonable and appropriate given security, legal, and regulatory considerations.
This risk assessment method describes multiple ways that organizations may evaluate, assess,
and design safeguards using the CIS Controls.
• In some cases, organizations may start simply and list the Controls to determine whether
their information assets are sufficiently resilient against foreseeable threats.
• More capable organizations may list their information assets first, then consider whether
associated CIS Controls sufficiently protect those assets against foreseeable threats.
• Organizations with a command of how threats operate may start with a list of known or
foreseeable threats against information assets and determine how controls should be
implemented to address them.
Each of these approaches relies on the organization’s ability to conduct that kind of analysis. And
those abilities depend on the involvement of business management in information security, the
availability of time and resources to examine information assets and risks, and the expertise of
the personnel for conducting the analysis.
Regardless, this risk assessment method will provide a model for organizations to evaluate risk
based on the harm they may pose to themselves or their constituency, and to determine whether
the burden of each of the CIS Controls – implemented as safeguards – are appropriate.

Risk Assessment Process

A risk assessment is a project that analyzes the risk posed by a set of information assets, and
recommends safeguards to address unacceptably high risks.
While the order of events in a risk assessment project will vary from organization to organization,
the following activities are generally applied:

Version 1.0 – April 2018 9

Analyze the Observed risk
• Define the Scope: Identify information assets that are being assessed as well as the owners
and stewards of the information assets.
• Schedule Sessions: Schedule the interviews and sessions for evidence review.
• Develop the Risk Assessment and Acceptance Criteria: Establish and define the criteria for
evaluating and accepting risk.
• Gather Evidence: Interview personnel, review documents, and observe safeguards.
• Model the Risks: Evaluate the current safeguards that would prevent or detect foreseeable
threats against the security of information assets.
• Risk Evaluation: Estimate the likelihood and impact of security breaches to calculate the risk
score, then determine whether identified risks are acceptable.

Propose Safeguards
• Propose Safeguards: Recommend safeguards from CIS Controls V7 that would reduce
unacceptable risks.
• Evaluate Proposed Safeguards: Risk-analyze the recommended safeguards to ensure that
they pose acceptably low risks without creating an undue burden.

Risk Assessment Criteria

Risk analysis requires a consistent, repeatable method for estimating and evaluating risk. Risk
assessment criteria provide organizations with measures for consistently rating the likelihood and
impact of foreseeable threats that may compromise the security of information assets.
Risk assessment criteria are often thought of in terms of a 3 x 3 grid or a 5 x 5 grid, with each
dimension representing either “likelihood” values or “impact” values. While scores of ‘1’ through
‘3’ or ‘1’ though ‘5’ are convenient for calculating risk as a product, they are not meaningful by
themselves. So criteria must also have a plain-language component that describes levels of
impact and likelihood that are meaningful to the organization.
Risk assessment criteria in a simplified format may appear similar to this:

Table 2 - Simplified Impact Criteria

Impact Score Impact Score Defined
1 No or minimal harm would result.
2 Harm would not be tolerable.
3 Harm may not be recoverable.

Table 3 - Simplified Likelihood Criteria

Likelihood Score Likelihood Score Defined
1 Not foreseeable.
2 Expected to occur.
3 Regular occurrence.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 10

Risk Acceptance Criteria
Laws and regulations require that organizations apply “reasonable” and “appropriate” safeguards
to ensure that the resulting risk is acceptable. The acceptability of risk can be demonstrated using
risk analysis that addresses the tolerability of the risk and the burden of safeguards that protect
against the risk.
While every organization will define its own risk tolerance, this method provides a process for
doing so using plain language and simple math. An example of defining risk acceptability is
provided in Table 4 using the simplified impact and likelihood criteria from above. Organizations
will develop their risk acceptance criteria by first defining what unacceptable risk is.
In this case the organization has determined its risk acceptance criteria by first deciding that it will
not accept a risk that may cause intolerable harm (as indicated by the red box).

Table 4 - Simplified Impact Criteria for Risk Acceptance

Impact Score Impact Level Impact Score Defined
1 Acceptable No or minimal harm would result.
2 Unacceptable Harm would not be tolerable.
3 High Harm may not be recoverable.

Then the organization determined that a threat that is expected to occur (and to create harm)
must be avoided (as indicated in the red box in Table 5).

Table 5 - Simplified Likelihood Criteria for Risk Acceptance

Likelihood Score Likelihood Score Defined
1 Not expected to occur
2 Expected to occur
3 Regular occurrence

And finally, the organization combined these limits to express their acceptable risk in both plain
language, and in mathematical terms.

Table 6 – Risk Acceptance Criteria

Version Definitions of Acceptable Risk
Plain language We must reduce risks that are expected to create intolerable harm.

Mathematical Acceptable Risk < 2 x 2; or Acceptable Risk < 4

Version 1.0 – April 2018 11

Background – “Reasonableness” and Risk Analysis
The “reasonable person” is used in law as a hypothetical person – or legal fiction – who
embodies the sum of our traditions, values, and responsibilities for taking care not to harm
others while we engage in public life. The reasonable person has been used in cases to
evaluate appropriate behavior for activities such as building and maintaining structures,
offering goods and services, or handling assets such as information and information
technologies. A reasonable person can engage in activities for their own benefit, but must take
care, using appropriate precautions, not to harm others in the process.
In litigation, a judge will often use a “duty of care” or “multi-factor” balancing test to determine
the degree to which a defendant was acting reasonably when a plaintiff was harmed. And in
regulations organizations must apply “reasonable” safeguards to protect others from harm.
A judge’s duty of care balancing test is very similar in structure to this risk assessment
method. An organization will consider foreseeable threats that their business may cause
others. They will determine how effectively they prevent that harm by using CIS Controls V7
as a standard for appropriate cybersecurity practices. They will estimate the likelihood and
impact of the expected harm of a foreseeable threat, and they will consider alternative
safeguards that effectively lower risks without being overly burdensome. In this way, judges
and cybersecurity practitioners use the same language to describe reasonable cybersecurity
In similar fashion, a regulator will ask regulated organizations to demonstrate the
reasonableness of their safeguards by reviewing the organization’s risk register. Since 1993
US federal regulations require that regulatory rules are not overly burdensome to the public,
and that a “cost-benefit” analysis is performed to determine whether regulatory actions are
overly burdensome and appropriate to protect the public. Regulatory agencies, including those
that govern cybersecurity rules and regulations, require risk assessments as the method for
balancing the potential harm to others against the cost of safeguards.

Selecting A Tier for Your Risk Assessment Instructions

This document is designed to be useful for organizations with varying levels of security
management capabilities. These capability levels align with Framework Implementation Tiers
(“Tiers”) as defined by the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.14 The Tiers indicate “how an
organization views cybersecurity risk and the processes in place to manage that risk.”15 The Tiers
are defined by NIST in the following way (abbreviated).
Tier 1: Partial
• Risk Management Process – Informal and ad hoc.
• Integrated Risk Management Program – Limited awareness within the organization.
• External Participation – Not coordinating with external entities.

14Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, Version 1.0, National Institute of
Standards and Technology. February 12, 2014
15 Ibid, pg. 9.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 12

Tier 2: Risk Informed
• Risk Management Process – Informed by organization risk objectives.
• Integrated Risk Management Program – Risk-informed, management-approved
processes and procedures.
• External Participation – Not coordinating with external entities.

Tier 3: Repeatable
• Risk Management Process – Enforced through policy, and updated with changes in the
environment and threats.
• Integrated Risk Management Program – Risk-informed policies and processes are used
enterprise-wide. Personnel are skilled and informed to work securely.
• External Participation – Receiving information from partners to make internal risk-based

Tier 4: Adaptive
• Risk Management Process – Adaptive through lessons learned and continuous
• Integrated Risk Management Program – Enterprise-wide culture of security awareness
and continuous improvement based on lessons learned and external information.
• External Participation – Sharing security and threat information with partners.

CIS RAM provides three sets of instructions, templates, exercises, and examples for conducting
risk assessments, each with increasing complexity. These three sets of materials are suitable for
Tier 1 organizations, Tier 2 organizations, and both Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations. The reader
can determine which of these levels and documentation are best suited to them by reviewing the
characteristics provided below.

Tier 1 materials are well-suited to organizations with the following characteristics:

• NIST Tier: Tier 1 organizations. Tier 1 materials are best suited for organizations that do
not coordinate their information security plans and requirements throughout the
organization. Information security is largely driven by technology management.
• Expertise: The organization is able to identify generic threats, but not specific methods
for hacking systems, devices, and applications.
• Time: The organization can absorb the time needed to evaluate information risks at the
level of generic systems, devices, and applications.

Tier 2 materials are well-suited to organizations that enjoy more collaboration with business
management, and have more resources and capabilities for analyzing security risks and planning
• NIST Tier: Tier 2 organizations. Tier 2 materials are best suited for organizations that
have at least some collaboration with non-technical business management to define risk
• Expertise: The organization has resources and capabilities to analyze common security
threats, and to plan risk-appropriate safeguards. However, they do not have on-hand
skills to model how threats would operate within their organization.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 13

• Time: The organization is able to invest sufficient time to analyze risks at the level of
specific systems, devices, and applications, and sub-components within those assets.

Tier 3 or 4 materials are well-suited to organizations that receive security and threat information
from outside sources, that have significant knowledge of information security topics, and time to
evaluate threat scenarios that risk assessments are based on.
• NIST Tier: Tiers 3 and 4 organizations. Tiers 3 or 4 materials are best suited for
organizations that are using risk-based criteria for enterprise-wide policies and
• Expertise: The organization has resources and capabilities to analyze security threats,
and to plan risk-appropriate safeguards, including the on-hand skills to model how threats
would operate within their organization.
• Time: The organization is able to invest time to analyze risks at the level of specific
systems, devices, and applications within the context of specific threats.

The reader should determine which level materials are best suited to their organization, and
should follow the instructions that are provided in that level. They may also decide to learn and
use the methods described in other instruction sets, but should stay within their level as much as
possible until they are comfortable with their existing risk assessment processes.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 14

Chapter 2: Control-Based Risk Assessment
Instructions for Tier 1 Organizations
Tier 1 risk assessment instructions are well-suited to organizations that fit the profile of Tier 1
organizations as described by the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. These organizations can be
identified as having the following characteristics:
• NIST Tier: Tier 1 organizations. Tier 1 materials are best suited for organizations that do
not coordinate their information security plans and requirements throughout the
organization. Information security is largely driven by technology management.
• Expertise: The organization is able to identify generic threats, but not specific methods
for hacking systems, devices, and applications.
• Time: The organization can absorb the time needed to evaluate information risks at the
level of generic systems, devices, and applications.

This chapter is comprised of sections that each address a specific activity within a risk
assessment. Readers should engage this chapter by first reading the text in each section, and
then conducting the exercises that are recommended for each section. The material presented in
the CIS RAM is substantially different from many other risk assessment standards and models,
so the reader should first understand the aim of each section, and then practice what they learn
using templates that are provided in the supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

While conducting their first CIS RAM-based risk assessment, organizations should be careful to
not try to “boil the ocean.” Regulatory bodies and information security standards alike understand
that not all risks can be identified in a single assessment. Organizations should continuously and
regularly assess risks to identify, understand, and manage risks over time.

The Risk Assessment Project


Risk assessments are projects with clear steps for preparing, conducting, and reporting risk
analysis. And while risk assessment projects can be modeled with a typical plan, each
organization’s project approach will vary depending on factors such as resource availability, and
will develop over time as organizations become more capable in their cybersecurity maturity. This
section will describe a risk assessment project, its components and variations, and will present
guidance for preparing the plan.

The Project Outline

Risk assessments are conducted using a series of steps that include typical actions, and roles as
illustrated in Table 7.

Table 7 – Example Risk Assessment Project Outline

Step Task Key Roles
1 Defining the Scope & Scheduling Sessions Executives, Management, Assessor
2 Defining Risk Assessment Criteria Management, Assessor
3 Defining Risk Acceptance Criteria Executives, Management, Assessor

Version 1.0 – April 2018 15

Step Task Key Roles
4 Risk Assessment (Control-Based)
4.1 Gather Evidence Personnel, Management, Assessor
4.2 Model the Threats Personnel, Management, Assessor
4.3 Risk Evaluation Assessor
5 Propose Safeguards
5.1 Evaluate Proposed Safeguards Assessor, Management

During Step 1 (Defining the Scope & Scheduling Sessions), the organization will determine which
information assets to include in their evaluation. They will also identify business owners and
technical stewards who will provide evidence and interviews to assess those assets. The risk
assessor will then schedule interview sessions with those owners and stewards.

In Step 2 (Defining Risk Assessment Criteria) the organization will define the rules by which they
assess and score risks. They will define their mission (the value they bring to others), and their
obligations (the potential for harm against others) to establish what they are trying to protect.
They will then define scoring schemas to be used for impact and likelihood estimation.

In Step 3 (Defining Risk Acceptance Criteria) the organization will establish their risk tolerance by
selecting a combination the likelihood of an impact that would be tolerable to all parties (the
organization and parties that may be harmed by realized risks).

In Step 4 (Risk Assessment – Control-Based) the risk assessor will evaluate the risks of the
information assets. For Tier 1 organizations, the analysis includes the following activities:
• “Gather Evidence” involves a review of documents, such as policies, procedures,
standards, and benchmarks. It also includes interviews with management and personnel.
Evidence gathering also entails observation of configurations, artifacts, facilities, records,
and work processes to determine whether they operate in secure or vulnerable ways.

Tier 1 organizations should also consider reviewing the configurations of controls and
looking for evidence of their effectiveness. This may be challenging for organizations at
this level. Vulnerability scanners and configuration scanners using SCAP policies may
provide efficient analysis of technical systems to assist in this analysis.

• “Model the Threats” entails the most variety in approaches that depend on the
cybersecurity maturity of the organization. Each organization, however, will model risks
with at least these components: considering the CIS Controls that should be in place to
protect information assets; determining whether those safeguards are effectively in place
to protect information assets; identifying vulnerabilities that may allow breaches of the
assets; and identifying threats that could take advantage of those vulnerabilities.

• During “Risk Evaluation” the organization will estimate the likelihood and impact of the
risks. The estimates will be based on the scoring and criteria that were established in
Step 2. The risk score will be automatically calculated to determine whether the current
implementations of CIS Controls are already reasonable.

During Step 5 (Propose Safeguards) the organization will consider how to address unreasonable
risks by selecting CIS Controls that should be implemented to address each risk, and specifically

Version 1.0 – April 2018 16

how the controls will be implemented. These safeguards may include security devices, physical
safeguards, training, oversight processes, or other methods. The risk assessor then will test the
reasonableness of the safeguards during “Evaluate Proposed Safeguards.” The risk assessor will
evaluate the proposed safeguards using the same criteria that were used to evaluate the risks.
A project plan template is available in the supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

Defining the Scope & Scheduling Sessions

Note: To best understand the content of this chapter, the reader should first read each section of
the chapter, then go through the recommended exercises at the end of each section to gain
practical knowledge of the section’s topics. The reader will be directed to use the templates that
are provided in the supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook to attempt their exercises.

Defining the Scope

Organizations should conduct risk assessments against a clearly defined scope of information
assets. A single theme usually bounds the scope of assets, such as “information assets that
contain sensitive information,” “the data center,” “engineering practice areas and technologies
that support them,” or a specific business division.
While it is possible to select unrelated information assets for an assessment – or a subset of
assets within a larger scope – the organization that receives the assessment and is making
investments and prioritization decisions based on its findings will be most comfortable when the
information assets are associated with a business entity or a business process. Otherwise, risk
assessment findings may seem scattered and unrelated.
Similarly, while assessing the risk of a set of information assets, it makes good sense to consider
a set of assets that can directly affect each other’s security. For example, a risk assessment that
examines a set of applications should also include the network devices that connect the
applications to other assets and other networks, as well as the processes that are used to
develop and manage those applications. These systems are directly connected to each other and
dependent on each other so their risks are easily associated with one another.
Organizations cannot examine all information assets comprehensively in a single risk
assessment, so their scope should consider the time and resources that are available for the
assessment. Risk assessors should consult security experts to help them determine which assets
to prioritize, and may use inherent risk analysis as described in Chapter 5 to assist in this
An example scoping table (Table 8) demonstrates the level of detail that may be appropriate for
an initial assessment plan and is provided in the workbook CIS_RAM_Workbook

Table 8 - Example Scoping Table

Asset Type Asset Class Business Owner Steward
Information IP and PII COO CIO
Application Applications Customer Experience Prod Mgr, Dev & Dev Ops
Servers Servers Dev Ops DevOps
Network Device Network Devices CIO Network Engineering
Process Dev, Promotion, Maint. Dev Ops Dev, DevOps
Process Vulnerability Mgt. CIO Security Team
Process Acct Setup, Maint. Customer Experience Application Management

Version 1.0 – April 2018 17

Asset Type Asset Class Business Owner Steward
Process Internal Audit Compliance Internal Audit
Process Device/System set-up CIO DevOps
Process Customer Support Customer Experience Application Management

Note that the scoping table includes business owner roles and steward roles. Business owners
are the (typically) non-technical managers who are responsible for the information and processes
that information assets support. Stewards are (typically) technical managers who are responsible
for the functionality and security of the information assets. By identifying information asset
ownership up front, the scoping table can be used to help plan interview sessions for the
remainder of the risk assessment.
Regardless of how the scope of the risk assessment is established, and how detailed the asset
listing is, there are a few helpful practices an organization should keep in mind as they identify
their information assets:
• Think of a set of similarly-situated assets as a single asset class. For example, all
database servers that use the same technology and the same maintenance and
administration methods may be considered one asset class. However, if one set of
database servers is different from others (for example, they hold sensitive information in
a DMZ while others process less-sensitive information in another zone), these may be
considered two assets because their inherent risks will be different, even if they are
managed identically.
• Information assets are not only technologies that store and transmit sensitive information.
Information assets are any information, technology, process, people, or facilities that may
impact the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information.
• Include in the scope all information assets that are within the same zones (networks,
facilities, etc.) as any other in-scope information asset.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 18

The reader should develop their own scoping table using the “Scope - Tier 1” worksheet that is
provided in the supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

The reader should consider:

1. A set of information assets your organization is interested in focusing your security
resources on?
a. This set can be defined by processes, technologies, a class of information, or
a location.
2. What are the boundaries between this set of information assets and other information
assets not in this scope?
a. What systems, facilities, and network devices link these boundaries together,
or separate them?
b. Are these “boundary” assets included or excluded from the scope?
3. List information assets or asset classes that are within the scope.
a. List information assets or asset classes to a level of detail that the
organization has the time and resources to analyze. This may require
adjustment during the course of the assessment if the organization realizes it
has more time (or less time) than they originally planned to assess the
information assets.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 19

Scheduling Interview Sessions
Interview sessions will be topical, and should address one topic or closely related topics for each
conversation. Interview sessions can focus on CIS Controls, or information assets and asset
For example, interview sessions that focus on CIS Controls would bring together the personnel
and management who know how each control is implemented and operates. One session may be
dedicated to CIS Control 1 to understand how devices are inventoried. Another may be
scheduled to discuss CIS Control 2 to understand what safeguards are in place to inventory
software. Or, if the same personnel are knowledgeable about both safeguards, then perhaps one
session could combine both topics.
Similarly, if risk assessors schedule sessions around information assets or asset classes, then it
would be appropriate to include business owners and technical owners of those systems to
understand how associated CIS Controls are applied to each asset or asset class.
An example session for a web application may include product managers, application developers,
application administrators, and business owners. Topics in that session may include CIS Control
14, “Controlled Access Based on the Need to Know,” CIS Control 16, “Account Monitoring and
Control,” and CIS Control 18, “Application Software Security.”
How the organization groups and orders these topics is largely up to them, but risk assessors
should consider these pointers while scheduling interview sessions:
1. Be respectful of people’s time. While it is important to gather comprehensive information
about risks, organizations cannot gather all relevant information in the first one or two risk
2. Work with managers to determine the most efficient and useful way to schedule
interviews, whether by CIS Controls or by information assets and asset classes.
3. Expect that some security safeguards will be applied differently to different information
assets and asset classes. For example, CIS Control 5, “Secure Configuration for
Hardware and Software on Mobile Devices, Laptops, Workstations and Servers,” and CIS
Control 16, “Account Monitoring and Control” may be implemented and overseen
differently for servers in different environments, or may be centrally controlled for servers,
but individually controlled for network devices. Plan on evaluating how these and similar
safeguards are applied to different asset classes.
4. Provide an agenda for reach interview to help participants prepare any materials or
information regarding the information assets or controls that may be discussed.

Scheduling Evidence Reviews

Risk assessors use evidence review sessions to examine information assets and; determine
whether they conform to CIS Controls, and evaluate whether they would be effective against
foreseeable threats.
The evidence review sessions should be scheduled following the interviews so that risk
assessors understand the general landscape of the security environment before trying to
understand why certain assets are configured the way they are.
During interviews, the risk assessor will learn about topics that should be more closely
understood through a review of configurations, system testing, or records review. Risk assessors
should note during or soon after the interview which safeguards they will want to examine further,
and inform the participants that they will likely be contacted later in the assessment to participate
on those evidence review sessions. Further, the assessor should ask which personnel,
processes, or information assets would be appropriate to examine to gather the appropriate
evidence. The evidence review sessions can then be scheduled at the end of the interview.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 20

Defining Risk Assessment Criteria

Risk assessment criteria are the numerical and plain-language statements that an organization
uses to evaluate their cybersecurity risk. The most familiar form of risk calculations, “Risk =
Likelihood x Impact,” is the basis for risk analysis in the CIS RAM. But it is just the starting point
for risk analysis.
Risk assessment criteria must be meaningful to the organizations that use them, so they must be
tied to the potential benefit and harm that the organization may create. The impact of a
cybersecurity breach may harm the organization itself, it may harm the organization’s ability to
successfully achieve its mission, or it may harm others.
Because cybersecurity failures may harm parties both inside and outside an organization, risk
assessment criteria must be universally meaningful and must address the interests of all
potentially affected parties. Additionally, risk assessment criteria must demonstrate to authorities
that the organization considers the risk of harm to others as much as the risk of harm to
themselves, as stated in Principle 1.
While these requirements may seem complex, the method presented in this section will
sufficiently address them while using a technique that is simple to develop and use.

Risk Assessment Criteria Foundations

The risk analysis provided in the CIS RAM is at its root a question of balance between the
potential of future harm against the certain burden of a safeguard. Regulators and litigators have
long considered this balance as key to acting as a “reasonable person.” The core structure of a
risk statement is provided below to illustrate the core concept of balance.

Figure 3 - Balance Within Core Risk Analysis

Notice a few things right away with the model risk analysis in Figure 3.
• While organizations typically evaluate the observed risk to determine whether they should
address or accept it, this risk statement deliberately compares the observed risk to a
proposed safeguard.
• The criteria that evaluates the risk also evaluates the safeguard.
• The impact of the risk estimates the potential of harm to the organization and the
potential harm against others.
Risk assessors compare risks to their proposed safeguards to determine whether those
safeguards would create a foreseeably lower risk than the current state. To accomplish this, the
assessor evaluates the current state risk (or “observed risk”) and the proposed safeguard using
the same criteria to ensure comparability.
This comparison prevents organizations from implementing safeguards that are overly
burdensome, or that create new, unacceptable risks. For example, an organization that uses
software that is no longer supported by the vendor, but relies on that software for critical business

Version 1.0 – April 2018 21

purposes, should find alternative methods for identifying and controlling potential security risks
until they replace the software. If management recommends quickly changing out to inferior, but
secure software, the organization may suffer a greater impact to their mission than the security
risk they are trying to avoid.
While considering CIS Control 18: Application Software Security, a risk statement can be made to
estimate the foreseeability of an impactful threat. The risk can be stated as it appears in Table 9
(where the risk score ‘6’ is a product of the likelihood ‘2’ and the highest impact score ‘3’):

Table 9 - Example Core Risk Statement

Observed risk Likelihood Impact to Impact to Risk

Us Others Score

Hackers may exploit the unsupported, 2 2 3 6

but critical application.

A risk assessor should then recommend and evaluate a safeguard to reduce the unacceptably
high security risk, as illustrated in Table 10. Here, the organization would realize that the
likelihood of a negative impact to their mission is greater than the current state risk. This is an
obvious case of the burden being greater than the risk, and a recommended safeguard being

Table 10 - Example Unreasonable Proposed Safeguard

Proposed New Risk Likelihood Impact to Impact to Safeguard

Safeguard Us Others Risk

Replace application Application will 3 3 1 9

with inferior, operate
secure application. inefficiently.

When faced with this analysis, the organization must then find another way to address the risk.
This process will be described later in this chapter in the section Risk Treatment
But what should be apparent is that without a definition of risk assessment criteria the likelihood
and impact scores are not meaningful. What would impacts or likelihoods of ‘1’, ‘2’, or ‘3’ mean,
anyway? The organization will need to create definitions for their likelihood and impact scores so
that they are meaningful to all interested parties, and so that they provide a consistent method for
risk evaluation.

Impact Definitions
Tier 1 organizations do not have a high degree of attention from management in operating
cybersecurity risk. In such organizations, risk assessment criteria can be developed in simple
terms that are business appropriate, but that do not use the business justifications that managers
often need in order to make decisions.
Risk assessment criteria are composed of impact definitions and likelihood definitions. In its
simplest form, an impact definition should consider the organization’s mission (the value the
organization provides others) and its obligations (the harm that it may cause others without
appropriate safeguards). A simple impact model for the example organization described in
Chapter 1 can look like Table 11.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 22

Table 11 – Example Impact Definitions

Impact Impact to Our Mission Impact to Our Obligations

Mission: Provide information to help Obligations: Patients must not be harmed
remote patients stay healthy. by compromised information.
1 Patients continue to access helpful No harm would come to patients.
information, and outcomes are on track.
2 Some patients cannot access the Few patients may be harmed after
information they need for good outcomes. compromise of information or services.
3 We can no longer provide helpful Many patients may be harmed financially,
information to remote patients. reputationally, or physically, up to and
including death.

Note that this example organization, a health technology manufacturer and service provider, has
defined the impact to their service as their “mission” and the impact to others as their “obligation.”
They are defining their mission in terms of their value to their constituency (patients who use their
service) and their obligations to prevent harm to those patients due to an information breach.

Background – Impact Definitions

This document provides instructions for defining impacts and impact scores (magnitudes) in
this section with more in-depth instructions and examples in the “Risk Analysis Techniques”
chapter. The reader should understand before going further that organizations in most cases
should not define impacts exclusively using financial values. While cost is a common and
almost necessary consideration while evaluating risks and safeguards, if it is the only criterion,
the organization will communicate to their personnel, as well as to interested parties and
authorities, that cost is their only concern. The purpose that the organization serves and the
harm that may befall others must be part of the evaluation if risk is to be responsibly tied to the
potential of harm, and if the evaluation is to be understandable to regulators and legal
Organizations should also consider having more than three impact types in their impact
definitions if they have more than one mission, multiple objectives, and many obligations that
they need to consider in their risk analysis. While this expansion may create an increasingly
wide risk register, it can help organizations feel comfortable all relevant interests were
considered in their risk analysis.

Also note that the impact score of ‘1’ (which is shaded grey to separate it from the higher scores)
describes impacts that would be generally understood as acceptable. If a breach led to a situation
where patients continued to access helpful information, and there was no foreseeable harm to
patients, then of course that would be interpreted as an acceptable impact. The organization
should not be satisfied with a breach that had no impact (its incident response procedures should
identify a root cause and address it so the breach does not re-occur), but in terms of risk
planning, such a risk could be considered “acceptable.”
The impact score of ‘2’ would be used to estimate a risk in which harm would come to the mission
of helping remote patients, or if some harm could come to the patients who rely on the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. An impact at a level of ‘2’ would be
considered ‘not acceptable’ by the organization, its customers, regulatory agencies, or litigators.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 23

So foreseeable risks (a likelihood of ‘2’) that are estimated with an impact of ‘2’ would likely not be
considered “acceptable,” But an unforeseeable risk (likelihood score of ‘1’) that would create an
impact of ‘2’ would be acceptable since the impact is considered not foreseeable.
The impact score of ‘3’ might be considered ‘catastrophic’ or ‘high’. The mission would fail
completely, and the obligations to patient customers could harm many people, up to and including
death (presumably because health information was inaccurate, or not available when it was
critically needed).
With these impact criteria defined this way, the health information provider could estimate the
impact portion of risk consistently. Some amount of knowledge about how risks would create
those impacts would be necessary while conducting the risk assessment, but well-informed
managers and personnel could provide plausible estimates of risk in a consistent basis using
these impact definitions.
An in-depth explanation of how to develop impact definitions with multiple examples is provided in
the chapter “Risk Analysis Techniques.”

Likelihood Definitions
This risk assessment method describes likelihood in terms of foreseeability. While risk likelihood
is often described in terms of statistical probability, CIS RAM favors foreseeability because it uses
simple terminology that aligns with common business practice, as well as the legal and regulatory
language used to determine reasonableness of safeguards that reduce risks. Recommendations
for aligning this likelihood model to probability methods are provided in the “Risk Analysis
Techniques” chapter. By combining probability with foreseeability, organizations may benefit from
both data-driven analysis and due care analysis.
The likelihood definition for a Tier 1 organization could be simply constructed, similar in structure
and depth to the impact definitions as shown in Table 12.

Table 12 – Example Likelihood Definitions

Likelihood Foreseeability
1 Not foreseeable. This is not plausible in the environment.
2 Foreseeable. This is plausible, but not expected.

3 Expected. We are certain this will occur at some time.

• “Not Foreseeable” implies that a threat is not plausible in the environment that is being
assessed. Loss of portable media may not be foreseeable during a risk assessment of a
hosted application.
• “Foreseeable” implies something that is plausible, but the organization would be
surprised if it occurred. A founding executive taking copies of sensitive data to
competitors may be considered foreseeable, even if it is not expected.
• “Expected” implies a threat that is not common, but that would eventually happen.
Phishing attacks or other social engineering attacks may be expected in many
When risk assessors estimate the likelihood of a threat, they will select scores ‘1’, 2’, or ‘3’ using
the foreseeability definition as their guidance. Organizations may add time-based limits to their
foreseeability definitions (i.e. “Foreseeable within planning thresholds,” “Expected within the five-
year plan” or “Not foreseeable in the next fiscal year”). If organizations do introduce time limits to
their likelihood definitions they should prioritize risk treatment investments to meet these

Version 1.0 – April 2018 24

timelines. That may be excessively challenging to many organizations, so they should proceed
with caution.
The simplicity of these definitions will assist Tier 1 organizations to quickly and consistently
estimate whether they expect impactful risks to occur.

The reader should develop their organization’s risk assessment criteria using the “Criteria -
Tier 1” worksheet that is provided in the supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

The reader should consider:

1. Working with a business management sponsor who can help ensure that the Mission
and Obligations definitions are sensible to the organization.
2. Working with legal counsel to help ensure that impact definitions address the interests
of all potentially affected parties, and to ensure that impact statements appear
equitable to all parties.
3. Referring to guidance for defining and scoring impact types in the “Risk Analysis
Techniques” chapter.

The risk assessor will need to use their professional judgment to define impact types, and to
describe levels of impact that the organization must manage to. Because risk assessment criteria
are a declaration by the organization of what they will manage to in terms of harm to themselves
and harm to others, organizations should consult with legal counsel before finalizing these criteria
and making risk decisions based on them.

Defining Risk Acceptance Criteria


Because risk assessments are essentially questions of balance, the criteria for accepting risk
should help determine whether balance was achieved. In CIS RAM risk acceptance has two
• Appropriate risk: That the likelihood of an impact must be acceptable to all foreseeably
affected parties
• Reasonable risk: That the risk posed by a safeguard must be less than or equal to the
risk it protects against.
While these components have been demonstrated briefly in Chapter 1, the “appropriate risk” will
be described in more detail in this section. “Reasonable risk” will be described later in the Risk
Treatment Recommendations section further on.
Recall that impact definitions were worded so that the acceptable impact definitions would seem
appropriate to any person who read them. For Tier 1 organizations that use an impact score
range of ‘1’ through ‘3’ the range of acceptable impact scores is simply ‘1’. Definitions for impacts
that would score at least a ‘2’ would therefore represent impacts that an organization, and
presumably its interested parties, would find unacceptable.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 25

Table 13 - Unacceptable Impacts

Impact Impact to Our Mission Impact to Our Obligations

Mission: Provide information to help Obligations: Patients must not be harmed
remote patients stay healthy. by compromised information.

Patients continue to access helpful

1 No harm would come to patients.
information and outcomes are on track.
Some patients cannot access the Few patients may be harmed after
information they need for good outcomes. compromise of information or services.
Many patients may be harmed financially,
We can no longer provide helpful
3 reputationally, or physically, up to and
information to remote patients.
including death.

Similarly, likelihood scores for Tier 1 organizations ranged from ‘1’ through ‘3’ where the score of
‘2’ represented the lowest “foreseeability” score.

Table 14 - Unacceptable Likelihood

Likelihood Foreseeability
1 Not foreseeable. This is not plausible in the environment.

2 Foreseeable. This is plausible, but not expected.

3 Expected. We are certain this will occur at some time.

Tier 1 organizations should determine that they would safeguard against risks that reached a
threshold of unacceptability; for example, risks that could foreseeably (likelihood is ’2’) prevent
patients from getting access to information (impact is ‘2’) or cause a breach that may harm
patients (impact is ‘2’). So if Risk = Impact x Likelihood, then the organization would invest
against risks that are scored ‘4’ or greater. All lower risks can be accepted!

Table 15 - Risk acceptance criteria

Impact Likelihood Risk

x =
Threshold Threshold Threshold
2 x 2 = 4
… therefore …
Acceptable Risk < 4

Consider how a reasonable risk would be described: If a risk cannot foreseeably (likelihood is ‘1’)
prevent the organization from providing helpful information to patients (impact is ‘3’) then that is
acceptable. It sounds acceptable to reasonable people, and 1 x 3 = 3 which is less than 4.
Also see how the calculation works when an acceptable impact of no harm to patients (‘1’) is
expected to occur (‘3’). 1 x 3 = 3, which is again less than ‘4’. This is an acceptable risk. While
risk heat maps are not used in CIS RAM, organizations can now consider that heat maps can
represent actual risk acceptability based on organizational requirements, and a duty of care to

Version 1.0 – April 2018 26

Figure 4 - Example Risk Heat Map

1 2 3


The reader should define their organization’s risk acceptance criteria using the “Criteria - Tier
1” worksheet that is provided in the supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

The reader should consider:

1. Working with a business management sponsor who can help ensure that the risk
acceptance criteria are sensible to the organization.
2. Working with legal counsel to help ensure that the definition for risk acceptance
addresses the interests of all potentially affected parties, and to ensure that impact
statements appear equitable to all parties.

The risk assessor will need to use their professional judgment to identify levels of acceptable risk.
Because risk acceptance criteria are a declaration by the organization of what they will tolerate in
terms of harm to themselves and harm to others, organizations should consult with legal counsel
before finalizing these criteria and making risk decisions based on them.

A Control-Based Risk Assessment Process


Tier 1 organizations that use the CIS Controls, but that have not established a strong capability
for managing cybersecurity risk will find that control-based risk assessments are well-suited to
their needs.
This CIS Risk Assessment Method is designed to help organizations responsibly use the CIS
Controls to the degree that they are able, even if the controls cannot be implemented completely.
The risk assessment method helps Tier 1 organizations:
1. Model safeguards based on CIS Controls V7 that addresses their risks, while working
within their constraints.
2. Prioritize the safeguards they should implement, based on their organization’s risks.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 27

3. Develop a practical plan for implementing CIS Controls V7 over time, and as resources
4. Document why their method of applying CIS Controls V7 is reasonable, given the
balance between their risk and their resources.
This section will describe a risk register that is available as a template in the supplementary
document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

The Risk Register

Up to this point, the organization has identified the information assets or asset classes that they
will be risk assessing. They have also developed risk assessment criteria and risk acceptance
criteria. Using the risk register template provided in the supplementary document
CIS_RAM_Workbook, the organization will see a list of CIS Controls and sub-controls that will act
as the main index, or driver, for modeling their risks.
A layout map of the risk register for a Tier 1 organization is depicted in Figure 5.

Figure 5 – Risk Register Layout Map


The risk register for Tier 1 organizations is a listing of identified risks and their recommended risk
treatments, also known as “safeguards.” Each row represents one risk and risk treatment
recommendation. The parts of the risk register are:
A. The column headers and guiding text help the reader or risk assessor understand the
information that is contained in the column.
B. The CIS Controls help the risk assessor consider controls that should be in place to
protect information assets.
C. The in-scope information assets or asset classes are identified.
D. The “threat model” includes the following three items:
a. How the organization implements the CIS Control (if they do) to protect the
information asset or asset class.
b. The vulnerability that may exist if the control is not fully implemented.

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c. The threat that may compromise the asset because of the vulnerability.
E. The risk evaluation estimates the likelihood that the threat would succeed and the
impacts to the mission and obligations if it did. The resulting risk score is then calculated
as a product of the likelihood and the higher of the two impact scores.
F. Risk treatments are recommended for risks that are evaluated as unacceptably high.
Safeguards that are based on CIS Controls V7 are described, and they are in turn
evaluated for the risk that they may pose to the mission and objectives. A “safeguard risk”
score is calculated which should be lower than the risk acceptance criteria, and the risk
that it is meant to address.

The Process
The risk assessor will analyze each risk by taking the following steps as diagrammed in Figure 6.

Figure 6 - Tier 1 Risk Analysis Diagram

1. Using the risk register template for Tier 1 organizations that is provided in
CIS_RAM_Workbook, read and consider the CIS Control that is stated in one of the risk
register rows.
2. Select information assets or asset classes that are listed in the asset inventory. Record
the selected assets in the “Information Asset” cell in that row.
a. If there are multiple information assets or asset classes to consider for each CIS
Control, either list them all in one cell in the information asset column, or add
multiple rows for the CIS Control so that each information asset is analyzed
separately. The decision should be based on how granular the risk assessor is
prepared to be in their analysis and planning, and how useful the distinction
between assets would be.
3. Gather evidence for how well the CIS Control is applied against the selected information
a. Evidence may be in the form of interviews, a review of configurations, or a review
of evidence, such as records and logs. This step requires knowledge and
experience in detecting vulnerabilities and understanding security threats.
Methods for gathering evidence are provided in the chapter “Risk Analysis
4. Describe the safeguard that implements the CIS Controls and how the safeguard is
applied at the organization in the “Current Control” cell of that row.
5. Consider the difference between the CIS Control and the currently used safeguard and
determine whether there is a deficiency in how the control is currently deployed and
operating. If the current control is not implemented as described, how would this be
described as a vulnerability?

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a. Consider the objective of the CIS Control. For example, CIS Control 2.3 states
“Utilize software inventory tools throughout the organization to automate the
documentation of all software on business systems.” The sub-control’s objective
is to itemize all operating systems and applications that are in use so the
organization knows what software it should control. If the current control does not
meet the objective, then state the gap as a vulnerability in the vulnerability cell,
such as: “We do not have a current, automatically updated list of current
operating systems or applications that operate on our systems.”
6. Now consider the threat that could occur because of the vulnerability.
a. The above vulnerability could be paired with the threat: “Malware or hackers
could take advantage of software vulnerabilities that we did not know about or
protect against.”
7. Next, estimate the likelihood that the threat would succeed, and the impact it may create.
a. Likelihood estimation can be challenging at first, but the risk assessment criteria
was developed to provide some guidance in that estimation process. Further
guidance is provided in the “Risk Analysis Techniques” chapter later in this
b. Impact scores should provide estimates of the impact that such a threat would
create. Consider the likelihood and impact scores as a pair. In other words,
“What is the likelihood that this impact would result?” Examples below will
provide further guidance.
8. The risk score will be automatically computed by multiplying the likelihood score by the
higher of the two impact scores.

Tier 1 Risk Assessment Example 1 – Knowing Whether a Current Safeguard is Enough

Let’s examine how this process works using risk analyses for our example Tier 1 organization.
While conducting their risk assessment, the organization starts with CIS Control 1.1 which
instructs them to deploy an automated asset inventory discovery tool. They know they don’t have
such a tool, and are concerned about the time and potential cost of researching and obtaining
one. Additionally, they don’t know whether this should be their top priority, given other items that
are on their mind, such as hardening field devices and vulnerability management. While CIS
Controls V7 provides clear guidance on the criticality of this important control, there may be other
areas of concern that should be addressed earlier, based on the organization’s environment.
Using the risk register template for Tier 1 organizations, the example organization first reviews
the control that they are analyzing.

Table 16 - CIS Control Example CIS Control 1.1

CIS Description
1.1 Utilize an active discovery tool to identify devices connected to the
organization's network and update the hardware asset inventory.

The risk assessor considers the information asset that the control would protect. In this case, they
would apply an asset inventory discovery tool to all network attachable devices. They could focus
purely on a class of assets, such as portable workstations, “headless” or “internet-of-things”
devices, smart phones, laptops, or devices in a specific network such as the corporate VLAN that
is used to connect wireless devices. But to make things simple for their first assessment, they
decide that the asset class they will assess will be “all devices.”

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Table 17 - Tier 1 Information Asset Example

Information Asset
All devices.

Next, they must think through and record what their current control is, what resulting
vulnerabilities may exist, and what threats would be of concern to them. They realize that they
don’t have an automated tool that provides a regular inventory, but they do have a vulnerability
scanning tool that they occasionally use. That may be useful here.
But the control clearly has an objective, which is the automatic detection of all systems that
appear on the network. If the organization occasionally uses a vulnerability scanner, then a
vulnerability related to this control would be that new systems could join the network and not be
detected until the next vulnerability scan occurred. The resulting threat would be obvious:
Compromised systems may operate on the network between scans.
So the next three columns would look like this:

Table 18 - Threat Model Example

Control Vulnerability Threat

Vulnerability scans Systems that have joined the Hackers or malware may
occur occasionally and network between sporadic scans attack and control
may not identify all will not be detected. systems that have not
systems that have been detected,
been on the network controlled, and
between scans. monitored.

Now that the threat has been modeled, the risk assessor should estimate the likelihood and
impact of the risk. The organization must consider the likelihood that an impact would occur if the
threat were successful. Risk assessors should think of the likelihood and impact as a dependent
pairing. In this example, the organization may believe that multiple systems will join and leave
their network without detection. That is a highly likely scenario for them. But they may also
believe that the risk is foreseeable but unexpected for an undetected system to cause an impact if
the visitors they receive are employees of well-secured partner organizations.
In terms of the impact that people may suffer, the risk assessor considers how harm could be
done in this foreseeable but unlikely scenario. If an employee of a secured partner were to bring
in a laptop that was infected with malware that could spread to other systems on the network,
what harm could that do? If these partner employees join a network that contains a mix of
systems, some with highly sensitive information, then is it foreseeable but not expected that the
scenario could expose records that could cause harm to few patients, or many patients? Would
the mission be reduced to the point that some patients could not get information that could
improve health outcomes?
The organization determines that it is foreseeable but not expected that records for many patients
may be exposed in the risk scenario they modeled. They do not believe that the risk scenario
would affect their mission. So now they will add this information to their risk register to see how
the risk evaluates.
Recall the definitions for the impact and likelihood scores that the organization created. Impact
scores were defined earlier as shown in Table 19.

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Table 19 – Example Impact Definitions

Impact Impact to Our Mission Impact to Our Obligations

Mission: Provide information to help Obligations: Patients must not be harmed
remote patients stay healthy. by compromised information.
1 Patients continue to access helpful No harm would come to patients.
information, and outcomes are on track.
2 Some patients cannot access the Few patients may be harmed after
information they need for good outcomes. compromise of information or services.
3 We can no longer provide helpful Many patients may be harmed financially,
information to remote patients. reputationally, or physically, up to and
including death.

Impact score ‘1’ is shaded to indicate that it is considered an acceptable impact to all parties. Also
recall that likelihood was defined with this next table.

Table 20 – Example Likelihood Definitions

Likelihood Foreseeability
1 Not foreseeable. This is not plausible in the environment.
2 Foreseeable. This is plausible, but not expected.

3 Expected. We are certain this will occur.

A risk that is foreseeable but not expected to occur (likelihood = 2) in a way that creates no
impact to the mission (mission impact = 1), but that would create harm to many patients
(obligations impact = 3) would appear as below.

Table 21 - Example Risk Estimation

Threat Mission Obligations Risk Score

Likelihood Impact Impact
2 1 3 6

The risk score is the product of the likelihood score and the higher of the two impact scores,
which in this case is ‘2 x 3 = 6’.
Also recall that the risk acceptance criteria for the Tier 1 organization looked like this:

Table 22 - Risk acceptance criteria

Impact Likelihood Risk

x =
Threshold Threshold Threshold
2 x 2 = 4
… therefore …
Acceptable Risk < 4

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Because acceptable risk is anything below ‘4’, and the observed risk associated with CIS Control
1.1 is ‘6’, the risk is unacceptably high.
We can bring these elements together to illustrate the point more clearly. (While the risk register
in the workbook displays this example in horizontal format, this risk is displayed in vertical format
for readability in this document.)

Table 23 - Example Risk for CIS Control 1.1

Risk Analysis Value

CIS Control 1.1
Description Utilize an active discovery tool to identify devices connected to the
organization's network and update the hardware asset inventory.
Information Asset All devices.
Control Vulnerability scans occur occasionally and may not identify all
systems that have been on the network between scans.
Vulnerability Systems that have joined the network between sporadic scans will
not be detected.
Threat Hackers or malware may attack and control systems that have not
been detected, controlled, and monitored.
Threat Likelihood 2
Mission Impact 1
Obligations Impact 3
Risk Score 6
Risk Acceptability Not Acceptable

So the organization realizes, based on its own criteria for scoring and accepting risk, that their
occasional use of vulnerability scans is not sufficient for addressing the risk of infected systems
joining the network. This risk is not acceptable because it is not “appropriate” (its risk is higher
than the acceptable score of “less than 4.”)
But they are not sure what to do about this risk, because they don’t know whether they will be
able to afford the time or budget to implement a more robust solution for CIS Control 1.1 (such as
a network access control appliance) and they have many more controls and risks to consider.
The method for identifying reasonable ways to implement safeguards will be addressed in the
Risk Treatment Recommendations section later in this chapter.
First, however, we will examine a few more of the CIS Controls and see how the Tier 1
organization analyzes them.

Tier 1 Risk Assessment Example 2 – Risk Acceptability in Different Contexts

Further along in the risk assessment, the Tier 1 organization considers CIS Control 3.4 that
states, “Deploy automated software update tools in order to ensure that the operating systems
are running the most recent security updates provided by the software vendor.” This is a
challenging control for many organizations. While the objective of automatic patching of
vulnerable systems is important, many systems and applications will fail when some security
patches interfere with their functionality.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 33

For example, applications that rely on code libraries that are replaced with more secure versions
during patching may fail. As a result, many organizations test patches before releasing them to
active systems and applications.
The Tier 1 organization believes that they are doing well in this regard. They have two
environments; a production environment in which their applications operate on the Internet, and a
corporate environment in which they run their business and application development
environment. When they run their sporadic vulnerability scans in their production environment,
they respond immediately to identified vulnerabilities that can be patched. In fact, they run their
vulnerability scans when they receive word of high-risk vulnerabilities from a threat information
service they subscribe to (for this example, a fictional service provider named “Threat Info
Service”). Their application stack is simple, and based completely on standard implementations of
the vendors’ application framework. So when the vendor sends patches, they can be applied
rapidly – even if manually – with little risk to the applications.
They believe their risk is low here in terms of security. But they are concerned about their patient
customers not being able to use their systems during patching downtimes. So they assess the
risk in this way.

Table 24 - Example Risk Analysis for CIS Control 3.4

Risk Analysis Value
CIS Control 3.4
Description Deploy automated software update tools in order to ensure that the
operating systems are running the most recent security updates
provided by the software vendor.
Information Asset All devices in Production Environment.
Control Vulnerability scans occur when Threat Info Service announces a
moderate-to-high vulnerability that needs patching. Team reliably
patches systems within 24 hours of announcement.
Vulnerability A 24-hour window of vulnerability remains with the current process.
Threat Hackers or malware may attack and control systems that have not
been patched within the 24-hour period after the vulnerability was
Threat Likelihood 1
Mission Impact 2
Obligations Impact 1
Risk Score 2
Risk Acceptability Acceptable

The Tier 1 organization has determined that its risk associated with CIS Control 3.4, at least in its
production environment, is acceptable because the risk is “appropriate” (it’s score is less than ‘4’).
This allows the organization to keep their current processes in place, and to focus on higher risks
But they still have an internal network to consider. In this network they have an important
enterprise management application that relies on an older operating system, and that does not
work with more advanced patches to the operating system. The application vendor says they will
release a more secure version in the next year, and the Tier 1 organization knows that converting

Version 1.0 – April 2018 34

to the new version will be very burdensome. In the meantime, they have operating system
vulnerabilities in the enterprise management application environment that need to be addressed.
But they are afraid to apply those patches because they may break the application.
They evaluate the risk in their risk register with the values listed below.

Table 25 - Example Risk for CIS Control 3.4

Risk Analysis Value

CIS Control 3.4
Description Deploy automated software update tools in order to ensure that the
operating systems are running the most recent security updates
provided by the software vendor.
Information Asset Enterprise management application in the internal corporate
Control Vulnerability scans occur when Threat Info Service announces a
moderate-to-high vulnerability that needs patching. Team patches
most systems within 24 hours of announcement.
Vulnerability Enterprise management application systems are unpatched for
more than one year.
Threat Hackers or malware may attack and control the enterprise
management application environment.
Threat Likelihood 2
Mission Impact 2
Obligations Impact 3
Risk Score 6
Risk Acceptability Unacceptable

They clearly have an unacceptable risk with how this control protects their corporate network (the
risk score of ‘6’ is inappropriately high). The enterprise management application is creating a risk
that should be addressed in some way. The organization will address this risk in the following
section, Risk Treatment Recommendations.

Tier 1 Risk Assessment Example 3 – Prioritized Risks

As the Tier 1 organization later considers its risk related to CIS Control 14.9, they will address a
common concern about log management; what events that are captured in logs and repositories
should the organization focus on? CIS Control 14.9 states, “Enforce detailed audit logging for
access to sensitive data or changes to sensitive data.”

The Tier 1 organization suspects that they will need to invest in their log management and SIEM
technologies soon, but they are also aware that choosing which log messages to capture,
prioritize, and alert on will require careful thought and lots of experience. Their main concern
regarding log management is detecting abuse of systems and data access. Morale has been low,
and they are in a competitive business that may cause internal employees to steal sensitive data
from their enterprise management application and provide it to a competitor.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 35

They are sure that they are not doing well enough with their access log review now, but they will
analyze this risk to evaluate and prioritize this risk. They will also use their risk treatment analysis
further on to determine what log management configurations are appropriate for their enterprise
management application.

Table 26 - Example Risk for CIS Control 14.9

Risk Analysis Value

CIS Control 14.9
Description Enforce detailed audit logging for access to sensitive data or
changes to sensitive data.
Information Asset Enterprise Management Application
Control Access logs are captured and stored locally, and not reviewed.
Vulnerability The organization is unaware of suspicious or inappropriate use.
Threat Rogue employees or hackers may use escalated privileges and
may access and abuse nonpublic information in the application.
Threat Likelihood 3
Mission Impact 2
Obligations Impact 3
Risk Score 9
Risk Acceptability Unacceptable

After having entered a few risks in the risk register, this analysis does not surprise them. They
were sure that by reviewing this control they would highlight a problem. And now they see that
this risk is both inappropriately high, and should be prioritized over the other risks that they
analyzed previously. By the time the risk assessment is complete, this risk will rank among the
first items that should be addressed (it has the maximum risk score of ‘9’). They will select and
design their risk treatment safeguard in the following step, Risk Treatment Recommendations.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 36

The reader should refer to the template Risk Register – Tier 1 that is provided in the
supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook. They may use the risk register template to
enter a set of risks that are associated with the CIS Controls and information assets that are in
scope of their assessment.

While doing this exercise, the reader should consider:

1. When one CIS control can be appropriately stated for the whole scope, an asset
class, or a stand-alone information asset.
2. Stating at least one risk per CIS control. One CIS Control may appear multiple times if
asset classes and information assets use the control differently.
3. Whether a control or information asset requires examination to understand its actual
configuration and effectiveness.
4. Whether the organization can tolerate the amount of effort and time that the risk
assessment requires.
a. Organizations should not try to “boil the ocean.” A risk assessment can only
be completed using available resources.
b. The organization should use high-level analysis (review of policies and
interviews) if they do not have extensive time and resources.
c. Information assets should be tested and examined in more detail as time
d. The organization should plan recurring risk assessments to identify more risks
over time.
5. Collaborating with information security subject matter experts to help model threats
that are foreseeable in the environment, and to help evaluate the effectiveness of
current safeguards.

The risk assessor will need to use their professional judgment to select the controls and
information assets and to model threats that should be analyzed in the risk assessment.
Information security experts may need to be included in the process to ensure that the risk
analysis is conducted appropriately.

Tier 1 Risk Assessment Summary

After having analyzed a set of risks, the Tier 1 organization begins to understand a few concepts
about risk analysis:
1. The CIS Controls can help Tier 1 organizations model threats by comparing their current
practices to known-good practices. The CIS Controls each identify a way to safeguard
systems, so they conversely show where and how something might go wrong.
2. Once impacts are defined in terms of acceptable, unacceptable, and high consequences,
they support a very rapid, consistent, and simple method for evaluating risks.
3. Similarly, when likelihoods are defined using easy-to-communicate terms, such as
foreseeability, risks can be easy to estimate while also being credible.
4. If a risk can be credibly assessed as not foreseeably creating an impact, or foreseeably
creating an acceptable impact, then an organization can reasonably accept that risk.
5. If a risk poses a higher risk score than other risks, it will likely be prioritized over other
risks during risk treatment design and planning.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 37

Risk Treatment Recommendations

Organizations often think of security safeguards as obstacles to business and productivity.

Safeguards often cause personnel to take extra steps to get access to systems or information, or
to get approval for normal business activities. Safeguards require investments in time and money,
which compete with other priorities. And if they become too disruptive to the mission an
organization’s mission, security safeguards can become disliked and avoided.
In fact, disruptive safeguards often cause personnel to work around them just to get their jobs
done, which creates more risk.
But risk treatment recommendations can and should result in safeguards that are demonstrably
reasonable. And while obtaining a clear definition for “reasonable safeguards” has been a
challenge in the legal, regulatory, and information security communities, the CIS RAM provides a
practical solution. Risk assessors evaluate risk treatment recommendations to determine whether
a security safeguard is reasonable by; comparing the safeguard to the risk it is meant to reduce,
and by comparing the safeguard to the risk acceptance criteria.
Risk treatment recommendations are simple to evaluate once the risk assessment criteria and
initial risk analysis have been established. The process occurs over the following steps:
1. While examining an unacceptably high risk, review the CIS Control that corresponds with
the risk and recommend a feasible way for the organization to implement or improve that
2. If that control is not feasible in the near-term, recommend other CIS Controls related to
the risk that can be used to reduce it.
3. Evaluate the risk of the recommended safeguard to understand the burden it would pose
to the organization. Then compare that safeguard risk to the risk acceptance criteria to
determine whether it is appropriate.
4. Also compare the evaluated risk of the recommended safeguard to the observed risk to
determine whether the safeguard is reasonable (safeguards with lower risk scores than
the observed risk are reasonable.)
5. Sort the risks by their risk score to prioritize the risks and risk treatments that the
organization will invest in.
This section demonstrates these steps in detail by describing the process, then by modeling risk
treatments for the unacceptably high risks that were evaluated in previous sections.
The reader should review the definitions of ‘reasonable’ and ‘appropriate’ that are provided in the
glossary. These terms will be used regularly in this section and have distinct meanings.
1. Appropriate: A condition in which risks to information assets will not foreseeably create
harm that is greater than the organization or its constituents can tolerate.
2. Reasonable: A condition in which safeguards will not create a burden to the organization
that is greater than the risk it is meant to protect against.

Risk Treatment Objectives

The objective of well-formed risk treatment recommendations is to create a prioritized list of
information security safeguards that would provide appropriate protections while not posing too
great a burden on the organization’s purpose.

The risk treatment recommendation exercises that are demonstrated in this section examine the
unacceptable risks that were illustrated earlier in the document and will select CIS Controls that

Version 1.0 – April 2018 38

would reduce those risks to a degree that is both reasonable (not overly burdensome) and
appropriate (not unacceptably harmful).

Recommending Risk Treatment Safeguards from CIS Controls V7

As we examine unacceptably high risks, we will recommend safeguards that are based on CIS
Controls V7. But some of the safeguards that an organization is prepared to implement and
operate may not be implemented exactly as described in CIS Controls V7. This process takes
into account how to select controls that address risks, and how to determine whether they are
designed in a way that makes sense in context of both the risk, and the potential burden to the
Recall the relationship between analyzed risks and their recommended risk treatments in Figure

Figure 7 - Balance Within Core Risk Analysis

A risk and its proposed safeguard are both evaluated using the same criteria. If a proposed
safeguard has a higher risk (its “safeguard risk”) than the risk acceptance criteria, then it’s not
appropriate. If the safeguard has a higher score than the observed risk, then it’s not reasonable.
The exercises in this section will focus on matching completed risk analyses (in blue) with newly
recommended safeguards (in green).

Risk Treatment Example 1 – CIS Control 1.1

The first exercise that demonstrated risk analysis in Table 23 showed the Tier 1 organization that
its method for identifying and inventorying technical assets in its network was not sufficient. The
risk it posed to the organization was too high.
To recommend an appropriate safeguard the organization reviews the description for CIS Control
1.1 and they consider its objective. CIS Control 1.1 intends that organizations should actively and
passively inventory all IP systems that join an organization’s networks so they know what
technical assets to include in their risk management programs, safeguards, controls, and
They realize that the best solution for them will be to purchase and install an appliance that
actively identifies and catalogs IP hosts that join the network, allowing the IT staff to add detailed
information about each asset over time. At this time they don’t need to decide what the full feature
set should be (i.e. will it operate as a network access control device to enforce safe configurations
of systems, will it actively scan for software licenses, will it be integrated into a change
management database or service desk application, etc.).
Next they will evaluate what they believe the safeguard risks to be, and will determine whether
the safeguard risk is appropriate or not. This step is demonstrated in Table 27.
Note: The risk assessor will record how they will address their risk by stating either “Accept,”
“Reduce,” “Transfer,” or “Avoid.” Accepting and reducing risks will be intuitive to the reader. An

Version 1.0 – April 2018 39

organization may transfer a risk by contracting a third party that may handle the risk better, or by
acquiring an insurance policy against the risk. The organization may also avoid the risk by no
longer engaging in the processes, or handling the information assets that cause the risk.

Table 27 - Example Risk for CIS Control 1.1

Risk Analysis Value
CIS Control 1.1
Description Utilize an active discovery tool to identify devices
connected to the organization's network. This tool shall
automatically update the organization's hardware device
inventory when devices are discovered.
Information Asset All devices.
Control Vulnerability scans occur occasionally and may not identify
all systems that have been on the network between scans.
Vulnerability Systems that have joined the network between sporadic
scans will not be detected.
Threat Hackers or malware may attack and control systems that
have not been detected, controlled, and monitored.
Threat Likelihood 2
Mission Impact 1
Obligations Impact 3
Risk Score 6
Risk Acceptability Not Acceptable
Risk Treatment Option Reduce
Recommended Safeguard Purchase and implement an appliance that actively and
passively identifies IP hosts in all networks. Implement a
process for routinely adding information about assets to
the appliance. Appliance should optionally alert on new
hosts that join the network.
Safeguard Risk A moderate cost would have minimal impact on the
budget. Installation of the tool is likely not disruptive.
Moderate cost in personnel time to add information about
IP assets to the appliance database.
After a baseline is established, we will be able to
distinguish between organization-owned systems, and
systems that we do not control. Alerting can be set after
baseline is complete.
Safeguard Threat Likelihood 1
Safeguard Mission Impact 1
Safeguard Obligations 3
Safeguard Risk Score 3
Risk Acceptability Acceptable

Version 1.0 – April 2018 40

Review the risk assessment criteria and risk acceptance criteria for the Tier 1 organization and
observe that the organization believes that with the recommended safeguard in place the risk
would no longer be foreseeable.
The Tier 1 organization has determined that their recommended safeguard – an appliance that
can identify and inventory IP hosts and alert on new hosts – is an acceptable and reasonable
safeguard. The estimated safeguard risk is less than their acceptable level of risk, and is lower
than the originally evaluated risk that it is addressing.

Background – How Realistic Are Safeguard Risk Estimates?

Critical readers will question how the organization and their risk assessor will know whether
their safeguard risk estimations are realistic. After all, how can they know prospectively what
their risk would be in such a situation?
There are two important items to keep in mind while gaining comfort with this practice;
understanding the legal and regulatory expectations for risk management, and information
security standards for evaluating safeguards after they’ve been implemented.
Law and Regulation: Laws and regulations generally expect risk analysis to evaluate
safeguards that are required for achieving compliance, and expect that the risk analysis is
performed by appropriately skilled and informed people. These analyses do not guarantee
security that is sufficient against any threat, but they do provide a plan toward improved
security and compliance that is prioritized by the likelihood of harm, and that has no intolerable
harm as its goal.
Information Security Risk Management Standards: Information security risk assessment
standards that the CIS RAM is based on operate within fuller risk management programs and
cycles. ISO 27005 operates within the ISO 27000 family of standards, and NIST 800-30 works
within the NIST Special Publications. Each of these families of standards requires continuous
analysis of security safeguards, including analysis of controls after they’ve been implemented
to determine whether they are effective at addressing their security objectives. Recommended
safeguards should therefore be risk assessed again after implementation to be sure that they
achieve their intended objectives.

Risk Treatment Example 2 – CIS Control 3.4

The Tier 1 organization’s second risk analysis involved their method for identifying and
addressing system patches in their production environment and their corporate environment.
They were comfortable with their patch management process in their production environment.
Even though they were not using the control described in CIS Control 3.4 as it was written, they
estimated that the likelihood and impact of the risk that their current methods exposed them to
met an acceptable level of risk.
Their risks in the corporate environment were higher, though. Their enterprise management
application had vulnerabilities that the manufacturer could not provide patches for, but expected
to address the known vulnerabilities in a major release soon. The organization believed the
release upgrade would be significantly disruptive in the short term, and was hoping to find an
alternative safeguard that would be reasonable and appropriate. So the organization will model
recommended risk treatments in Table 28 to identify such a safeguard.
Knowing that they could not implement CIS Control 3.4 as written, they consider the objective of
the control instead to see if there are alternative means of meeting the objective. They determine
that CIS Control 3.3 intends that patches are applied as quickly as is possible, which is not

Version 1.0 – April 2018 41

feasible in this case. Because CIS Control 3.3 is not feasible, they turn to other CIS Controls to
see what alternatives are available to them.
The CIS® provides a document titled the CIS Community Attack Model16 that can be helpful to the
organization for finding alternative controls. The Community Attack Model (provided in the
CIS_RAM_Workbook in a tab titled “Attack Path Models,” and at the CIS website) associates the
CIS Controls with the way they reduce risks in each stage of an incident based on the functions
found in the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.17 This can be very helpful for identifying related

Figure 8 - Partial Community Attack Model

Risk assessors may reference the Community Attack Model to find controls that can be
complementary and alternative to the recommended safeguards they are assessing. If an
organization struggles to implement a sub-control, they could look for controls that play a similar
role in the Community Attack Model to find alternative controls that might help them meet the
same security objective. For example, if an organization cannot easily use audit logs to detect
delivery of a kind of threat, they may look to another control in the cell that intersects with the

16The Community Attack Model may be accessed here:

17Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, Version 1.0, National Institute of
Standards and Technology. February 12, 2014

Version 1.0 – April 2018 42

detect row and the delivery column to find similar controls – and to eventually see network
intrusion detection controls, which may be more useful in their environment.
Given the intent of CIS Control 3 (of which CIS Control 3.4 is a member) to conduct continuous
vulnerability assessments, the risk assessor reviews the Community Attack Model and finds
“continuous vulnerability assessment” in multiple locations. It appears to be useful for Protecting
against Initial Recon, Protecting against Delivery, and protecting against Misuse / Escalate
Privilege (as well as other uses that are displayed in the remainder of the model not visible in
Figure 8).
The threat they are trying to address could be mitigated by protecting the system at delivery, and
to prevent attackers and malware from knowing what vulnerabilities are present. So the risk
assessor considers the possibility of network intrusion prevention systems (NIPS) and refers to
CIS Control 12 for “Boundary Defense” to see how that is described. While reviewing CIS Control
12’s sub-controls, they come across CIS Control 12.7 and see a description for an intrusion
prevention system (IPS) that might be appropriate for their risk. An IPS could detect and prevent
actions that match exploits to known vulnerabilities. Other options, such as putting the enterprise
planning application and its users in a separate VLAN could reduce the likelihood of an attack as
well, but there would be many systems in that VLAN, so the likelihood reduction might be small.
They recommend and evaluate a safeguard based on CIS Control 12.7.

Table 28 - Example Risk for CIS Control 3.4

Risk Analysis Value

CIS Control 3.4
Description Deploy automated software update tools in order to ensure
that the operating systems are running the most recent
security updates provided by the software vendor.
Information Asset Enterprise management application in the internal
corporate network.
Control Vulnerability scans occur when Threat Info Service
announces a moderate-to-high vulnerability that needs
patching. Team patches most systems within 24 hours of
Vulnerability Enterprise management application systems are
unpatched for more than one year.
Threat Hackers or malware may attack and control enterprise
management application environment.
Threat Likelihood 2
Mission Impact 2
Obligations Impact 3
Risk Score 6
Risk Acceptability Unacceptable
Risk Treatment Option Reduce
Recommended Safeguard (CIS Control 12.7) Purchase and implement an IPS
solution to detect, alert on, and prevent attacks on the

Version 1.0 – April 2018 43

Risk Analysis Value
enterprise management application, and other vulnerable
systems in the environment.
Safeguard Risk A significant cost would have significant impact on the
budget. Installation of the tool in detection mode is likely
not disruptive. Installation of the tool in prevention mode is
likely disruptive.

Moderate cost in personnel time to implement and

configure the IPS system.
Safeguard Threat Likelihood 3
Safeguard Mission Impact 2
Safeguard Obligations 1
Safeguard Risk Score 6
Risk Acceptability Unacceptable

Using a safeguard based on CIS Control 12.7 in this planned deployment still evaluates as
unacceptable. The risk assessor is certain that the IPS in terms of budget and potential disruption
of service will prevent the organization from properly servicing some of their patient user
population (Likelihood = ‘3’; Mission Impact = ‘2’; Safeguard Risk Score = ‘6’). For a Tier 1
organization especially, implementing a tool that may create disruptions to business would be
intolerable, and would likely lead to increased frustration by non-technical management with
information security.
So the risk assessor considers deploying an open-source IPS in detection and alert mode
(Intrusion Detection System, or IDS), rather than a commercial IPS in prevention mode. This
would allow the team to be aware of suspicious activities and to respond without creating a failure
of business functions. After becoming familiar and comfortable with the IPS and seeing what
actions it alerts on, the technology team may be able to selectively block access to high-risk
systems, such as the enterprise management system.
They find a corresponding CIS Control after reviewing the sub-controls under CIS Control 12. The
risk assessor reads CIS Control 12.6 that states, “Deploy network-based Intrusion Detection
Systems (IDS) sensors to look for unusual attack mechanisms and detect compromise of these
systems at each of the organization's network boundaries.” This control can be the initial
safeguard, allowing the organization to improve the safeguard to an IPS (CIS Control 12.7) when
the organization is ready to block traffic that they understand better.
Table 29 models a variation to this recommended safeguard.

Table 29 - Example Risk Treatment Recommendation CIS Control 12.6 to reduce CIS Control 3.4 risk.

Risk Analysis Value

Risk Treatment Option Reduce
Recommended Safeguard (CIS Control 12.7) Acquire and implement an open-source
IPS solution to detect, and alert on attacks on the
enterprise management application, and other vulnerable

Version 1.0 – April 2018 44

Risk Analysis Value
systems in the environment. After gaining confidence in the
types of detected actions and alerts, deploy IPS capability
to protect high-risk systems.
Safeguard Risk Moderate cost in personnel time to implement and
configure the IPS system.
Safeguard Threat Likelihood 3
Safeguard Mission Impact 1
Safeguard Obligations 1
Safeguard Risk Score 3
Risk Acceptability Acceptable

The assessor is certain that the impact to the mission and obligations will not be affected using
the IPS as an IDS (in detect mode versus prevention mode). At this point, the risk assessor is
confident that they have a plan for implementing a safeguard that aligns with CIS Control 12.6
that would reduce the risk that was evaluated by their review of CIS Control 3.4.

Risk Treatment Example 3 – CIS Control 14.9

Finally, the Tier 1 organization’s risk analysis involving CIS Control 14.9 showed an unacceptable
risk for how they logged events on the enterprise management application. Given their concern
that disgruntled employees are expected to steal and abuse data in the environment, they realize
they will need to track access to the application, and be alerted on specific actions, such as large
data downloads.
The organization knows that log management systems and SIEMs can be readily implemented as
services and management would be friendlier to detecting abuses of access than to invest in the
more esoteric aspects of intrusion prevention. So they opt to recommend a commercial SIEM-as-
a-Service solution to address this risk.

Table 30 - Example Risk Treatment Recommendation for CIS Control 14.9

Risk Analysis Value

CIS Control 14.9
Description Enforce detailed audit logging for access to sensitive data
or changes to sensitive data.
Information Asset Enterprise Management Application
Control Access logs are captured and stored locally, and not
Vulnerability The organization is unaware of suspicious or inappropriate
Threat Rogue employees or hackers using escalated privileges
and may access and abuse nonpublic information in the

Version 1.0 – April 2018 45

Risk Analysis Value
Threat Likelihood 3
Mission Impact 2
Obligations Impact 3
Risk Score 9
Risk Acceptability Unacceptable
Risk Treatment Option Reduce
Recommended Safeguard Implement a SIEM-as-a-Service. To prevent being
overwhelmed by log messages and alerts, focus SIEM first
on high-risk systems, such as the enterprise management
application. Alert on any data manipulation and downloads
conducted by administrator accounts.
Safeguard Risk Initial tuning may be challenging, but will not interfere with
our mission or obligations.
Safeguard Threat Likelihood 2
Safeguard Mission Impact 1
Safeguard Obligations 1
Safeguard Risk Score 2
Risk Acceptability Acceptable

The organization is now comfortable that their risk treatment recommendations are reasonable
and appropriate, even though the plans do not include a complete implementation of all CIS
Controls to all in-scope assets.
Moreover, the organization knows that they have a basis to explain and defend their plan to
interested parties and authorities, and to defend the basis by which they accept certain risks.

The reader should use the template Risk Register – Tier 1 that is provided in the
supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook to enter risk treatment recommendations for
each risk that evaluated as unacceptably high.

The reader should consider:

1. Whether an existing safeguard can be improved, and how that would be done.
2. Whether a safeguard based on a different CIS Control would provide reasonable and
appropriate risk.
3. Collaborating with information security subject matter experts to help model the
potential effectiveness of recommended safeguards.

The risk assessor will need to use their professional judgment to design and recommend
information security safeguards, and to evaluate prospectively the risk that they may pose.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 46

Information security experts may need to be included in the process to ensure that the risk
analysis is conducted appropriately.

Risk Treatment Recommendations Summary

Risk treatment recommendations are a critical part of risk assessments to ensure that the
organization has developed a plan for addressing risks without creating other risks to the
organization or its constituents. Some of the benefits that have been demonstrated about this
process are:
1. Organizations can demonstrate to collaborating business managers how recommended
security safeguards can be implemented without creating too much of a burden on the
business mission.
2. Organizations can demonstrate to regulators and other legal authorities that safeguards
are reasonable because the risk of the safeguard (the “burden” to the organization) is not
greater than the risk that it is meant to reduce.
3. Organizations can demonstrate that recommended safeguards would be appropriate by
showing that they would not foreseeably create an impact that would be intolerable to the
organization or its constituents.
The process for evaluating risks and for recommending appropriate risk treatments has been
demonstrated at a general level. However, some questions likely remain for the reader about
evaluating safeguards, estimating likelihood, and the suitability of probability models in risk
analysis. These more detailed topics will be discussed in the forthcoming chapter “Risk Analysis

Version 1.0 – April 2018 47

Chapter 3: Asset-Based Risk Assessment
Instructions for Tier 2 Organizations
Tier 2 risk assessment instructions are well-suited to organizations that fit the profile of Tier 2
organizations as described by the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. These organizations can be
identified as having the following characteristics:
• NIST Tier: Tier 2 organizations. Tier 2 materials are best suited for organizations that
have at least some collaboration with non-technical business management to define risk
• Expertise: The organization has resources and capabilities to analyze common security
threats, and to plan risk-appropriate safeguards. However, they do not have on-hand
skills to model how threats would operate within their organization.
• Time: The organization is able to invest sufficient time to analyze risks at the level of
specific systems, devices, and applications, and sub-components within those assets.
This chapter is comprised of sections that each address a specific activity within a risk
assessment. Readers should engage this chapter by first reading the text in each section, and
then conducting the exercises that are recommended for each section. The material presented in
the CIS RAM is substantially different from many other risk assessment standards and models,
so the reader should first understand the aim of each section, and then practice what they learn
using templates that are provided in the supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.
While conducting their first CIS RAM-based risk assessment, organizations should be careful to
not try to “boil the ocean.” Regulatory bodies and information security standards alike understand
that not all risks can be identified in a single assessment. Organizations should continuously and
regularly assess risks to identify, understand, and manage risks over time.

The Risk Assessment Project


Risk assessments are projects with clear steps for preparing, conducting, and reporting risk
analysis. And while risk assessment projects can be modeled with a typical plan, each
organization’s project approach will vary depending on factors such as resource availability, and
will develop over time as organizations become more capable in their cybersecurity maturity. This
section will describe a risk assessment project, its components and variations, and will present
guidance for preparing the plan.

The Project Outline

Risk assessments are conducted using a series of steps that include typical actions, and roles as
shown in Table 31.
Table 31 – Example Risk Assessment Project Outline
Step Task Key Roles
1 Defining the Scope & Scheduling Sessions Executives, Management, Assessor
2 Defining Risk Assessment Criteria Management, Assessor
3 Defining Risk Acceptance Criteria Executives, Management, Assessor
4 Risk Assessment (Asset-Based)
4.1 Gather Evidence Personnel, Management, Assessor
4.2 Model the Threats Personnel, Management, Assessor

Version 1.0 – April 2018 48

Step Task Key Roles
4.3 Risk Evaluation Assessor
5 Propose Safeguards
5.1 Evaluate Proposed Safeguards Assessor, Management

During Step 1 (Defining the Scope & Scheduling Sessions), the organization will determine which
information assets to include in their evaluation. They will also identify business owners and
technical stewards who will provide evidence and interviews to assess those assets. The risk
assessor will then schedule interview sessions with those owners and stewards.
In Step 2 (Defining Risk Assessment Criteria) the organization will define the rules by which they
assess and score risks. They will define their mission (the value they bring to others), their
objectives (their organizational definitions for success and failure), and their obligations (the
potential for harm against others) to establish what they are trying to protect. They will then define
scoring schemas to be used for impact and likelihood estimation.
In Step 3 (Defining Risk Acceptance Criteria) the organization will establish their risk tolerance by
selecting a combination of the likelihood of an impact that would be tolerable to all parties (the
organization and parties that may be harmed by realized risks).
In Step 4 (Risk Assessment – Asset-Based) the risk assessor will evaluate the risks of the
information assets. For Tier 2 organizations, the analysis includes the following activities:
• “Gather Evidence” involves a review of documents, such as policies, procedures,
standards, and benchmarks. It also includes interviews with management and personnel.
Evidence gathering also entails observation of configurations, artifacts, facilities, records,
and work processes to determine whether they operate in secure or vulnerable ways.
The levels of evidence gathering will be directly associated with the maturity of the
• In the “Model the Threats” activity, the organization will model risks with at least these
components; CIS Controls that should be in place to protect information assets,
safeguards that effectively protect information assets as described by the CIS Controls,
and vulnerabilities that result if safeguards are not sufficiently effective. The order in
which these components are considered depends on the maturity of the organization, as
will be described later in this document.
• During “Risk Evaluation” the organization will estimate the likelihood and impact of the
risks. The estimates will be based on the scoring and criteria that were established in
Step 2. The risk score will be automatically calculated to determine whether the current
implementations of CIS Controls are already reasonable.
During Step 5 (Propose Safeguards) the organization will consider how to address unreasonable
risks by selecting CIS Controls that should be implemented to address each risk, and specifically
how the controls will be implemented. These safeguards may include security devices, physical
safeguards, training, oversight processes, or other methods. The risk assessor then will test the
reasonableness of the safeguards during “Evaluate Proposed Safeguards.” The risk assessor will
evaluate the proposed safeguards using the same criteria that were used to evaluate the risks.
A project plan template is available in the supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

Defining the Scope & Scheduling Sessions

Note: The reader should use the worksheets provided in the supplementary document
CIS_RAM_Workbook while reading these instructions. The reader will best understand the
concepts and their use by practicing the methods described in this chapter.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 49

Defining the Scope
Organizations should conduct risk assessments against a clearly defined scope of information
assets. A single theme usually bounds the scope of assets, such as “information assets that
contain sensitive information,” “the data center,” “engineering practice areas and technologies
that support them,” or a specific business division.
While it is possible to select unrelated information assets for an assessment – or a subset of
assets within a larger scope – the organization that receives the assessment and is making
investments and prioritization decisions based on its findings will be most comfortable when the
information assets are associated with a business entity or a business process. Otherwise, risk
assessment findings may seem scattered and unrelated.
Similarly, while assessing the risk of a set of information assets, it makes good sense to consider
a set of assets that can directly affect each other’s security. For example, a risk assessment that
examines a set of applications should also include the network devices that connect the
applications to other assets and other networks, as well as the processes that are used to
develop and manage those applications. These systems are directly connected to each other and
dependent on each other so their risks are easily associated with one another.
Organizations cannot examine all information assets comprehensively in a single risk
assessment, so their scope should consider the time and resources that are available for the
assessment. Risk assessors should consult security experts to help them determine which
assets, threats, and risks to prioritize.
An example scoping table (Table 32) demonstrates the level of detail that is appropriate for an
initial assessment plan and is provided in the workbook CIS_RAM_Workbook.

Table 32 - Example Scoping Table

Asset Type Asset Name Business Owner Steward

Information Application Code COO CIO
Information Patient Information Customer Experience CIO
Application Patient Record (prod) Customer Experience Product Manager
Application Patent Record (dev) Customer Experience Software Development
Application DataMart Innovations Dept DevOps
Server ProductionAppSrvr1 Customer Experience DevOps
Server ProuctionDBServer2 Customer Experience DevOps
Server DevAppSrvr1 Software Development DevOps
Server DevDBServer2 Software Development DevOps
Server LDAP1 CIO DevOps
Server DNS1 CIO DevOps
Network Device Core Router CIO Network Engineering
Network Device DMZ Router CIO Network Engineering
Network Device Firewall 1 CIO Network Engineering
Network Device Firewall 2 CIO Network Engineering
Network Device Switch CIO Network Engineering
Process AppDev Customer Experience Software Development
Process Code Promotion Customer Experience DevOps
Process Maintenance Product Manager DevOps

Version 1.0 – April 2018 50

Asset Type Asset Name Business Owner Steward
Process Change Management Product Manager DevOps
Process Vulnerability Mgt CIO Security Team
Process Account Setup Customer Experience Application Management
Process Account Maintenance Customer Experience Application Management
Process New Client Onboarding Customer Experience Application Management
Process Internal Audit Compliance Internal Audit
Process Device/System set-up CIO DevOps
Process Customer Support Customer Experience Application Management

Note that the scoping table includes the business owner roles and steward roles. Business
owners are the (typically) non-technical managers who are responsible for the information and
processes that information assets support. Stewards are (typically) technical managers who are
responsible for the functionality and security of the information assets. By identifying information
asset ownership up front, the scoping table can be used to help plan interview sessions for the
remainder of the risk assessment.
Regardless of how the scope of the risk assessment is established, and how detailed the asset
listing is, there are a few helpful practices an organization should keep in mind as they identify
their information assets:
• Think of a set of similarly-situated assets as a single asset class. For example, all
database servers that use the same technology and the same maintenance and
administration methods may be considered one asset class. However, if one set of
database servers is different from others (for example, they hold sensitive information in
a DMZ while others process less-sensitive information in another zone), these may be
considered two assets because their risks will be different, even if they are managed
• Information assets are not only technologies that store and transmit sensitive information.
Information assets are any information, technology, process, people, or facilities that may
impact the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information.
• Include in the scope all information assets that are within the same zones (networks,
facilities, etc.) as any other in-scope information asset.
The reader should develop their own scoping table using the scoping table template in the
supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 51

The reader should develop their own scoping table using the “Scope - Tier 2” worksheet that is
provided in the supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

The reader should consider:

1. A set of information assets your organization is interested in focusing your security
resources on?
a. This set can be defined by processes, technologies, a class of information, or
a location.
2. What are the boundaries between this set of information assets and other information
assets not in this scope?
a. What systems, facilities, and network devices link these boundaries together,
or separate them?
b. Are these “boundary” assets included or excluded from the scope?
3. List information assets or asset classes that are within the scope.
a. List information assets or asset classes to a level of detail that the
organization has the time and resources to analyze. This may require
adjustment during the course of the assessment if the organization realizes it
has more time (or less time) than they originally planned to assess the
information assets.

Scheduling Interview Sessions

Interview sessions will be topical, and should address one topic or closely related topics for each
conversation. Interview sessions can focus on CIS Controls, or information assets and asset
For example, interview sessions that focus on CIS Controls would bring together the personnel
and management who know how each control is implemented and operates. One session may be
dedicated to CIS Control 1 to understand how devices are inventoried. Another may be
scheduled to discuss CIS Control 2 to understand what safeguards are in place to inventory
software. Or, if the same personnel are knowledgeable about both safeguards, then perhaps one
session could combine both topics.
Similarly, if risk assessors schedule sessions around information assets or asset classes, then it
would be appropriate to include business owners and technical owners of those systems to
understand how associated CIS Controls are applied to each asset or asset class.
An example session for a web application may include product managers, application developers,
application administrators, and business owners. Topics in that session may include CIS Control
14, “Controlled Access Based on the Need to Know,” CIS Control 16, “Account Monitoring and
Control,” and CIS Control 18, “Application Software Security.”
How the organization groups and orders these topics is largely up to them, but risk assessors
should consider these pointers while scheduling interview sessions:
1. Be respectful of people’s time. While it is important to gather comprehensive information
about risks, organizations cannot gather all relevant information in the first one or two risk
2. Work with managers to determine the most efficient and useful way to schedule
interviews, whether by CIS Controls or by information assets and asset classes.
3. Expect that some security safeguards will be applied differently to different information
assets and asset classes. For example, CIS Control 5, “Secure Configuration for

Version 1.0 – April 2018 52

Hardware and Software on Mobile Devices, Laptops, Workstations and Servers,” and CIS
Control 16, “Account Monitoring and Control” may be implemented and overseen
differently for servers in different environments, or may be centrally controlled for servers,
but individually controlled for network devices. Plan on evaluating how these and similar
safeguards are applied to different asset classes.
4. Provide an agenda for reach interview to help participants prepare any materials or
information regarding the information assets or controls that may be discussed.

Scheduling Evidence Reviews

Risk assessors use evidence review sessions to examine information assets and; determine
whether they conform to CIS Controls, and evaluate whether they would be effective against
foreseeable threats.
The evidence review sessions should be scheduled following the interviews so that risk
assessors understand the general landscape of the security environment before trying to
understand why certain assets are configured the way they are.
During interviews, the risk assessor will learn about topics that should be more closely
understood through a review of configurations, system testing, or records review. Risk assessors
should note during or soon after the interview which safeguards they will want to examine further,
and inform the participants that they will likely be contacted later in the assessment to participate
on those evidence review sessions. Further, the assessor should ask which personnel,
processes, or information assets would be appropriate to examine to gather the appropriate
evidence. The evidence review sessions can then be scheduled at the end of the interview.
Techniques for reviewing evidence of the effectiveness of controls are presented later in the
chapter “Risk Analysis Techniques.”

Defining Risk Assessment Criteria


Risk assessment criteria are the numerical and plain-language statements that an organization
uses to evaluate their cybersecurity risk. The most familiar form of risk calculations, “Risk =
Likelihood x Impact,” is the basis for risk analysis in the CIS RAM. But it is just the starting point
for risk analysis.
Risk assessment criteria must be meaningful to the organizations that use them, so they must be
tied to the potential benefit and harm that the organization may create. The impact of a
cybersecurity breach may harm the organization itself, it may harm the organization’s ability to
successfully achieve its mission, or it may harm others.
Because cybersecurity failures impact parties both inside and outside an organization, risk
assessment criteria must be universally meaningful and must address the interests of all
potentially affected parties. Additionally, risk assessment criteria must demonstrate to authorities,
such as regulators and litigators, that the organization considers the risk of harm to others as
much as the risk of harm to themselves.
While these requirements may seem complex, the method presented in this section will
sufficiently address them while using a technique that is simple to develop and use.
Risk Assessment Criteria Foundations
The risk analysis provided in the CIS RAM is at its root a question of balance between the
potential of future harm against the certain burden of a safeguard. Regulators and litigators have

Version 1.0 – April 2018 53

long considered this balance as key to acting as a “reasonable person.” The core structure of a
risk statement is provided below to illustrate the core concept of balance.

Figure 9 - Balance Within Core Risk Analysis

Notice a few things right away with the model risk analysis in Figure 9.
• While organizations typically evaluate the observed risk to determine whether they should
address or accept it, this risk statement deliberately compares the observed risk to a
proposed safeguard.
• The criteria that evaluates the risk also evaluates the safeguard.
• The impact of the risk estimates the potential of harm to the organization and the
potential harm against others.
Risk assessors compare risks to their proposed safeguards to determine whether those
safeguards would create a foreseeably lower risk than the current state. To accomplish this, the
assessor evaluates the current state risk (or “observed risk”) and the proposed safeguard using
the same criteria to ensure comparability.
This comparison prevents organizations from implementing safeguards that are overly
burdensome, or that create new, unacceptable risks. For example, an organization that uses
software that is no longer supported by the vendor, but relies on that software for critical business
purposes, should find alternative methods for identifying and controlling potential security risks
until they replace the software. If management recommends quickly changing out to inferior, but
secure software, the organization may suffer a greater impact to their mission than the security
risk they are trying to avoid.
While considering CIS Control 18: Application Software Security, a risk statement can be made to
estimate the foreseeability of an impactful threat. The risk can be stated as it appears in Table 33
(where the risk score ‘12’ is a product of the likelihood ‘3’ and the highest impact score ‘4’):

Table 33 - Example Core Risk Statement

Observed risk Likelihood Impact to Impact to Risk

Us Others Score

Hackers may exploit the unsupported, 3 3 4 12

but critical application.

A risk assessor should then recommend and evaluate a safeguard to reduce the high security
risk, as illustrated in Table 34. Here, the organization would realize that the likelihood of a
negative impact to their mission is greater than the current state risk. This is an obvious case of
the burden being greater than the risk, and a recommended safeguard being unreasonable.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 54

Table 34 - Example Unreasonable Proposed Safeguard

Proposed New Risk Likelihood Impact to Impact to Safeguard

Safeguard Us Others Risk

Replace application Application will 5 3 1 15

with inferior, operate
secure application. inefficiently.

When faced with this analysis, the organization must then find another way to address the risk.
This process will be described later in this chapter in the section Risk Treatment
But what should be apparent is that without a definition of risk assessment criteria the likelihood
and impact scores are not meaningful. What would impacts or likelihoods of ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, or ‘5’
mean, anyway? The organization will need to create definitions for their likelihood and impact
scores so that they are meaningful to all interested parties, and so that they provide a consistent
method for risk evaluation.

Impact Definitions
Tier 2 organizations generally benefit from more business involvement in managing cybersecurity
risk than Tier 1 organizations. Because of that increased involvement, the risk assessment
criteria can be – and should be – more explicit and detailed than those used by Tier 1
organizations. Advanced organizations can consider more nuance in terms of business impacts
and tolerance, and can employ organizational objectives with more authority.
An impact definition for Tier 2 organizations can have at least three impact types, and five impact
scores (magnitudes) like the definition depicted in Table 35.

Table 35 – Example Impact Definitions

Impact Impact to Mission Impact to Impact to Obligations

Score Objectives
Mission: Provide information to Obligations: Patients must not
help remote patients stay Objectives: Operate be harmed by compromised
healthy. profitably. information.
1 Patients continue to access Profits are on target. Patients do not experience
helpful information, and loss of service or protection.
outcomes are on track.
2 Some patients may not get all Profits are off target, Patients may be concerned,
the information they need as but are within but not harmed.
they request it. planned variance.
3 Some patients cannot access Profits are off Some patients may be
the information they need to planned variance and harmed financially or
maintain good health may take a fiscal reputationally after
outcomes. year to recover. compromise of information or
4 Many patients consistently Profits may take Many patients may be
cannot access beneficial more than a fiscal harmed financially or
information. year to recover. reputationally
5 We can no longer provide The organization Some patients may be
helpful information to remote cannot operate harmed financially,
patients. profitably. reputationally, or physically,
up to and including death.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 55

Background – Impact Definitions
This document provides instructions for defining impacts and impact scores (magnitudes) in
this section with more in-depth instructions and examples in the “Risk Analysis Techniques”
chapter. The reader should understand before going further that organizations in most cases
should not define impacts exclusively using financial values. While cost is a common and
almost necessary consideration while evaluating risks and safeguards, if it is the only criterion,
the organization will communicate to their personnel, as well as to interested parties and
authorities, that cost is their only concern. The purpose that the organization serves and the
harm that may befall others must be part of the evaluation if risk is to be responsibly tied to the
potential of harm, and if the evaluation is to be understandable to regulators and legal
Organizations should also consider having more than three impact types in their impact
definitions if they have more than one mission, multiple objectives, and many obligations that
they need to consider in their risk analysis. While this expansion may create an increasingly
wide risk register, it can help organizations feel comfortable all relevant interests were
considered in their risk analysis.

Tier 2 organizations that previously used Tier 1 risk analysis processes may build on their simpler
risk assessment criteria that used three levels of impact scoring. For the purposes of reference to
our example organization – a health information provider – they have gone through a year or two
of risk management and have gained the attention and confidence of business managers and
executives. As a result, their ability to assess cybersecurity risk using business criteria will also
We can see by comparing the risk assessment criteria for Tier 1 organizations in Chapter 2 to
Table 35 that the detailed descriptions of impacts have increased in two dimensions; the number
of impact scores (magnitudes) increased from three to five, and there is an additional impact type
for business objectives.
Tier 2 organizations will find that using a range of five impact scores (magnitudes) increases the
utility of risk prioritization at the end of the risk assessment. A three-by-three risk assessment
criteria model provides organizations with six possible risk scores; 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9. This leads
to a somewhat course grouping that may cause risks of somewhat different urgencies to be
A five-by-five risk assessment criteria model allows for 14 possible risk scores of; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, and 25. Now risks of somewhat different urgencies will likely be classified
into different risk scores and will be more easily distinguished while prioritizing them.
Also note that the impact scores of ‘1’ and ‘2’ in Table 35 are shaded grey to separate them from
the higher scores. Scores ‘1’ and ‘2’ describe impacts that would be generally thought of as
acceptable. The risk acceptance criteria process will be explained later in the document, but it is
useful to consider now that the scores ‘1’ and ‘2’ are consistent in their definition of impact scores
across all three impact types, and that the impact scores of ‘3’, ‘4’, or ‘5’ could consistently be
thought of as unacceptably high for all three impact types.
The example health information provider also has a new impact to consider in Table 35 to help
them include their business objectives in their risk analysis. Business objectives are more self-
focused than missions and obligations, and are aligned with success criteria commonly found in
business. Some examples include profitability, growth, maintaining accreditations, customer
satisfaction, or retaining a position in the marketplace.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 56

Objectives align most directly with what is commonly thought of as the “cost” of a safeguard. But
rather than allowing an organization to arbitrarily decide that a safeguard costs too much, this
method of including cost in terms of impacts to objectives forces the organization to evaluate why
a cost would be excessive. Does the cost of the safeguard impede profitability goals? Does the
safeguard limit efficiency or growth? Those are certainly reasonable concerns, as long as the
profitability goals are in parity with the mission and obligations impacts. In other words, an
organization should not let profitability be more important than harm to others, or harm to their
ability to fulfill their mission. See “Note Regarding Use of Financial Costs as Objectives” in
Chapter 5.
Figure 10 - Objectives, Mission, Obligations

Objectives Mission Obligations

• Self benefit • Mutual benefit • Others' benefit
• Self risk • Mutual risk • Others' risk

Organizations are well-served with this model because business management, technicians,
compliance personnel, and legal counsel all have their interests addressed in risk analysis that
uses these criteria.
An in-depth explanation of how to develop impact definitions with multiple examples is provided in
the chapter “Risk Analysis Techniques.”

Likelihood Definitions
The likelihood definition for a Tier 2 organization should also increase in nuance from the simpler
Tier 1 definition, and can do so by adding two more scores to the table as shown in Table 36.

Table 36 – Example Likelihood Definitions

Likelihood Foreseeability
1 Not foreseeable. This is not plausible in the environment.
2 Foreseeable. This is plausible, but not expected.
3 Expected. We are certain this will eventually occur.
4 Common. This happens repeatedly.
5 Current. This may be happening now.

• “Not Foreseeable” implies that a threat is not plausible in the environment that is being
assessed. Loss of portable media may not be foreseeable during a risk assessment of a
hosted application.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 57

• “Foreseeable” implies something that is plausible, but the organization would be
surprised if it occurred. A founding executive taking copies of sensitive data to
competitors may be considered foreseeable, even if it is not expected.
• “Expected” implies a threat that is not common, but that would eventually happen.
Phishing attacks or other social engineering attacks may be expected in many
• “Common” implies something that happens repeatedly, such as mis-addressed emails
with sensitive information, malware attacks, or loss of laptops and mobile devices.
• “Current” implies threats that are rarely not present, such as port scanning on perimeter
devices, or sharing of information in quasi-public spaces such as pharmacy counters or
bank tellers.
When risk assessors estimate the likelihood of a threat, they will select scores ‘1’, 2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, or ‘5’
using the foreseeability definition as their guidance. Organizations may add time-based limits in
their foreseeability definitions (i.e. “Foreseeable within planning thresholds,” “Expected within the
five-year plan” or “Not foreseeable in the next fiscal year”). If organizations do introduce time
limits in their likelihood definitions they should prioritize risk treatment investments to meet these
timelines. That may be excessively challenging to many organizations, so they should proceed
with caution.

Developing the Risk Assessment Criteria

Because risk assessment criteria are meant to describe risk as it applies to the organization that
owns the risk, it is appropriate for the most senior management who are responsible for the
mission, objectives, and obligations to participate in developing and accepting the criteria.
Table 37 lists roles commonly involved in risk assessment criteria development, and the
interested perspective they bring to the definition effort.

Table 37 - Roles Involved in Defining Risk Assessment Criteria

Role Perspective
Chief Executive Officer To ensure that the mission, objectives, and obligations of the
Chief Operations Officer organization are appropriately defined, and to ensure that a
distinction between acceptable and unacceptable impacts are
appropriately delineated.
Chief Compliance Officer To ensure that the interests of regulatory agencies are
appropriately included in risk definitions.
Chief Financial Officer To ensure that objectives are appropriately defined, particularly
the distinction between acceptable and unacceptable impacts.
Chief Information Officer To ensure that technical performance, service, and capabilities
Chief Technology Officer are considered, and to include all types of information processes
beyond technology.
General Counsel To ensure that obligations are appropriately defined and that they
compare well with the mission and objectives.
Outside Counsel
Internal Audit To ensure that the concerns of interested parties are well
Audit Committee represented in all impact definitions and scores.

Key Customers / Clients To ensure that their interests are included in the obligations
Key Constituents definition.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 58

The reader should develop their organization’s risk assessment criteria using the “Criteria -
Tier 2” worksheet that is provided in the supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

The reader should consider:

1. Developing the risk assessment criteria in collaboration with a business managers
and legal counsel to ensure that the Mission, Objectives, and Obligations definitions
are sensible to the organization.
2. Working with legal counsel to help ensure that impact definitions appropriately
address the interests of all potentially affected parties, and to ensure that impact
statements appear equitable to all parties.
3. Referring to guidance for defining and scoring impact types in the “Risk Analysis
Techniques” chapter.

The risk assessor will need to use their professional judgment to define impact types, and to
describe levels of impact that the organization must manage to. Because risk assessment criteria
are a declaration by the organization of what they will manage to in terms of harm to themselves
and harm to others, organizations should consult with legal counsel before finalizing these criteria
and making risk decisions based on them.

Defining Risk Acceptance Criteria


Because risk assessments are essentially questions of balance, the criteria for accepting risk
should help determine whether balance was achieved. In CIS RAM risk acceptance has two
• Appropriate risk: That the likelihood of an impact must be acceptable to all foreseeably
affected parties
• Reasonable risk: That the risk posed by a safeguard must be less than or equal to the
risk it protects against.
While these components have been demonstrated briefly in Chapter 1, the “appropriate risk” will
be described in more detail in this section. “Reasonable risk” will be described later in the Risk
Treatment Recommendations section further on.
After establishing the impact and likelihood definitions, Tier 2 organizations are now well
positioned to state their risk acceptance criteria. Recall that impacts were defined within impact
scores that ranged from ‘1’ to ‘5’. Acceptable impact scores ‘1’ and ‘2’ were defined in a manner
that would appear appropriate to interested parties (and are shaded grey to indicate their
acceptability), and the impact score ‘3’ was the lowest unacceptable score.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 59

Table 38 – Unacceptable Impacts

Impact Impact to Mission Impact to Impact to Obligations

Score Objectives
Mission: Provide information to Obligations: Patients must not
help remote patients stay Objective: Operate be harmed by compromised
healthy. profitably. information.
1 Patients continue to access Profits are on target. Patients do not experience
helpful information, and loss of service or protection.
outcomes are on track.
2 Some patients may not get all Profits are off target, Patients may be concerned,
the information they need as but are within but not harmed.
they request it. planned variance.
3 Some patients cannot access Profits are off Some patients may be
the information they need to planned variance and harmed financially or
maintain good health may take a fiscal reputationally after
outcomes. year to recover. compromise of information or
4 Many patients consistently Profits may take Many patients may be
cannot access beneficial more than a fiscal harmed financially or
information. year to recover. reputationally
5 We can no longer provide The organization Some patients may be
helpful information to remote cannot operate harmed financially,
patients. profitably. reputationally, or physically,
up to and including death.

And similarly, likelihood scores were within a range of ‘1’ to ‘5’ as below. Once our example
organization develops their risk management maturity and are ready to refine their risk
distinctions, they may decide to not tolerate unacceptable impacts if they are foreseeable but not
expected (‘2’), or if they are expected to occur (’3’). This would be a decision best made by their
executives, and especially their compliance team, general counsel, and interested parties. But in
this case, the model will assume that they selected an unacceptable likelihood score of ‘3’.

Table 39 – Unacceptable Likelihood

Likelihood Foreseeability
1 Not foreseeable. This is not plausible in the environment.
2 Foreseeable. This is plausible, but not expected.
3 Expected. We are certain this will eventually occur.
4 Common. This happens repeatedly.
5 Current. This may be happening now.

So Tier 2 organizations would define their risk acceptance like this:

Table 40 - Risk acceptance criteria

Impact Likelihood Risk

x =
Threshold Threshold Threshold
3 x 3 = 9
… therefore …
Acceptable Risk < 9

Version 1.0 – April 2018 60

An example of the heat map for this assessment criteria is shown in Figure 11. While risk heat
maps are not used in CIS RAM, organizations can now design heat maps that represent actual
risk acceptability based on organizational requirements, and a duty of care to others.

Figure 11 - Example Heat Map

1 2 3 4 5


The reader should define their organization’s risk acceptance criteria using the “Criteria - Tier
2” worksheet that is provided in the supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

The reader should consider:

1. Working with a business management sponsor who can help ensure that the risk
acceptance criteria are sensible to the organization.
2. Working with legal counsel to help ensure that the definition for risk acceptance
addresses the interests of all potentially affected parties, and to ensure that impact
statements appear equitable to all parties.

The risk assessor will need to use their professional judgment to identify levels of acceptable risk.
Because risk acceptance criteria are a declaration by the organization of what they will tolerate in
terms of harm to themselves and harm to others, organizations should consult with legal counsel
before finalizing these criteria and making risk decisions based on them.
As organizations assess their risk using the CIS Controls V7 (modeled in the following section)
they will be able to automatically determine whether the risk evaluates as acceptable or not
without needing to consider the question differently in each case. A simple estimation of the
likelihood and impact will automatically determine how the organization should prioritize each risk,
and whether the organization can safely accept the risk as appropriate.

An Asset-Based Risk Assessment Process


Tier 2 organizations enjoy collaborative relationships with non-technical management in

managing security risk. They also have the knowledge and experience to plausibly model security
threats against information assets. In this section, the example organization has become more
capable after a year of risk management and has earned a partnering relationship with non-
technical departments. They have learned that information assets should be analyzed based on

Version 1.0 – April 2018 61

their situation and context, rather than as a single class of technical assets (a process used for
Tier 1 organizations to simplify their risk assessment efforts).
As a Tier 2 organization, their risk assessments will first consider the information assets that are
in scope of their assessment. As they consider those assets, they will think through the CIS
Controls that are appropriate for protecting those assets, they will consider vulnerabilities to those
controls, and they will model foreseeable threats that can take advantage of the vulnerabilities.
This order of analysis provides a distinct benefit to organizations that have a more mature
understanding of security risks and safeguards. It allows organizations to evaluate potential harm
that can come to specific assets and the CIS Controls that should protect them. Only then does it
evaluate the risks.
Organizations that model risks using CIS Controls V7 may find it challenging to consider how one
risk is influenced by other risks related to an asset. For example, if an FTP server allows third-
party employees to access it using shared credentials, then those third-party employees may
retain access to the FTP server after leaving their employer and raising a risk associated with CIS
Control 16.7 which recommends a process for revoking access upon termination. That would
likely appear as a high risk to the organization. But if the risk assessor also determines that the
FTP service allows only write capabilities (CIS Control 14.7), the risk associated with CIS Control
16.7 is likely reduced. Control-based risk assessments such as those used by Tier 1
organizations may miss that relationship and as a result may exaggerate the risk involved in CIS
Control 16.3.
In addition to risk analysis taking this slightly different order in their threat modeling, Tier 2
organizations will also estimate risk with more complex risk criteria. Because of their relationship
with business management, Tier 2 organizations will receive some pressure from business
managers to refine their prioritization of risks, and to evaluate risk using more explicitly business-
based impact criteria.
This section will describe and work through a Tier 2 organization’s risk assessment using the CIS
Controls, and will show how to evaluate risks using the risk assessment criteria that are
appropriate for Tier 2 organizations.
This section of the document will describe a risk register that is available as a template in the
supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

The Risk Register

As the Tier 2 organization prepares their risk assessment, they will assemble their list of
information assets and align them with the CIS Controls that are appropriate for protecting those
information assets. This section will demonstrate this process using the risk register template
provided in the supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook for Tier 2 organizations.
The layout map of a risk register for a Tier 2 organization is depicted in Figure 12.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 62

Figure 12 - Risk Register Layout Map


The risk register for Tier 2 organizations is a listing of identified risks and their recommended risk
treatments, also known as “safeguards.” Each row represents one risk and its accompanying risk
treatment recommendation. The parts of the risk register are:
A. The column headers and guiding text help the reader or risk assessor understand the
information that is contained in the column.
B. The information assets identify the items and processes that are being analyzed.
C. The CIS Controls help the risk assessor consider controls that should be in place to
protect information assets.
D. The “threat model” includes the following items:
a. A description of how the CIS control is implemented in the environment.
b. The vulnerability that may exist if the control is not fully implemented.
c. The threat that may compromise the asset because of the vulnerability.
E. The risk evaluation estimates the likelihood that the threat would succeed, and the
impacts to the mission, objectives, and obligations if it did. The evaluation includes the
resulting risk score, calculated as a product of the likelihood and the highest of the three
impact scores.
F. Risk treatments are recommended for risks that are evaluated as unacceptably high.
Safeguards that are based on the CIS Controls are described, and they are in turn
evaluated for the risk that they may pose to the mission and objectives. A “safeguard risk”
score is calculated which should be lower than the risk acceptance criteria, and the risk
that it is meant to address.

The Process
The Tier 2 risk assessor will analyze risks using an asset-based approach, starting the
assessment by considering the information assets that they intend to protect. Because this
process will invariably create more detail in the risk register (in the form of multiple rows on the
risk register for each asset and each applicable CIS Control) organizations may wish to start their
risk analysis using the Tier 1, control-based method. This method first analyzes how the CIS
Controls are generally applied to the environment. The Tier 2 risk assessor can then examine the
information assets that are protected differently from the standard practice in a separate row.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 63

The asset-based risk assessment process is illustrated in Figure 13.

Figure 13 - Risk Analysis Process for Tier 2 organizations

The asset-based risk assessment process for Tier 2 organizations is meant to ensure that each
information asset is protected by CIS Controls in ways that are appropriate for their particular risk.
This asset-based analysis is accomplished by following the steps listed below:
1. Select information assets or asset classes that are listed in the asset inventory. Record
the selected assets in the “Information Asset” cell in that row.
a. If the Tier 2 organization has already completed a risk register that evaluated all
of the CIS Controls as they are applied generally to the organization, then the
risk analysis may start by selecting assets that are listed in the risk register.
b. Organizations may wish to evaluate asset classes rather than individual assets
for efficiency. As an example, there are often a set of similar technologies that
are identically configured and managed. In such circumstances, listing these as
asset classes is appropriate because each of these items will be similar to the
set. Unique items like a core router, a load balancer, a single instance of an
application, or a one-off operating system should be analyzed on its own.
2. Model threats using the following approach:
a. Consider each information asset or asset class one-by-one.
b. Pair each information asset or asset class to the CIS Controls that are
appropriate to protect them. This is aided by the “Asset Type” categorization of
CIS Controls V7. For example, user desktops, application servers, multi-function
printers, and tablet computers are systems that can be paired with CIS Controls
that are categorized for “Systems.”
c. Add one row to the risk register for each pairing of a CIS Control and the
information asset or asset class.
d. Note: It will likely be too time-consuming to evaluate all suitable pairings between
information assets and applicable CIS Controls. While such analysis would be
optimal, it is more fitting for organizations to prioritize the pairing of information
assets and asset classes with the top five CIS Controls, and other controls that
may be of concern to the organization. Risk management is a continuous cycle
that will allow organizations to address more risks over time as their security
program matures.
3. Gather evidence for how well each asset is protected by its paired CIS Control.
a. Evidence may be in the form of interviews, a review of configurations, a
vulnerability test, a penetration test, an evaluation of a system or device using
SCAP policies, or a review of evidence such as records and logs.
4. Describe how the control is applied to the information asset or asset class in the “Current
Control” cell of that row.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 64

5. Consider the difference between the CIS Control and the current control and determine
whether there is a deficiency in how the control is currently deployed and operating. If the
current control is not implemented as described, how would this be described as a
a. Consider the objective of the CIS Control. For example, CIS Control 10.3 states
“Test data integrity on backup media on a regular basis by performing a data
restoration process to ensure that the backup is properly working.” Its objective is
to ensure that backup data on storage media is retrievable when it is needed. If
the current control does not meet the objective, then state the gap as a
vulnerability in the vulnerability cell, such as: “We are not confident that our
backup data is retrievable from backup media.”
6. Now consider the threat that could occur because of the vulnerability.
a. The above vulnerability could be paired with the threat: “System failures may
result in a recovery of data as old as one month, or may require manual entry
from paper documents.”
7. Next, estimate the likelihood that the threat would succeed, and the impact it may create.
a. Likelihood estimation can be challenging at first, but the risk assessment criteria
provide some guidance in that estimation process. Guidance is also provided in
the “Risk Analysis Techniques” chapter.
b. Impact scores should provide estimates of the impact that such a threat would
create. Consider the likelihood and impact scores as a pair. In other words,
“What is the likelihood that this impact would result?” Examples below will
provide further guidance.
8. The risk score will be automatically computed by multiplying the likelihood score by the
highest of the three impact scores.

Tier 2 Risk Assessment Example 1 – Risk-Based Business Case

While conducting their risk assessment, the Tier 2 organization comes across a common
question that organizations deal with; when does a business reason justify exceptions to security
policies? This question arises as they consider CIS Control 15.9 which reads, “Disable wireless
peripheral access of devices (such as Bluetooth and NFC), unless such access is required for a
business purpose.”
Organizations commonly accept risks that come with policy exceptions, and do so by
documenting that risk acceptance. But if they make these decisions without careful, consistent
analysis in consideration of foreseeable impacts to themselves and others, then their risk
acceptance is itself risky.
In the case of CIS Control 15.9, the organization uses Bluetooth-accessible systems in regional
clinics to support their patients. Patients carry electronic “diary devices” that monitor their health
status and store health data as diaries. Bluetooth is used in clinics to connect diary device
controllers to the diary devices to read them for diagnostics, to receive data from the devices, and
to transmit updated firmware to those devices. This is undoubtedly worthy of a documented
business need. But is it still unreasonably risky to do so?
Using the risk register template for Tier 2 organizations that is provided in the document
CIS_RAM_Workbook, the organization first lists the information asset that they are evaluating.

Table 41 - Information Asset Example

Information Asset
Diary device controllers

Version 1.0 – April 2018 65

Then they come across the CIS Control that raises the question about business-acceptable risk.

Table 42 - CIS Control Example

CIS Description
15.9 Disable wireless peripheral access of devices (such as Bluetooth and NFC),
unless such access is required for a business purpose.

The risk assessor must then think through and record the threat model for this risk. Recall that the
threat model considers their current control, what resulting vulnerabilities may exist, and what
threats would be of concern to them. While the diary device controllers must pair with the diary
devices, the organization realizes that their Bluetooth-enabled diary device controllers and the
files located on them are likely accessible by attackers using readily available attacks methods.
So the next three columns of the risk register would look like this:

Table 43 - Threat Model Example

Control Vulnerability Threat

Each diary device is Diary device controllers are using Hackers may walk through
joined to the diary a deprecated version of Bluetooth clinics with Bluetooth
device controller using to support older diary devices. devices that are prepared
a one-time, six-digit Bluetooth devices can manipulate to hack diary device
code that is displayed Bluetooth services on the diary controllers using attacks
on the controller and device controllers to gain access such as Blueborne, and
entered at the device. to files and commands on the may access hundreds of
At this point, all file controllers. patient data files, as well
transfers and firmware as firmware.
updates between
devices are enabled.

But this may not be the only risk that can be considered in this scenario. Another plausible risk
could be that the hacker could put compromised firmware on the diary device controllers to allow
them to control the devices after firmware upgrades. Denial of Service attacks may also happen.
Man-in-the-Middle attacks are also possible. Risk assessors may be concerned that an endless
number of threat models could be created for any pairing between information assets and CIS
Controls, making the risk assessment exercise never-ending. Of course, the risk assessor should
limit the amount of theorizing they do while modeling threats, focusing primarily on the most
plausible threat pairings given the security environment. As a Tier 2 organization, they should rely
on capable personnel and resources that help them focus on the most plausible threats for their
The threat model is now clearly stated and makes it possible for the organization to estimate the
likelihood and impact of the scenario. Recall the definitions for the impact and likelihood scores
that the Tier 2 organization created. Impact scores are restated in Table 44.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 66

Table 44 – Example Impact Definitions

Impact Impact to Mission Impact to Impact to Obligations

Score Objectives
Mission: Provide information to Obligations: Patients must not
help remote patients stay Objective: Operate be harmed by compromised
healthy. profitably. information.
1 Patients continue to access Profits are on target. Patients do not experience
helpful information, and loss of service or protection.
outcomes are on track.
2 Some patients may not get all Profits are off target, Patients may be concerned,
the information they need as but are within but not harmed.
they request it. planned variance.
3 Some patients cannot access Profits are off Some patients may be
the information they need to planned variance and harmed financially or
maintain good health may take a fiscal reputationally after
outcomes. year to recover. compromise of information or
4 Many patients consistently Profits may take Many patients may be
cannot access beneficial more than a fiscal harmed financially or
information. year to recover. reputationally
5 We can no longer provide The organization Some patients may be
helpful information to remote cannot operate harmed financially,
patients. profitably. reputationally, or physically,
up to and including death.

Also recall that impact definitions for Tier 2 organizations include criteria for the organization’s
objectives because those organizations generally benefit from collaboration with business
management who are invested in the success of the information security program. These
managers often bring to the discussion the organization’s strategic and tactical goals for success.
But also note that this impact definition contains five magnitudes of impact. Five impact scores
help Tier 2 organizations refine their impact estimates in more tangible terms then tables with
three scoring levels, and help them refine their risk scoring to better distinguish between risks of
varying priority. Acceptable impact scores of ‘1’ and ‘2’ are shaded to set them apart from higher,
unacceptable impact scores.
Likelihoods were similarly defined with five potential scores for similar reasons, as shown in Table

Table 45 – Example Likelihood Definitions

Likelihood Foreseeability
1 Not foreseeable. This is not plausible in the environment.
2 Foreseeable. This is plausible, but not expected.
3 Expected. We are certain this will eventually occur.
4 Common. This happens repeatedly.
5 Current. This may be happening now.

The organization believes that the threat model they documented above – that hackers could
hack into diary device controllers using something similar to a Blueborne attack - is foreseeable,
and perhaps may be expected to occur. While the scenario would likely not be expected for most
organizations, our example organization operates in environments where competitors and

Version 1.0 – April 2018 67

adversarial states have an active interest in compromising their systems, and have proven their
capability in the past. So they decide that their likelihood score for this risk will be ‘3’.
In that scenario, they also expect that their mission would be affected to the point where some
(not many) patients would lose their ability to get a functioning diary device, and would therefore
not access the information they need to maintain good health outcomes. They select a mission
impact of ‘3’.
Such an occurrence would cause the organization to massively and immediately re-invest in their
clinical infrastructure; an investment that they are not prepared to make now and that could take
more than a year to recover from. That would create an objectives impact of ‘4’.
And finally, they believe that each diary device controller would contain no more than 100 patient
records at any one time, given their work routines and service schedules. The patient information
could be used to harm patients reputationally if hackers knew how to trace the patient IDs in each
record to each patient’s health conditions, and then acted maliciously with that information. This is
not a plausible impact, so they select an obligations impact of ‘2’.
A risk that is expected to occur (likelihood = 3) in a way that prevents some patients from
accessing information (mission impact = 3), that would take more than a year to recover from
financially (objectives impact = 4), and that may cause concern but no harm to patients
(obligations impact = 2) would appear as such in Table 46.

Table 46 - Example Risk Estimation

Threat Mission Objectives Obligations Risk Score
Likelihood Impact Impact Impact
3 3 4 2 12

The risk score is the product of the likelihood score and the higher of the three impact scores,
which in this case is ‘3 x 4 = 12’.
Also recall that the risk acceptance criteria for the Tier 2 organization looks like this:

Table 47 - Risk acceptance criteria

Impact Likelihood Risk

x =
Threshold Threshold Threshold
3 x 3 = 9
… therefore …
Acceptable Risk < 9

An acceptable risk would be one that evaluates to anything below ‘9’. But the risk for how the
organization protects their diary device controllers using their implementation of CIS Control 15.9
is ‘12’ and is unacceptably high.
This risk analysis is demonstrated in Table 48 in a single table to bring all of these elements
together. For document display purposes, this one risk analysis is shown in vertical format rather
than horizontal as it would appear in a risk register. The examples that are described in this
section are contained in the workbook CIS_RAM_Workbook.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 68

Table 48 - Example Risk Analysis for Devices Protected by CIS Control 15.9

Risk Analysis Value

Information Asset Diary device controllers
CIS Control 15.9
Description Disable wireless peripheral access of devices (such as Bluetooth
and NFC), unless such access is required for a business purpose.
Control Each diary device is joined to the diary device controller using a
one-time, six-digit code that is displayed on the controller and
entered at the device. At this point, all file transfers and firmware
updates between devices are enabled.
Vulnerability Diary device controllers are using a deprecated version of
Bluetooth to support older diary devices. Bluetooth devices can
manipulate Bluetooth services on the diary device controllers to
gain access to files and commands on the controllers.
Threat Hackers may walk through clinics with Bluetooth devices that are
prepared to hack diary device controllers using attacks such as
Blueborne, and may access hundreds of patient data files, as well
as firmware.
Threat Likelihood 3
Mission Impact 3
Objectives Impact 4
Obligations Impact 2
Risk Score 12
Risk Acceptability Not Acceptable

So while there is a documented business need for these devices to operate Bluetooth services,
the risk of doing so with this device is still inappropriately high (since risk acceptance criteria is
less than ‘9’ and the observed risk score is ‘12’). The organization will want to address this with a
risk treatment safeguard, which will be demonstrated in the Risk Treatment Recommendations
section further in this chapter.
Because the risk assessment process for Tier 2 organizations starts at the asset, though, we do
have other opportunities to consider how other controls may protect the asset in a manner that
may reduce the risk we just observed.
We can examine how this process provides the Tier 2 organization with deeper risk insight with
the next two examples.

Tier 2 Risk Assessment Example 2 – Risk Reduction Through Related Controls

The Tier 2 organization is considering risks to its information assets by pairing the asset with CIS
Controls that are appropriate for protecting it. CIS Controls V7 assists in this pairing by providing
a classification scheme for the controls called “Asset Type.” If a diary device controller is a
system that has network connectivity, then the Tier 2 organization’s risk assessor can look
through the CIS Controls that are associated with “System” and “Network” families to identify
other controls that would be appropriate to protect the controllers.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 69

They have already evaluated that CIS Control 15.9 does not protect Bluetooth-connected diary
device controllers well enough. But they are not without alternatives. The organization thinks
through other controls that they use to protect their diary devices and come across CIS Control
16.3 which reads, “Require multi-factor authentication for all user accounts, on all systems,
whether managed onsite or by a third-party provider.”
This is interesting to them, because the diary devices use “soft tokens” in the form of certificates
that are intended to track the diary devices for inventory purposes. But the certificates are very
robust, and are tied to the file access privileges on the device controllers. Could this
implementation of CIS Control 16.3 pose an acceptable risk to the diary device controllers, and
could they reduce the risk cited for CIS Control 15.9?
The Tier 2 organization’s risk assessor tests this idea in Table 49. Note how the control is now
described using more detail than the first attempt at analyzing this risk.

Table 49 - Example Risk Analysis for Devices Protected by CIS Control 16.3

Risk Analysis Value

Information Asset Diary device controllers
CIS Control 16.3
Description Require multi-factor authentication for all user accounts, on all
systems, whether managed onsite or by a third-party provider.
Control While diary devices can connect to diary device controllers over
Bluetooth using a one-time, six-digit code, access to existing files
with patient information on the controller is granted using the
unique soft-cert on each diary device.
Vulnerability Six-digit codes may be guessed, or soft-certs may be stolen from
diary devices and stored on attacker systems.
Threat Hackers must steal soft-certs from diary devices, then guess one-
time six-digit codes to access patient files on diary device
Threat Likelihood 1
Mission Impact 3
Objectives Impact 4
Obligations Impact 2
Risk Score 4
Risk Acceptability Acceptable

Given this method for two-factor authentication, the threat model for hackers acquiring patient
records from diary device controllers is no longer foreseeable using the threat model that the Tier
2 organization evaluated. And if that’s the case for the two-factor authentication control, then it
should also influence the risk associated with CIS Control 15.9 that was evaluated earlier. So the
risk assessor re-evaluates that risk again while referring to the controls identified for CIS Control
16.3 to see if they understand the risk differently. Again, note that the risk assessor described the
control with more detail than the first attempt, and added a condition to the threat against CIS
Control 16.3.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 70

Table 50 - Example Revised Risk Analysis for Devices Protected by CIS Control 15.9

Risk Analysis Value

Information Asset Diary device controllers
CIS Control 15.9
Description Disable wireless peripheral access of devices (such as Bluetooth
and NFC), unless such access is required for a business purpose.
Control [Supplemented by CIS Control 16.3] Each diary device is joined to
the diary device controller using a one-time, six-digit code that is
displayed on the controller and entered at the device. At this point,
all file transfers and firmware updates are enabled. However, files
may only be accessed by devices that use soft-certs that are
associated with access privileges on diary device controllers.
Vulnerability Diary device controllers are using a deprecated version of
Bluetooth to support older diary devices. Bluetooth devices with
seized soft-certs can manipulate Bluetooth services on the diary
device controllers to gain access to files and commands on the
Threat Hackers may walk through clinics with Bluetooth devices that are
prepared with device-specific soft-certs to hack diary device
controllers using attacks such as Blueborne. Hackers must steal
soft-certs from diary devices, then guess one-time six-digit codes
to access patient files on diary device controllers.
Threat Likelihood 1
Mission Impact 3
Objectives Impact 4
Obligations Impact 2
Risk Score 4
Risk Acceptability Acceptable

As expected, the risk associated with CIS Control 15.9 is reduced because the likelihood of its
threat model is reduced when taking into account the implausibility of hackers accessing files on
the diary device controllers. In fact, the likelihood of the threat scenario is so low that the risk is
The asset-based approach to risk analysis clearly presents an advantage to organizations by
providing a more comprehensive and more realistic picture of the actual risk that an information
asset is exposed to.

Tier 2 Risk Assessment Example 3 – New Perspectives from Risk

Not all asset-based risk analyses will reduce risk estimations, of course. Some will highlight risks
that organizations rarely consider. In this example, the Tier 2 organization paired the CIS Controls
for Malware Defenses with the diary device controllers and realized they had a problem. CIS
Control 8.1 states, “Utilize centrally managed anti-malware software to continuously monitor and
defend each of the organization's workstations and servers.”

Version 1.0 – April 2018 71

But the diary device controller’s vendor does not support or provide an antivirus application for
their operating system – a customized Linux distribution. While the diary device controllers are
“headless” systems, they have web admin applications that provide administrative functions to
controller operators, and can be managed through terminal sessions over console ports. The
organization does not want to violate their support agreement with the vendor by compiling and
running an antivirus application on the controllers.
By running a risk analysis, the organization will determine whether the malware risk is high
enough to require antivirus software. Their finding is illustrated in Table 51.

Table 51 - Example Risk Analysis for Devices Protected by CIS Control 8.1

Risk Analysis Value

Information Asset Diary device controllers
CIS Control 8.1
Description Utilize centrally managed anti-malware software to continuously
monitor and defend each of the organization's workstations and
Control Anti-malware software is not permitted on the diary device
Vulnerability Vulnerabilities are limited because common vectors for receiving
malware such as email clients and web browsers are not installed
on the controllers. Attackers would need to download malware
executables from the Internet using scripts or bash commands.
Command line, by design, is only accessible over terminal
connections to the console port.
Bluetooth attacks may still permit malware executables to be
uploaded to a file space associated with an anonymous account.
The web admin application on each controller has been tested as
vulnerable to arbitrary code execution, cross-site scripting, and
other attacks.
Threat Hackers may implant malware on diary device controllers through
Bluetooth misuse, and take advantage of web admin application
vulnerabilities to execute files or initiate scripts.
Threat Likelihood 3
Mission Impact 3
Objectives Impact 4
Obligations Impact 3
Risk Score 12
Risk Acceptability Unacceptable

This looks more serious to the organization than they would have originally thought. Still
concerned about attacks they have seen in the past, the organization realizes it is as likely for
them to be attacked through a web application vulnerability as it would be through a Bluetooth
vulnerability. Implanting a usable virus through a Bluetooth exploit or arbitrary file upload would

Version 1.0 – April 2018 72

require a hacker with patience and skill, so the likelihood score of ‘3’ for “Expected” seems more
suitable than a ‘4’ for “Common.”
The challenges the organization faces are multi-fold in this risk: They cannot install an anti-virus
application, nor a more secure web application on the diary device controllers, but the risk of
malware is clearly too high. They will evaluate possible safeguards while developing their risk
treatment recommendations in the next step of their risk assessment process later in this chapter.

The reader should refer to the template Risk Register – Tier 2 that is provided in the
supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook. They may use the risk register template to
enter a set of risks that are associated with the CIS Controls and information assets that are in
scope of their assessment.

While doing this exercise, the reader should consider:

1. Ensuring that all in-scope information assets or asset classes are assessed.
2. Not “boiling the ocean.” Not all assets can be practically evaluated against all
applicable CIS Controls in a single assessment. Prioritize controls that protect
information assets that appear vulnerable, or that protect high-value systems and
3. Consider assessing all assets against the first five CIS Controls to address the most
common causes of cybersecurity incidents.
4. Whether a control or information asset requires examination to understand its actual
configuration and effectiveness.
5. Whether the organization can tolerate the amount of effort and time that the risk
assessment requires.
a. The organization should use high-level analysis (review of policies and
interviews) if they do not have extensive time and resources.
b. Information assets should be tested and examined in more detail as time
c. The organization should plan recurring risk assessments to identify more risks
over time.
6. Collaborating with information security subject matter experts to help model threats
that are foreseeable in the environment, and to help evaluate the effectiveness of
current safeguards.

The risk assessor will need to use their professional judgment to select the controls and
information assets and to model threats that should be analyzed in the risk assessment.
Information security experts may need to be included in the process to ensure that the risk
analysis is conducted appropriately.

Tier 2 Risk Assessment Summary

After having analyzed a set of risks against a single information asset, the Tier 2 organization
realizes the advantages of gaining a more comprehensive view of its risks:
1. When organizations consider impacts to their objectives, risk assessors include business
interests in their risk analysis, thus engaging non-technical collaborators in risk decision-

Version 1.0 – April 2018 73

2. When organizations add impact scores (magnitudes) and likelihood scores they can
make more refined distinctions between risks and can prioritize them more reasonably.
3. Pairing information assets to multiple CIS Controls provides a more comprehensive and
perhaps accurate understanding of the actual risk to those assets.
4. Pairing information assets to multiple CIS Controls also prompts risk assessors to
consider threats that they may have otherwise neglected.

Risk Treatment Recommendations


Organizations often think of security safeguards as obstacles to business and productivity.

Safeguards often cause personnel to take extra steps to get access to systems or information, or
to get approval for normal business activities. Safeguards require investments in time and money,
which compete with other priorities. And if they become too disruptive to an organization’s
mission and objectives, security safeguards can become disliked and avoided.
In fact, disruptive safeguards often cause personnel to work around them just to get their jobs
done, which creates more risk.
But risk treatment recommendations can and should result in safeguards that are demonstrably
reasonable. And while obtaining a clear definition for “reasonable safeguards” has been a
challenge in the legal, regulatory, and information security communities, the CIS RAM provides a
practical solution. Risk assessors evaluate risk treatment recommendations to determine whether
a security safeguard is reasonable by; comparing the safeguard to the risk it is meant to reduce,
and by comparing the safeguard to the risk acceptance criteria.
Risk treatment recommendations are simple to evaluate once the risk assessment criteria and
initial risk analysis have been established. The process occurs over the following steps:
1. While examining an unacceptably high risk, review the CIS Control that corresponds with
the risk and recommend a feasible way for the organization to implement or improve that
2. If that control is not feasible in the near-term, recommend other CIS Controls related to
the risk that can be used to reduce it.
3. Evaluate the risk of the recommended safeguard to understand the burden it would pose
to the organization. Then compare that safeguard risk to the risk acceptance criteria to
determine whether it is appropriate.
4. Also compare the evaluated risk of the recommended safeguard to the observed risk to
determine whether the safeguard is reasonable (safeguards with lower risk scores than
the observed risk are reasonable.)
5. Sort the risks by their risk score to prioritize the risks and risk treatments that the
organization will invest in.
This section demonstrates these steps in detail by describing the process, then by modeling risk
treatments for the unacceptably high risks that were evaluated in previous sections.
The reader should review the definitions of ‘reasonable’ and ‘appropriate’ that are provided in the
glossary. These terms will be used regularly in this section and have distinct meanings.
1. Appropriate: A condition in which risks to information assets will not foreseeably create
harm that is greater than the organization or its constituents can tolerate.
2. Reasonable: A condition in which safeguards will not create a burden to the organization
that is greater than the risk it is meant to protect against.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 74

Risk Treatment Objectives
The objective of well-formed risk treatment recommendations is to create a prioritized list of
information security safeguards that would provide appropriate protections while not posing too
great a burden on the organization’s purpose.
The risk treatment recommendation exercises that are demonstrated in this section examine the
unacceptable risks that were illustrated earlier in the document and will select CIS Controls that
would reduce those risks to a degree that is both reasonable (not overly burdensome) and
appropriate (not unacceptably harmful).

Recommending Risk Treatment Safeguards from CIS Controls V7

As we examine unacceptably high risks, we will recommend safeguards that are based on CIS
Controls. But some of the safeguards that an organization is prepared to implement and operate
may not be implemented exactly as described in CIS Controls V7. This process takes into
account how to select controls that address risks, and how to determine whether they are
designed in a way that makes sense in context of both the risk, and the potential burden to the
Recall the relationship between analyzed risks and their recommended risk treatments in Figure

Figure 14 - Balance Within Core Risk Analysis

A risk and its proposed safeguard are both evaluated using the same criteria. If a proposed
safeguard has a higher risk (its “safeguard risk”) than the risk acceptance criteria, then it’s not
appropriate. If the safeguard has a higher score than the observed risk, then it’s not reasonable.
The exercises in this section will focus on matching completed risk analyses (in blue) with newly
recommended safeguards (in green).

Risk Treatment Example 1 – CIS Control 8.1

The exercise that demonstrated risk analysis in Table 51 showed the Tier 2 organization that its
risk of malware on its diary device controllers (CIS Control 8.1) was too high. The organization
was not permitted to add anti-malware software to the device controllers.
To recommend safeguards that are based on alternative controls, the risk assessor reviews CIS
Control 8.1 to understand its objective. CIS Control 8.1 intends that all devices should actively
search for malware and intrusion activity, block the activity, and report it to security management
The organization faces a challenge when they realize that the diary device controller’s vendor
does not support malware protection on the controllers, and the organization may violate the
service terms of the vendor contract if they install available malware protection.
Until the device controller’s manufacturer distributes a more secure distribution of their product,
the organization will need to consider some safeguards to protect the vulnerable diary device
controllers. IT management recommended that the organization simply install malware protection

Version 1.0 – April 2018 75

on the controllers and take their chances with the vendor. But before committing to this plan, they
worked with the risk assessor to analyze the risk of doing that. Table 52 illustrates their analysis.
Note: The risk assessor will record how they will address their risk by stating either “Accept,”
“Reduce,” “Transfer,” or “Avoid.” Accepting and reducing risks will be intuitive to the reader. An
organization may transfer a risk by contracting a third party that may handle the risk better, or by
acquiring an insurance policy against the risk. The organization may also avoid the risk by no
longer engaging in the processes, or handling the information assets that cause the risk

Table 52 - Example Risk Treatment Recommendation for CIS Control 8.1

Risk Analysis Value

CIS Control 8.1
Description Utilize centrally managed anti-malware software to
continuously monitor and defend each of the organization's
workstations and servers.
Information Asset Diary device controllers.
Control Anti-malware software is not permitted on the diary device
Vulnerability Vulnerabilities are limited because common vectors for
receiving malware such as email clients and web browsers
are not installed on the controllers. Attackers would need
to download malware executables from the Internet using
scripts or bash commands.
Command line, by design, is only accessible over terminal
connections to the console port.
Bluetooth attacks may still permit malware executables to
be uploaded to a file space associated with an anonymous
account. The web admin application on each controller has
been tested as vulnerable to arbitrary code execution,
cross-site scripting, and other attacks.
Threat Hackers may implant malware on diary device controllers
through Bluetooth misuse, and take advantage of web
admin application vulnerabilities to execute files or initiate
Threat Likelihood 3
Mission Impact 3
Objectives Impact 4
Obligations Impact 3
Risk Score 12
Risk Acceptability Unacceptable
Risk Treatment Option Reduce
Recommended Safeguard Install anti-malware application and host-based intrusion
prevention agents on diary device controllers.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 76

Risk Analysis Value
Safeguard Risk Signature-identified malware and common volatile RAM
exploits will be detected, prevented, and reported to the
central management console.

If vendor sees the malware and IPS agents on controllers

during their quarterly service sessions, they may cancel
those service contracts, delaying service on faulty systems
until new images can be installed on the devices.
Safeguard Threat Likelihood 4
Safeguard Mission Impact 3
Safeguard Objectives 3
Safeguard Obligations 2
Safeguard Risk Score 12
Risk Acceptability Unacceptable

The organization has evaluated that management’s recommendation to install the anti-malware
agents is just as risky as the observed risk that they are trying to address. The estimated
safeguard risk equals that of the observed risk, but based on the organization’s concern that the
vendor was expected to force re-imaging on the diary device controllers meant that they expected
to compromise their mission and objectives.
The risk assessor can now advise management against installing the security software directly,
but then should provide alternatives.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 77

Background – How Realistic Are Safeguard Risk Estimates?
Critical readers will question how the organization and their risk assessor will know whether
their safeguard risk estimations are realistic. After all, how can they know prospectively what
their risk would be in such a situation?
There are two important items to keep in mind while gaining comfort with this practice;
understanding the legal and regulatory expectations for risk management, and information
security standards for evaluating safeguards after they’ve been implemented.
Law and Regulation: Laws and regulations generally expect risk analysis to evaluate
safeguards that are required for achieving compliance, and expect that the risk analysis is
performed by appropriately skilled and informed people. These analyses do not guarantee
security that is sufficient against any threat, but they do provide a plan toward improved
security and compliance that is prioritized by the likelihood of harm, and that has no intolerable
harm as its goal.
Information Security Risk Management Standards: Information security risk assessment
standards that the CIS RAM is based on operate within fuller risk management programs and
cycles. ISO 27005 operates within the ISO 27000 family of standards, and NIST 800-30 works
within the NIST Special Publications. Each of these families of standards requires continuous
analysis of security safeguards, including analysis of controls after they’ve been implemented
to determine whether they are effective at addressing their security objectives. Recommended
safeguards should therefore be risk assessed again after implementation to be sure that they
achieve their intended objectives.

Risk Treatment Example 2 – CIS Control 8.1

As the organization considers an alternative risk treatment, they will turn to other CIS Controls to
see what alternatives are available to them.
CIS provides to the public a document titled the CIS Community Attack Model.18 The document
lists all of the CIS Controls and associates them with the role they play in each stage of incident
preparedness and response; planning, detection, and defense. By using the CIS Community
Attack model, an organization can find related and alternative CIS Controls that may substitute for
controls that they cannot sufficiently implement.
By reviewing the Community Attack Model (Figure 15), the risk assessor can quickly identify
which controls they should consider if CIS Control 8.1 is not feasible.
The Community Attack Model is provided in the CIS_RAM_Workbook in a tab titled “Attack Path
Models” for the reader’s convenience, and can be downloaded at the CIS website.
A partial snapshot of the framework demonstrates what the Tier 2 risk assessor found as they
searched for alternative controls.

18The Community Attack Model may be accessed here:


Version 1.0 – April 2018 78

Figure 15 - Partial Community Attack Model

Risk assessors may reference the Community Attack Model to find controls that can be
complementary and alternative to the recommended safeguards they are assessing. If an
organization struggles to implement a sub-control, they could look for controls that play a similar
role in the Community Attack Model to find alternative controls that might help them meet the
same security objective. For example, if an organization cannot easily use audit logs to detect
delivery of a kind of threat, they may look to another control in the cell that intersects with the
detect row and the delivery column to find similar controls – and to eventually see network
intrusion detection controls, which may be more useful in their environment.
Given the objectives of CIS Control 8.1 to protect systems against malware and identifiable
intrusions, the risk assessor reviews the Community Attack Model and finds anti-malware in cells
that address protecting against delivery, and for protecting against and detecting initial
compromise. Detecting delivery of malware seems to be a good place to start their defenses as it
is closest to the threat they are addressing in their risk analysis, so they review the CIS Controls
that are in the cell at the intersection of Detect and Delivery to consider options.
Network Intrusion Detection systems and Network Intrusion Prevention Systems (“IDS/IPS”) are
interesting to the organization as a network-layer protection. The risk assessor reviews the sub-
controls within CIS Control 12 “Boundary Defense” to see how IDS is described. CIS Control 12.6
“Deploy Network-based IDS Sensor” presents a compelling option for them because their current
use of the diary device controllers during clinical visits is within mobile wireless LANs that they
own and control. A lightweight IDS would be a plausible option in that case.
But would a lightweight IDS/IPS in those portable wireless LANs reduce their malware and
intrusion risk on their diary device controllers? They model CIS Control 12.6 as a safeguard
against this same risk to see if it would be reasonable.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 79

Table 53 - Example Risk Treatment Recommendation for CIS Control 8.1 using CIS Control 12.6

Risk Analysis Value

CIS Control 8.1
Description Utilize centrally managed anti-malware software to
continuously monitor and defend each of the organization's
workstations and servers.
Information Asset Diary device controllers.
Control Anti-malware software is not permitted on the diary device
Vulnerability Vulnerabilities are limited because common vectors for
receiving malware such as email clients and web browsers
are not installed on the controllers. Attackers would need
to download malware executables from the Internet using
scripts or bash commands.
Command line, by design, is only accessible over terminal
connections to the console port.
Bluetooth attacks may still permit malware executables to
be uploaded to a file space associated with an anonymous
account. The web admin application on each controller has
been tested as vulnerable to arbitrary code execution,
cross-site scripting, and other attacks.
Threat Hackers may implant malware on diary device controllers
through Bluetooth misuse, and take advantage of web
admin application vulnerabilities to execute files or initiate
Threat Likelihood 3
Mission Impact 3
Objectives Impact 4
Obligations Impact 3
Risk Score 12
Risk Acceptability Unacceptable
Risk Treatment Option Reduce
Recommended Safeguard [CIS Control 12.6] Add a lightweight IDS/IPS device to
portable LANs that operate in clinical visits were diary
device controllers are used.
Safeguard Risk IDS/IPS devices will detect recognizable attacks from other
hosts within the LAN that attempt to deliver and deploy
malware to controllers.

IDS/IPS may not detect malware payload from hosts that

connect to controllers over encrypted protocols.
Safeguard Threat Likelihood 2

Version 1.0 – April 2018 80

Risk Analysis Value
Safeguard Mission Impact 3
Safeguard Objectives 3
Safeguard Obligations 2
Safeguard Risk Score 6
Risk Acceptability Acceptable

Even though CIS Control 12.6 does not present a direct anti-malware solution this scenario does
present an acceptable risk, and a reasonable risk. The recommended risk treatment reduces the
likelihood of a successful attack on diary device controllers while not eliminating it in this case.
Management is satisfied that the recommended safeguard is appropriate, but that are also
interested in another option presented by CIS Control 12.11 to use two-factor authentication to
log into terminal sessions at the diary device controllers. If two-factor authentication provides
even lower risk, and the diary device controller vendor supports the option, then this may be a
better safeguard than the lightweight IDS/IPS.
Recall that diary devices already store encrypted soft-certs to help authenticate the devices to
their accounts on the controllers. Checking with the vendor, the organization sees that the soft-
cert option is available for administrator systems that connect to the controllers as well. When the
organization’s site administrators connect to the diary device controllers while on site, they
access terminal sessions using SSH, the only protocol available to them. Multiple soft-certs can
be used to both authenticate the SSH sessions, and to execute commands at the controllers.
They model this alternative risk treatment below.

Table 54 - Example Risk Treatment Recommendation for CIS Control 8.1 using CIS Control 12.11

Risk Analysis Value

CIS Control 8.1
Description Utilize centrally managed anti-malware software to
continuously monitor and defend each of the organization's
workstations and servers.
Information Asset Diary device controllers.
Control Anti-malware software is not permitted on the diary device
Vulnerability Vulnerabilities are limited because common vectors for
receiving malware such as email clients and web browsers
are not installed on the controllers. Attackers would need
to download malware executables from the Internet using
scripts or bash commands.
Command line, by design, is only accessible over terminal
connections to the console port.
Bluetooth attacks may still permit malware executables to
be uploaded to a file space associated with an anonymous
account. The web admin application on each controller has

Version 1.0 – April 2018 81

Risk Analysis Value
been tested as vulnerable to arbitrary code execution,
cross-site scripting, and other attacks.
Threat Hackers may implant malware on diary device controllers
through web application exploits while they operate in
clinical settings.
Threat Likelihood 3
Mission Impact 3
Objectives Impact 4
Obligations Impact 3
Risk Score 12
Risk Acceptability Unacceptable
Risk Treatment Option Reduce
Recommended Safeguard [CIS Control 12.11] Require all usage of SSH and all
authentication on diary device controllers to use soft-certs
stored on client devices as a second factor of
Safeguard Risk All attempts at accessing SSH services in diary device
controllers will be blocked unless clients use soft-certs to
access SSH sessions. Attackers may seize and re-use
soft-certs during 8-hour long clinical visits and may attack
controllers as a result.
Safeguard Threat Likelihood 1
Safeguard Mission Impact 3
Safeguard Objectives 3
Safeguard Obligations 2
Safeguard Risk Score 3
Risk Acceptability Acceptable

It appears that the safeguard risk obtained while using CIS Control 12.11 is much lower than the
safeguard risk modeled by the option to use CIS Control 12.6. And because the vendor already
supports multi-factor authentication, the solution is almost already configured. The organization
chooses to use CIS Control 12.11 as their risk treatment control to protect their diary device
controllers against malware until the vendor provides a more robust solution.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 82

The reader should use the template Risk Register – Tier 2 that is provided in the
supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook to enter risk treatment recommendations for
each risk that evaluated as unacceptably high.

The reader should consider:

1. Whether an existing safeguard can be improved, and how that would be done.
2. Whether a safeguard based on a different CIS Control would provide reasonable and
appropriate risk.
3. Collaborating with information security subject matter experts to help model the
potential effectiveness of recommended safeguards.

The risk assessor will need to use their professional judgment to design and recommend
information security safeguards, and to evaluate prospectively the risk that they may pose.
Information security experts may need to be included in the process to ensure that the risk
analysis is conducted appropriately.

Risk Treatment Recommendations Summary

Risk treatment recommendations are a critical part of risk assessments to be sure that the
organization has developed a plan for addressing risks without creating other risks to the
organization or its constituents. Some of the benefits that have been demonstrated about this
process are:
1. Organizations can demonstrate to collaborating business managers how recommended
security safeguards can be implemented without creating too much of a burden on the
business mission and objectives.
2. Organizations can demonstrate to regulators and other legal authorities that safeguards
are reasonable because the safeguard risk of the safeguard (the “burden” to the
organization) is not greater than the risk that it is meant to reduce.
3. Organizations can demonstrate that recommended safeguards would be appropriate by
showing that they would not foreseeably create an impact that would be intolerable to the
organization or its constituents.
4. Organizations may find it valuable to evaluate multiple safeguards in case one safeguard
is more reasonable (creates an even lower risk) than another safeguard.
5. Risk assessors will find that their colleagues will understand and appreciate risks and
controls when risk assessors and subject matter experts collaborate on evaluating risk,
and planning safeguards.
The process for evaluating risks and for recommending appropriate risk treatments has been
demonstrated at a general level. However, some questions likely remain for the reader for
evaluating safeguards, estimating likelihood, and the suitability of probability models in risk
analysis. These more detailed topics will be discussed in the chapter “Risk Analysis Techniques.”

Version 1.0 – April 2018 83

Chapter 4: Threat-Based Risk Assessment
Instructions for Tiers 3 and 4 Organizations
Tiers 3 and Tier 4 risk assessment instructions are well-suited to organizations that fit the profile
of Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations as described by the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. These
organizations can be identified as having the following characteristics:
• NIST Tier: Tiers 3 and Tier 4 organizations. Tiers 3 and Tier 4 materials are best suited
for organizations that are using risk-based criteria for enterprise-wide policies and
• Expertise: The organization has resources and capabilities to analyze security threats,
and to plan risk-appropriate safeguards, including the on-hand skills to model how threats
would operate within their organization.
• Time: The organization is able to invest time to analyze risks at the level of specific
systems, devices, and applications within the context of specific threats.
This chapter is comprised of sections that each address a specific activity within a risk
assessment. Readers should engage this chapter by first reading the text in each section, and
then conducting the exercises that are recommended for each section. The material presented in
the CIS RAM is substantially different from many other risk assessment standards and models,
so the reader should first understand the aim of each section, and then practice what they learn
using templates that are provided in the supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.
While conducting their first CIS RAM-based risk assessment, organizations should be careful to
not try to “boil the ocean.” Regulatory bodies and information security standards alike understand
that not all risks can be identified in a single assessment. Organizations should continuously and
regularly assess risks to identify, understand, and manage risks over time.

The Risk Assessment Project


Risk assessments are projects with clear steps for preparing, conducting, and reporting risk
analysis. And while risk assessment projects can be modeled with a project plan, each
organization’s project approach will vary depending on factors such as resource availability, and
will develop over time as organizations become more capable in their cybersecurity maturity. This
section will describe a basic risk assessment project, its components and variations, and will
present guidance for preparing the project plan.

How and When to Use Threat-Based Risk Analysis

The threat-based risk analysis that is described in this chapter requires considerably more effort
and expertise than the analysis methods used by Tier 1 and Tier 2 organizations. This is primarily
due an analysis step – attack path modeling – that precedes the risk assessment.
Attack path modeling provides organizations with valuable insight into information security risks
by analyzing how their information assets would respond to known attack scenarios.
For example, if an organization wants to understand their susceptibility to a trojan that exfiltrates
data from a specific database, they would map out plausible scenarios for how a trojan would
enter their environment, would be installed on a workstation, would gain privileges to the
database, would access data in the database, and would then send the stolen data to a target
system. The attack path model identifies these steps, and lists the information assets that would

Version 1.0 – April 2018 84

be included in that attack. This results in a listing of information assets and threats that would
compromise them. Risk assessors would then base their risk analysis on that list of assets and
This chapter will demonstrate how threat-based risk analysis offers useful insight into information
security risks, but the reader can understand how a comprehensive risk assessment using this
approach could be time-consuming.
Organizations that are beginning to practice threat-based risk analysis may want to answer
specific risk questions, rather than to plan an entire risk assessment based on its thorough
analysis. Some examples uses may be:
1. After having completed a risk assessment using the approach described for Tier 2
organizations, the risk assessor may want to understand how well-prepared information
assets are for preventing specific, current threats.
2. The accuracy of a specific asset’s risk score is being questioned because personnel
believe that the asset is well-protected by layers of security.
3. The comprehensiveness of a recent risk assessment is in question because interested
parties believe some asset vulnerabilities were well not thought out.
4. While planning risk remediation, management wonders whether resolving the risk for one
information asset will have a cascading and beneficial effect on a set of other assets.
For these scenarios and others like them, threat-based risk analysis can help organizations
evaluate risk within the context of a chain of events without having to apply such deep scrutiny to
every asset in the risk assessment scope.

Risk Assessment Project Management Project Outline

Risk assessments are projects that require planning, identification of assets and asset owners,
scheduling of sessions, and data gathering. CIS RAM provides detailed instruction for these
project management and planning steps in the chapters for Tier 1 and Tier 2 organizations that
may benefit from these tactical instructions.
Given the expected maturity of organizations Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations, these instructions
will not be provided in this chapter. However, the reader may benefit from reviewing those
materials in those chapters before continuing with Chapter 4.
The supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook provides templates for project scheduling
and scoping Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations, if needed.

Defining Risk Assessment Criteria


Risk assessment criteria are the numerical and plain-language statements that an organization
uses to evaluate their cybersecurity risk. The most familiar form of risk calculations, “Risk =
Likelihood x Impact,” is the basis for risk analysis in the CIS RAM. But it is just the starting point
for risk analysis.
Risk assessment criteria must be meaningful to the organizations that use them, so they must be
tied to the potential benefit and harm that the organization may create. The impact of a
cybersecurity breach may harm the organization itself, it may harm the organization’s ability to
successfully achieve its mission, or it may harm others.
Because cybersecurity failures impact parties both inside and outside an organization, risk
assessment criteria must be universally meaningful and must address the interests of all
potentially affected parties. Additionally, risk assessment criteria must demonstrate to authorities,

Version 1.0 – April 2018 85

such as regulators and litigators, that the organization considers the risk of harm to others as
much as the risk of harm to themselves.
While these requirements may seem complex, the method presented in this section will
sufficiently address them while using a technique that is simple to develop and use.

Risk Assessment Criteria Foundations

The risk analysis provided in the CIS RAM is at its root a question of balance between the
potential of future harm against the certain burden of a safeguard. Regulators and litigators have
long considered this balance as key to acting as a “reasonable person.” The core structure of a
risk statement is provided below to illustrate the core concept of balance.

Figure 16 - Balance Within Core Risk Analysis

Notice a few things right away with the model risk analysis in Figure 16.
• While organizations typically evaluate the observed risk to determine whether they should
address or accept it, this risk statement deliberately compares the observed risk to a
proposed safeguard.
• The criteria that evaluates the risk also evaluates the safeguard.
• The impact of the risk estimates the potential of harm to the organization and the
potential harm against others.
Risk assessors compare risks to their proposed safeguards to determine whether those
safeguards would create a foreseeably lower risk than the current state. To accomplish this, the
assessor evaluates the current state risk (or “observed risk”) and the proposed safeguard using
the same criteria to ensure comparability.
This comparison prevents organizations from implementing safeguards that are overly
burdensome, or that create new, unacceptable risks. For example, an organization that uses
software that is no longer supported by the vendor, but relies on that software for critical business
purposes, should find alternative methods for identifying and controlling potential security risks
until they replace the software. If management recommends quickly changing out to inferior, but
secure software, the organization may suffer a greater impact to their mission than the security
risk they are trying to avoid.
While considering CIS Control 18: Application Software Security, a risk statement can estimate
the foreseeability of an impactful threat. The risk can be stated as it appears in Table 55 (where
the risk score ‘12’ is a product of the likelihood ‘3’ and the highest impact score ‘4’):

Version 1.0 – April 2018 86

Table 55 - Example Core Risk Statement

Observed risk Likelihood Impact to Impact to Risk

Us Others Score

Hackers may exploit the unsupported, 3 3 4 12

but critical application.

A risk assessor should then recommend and evaluate a safeguard to reduce the high security
risk, as illustrated in Table 56. Here, the organization would realize that the likelihood of a
negative impact to their mission is greater than the current state risk. This is an obvious case of
the burden being greater than the risk, and a recommended safeguard being unreasonable.

Table 56 - Example Unreasonable Proposed Safeguard

Proposed New Risk Likelihood Impact to Impact to Safeguard

Safeguard Us Others Risk

Replace application Application will 5 3 1 15

with inferior, operate
secure application. inefficiently.

When faced with this analysis, the organization must then find another way to address the risk.
This process will be described later in this chapter in the section Risk Treatment
But what should be apparent is that without a definition of risk assessment criteria the likelihood
and impact scores are not meaningful. What would impacts or likelihoods of ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, or ‘5’
mean, anyway? The organization will need to create definitions for their likelihood and impact
scores so that they are meaningful to all interested parties, and so that they provide a consistent
method for risk evaluation.

Impact Definitions
Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations generally benefit from more business involvement in managing
cybersecurity risk than Tier 1 organizations. Because of that increased involvement, the risk
assessment criteria can be – and should be – more explicit and detailed than those used by Tier
1 organizations. Advanced organizations can consider more nuance in terms of business impacts
and tolerance, and can employ organizational objectives with more authority.
An impact definition for Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations can look like the one depicted in Table 57.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 87

Table 57 – Example Impact Definitions

Impact Impact to Mission Impact to Impact to Obligations

Score Objectives
Mission: Provide information to Obligations: Patients must not
help remote patients stay Objectives: Operate be harmed by compromised
healthy. profitably. information.
1 Patients continue to access Profits are on target. Patients do not experience
helpful information, and loss of service or protection.
outcomes are on track.
2 Some patients may not get all Profits are off target, Patients may be concerned,
the information they need as but are within but not harmed.
they request it. planned variance.
3 Some patients cannot access Profits are off Some patients may be
the information they need to planned variance and harmed financially or
maintain good health may take a fiscal reputationally after
outcomes. year to recover. compromise of information or
4 Many patients consistently Profits may take Many patients may be
cannot access beneficial more than a fiscal harmed financially or
information. year to recover. reputationally
5 We can no longer provide The organization Some patients may be
helpful information to remote cannot operate harmed financially,
patients. profitably. reputationally, or physically,
up to and including death.

Background – Impact Definitions

This document provides instructions for defining impacts and impact scores (magnitudes) in
this section with more in-depth instructions and examples in the “Risk Analysis Techniques”
chapter. The reader should understand before going further that organizations in most cases
should not define impacts exclusively using financial values. While cost is a common and
almost necessary consideration while evaluating risks and safeguards, if it is the only criterion,
the organization will communicate to their personnel, as well as to interested parties and
authorities, that cost is their only concern. The purpose that the organization serves and the
harm that may befall others must be part of the evaluation if risk is to be responsibly tied to the
potential of harm, and if the evaluation is to be understandable to regulators and legal

Organizations should also consider having more than three impact types in their impact
definitions if they have more than one mission, multiple objectives, and many obligations that
they need to consider in their risk analysis. While this expansion may create an increasingly
wide risk register, it can help organizations feel comfortable all relevant interests were
considered in their risk analysis.

Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations that previously used Tier 1 risk analysis processes may build on
their simpler risk assessment criteria that used three levels of impact scoring. For the purposes of
reference to our example organization – a health information provider – they have gone through a
year or two of risk management, have gained the attention and confidence of business managers
and executives. As a result, their ability to assess cybersecurity risk using business criteria will
also improve.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 88

We can see by comparing the risk assessment criteria for Tier 1 organizations in Chapter 2 to
Table 57 that the detailed descriptions of impacts have increased in two dimensions; the number
of impact score options increased from three to five, and there is an additional impact definition
for business objectives.
Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations will find that using a range of five scores increases the utility of
risk prioritization at the end of the risk assessment. A three-by-three risk assessment criteria
model provides organizations with six possible risk scores; 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9. This leads to a
somewhat course grouping that may cause risks of somewhat different urgencies to be
A five-by-five risk assessment criteria model allows for 14 possible risk scores of; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, and 25. Now risks of somewhat different urgencies will likely be classified
into different risk scores and will be more easily distinguished while prioritizing them.
Also note that the impact scores of ‘1’ and ‘2’ in Table 57 are shaded grey to separate them from
the higher scores. Scores ‘1’ and ‘2’ describe impact magnitudes that would be generally thought
of as acceptable. The risk acceptance criteria process will be explained later in the document, but
it is useful to consider now that the scores ‘1’ and ‘2’ are consistent in their definition of impact
magnitudes, and that the impact scores of ‘3’, ‘4’, or ‘5’ could consistently be thought of as
unacceptably high.
When the example health information provider graduates from using their Tier 1 instructions, that
also have a new impact type to consider. Table 57 uses an impact type for business objectives to
be considered in the organization’s risk analysis. Business objectives are more self-focused than
missions and obligations, and are aligned with success criteria commonly found in business.
Some examples include profitability, growth, maintaining accreditations, customer satisfaction, or
retaining a position in the marketplace.
Objectives align most directly with what is commonly thought of as the “cost” of a safeguard. But
rather than allowing an organization to arbitrarily decide that a safeguard costs too much, this
method of including cost in terms of impacts to objectives forces the organization to evaluate why
a cost would be excessive. Does the cost of the safeguard impede profitability goals? Does the
safeguard limit efficiency or growth? Those are certainly reasonable concerns, as long as the
profitability goals are in parity with the mission and obligations impacts. In other words, an
organization should not let profitability be more important than harm to others, or harm to their
ability to fulfill their mission.
See “Note Regarding Use of Financial Costs as Objectives” in Chapter 5.

Figure 17 - Objectives, Mission, Obligations

Objectives Mission Obligations

• Self benefit • Mutual benefit • Others' benefit
• Self risk • Mutual risk • Others' risk

Organizations are well-served with this model because business management, technicians,
compliance personnel, and legal counsel all have their interests addressed in risk analysis that
uses these criteria.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 89

An in-depth explanation of how to develop impact definitions with multiple examples is provided in
the chapter “Risk Analysis Techniques.”

Likelihood Definitions
The likelihood definition for a Tier 3 and Tier 4 organization should also increase in nuance from
the simpler Tier 1 definition, and can do so by adding two more scores to the table as shown in
Table 58.

Table 58 – Example Likelihood Definitions

Likelihood Foreseeability
1 Not foreseeable. This is not plausible in the environment.
2 Foreseeable. This is plausible, but not expected.
3 Expected. We are certain this will eventually occur.
4 Common. This happens repeatedly.
5 Current. This may be happening now.

• “Not Foreseeable” implies that a threat is not plausible in the environment that is being
assessed. Loss of portable media may not be foreseeable during a risk assessment of a
hosted application.
• “Foreseeable” implies something that is plausible, but the organization would be
surprised if it occurred. A founding executive taking copies of sensitive data to
competitors may be considered foreseeable, even if it is not expected.
• “Expected” implies a threat that is not common, but that would eventually happen.
Phishing attacks or other social engineering attacks may be expected in many
• “Common” implies something that happens repeatedly, such as mis-addressed emails
with sensitive information, malware attacks, or loss of laptops and mobile devices.
• “Current” implies threats that are rarely not present, such as port scanning on perimeter
devices, or sharing of information in quasi-public spaces such as pharmacy counters or
bank tellers.
When risk assessors estimate the likelihood of a threat, they will select scores ‘1’, 2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, or ‘5’
using the foreseeability definition as their guidance. Organizations may add time-based limits in
their foreseeability definitions (i.e. “Foreseeable within planning thresholds,” “Expected within the
five-year plan” or “Not foreseeable in the next fiscal year”). If organizations do introduce time
limits in their likelihood definitions they should prioritize risk treatment investments to meet these
timelines. That may be excessively challenging to many organizations, so they should proceed
with caution.

Developing the Risk Assessment Criteria

Because risk assessment criteria are meant to describe risk as it applies to the organization that
owns the risk, it is appropriate for the most senior management who are responsible for the
mission, objectives, and obligations to participate in developing and accepting the criteria.
Table 59 lists roles commonly involved in risk assessment criteria development, and the
interested perspective they bring to the definition effort.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 90

Table 59 - Roles Involved in Defining Risk Assessment Criteria

Role Perspective
Chief Executive Officer To ensure that the mission, objectives, and obligations of the
organization are appropriately defined, and to ensure that a
Chief Operations Officer
distinction between acceptable and unacceptable impacts are
appropriately delineated.
Chief Compliance Officer To ensure that the interests of regulatory agencies are
appropriately included in risk definitions.
Chief Financial Officer To ensure that objectives are appropriately defined, particularly
the distinction between acceptable and unacceptable impacts.
Chief Information Officer To ensure that technical performance, service, and capabilities
Chief Technology Officer are considered, and to include all types of information processes
beyond technology.
General Counsel To ensure that obligations are appropriately defined and that they
compare well with the mission and objectives.
Outside Counsel
Internal Audit To ensure that the concerns of interested parties are well
Audit Committee represented in all impact definitions and scores.

Key Customers / Clients To ensure that their interests are included in the obligations
Key Constituents

The reader may develop their organization’s risk assessment criteria using the “Criteria - Tier
3 & 4” worksheet that is provided in the supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

The reader should consider:

1. Developing the risk assessment criteria in collaboration with a business managers
and legal counsel to ensure that the Mission, Objectives, and Obligations definitions
are sensible to the organization.
2. Working with legal counsel to help ensure that impact definitions appropriately
address the interests of all potentially affected parties, and to ensure that impact
statements appear equitable to all parties.
3. Referring to guidance for defining and scoring impact types in the “Risk Analysis
Techniques” chapter.

The risk assessor will need to use their professional judgment to define impact types, and to
describe levels of impact that the organization must manage to. Because risk assessment criteria
are a declaration by the organization of what they will manage to in terms of harm to themselves
and harm to others, organizations should consult with legal counsel before finalizing these criteria
and making risk decisions based on them.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 91

Defining Risk Acceptance Criteria

Because risk assessments are essentially questions of balance, the criteria for accepting risk
should help determine whether balance was achieved. In CIS RAM risk acceptance has two
• Appropriate risk: That the likelihood of an impact must be acceptable to all foreseeably
affected parties
• Reasonable risk: That the risk posed by a safeguard must be less than or equal to the
risk it protects against.
While these components have been demonstrated briefly above, the first component will be
described in more detail in this section. The second component will be described later in the Risk
Treatment Recommendations section further on.
After establishing the impact and likelihood definitions, Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations are now
well positioned to state their risk acceptance criteria. Recall that impacts were defined within
scores that ranged from ‘1’ to ‘5’. Acceptable impact scores ‘1’ and ‘2’ were defined in a manner
that would appear appropriate to interested parties (and are shaded grey to indicate their
acceptability), and the impact score ‘3’ was the lowest unacceptable score.

Table 60 – Example Impact Definitions

Impact Impact to Mission Impact to Impact to Obligations

Score Objectives
Mission: Provide information to Obligations: Patients must not
help remote patients stay Objective: Operate be harmed by compromised
healthy. profitably. information.
1 Patients continue to access Profits are on target. Patients do not experience
helpful information, and loss of service or protection.
outcomes are on track.
2 Some patients may not get all Profits are off target, Patients may be concerned,
the information they need as but are within but not harmed.
they request it. planned variance.
3 Some patients cannot access Profits are off Some patients may be
the information they need to planned variance and harmed financially or
maintain good health may take a fiscal reputationally after
outcomes. year to recover. compromise of information or
4 Many patients consistently Profits may take Many patients may be
cannot access beneficial more than a fiscal harmed financially or
information. year to recover. reputationally
5 We can no longer provide The organization Some patients may be
helpful information to remote cannot operate harmed financially,
patients. profitably. reputationally, or physically,
up to and including death.

And similarly, likelihood scores were within a range of ‘1’ to ‘5’ as below. Once our example
organization develops their risk management maturity and are ready to refine their risk
distinctions, they may decide to not tolerate unacceptable impacts if they are foreseeable but not
expected (‘2’), or if they are expected to occur (’3’). This would be a decision best made by their
executives, and especially their compliance team, general counsel, and interested parties. But in
this case, the model will assume that they selected a threshold score of ‘3’.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 92

Table 61 – Example Likelihood Definitions

Likelihood Foreseeability
1 Not foreseeable. This is not plausible in the environment.
2 Foreseeable. This is plausible, but not expected.
3 Expected. We are certain this will eventually occur.
4 Common. This happens repeatedly.
5 Current. This may be happening now.

So Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations would define their risk acceptance like this:

Table 62 - Risk acceptance criteria

Impact Likelihood Risk

x =
Threshold Threshold Threshold
3 x 3 = 9
… therefore …
Acceptable Risk < 9

An example of the heat map for this assessment criteria is shown below. Note that this heat map
is defined not just by numbers and colors, but now by a set of criteria that address business
issues and a duty of care to protect others.

Figure 18 - Example Heat Map

1 2 3 4 5


Version 1.0 – April 2018 93

The reader should define their organization’s risk acceptance criteria using the “Criteria – Tier
3 & 4” worksheet that is provided in the supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

The reader should consider:

1. Working with a business management sponsor who can help ensure that the risk
acceptance criteria are sensible to the organization.
2. Working with legal counsel to help ensure that the definition for risk acceptance
addresses the interests of all potentially affected parties, and to ensure that impact
statements appear equitable to all parties.

The risk assessor will need to use their professional judgment to identify levels of acceptable risk.
Because risk acceptance criteria are a declaration by the organization of what they will tolerate in
terms of harm to themselves and harm to others, organizations should consult with legal counsel
before finalizing these criteria and making risk decisions based on them.
As organizations assess their risk using CIS Controls V7 (modeled in the following section) they
will be able to automatically determine whether the risk evaluates as acceptable or not without
needing to consider the question differently in each case. A simple estimation of the likelihood
and impact will automatically determine how the organization should prioritize each risk, and
whether the organization can safely accept the risk as a “reasonable” option.

A Threat-Based Risk Assessment Process


Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations benefit from collaboration with business management. They also
have refined knowledge of how cyberattacks work. And due to their contact with outside parties
have considerably more data about on-the-ground effectiveness of their security safeguards.
Because Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations have these advantages, their ability to analyze and
respond to risk should be more refined than their peers with less maturity.
The risk analysis method described in this section is based on an “attack path” model. An attack
path, sometimes called a “kill chain,” is the route that an attack takes to compromise information
assets. For example, ransomware attacks involve many attack stages, starting from the hacker’s
reconnaissance, through preparation and delivery of exploits, initial compromise, privilege abuse,
through to the final control of the targeted storage volume and data.
And while not all attacks are planned (some are automated, drive-by attacks, and some are
accidental) they can be modeled in an attack path to understand what chain of safeguards would
fail in order for a threat to successfully compromise an asset.
The attack path for the ransomware example above would start with the attacker targeting an
organization that would likely pay a ransom to access their critical information. They would
research key personnel in the organization to refine their target, and then would develop an
exploit for that personnel. They may place the exploit on an Internet server that is accessible to
the victim, and would craft an email message for the victim that links to the exploit. When the
victim interacts with the email message, they would download the ransomware which then would
run on their computer. The attacker could then use the ransomware to encrypt the hard drive, and
depending on the variation of ransomware, either lock the information, or copy it to an Internet
server that the attacker controls.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 94

This attack path can be drawn to include a set of information assets that the organization could
control, and that would be exploited in the attack, such as; information about their employees and
their jobs, email servers, email clients, firewalls, content filters, proxy servers, malware protection
appliances and software, operating systems, hard drives, and yes, people.

Figure 19 - Example Attack Path and Information Assets

Using the risk analysis steps that were previously described for Tier 1 and Tier 2 organizations, a
risk assessor can use risk analysis to determine how well prepared each information asset is for
preventing or detecting specific attacks as they are in play.
This “attack path” approach to risk analysis requires a preliminary analysis step before working in
the risk register. That analysis step – attack path modeling – documents the lifecycle of an attack,
and identifies information assets or asset classes that would be involved in the attack. The
information developed in this preliminary analysis provides the risk assessor with a list of
information assets that would be involved in a type of attack, and allows the assessor to evaluate
the risks they face based on how well their safeguards align with the CIS Controls.
This section will describe and work through a Tier 3 and Tier 4 organization’s attack path analysis
and risk register using the CIS Controls to model risk-appropriate safeguards. The risk register
and attack path model worksheet described in this section are available as templates in the
supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

The Risk Register

The Tier 3 and Tier 4 organization’s risk register is much like the layout of the risk registers
shown in Tier 1 and Tier 2 instructions, but establishes attack path models and threats as the
basis for analysis. This section will demonstrate the risk assessment processes for Tier 3 and
Tier 4 organizations using the risk register template provided in the supplementary document
CIS_RAM_Workbook for Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations.
The layout map of a risk register for a Tier 3 and Tier 4 organization is depicted in Figure 20.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 95

Figure 20 - Risk Register Layout Map


The risk register for Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations is a listing of identified risks and their
recommended risk treatments, also known as “safeguards.” Each row represents one risk and its
risk treatment recommendation. The parts of the risk register are:
A. The column headers and guiding text to help the reader or risk assessor understand the
information that is contained in the column.
B. Attack models and threats that are actions within an attack path.
C. The information assets within the attack path that are being analyzed.
D. The CIS Controls text that helps the risk assessor consider controls that should be in
place to protect information assets in the context of the attack path.
E. How the organization implements the CIS Control (if they do) to protect the information
asset, and any vulnerabilities that would allow the threat to compromise the asset.
F. The risk evaluation, including the likelihood that the threat would succeed, the impacts to
the mission, objectives, and obligations if it did, and the resulting risk score.
G. The recommended implementation of CIS Controls that would reduce risks to an
acceptable level, and the safeguard risk calculation to estimate the risk of that

Attack Path Models

The Tier 3 and Tier 4 organization will develop a set of attack path models to document the
detailed steps that foreseeable attacks would follow, and to identify the information assets that
would be involved in that attack path. This helps the risk assessor evaluate risks based on how
foreseeable threats behave. Attack path modeling allows risk assessors to ask questions such as,
“How well positioned are we against this type of attack,” “Am I thinking of threats to assets the
way an attacker would?” and “Is my risk evaluation for this asset based on the likelihood and
impact of other information assets that would be involved in the attack?”
The attack path models worksheet that risk assessors will use to design attack paths is built upon
the CIS Community Attack Model, a document provided by CIS® that associates CIS Controls
with the stages of cybersecurity planning, detection, and defense. This section will demonstrate
the process for modeling attack paths that assessors will use to analyze risks in the Tier 3 and
Tier 4 organization’s risk register. A template and examples of this process is provided in the
supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 96

The attack path models worksheet is depicted in Figure 21.

Figure 21 - Attack Path Models

Community Attack Model

Attack Path Model

The attack path models worksheet is made up of two main parts; the Community Attack Model at
the top, and the attack path models at the bottom. The Community Attack Model above depicts
the stages of an attack as they relate to CIS Controls that could prevent or detect each stage.
The attack path models below list types of information security incidents that may occur, and
identify what actions and information assets would be involved in each stage of the incident.

The Process
The risk assessor will start their assessment by modeling attack paths in the attack path model
worksheet. The worksheet will result in a set of attack path models (one row per model), and will
state the actions and assets that may be involved in each attack.
The risk assessor will then use the risk register to analyze each attack path (one stage in the
attack path per row in the risk register). The assessor will evaluate each stage of an attack path
just as they would analyze each risk in Tier 1 and Tier 2 assessments.
Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations may wish to start their risk analysis by first analyzing risks using
the processes described for Tier 1 or Tier 2 organizations, then by examining specific threats on
an attack path basis. This ensures that all in-scope information assets and all CIS Controls will be
addressed in the risk register, along with the more specific and detailed risks that are analyzed
using this threat-based process.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 97

Figure 22 - Risk Analysis Process for Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations

The risk assessment process for Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations ensures that information assets
are analyzed in terms of the risk they pose when multi-phase attacks occur in the environment.
This threat-based analysis is accomplished by following the steps listed below:
1. Using the Attack Path Model worksheet, the risk assessor creates a new row in the
worksheet to name a type of cybersecurity attack or security incident, such as “Data
seizure through web application,” or “Mis-delivery of patient information.”
2. The risk assessor then moves right across the new row to describe each stage of the
attack or incident. The description would include an affected information asset, and how
the attack would compromise the asset at each stage.
3. The risk assessor can then refer to each cell across an attack path row to populate a risk
register. The risk assessor can copy the attack path model name, threats, and
information assets that are in each attack path model row to the risk register, with one
row per model / threat / asset grouping.
4. While considering the controls that should be addressed in each row of the risk register,
the risk assessor should refer to the Community Attack Model grid at the top of the Attack
Path Model worksheet to determine which controls should be in place to detect or prevent
the threat.
5. The risk assessor will then review the CIS Controls listed in each risk register row, and
will gather evidence for how well each asset is protected by safeguards that are
associated with the CIS Control.
a. Evidence may be in the form of interviews, a review of configurations, or a review
of records and logs.
6. The risk assessor will then describe how the control is applied to the information asset or
asset class in the “Current Control” cell of that row.
7. Next, the assessor will consider the difference between the CIS Control and the currently
applied safeguard to determine whether there is a deficiency in how the control is
currently deployed and operating. If the current safeguard is not implemented as
described or in a way that is likely deficient against the threat, then the assessor will state
this as a vulnerability.
a. Risk assessors should consider the objective of the CIS Control as they analyze
risks. For example, CIS Control 16.11 states “Automatically lock workstation
sessions after a standard period of inactivity.” The control’s objective is to
prevent unauthorized people from using unattended user sessions. If the current
control does not meet the objective, then the assessor should state the gap as a
vulnerability in the vulnerability cell, such as: “Unattended workstations may be
used by personnel who are not authorized access to those systems, or to
applications that are assigned to the absent user.”
8. Now consider the threat that could occur because of the vulnerability.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 98

a. The above vulnerability could be paired with this threat: “Malicious personnel
may abuse the privileges of authorized users and may execute unauthorized
transactions or data downloads.”
9. Next, estimate the likelihood that the threat would succeed, and the impact it may create.
a. Likelihood estimation can be difficult, but the risk assessment criteria was
developed to provide some guidance in that estimation process. Guidance is
provided in the Methods for Evaluating Likelihood section of the “Risk Analysis
Techniques” chapter later in the document
b. Impact scores should provide estimates of the impact that such a threat would
create. Consider the likelihood and impact scores as a pair. In other words,
“What is the likelihood that this impact would result?” Examples below will
provide further guidance.
10. The risk score will be automatically computed in the risk register by multiplying the
likelihood score by the highest of the three impact scores.

Tier 3 and Tier 4 Risk Assessment Example 1 – Ransomware at Email Servers

The Tier 3 and Tier 4 organization has expressed their concern about ransomware and wants to
know what their exposure is to it. They want to know what they are doing now to prevent
ransomware and what other investments they need to make in order to be appropriately
protected. Additionally, the organization is concerned about two web application vulnerabilities,
one that would allow data seizure, and the other that will allow arbitrary code execution through
vulnerable sites.19
The risk assessor knows to consider each of these concerns as attack path models, and sets out
to document each one.
By using the Attack Path Model worksheet, the risk assessor creates a row titled, “Ransomware”
and begins documenting the attack path as shown in Table 63. The table is shown in a vertical
format for ease of display in this document, but is in horizontal format in the template provided in
Each stage of an attack path model is described using the Community Attack Model format. For
each stage in the model the risk assessor will describe how the attack will compromise an
information asset.

19 This document will only explore how the first attack path model will be defined and risk
assessed. However, the other two scenarios are provided in the Attack Path Model worksheet as
further examples of the attack path modeling process.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 99

Table 63 - Attack Path Model (Ransomware)

Attack Path Stage Attack Path Action

Attack Path Model Ransomware

Hackers determine who in the organization has access to

sensitive information.
Initial Recon
Asset: Public information and social media sites that
describe personnel and responsibilities.

Moderately skilled hackers may develop phishing email

and ransomware exploits that target selected personnel.
Acquire/Develop Tools
Asset: Out of our control.

Hacker sends phishing email to selected personnel.

Asset: Email server, SMTP gateway.

Personnel open phishing email and trigger an install of

the ransomware payload.
Initial Compromise
Asset: Email client, end-user OS, personnel, proxy

Malware encrypts the local storage volume.

Misuse/Escalate Privilege
Asset: End-user OS, storage volume.
Internal Recon Not applicable
Lateral Movement Not applicable
Establish Persistence See Misuse/Escalate Privilege.
Hackers require payment for release of information back
to us.
Execute Mission Objectives
Asset: Cash or data.

As a result of this detailed description of the attack path, the risk assessor can now itemize each
of these stages in the risk register as the basis of their risk analysis. So they create a set of rows
in their risk register that include the information as displayed in the partial risk register shown in
Table 64 and provided more fully in CIS_RAM_Workbook.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 100

Table 64 - Partial Risk Register with Attack Path Model

Attack Path Threat Information Asset

Ransomware Initial Recon: Hackers determine Public information and social media
who in the organization has sites that describe personnel and
access to sensitive information. responsibilities.

Ransomware Delivery: Hacker sends phishing Email server, SMTP gateway.

email to selected personnel.
Ransomware Initial Compromise: Personnel Email client
open phishing email and trigger
an install of the ransomware

Ransomware Initial Compromise: Personnel End-user OS

open phishing email and trigger
an installation of the ransomware

Ransomware Initial Compromise: Personnel Personnel

open phishing email and trigger
an install of the ransomware

Ransomware Initial Compromise: Personnel Proxy server

open phishing email and trigger
an install of the ransomware

Ransomware Misuse/Escalate Privilege: End-user OS

Malware encrypts the local
storage volume.

Ransomware Misuse/Escalate Privilege: Storage volume

Malware encrypts the local
storage volume.

Ransomware Execute Mission Objectives: Cash or data

Hackers require payment for
release of information back to us.

Each row in this risk register establishes a relationship between the attack path model (in this
case, “Ransomware”), a threat that could occur at each stage of the ransomware attack, and the
information asset or asset class it would occur on. Note that items labeled “Not applicable” and
“Not in our control” in Table 63 are not provided rows in the partial risk register in Table 64. This
is because there is little the organization can do to address these steps in the attack path for the
ransomware scenario.
Also note that many information assets and many kinds of threats can be considered within an
attack path. The risk assessor must determine the amount of detail and variety of asset/threat
pairings they intend to include in their assessment. Attack path modeling can take significant
time. Because of this, risk assessors will need to consider the amount of time and resources they
have available to conduct their analysis, and must select a degree of detail based on that

Version 1.0 – April 2018 101

availability. Starting with obvious assets and threats for the first assessment may be enough,
knowing that in subsequent assessments more variety can be added to the model.
As a result of this analysis, the organization scours the Internet for mentions of privileged
personnel and their roles. They remove as much sensitive information from those sites as they
can. They realize that there are other ways to target privileged personnel, but this is considered a
prudent step.
The first risk that the assessor analyzes in this attack path is the use of the email server and
SMTP gateway that may receive and relay a phishing message to a targeted end-user. The
organization believes they have good safeguards to manage this risk, but they check the
Community Attack Model to be sure.

Figure 23 - CIS Control Selection from Community Attack Model

This risk was identified in the attack path model in Table 63 in the “delivery’ stage, so while
assessing the risk the risk assessor will review the email server and SMTP gateway because of
their delivery role in the attack, and will name them as assets in the risk register, as shown in
Table 64. As the assessor references the Community Attack Model, they will look at the
intersection between the Delivery column and the Protect row to find “Continuous vulnerability
assessment,” “firewall,” “mail gateway filtering,” “web filtering,” “secure remote access,” and
“NIPS (network intrusion prevention system).”
Considering the threat of email targeting specific users, and the organization’s use of email
filtering and sandboxing on their corporate server, the risk assessor reviews sub-controls under
CIS Control 7 “Email and Web Browser Protections.” Among those sub-controls the risk assessor
considers CIS Control 7.8 “Implement DMARC and Enable Receiver-Side Verification” and CIS
Control 7.10 “Sandbox all Email Attachments.” They know that DMARC controls related to CIS
Control 7.8 rely on more community cooperation before they can be reliable, and even then could
be by-passed by determined attackers. They also know that determined attackers can get past

Version 1.0 – April 2018 102

the organization’s email sandboxing technologies. They forego analyzing this risk because they
also use anti-malware on their email server and SMTP gateway, which appears one row down
the Delivery column in the Detect row.
The risk assessor decides to analyze the risk involved with their anti-malware email module by
referring to CIS Control 8.1, as described in Table 65.
Table 65 - Example Risk Analysis for Email Server in a Ransomware Attack Path Model

Attack Path Model Ransomware

Threat Hackers may target personnel using their personal email accounts,
thus bypassing the corporate email server.
Information Asset Email server and SMTP gateway
CIS Control 8.1
Description Utilize centrally managed anti-malware software to continuously
monitor and defend each of the organization's workstations and
Control Advanced malware detection and prevention operates within the
SMTP gateway. It detects and quarantines attachments and
hyperlinks associated with malicious files and suspicious or
blocked URLs.
Vulnerability End-users may be victims of phishing over personal email services
that they can access from offices and on work computers.
Threat Likelihood
Mission Impact
Objectives Impact
Obligations Impact
Risk Score
Risk Acceptability

Note that the assessor has not yet evaluated this risk. Rather, the risk assessor will evaluate
each risk in the attack path after considering how that set of risks affect each other. For our
example attack path model in Table 63, all nine risks will be written out before each one is
evaluated. This is done to ensure that the likelihood and impact of each risk is based on a
foreseeable scenario, and not in isolation of each asset which may cause some risks to be
estimated arbitrarily high or low.
Working further down the attack path model in Table 63, the organization next considers the risk
they may suffer at desktop email clients which are targeted during the Initial Compromise in this
ransomware attack path. After considering the vulnerability in the previous risk analysis that end-
users may still receive phishing messages through their personal email accounts, email client
risks are fresh in the risk assessor’s mind. The risk assessor reviews the Community Attack
Model in Figure 24 to identify CIS Controls that intersect between Initial Compromise and Protect
and they see that for this stage anti-malware and CIS Control 8.1 is again an appropriate control
to include in their evaluation. They describe the risk associated with their implementation of CIS
Control 8.1 at desktop email clients in Table 66.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 103

Figure 24 - CIS Control Selection from Community Attack Model

Table 66 - Example Risk Analysis for Email Client in a Ransomware Attack Path Model

Attack Path Model Ransomware

Threat Personnel open phishing email and trigger an installation of
ransomware payload. Email may be received through personal
email accounts.
Information Asset Email client
CIS Control 8.1
Description Utilize centrally managed anti-malware software to continuously
monitor and defend each of the organization's workstations and
Control Signature-based anti-virus on each desktop. Anti-virus filters
suspicious web URLs using a dictionary that is updated monthly.
Vulnerability Advanced malware prevention is not included in endpoint
protection applications on end-user workstations (other than URL
filtering). End-users may be victims of phishing over personal email
services that they can access from offices and on work computers.
Threat Likelihood
Mission Impact
Objectives Impact
Obligations Impact
Risk Score
Risk Acceptability

Version 1.0 – April 2018 104

This risk may evaluate as unacceptably high when the whole attack path is considered.
Moreover, this risk appears to be independent of the first risk involving the email server and
SMTP gateway. As robust as the corporate SMTP server may be at preventing ransomware
phishing, the assessor is concerned that the risk of ransomware phishing may still be
unacceptably high because the SMTP gateway only protects corporate email accounts, not
personal email accounts hosted by other services.
The risk assessor named a proxy server as an information asset at the “initial compromise” stage
in the attack path model in Table 63 because their proxy server blocks outbound requests for
known-bad IP addresses and domains, including known malware hosts. So the risk assessor
again references the Community Attack model, looking at the Initial Compromise column and
sees that the “web filtering” function of the proxy server is not in that column. Moreover, the
organization is not using the remaining controls in the Protect and Detect rows of that column, so
they cannot refer to those controls in their “Current Controls” column.
The Community Attack Model, while being very helpful to organizations that model attack paths,
is a working document that will constantly develop as threat behaviors change, and as controls
change to meet new challenges. In the case of this organization, they identify the role of a proxy
server (a web filtering tool) for Protecting against the Initial Compromise of a malware attack. The
proxy server prevents the malware from downloading payload from a known-bad web resource.
But because the Community Attack Model does not reference web filtering in the intersection of
Protect and Initial Compromise, the organization adds that control to that cell. They have
identified a case for using web filtering for disrupting ransomware and should record it for future
The risk assessor decides to evaluate the risk associated with the proxy server to see if they may
help reduce the risk appropriately. The assessor models the risk in Table 67.

Table 67 - Example Risk Analysis for Proxy Server in a Ransomware Attack Path Model

Attack Path Model Ransomware

Threat Personnel open phishing email and trigger an installation of the
ransomware payload. Email may be received through personal
email accounts.
Information Asset Proxy server
CIS Control 7.4
Description Enforce network-based URL filters that limit a system's ability to
connect to websites not approved by the organization. This filtering
shall be enforced for each of the organization's systems, whether
they are physically at an organization's facilities or not.
Control All Internet traffic for systems within corporate LANs and DMZ have
URLs filtered against a subscription service that blocks sessions
with known-bad hosts, and blocks URLs not categorized as safe by
that service.
Vulnerability Laptops and mobile devices bypass the proxy server when used
outside of the corporate network. Ransomware may attack systems
when they are out of the corporate network.
Threat Likelihood
Mission Impact

Version 1.0 – April 2018 105

Attack Path Model Ransomware
Objectives Impact
Obligations Impact
Risk Score
Risk Acceptability

The risk assessor sees that the proxy server appears more robust than the end-point protection
at end-user systems, but it still has shortcomings. The proxy server is not able to enforce URL
blocking on systems that are not on the corporate network when a ransomware phishing attack
While all nine risks in the attack path would be evaluated as a set for the actual risk assessment,
this section will evaluate the three example risks to demonstrate the group evaluation process.
The remainder of the risks are fully evaluated in the worksheet “Risk Register – Tier 3 & 4” in the
Recall the definitions for the impact and likelihood scores that the Tier 2, and Tier 3 and Tier 4
organizations created. The impact scores are shown in Table 68.

Table 68 – Example Impact Definitions

Impact Impact to Mission Impact to Impact to Obligations

Score Objectives
Provide information to help Patients may be harmed if
remote patients stay healthy. Operate profitably. information is compromised.
1 Patients continue to access Profits are on target. Patients do not experience
helpful information, and loss of service or protection.
outcomes are on track.
2 Some patients may not get all Profits are off target, Patients may be concerned,
the information they need as but are within but not harmed.
they request it. planned variance.
3 Some patients cannot access Profits are off Some patients may be
the information they need to planned variance and harmed financially or
maintain good health may take a fiscal reputationally after
outcomes. year to recover. compromise of information or
4 Many patients consistently Profits may take Many patients may be
cannot access beneficial more than a fiscal harmed financially or
information. year to recover. reputationally
5 We can no longer provide The organization Some patients may be
helpful information to remote cannot operate harmed financially,
patients. profitably. reputationally, or physically,
up to and including death.

Likelihoods were similarly defined with five potential scores, as shown in Table 69.

Table 69 – Example Likelihood Definitions

1 Not foreseeable. This is not plausible in the environment.
2 Foreseeable. This is plausible, but not expected.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 106

3 Expected. We are certain this will eventually occur.
4 Common. This happens repeatedly.
5 Current. This may be happening now.

The organization will now go back and review the risks associated with the ransomware attack
path to estimate the likelihood and impact of each threat, but in consideration of the other
ransomware risks.
The risk assessor will review those risks side-by-side in the abbreviated table below.

Table 70 – Comparative Risks in a Ransomware Attack Path Model

Attack Path Ransomware

Information Email Server Email Client Proxy Server
Threat Hackers may target personnel Personnel open phishing email Personnel open phishing email
using their personal email and trigger an installation of and trigger an installation of the
accounts, thus bypassing the ransomware payload. Email ransomware payload. Email
corporate email server. may be received through may be received through
personal email accounts. personal email accounts.
CIS Control 8.1 8.1 7.4
Description Utilize centrally managed anti- Utilize centrally managed anti- Enforce network-based URL
malware software to malware software to filters that limit a system's ability
continuously monitor and continuously monitor and to connect to websites not
defend each of the defend each of the approved by the organization.
organization's workstations organization's workstations This filtering shall be enforced
and servers. and servers. for each of the organization's
systems, whether they are
physically at an organization's
facilities or not.
Control Advanced malware detection Signature-based anti-virus on All Internet traffic for systems
and prevention operates within each desktop. Filtering of within corporate LANs and DMZ
the SMTP gateway. It detects suspicious web URLs using a have URLs filtered against a
and quarantines attachments dictionary that is updated subscription service that blocks
and hyperlinks associated with monthly. sessions with known-bad hosts,
malicious files and suspicious and blocks URLs not
or blocked URLs. categorized as safe by that
Vulnerability End-users may be victims of Advanced malware prevention Laptops and mobile devices
phishing over personal email is not included in endpoint bypass the proxy server when
services that they can access protection applications on end- used outside of the LAN.
from offices and on work user workstations (other than Ransomware may attack
computers. URL filtering). End-users may systems when they are out of
be victims of phishing over the office LAN.
personal email services that
they can access from offices
and on work computers.
Threat 2 3 3
Mission 3 3 3
Objectives 4 4 4

Version 1.0 – April 2018 107

Attack Path Ransomware
Obligations 4 4 4
Risk Score 8 12 12
Risk Acceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable

After evaluating each of the risks in the attack path model, the risk assessor (and by extension,
their organization) is comfortable with the ability of the SMTP gateway to protect users from
ransomware phishing attacks that pass through the corporate email server. But they are less
comfortable with the risk of those attacks coming in from personal email accounts while end-
users use their laptops away from the office. The risk analyses for the email client and proxy
server are identical in this case and are shown in Table 71.

Table 71 - Example Risk Estimation

Threat Mission Objectives Obligations Risk Score

Likelihood Impact Impact Impact
3 3 4 4 12

The risk score is the product of the likelihood score and the higher of the three impact scores,
which in this case is ‘3 x 4 = 12’.
Also recall that the risk acceptance criteria for the Tier 3 and Tier 4 organization looks like this:

Table 72 - Risk acceptance criteria

Impact Likelihood Risk

x =
Threshold Threshold Threshold
3 x 3 = 9
… therefore …
Acceptable Risk < 9

An acceptable risk would be one that evaluates to anything below ‘9’. But the risk of ransomware
is as high as ‘12’ and is therefore unacceptable.
By analyzing additional risks in the ransomware attack path, such as protections at the end-user’s
operating system or storage volume, the organization may further mitigate these three risks by
other safeguards, such as timely and reliable data backups, or logical controls that prevent
sensitive data from being accessed by laptops. But what is known is that in terms of ransomware,
there is a continuing risk to the organization that has not been resolved by the SMTP gateway
and proxy server.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 108

The reader should refer to the template Risk Register – Tier 2 that is provided in the
supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook. They may use the risk register template to
enter a set of risks that are associated with the attack path models, CIS Controls, and
information assets that are in scope of their assessment.

While doing this exercise, the reader should consider:

1. That threat-based analysis requires considerable effort and may be implausible as a
method for conducting a complete, comprehensive risk assessment.
2. Conducting threat-based analysis within a risk register that was completed using a
Tier 1 or Tier 2 approach. Threat-based analysis can be used to answer specific risk
questions, such as:
a. How realistic is a specific risk score that appears to exaggerate or downplay a
stand-alone risk?
b. Are there risks we have not already considered in our environment?
c. How well positioned are we to protect ourselves against a specific threat?
d. What is the most effective investment we can make to reduce a single risk
that would only be realized within a threat path?
3. Not “boiling the ocean.” Not all assets can be practically evaluated against all
applicable CIS Controls in a single assessment. Prioritize evaluating threats that
appear more likely than others, due to past experience or other research.
4. Whether a control or information asset requires examination to understand its actual
configuration and effectiveness.
5. Whether the organization can tolerate the amount of effort and time that the risk
assessment requires.
a. The organization should use high-level analysis (review of policies and
interviews) if they do not have extensive time and resources.
b. Information assets should be tested and examined in more detail as time
c. The organization should plan recurring risk assessments to identify more risks
over time.
6. Collaborating with information security experts to help model threats that are
foreseeable in the environment, and to help evaluate the effectiveness of current

The risk assessor will need to use their professional judgment to select the controls and
information assets and to model threats that should be analyzed in the risk assessment.
Information security experts may need to be included in the process to ensure that the risk
analysis is conducted appropriately.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 109

Tier 3 Risk Assessment Summary
After having analyzed a set of risks against a single information asset, the Tier 2 organization
realizes the advantages of gaining a more comprehensive view of its risks:
1. Modeling threats through attack paths enables Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations to evaluate
cybersecurity risks more comprehensively than by viewing information assets individually.
2. The risk involved at one asset will influence the risk of other assets, which is a more
realistic picture of risk within a networked environment.
3. Because attack paths are aligned with the Community Attack Model, risk assessors are
assisted by the CIS community in identifying the CIS Controls that are best suited for
preventing and detecting attacks at various stages and assets in the attack path.
After evaluating the risks against information assets we have identified many that were
unacceptably high and that should be provided with recommended safeguards to reduce their
risk. We will walk through and illustrate this process in the Risk Treatment Recommendations
section below.

Risk Treatment Recommendations

Organizations often think of security safeguards as obstacles to business and productivity.
Safeguards often cause personnel to take extra steps to get access to systems or information, or
to get approval for normal business activities. Safeguards require investments in time and money,
which compete with other priorities. And if they become too disruptive to an organization’s
mission and objectives, security safeguards can become disliked and avoided.
In fact, disruptive safeguards often cause personnel to work around them just to get their jobs
done, which creates more risk.
But risk treatment recommendations can and should result in safeguards that are demonstrably
reasonable. And while obtaining a clear definition for “reasonable safeguards” has been a
challenge in the legal, regulatory, and information security communities, the CIS RAM provides a
practical solution. Risk assessors evaluate risk treatment recommendations to determine whether
a security safeguard is reasonable by; comparing the safeguard to the risk it is meant to reduce,
and by comparing the safeguard to the risk acceptance criteria.
Risk treatment recommendations are simple to evaluate once the risk assessment criteria and
initial risk analysis have been established. The process occurs over the following steps:
1. While examining an unacceptably high risk, review the CIS Control that corresponds with
the risk and recommend a feasible way for the organization to implement or improve that
2. If that control is not feasible in the near-term, recommend other CIS Controls related to
the risk that can be used to reduce it.
3. Evaluate the risk of the recommended safeguard to understand the burden it would pose
to the organization. Then compare that safeguard risk to the risk acceptance criteria to
determine whether it is appropriate.
4. Also compare the evaluated risk of the recommended safeguard to the observed risk to
determine whether the safeguard is reasonable (safeguards with lower risk scores than
the observed risk are reasonable.)
5. Sort the risks by their risk score to prioritize the risks and risk treatments that the
organization will invest in.
This section demonstrates these steps in detail by describing the process, then by modeling risk
treatments for the unacceptably high risks that were evaluated in previous sections.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 110

The reader should review the definitions of ‘reasonable’ and ‘appropriate’ that are provided in the
glossary. These terms will be used regularly in this section and have distinct meanings.
1. Appropriate: A condition in which risks to information assets will not foreseeably create
harm that is greater than the organization or its constituents can tolerate.
2. Reasonable: A condition in which safeguards will not create a burden to the organization
that is greater than the risk it is meant to protect against.

Risk Treatment Objectives

The objective of well-formed risk treatment recommendations is to create a prioritized list of
information security safeguards that would provide appropriate protections while not posing too
great a burden on the organization’s purpose.
The risk treatment recommendation exercises that are demonstrated in this section examine the
unacceptable risks that were illustrated earlier in the document and will select CIS Controls that
would reduce those risks to a degree that is both reasonable (not overly burdensome) and
appropriate (not unacceptably harmful).

Recommending Risk Treatment Safeguards from CIS Controls V7

As we examine unacceptably high risks, we will recommend safeguards that are based on CIS
Controls V7. But some of the safeguards that an organization is prepared to implement and
operate may not be implemented exactly as described in CIS Controls V7. This process takes
into account how to select controls that address risks, and how to determine whether they are
designed in a way that makes sense in context of both the risk, and the potential burden to the
Recall the relationship between analyzed risks and their recommended risk treatments in Figure

Figure 25 - Balance Within Core Risk Analysis

A risk and its proposed safeguard are both evaluated using the same criteria. If a proposed
safeguard has a higher risk (its “safeguard risk”) than the risk acceptance criteria, then it’s not
appropriate. If the safeguard has a higher score than the observed risk, then it’s not reasonable.
The exercises in this section will focus on matching completed risk analyses (in blue) with newly
recommended safeguards (in green).

Version 1.0 – April 2018 111

Background – How Realistic Are Safeguard Risk Estimates?
Critical readers will question how the organization and their risk assessor will know whether
their safeguard risk estimations are realistic. After all, how can they know prospectively what
their risk would be in such a situation?
There are two important items to keep in mind while gaining comfort with this practice;
understanding the legal and regulatory expectations for risk management, and information
security standards for evaluating safeguards after they’ve been implemented.
Law and Regulation: Laws and regulations generally expect risk analysis to evaluate
safeguards that are required for achieving compliance, and expect that the risk analysis is
performed by appropriately skilled and informed people. These analyses do not guarantee
security that is sufficient against any threat, but they do provide a plan toward improved
security and compliance that is prioritized by the likelihood of harm, and that has no intolerable
harm as its goal.
Information Security Risk Management Standards: Information security risk assessment
standards that the CIS RAM is based on operate within fuller risk management programs and
cycles. ISO 27005 operates within the ISO 27000 family of standards, and NIST 800-30 works
within the NIST Special Publications. Each of these families of standards requires continuous
analysis of security safeguards, including analysis of controls after they’ve been implemented
to determine whether they are effective at addressing their security objectives. Recommended
safeguards should therefore be risk assessed again after implementation to be sure that they
achieve their intended objectives.

The Tier 3 and Tier 4 organization identified two unacceptable risks by modeling a ransomware
attack path over several information assets. The first of these unacceptable risks involved email
clients that personnel use to access personal email, and how that exposed the organization to
ransomware phishing attacks. The risk is shown again in Table 73.

Table 73 - Example Risk Analysis for Email Client in a Ransomware Attack Path Model

Risk Analysis Value

Threat Personnel open phishing email and trigger an installation of
ransomware payload. Email may be received through personal
email accounts.
Information Asset Email client
CIS Control 8.1
Description Utilize centrally managed anti-malware software to continuously
monitor and defend each of the organization's workstations and
Control Signature-based anti-virus on each desktop. Filtering of suspicious
web URLs using a dictionary that is updated monthly.
Vulnerability Advanced malware prevention is not included in endpoint
protection applications on end-user workstations (other than URL
filtering). End-users may be victims of phishing over personal email
services that they can access while working from home using work
Threat Likelihood 3

Version 1.0 – April 2018 112

Risk Analysis Value
Mission Impact 3
Objectives Impact 4
Obligations Impact 2
Risk Score 12
Risk Acceptability Not Acceptable

But because this risk was identified while evaluating an attack path, the organization considers
the recommended safeguards in that same context. They compare this risk with the other
unacceptable risks in the attack path in Table 74 to determine whether one safeguard would
address both risks in the attack. Both risks have the same risk score, but for different reasons:
Laptops are not protected against advanced malware through the end-point protection software,
and laptops do not benefit from the proxy server while out of the office.
They can either add advanced malware protection to their endpoints, or they can extend the
proxy server to the DMZ and force laptops to resolve network queries through that proxy server
while out of the office.
So they model these options below.
Note: The risk assessor will record how they will address their risk by stating either “Accept,”
“Reduce,” “Transfer,” or “Avoid.” Accepting and reducing risks will be intuitive to the reader. An
organization may transfer a risk by contracting a third party that may handle the risk better, or by
acquiring an insurance policy against the risk. The organization may also avoid the risk by no
longer engaging in the processes, or handling the information assets that cause the risk

Table 74 – Comparative Risks in a Ransomware Attack Path Model

Attack Path Ransomware

Information Asset Email Client Proxy Server
Threat Personnel open phishing email and trigger an Personnel open phishing email and trigger an
installation of ransomware payload. Email installation of the ransomware payload. Email
may be received through personal email may be received through personal email
accounts. accounts.
CIS Control 8.1 7.6
Description Utilize centrally managed anti-malware Enforce network-based URL filters that limit a
software to continuously monitor and defend system's ability to connect to websites not
each of the organization's workstations and approved by the organization. This filtering
servers. shall be enforced for each of the organization's
systems, whether they are physically at an
organization's facilities or not.
Control Signature-based anti-virus on each desktop. All Internet traffic for systems within corporate
Filtering of suspicious web URLs using a LANs and DMZ have URLs filtered against a
dictionary that is updated monthly. subscription service that blocks sessions with
known-bad hosts, and blocks URLs not
categorized as safe by that service.
Vulnerability Advanced malware prevention is not included Laptops and mobile devices bypass the proxy
in endpoint protection applications on end- server when used outside of the LAN.
user workstations (other than URL filtering). Ransomware may attack systems when they
End-users may be victims of phishing over are out of the office LAN.
personal email services that they can access
from offices and on work computers.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 113

Attack Path Ransomware
Threat Likelihood 3 3
Mission Impact 3 3
Objectives Impact 4 4
Obligations 4 4
Risk Score 12 12
Risk Unacceptable Unacceptable
Risk Treatment Reduce Reduce
Recommended Add advanced malware protection module to Extend proxy server to the DMZ and force
Safeguard end-point protection. laptops to use it as a gateway.
Safeguard Risk Unexpected cost would be within the budget Laptops that use personal VPNs may bypass
plan threshold if modules are restricted to the proxy service.
laptops this year, and extended to remaining
system next year.
If the proxy service is unavailable, it may cause
users to not use Internet resources while
Threat of malware would no longer be working out of the office.
expected. No impact to our mission.

Proxy servers are not able to detect local

attacks on systems.
Safeguard Threat 2 3
Safeguard 1 2
Mission Impact
Safeguard 2 2
Objectives Impact
Safeguard 1 4
Safeguard Risk 4 12
Safeguard Risk Acceptable Unacceptable

The Tier 3 and Tier 4 organization now has the information it needs to determine and document
why their recommended safeguard is to add advanced malware prevention at their laptops first,
then desktops in the following fiscal year. Desktops will be covered well by the proxy server when
operated in their permanent home – the office network.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 114

The reader should use the template “Risk Register – Tiers 3 or 4” that is provided in the
supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook to enter risk treatment recommendations for
each risk that evaluated as unacceptably high.

The reader should consider:

1. Whether an existing safeguard can be improved, and how that would be done.
2. Whether a safeguard based on a different CIS Control would provide reasonable and
appropriate risk.
3. Collaborating with information security subject matter experts to help model the
potential effectiveness of recommended safeguards.

The risk assessor will need to use their professional judgment to design and recommend
information security safeguards, and to evaluate prospectively the risk that they may pose.
Information security experts may need to be included in the process to ensure that the risk
analysis is conducted appropriately.

Risk Treatment Recommendations Summary

Risk treatment recommendations are a critical part of risk assessment to be sure that the
organization has developed a plan for addressing risks without creating other risks to the
organization or its constituents. Some of the benefits that have been demonstrates about this
process are:
1. Organizations can demonstrate to collaborating business managers how recommended
security safeguards can be implemented without taxing the business purpose by
evaluating the risk of the safeguards against the mission and objectives of the
2. Organizations can demonstrate to regulators and other legal authorities that safeguards
are reasonable because the expected risk of the safeguard (the “burden” to the
organization) is not greater than the risk that it reduces.
3. Organizations can demonstrate that recommended safeguards would be “appropriate” by
showing that they would not foreseeably create an impact that would be intolerable to the
organization or its constituents.
4. Recommended risk treatments can be considered in terms of the attack path for Tier 3
and Tier 4 organizations. As the maturity of an organization’s security capabilities grows,
so does the sophistication and perhaps efficiency of their risk treatment
The process for evaluating risks and for recommending appropriate risk treatments has been
demonstrated at a general level. However, some questions likely remain for the reader for
evaluating safeguards, estimating likelihood, and the suitability of probability models in risk
analysis. These more detailed topics are presented in the next chapter.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 115

Chapter 5: Risk Analysis Techniques
The instructions, examples, and templates described in this section are best understood through
experience. The reader will benefit from using the examples that are provided in the
supplementary document CIS_RAM_Workbook to best understand the instructions in this

Risk Analysis Techniques


The example risk assessment processes described in this document are broadly applicable to
many cases and environments. However, there are many reasons why an organization will
modify the processes and templates that are provided in the CIS RAM.
Methods for estimating likelihood or probability, assessing safeguards and policies, considering
risks of non-technical safeguards, and determining which risks to assess or to ignore all present
opportunities for customizing risk assessments to specific environments.
This section describes several customization methods for analyzing risks that organizations may
consider as part of their cybersecurity risk assessments.

Defining Impacts for Tier 1 organizations

Perhaps the most important early step in the risk assessment is to develop effective impact
definitions. The CIS RAM is based on Duty of Care Risk Analysis principles to enable
organizations to make conscientious evaluations of their current and intended risk. A risk
assessment that results from the CIS RAM should show whether information security safeguards
are appropriate to the public, while being reasonable to the organization. The core of this analysis
is the impact definitions, and the balance and consensus that they are meant to establish.
This section will provide guidance for defining impact types effectively.
Table 75 – Summary Evaluation of Impact Definition

Benefits Limits
- Consistent method to evaluate risk - Poorly defined impact definitions can
impacts. frustrate risk assessors.
- Satisfies “cost-benefit” analysis that - Poorly “balanced” impact definitions
regulators use. may not reduce legal liabilities.
- Satisfies “duty of care balance test”
that courts rely on.
- Balances business interests with
public interest.

The primary purpose of impact definitions is to provide risk assessors with a consistent method
for scoring risks that is fair to all potentially affected parties. A risk evaluation should demonstrate
as much concern for the organization as it does for others.
To make this possible, impact definitions should be designed with the concept of balance firmly in
Recall the impact definitions used for Tier 1 organizations shown in Figure 26. Two columns
address the interests of the organization’s purpose and the parties who may be effected by

Version 1.0 – April 2018 116

information security risk. Each of these columns is considered an “impact type.” The “Impact to
Our Mission” column addresses the main purpose for the two parties to enjoin in the risk … the
beneficial reason for customers and the organization to share information. The safety of the
organization’s patient customers is considered in the “Impact to Obligations” column.

Figure 26 - Example Impact Definitions

Now consider the impact scores, and the red boundary that separates score ‘1’ from scores ‘2’
and ‘3’. This boundary marks the division between impacts that would presumably be acceptable
to all parties, and those that would not be.
Consider how impacts for score ‘1’ would appear to the organization, patient customers, and legal
authorities. The organization using this impact definition is stating that they would accept impacts
from threats if they result in conditions similar to how score ‘1’ is defined. This would indicate that;
patients would continually be able to access the information they needed, and patients would not
be foreseeably harmed as a result of a threat.
Then consider how impacts for score ‘2’ are defined. Threats that would foreseeably result in an
impact score of ‘2’ could mean that some patients who cannot access information may not
maintain good health outcomes. That scenario is clearly an unacceptable impact to the
organization’s mission, and would not make it worthwhile for patients to entrust their information
with that organization. The impact score of ‘2’ for obligations would be unacceptable because
some of the patient customers could foreseeably be harmed financially or reputationally as a
result of an incident – presumably because of identity theft or a system outage.
All of these features of an impact definition make it effective for estimating risk in a way that is
equitable to all potentially affected parties, and even for driving consensus within the organization
that uses it. After all, the interests and purpose of the organization are addressed as well as the
interests of the public.
Organizations can build effective impact definitions by thoughtfully defining their impact areas,
and then by carefully defining their impact scores.

Defining Impact Areas

The CIS RAM describes two impact areas that should be included in a Tier 1 organization’s risk
evaluation; Impact to Mission and Impact to Obligations. Each of these impact areas address the
interests of people or organizations who may be affected by information security risk. They each
play a significant and unique role in analyzing risk, and should be defined within those roles, as
described below.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 117

Defining Mission
Definition: An organization’s mission is the value it provides others, and that requires that they
engage in risk together to achieve that value. A college educates its students, but students must
give personal and financial information to those colleges in order to receive the education.
Retailers provide products to customers, but in many cases customers turn over their financial
information to those organizations to receive those products. Cloud service providers offer
Internet-based functionality to business customers, but those customers must turn over business
process or operations to those services as a result. So “mission” is a way of asking, “What’s in it
for the others?” who engage in risk with the organization.

Example Mission Definitions should have the following characteristics:

• Concisely state the benefit the organization provides that encourages others to enjoin
them in information security risk.
• Convey a simple fact that can be observed and measured.
• Describe something that the organization already manages to, and that personnel will
recognize as important to the organization.

Example 1: A custom manufacturer uses their customers’ intellectual property to quickly make
components that are perfect upon delivery. Their mission definition may be, “To provide
customers with products that meet their unique specifications, without fail.” The message is
simple, it can be measured, and the organization likely recognizes this as something that they
manage to. Moreover, the definition can be useful when a risk assessor tries to determine what
core values may be harmed is a risk were to occur, or if a safeguard is too burdensome to the
mission. If the risk assessor recommends a control that prevents customers from sending their
intellectual capital, or that prevents the manufacturer from storing it or sharing it among drafter
and engineers, then the mission would clearly be negatively impacted.
Example 2: A community bank states their mission as, “We promote opportunities to households
and small businesses by providing affordable financial products and advisory services.” They
could say that their mission is to lend and borrow money, but they are thinking ahead to what they
do not want to compromise about that mission, and that is to serve their community. But again,
they have a concise definition that states why others would enjoin in risk with them, that states a
simple, observable, and measurable fact, and that would be familiar to personnel who work at the
Example 3: A telecommunications company is heavily relied upon to provide communication
services that are now considered fundamental to a functioning society. Additionally, they carry
tremendous amounts of private information about their customers, often at considerable
perceived risk by the public. But consumers subscribe to these services for considerable benefit.
The telecommunications company defines their mission this way, “To instantaneously and
transparently connect our customers with the people, organizations, information, and
communication platforms that they care about.” This mission definition is less concise, but it may
be as concise as they could get, considering the complexity of typical telecommunications
services. The definition is measurable, and it would very likely be recognizable by their personnel
as an important value.

Defining Obligations
Definition: An organization’s obligations, at least in terms of information security, are to prevent
foreseeable harm that may come to others as a result of an information security compromise.
These types of harm are commonly associated with identify theft, theft of funds, or lost services

Version 1.0 – April 2018 118

and data. But it is critical to keep in mind that obligations should explicitly state the harm that may
come to others so that risk assessors, management, and interested parties know that the
organization is careful to protect others from harm. So “obligations” are a way of asking, “What
foreseeable harm could come to others that we should prevent?”
A Good Obligations Definition should have the following characteristics:
• Concisely state the organization’s intent to prevent harm that information security
incidents may cause others.
• Convey a simple fact that can be observed and measured.
• Describe something that the organization already manages to, and that personnel will
recognize as important to the organization.
Example 1: The custom manufacturer is concerned about the harm that their customers may
suffer if their intellectual capital – their product designs – are leaked to the public and to the
customers’ competitors. Their customers often provide specifications for components that would
reveal secrets about new products. The manufacturer states their obligations this way, “Our
customers’ intellectual property must be kept confidential to preserve their market advantage.”
The definition is concise, it states a foreseeable harm to others that must be guarded against, t
could be measured, and personnel would know that protection of customers’ intellectual property
is important.
Example 2: The community bank knows that their customers are in a particularly vulnerable
position. They are often taking on risk while buying homes or starting businesses, and have less
room for error. A missed paycheck or even slight misuse of financial information could mean the
difference between success and failure for them. So the community bank uses this as their
obligations definition, “We must protect our customers’ reputation and financial future against
misuse of their financial or personal information.” Again, this definition is concise, it is
measurable, and it would be known and recognized by the bank’s personnel.
Example 3: The telecommunications company is a complex organization that can imagine
multiple kinds of harm that could result from an information security compromise. An organization
with many obligations (or missions or objectives) may state them in their definitions. For example,
the telecommunications company realizes that they may foreseeably breach personal
communications about their customers, and their communication services may fail when critical
applications depend on them. They will state two obligations, “We must protect our customers’
communications records to prevent reputational or financial harm. We must meet our service
level agreements with customers to prevent harm that may result from unreliable connectivity.”
As an example, the top row of the impact definitions for the manufacturer would start to take
shape as in the table below.

Table 76 - Impact Area Definitions Example (Partial)

Impact to Our Mission Impact to Obligations

Our customers’ intellectual property must be

To provide customers with products that meet
kept confidential to preserve their market
their unique specifications, without fail.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 119

Defining Impact Scores
After defining impact areas, the organization will need to define impact scores for each impact
area. Each score (‘1’ through ‘3’) will have one definition per impact area, as shown in Figure 26.
There are a few principles that organizations should consider as they define their risk scores.
Consider the scores as having the following meanings:

Table 77 - Impact Scoring Guidance

1 An impact that would be acceptable to the mission, objectives, and obligations. An
impact would be noticeable, but is likely unavoidable even after significant investment
in controls. It would be considered tolerable by all affected parties.
2 An impact that would be considered unacceptable by any party. While the impact may
be recoverable through additional efforts, investment, or time, the organization could
have reduced the risk of that impact with security controls.
3 The impact would be catastrophic. The mission, objectives, and/or obligations would
no longer be feasible.

Score ‘1’ is shaded to indicate that these impacts should be defined in a way that would be
acceptable to all parties.
As impact score definitions are written, the organization should think through how impacts to their
mission and obligations would appear at each of these levels.
The manufacturer’s impact score definitions are shown below to illustrate the point.

Table 78 - Example Impact Score Definitions

Impact Score Impact to Our Mission Impact to Obligations

To provide customers with products Our customers’ intellectual property

Defined that meet their unique specifications, must be kept confidential to preserve
without fail. their market advantage.

Information about jobs may be

1 Occasional orders cannot be fulfilled. known, but nothing that can harm
customers' market position.

Products are delivered outside of

A single customer experiences
spec and customers believe that we
2 market repercussions based on a
cannot produce custom products
security incident.
without fail.

Customers can no longer expect

We can no longer produce reliable,
3 confidentiality protection when
custom products.
working with us.

When reading an impact definition horizontally across one score, note that the impact definition in
each impact area are equally harmful to all parties. This is a critically important feature of Duty of
Care risk analysis. It ensures that risk analysis is equitable. No party’s harm is considered more
or less tolerable than any other party’s harm. What’s acceptable to one equates to what is

Version 1.0 – April 2018 120

acceptable to all (the shaded score ‘1’). What is catastrophic to one equates to what would be
catastrophic to all.
Example impact definitions for all three example organizations are provided in the supplementary
document CIS_RAM_Workbook in the tab “Example Impact Definitions” to assist the reader’s
comfort and familiarity with this subject.

Defining Impacts for Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 organizations

Perhaps the most important early step in the risk assessment is to develop effective impact
definitions. The CIS RAM is based on Duty of Care Risk Analysis principles to enable
organizations to make conscientious evaluations of their current and intended risk. A risk
assessment that results from the CIS RAM should show whether information security safeguards
are appropriate to the public, while being reasonable to the organization. The core of this analysis
is the impact definitions, and the balance and consensus that they are meant to establish.
This section will provide guidance for defining impact types effectively.

Table 79 – Summary Evaluation of Impact Definition

Benefits Limits
- Consistent method to evaluate risk - Poorly defined impact definitions can
impacts. frustrate risk assessors.
- Satisfies “cost-benefit” analysis that - Poorly “balanced” impact definitions
regulators use. may not reduce legal liabilities.
- Satisfies “duty of care balance test”
that courts rely on.
- Balances business interests with
public interest.

The primary purpose of impact definitions is to provide risk assessors with a consistent method
for scoring risks that is fair to all potentially affected parties. A risk evaluation should demonstrate
as much concern for the organization as it does for others.
To make this possible, impact definitions should be designed with the concept of balance firmly in
Recall the impact definitions used for Tier 2, Tier 3 and Tier 4 organizations shown in Figure 27.
Three columns address the interests of the parties who may be effected by information security
risk. Each of these columns is considered an “impact type.” The organization itself is considered
by evaluating the potential impacts to their ability to succeed in the “Impact to Objectives” column.
The safety of the organization’s patient customers is considered in the “Impact to Obligations”
column. And the “Impact to Mission” column addresses the main purpose for the two parties to
enjoin in the risk … the beneficial reason for customers and the organization to share information.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 121

Figure 27 - Example Impact Definitions

Now consider the impact scores, and the red boundary that separates scores ‘1’ and ‘2’ from
scores ‘3’, ‘4’, and ‘5’. This boundary marks the division between impacts that would presumably
be acceptable to all parties, and those that would not be.
Consider how impacts for scores ‘1’ and ‘2’ would appear to the organization, patient customers,
and legal authorities. The organization using this impact definition is stating that they would
accept impacts from threats if they result in conditions similar to how scores ‘1’ and ‘2’ are
defined. Threats that are scored with an impact as high as ‘2’ would indicate that; not all patients
would receive the information they needed, profits would be off-target, but within planned
variance, and patients would be concerned about a security incident, but would not suffer harm.
Then consider how impacts for scores of ‘3’ are defined. Threats that would foreseeably result in
an impact score of ‘3’ could mean that some patients who cannot access information may not
maintain good health outcomes. That scenario is clearly an unacceptable impact to the
organization’s mission, and would not make it worthwhile for patients to entrust their information
with that organization. In terms of the objectives, the organization’s profitability would be off-plan
and would require a fiscal year to recover. Again, this is unacceptable and should be invested
against so the scenario is avoided. And finally, the impact score of ‘3’ for obligations would be
unacceptable because some of the patient customers could foreseeably be harmed financially or
reputationally as a result of an incident – presumably because of identity theft.
All of these features of an impact definition make it effective for estimating risk in a way that is
equitable to all potentially affected parties, and even for driving consensus within the organization
that uses it. After all, the interests and purpose of the organization are addressed as well as the
interests of the public.
Organizations can build effective impact definitions by thoughtfully defining their impact areas,
and then by carefully defining their impact scores.

Defining Impact Areas

The CIS RAM describes three impact areas that should be included in risk evaluation; Impact to
Mission, Impact to Objectives, and Impact to Obligations. Each of these impact areas address the
interests of people or organizations who may be affected by information security risk. They each

Version 1.0 – April 2018 122

play a significant and unique role in analyzing risk, and should be defined within those roles, as
described below.

Defining Mission
Definition: An organization’s mission is the value it provides others, and that requires that they
engage in risk together to achieve that value. A college educates its students, but students must
give personal and financial information to those colleges in order to receive the education.
Retailers provide products to customers, but in many cases customers turn over their financial
information to those organizations to receive those products. Cloud service providers offer
Internet-based functionality to business customers, but those customers must turn over business
process or operations to those services as a result. So “mission” is a way of asking, “What’s in it
for the others?” who engage in risk with the organization.
Example Mission Definitions should have the following characteristics:
• Concisely state the benefit the organization provides that encourages others to enjoin
them in information security risk.
• Convey a simple fact that can be observed and measured.
• Describe something that the organization already manages to, and that personnel will
recognize as important to the organization.
Example 1: A custom manufacturer uses their customers’ intellectual property to quickly make
components that are perfect upon delivery. Their mission definition may be, “To provide
customers with products that meet their unique specifications, without fail.” The message is
simple, it can be measured, and the organization likely recognizes this as something that they
manage to. Moreover, the definition can be useful when a risk assessor tries to determine what
core values may be harmed is a risk were to occur, or if a safeguard is too burdensome to the
mission. If the risk assessor recommends a control that prevents customers from sending their
intellectual capital, or that prevents the manufacturer from storing it or sharing it among drafter
and engineers, then the mission would clearly be negatively impacted.
Example 2: A community bank states their mission as, “We promote opportunities to households
and small businesses in our community by providing affordable financial products and advisory
services.” They could say that their mission is to lend and borrow money, but they are thinking
ahead to what they do not want to compromise about that mission, and that is to serve their
community. But again, they have a concise definition that states why others would enjoin in risk
with them, that states a simple, observable, and measurable fact, and that would be familiar to
personnel who work at the bank.
Example 3: A telecommunications company is heavily relied upon to provide communication
services that are now considered fundamental to a functioning society. Additionally, they carry
tremendous amounts of private information about their customers, often at considerable
perceived risk by the public. But consumers subscribe to these services for considerable benefit.
The telecommunications company defines their mission this way, “To instantaneously and
transparently connect our customers with the people, organizations, information, and
communication platforms that they care about.” This mission definition is less concise, but it may
be as concise as they could get, considering the complexity of typical telecommunications
services. The definition is measurable, and it would very likely be recognizable by their personnel
as an important value.

Defining Objectives
Definition: An organization’s objectives are more inwardly focused and more selfish. As people
commonly think of the “burden” of a safeguard, they often think of “objectives” and most often of

Version 1.0 – April 2018 123

financial burden, or “cost.” But cost is an overly-narrow and potentially hazardous risk metric.
Organizations should want to stay away from analysis that associates financial amounts to levels
of harm that others would suffer. “We won’t spend $200,000 to protect our customers’ privacy,” is
a terrible message to send to personnel, to customers, and to the public. Rather, organizations
should think about indicators that they are succeeding or failing as on organization, independently
of their mission definition. So “objectives” are a way of asking, “How do we know we are a
successful organization?”
A Good Objectives Definition should have the following characteristics:
• Concisely state indicators of success that are independent of the mission definition.
• Convey a simple fact that can be observed and measured.
• Describe something that the organization already manages to, and that personnel will
recognize as important to the organization.
Example 1: The custom manufacturer has a five-year plan to expand into two new markets and
quadruple its production and profits. They know not to associate dollars to potential harm to
others, but growth in productivity and profitability can still be properly stated as an objective. Their
objectives definition may be, “To quadruple our production and profits in five years through
expansion into two new markets.” The message is concise and independent of the mission,20 can
be observed and measured, and would be known by personnel, but particularly by management
whose goals would be aligned with the five-year plan.
Example 2: The community bank’s mission is a compelling one, and they may want to associate
the success of their bank with the success of their community. But they must operate as a viable
financial institution if they are to service their community members. So their objectives will be
targeted to that goal. They believe that they need to maintain a certain return-on-assets ratio to
off-set future financial risk and state it this way, “We must retain a return-on-assets of 1.25%
year-over-year.” This definition is a concise indicator of success that can be easily measured, and
that personnel, and certainly managers and officers, would already be operating to.
Example 3: The telecommunications company knows one thing very well; that regardless of their
earnings, their growth in consumer base, their growth in capital investments, or their reputation …
if they slip below their “top two” status in their competitive market, they will be targeted for
acquisition. They define their objectives this way, “To grow our subscriber base, communications
capital, and revenue faster than our competition and to remain number one or two in the
marketplace.” Again, this is less concise, but the company relies on many moving parts to be
successful. The objectives definition can be measured, and personnel are certainly aware of the
goals and are responsible for managing to them.
Note Regarding Use of Financial Costs as Objectives: Organizations that wish to state their
impacts in terms of financial costs should carefully consider the message they send to
colleagues, interested parties, and authorities as they define their objectives impact scores. If an
unacceptable impact score (‘3’) for objectives states, for example, “$100,000,” and the same
score (‘3’) for obligations is “Up to 100 customers would have their information stolen and
abused” or something similar, then is the organization saying, “We would not spend $100,000 to

20The success of the objectives may be dependent on the success of the mission, but the
definition of the of the objectives is not relying on the definition of the mission.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 124

protect 100 customers?” If so, are they prepared for how their colleagues, the public, and legal
authorities will perceive that message?
By focusing on the magnitude of impacts against objectives (even the noble cause of profitability
or financial performance) in terms of harm to the organization (their ability to operate profitably, or
recover profitability after an event) they can present their risk balance responsibly.
This qualitative approach to evaluating impacts to financial objectives is still useful by describing
the cost of recommended safeguards and evaluating the magnitude that the cost will have on the
objectives. Such case-by-case comparisons would still state financial value of the proposed
safeguard, but that financial value would be weighed against an operating principal called
“profitability” or “financial performance” which regulations and courts already include in their
definition of “burden.”

Defining Obligations
Definition: An organization’s obligations, at least in terms of information security, are to prevent
foreseeable harm that may come to others as a result of an information security compromise.
These types of harm are commonly associated with identify theft, theft of funds, or lost services
and data. But it is critical to keep in mind that obligations should explicitly state the harm that may
come to others so that risk assessors, management, and interested parties know that the
organization is careful to protect others from harm. So “obligations” are a way of asking, “What
foreseeable harm could come to others that we should prevent?”
A Good Obligations Definition should have the following characteristics:
• Concisely state the organization’s intent to prevent harm that information security
incidents may cause others.
• Convey a simple fact that can be observed and measured.
• Describe something that the organization already manages to, and that personnel will
recognize as important to the organization.
Example 1: The custom manufacturer is concerned about the harm that their customers may
suffer if their intellectual capital – their product designs – are leaked to the public and to the
customers’ competitors. Their customers often provide specifications for components that would
reveal secrets about new products. The manufacturer states their obligations this way, “Our
customers’ intellectual property must be kept confidential to preserve their market advantage.”
The definition is concise, it states a foreseeable harm to others that must be guarded against, t
could be measured, and personnel would know that protection of customers’ intellectual property
is important.
Example 2: The community bank knows that their customers are in a particularly vulnerable
position. They are often taking on risk while buying homes or starting businesses, and have less
room for error. A missed paycheck or even slight misuse of financial information could mean the
difference between success and failure for them. So the community bank uses this as their
obligations definition, “We must protect our customers’ reputation and financial future against
misuse of their financial or personal information.” Again, this definition is concise, it is
measurable, and it would be known and recognized by the bank’s personnel.
Example 3: The telecommunications company is a complex organization that can imagine
multiple kinds of harm that could result from an information security compromise. An organization
with many obligations (or missions or objectives) may state them in their definitions. For example,
the telecommunications company realizes that they may foreseeably breach personal
communications about their customers, and their communication services may fail when critical
applications depend on them. They will state two obligations, “We must protect our customers’

Version 1.0 – April 2018 125

communications records to prevent reputational or financial harm. We must meet our service
level agreements with customers to prevent harm that may result from unreliable connectivity.”
As an example, the top row of the impact definitions for the manufacturer would start to take
shape as in the table below.

Table 80 - Impact Area Definitions Example (Partial)

Impact to Our Mission Impact to Objectives Impact to Obligations
To quadruple our
To provide customers with Our customers’ intellectual
production and profits in
products that meet their property must be kept
five years through
unique specifications, confidential to preserve
expansion into two new
without fail. their market advantage.

Defining Impact Scores

After defining impact areas, the organization will need to define impact scores for each impact
area. Each score (‘1’ through ‘5’) will have one definition per impact area, as shown in Figure 27.
There are a few principles that organizations should consider as they define their risk scores.
Consider the scores as having the following meanings:

Table 81 - Impact Scoring Guidance

1 An impact that would be negligible for the mission, objectives, and obligations.
If any impact were to occur, it would not be noticeable.
2 An impact that would be acceptable to the mission, objectives and obligations. An
impact would be noticeable, but is likely unavoidable even after significant investment
in controls. It would be considered tolerable by all affected parties.
3 An impact that would be considered unacceptable by any party. While the impact may
be recoverable through additional efforts, investment, or time, the organization could
have reduced the risk of that impact with security controls.
4 An impact that would be considered large, but recoverable. Significant efforts and
investments would need to be made to recover for all parties.
5 The impact would be catastrophic. The mission, objectives, and/or obligations would
no longer be feasible.

Scores ‘1’ and ‘2’ are shaded to indicate that these impacts should be defined in a way that would
be acceptable to all parties.
As impact score definitions are written, the organization should think through how impacts to their
mission, objectives, and obligations would appear at each of these levels.
The manufacturer’s impact score definitions are shown below to illustrate the point.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 126

Table 82 - Example Impact Score Definitions

Impact to Our Mission Impact to Objectives Impact to Obligations
To quadruple our
To provide customers with Our customers’ intellectual
production and profits in
products that meet their property must be kept
Defined five years through
unique specifications, without confidential to preserve
expansion into two new
fail. their market advantage.
Customers receive excellent Our growth plan remains All intellectual property is
products, as needed. on target. protected.
Information about jobs may
Our annual targets are off
Occasional orders cannot be be known, but nothing that
2 year-by-year, but within
fulfilled. can harm customers'
planned variance.
market position.
Information about a job
Our growth is too low for leaks, and a customer
Contracted work for few
one year, but can be needs to investigate
3 customers cannot be
recovered to meet the whether it created harm.
completed as planned.
five-year goal. Even if direct harm would
not result.
Products are delivered outside A single customer
of spec and customers believe We cannot meet the five- experiences market
that we cannot produce year growth plan. repercussions based on a
custom products without fail. security incident.
Customers can no longer
We can no longer produce We cannot operate expect confidentiality
reliable, custom products. profitably. protection when working
with us.

When reading an impact definition horizontally across one score, note that the impact definition in
each impact area are equally harmful to all parties. This is a critically important feature of Duty of
Care risk analysis. It ensures that risk analysis is equitable. No party’s harm is considered more
or less tolerable than any other party’s harm. What’s acceptable to one equates to what is
acceptable to all (the shaded scores ‘1’ and ‘2’). What is catastrophic to one equates to what
would be catastrophic to all.
Example impact definitions for all three example organizations are provided in the supplementary
document CIS_RAM_Workbook in the tab “Example Impact Definitions” to assist the reader’s
comfort and familiarity with this subject.

Estimating Likelihood Through “Defense-Readiness” Analysis

The CIS RAM presents a standardized method for estimating the likelihood of an incident by
focusing on how a threat could interact with a vulnerability. This concept of foreseeability is easily
communicated to broad audiences, and is embedded in legal and regulatory language, so it is a
useful construct for likelihood estimation. However, some organizations need more rigor while
estimating likelihood and can achieve that by evaluating the characteristics of a successful or
failed attack in their environment.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 127

Table 83 – Summary Evaluation of Defense-Readiness Analysis

Benefits Limits
- Consistent method to evaluate likelihood - Not based on an established standard
- Supports evidence-based estimation - Evidence-based criteria are optional

Borrowing from Binary Risk Analysis,21 “defense-readiness analysis” asks a series of questions
about attacks and safeguards to estimate the ability of a control to detect or prevent foreseeable
threats.22 A risk assessor can quickly evaluate defense-readiness by asking a set of questions
such as these:
1. Is this threat expected either because it is a common cause of incidents, or because the
skills and resources needed to enact the threat are common?
2. Does the control leave the asset exposed to this threat occasionally or partially?
3. Are there no other safeguards or conditions between the asset and the threat?
4. Is the vulnerability present on a frequent or consistent basis?
Organizations that use a 1 through 5 likelihood scale could then derive the likelihood score
reducing the maximum score of ‘5’ by ‘1’ for each ‘yes’ response that they provide to the fortitude
questions. Organizations that use a 1 through 3 likelihood scale may choose to assign .5 points
per response to arrive at scores between 1 and 3.
As an example of this analysis process, an organization is concerned that its software developers
have access to the production environment. CIS Control 18.9 states, “Maintain separate
environments for production and nonproduction systems. Developers should not have
unmonitored access to production environments.” The threat model they are evaluating relates to
promotion of unsecure or malfunctioning code to the production environment. The organization
currently has a policy that requires code review and approval prior to promoting code to
production, but many software developers have access to the production environment in case
they need to respond to emergencies.
To estimate the likelihood of the risk, they answer the defense-readiness analysis questions

Table 84 – Defense-Readiness Analysis Example

Defense-Readiness Analysis Question
(1 = ”Yes”, 0 = ”No”)
Is this threat expected either because it is a common cause
of incidents, or because the skills and resources needed to 1
enact the threat are common?

21 (accessed January 3, 2018)

22While Binary Risk Analysis provides a rigorous analytic process, it must be modified to address
the concepts of “reasonable” and “appropriate” that are central to the CIS RAM and the legal and
regulatory sphere.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 128

Defense-Readiness Analysis Question
(1 = ”Yes”, 0 = ”No”)
Does the control leave the asset exposed to this threat
occasionally or partially?
Are there no other safeguards or conditions between the
asset and the threat?
Is the vulnerability present on a frequent or consistent
Likelihood score (Sum of responses). 4

The organization arrives at a likelihood score of ‘4’ after their analysis. If a careless or hurried
programmer is the threat in this scenario, then the organization responds with these scores for
the following reasons.
1. The threat is a common cause for breaches, and requires common skills to access the
production environment and promote code, so the organization responds with ‘1’.
2. The logical access safeguards that protect the production environment always permit
programmers to promote code, so the organization responds to this question with a ‘1’.
3. Because the programmers generally adhere to policies, secure coding practices, and
documented workflows, there are other safeguards that would prevent the promotion of
harmful code to the production environment. So the organization answers with a ‘0’.
4. And the vulnerability is consistently present so the organization responds again with a ‘1’.
Finally, they add the responses to achieve their likelihood score, which is in this case ‘4’.
Organizations should be aware that defense-readiness analysis is not necessarily evidence-
based, and does not comprehensively examine all aspects of control strength. The benefit of
defense-readiness analysis is to help organizations systematically, thoughtfully, and consistently
estimate their likelihood scores based on internal and external criteria.
For example, an organization can also consistently analyze defense-readiness by asking
questions similar to those below:
1. Is the asset in this threat scenario attractive to well-resourced hackers?
2. Is this attack a common cause for breaches in our industry?
3. Has this control been evaluated as effective using a penetration test, or other rigorous
4. Is our time to detect-and-prevent this attack’s impact shorter than the time the attack
needs to create an impact?
Defense-readiness can take evidence into consideration by reviewing information security data
about their environment (if they have implemented the tools necessary to gather that information),
and by reviewing known causes for information security events, incidents, and breaches.

Using Probability with Duty of Care Risk Analysis

Some organizations have useful sources of data to conduct probability analysis to help them
determine the likelihood of risks. Probability analysis requires statistical methods, well-honed
estimation skills, and good data to determine the likelihood of an event, or of events with certain

Version 1.0 – April 2018 129

Table 85 - Summary Evaluation of Using Probability with Duty of Care Risk Analysis

Benefits Limits
- Supports evidence-based estimation - Statistical estimates must address all
- Risk assessors may rely on professional impact types to properly evaluate each
rigor to improve risk estimation over time. risk on a due-care basis.

This section will propose an approach to link probability analysis to “duty of care” assessments,
but will not present a comprehensive method for doing so, nor will it provide an explanation of the
probability analysis that this section refers to. Readers who use probability analysis for
information security management are encouraged to explore integration methods like those
described here.
Probability analysis is complementary to the risk evaluation methods described in the CIS RAM,
but readers should understand their differences.
1. With the right guidance, applying probability models to individual cybersecurity risks is
(probably) simpler than the reader may imagine.23
2. Probability is evidence-based and can help organizations model increasingly realistic
threat scenarios, especially as the rigor of their methods increases.
3. Probability is built upon decades of sound methodology, driven by professional
statisticians, using universally recognized processes for reducing uncertainty.
Organizations that can use probability methods should do so.
4. Probability models often result in ranges or curves, rather than discrete scores such as
those produced by the RAM. Ranges of possible outcomes resemble “estimation” better
than a discrete value does. However, ranges and curves are more difficult to compare
and prioritize than discrete scores.
5. Cybersecurity threat scenarios are varied, and therefore require a variety of probability
methods to estimate their likelihood. This makes their raw results hard to compare and
rank. A Monte Carlo simulation that provides a single value (for example, a “22%” chance
an unencrypted laptop will be stolen) and a Bayes model that provides a curve describing
several possibilities of likelihoods of dollar impact (such as “13% chance of $750,000 loss
and 24% chance of 177,000 loss) are not readily comparable. And comparing them to a
single risk acceptance criterion will be similarly difficult.
6. Probability models on their own do not naturally align with duty of care questions posed
by regulations or litigation. Regulations and litigation insist on evaluating “due care” by
balancing different kinds of things (safety of customers versus the value of services
provided to them, for example). Statistical models that describe impact in terms of one
thing (i.e. cost of an impact) miss other real consequences of cybersecurity breaches,
such as harm to others, or the burden of too-stringent safeguards (i.e. reduction in
services, risks to personnel safety, difficulty in operating profitably, or the benefits that an

23Douglas Hubbard of Hubbard Research has published many books on the subject, the latest of
which focuses exclusively on cybersecurity. Hubbard, Douglas and Richard Seierson. How to
Measure Anything in Cybersecurity. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2016.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 130

organization provides to others, etc.). When all impacts are evaluated in terms of dollars,
juries and judges tend to see the risk assessment unfavorably.24
But organizations that are well-trained in statistics and estimation should use probability modeling
and simulations to feed their Duty of Care analysis. How, then, would such an organization
accomplish this using the CIS RAM?
Such organizations cold “translate” the output of their probability models (such as Bayesian
distributions, Monte Carlo simulations, or estimates) into the likelihood scores or risk scores that
are used in the risk register.
Consider the case of a Bayesian distribution for the risk of malware causing a breach on an end-
user system, given the use of a robust malware prevention system. The risk probability can be
calculated as such:
P(malware breach | malware prevention) = P(malware | malware prevention) P(malware breach |
malware) + (1 – P(malware | malware prevention) P(malware breach | ~malware) = (.05)(.75) +
(.95)(.01) = 4.7%.25
Recall that the impact scoring table for a Tier 2 or Tier 3 and Tier 4 organization has five values
that describe levels of foreseeability. An organization can very easily add a column to their
likelihood definitions table (as in Table 86) to state how they associate foreseeability with
Note: The probability values provided in Table 86 are illustrative only. Each organization could
determine for themselves how to associate foreseeability with probability while defining their risk
assessment criteria. Over time, the organization should review and update this table.

Table 86 – Example Likelihood Definitions Aligned with Probability

Likelihood Foreseeability Probability %

1 Not foreseeable < .5%
2 Foreseeable but not expected < 5%
3 Expected to occur < 10%
4 A common occurrence < 25%
5 May be happening now <= 100%

The organization’s probability of malware given their robust malware prevention system is 4.7%,
which is below 5% (the organization’s definition for “Foreseeable but not expected” likelihood).
This guides them to select the Likelihood value of ‘2’ for the risk of malware infection. They would
then select the impact scores for such a scenario to derive their risk score.

24Viscusi, W. Kip, “Jurors, Judges, and the Mistreatment of Risk by the Courts.” Journal of Legal
Studies, vol. XXX (January 2001).
25Note: The CIS RAM does not expect that readers understand or use probability analysis. This
calculation is shown only to demonstrate how probabilistic analysis can be coordinated with the

Version 1.0 – April 2018 131

And because some probability analysis results in multiple possibilities within a range (i.e. a 1%
chance of a complete system failure, or a 15% chance of a partial system failure) a risk register
may simply show the same risk twice, but with two different risk evaluations.
Results such as these – multiple risks within a range – are often caused by a precondition that
may or may not be in place when the threat occurs. For example, a low risk of a complete system
failure may be associated with normal operating conditions, and a higher risk may be associated
with a busy season or other non-typical circumstance. Two risks on the risk register could then
describe the two risks differently and call out their dependence on the precondition (i.e. risk one is
associated with the busy season, risk 2 is associated with normal operations.).
Many probability models produce a range of both likelihood and impact scores, such as the
Bayesian distribution depicted in Figure 28.

Figure 28 - Probability Curve Example

A benefit to such a probability range is that it estimates both the likelihood and impact values of a
risk. At its greatest likelihood, there appears to be about a 24.9% probability of a $1MM impact. At
its lowest likelihood, there appears to be below 1% probability of a cost of $20MM or greater. This
allows the client to either state a high likelihood of a lower cost, or a lower likelihood of a higher
cost. The organization could model both of these scenarios to determine which creates the
greater risk score to address that risk.
Pairing the probability curve to the modified likelihood definitions table (Table 86), the highest
probability score (less than 25%) appears to be at the upper edge of a likelihood score of ‘4’.
If the organization’s impact scoring table refers to cost or budget impacts (perhaps in the
Objectives column) then $1MM would be considered within the context of those impact values.
For example, the organization may determine that a $1MM loss would take more than one year to
recover from, indicating an impact value of ‘4’ under their Objectives column in Table 87. That

Version 1.0 – April 2018 132

would leave them with a risk score of ‘16’ by multiplying the likelihood score of ‘4’ and the impact
score of ‘4’.

Table 87 – Example Impact Definitions

Impact Impact to Mission Impact to Impact to Obligations

Score Objectives
Mission: Provide information to Obligations: Patients must not
help remote patients stay Objectives: Operate be harmed by compromised
healthy. profitably. information.
1 Patients continue to access Profits are on target. Patients do not experience
helpful information, and loss of service or protection.
outcomes are on track.
2 Some patients may not get all Profits are off target, Patients may be concerned,
the information they need as but are within but not harmed.
they request it. planned variance.
3 Some patients cannot access Profits are off Some patients may be
the information they need to planned variance and harmed financially or
maintain good health may take a fiscal reputationally after
outcomes. year to recover. compromise of information or
4 Many patients consistently Profits may take Many patients may be
cannot access beneficial more than a fiscal harmed financially or
information. year to recover. reputationally
5 We can no longer provide The organization Some patients may be
helpful information to remote cannot operate harmed financially,
patients. profitably. reputationally, or physically,
up to and including death.

While organizations may be pleased with the ease by which they can align their probability
outputs to their due-care risk assessment criteria, probability should be modeled against all
impact criteria. Risk analysis that only considers financial impacts to the organization misses a
necessary component of cybersecurity risk analysis; estimating and taking responsibility for the
potential harm that others may suffer. As well, the organization must evaluate the risk of
safeguards using the same probability models.
For thorough and practical guidance on using probability analysis for cybersecurity decision-
making, consult the book, How to Measure Anything in Cybersecurity by Douglas Hubbard.26

Noting How Realized Risk Might be Detected

Risk assessments provide organizations with insight into how security incidents and breaches will
foreseeably occur. This provides organizations with an opportunity to tie their risk register to their
processes for security log management and alerting, for incident response planning, and for
security awareness training. All these benefits can be added to a risk register by adding a single
column “Realized Risk.”

26Hubbard, Douglas W., Richard Seiersen. How to Measure Anything in Cybersecurity. Hoboken,
NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2016

Version 1.0 – April 2018 133

This column, which could follow the threat model on any of the risk registers that are illustrated in
this document, would describe how the organization would know if an attack or error was in
progress, or if an incident or event had occurred.
Consider the following risks:

Table 88 - Realized Risks Column Example

Current Control Vulnerability Threat Realized Risk

Vulnerability scans Systems that have Hackers or malware IP traffic is sent to

occur occasionally and joined the network may attack and control or from hosts
may not identify all between sporadic systems that have not whose MAC
systems that have been scans will not be been detected, addresses are not
on the network between detected. controlled, and in the vulnerability
scans. monitored. scan output.
Vulnerability scans A 24-hour window of Hackers or malware Unusual traffic
occur when Threat Info vulnerability remains may attack and control sent to the
Service announces a with the current systems that have not unpatched
moderate-to-high process. been patched within systems.
vulnerability that needs the 24-hour period
patching. Team reliably after the vulnerability
patches systems within was announced.
24 hours of
Vulnerability scans Enterprise Hackers or malware SQL command
occur when Threat Info management may attack and control strings sent from
Service announces a application systems enterprise client browsers
moderate-to-high are unpatched for more management and from form
vulnerability that needs than one year. application fields and URL
patching. Team patches environment. requests.
most systems within 24
hours of announcement.

The organization now has a simple way to know what to look out for in terms of log-able events,
to add escalation indicators to their incident response plan document, and to use in information
security awareness training (especially for those realized risk indicators that are recognizable by
general personnel).
Using Realized Risk for Monitoring: In the case of the first “realized risk” notation, the
organization may decide to detect risks by comparing MAC addresses in ARP caches to those in
their vulnerability scan output. With the right tools or scripting skills, this may be simple to achieve
for them.
Using Realized Risk for Incident Response: The organization may note in their incident response
plan that they need to take action when a MAC address appears for an unknown device (which
would be hyper-vigilant in this case, but to illustrate the point).
Using Realized Risk for Training and Awareness: And the organization may use this as an
opportunity to describe to systems engineers and help desk personnel information that may help
them detect and investigate other unexpected activities on the network.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 134

Leveraging Duty of Care Risk Analysis for Maturity Models

Many organizations use maturity models to evaluate the security capabilities in their environment.
Maturity model evaluations ask questions about specific security controls or control groups so
evaluators can determine how formalized an organization’s security program is. Maturity models
can be aligned to CIS RAM risk assessments by aligning a control in the maturity model with a
corresponding CIS control in a risk register to determine the risk acceptability of the maturity

Table 89 - Summary Evaluation of Using Duty of Care Risk Analysis for Maturity Models

Benefits Limits
- Organizations may continue to - Some authorities who insist on
evaluate the formalization of their evaluating organizations solely with
security programs. maturity models may not accept
- Some moderate maturity scores may moderate maturity scores that align
be sufficient if aligned with reasonable with reasonable risk.

Maturity model evaluations generally ask organizations a set of control descriptions, and provide
multiple-choice values as optional responses to the control description. For example, control
descriptions for vulnerability management may state something similar to this:
Vulnerabilities are resolved within three business days.
Optional responses would be similar to this (though responses vary from one maturity model to
the next):
0 = Not in place
1 = Ad hoc
2 = Documented
3 = Consistently applied
4 = Tested and corrected
5 = Continuously improved.
If an organization applies this process and they check for success with subsequent weekly tests,
but do not improve their test, they would answer with a “4.”

If this organization also conducts a CIS RAM risk assessment, they will have examined this
control in a risk format in their risk register. In this case, they would have examined CIS Control
3.6 “Compare back-to-back vulnerability scans.” They may have determined that the likelihood
and impact of foreseeable threats is acceptably low. If their risk analysis tells the organization that
their existing review process is acceptable in terms of risk, then they can also note that in their
maturity evaluation this way.

Table 90 - Example Maturity Model Mapped to Risk

Control Existing Control Maturity Score Risk

Weekly vulnerability scans
review findings to determine 4 Accept
are resolved
whether any vulnerabilities

Version 1.0 – April 2018 135

Control Existing Control Maturity Score Risk
within three were identified in previous
business days. scans.

By aligning a maturity score with a risk score, the organization can determine whether they need
to, or wish to, further formalize the control. In this way, the organization can continue to evaluate
their security program using maturity scores, but not feel compelled to continuously improve
unless there is a risk-related reason for doing so.

Interview Techniques

Risk assessment interviews are critical moments for understanding and modeling risk and should
be approached differently than for a compliance assessment or an audit. In a risk assessment,
assessors ask about existing safeguards, as in an audit, but in the context of how foreseeable
threats may compromise information assets given those safeguards.

Table 91 – Summary Evaluation of Interview Techniques

Benefits Limits
- Increases risk awareness among - Personnel descriptions of safeguards
interviewees. and risks may not be accurate.
- Observes key personnel knowledge of
risk issues.

In a compliance assessment or audit, the assessor generally reports a “pass” or “fail” or even a
“partial pass” by observing whether a required control is present. An auto-closing door with an
auditable lock may be “compliant” with a security standard. An operating firewall may qualify as a
“pass” for an audit of the network perimeter. Encryption between an application server and a
database server may be marked as “green” or “low risk” on a report. But in a risk assessment, the
risk assessor brings knowledge to the interview (and later the control configuration review) that
stress-tests the described safeguards.
For example, does the firewall’s ruleset contain no more than the minimal rules and policies that
are required for business? Who gets to change the firewall’s policies and how is their access
tracked? Who has access to the firewall’s CLI and webadmin interfaces, and from what
networks? Is the webadmin interface even active? How is firmware upgraded? How are firewall
event logs reviewed and analyzed? Is access enforced through multi-factor methods? Does the
firewall fail open?
As respondents provide each answer, the risk assessor should then consider a corresponding
threat to help them model the risk. It may be appropriate to model risks with the respondent
present, or after the interview. This depends on a number of factors, including the risk assessor’s
comfort in improvising threat scenarios for each response about a safeguard. But ideally, the risk
assessment interview will involve discussions about threats so that full risk discussions inform
follow-up questions.
Consider how the interview questions above would play out when an interviewee’s responses are
paired with threats.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 136

Table 92 - Interview Threat Pairings

Interview Question Response Paired Threat

Does the firewall’s ruleset No. Some temporary policies Hackers like to exploit firewall
contain no more than the may still be operating. rules that provide access to
minimal rules and policies that internal systems and services.
are required for business? What are the chances they will
find permissive policies on the
firewall now?

(Note: This is an excellent

example of a safeguard to
observe later).
Who gets to change the Two administrators have Two administrators seems to
firewall’s policies and how is privileges with unique be a low number. Do they
their access tracked? accounts. All firewall changes share their passwords with
are logged and alerted to the other administrators to help
security team. out when needed?
Is the webadmin interface It is, but only for internal Attackers or malware may try
even active? networks. to log onto the webadmin
application using guessed or
stolen credentials. How do you
prevent that from happening?
Is access enforced through Yes. Each administrator uses Could an unauthorized person
multi-factor methods? an application on their cell access their phone while at a
phone to receive an out-of- system that can log into the
band, six-figure code that lasts webadmin interface with
one minute. stolen credentials?

By responding to answers with plausible threats, the risk assessor can drive a more interesting
interview about whether a control is sufficiently designed, and can give them indicators of what
safeguards and configurations they would want to follow up on during subsequent configuration
In addition to pairing interviewee responses with plausible threats, organizations should plan their
risk assessment discussions along the lines of a structure, or planned conversation. This helps
ensure that the risk assessor addresses a set of subjects that must be understood during a risk
assessment, and allows them to rely on a plan rather than to exhaust themselves with constant
Consider using one or more of these rubrics to set the rhythm of risk assessment interviews.
Rubric 1: “Full Lifecycle of Use,” or “Process Audit.” This method forces risk assessment
participants to think of information assets as something that changes over the course of its usage.
The process is generally useful for assessors who have experience in security operations,
because it requires them to have practical knowledge of how information assets are developed
and managed.
An example of a full lifecycle of use interview process will illustrate the point.
1. An information asset’s lifecycle starts with defining the business requirements that it is
being built for.
2. Then technical specifications are listed to prepare the information asset to satisfy the
business requirements.
3. A hardening standard would then be selected to build the asset from

Version 1.0 – April 2018 137

4. The information asset is then built, installed, or deployed with primary access rights.
5. More access rights are established, and the information asset if configured.
6. The information asset is included in common security processes, such as log
management, vulnerability management, change management, penetration testing, and
patch management schedules and routines.
7. And finally, it ends its lifecycle by being de-commissioned, lost, stolen, or damaged.
The lifecycle of an information asset provides a risk assessor indications of whether and how
safeguards are applied to the information asset.
So if early interview questions determine that there is no rigorous process for identifying business
requirements or technical specifications for server deployments, then safeguards that will be
discussed further on, such as log management and change management, will be assessed with
the knowledge that initial requirements for the server are not reliably known. A server’s hardening
and configurations processes may permit too many services and access privileges because
business requirements and technical specifications are the appropriate stages for determining the
least capabilities and least privileges for a server.
By the time the risk assessor arrives at questions regarding log management, they would also
know to ask, “How do you know that the servers logs are appropriate to the risks and function of
the system?” For vulnerability management, the risk assessor could ask, “How do you know the
difference between a vulnerability service that is business-appropriate and one that is not?” And
“How do you test patches, upgrades, and configuration changes if you don’t know which
business-critical services you may interrupt?
Again, this process is appropriate for experienced security professionals, or individuals who have
experience in technical operations and understand how previous stages of an information asset’s
lifecycle can influence the effectiveness of safeguards in later stages.
Rubric 2: “Security Management Lifecycle” The security management lifecycle of an information
asset resembles maturity model evaluations used in other security assessment methods. For
those not familiar with maturity models, they resemble something similar to the below table.

Table 93 - Example Maturity Model

Maturity Level Description

1 – Ad hoc Not consistent in practice.
2 – Documented Documents state requirements for processes and configurations.
3 – Implemented Requirements are applied to information assets as safeguards.
4 – Evidenced Tests demonstrate that safeguards are effective.
5 – Detect & Correct Management detects when failures occur and improve identified flaws.

Many assessments impose maturity models such as the one depicted above. In these
assessments, assessors often rely on the selection of a maturity score as their total description of
a safeguard. But without an understanding of an information asset’s resilience to foreseeable
threats, the acceptability of a control will be difficult to evaluate.
Despite this weakness, a maturity model can be useful in evaluating risk. For instance, while a
risk assessor is evaluating a control to determine its resilience against threats, they could use the
maturity model to understand the likelihood of current and future risk.
An example risk assessment conversation about server hardening demonstrates this process

Version 1.0 – April 2018 138

Assessor (Asking the “1 - Ad hoc” question): Do you harden your servers to a known good
Systems Engineer: Yes, our servers are deployed using images based on SCAP policies that
support each operating system version.
Assessor (Asking the “2 - Documented” question): How do you know which SCAP policies to
apply to each server?
Systems Engineer: We have standards that list each implemented operating system and
version, and that state the SCAP policy version to use for each operating system.
Assessor (Asking the “3 - Implemented” question): How many servers in production now are
based on SCAP policies?
Systems Engineer: All servers were built within the last year, so all are configured with its
matching SCAP policy as its baseline.
Assessor (Asking the “4 - Evidenced” question): Are they still configured to the hardening
standard they started with?
Systems Engineer: I think so. Some settings must have changed for new requirements or
troubleshooting. Sometimes we make temporary changes that we don’t always change back.
Assessor (Asking the “5 - Detect & Correct” question): How do you know when a server is no
longer configured to match its SCAP policy?
Systems Engineer: Vulnerability assessments show when there are vulnerabilities, so that’s one
way. But we are not strictly checking for compliance against the SCAP policy after the servers
have been deployed.
Now the organization knows that they started out configuring servers securely, but that the
servers begin to diverge from their known-secure configuration and the organization may not
detect it to correct it, unless the vulnerability scanning software compares server configurations to
their SCAP policies.
Risk assessment interview methods can help drive the discovery and analysis in many ways, and
no single method is ideal. Organizations should consider attempting a variety of methods to see
which work best in different scenarios. But if there is one rule to apply in developing an interview
style it is this: Be flexible to the environment, the capability of the participants and assessors, and
the nature of the information you are trying to obtain. Sticking with one method throughout an
assessment will miss opportunities to discover risk.

Evaluating Inherent Risk

Some organizations are interested in understanding the “inherent risk” of a scope of information
assets. “Inherent risk” is defined in the Glossary as, “The likelihood of an impact when a threat
compromises an unprotected asset.” A risk register that evaluates “inherent risk” would be nearly
identical to the templates provided in the CIS_RAM_Workbook but would not note or consider
controls that are in place to protect information assets.
Organizations that look for inherent risk often want to determine things such as:
1. What potential liabilities do we face in Venture A versus Venture B?
2. If we move a business process into a cloud service, what is the risk/reward of option A
which uses all of our data, versus Option B with uses some of our data?
3. If we engage this business process / technology / facility, what new regulatory
requirements will we bear?
4. What is the current benefit of our existing security program?

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And while inherent risk analysis may provide quick answers to these questions, they appear to
pose a fictional state for most situations. They appear to imagine environments in which there are
truly no security controls. A quick analysis can describe the benefits and limits of inherent risk
analysis in Table 93.

Table 94 – Summary Evaluation of Evaluating Inherent Risk

Benefits Limits
- Aligns with some security evaluation - Assumes a fictional condition without
standards, such as the FFIEC controls.
Cybersecurity Assessment Tool. - Does not evaluate the potential
- Provides a basis for a quick estimation burdens (whether low or high) of
of potential liabilities of certain safeguards in business propositions,
ventures or technical architecture which be material to the attractiveness
decisions. of the proposition.
- May help raise awareness among non-
technical management of the need to
continue to invest in information
security programs, safeguards and

If risk assessors do intend to add inherent risk analysis to their risk registers, they can do so in
the templates provided in the CIS_RAM_Workbook by adding columns to the left of the observed
risk columns. The risk register could then compare the potential of full and immediate
compromise of the assets to the current state of controls, and the proposed state of controls.
Organizations should first determine what value this analysis provides.

Root Cause Analysis

Because organizations will be identifying weaknesses in safeguards, and will propose risk
treatments to address those risks, they will need to understand the actual cause of the
vulnerabilities to ensure that the vulnerabilities do not re-occur. This process of identifying the
underlying causes for weaknesses or failures is called “root cause analysis.”

Table 95 – Summary Evaluation of Root Cause Analysis

Benefits Limits
- Helps the organization reduce the - May be difficult to identify the actual root
likelihood of recurrence of the weakness. cause as the organization starts using
- Helps the organization simultaneously the process.
address other weaknesses that may - Root cause analysis may lead to one
result from the root cause. root cause when other root causes may
be missed.

A generally accepted practice for identifying root causes is to conduct a “five whys” exercise. This
entails the risk assessor to recurringly identify the underlying reason for a problem and the
causes of the problem, until a “root cause” of the problem is identified.
Root cause analysis looks similar to the diagram below.

Version 1.0 – April 2018 140

Figure 29 - Root Cause Analysis Model

While root cause analysis is classically conducted by asking, ”why” five times to more deeply
uncover the root cause of a problem, this example arrived at a plausible root cause after asking
“why” four times. This is because an organization may uncover the root cause with more or fewer
questions than five.
In this case, the risk assessor will have noted that a web page is vulnerable to a SQL injection
attack. If their recommended risk treatment was simply, “filter all form objects on the page to
prevent special characters, the application developers would fix the one identified error, and then
likely repeat the error the next time they had an emergency application change.
After this root cause analysis, however, the organization knows to both address the identified
weakness (the unfiltered input at the application page) and the root cause (the lack of security
coding during or immediately after emergency changes).
Root cause analysis should be part of all vulnerability assessments, whether they occur during a
risk assessment, an audit, or after a security incident as management determines lessons

Version 1.0 – April 2018 141

Helpful Resources
CIS (Center for Internet Security)
CIS (Center for Internet Security, Inc.) is a forward-thinking, non-profit entity that harnesses the
power of a global IT community to safeguard private and public organizations against cyber
threats. Our CIS Controls™ and CIS Benchmarks™ are the global standard and recognized best
practices for securing IT systems and data against the most pervasive attacks. These proven
guidelines are continuously refined and verified by a volunteer, global community of experienced
IT professionals. CIS is home to the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center® (MS-
ISAC®), the go-to resource for cyber threat prevention, protection, response, and recovery for
U.S. State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial government entities. (

HALOCK Security Labs

Established in 1996, HALOCK Security Labs is an information security professional services firm
based in Schaumburg, IL. For more than 20 years, HALOCK has provided Purpose Driven Security
services to help organizations achieve their mission and objectives through sound security
practices. HALOCK uses their deep background in the legal and regulatory landscape, security
technologies and standards, business governance, and data analytics to provide evidence-based
security analysis and guidance to their clients. (
For guidance in implementing the CIS RAM: (

DoCRA Council
The DoCRA Council maintains and educates risk practitioners on the use of the Duty of Care
Risk Analysis (DoCRA) Standard that CIS RAM is based on. While DoCRA is applicable to
evaluation of information security risk, it is designed to be generally applicable to other areas of
business that must manage risk and regulatory compliance. (

International Organization for Standardization (ISO®)

ISO provides to information security professionals a set of standards and certifications for
managing information security through an information security management system (“ISMS”).
ISO 27001 is a risk-based method for organizations to secure information assets so that they
support the business context, and requirements of interested parties. ISO 27005 is an information
security risk assessment process that aligns with CIS RAM.(

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

NIST provides a series of standards and recommendations for securing systems and information,
known as “Special Publications” in the SP 800 series. NIST SP 800-30 provides guidance for
assessing information security risk, NIST SP 800-37 and NIST SP 800-39 each present
approaches for managing information security risk within an organization. While these
approaches are designed to address federal information systems and reference roles within
federal agencies, their principles and practices are generally applicable to many organizations. (
NIST also provides the Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure (“Cybersecurity
Framework”). The framework organizes information security controls within a structure that
prepares for and responds to cybersecurity incidents. The Cybersecurity Framework aligns its
categories and sub-categories of controls with those of other control documents, including the
CIS Controls. (

Version 1.0 – April 2018 142

Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA®)
Well known for their IT assurance standards and certifications, ISACA provides an information
security risk management framework known as Risk IT. Risk IT bases its risk analysis method on
ISO 31000, and adds risk governance and response to the analysis to provide a lifecycle of IT
risk management. (

Binary Risk Analysis (BRA)

Binary Risk Analysis is published as version 1.0. The analysis method is presented as a
worksheet and an application at the hosting website. The BRA provides risk analysts with a
concise and consistent process for evaluating information security risks by breaking down the
components of a threat scenario, including the capabilities to defend against variably robust and
common threats. (

Fair Institute
Fair Institute maintains and educates risk analysists on the use of Factor Analysis of Information
Risk. The FAIR method is similar to BRA in that it provides a consistent method for evaluating
information risk based on characteristics of the components of information risks.

All references to tools or other products in this document are provided for informational purposes only, and
do not represent the endorsement by CIS of any particular company, product, or technology.

Contact Information
CIS HALOCK Security Labs
31 Tech Valley Drive 1834 Walden Office Sq. Ste 200
East Greenbush, NY 12061 Schaumburg, IL 60173
518.266.3460 847.221.0200
[email protected] [email protected]

Version 1.0 – April 2018 143

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