Dentoalveolar Surgery PDF
Dentoalveolar Surgery PDF
Dentoalveolar Surgery PDF
Consulting Editor
August 2015 ISSN 1042-3699, ISBN-13: 978-0-323-39348-5
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Dentoalveolar Surgery
Preface: Achieving and Maintaining Excellence in Dentoalveolar Surgery ix
Michael A. Kleiman
Dental Extractions and Preservation of Space for Implant Placement in Molar Sites 353
Michael S. Block
The clinician is often asked to remove a tooth and place an implant into the site. The
implant must be placed with appropriate stability to allow for integration to occur, which
requires bone presence. Bone is also necessary to allow for ideal implant positioning
within the alveolus for functional and esthetic concerns. The purpose of this article is
to discuss the changes in socket dimensions over time and how to promote space main-
tenance, with an algorithm for treatment based on evidence.
Louis K. Rafetto
Oral and maxillofacial surgeons can be reasonably certain of the behavior of wisdom
teeth and the outcomes of different management strategies. An organized approach
based on symptom and disease status simplifies management recommendations. The
patients who provide the greatest challenge to certainty are those whose wisdom teeth
are asymptomatic and disease free. Patients who elect to retain a third molar should
be advised about this risk of removal over time. Given the increased complication rate
when third molars are removed with increasing age, it may be prudent to extract them
by the middle of the third decade.
M. Anthony Pogrel
Coronectomy is considered in patients older than 25, where there is an intimate relation-
ship between the roots of a retained lower third molar (occasionally second or first molars)
and the inferior alveolar nerve, in noncontraindicated circumstances. It may be used on
younger patients with a medium to high risk of inferior alveolar nerve damage. The deci-
sion to use this technique is made with the aid of cone-beam computed tomography
scans. Short- to medium-term success rate is excellent, but long-term studies are not
yet available. The technique is gaining wider acceptance, although there are differences
in the indications and actual technique used within and between countries.
vi Contents
Stuart E. Lieblich
Preoperative decision-making is vital to determine potential success of periapical
surgery. Adequate exposure of the root apical region is best approached via a
sulcular-type incision. Surgical procedures include resection of 2 to 3 mm of the apical
portion along with root end preparation and seal. The surgeon must decide if submission
of periapical tissues to pathology is indicated.
Stephanie J. Drew
Pain, swelling, nausea, and vomiting associated with outpatient oral and maxillofacial
surgical procedures are common occurrences in daily practice. The need to minimize
these often unavoidable consequences of surgical intervention is of utmost importance
in delivering a good experience for our patient population, thus improving outcomes of
our surgery as well as anesthesia. A review of current therapies available to manage these
experiences is presented to enable the practitioner to develop multimodal protocols and
custom tailor treatment based on procedure and patient risk factors for these unfortunate
consequences of surgery.
James R. Hupp
The health care industry and delivery systems are placing greater emphasis on making
their organizations safe. They do this by cultivating a culture of safety to help anticipate
and prevent injuries and documenting and investigating injuries to develop prevention
protocols. Many of the strategies used in the hospital industry can be applied to the
dentoalveolar surgery practice of oral-maxillofacial surgeons and other dentists. This
article discusses the development of a culture of safety in the dentoalveolar practice
and gives ideas of how threats of injuries to patients, guests, and the surgical care
team can be reduced or eliminated.
teeth and implants. These tools should be in the armamentarium of oral and maxillofacial
surgeons providing implant services.
Surgical Treatment of Impacted Canines: What the Orthodontist Would Like the
Surgeon to Know 449
Index 473
viii Dentoalveolar Surgery
Dental Clinics of North America July 2015 (Vol. 59, No. 3)
Modern Concepts in Aesthetic Dentistry and Multi-disciplined Reconstructive Grand Rounds
John R. Calamia, Richard D. Trushkowsky, Steven B. David, and Mark S. Wolff, Editors
Available at:
P re f a c e
A c h i e v i n g an d M a i n t a i n i n g
E x c e l l e n c e in D e n t o a l v e o l a r
Oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMS) is a specialty scopes. They are trying to become expert in areas
that has significantly expanded in scope far that were once solely the province of the specialty
beyond the limits of the oral cavity. However, den- of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
toalveolar surgery is where it began as a specialty To keep dentoalveolar surgery within the inter-
and where it began for many individuals as practi- section of our specialty’s “three circles,” we as
tioners. As a general topic, dentoalveolar surgery practitioners must be sure to continue to be the
is not the most glamorous or impressive of the “best in the world” at what we do. The “mission”
things we do. In fact, it may not even be listed by of this issue of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
some of our surgical residents when they are Clinics of North America is to help us as oral and
asked to explain what the specialty of OMS is. maxillofacial surgeons achieve and maintain that
Despite that, it is the thing that most oral and goal. We as oral and maxillofacial surgeons can-
maxillofacial surgeons do the most of and what not take our ability in dentoalveolar surgery for
many, if not most of us, have a passion for. granted. It must be approached in the same way
Jim Collins, in his book Good to Great, teaches as all of the other “sexy” things that we do!
that an organization should determine where to At the outset, I tried not to cross the line into
direct its energy by examining the intersection of other topics that may be covered in other issues
three circles. They are: of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North
America. However, it soon became clear that this
1. What you have a passion for is not possible or appropriate. One cannot talk
2. What drives your economic engine about extraction techniques, hard and soft tissue
3. What you can be the best in the world at grafting, or preprosthetic surgery without also
considering the world of dental implants. Nor can
Clearly, for the specialty of Oral and Maxillofa- one expose an impacted canine with a high level
cial Surgery, the area of dentoalveolar surgery falls of “excellence” without appreciating what the
solidly within the intersection of these three circles. orthodontist’s perspective is in the treatment of
As basic as it is in some respects, dentoalveolar the patient. As an overall umbrella, we must oper-
surgery has evolved and changed significantly. ate within a “Culture of Safety,” to protect our
The advent of modern dental implants and readily patients, coworkers, and ourselves.
available 3-dimensional imaging techniques have I greatly appreciate the tremendous contri-
altered our objectives and changed the ways butions of each and every one of our authors. I
that we sometimes measure “excellence.” In addi- am sure that any oral and maxillofacial surgeon
tion, we have seen other specialties expand their looking at the table of contents will be struck
by the collection of experts and leaders in their she said, “You have to do this!” She was right,
fields who have worked hard to contribute to and I guess I did!
this effort. I am grateful to Dr. Richard Haug for
asking me to edit this issue and recognizing the Michael A. Kleiman, DMD
importance of the topic. I would also like to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
recognize the excellence of the publishing staff Edison-Clark Oral Surgery Associates
at Elsevier. 1857 Oak Tree Road
Last, I must recognize and thank my wife, Edison, NJ 08820, USA
Frayda, for convincing me to take on this project.
I initially told Rich Haug that I didn’t think I would E-mail address:
have the time to take on this additional work, but [email protected]
M e d i c a l M a n a g e m e n t of
Pa tie nts Undergo ing
Dentoalveolar Su r g er y
Shelly Abramowicz, DMD, MPH*, Steven M. Roser, DMD, MD
Medical management Dentoalveolar surgery Anticoagulation
Medication-related osteonecrosis
Presurgical evaluation should include risk stratification for prevention of potential problems.
There are new guidelines regarding management of patients taking oral anticoagulants.
There is a recent update regarding management of patients with medication-related osteonecrosis
of the jaw (MRONJ).
system provides an overall impression of a surgi- Next, the OMS should evaluate the patient’s func-
cal patient who is to undergo a procedure under tional status using activities of daily living and
Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Surgery, Emory University, School of Medicine, 1365
Clifton Road, Northeast, Building B, Suite 2300, Atlanta, GA, USA
* Corresponding author. Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Surgery, Emory University,
School of Medicine, 1365 Clifton Road, Northeast, Building B, Suite 2300, Atlanta, GA 30306.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Table 1
American Society of Anesthesiologists patient classification
Table 2
metabolic equivalents (METs). One MET is the ox-
Surgical classification system ygen consumption of a 70-kg, 40-year-old at rest.
A patient who is able to perform activities of
Category 1 Minimal risk to patients greater than 4 METs without symptoms is consid-
independent of anesthesia ered to have a good functional capacity (Table 4).1
Minimally invasive procedures Finally, the Goldman criteria relies on multivariate
with little or no blood loss analysis and assigns points to certain physical
Operation done in an office characteristics, helping to assess a patient’s car-
setting diac risk (Table 5). The points are then tallied
Category 2 Minimal to moderately and correlated with the cardiac risk.2 Patients
invasive procedures range from having 0 points and thus a 0.9% risk
Blood loss<500 mL of serious cardiac event or death to greater than
Mild risk to patients
26 points and a 63.6% risk of serious cardiac
independent of anesthesia
event or death.2
Category 3 Moderately to significantly
invasive procedure
Blood loss 500–1000 mL Hypertension
Moderate risk to patients
independent of anesthesia Hypertension is defined as blood pressure higher
Category 4 Highly invasive procedure than 140/90 mm Hg measured on 2 different oc-
Blood loss>1500 mL casions over a 1- to 2-week span. The Joint Na-
Major risk to patients tional Committee on Prevention, Detection,
independent of anesthesia Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure
From Fattahi T. Perioperative laboratory and diagnostic
(JNC) classified patients according to blood pres-
testing–what is needed and when? Oral Maxillofac Surg sure (Table 6).3 Accordingly, when a patient’s
Clin North Am 2006;18(1):3, v; with permission. systolic blood pressure is greater than 140 or
Dentoalveolar Surgery 347
Table 4
METs based on activities of daily living
Table 5
Goldman criteria for cardiac index
Criteria Points
Age>70 y 5
Myocardial infarction<6 mo 10
Physical examination
S3 gallop 11
Jugular venous distention 11
Aortic valve stenosis 3
Rhythm other than sinus or premature atrial contraction 7
>5 premature ventricular contractions per minute 7
General status
PO2<60 or PCO2>50 3
K levels<3 mEq/L or HCO3 levels<20 mEq/L 3
SUN>50 or creatinine>3 mg/dL 3
Abnormal AST or chronic liver disease 3
Bedridden 3
Intraperitoneal, intrathoracic, aortic 3
Emergency 4
Abbreviations: AST, aspartate aminotransferase; SUN, serum urea nitrogen.
From Goldman L, Caldera DL, Nussbaum SR, et al. Multifactorial index of cardiac risk in noncardiac surgical procedures.
N Engl J Med 1977;297:26.
atheromas and calcification of tunica medica, CAD are male gender, increasing age, dyslipide-
which leads to a narrowed artery with acute to mia, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, sedentary
chronic endothelial inflammation with an lifestyle, and family history.9 Treatment consists
atheroma rupture or vasospasm. Risk factors for of lifestyle modifications, pharmacologic therapy,
and coronary revascularization.
Table 6 Atrial fibrillation occurs when there is no
JNC classification coordinated electrical atrial conduction. The
atrioventricular node sporadically reacts with no
Category SBP DBP cardiac contraction, which reduces ventricular
filling and cardiac output and places the patient
Normal <120 >80
at an increased risk for thromboembolic events.
Prehypertension 120–139 80–89
New atrial fibrillation is treated by electrical or
Stage I 140–159 90–99 pharmacologic cardioversion to obtain rate con-
Stage II 160–180 100–110 trol. Patients are often placed on long-term anti-
Urgent/ >180 >110 coagulants such as Coumadin. The goal of
emergent With signs/ Examples: rales, Coumadin therapy is to maintain a balance
symptoms papilledema, between preventing clots and causing excessive
of end- headache, bleeding. However, Coumadin has many drug
organ chest pain interactions and a narrow therapeutic window
and requires frequent monitoring. International
Abbreviations: DBP, diastolic blood pressure; SBP, systolic normalized ratio (INR) provides information to
blood pressure. prescribing physicians to ensure that Coumadin
Adapted from James PA, Oparil S, Carter BL, et al. 2014 is producing the desired effect; it helps to ensure
Evidence-based guideline for the management of high
blood pressure in adults: report from the panel members
that the person’s clotting time is at a therapeutic
appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC level without causing excessive bleeding or
8). JAMA 2013;311(5):507–20. bruising.
Dentoalveolar Surgery 349
Table 7
Antibiotic prophylaxis for prevention of endocarditis
Table 8
Staging and treatment strategies for patients with MRONJ
15. Hankey GJ, Eikelboon JW. Dabigatran etexilate: Osteonecrosis of the Jaws. Advisory Task Force on
a new oral thrombin inhibiter. Circulation 2011; Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the
123:1436. Jaws, American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial
16. Herrera A. Valvular hear disease. In: Hines RL, Surgeons. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007;65:369–76.
Marschall KE, editors. Stoelting’s anesthesia and 19. Ruggiero SL, Dodson TB, Assael LA, et al. American
co-existing diseases. 6th edition. Philadelphia: Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons posi-
Elsevier Saunders; 2012. p. 31–47. tion paper on bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis
17. Nishimura RA, Carabello BA, Faxon DP, et al. ACC/ of the jaws—2009 Update. J Oral Maxillofac Surg
AHA 2008 Guideline Update on Valvular Heart Dis- 2009;67(5 Suppl):2–12.
ease: focused Update on Infective Endocarditis: a 20. Ruggiero SL, Dodson TB, Fantasia J, et al. American
Report of the American College of Cardiology/Amer- Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons posi-
ican Heart Association Task Force on Practice tion paper on medication-related osteonecrosis of
Guidelines Endorsed by the Society of Cardiovascu- the jaw-2014 update. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2014;
lar Anesthesiologists, Society for Cardiovascular 72:1938–56.
Angiography and Interventions, and Society of 21. Kunchur R, Need A, Hughes T, et al. Clinical investi-
Thoracic Surgeons. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;52: gation of C-terminal cross-linking telopeptide test in
676–85. prevention and management of bisphosphonate-
18. American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Sur- associated osteonecrosis of the jaws. J Oral Maxillo-
geons Position Paper on Bisphosphonate-Related fac Surg 2009;67:1167–73.
Denta l Extract ion s and
P re s e r v a t i o n of Sp a c e f o r
Implant Placement in Molar
Michael S. Block, DMD
Dental implants Extraction sites Mandibular molars
The algorithm for implant placement, either immediately after tooth removal or delayed, works well
with excellent long-term crestal bone width maintenance.
Clinicians can use tissue health as 1 factor to form their treatment strategy for the timing of implant
placement into molar sites.
Bone resorption is common after tooth extraction; the use of graft material may be necessary to
provide ideal bone for implant placement and reconstruction of the patient with an esthetic and
functional restoration.
covering.1,2 An extraction site may heal with bone because of the thickness of the buccal bone. The
formation to preserve the original dimensions of thin bundle bone, which was/is adjacent to the
the bone. Unfortunately, bone resorption is com- tooth roots, lies within the corpus of thick buccal
mon after tooth extraction. The use of graft mate- cortical bone, and thus its remodeling may not
rial may be necessary to provide ideal bone for result in rapid loss of ridge width.
Private Practice, 110 Veterans Memorial Boulevard, #112, Metairie, LA 70005, USA
E-mail address: [email protected]
With regard to the esthetic zone of the maxilla, 1. The tooth is nonrestorable but has intact sur-
which includes the premolars, canines, and inci- rounding bone and relatively healthy gingiva,
sors, patients often present with teeth in need of with minimal pain (Fig. 1).
extraction. Reasons for extraction of a single- 2. The tooth is nonrestorable and has intact sur-
rooted maxillary tooth in an adult include internal rounding bone. However, the tooth is acutely
or external resorption after trauma, a breakdown painful and may have purulent exudate and
of post and cores that were placed because of nonhealthy gingiva.
trauma, caries, root canal failure, and periodontal 3. The tooth is nonrestorable but has lost a portion
disease. Traditional protocols for restoring these of the buccal bone (Fig. 2).
sites rely on bone deposition to fill the extraction
site before the implant is placed.5,6 Hard and soft Preoperative imaging can determine the pres-
tissue grafting often is necessary to provide an ence of the surrounding bone, the presence of in-
ideal functional and esthetic restoration. Grafts terceptal bone, and the location of the inferior
compensate for the bone resorption that accom- alveolar nerve canal in relation to the tooth. Suffi-
panies the natural healing process in an extraction cient space is necessary for placement of an
socket.7–10 When implants are placed 8–16 weeks implant of sufficient length to maintain a single
after tooth extraction, the clinician must compen- molar implant tooth.
sate for the loss of labial bone that occurs during The molar tooth has roots that diverge and are
the early phase of extraction site healing.3,11,12 separated by an isthmus of bone. The thickness
To prevent the need for hard or soft tissue grafting of the bone between the roots may not be sufficient
when implant placement is delayed, it is recom- by itself for immediate implant placement. The
mended to place an osteoconductive graft mate- labial and lingual cortical bone plates narrow in
rial within the extraction site to promote bone fill, the apical regions and can be engaged to stabilize
to limit labial bone collapse, and to maintain an implant in the molar site. The bone surrounding
bone for optimal implant placement.13 the molar tooth may be completely intact, or
chronic infection may have caused large areas of
TREATMENT PLANNING bone loss, which if not grafted, result in inadequate
bone available for implant placement. If the treat-
When a patient presents with a molar tooth in need ment plan includes placement of an implant into
of removal, 3 situations are common: a posterior tooth site, cone-beam cross-sections
Fig. 1. (A) This patient required removal of a lower right first molar. The tooth was in cross bite. (B) A sulcular
incision was made with vertical release sparing the papilla and a flap developed. The tooth was removed. (C)
The implant was placed on the lingual aspect of the extraction site to correct the cross bite. The initial drill
was placed without regard to interceptal bone, since the implant position needed to be different than the tooth’s
position due to the cross bite tendency. Allograft was placed into the defects from the root sockets. (D) A post-
operative radiograph shows good implant positioning.
Dental Extractions and Preservation of Space 3
Fig. 2. (A) This patient’s mandibular first molar requires extraction. The patient had been using antibiotics and
chlorhexidine rinses preoperatively to reduce the bacterial flora around this tooth as much as possible. (B) An
incision is made around the labial surface of the tooth and linked with 2 vertical extensions. The vertical releasing
incisions are made within the site of the first molar, with care taken to avoid raising the attached tissues on the
adjacent teeth. A full-thickness exposure is performed, exposing the lateral aspect of the tooth and the extensive
bone loss. (C) The tooth is removed along with a small amount of granulation tissue. The area is irrigated thor-
oughly. Note the intact lingual plate of bone and the loss of the labial plate to the root apices. This defect has
intact mesial and distal walls, as well as the lingual plate; therefore, this can be characterized as a 3-wall defect.
(D) A graft of human mineralized bone is placed into the defect to reconstruct both the height and the width of
the socket. After compaction of the graft material, the area is closed primarily. Primary closure was achieved with
advancement of the keratinized gingiva, previously on the labial aspect of the tooth, and was sutured to the
lingual aspect of the ridge. Chromic sutures are used in the vertical releasing incisions. To advance the flap,
the periosteum was scored to provide mobilization of the flap, allowing tension-free closure. (E) 4 months later,
the ridge has healed and is ready for implant placement. (F) This is the final crown 2 years after implant place-
ment showing an excellent tissue response. (G) The 2 year radiograph showing excellent bone healing around the
4 Block
can be used to determine the amount of bone pathology associated with the tooth, the preferred
available or determine that there has been signifi- treatment is to graft the socket and place the
cant bone loss that prevents primary stability of implant 4 months after grafting.
the implant at time of tooth removal.14 The tech-
nique described next has proved useful for grafting Loss of Less Than 3 mm of Facial Bone at the
of the posterior molar site. Crest
After reviewing the image from a cone beam This is a common situation when a tooth has exten-
scanner, and the physical examination of the pa- sive caries or a fracture. Crestal resorption may be
tient, a decision can be made for treatment. limited to 3 mm from the planned gingival margin or
the cemento-enamel junction (cej) of the adjacent
ANATOMIC CONFIGURATIONS AFTER TOOTH tooth. In this situation, the implant can be placed
EXTRACTION at the level of the bone. This places the implant
After a tooth has been extracted, the resultant 3 mm from the gingival margin, which is the
defect in the bone may have several anatomic preferred location. There is usually no need to graft
configurations that directly influence implant the buccal bone in this situation unless it is very thin.
placement. This section discusses 10 findings
Lack of Bone Inferior to the Apex of the
that may be seen after tooth extraction. Each
Socket, with Extreme Proximity of Adjacent
finding may be isolated or may be among several
Vital Structures, Such as the Inferior Alveolar
morphologic observations (Box 1).
Canal or Mental Foramen
Loss of All Facial Bone to the Apex of the These extraction sites may need grafting prior to
Tooth implant placement to ensure implant stability is
If the bone on the facial aspect of the socket is not achieved only.
present, the clinician should graft the socket and
Lack of Lingual Bone
delay implant placement. Primary implant stability
at the time of placement is compromised by the This is an uncommon finding, because lingual
loss of bone. A mobile implant at the time of place- bone is the last to resorb after tooth loss. If the
ment does not reliably integrate. These sites need lingual bone is not present, a graft is necessary
to be reconstructed with bone before implant before placement of an implant.
Concavity Within the Extraction Site When
Loss of a Portion (3–6 mm) of the Facial Bone Removing an Ankylosed Deciduous Molar
In this situation, a graft is necessary to restore the This finding is seen in younger individuals and is
facial portion of the missing bone. If the surgeon is associated with congenitally missing teeth and
unsure of the result in these cases and 50% of the retention of the deciduous teeth. The buccal
facial bone has been lost as a result of the bone may be normal in shape, with a concavity
Box 1
Anatomic configurations after tooth extraction
within the confines of the buccal and lingual TREATMENT INDICATIONS IN 3 COMMON
cortical bone. These patients may have vertical SITUATIONS
deficiency and may need shorter implants with The Tooth is Nonrestorable but has Intact
attention to avoid the inferior alveolar nerve. Surrounding Bone and Relatively Healthy
Gingiva, with Minimal Pain
A Socket That is Larger Than the Proposed
The tooth can be removed and an implant immedi-
Diameter of the Implant in all Dimensions
ately placed. The indications for placement of an
When an implant is placed into an extraction site, implant into a tooth site at the time of extraction
the normal drill sequence is used to prepare the include the following
implant site. Bone is removed until the implant
can be placed and stabilized. When the diameter 1. Absence of purulent drainage
of the root of the tooth is larger than the implant 2. Healthy gingiva without gingival hyperplasia or
in all dimensions, stabilizing the implant is most erythema
difficult unless bone is present beyond the apex 3. Lack of active apical infection
of the socket or the cortical walls converge in the 4. Adequate bone present to allow ideal implant
apical regions. In these cases, grafting of the large placement and stability
extraction socket provides the surgeon with an Reports indicate a high incidence of success in
ideal site for placement of an implant after the graft integration and function with implants placed
has healed with bone formation in the socket. immediately into extraction sites as long as the
site has no purulent exudate, a healthy collar of
Socket That is Oval in Shape, With the Long gingival tissue is present around the tooth, and
Dimension Palatal to Facial and the Short minimal lucency is seen at the apex of the tooth
Dimension Mesial to Distal to be extracted.15 The placement of implants into
The oval, or figure-eight–shaped, socket typically the extraction site immediately after tooth removal
is found in canine or premolar sites, or within molar has been anecdotally recommended to eliminate
root sockets. The implant site is prepared in the an additional surgical procedure, prevent labial
ideal location to place the axis of emergence in bone loss, and preserve the labial root form of
the fossa or under the working cusp. After the the esthetic site.16–23 Exposure of the implant
implant has been placed, the gap between the into the oral cavity does not seem to result in a
implant and labial cortex can be grafted to prevent decrease in crestal bone levels.
epithelial migration. The choice to graft or not to
graft depends on the clinician; this author grafts Surgical procedure
the spaces in an attempt to promote bone forma- After a conservative elevation of the gingiva to
tion and avoid epithelia migration. visualize the junction of bone to the tooth, the
tooth is elevated gently and removed with minimal
Very Thin Surrounding Bone lateral subluxation. Every effort should be made to
preserve the lateral cortical bone. As necessary,
After extraction of the tooth, the remaining facial
the tooth can be sectioned to facilitate bone pres-
bone may be exceptionally thin even when careful
ervation. Another option is to create a trough
methods were used to preserve bone. In this situ-
around the roots using the periotome insert for
ation, as long as the implant can be placed and
the Piezosurgery unit. The roots are easily
secured in the surrounding bone, the implant can
removed after the Piezosurgery unit has been
be placed, and the space between the implant
used. If present, granulation tissue is curetted.
and thin facial bone is grafted. If insufficient bone
The site is irrigated gently with sterile saline, and
is present to stabilize the implants, a graft is indi-
the flap is tested to ensure passive rotation to
cated, and a delayed placement is planned. The
the lingual tissues only to cover the root sockets
thicker the labial plate, the greater the chance to
on the mesial and distal aspect of the implant after
maintain labial thickness.
implant placement.
A small round bur or bur of choice is used to
Bone Adjacent to the Neighboring Tooth (or
locate a definitive hole in the bone exactly in the
Teeth) Absent, and Root Surface of Adjacent
middle of the extraction site. This results in ideal
Tooth Exposed
restorative management. Placement of the implant
In this situation, the socket can be grafted, with the asymmetrically in the extraction site leads to
understanding that the final crestal bone level in restorative problems. The sequencing drills are
the interdental area will be apical to the ideal used to prepare the implant site as recommended
position. for the specific implant used. This author finds that
6 Block
implants 5.0 mm or less in diameter may be diffi- advancement of the papilla and fixed gingiva on
cult to achieve primary stability. Implants 5.4 to the adjacent teeth. The incision is made in the sul-
6 mm in diameter are found to engage the cortical cus to within 2 mm of the interdental papilla. Verti-
bone approximately 5 mm subcrestal and allow for cal release incisions are made for full-thickness
excellent primary stability. Larger diameter im- flap elevation to expose the lateral aspect of the
plants may result in buccal bone thinning. alveolus and advance the flap to cover the site after
The implant is placed taking into consideration graft material has been placed. When resorption of
the level of the buccal and lingual bone and to the labial or facial cortical bone has been exten-
avoid excessive countersinking. A healing abut- sive, elevation of the flap is performed with sharp
ment is placed. Allograft is usually used to graft dissection, with care taken to prevent perforation
the defects where the tooth roots had been. The of the labial gingiva. After the flap has been raised,
gingiva is closed mesially and distally, leaving the the periosteum is scored and relieved to allow pas-
healing abutment exposed. A large diameter heal- sive advancement of the flap for primary closure.
ing abutment is recommended to allow for ease of Particulate graft material is placed into a small
abutment placement during the restorative phase dish and dampened with sterile saline. A 1 mL
after 4 months is allowed for integration. plastic syringe can be used to deliver the graft.
The tip of the syringe is removed with a scalpel
The Tooth is Nonrestorable and has Intact and Rongeur forceps. The particulate graft is
Surrounding Bone; however, the Tooth is packed into the syringe and then placed into the
Acutely Painful and May Have Purulent extraction site. The graft material is compacted
Exudate and Non-healthy Gingiva with a blunt instrument, and gauze is used to re-
move excess fluids. After the socket and bone de-
At the time of tooth extraction, the clinician may
fects have been restored to original form by the
find purulent discharge, active periapical pathol-
graft, the flap is advanced over the site.
ogy, unhealthy gingiva with gingivitis and active
A 4-0 chromic resorbable suture is used by the
periodontal disease in the mouth, a patient history
author to approximate the edge of the labial KG
of poor wound healing (eg, uncontrolled diabetes,
across the socket to the lingual gingiva. After the
chronic steroid use, immune compromise, alco-
sutures have been placed, the vertical incisions
holism, drug dependence), or a lack of bone to sta-
are closed. Using this design, the labial KG is
bilize an implant. In these cases, the tooth should
banked toward the lingual aspect of the ridge. It
be extracted and the implant placed after the
will be transposed to the labial surface of the abut-
infection and other local problems have resolved.
ment when the implant is placed. Occasionally,
In these situations, the implant can be easily
advancing the gingiva across the broad base of a
placed 4 to 8 weeks after tooth removal into a
maxillary molar is difficult. In this situation, a
noninfected and nonpainful site.
collagen material is placed over the palatal root
The surgical procedure is identical to the proce-
site, and the buccal sockets are primarily closed
dure described for immediate implant placement.
with the KG, with sutures holding the collagen ma-
terial in position similar to anterior sites (Box 2).
The Tooth is Nonrestorable but has Lost a
Portion of the Buccal Bone
If there is loss of buccal bone, it is recommended GRAFTING MATERIAL
to graft the site and proceed with implant place- The clinician should consider several points when
ment after the bone has consolidated, typically 4 choosing materials to graft the extraction socket:
to 6 months after grafting. When the defect and
socket are grafted with particulate material, the 1. Space should be maintained with a material
bone volume created and preserved depends on that promotes bone incorporation and does
the density and retention of the graft within the not inhibit or adversely alter the normal
socket. In contrast to single-rooted or premolar sequence of extraction site healing.
sites, which can be treated with a collagen plug 2. The bone formed should be dense enough to
over the socket, leaving the molar site open may allow stable placement of the implant. The ma-
result in loss of a portion of the graft. Therefore, terial placed should have osteoconductive fea-
primary closure is performed to retain the graft in tures to enhance bone formation.
molar sites. The incision design is critical for 3. The material should resorb within a selected
achieving primary closure of the site after place- period of time with replacement by bone that
ment of the graft. is normal to the site.
The incision design allows advancement of 4. The resorption rate of the material over time
the labial keratinized gingiva (KG) without should be taken into consideration to plan the
Dental Extractions and Preservation of Space 7
Box 2
Algorithm for implant placement after tooth removal
1. Buccal and lingual bone is intact. No purulent exudate; gingiva is healthy—remove tooth and imme-
diately place implant if sufficient bone is available to stabilize the implant.
2. Buccal and lingual bone is intact. There is purulent exudate or the gingiva is not healthy—remove
tooth and wait 4–6 weeks for resolution of the infection and then place the implant.
3. Buccal bone or intramedullary bone is not intact—remove tooth and place a graft. Close primarily.
After 4 months place an implant.
sequencing of therapies such as implant place- a specific indication. The freeze-dried mineralized
ment, additional contour grafting, and pontic bone allograft usually is irradiated to sterilize it
and site development. even though the entire process for harvesting to
5. The material should be relatively inexpensive, packaging is performed under strict sterile condi-
readily available, and should not transfer path- tions. Comparative reports and clinical results
ologic conditions. involving different methods of processing mineral-
ized bone are limited. The choice of allograft
BOVINE OR EQUINE SINTERED XENOGRAFT should be based on the ease of delivery, cost, con-
sistency in the appearance of the graft material,
Bovine or equine derived bone is a xenograft. It is a and quality of the bone bank.
carbonate-containing apatite with crystalline ar- When placed in an extraction site, mineralized
chitecture and a calcium/phosphate ratio similar bone graft material is still present at 4 months.30
to that of natural human bone.24 With time, the sin- However, the bone forming around the mineralized
tered xenograft becomes integrated with bone. It bone particles usually is sufficiently mineralized to
may be slowly replaced by newly formed bone, allow immediate provisionalization, with adequate
but because the sintering process increases the primary stability after placement of the implant in
crystallinity of the bone particles, it may not clini- the extraction site grafted with a mineralized
cally appear to significantly resorb and will often allograft.
be present years after placement.24–27 When sin- One goal of grafting of the extraction site is
tered xenograft material is used to graft an extrac- retention and preservation of the original ridge
tion site, 6 to –9 months may need to be allowed form and maintenance of the crestal bone after
before placement of the implant. The relatively the implants have been restored. In 1 study in
inert nature of this material delays revasculariza- which no membrane was used at the time of
tion and subsequent bone formation compared extraction site grafting, the grafted sites felt
with more natural materials such as autogenous bone hard at 4 months and appeared to be filled
bone.28,29 with bone.10 The average mesial crestal bone
level was 0.66 plus or minus 0.67 mm (range,
MINERALIZED BONE ALLOGRAFT 0 to 1.27 mm) at implant placement and 0.51
Human mineralized bone in particulate form can plus or minus 0.41 mm (range, 0– 1.91 mm) at
result in short-term preservation of an extraction final restoration. The average distal crestal bone
site’s bone bulk and volume in preparation for level was 0.48 plus or minus 0.68 mm (range,
the placement of implants. The advantages of an 0.64– 1.91 mm) at implant placement and 0.48
allograft are (1) the graft material is readily avail- plus or minus 0.53 mm (range, 0–1.27 mm) at final
able without the need for a second surgical harvest restoration. A measurement of 1.27 mm from the
site, and (2) the material is osteoconductive. Over top of the shoulder of the implants correlated to
time, the allograft resorbs, and, it is hoped, re- the level of the first thread of the implant.30
placed with bone. Bone heights were maintained with mineralized
Human mineralized bone is available as particu- bone graft material.
late cortical or cancellous bone. The recommen-
ded particle size ranges from is 250 mm to AUTOGENOUS BONE
1.0 mm. Allografts are prepared by bone banks.
Sterile procedures are used to harvest the bone, Clinicians believe that the ideal bone replacement
which is washed with a series of delipidizing graft material has always been autogenous
agents such as ethers and alcohol, lyophilized, bone.31–34 Few clinicians use a separate harvest
and then sieved to the particle size necessary for site to obtain autogenous bone to graft extraction
8 Block
sites. The past use of bone harvested from the can be scraped from adjacent sites, collected in
symphysis, ramus, or maxillary tuberosity is not a a sieve after the bone has been shaved with a
common, current procedure. Bone removed dur- bur and collected with Rongeur forceps from adja-
ing alveoloplasty can be used as a graft. Bone cent sites or the alveolar ridge.35
Fig. 3. (A) This patient had the first molar removed and the site grafted secondary to a large abscess form a frac-
tured tooth. He recently fractured the lingual cusp to the level of the alveolar bone and is planned for tooth
removal and immediate implant placement. (B) The tooth was removed and the implant placed in the middle
of the socket, through the interceptal bone. The radiofrequency index was 82, indicating excellent primary sta-
bility. (C) Allograft was placed into the sockets. (D) The healing abutment was placed, and the mesial and distal
gingiva were gently approximated to the lingual. (E) This is the immediate postplacement cross section radio-
graph. (F) 5-year follow-up cross section of the grafted first molar site, showing excellent maintenance of the
crestal width. (G) 5-year follow-up cross section of the immediate placement second M site, showing excellent
maintenance of the crestal width, compared with Fig. 3E.
Dental Extractions and Preservation of Space 9
12. Lang N, Becker W, Karring T. Alveolar bone forma- root form implant: a clinical report. J Oral Implantol
tion. In: Lindhe J, editor. Textbook of clinical peri- 1998;24:159–66.
odontology and implant dentistry. 3rd edition. 24. Berglundh T, Lindhe J. Healing around implants
Copenhagen (Denmark): Munksgard; 1998. placed in bone defects treated with Bio-Oss: an
13. Block MS. Soft tissue esthetic procedures for teeth experimental study in the dog. Clin Oral Implants
and implants. In: Block MS, Sclar T, editors. Atlas Res 1997;8:117–24.
of the oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics. Philadel- 25. Artzi Z, Tal H, Dayan D. Porous bovine bone mineral
phia: Saunders; 1999. p. 61–78. in healing of human extraction sockets. Part 1. Histo-
14. Nedir R, Bischof M, Szmukler-Moncler S, et al. Pre- morphometric evaluations at 9 months. J Periodontol
dicting osseointegration by means of implant 2000;71:1015–23.
primary stability. Clin Oral Implants Res 2004;15: 26. Wetzel AC, Stich H, Caffesse RG. Bone apposition
520–8. onto oral implants in the sinus area filled with
15. Arlin ML. Immediate placement of osseointegrated different grafting materials: a histologic study in
dental implants into extraction sockets: advantages beagle dogs. Clin Oral Implants Res 1995;6:155–63.
and case reports. Oral Health 1992;82(19–20):23– 27. van Steenberghe D, Callens A, Geers L, et al. The
4, 26. clinical use of deproteinized bovine bone mineral
16. Mazor Z, Peleg M, Redlich M. Immediate placement on bone regeneration in conjunction with immediate
of implants in extraction sites of maxillary impacted implant installation. Clin Oral Implants Res 2000;11:
canines. J Am Dent Assoc 1999;130:1767–70. 210–6.
28. Block MS, Kent JN. A comparison of particulate and
17. Rosenquist B, Grenthe B. Immediate placement of
solid root forms of hydroxylapatite in dog extraction
implants into extraction sockets: implant survival.
sites. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1986;44:89–93.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1996;11:205–9.
29. Block MS, Kent JN. Healing of mandibular ridge
18. Schwartz-Arad D, Chaushu G. Placement of im-
augmentations using hydroxylapatite with and
plants into fresh extraction sites: 4 to 7 years retro-
without autogenous bone in dogs. J Oral Maxillofac
spective evaluation of 95 immediate implants.
Surg 1985;43(1):3–7.
J Periodontol 1997;68:1110–6.
30. Block MS, Finger I, Lytle R. Human mineralized bone
19. Werbitt MJ, Goldberg PV. The immediate implant:
in extraction sites before implant placement: prelim-
bone reservation and bone regeneration. Int J Peri-
inary results. J Am Dent Assoc 2002;133:1631–8.
odontics Restorative Dent 1992;12:206–17.
31. Becker W, Urist M, Becker BE, et al. Clinical and his-
20. Grunder U, Polizzi G, Goené R, et al. A 3-year pro- tologic observations of sites implanted with intraoral
spective multicenter follow-up report on the immedi- autologous bone grafts or allografts: 15 human case
ate and delayed immediate placement of implants. reports. J Periodontol 1996;67:1025–33.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1999;14:210–6. 32. Robinson E. Osseous coagulum for bone induction.
21. Schwartz-Arad D, Grossman Y, Chaushu G. The J Periodontol 1969;40:503–10.
clinical effectiveness of implants placed immedi- 33. Schallhorn RG, Hiatt WH, Boyce W. Iliac trans-
ately into fresh extraction sites of molar teeth. plants in periodontal therapy. J Periodontol 1970;
J Periodontol 2000;71:839–44. 41:566–80.
22. Wohrle PS. Single-tooth replacement in the aesthetic 34. Froum SJ, Thaler R, Scopp IW, et al. Osseous auto-
zone with immediate provisionalization: fourteen grafts: I. Clinical responses to bone blend or hip
consecutive case reports. Pract Periodontics Aes- marrow grafts. J Periodontol 1975;46:515–21.
thet Dent 1998;10:1107–14. 35. Gunther KP, Scharf H-P, Pesch H-J, et al. Osteointe-
23. Gomes A, Lozada JL, Caplanis N, et al. Immediate gration of solvent preserved bone transplants in an
loading of a single hydroxyapatite-coated threaded animal model. Osteologie 1996;5:4–12.
M a n a g i n g I m p a c t e d T h i rd
Louis K. Rafetto, DMD
Third molars Asymptomatic Disease free Retention Management strategies
Clinicians can be reasonably certain about some, but not all, things related to the behavior of third
There is a tangible, measurable, but not totally predictable risk for future extraction among patients
with retained third molars that were asymptomatic and disease free at the time of baseline
Based on an analysis of relevant historical, clinical, and imaging information, findings can be orga-
nized based on the presence or absence of symptoms and disease, which helps simplify decision
Oral and maxillofacial surgeons should educate their patients and the community about the benefits
and consequences (short and long term) of different third molar management strategies, including
active surveillance.
One of the most common decisions made by oral and imaging examination. As a result, recommen-
and maxillofacial surgeons is how best to dations can be made to the patient.
manage third molars. Most of these decisions This article reviews what is known about third
are straightforward owing to the presence of molar behavior and advocates an organized
symptoms and/or disease. Recently these deci- approach to the clinical problem. Such an
sions have come under increased scrutiny. approach begins with the collection of relevant
Commonly cited areas of concern include when clinically generated data followed by review of
surgical management is indicated (particularly in this information in light of what is known about
the case of asymptomatic teeth), the optimal the behavior of third molars. The last part of the
timing for treatment, the cost of treatment, and process is formulation of a management strategy
what should be done when a decision is made with implementation after an informed discussion.
to retain a third molar.
There are differences of opinion when it comes to OBSTACLES TO CONSENSUS
what constitutes best practice in the area of third
As is the case in many areas of clinical practice,
molar management. In an effort to develop co-
some clinicians may disagree with any proposed
nsensus on best-practice approaches to any clin-
management strategy.
ical dilemma, attention should be given to
evidence-based clinical practice and its role in the
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery & Hospital Dentistry, Christiana Care Health System, 3512 Silverside
Road, Suite 12, Wilmington, DE 19810, USA
E-mail address: [email protected]
expenses and red tape. Clinicians value the American Association of Oral and
freedom to provide what they think is the best Maxillofacial Surgeons
treatment and to be fairly compensated. Third
The American Association of Oral and Maxillofa-
parties and government agencies focus on cost
cial Surgeons1 (AAOMS) “Parameters of Care
management and quality measures. Consumer
2012: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Oral and
groups and media outlets focus on risks of oper-
Maxillofacial Surgery (ParCare 2012)” lists more
ative treatment and the potential for overtreat-
than 20 specific indications for removal of cate-
ment. This lack of unanimity in part represents
gories of third molars along with goals for ther-
honest disagreement but also reflects the bias
apy. It recognizes the benefit of removal to
of self-interest (Fig. 1).
prevent disease and the role of the treating sur-
geon as the person best qualified to determine
Uncertain Terminology care for an individual patient. Therapeutic goals
“Asymptomatic” does not indicate the absence of listed include “prevention of pathology,” “preser-
disease, but merely the absence of symptoms. It is vation of periodontal health of adjacent teeth,”
well understood that disease precedes symptoms and “optimization of prosthetic rehabilitation.”
and that disease often progresses in the absence Along with specific indications are the following
of symptoms. Effective management strategies statements: “Given the following and the desire
should take into account the likelihood of the to achieve therapeutic goals, obtain positive out-
development of disease. comes, and avoid known risks and complica-
tions, a decision should be made before the
middle of the third decade to remove or continue
Misconceptions to observe third molars knowing that future
In the eyes of many clinicians, third molar decision treatment may be necessary based on the clinical
making consists of either tooth removal or reten- situation. There is a growing body of knowledge
tion. Management may also include partial suggesting that retention of third molars that
removal (coronectomy), retention with active clin- are erupted or partially erupted contribute to a hi-
ical and radiographic surveillance, surgical expo- gher incidence of periodontal disease. This per-
sure, tooth repositioning, transplantation, surgical sistent periodontal disease has both dental and
periodontics, and marsupialization of associated medical consequences for the host and there-
soft tissue disorder with observation and possible fore, may be an indication for prophylactic
secondary treatment. removal.”1
Unlike medicine, the dental profession in the The AAOMS also offers so-called anchor
United States is made up of about 80% general statements, best represented by the following:
practitioners, with most of the remaining 20% “Predicated on the best evidence-based data,
practicing in disciplines other than surgery. Most impacted teeth that demonstrate pathology, or
patients seeking consultation have been referred are at high risk of developing pathology, should
from other different dental professionals who be surgically managed. In the absence of pathol-
have nothing at stake other than the well-being ogy or significant risk of pathology, active clinical
of the patient. and radiographic surveillance is indicated.”
being positioned in places where associated infec- States, Canada, Finland, and the United Kingdom
tions may become more of an issue because of the presented and reviewed the latest research find-
position of the mylohyoid muscle and thin area of ings on third molar extraction, retention, patient
the lingual cortical plate, which can predispose surveillance, potential risks, and attendant costs.
to bacterial migration to adjacent facial spaces, Many other articles have been published since
leading to deep facial space infections. Removal these efforts and have helped to give better clarity
may therefore be the most cost-effective path to what is known and what needs further study.
and allow a healthier oral environment. As a result, there is general agreement on impor-
tant aspects of third molars and their behavior.
The author acknowledges Alexandra C. Rafetto
for her contributions to this article.
2. American Academy on Pediatric Dentistry Council 7. Opposition to prophylactic removal of third molars
on Clinical Affairs. Guidelines on pediatric oral sur- (wisdom teeth). Policy date: 10/28/2008, policy num-
gery. Pediatr Dent 2014;30(7 Suppl):205–11. ber: 20085. 2008. Available at:
3. Mettes TG, Nienhuijs ME, van der Sanden WJ, et al. 8. Dodson TB, Rafetto LK, Nelson WJ. Introduction.
Interventions for treating asymptomatic impacted Proceedings of the Third Molar Multidisciplinary
wisdom teeth in adolescents and adults. Cochrane Conference. Washington, DC, October 19, 2010.
Database Syst Rev 2005;(2):CD003879. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012;70(9):S2–3.
4. National Institute of Clinical Excellence (N.I.C.E.) on
the indications for the removal of third molars. 2000. 9. Bouloux GF, Busaidy KF, Beirne OR, et al. What is
Available at: the risk of future extraction of asymptomatic third
5. McArdle L, Renton T. The effects of NICE guidelines molars? A systematic review. J Oral Maxillofac
on the management of third molar teeth. Br Dent J Surg 2014. [Epub ahead of print].
2012;213:E8. 10. Dodson TB. The management of the asymptomatic,
6. Ventä I, Ylipaavalniemi P, Turtola L. Long-term eval- disease-free wisdom tooth: removal versus reten-
uation of estimates of need for third molar removal. tion. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2000;58:288. 2012;20:169–76.
C o ron e c t o m y
Partial Odontectomy or Intentional
Root Retention
M. Anthony Pogrel, DDS, MD, FRCS
Coronectomy Intentional root retention Partial odontectomy Third molars Wisdom teeth
Inferior alveolar nerve
Coronectomy protects the inferior alveolar nerve from damage when lower third molars need
Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has become the standard of care in deciding whether
to offer coronectomy to a patient where there is a close relationship between the tooth and the
There are reported variations in technique, but they do not seem to affect the results.
Root migration seems to be the most frequent complication.
My personal interest in coronectomy started when Dental Association approved a procedure code
I heard Brian O’Riordan (a London-based oral and (D7251) for coronectomy, effective January
maxillofacial surgeon) give his retirement talk to 2011. However, just because the American Dental
the annual meeting of the British Association of Association recognized the technique and gave it
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in Buxton, En- a code number does not make it universally
gland in 1997. The title of his talk was “Uneasy accepted and even more does not ensure that
Lies the Head that Wears a Crown.”1 In this he dental insurance companies will reimburse for
presented a fascinating story of his 30-year love the technique, and even now several of them do
affair with coronectomies and showed much of not reimburse for this technique. Nevertheless,
the rationale and also his long-term results. I re- the technique does seem to be gaining wider
turned to California energized and determined to acceptance, although there are some differences
try this technique. At that time, it was not widely in the indications and actual technique used
practiced in the United States and nobody was within and between countries.
lecturing or publishing on the topic. As we began In this article I discuss these differences in the
to develop the technique and look at our early re- light of personal experience. The degree of accep-
sults (our first publication was in 2004),2 the tance of the technique in some ways can be judged
technique began to gain some popularity locally on the number of articles in peer-reviewed journals
and nationally, and although it still remains on the topic. From 1965 to 2004, there were only
controversial in the United States, it did assume seven articles on coronectomy in the English lan-
a degree of respectability when the American guage literature over a 38-year period,1,3–8 and all
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of California San Francisco, Box 0440, Room C522,
521 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94143-0440, USA
E-mail address: [email protected]
of these were after 1988. Since then, the numbers 1. Low risk: This occurs when the panoral radio-
each year are as follows: graphic appearance turns out on the CBCT
scan to be superimposition only. There is sepa-
2004 3 ration of the nerve and the root with a covering
of bone in between (Fig. 1).
2005 3
2. Medium risk: This occurs when the nerve is
2006 2
directly adjacent to the roots of the tooth or is
2007 1 mildly grooving the root of the tooth (Fig. 2).
2008 1 3. High risk: This occurs when there is deep
2009 5 grooving of the tooth by the nerve or even
2010 5 perforation of the tooth root by the nerve with
2011 6 the roots growing around the nerve (Fig. 3).
2012 8 We prefer not to use numbers, or percentages,
2013 11 because patients often want to apply overall
2014 6 numbers to their own personal situation.
It is important to realize the differences in image
acquisition with fan-beam (medical grade) CT and
CBCT scanning. In principle, fan-beam or medical-
CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES CONCERNING grade CT uses slices that are now usually less than
CORONECTOMY 1 mm apart, to build up a composite image. In
contrast, CBCT scanning uses volumetric image
Most authorities agree that the technique is indi-
acquisition and visualization. Because of this, the
cated when there is high probability of damage
resolution of CBCT scanning cannot match that of
to the inferior alveolar nerve if the whole tooth is
fan-beam CT scanning and so it is not always
removed. Previously evaluations were made on
possible to visualize the exact relationship at some
Panorex radiographs using several criteria
including overlapping of the nerve shadow on the
roots of the teeth, narrowing of the nerve shadow,
or deviation of the nerve shadow.9–12
Although medical-grade (also called fan beam
or multislice) computed tomography (CT) scan-
ning has been available since the mid-1970s to
determine the relationship in three dimensions, it
was not widely used because it was relatively
expensive, the radiation dosage was compara-
tively high, the availability was limited, insurance
would not reimburse for it, and the software did
not allow easy visualization of the relationship
between the inferior alveolar nerve and the roots
of the third molar. The increasing availability of
cone-beam CT (CBCT) scanning from 2002 on-
ward eased these problems in that the radiation
dose is much lower than with fan-beam CT, the
cost is much lower (around $300 in the United
States), and the software makes easy visualiza-
tion of the relationship between the inferior alve-
olar nerve and the tooth in three dimensions.
CBCT scanning is now the preferred imaging
technique to determine in three dimensions what
appears to be a close relationship between the
inferior alveolar nerve and the third molar
Classifications of the relationship of the nerve to Fig. 1. A coronal slice from a cone-beam CT scan
the tooth vary on CBCT, but in general there are showing the inferior alveolar nerve (arrow) as sepa-
three groups, based on the risk of permanent infe- rate from the root of the tooth. This represents a
rior alveolar nerve damage following removal of low risk of permanent nerve involvement following
the whole tooth. removal of the tooth.
Coronectomy 3
Fig. 4. (A) Panoramic reconstruction. (B) Axial slices. (C) Actual tooth after removal. These represent an attempt
to visualize the relationship between the inferior alveolar nerve and the lower third molar before tooth removal.
The cone-beam CT, because of its more limited power of resolution, cannot visualize objects in the detail that can
be obtained with fan-beam CT. In this case, the cone-beam CT scan was unable to show that the nerve went right
between the roots of the tooth. The tooth was consequently removed without coronectomy, but fortunately the
mesial root fractured and so it was possible to remove the tooth without causing permanent nerve damage. If
this had been visualized preoperatively, coronectomy would probably have been performed. (From Pogrel MA.
Coronectomy to prevent damage to the inferior alveolar nerve. Alpha Omegan 2009;102:61–7; with permission.)
As the procedure has gained wider acceptance
the numbers of variations on the basic surgical
Fig. 5. Lower third molars lying horizontally along the Fig. 6. A postcoronectomy radiograph showing re-
inferior alveolar nerve making it impossible to carry tained enamel on the mesial aspect of the lower left
out coronectomy. third molar.
Coronectomy 5
The first is a similar technique except that a The most frequent instance of this is in the case of
lingual flap is not raised and a lingual retractor is the dentigerous cyst (Fig. 8). Although a fairly large
not placed, but rather the crown of the tooth is defect may be left, this does not seem to require
removed from above with either a fissure bur or a any type of grafting in most cases.22 No authors
high-speed round bur such that the crown is either currently recommend any type of endodontic treat-
split vertically from above into small sections or it ment of the retained roots,23 and articles have
is just ground away until one ends up 2 to 3 mm shown that the retained roots do remain vital.24
below the alveolar crest. Other areas showing differences in techniques
The second is a technique whereby no lingual are discussed next.
flap is raised and no lingual retractor is used,
but the crown is still sectioned horizontally in Antibiotics
the same manner as one would use for routine
Many authors have always believed that the use
third molar removal. In this, the fissure bur is
of antibiotics is important for the success of this
taken approximately two-thirds of the way across
technique. It is believed that antibiotics should
the tooth and then the crown is fractured off in the
be given prophylactically so that they are in the
normal way with a straight elevator. The crown is
pulp chamber of the tooth to be sectioned at
then removed and the roots smoothed if neces-
the time of removal. This means giving them peri-
sary to the correct level.21 In this technique there
operatively if given intravenously, or an hour pre-
is a reasonable possibility of mobilizing the re-
operatively if given orally. However, several
tained roots, which must then be removed. How-
authors have published on carrying out the tech-
ever, the proponents of this particular technique
nique without using any antibiotics, and the suc-
state if the roots are mobilized or loosened, it nor-
cess rates and infection rates seem similar.21,25–27
mally means that the nerve could not be too inti-
mately involved with the roots and therefore they Suturing
can be removed without undue risk. If the roots
are firm, they are retained in the usual way. In our technique we raise a buccal flap, and un-
Studies using this technique always show a dermine and release the periosteum if necessary,
higher incidence of failed coronectomies in that to obtain a tension-free, water tight, primary
the roots are removed at the initial surgery. How- closure of the socket.28 This was believed to be
ever, proponents of this technique do not report important for primary healing and for new bone
any higher incidence of inferior alveolar nerve to grow over the socket. However, some authors
involvement. suture without raising a buccal flap and without
Coronectomy can also be used in conjunction periosteal release, so that the socket is not
with removal of pathology in the third molar region. completely closed.21 Again, success rates seem
to be similar.
6 Pogrel
Fig. 8. Radiographs demonstrating the technique being used in the presence of pathology. (A) Preoperative im-
age showing an impacted lower right third molar in a close relationship with the inferior alveolar nerve and asso-
ciated with a dentigerous cyst. (B) Postcoronectomy.
The Distance Below the Alveolar Crest to primarily in dogs.29–31 Now that there are adequate
Leave the Roots results obtained from clinical studies on patients, it
does seem that the technique works best if the
As originally described, this technique recommen-
retained roots are left 3 to 4 mm below the alveolar
ded removal of the tooth until it was 2 to 3 mm
crest of bone.15,25,32 By leaving them a little lower
below the alveolar crest of bone (Fig. 9). These
down, the bone grows over the roots more consis-
numbers were derived from animal studies,
tently and they may move somewhat less.
Randomized controlled clinical trials are difficult to
perform but have been attempted33,34 as have
case control studies.15 Other studies are mainly
case series2,25,35–37 or review articles.38,39 Most
published papers describe successful results
with a low complication rate.32 Because the tech-
nique is designed to avoid permanent damage to
the inferior alveolar nerve, most published papers
do show that this aim is achieved.28,35,40,41
Typically the infection rate is noted to be no
higher than with complete third molar removal,
and by definition there can be no dry socket
because there really is no socket. Most cases of
infection seem to result from leaving some enamel
behind, from the tooth being removed. There
seems no doubt that retained enamel can harbor
bacteria and that bone does not attach to enamel,
leaving a potential problem area.
Excessive pocketing behind the second molar
has not been reported, and on average, pocket
depths measure 2 to 4 mm. If this is believed to
be an issue grafting has been suggested.42
The major complication seems to be that many
of these roots subsequently migrate. Migration
Fig. 9. Clinical result postcoronectomy. Note the
exposed pulp chamber and the retained root frag- occurs at different times but can be visible on ra-
ments below the rim of the alveolar crest. (From diographs 3 months after the extraction. It appears
Pogrel MA, Lee JS, Muff DF, et al. Coronectomy: a tech- as a periapical radiolucency and comparison of
nique to protect the inferior alveolar nerve. J Oral serial Panorex radiographs makes the movement
Maxillofac Surg 2004;62:1447–52; with permission.) obvious (Fig. 10). Some practitioners have
Coronectomy 7
Fig. 10. Panorex radiographs showing early migration of retained roots of lower left third molar. (A) Immediately
postcoronectomy. (B) Four months later. Note that beneath the apices of the roots there is a radiolucency that has
been mistaken for periapical infection. Roots have moved despite the appearance of bone growing over the
mistaken the periapical radiolucency for infection, In our own program, the results are as follows:
but this is not the case. The radiolucency merely
represents the space where the roots were but Total number of cases carried out between
have now migrated. The roots always appear to 1997 and August 2014: 742.
migrate away from nerve, and although sometimes Infections: six (0.8%); two roots subsequently
they do migrate all the way to the surface (Fig. 11), required removal.
they seem to be easy to remove without complica- Number of teeth migrating following coronec-
tion and this may occur in 1% to 5% of cases.21,43 tomy: 230 (31%).
It was believed that if the nerve truly perforated the Number of roots subsequently requiring
roots, or the roots were deeply grooving them, removal: six or 0.8% (two for infection and
they could not in fact migrate. However, cases four because of migration). One of these pa-
have been described where the roots have tients suffered an inferior alveolar nerve injury
migrated apically taking the inferior alveolar nerve (see later).
up with them.3 Obviously, if roots such as these The number of teeth migrating and the num-
had to be removed subsequently, considerable ber of retained roots that are subsequently
care would need to be taken. removed is probably related to the time of
Fig. 11. Radiograph showing coronal migration of the retained roots of a lower third molar over a 2-year period.
(A) Preoperative appearance showing gross decay of the tooth. (B) Six months postcoronectomy showing good
healing with apparent bone over the retained roots. (C) Two years postcoronectomy showing occlusal migration
of the retained root necessitating removal now without risk to the inferior alveolar nerve. (From Pogrel MA. Cor-
onectomy to prevent damage to the inferior alveolar nerve. Alpha Omegan 2009;102:61–7; with permission.)
8 Pogrel
follow-up, and the longer the patients are fol- technique is obviously time consuming (and pre-
lowed, the more likely it is that retained roots sumably costly) but may be indicated in certain
move and need removal. We need to await circumstances.
20- and 30-year follow-up studies to assess
the final outcome. Sequential Removal of Small Portions of the
Number of failed coronectomies (roots were Occlusal Surface of the Impacted Third Molar
mobilized at the time of surgery and were
removed): 12, none causing inferior alveolar The technique of sequential removal of small por-
nerve symptoms. tions of the occlusal surface of the impacted third
molar such that it can erupt further until it moves
In our own series, the infection rate is actually far enough away from the nerve so that it can be
lower for coronectomy than for routine third molar safely removed was advocated by Tolstunov and
removal, and we have speculated on the reason coworkers,47 under the name of pericoronal ostec-
for this. It could simply be that many of our third tomy. Presumably one does need adequate
molars are removed by residents in training, access to the crown of the tooth to remove 1 or
whereas coronectomies are normally performed 2 mm of the occlusal surface and whichever sur-
by attendings, and therefore a lower infection face is causing the impaction at the time, and
rate might be expected. We also had one partic- again if the tooth is actually perforated by the
ularly troublesome case where the patient did get nerve, presumably it will not erupt.
repeated infections after coronectomy, and the
decision was made to surgically remove the re-
tained roots, which were found to be perforated
by the inferior alveolar nerve. Despite removing Coronectomy (also called intentional root retention
the tooth fragments as atraumatically as possible, or partial odontectomy) should be considered in
this patient did suffer inferior alveolar nerve cases of patients older than 25, where there ap-
involvement, which after 6 months has largely pears to be an intimate relationship (low, medium,
resolved, but not completely. The patient still or high risk) between the roots of a retained lower
has about a 10% nerve involvement, fortunately third molar (or occasionally second or even first
manifest as paresthesia and not dysesthesia. Us- molars) and the inferior alveolar nerve, in circum-
ing our technique of lingual nerve retraction, we stances where it is not contraindicated. It may be
have had a transient lingual paresthesia rate of used on younger patients with a medium to high
slightly above 1% (eight cases), all but one of risk of inferior alveolar nerve damage. The decision
which resolved over 10 days. This last case did to use this technique is currently made with the aid
resolve completely but took 5 months to do so, of CBCT scans. The short- to medium-term suc-
which was concerning. Presumably these injuries cess rate seems to be excellent, but long-term
are stretch injuries of the lingual nerve. We have studies are not yet available and could influence
no other cases of inferior alveolar nerve the conclusions.
1. O’Riordan BC. Uneasy lies the head that wears the
Since publications commenced on coronectomy,
crown. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1997;35:209.
a small number of alternative techniques have
2. Pogrel MA, Lee JS, Muff DF. Coronectomy: a tech-
been advocated to avoid inferior alveolar nerve
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3. Drage NA, Renton T. Inferior alveolar nerve injury
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Orthodontic Extrusion of the Third Molars
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C u r re n t Co n c e p t s of
P e r i a p i c a l Su r g e r y
Stuart E. Lieblich, DMDa,b,*
Periapical surgery Endodontic surgery Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) Fractured tooth
Preoperative decision-making is vital to determine potential success of periapical surgery.
Adequate exposure of the root apical region is best approached via a sulcular-type incision.
Surgical procedures include resection of 2 to 3 mm of the apical portion along with root end
preparation and seal.
The surgeon must decide if submission of periapical tissues to pathology is indicated.
broken instrument in the root canal system dramatically improved over the years with the de-
(Fig. 1), or transportation of the apex, perforation, velopments of newer retrofilling materials and the
and ledging of the canal. Failure of endodontic
a b
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT, USA; Private
Practice, Avon Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 34 Dale Road, Suite 105, Avon, CT 06001, USA
* Avon Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 34 Dale Road, Suite 105, Avon, CT 06001.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Fig. 1. Two examples of technical factors requiring apical surgery. Although less frequent in occurrence, the suc-
cess rate is usually high because the canal system is likely well obturated. (A) Overfill of gutta percha causing
symptoms including chronic sinusitis. (B) Broken endodontic instrument in apical third with pain and drainage.
use of the ultrasonic preparation. Previously cited The primary option for the treatment of symp-
success rates of 60% to 70% have now increased tomatic endodontically treated teeth is that of con-
to more than 90% in many studies,3,4 due to the ventional retreatment versus the surgical
routine use of ultrasonic retrograde preparation approach. An algorithm for a decision regarding
and the use of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA retreatment versus surgery versus extraction is
[ProRoot MTA, Tulsa, Ok]) as a filling material. presented in Fig. 2. In discussions with patients,
This significant improvement makes apical surgery the option of conventional retreatment should be
a much more predictable and valuable adjunct in discussed. Clinical studies though have not shown
the treatment of symptomatic teeth. Most signifi- retreatment to be more successful than surgery
cantly, studies5 show once the periapical bony and in fact one prospective study found surgical
defect is considered “healed” (reformation of the treatment to have a higher success rate.8 Another
lamina dura or the case had healed by scar) the study found a higher success rate with surgery
long-term prognosis is excellent. They reported from 2 to 4 years (77.8% vs 70.9%), but from 4
91.5% of healed cases still successful after a to 6 years it reversed to a success rate of 71.8%
follow-up period of 5 to 7 years. Therefore, with with surgery and 83% with conventional retreat-
adequate radiographic follow-up, the surgeon ment.9 Although endodontic retreatment seems
should be able to predict the long-term viability more “conservative,” the removal of posts, rein-
of the tooth and its usefulness to retain a pros- strumentation of the tooth, and removal of tooth
thetic restoration. structure increase the chance of fracture. Surgical
There is some controversy in the endodontic treatment of failures also provides the opportunity
literature that the use of magnification may to retrieve tissue for histologic examination to rule
improve outcomes in surgical management of out a noninfectious cause of a lesion (Fig. 3).
endodontic failures. In a 2-part article by Setzer The option of extraction with either immediate or
and colleagues,6,7 a meta-analysis was reviewed delayed implant placement must also be dis-
on this subject of endodontic surgery. In part 1, cussed as an alternative to periapical surgery.
they compared outcomes with traditional root There is no debate in dentistry that implants can
end preparation with a rotary burr and amalgam outlast tooth-supported restorations. It is valuable
filling versus more contemporary surgery with ul- therefore to have data to predict the expected suc-
trasonic preparation and improved root end filling cess of the endodontic surgery so the patient can
materials (Super-EBA, MTA). With the more use that in their decision-making process. Factors
contemporary surgery techniques, the outcomes that improve success are noted in Table 1. In
improved from 59% to 94%. They then divided cases of an expected poorer success rate, such
the literature into 2 groups in 2012: those using as the presence of severe periodontal bone loss
no magnification or loupes up to 10 with those (especially the presence of furcation involvement),
cases using the operating microscope or an endo- the decision to extract the tooth and place an
scope with magnification greater than 10. The implant may be a more efficacious and clinically
group without magnification had a cumulative suc- predictable procedure.
cess rate of 88%, whereas the use of magnifica- There is a body of literature that supports the
tion had a pooled success rate of 93%. Of note duration of restorations fabricated on endodonti-
was that no difference in success was noted for cally treated teeth. Blomlof and Jansson10 found
treatment of anterior teeth or premolars with or surgically treated molars with healthy periodontal
without magnification, but some improved suc- status had a 10-year survival rate of 89%, and
cess for molars (98% vs 90%). Basten and colleagues11 reported a 92% 12-year
Current Concepts of Periapical Surgery 3
Fig. 2. Algorithm for apical surgery. (From Lieblich SE. Periapical surgery: clinical decision making. Oral Maxillofac
Clin North Am 2002;14:180; with permission.)
4 Lieblich
rate. The factors most associated with failures are Table 1 to help predict the likelihood of the surgi-
long posts in teeth with little remaining coronal cal intervention being successful. If the tooth has
structure. Thus, the condemnation of a tooth multiple factors that indicate the success of the
because it can be replaced with an implant is not surgical intervention would be compromised or
that clear. the tooth has a poor expectation for 10-year sur-
An economic analysis may be indicated to guide vival, then extraction with implant placement is a
the patient’s decision. If the case has a final pros- more efficacious means of care.
thetic restoration already in place, it is usually The surgeon may be called on to treat teeth that
easier to recommend surgical intervention. If the cannot be negotiated for conventional orthograde
symptoms do not resolve, the patient has only ex- endodontics. The treatment of teeth with calcified
pended the additional time, operative risk, and canals may be appropriately managed with apical
expense of the surgical portion of their care surgery alone with a retrograde filling if the tooth is
because they have already have a definitive resto- critical to a restorative treatment plan. Danin and
ration. The surgeon should review the factors in colleagues12 showed at least a 50% rate of
Table 1
Factors associated with success and failures in periapical surgery
complete radiographic healing and only one failure situation is not clear at that time (6 months post-
in 10 cases over a 1-year observation period in surgically), a temporary restoration, loaded for at
cases treated surgically only and without end- least 3 months, is often a good “litmus test” of
odontic treatment. Bacteria still remained in the the success of the surgery and predictive as to
canals of the tooth in 90% of these cases, which whether the final restoration will last for some time.
may lead to a later failure.
Preoperative radiographs and a careful clinical ex-
More complicated decisions are involved with amination should be done with a high index of sus-
teeth that have not been definitively restored. In picion of a vertical root fracture (VRF) before
that situation, not only does the surgeon have to undertaking surgery. Mandibular molars and
consider the preoperative potential for the apical maxillary premolars are the most frequent teeth
surgery to be successful but also often must deter- to present with occult VRF. Although surgical
mine when the case is deemed successful and the exploration may be needed to definitively show
case can proceed to the final restoration. Once a the presence of a fracture (Fig. 4), subtle radio-
final restoration is placed, considerably more graphic signs may alert the surgeon that a fracture
time and expense have been invested and subse- is present, and the surgery is unlikely to be suc-
quent failure is more troublesome to the patient. cessful. Tamse and colleagues15 looked at radio-
Rud and colleagues13 retrospectively reviewed graphs of maxillary premolars for comparison
radiographs following apical surgery to determine with the clinical findings at the time of surgery.
radiographic signs of success. Their work showed Very few (1 of 15) teeth with an isolated, well-
that with a retrospective review of cases over at corticated periapical lesion had a VRF. In contrast,
least 4 years after surgery, once radiographic evi- a “halo”-type radiolucency was almost always
dence of bone fill occurs, noted as “successful” associated with a VRF (Fig. 5). This type of radio-
healing in their classification scheme, that tooth lucency is also known as a “J” type, wherein a
was stable throughout the remainder of their study widened periodontal ligament space connects
period (up to 15 years). A waiting period of more with the periapical lesion, creating the “J” pattern.
than 4 years is not acceptable in contemporary It is critical in patient discussions to review the
practice, but their classification scheme has exploratory nature of the surgery; this author
been validated over shorter observation times. routinely uses that as a descriptor of the planned
They found that if radiographic evidence of bone surgery. In cases of root fracture, a decision during
fill of the surgical defect is noted, then the tooth re- surgery may need to be made to either resect a
mained a radiographic success over their observa- root or extract a tooth if a fractured root is found.
tion periods. Many of the partially healing cases, Obtaining the appropriate preoperative consent
noted as “incomplete healing” in their study, as well as determining how the extracted tooth
tended to move into the complete healing group site will be managed (with or without a temporary
during the 2 years following surgery, with very little removable partial denture) must be established
changes throughout the next 4 years of before surgery commences.
An appropriate follow-up protocol is to obtain a CONCOMITANT PERIODONTAL PROCEDURES
repeat periapical film 3 months after surgery with
critical comparison with the immediate postopera- The use of guided tissue regeneration, alloplastic
tive film. If significant bone fill has occurred, or allogenic bone grafting, and root planing in
mobility has decreased, pain is resolved, and no conjunction with periapical surgery can be consid-
fistula is present, the case can proceed to the final ered. In cases of severe bone dehiscence, the like-
restoration. However, if significant bone fill has not lihood of success is known to be substantially
been noted, the patient should be recalled at compromised and may lead to the intraoperative
3 months for a new film. Rubinstein and Kim14 decision to extract the tooth. Periodontal probing,
found complete healing in 25.3% of cases in before surgery, often will detect the presence of
3 months, and 34% took 6 months, 15.4% took significant bony defects. Sometimes the amount
9 months, and 25.3% took 12 months. Small of bone loss cannot be appreciated until the area
bony defects healed faster than large, which is flapped (Fig. 6). Thus, the exploratory nature of
showed significant differences in their prospective the surgery needs to be stressed preoperatively
study. In contrast, any increase in the size of the with the patient.
radiolucency or no improvement should caution The placement of an additional foreign body,
the dentist about making a final restoration. If the such as a Gore-Tex (W.L. Gore and ASSOC,
6 Lieblich
Fig. 4. VRF that was not diagnosed until explored at the time of surgery. The use of a sulcular flap permitted a
resection of the mesiobuccal root and preservation of the tooth with its existing restoration.
Fig. 5. (A) Example of a periapical lesion isolated to the apical one-third of the root. These lesions are rarely asso-
ciated with a VRF. (B) In contrast, this type of radiographic lesion, known as a “halo” or “J” type of radiolucency,
has ill-defined cortical borders and is most likely associated with a VRF.
Current Concepts of Periapical Surgery 7
Fig. 7. (A) Large periapical lesion associated with teeth numbers 27 and 28 in proximity with an implant. Apical
surgery was performed (B) with an MTA seal, and no graft or membrane was placed into the defect. (C) Bone fill
after 3 months. (D–F) Similar situation with large defect successfully treated with apical surgery and MTA retro-
grade filling. No graft or membrane was placed in the defect.
8 Lieblich
Fig. 9. Papilla-based incision has been shown to have less recession than the intrasulcular incision. (A) Schematic
illustration of papilla based incision. (B) Baseline before apical surgery of the first molar. (C) Closure of incision.
(D) One year follow-up picture. (From von Arx T, Vinzens-Majaniemi T, Bürgin W, et al. Changes of periodontal
parameters following apical surgery: a prospective clinical study of three incision techniques. Int Endod J
2007;40(12):963; with permission.)
all soft tissue recovered for histologic examination An approach more logical than a purely defen-
ignited a series of letters to the editor. Organiza- sive one is to set up guidelines on which it is deter-
tions such as the American Association of End- mined submission of tissue was not indicated.
odontists have stated in their standards that if These guidelines are listed in Box 1. It is recom-
soft tissue can be recovered from the apical sur- mended that the surgeon have documented in
gery that it must be submitted for pathologic the record the rationale for electing not to submit
evaluation. tissue in each specific case. At a recent meeting
On cursory review, it seems that it is easier to of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofa-
make this recommendation than to have the sur- cial Surgeons, only 8% of those attending a sym-
geon determine if there is anything unusual about posium on endodontic surgery “always” submit
the case that warrants histologic examination.
Walton23 makes a convincing argument against
Box 1
the submission of all tissues, because similar- Indications for nonsubmission of periapical
appearing radiolucencies that are not treated sur- soft tissues for histologic review
gically do not have tissue retrieved for pathologic
identification. It also is accepted that the differen- 1. Clear evidence of pre-existing endodontic
tiation between a periapical granuloma or periapi- involvement of a tooth
cal cyst has no direct bearing on clinical outcomes a. Pulpal necrosis was present, not just a
and therefore cannot be used as a rationalization periapical radiolucency
for the submission of tissue.
2. Unilocular radiolucency associated with api-
The dilemma falls back to the surgeon that if a cal one-third of the tooth
rare lesion should present itself in the context of
a periapical lesion, and is not biopsied in a timely 3. Lesion is not in association with an impacted
manner, the surgeon may have exposure in a
potential malpractice suit. Many surgeons have a 4. No history of malignancy that could repre-
case or two in their careers that have “surprised” sent spread of a metastasis
them based on the final pathologic diagnosis. 5. Patient will return for follow-up examina-
However, careful review of these cases usually de- tions and radiographs
picts a clinical situation inconsistent with a typical 6. No tissue recovered at the time of surgery
periapical infection (see Fig. 3).
10 Lieblich
tissue for histologic examination (Lieblich, study. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1996;16:
personal communication, 2009). 206–9.
12. Danin J, Linder LE, Lundqvist G, et al. Outcomes of
REFERENCES periradicular surgery in cases of apical pathosis and
untreated canals. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol
1. Kerekes K, Tronstad L. Long-term results of end- Oral Radiol Endod 1999;87(2):227–32.
odontic treatment performed with a standardized
13. Rud J, Andreasen JO, Jensen JE. A follow-up study
technique. J Endod 1979;5:83–90.
of 1,000 cases treated by endodontic surgery. Int J
2. El-Siwah JM, Walker RT. Reasons for apicectomies.
Oral Surg 1972;1:215–28.
A retrospective study. Endod Dent Traumatol 1996;
14. Rubinstein RA, Kim S. Short term observation of the
results of endodontic surgery with the use of a surgi-
3. Von Arx T, Kurl B. Root-end cavity preparation after
cal operation microscope and Super-EBA as root-
apicoectomy using a new type of sonic and
end filling material. J Endod 1999;25:43–8.
diamond-surfaced retrotip: a 1-year follow-up study.
15. Tamse A, Fuss Z, Lustig J, et al. Radiographic fea-
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1999;57:656–61.
tures of vertically fractured, endodontically treated
4. Zuolo ML, Ferreira MO, Gutmann JL. Prognosis in
maxillary premolars. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol
periapical surgery: a clinical prospective study. Int
Oral Radiol Endod 1999;88:348–52.
Endod J 2000;33(2):91–8.
16. Tsesis I, Rosen E, Tamse A, et al. Effect of guided tis-
5. Rubinstein RA, Kim S. Long-term follow-up of cases
sue regeneration on the outcome of endodontic
considered healed one year after apical microsur-
treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
gery. J Endod 2002;28:378–83.
J Endod 2011;37(8):1039–45.
6. Setzer FC, Shah S, Kohli M, et al. Outcome of end-
odontic surgery: a meta-analysis of the literature— 17. Wuchenich D, Meadows D, Torabinejad M.
part 1: comparison of traditional root-end surgery A comparison between two root end preparation
and endodontic microsurgery. J Endod 2010;36: techniques in human cadavers. J Endod 1994;20:
1757–65. 279–82.
7. Setzer FC, Shah S, Kohli M, et al. Outcome of end- 18. Feedman A, Horowitz I. Complications after api-
odontic surgery: a meta-analysis of the literature— coectomy in maxillary premolar and molar teeth.
part 2: comparison of endodontic microsurgical Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1999;28:192–4.
techniques with and without the use of higher 19. Jansson L, Sandstedt P, Laftman AC, et al. Relation-
magnification. J Endod 2012;38:1–12. ship between apical and marginal healing in perira-
8. Danin J, Stromberg T, Forsgren H, et al. Clinical dicular surgery. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral
management of nonhealing periradicular pathosis. Radiol Endod 1997;83:596–601.
Surgery versus endodontic retreatment. Oral Surg 20. Velvart P. Papilla base incision: a new approach to
Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1996; recession-free healing of the interdental papilla after
82(2):213–7. endodontic surgery. Int Endod J 2002;35:453–60.
9. Trobinejad M, Corr R, Handysides R, et al. Out- 21. Von Arx T, Vinzens-Majanemi T, Jensen S. Changes
comes of nonsurgical retreatment and endodontic of periodontal parameters following apical surgery.
surgery: a systematic review. J Endod 2009;35(7): Int Endod J 2007;40:959–69.
930–7. 22. Velvert P, Peters CI. Soft tissue management in end-
10. Blomlof L, Jansson L. Prognosis and mortality of odontic surgery. J Endod 2005;31(1):4–16.
root-resected molars. Int J Periodontics Restorative 23. Walton RE. Routine histopathologic examination of
Dent 1997;17:190–201. endodontic periradicular surgical specimens—is it
11. Basten CH, Ammons WF, Persson R. Long-term warranted? Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Ra-
evaluation of root-resected molars: a retrospective diol Endod 1998;86(5):505.
Best Practices for
Ma na gement of P ain,
Swelling, Nausea, an d
Vom i t i n g i n D e n t o a l v e o l a r
Stephanie J. Drew, DMDa,b,c
Pain Wisdom teeth Nausea Vomiting Swelling Outpatient
Develop techniques to customize the outpatient experience and minimize these potential side
Review current therapies to minimize swelling, pain, and postoperative nausea and vomiting.
Staying abreast of the current surgical and pharmacologic and even homeopathic methods of treat-
ing our patients’ needs will ensure a safe outcome and good experience for our patients.
BEST PRACTICES FOR CONTROLLING PAIN, level of factors related to mounting an inflamma-
DENTOALVEOLAR SURGERY The inflammatory response to injury is the key
to the development of pain and eventually
Currently, therapy for the management of patient swelling after any surgery. The inflammatory
comfort after third molar surgery should be chemicals released from injury to tissue include
directed toward procedure-specific pharmaco- prostaglandins, leukotrienes, bradykinin, and
logic techniques that will minimize the inflamma- platelet-activating factors, to name a few. These
tory and noxious stimulus to the soft and hard chemicals, in turn, cause several chain reactions
tissues of patients. The buzzword today is all leading to vascular dilation and increased perme-
about preemptive methods to minimize the unto- ability, causing edema through interstitial fluid
ward effects of the surgery and anesthesia. accumulation and increased tissue pressure.
Although good surgical technique is a given, The emotional response to pain and the actual
all surgery creates injury to the soft and hard tis- surgical event can upregulate the response to
sues when it is related to the removal of the painful stimulus as well as the inflammatory
impacted teeth. Multiple biochemical cascades stimulus that creates nausea, possibly leading to
are activated on the first incision in the mucosa. vomiting via the vagal pathways, our fight-or-
End fibers of afferent neurons send signals flight mechanism.
created by the noxious stimulus to both the cere-
Hofstra Medical school, 500 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549, USA; b University Hospital Stony
Brook, 101 Nicolls Rd, Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA; c The New York Center for Orthognathic and Maxillofacial
Surgery, 474 Montauk Highway, West Islip, NY 11795, USA
E-mail address: [email protected]
abusers, immune compromise, and multiple al- primary closure versus a wound dressing was
lergies to medications. These patient issues are also assessed.4 They found the use of a whitehead
often difficult to manage well. Any patient that varnish dressing was more effective than primary
must take daily medication for any condition will closure to reduce swelling and trismus. Pain con-
need to be assessed for possible interactions be- trol was not changed with either method in this
tween medications you would like to use, the sur- study. Logically the conclusion relates back to
gical procedure needing to be done, and the risks the initial issues described of tissue dissection
of taking them off any medications they are using and pain. The more dissection of either soft tissue
for their other health issues if indicated by the na- or bone you do, the more it will create inflamma-
ture of the procedure. tion and, thus, increase pain.
Thus, there are multiple pathways that pharma-
cologic intervention can obtund, block, redirect, PAIN CONTROL
upregulate, or downregulate signals to improve
the patients’ physiologic experience as well as As stated previously, the best method to control
emotional experience postoperatively. Preventive postoperative pain will be to minimize the soft
measures should be considered in this light to and hard tissue trauma from surgery. However,
decrease the pain, nausea, vomiting, and swelling this unfortunately cannot always be avoided in
associated with third molar surgery. the removal of third molars. Pain control, thus, be-
gins with good surgical technique. The rest is up to
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE FROM OPENING TO the medications we choose to use for our patients
CLOSING to interfere with the propagation of pain and the
perception of pain. Of course, during the removal
The more difficult the surgery, the more likely the of third molars the surgeon will use a local anes-
patient will experience pain, swelling and trismus thetic to achieve pain control for the short-term.
after the surgical removal of third molars. Overall Local anesthetics block the afferent neural stimuli
this impacts on the patient experience and quality from the surgery by blocking the low voltage–
of life for several days after the event. The grade gated sodium channels on the cell membranes
of extraction thus correlates positively with the and, thus, interfere with the afferent signal propa-
trauma created to remove a third molar. Parant gation. Blocking of the afferent neural stimuli by
grade I tooth is equivalent to a simple forceps the local anesthesia will reduce the hyperalgesia
removal, whereas grade IV will require bone cutting and allodynia associated with surgery. Block injec-
and flap reflection.1 Understanding this relation- tions or infiltration of local anesthesia, long-acting
ship should guide the practitioner to provide appro- or short-acting drugs, and postoperative use of
priate surgical techniques to minimize trauma as extended-release local aesthetics should be
much as possible. It also allows the surgeon to considered. The block injections will last longer
formulate a pharmacologic action plan for mini- than the infiltration of medications regardless of
mizing pain, swelling, and trismus after surgery. the type of local used. The need for rescue injec-
If a tooth is impacted and requires removal, the tions, which further traumatize soft tissues and
thought of flap design and type of closure will play create more inflammation, should be reduced.
a role in minimizing pain, swelling, and trismus. Many different types of local anesthetics are
Borgonovo and colleagues2 recently evaluated available for use in third molar surgery. Of interest
the use of 3 different types of flaps in third molar is the speed of onset of the medication and how
surgery on postoperative discomfort. They long it will last when it comes to postoperative
described the use of an envelope flap, a triangular pain management. Lidocaine is the standard that
flap, or a trapezoidal flap. An envelope flap was the all other medications are compared. Recent
least traumatic with dissection; the trapezoidal flap studies of local anesthesia comparing the effi-
required the most dissection, periosteal stripping, ciency of lidocaine with articaine and bupivacaine
and perhaps manipulation or injury of the masseter have been published.5–8 In all the onset of action of
muscle. An envelope flap led to the least amount of these drugs is not as much an issue in relation to
pain, trismus, and swelling. postoperative pain as the duration of action. Bupi-
Closure of the flaps created to remove third mo- vacaine should be the local anesthetic of choice
lars has also been evaluated in regard to prevent- when it comes to achieving long-acting postoper-
ing pain, swelling, and trismus.3 Closure either ative anesthesia. Its duration of action has been
primarily or secondarily did not seem to impact reported to be as long as 10 hours. This duration
pain or facial swelling according to the reviews in is important because the initial onset of the
these papers. However, secondary closure has maximum severity of postoperative pain peaks
been found to create less trismus. The use of within the first several hours after surgery. This
Management of Pain, Swelling, Nausea, and Vomiting 3
feature of bupivacaine will allow patients to get narcotic medications for breakthrough pain is bet-
other medications on board that will be necessary ter controlled with the preemptive use of NSAIDs.
to help decrease and control the swelling and pain Gastrointestinal (GI) complications, including
of third molar removal before the onset of pain. upset and hemorrhage, have been known side
Improvement of the patients’ experience over all effects of NSAID medications. Those drugs devel-
and quality of life after third molar surgical inter- oped to be selective COX-2 inhibitors have less risk
vention may be the most important aspect of prac- for damage to the GI mucosa.15 Selective COX-2
tice management. inhibitor drugs, such as loxoprofen sodium and cel-
On the forefront is the development of a delivery ecoxib, have been recently compared and found to
system for the extended release of bupivacaine. be clinically compatible in the management of
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has decreasing pain after third molar extraction.16
approved its use in 2011 for patients older than
18 years. The system has biodegradable and NARCOTICS
biocompatible lipid-based particles that contain
the drug and allow diffusion over an extended Hydrocodone, oxycodone, and codeine have
time, which gives sustained local analgesia. The been the go-to narcotics for the control of postop-
pharmaceutical company claims that the formula- erative pain resulting from dentoalveolar surgery.
tion should last up to 72 hours. This medication These drugs have a place in our armamentarium,
has been used in orthopedic surgery and soft tis- but their use must be monitored for abuse poten-
sue incisions of plastic and general surgery. There tial. While they work well in changing the percep-
have been no publications in dentistry thus far, tion of pain and centrally mediating the response,
perhaps because of the cost of a single-dose vial their side effects may overrun the benefits of use.
being approximately $250. The development of Nausea, vomiting, constipation, dizziness, and
pain, trismus, and swelling lasts for several days allergy should be monitored during their use.
after the removal of third molars. Perhaps studies These drugs are usually delivered in combination
on the use of this medication delivery modality with acetaminophen. The potential for toxic levels
with sustained release should be considered.9,10 of the acetaminophen must also be monitored.17
Often these drugs can be used in combination
NONSTEROIDAL ANTIINFLAMMATORY with an antiinflammatory drug, such as ibuprofen,
DRUGS AND POSTOPERATIVE PAIN CONTROL to enhance the response to pain control.
Tramadol is a centrally acting opiate that also has
Prostaglandins are the primary mediator of acute the properties of inhibiting serotonin reuptake.18–20
postsurgical inflammatory changes and, thus, the
development of pain. Inhibition of cyclooxygenase ACETAMINOPHEN
(COX) will prevent the production of prostaglan-
dins. Two forms of COX exist: COX-1 and COX- This drug is a centrally acting analgesic and anti-
2. It is known that COX-2 is primarily responsible pyretic. The analgesic effects of this drug are
for the cause of inflammation, pain, and fever. created by it acting centrally by raising the pain
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) threshold through what is thought to be inhibition
are drugs with antiinflammatory properties that of the nitric oxide pathway mediated by a variety
work by blocking cyclooxygenase via the arachi- of neurotransmitters, including N- methyl-D-aspar-
donic acid pathway. tate and substance P. Although acetaminophen is
When these drugs are given preemptively before one of the oldest and most widely prescribed anal-
the initiation of surgical trauma, they are found to gesic drugs, its analgesic efficiency has been
significantly reduce postoperative swelling, pain, found to be improved by combining it with NSAID
and trismus.11 One study compared the preopera- medications, such as ibuprofen.21–24 These new
tive administration of oral diclofenac potassium, combination medications or just combining them
etodolac, and naproxen sodium on postoperative on your own may obviate or decrease the need
pain, swelling, and trismus.12 The study concluded for narcotic use in many patients.
that diclofenac potassium was best at reducing Toxic levels of acetaminophen, especially
swelling and equal to naproxen sodium and etodo- affecting the liver, can increase quickly if the medi-
lac in reduction of pain and trismus. In another cation is not used appropriately, especially in the pe-
study, dexketoprofen trometamol was used in an diatric population. Recently, the FDA decreased the
intravenous preparation preoperatively and was maximum daily dose of N-Acetyl-p-Aminophenol
found to have an excellent preemptive decrease (APAP) from 4 g/d to 3 g/d because of the preva-
in pain and swelling caused by third molar sur- lence of hepatic injury. The FDA has also stated
gery.13,14 The need for the use of postoperative that single doses greater than 325 mg may cause
4 Drew
liver toxicity (FDA 2014 In other words, steroids decrease swelling and,
drugsafety/safeuseinitiative/ucm230396.htm). thus, pain by decreasing the action of pain
PSYCHOLOGY OF PAIN The delivery of steroids to patients can be via
oral, intramuscular injection, or intravenous
Anxiety and fear can upregulate the pain signals methods. One recent study compared the different
received in the limbic system to create a hyper routes of administration of methylprednisolone on
response to a painful stimulus. This center in the edema and trismus after third molar surgery.26
brain is responsible for the emotional component They found that the systemic application of a ste-
to our perception of a painful stimulus. The afferent roid was more effective on increasing range of
fibers cross over from the trigeminal nucleus. As motion. However, the direct injection of the steroid
they do, they send off signals to this area as well into the musculature had the best effect on
as to the sensory cortex. There is neurochemical decreasing postoperative swelling. Another study
stimulation of the pathways that bring about the by Ehsan and colleagues27 looked at the effect
fear and anxiety known to be created from painful of preoperative submucosal administration of
experiences.25 This protective mechanism is a dexamethasone injection on swelling and trismus.
way that the signals are upregulated to enhance They found that this injection was very effective in
the emotional response and, thus, increase the re- reducing the postoperative swelling and trismus
action and response to a painful stimulus, not in associated with third molar removal. An update
proportion with the actual injury. In reality, this is on the use of corticosteroids use in third molar sur-
a signal to get away from the noxious stimulus gery literature review revealed similar results. The
that is threatening our well-being. administration of corticosteroids in the preopera-
tive period via the parenteral route has the greatest
SWELLING impact on reducing postoperative swelling and
Inflammation is the local physiologic response to trismus.28
tissue injury. The early stage of inflammation has Comparing corticosteroid administration versus
fibrin and neutrophil polymorphs accumulation in NSAIDs for the relief of pain, swelling, and trismus
the extracellular space of the damaged tissues. has also been studied. The preemptive intrave-
Three processes occur during this time: The ves- nous administration of tenoxicam (NSAID) was
sels change in diameter; vascular permeability is compared with the intravenous administration of
changed and fluid exudate forms; and the cellular methylprednisolone on pain, swelling, and trismus
exudates of neutrophil polymorphs emigrate into after wisdom teeth extraction.29 Because the
the extravascular space. The chemical mediators mechanism of action of these drugs has its effects
of acute inflammation include histamine, prosta- on different parts of the inflammatory pathways,
glandins, leukotrienes, serotonin, and various comparing the efficacy of them will be important
cytokines. in deciding which one to use. The oxicam group
The prevention of inflammation and, thus, of NSAIDs works on the inhibition of cyclooxyge-
swelling is the goal of reducing postoperative nase and lipoxygenase enzymes. This action will
pain and decreased quality of life after third molar prevent prostaglandin and leukotriene formation.
surgery. Inflammatory mediator’s processes can Thus, it decreases the active oxygen radicals and
last up to 96 hours. Of note are the multiple steps inhibits migration and phagocytosis of leukocytes.
along the biochemical pathways to inflammation This drug also has antipyretic, analgesic effects
and then swelling and pain that can be blocked and also inhibits thrombocyte aggregation. Meth-
with medications to prevent and decrease this ylprednisolone inhibits macrophage development
postsurgical phenomenon. and decreases fibroblast formation and sup-
presses the immune system. It stabilizes cell
STEROIDS membranes and reduces kinin and bradykinin for-
mation and blocks histamine. The preemptive
Corticosteroids have been the most common intravenous dosing of these drugs had both a pos-
medications used to treat and prevent swelling itive and equal impact on postoperative control of
and edema after surgery. They are immunosup- pain and swelling. However, the use of methyl-
pressive agents blocking both the early and late prednisolone had better relief of trismus.
stages of inflammation. By inhibiting phospholi- The comparison of preemptive administration of
pase A2, the release of arachidonic acid will be by-mouth prednisolone (steroid) to celecoxib
reduced at the site of inflammation. This reduction (NSAID) on trismus and pain after third molar
will decrease the synthesis of prostaglandins and extractions was also studied. Once again, these
leukotrienes and the accumulation of neutrophils. drugs have different mechanisms of action. They
Management of Pain, Swelling, Nausea, and Vomiting 5
found no difference in trismus; however, pain was and neutrophil infiltration and inflammatory cyto-
better controlled with preemptive celecoxib.30 kines and enzymes. The swelling is reduced by
accelerating the regeneration of lymph vessels
PROTEASE INHIBITORS and decreasing vascular permeability.34–37
Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme obtained from Nausea and vomiting are two of the most undesir-
Ananas comosus, or pineapple plant. It is a potent able causes of patient dissatisfaction after third
antiinflammatory and antiedematous substance. molar removal. Postoperative nausea and vomit-
The natural substance works by blocking bradyki- ing (PONV) after oral surgery can arise from multi-
nin and its modulation of prostaglandin synthesis. ple causes and lead to a myriad of complications,
Ordesi and colleagues32 studied the effect of this including dehydration and wound dehiscence and,
plant enzyme on reducing postoperative pain in the worst case scenario, aspiration during the
and swelling after third molar surgery. Bromelain postoperative period. Controlling the potential
was found to significantly reduce the swelling causes of this complication may benefit patients
and inflammation of third molar surgery. When tak- and improve the overall experience by avoiding
ing bromelain tablets before surgery to 4 days after this issue when possible. Understanding the po-
surgery compared with diclofenac sodium tablets tential causes of PONV enables surgeons to see
started the day before surgery until 4 days after how to possibly modify their patients’ behavior
surgery, it was found to have compatible results and make pharmacologic choices for maximum
on the effect of reducing pain and swelling and benefit.
trismus after third molar removal.33 This natural There are 3 areas to address: the patients’ risk
supplement may be considered as an alternative factors, the anesthetic choices, and the type of
to NSAID therapy for improving the postoperative surgery done. Adequate management of PONV
course. should include an evaluation of the risk factors
associated with developing nausea, creating a
LOW-LEVEL LASER ENERGY IRRADIATION plan for the anesthetic drug choices, and possibly
planning to use prophylactic premedication as well
Low-level laser energy irradiation has been used as a plan for rescue antiemetic medications.
locally at the surgical site in an attempt to decrease There are 2 risk scoring systems available to
pain, swelling, and trismus after third molar help in patient risk assessment for PONV. In the
removal while also increasing tissue healing. The adult patient population, the Apfel risk scoring sys-
laser treatment is typically given both intraorally tem has been used (Box 1).40 In the pediatric pop-
and extraorally. The benefit of trismus reduction ulation, the Eberhart scale is used (Box 2). Risks
has been reported as well as decreasing pain and factors associated with higher incidences of
swelling. The decrease in pain with this technique nausea and vomiting may include the types of
comes from the reduction in edema, hemorrhage, anesthetic agents used, the length of surgery,
6 Drew
Table 1
Quick reference guide for use of antiemetic drugs for PONV from oral and maxillofacial surgery
Antiemetic Agent Site of Action Side Effects Best Practice Uses Trade Names
Phenothiazines Dopamine-2 receptor Extrapyramidal Counter effects of Phenergan
antagonists in Respiratory opioids on CRTZ Compazine
CRTZ depression treating PONV
antihistaminic Sedation Longer acting
Anticholinergic Hypotension Lots of side effects
Shorten local effects Careful with patients
with dystonia
Benzamines Dopamine-2 receptor Serotonin receptor Good for nausea Reglan
antagonist both agonist/antagonist caused by Tigan
central and activity swallowing blood
peripheral caused by increase
gastric emptying
Butyrophenones Dopamine-2 receptor Arrhythmias: QT Use with caution in Droperidol
antagonist in CRTZ interval outpatient setting
and area postrema prolongation for PONV
a-blocker Hypotension
Anticholinergic Tachycardia
Anticholinergics Block acetylcholine Dry mouth Good for motion Dramamine
action on the Additive effects with sickness and Scopolamine
parasympathetic opioids vertigo
nervous system Consider in TMJ
surgery or early
See notes on
pretreatment with
scopolamine patch
Antihistamines H-1 receptor inverse Additive Good for nausea Vistaril
agonists with anticholinergic caused by anxiety Atarax
anticholinergic effects with Cyclizine
properties opioids
Serotonin receptor Block the CRTZ and — Fast onset Zofran
antagonists peripheral vagal Most expensive
receptors liked to Has oral dissolving
vomiting center tablet (ODT)
Use to prevent or
treat PONV
5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT-3) receptor agonist/ hydrochloride [Zofran]) block in both the central ner-
antagonist properties. The anticholinergics (dimen- vous system at the CRTZ and peripheral receptors
hydrinate [Dramamine] and scopolamine) block the at the vagal terminals, which are linked centrally to
action of acetylcholine on the parasympathetic ner- the vomiting center.
vous system. In the 2015 report by Brookes and The side effects of these drugs may cause any-
colleagues44 on using multimodal therapy to pre- thing from a dry mouth (anticholinergics), cardiac
vent PONV in patients with Le Fort I, they advocate arrhythmia changes (butyrophenones), additive
for the use of preoperative transdermal scopol- anticholinergic effects with opioids (anticholiner-
amine to alleviate the PONV associated with Le gics and antihistamines), more sedation, hypoten-
Fort surgery. Antihistamines (hydroxyzine [Vistaril], sion, respiratory depression, extrapyramidal side
hydroxyzine hydrochloride [Atarax], and cyclizine) effects and shortened desired effects of local anes-
are H-1 receptor inverse agonists that have anticho- thetics caused by increase epinephrine metabolism
linergic properties that work to prevent nausea. Se- (phenothiazines), and headache, constipation, and
rotonin 5HT-3 receptor antagonists (ondansetron dizziness (serotonin receptor antagonists).
Management of Pain, Swelling, Nausea, and Vomiting 9
Prophylactic use of antiemetic medications, manage, and treat PONV and PDNV. In this
such as ondansetron hydrochloride (Zofran), has comprehensive paper they remind us that a 20%
been suggested as a way to prevent PONV.45–47 to 30% incidence of PONV and PDNV can be
These medications are serotonin receptor antago- expected from sedation or general anesthesia in
nists. One of the most challenging patients to oral and maxillofacial surgery procedures. High-
manage postoperative nausea in is the tympano- risk patients should be identified and treated pro-
plasty patient group. This patient population has phylactically with antiemetic medications. The
been studied comparing the use of ondansetron use of anesthetic medications with antiemetic
versus dexamethasone versus placebo. They properties should be considered if appropriate.
found using either the ondansetron or the dexa- The use of anesthetic medications with antiemetic
methasone was more effective in controlling properties should be considered if appropriate.
PONV when compared with a placebo.48 The drugs one could consider may include Benzo-
However, the evidence to support prophylactic diazepines, propofol, and dexamethasone. The
use of ondansetron on every patient is lacking in addition of the steroid dexamethasone seems to
support in the oral and maxillofacial surgery litera- decrease the likelihood of PONV. Minimize the
ture because of the cost, safety, and adverse reac- use of opioids when appropriate, especially in
tions reported when using these drugs. Several the postoperative period. The same antiemetic
studies have compared the use of these medica- medication should not necessarily be used again
tions against a placebo and have found equivocal as rescue therapy if initial treatment of PONV fails.
results.49–51 Thus, their routine prophylactic use Silva and colleagues55 called for development of
cannot be advocated as an absolute at this time. protocols for preventing PONV in the orthognathic
A more logical approach would be to use the surgery population in 2006, and today Brookes
observation of more than one risk factor on the Ap- and colleagues44 have addressed these needs
fel scale as well as type and predicted length of based on good science and understanding of
surgery and likelihood of swallowing a great deal multimodal approach to managing PONV in the or-
of blood to guide the practitioner to consider using thognathic surgery population. Perhaps these pro-
preemptive medications. Otherwise treat PONV tocols can be studied and modified for our
symptomatically.52,53 outpatient surgical procedures in the future.
Consideration to the use of anesthetic agents
with antiemetic properties should also be consid- SUMMARY
ered (Table 2). The symptomatic treatment of
PONV seems to be a more reasonable approach Best practices refer to the most common and
for these patients. Cruthirds and colleagues54 proven techniques used in medicine and dentistry
have reviewed the pharmacology of the antiemetic that have predictable outcomes for our patients.
drugs and the current therapies to prevent, Best practices are used as a guideline for the
Table 2
Commonly used anesthetic agents in oral and maxillofacial surgery and their effects
surgeon to help in managing and preventing com- 9. Portillo J, Kamar N, Melibary S, et al. Safety of lipo-
plications of surgery. The caveat is that not all pa- some extended –release bupivacaine for postopera-
tients will respond to our best practices protocols, tive pain control. Front Pharmacol 2014;5:1–6.
but most do. Understanding the complex nature of 10. Saraghi M, Hersh EV. Three newly approved analge-
the inflammatory response to our surgical trauma sics: an update. Anesth Prog 2013;60:178–87.
as well as the biochemical and then physiologic re- 11. Zor ZF, Isik B, Cetiner S. Efficacy of preemptive lor-
sponses to the medications we use during surgery noxicam on postoperative analgesia after surgical
helps to also guide us in finding ways to decrease removal of mandibular third molars. Oral Surg Oral
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abreast of the current surgical, pharmacologic, 12. Akbulut N, Ustuner E, Atakan C, et al. Comparison of
and even homeopathic methods of treating our the effect of naproxen, etodolac and diclofenac on
patient’s needs will ensure a safe outcome and postoperative sequels following third molar surgery:
good experience for our patients. a randomized, double blind, crossover study. Med
Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2014;19(2):e149–56.
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Developing and
I m p l e m e n t i n g a C u l t u re
o f S a f e t y i n th e D e n t o a l v e o l a r
Surgical Practice
James R. Hupp, DMD, MD, JD, MBA
Culture of safety Dentoalveolar practice Risk management
A culture of safety is the establishment and maintenance of organizational behavior in which
members of the organization place a high priority on identifying and rectifying safety issues.
Surgeons must take the lead in instituting a culture of safety and in continuing to nurture it over the
long run; discussions of safety matters should be a standard agenda item for office meetings.
The culture of safety in an oral-maxillofacial surgery dentoalveolar practice has several dimensions:
(1) clinical care safety, (2) intraoffice guest and health care team safety, and (3) safety from extra-
office dangers.
affecting hospital patients. The most important and compatible for the patient. Surgeons use time-
concept adopted by hospitals was the airline in- outs just before making the initial incision to
dustry’s culture of safety. double-check the patient’s identity, operative
A culture of safety is the establishment and site, consent, allergies, preoperative medications
maintenance of organizational behavior in which given, all needed supplies available (implants,
members of the organization place a high priority bone plates, drill bits, and so on), and all needed
on identifying and rectifying safety issues (Box 1). equipment available, among other necessities.
When hospitals work to develop a culture of Hospital safety protocols also relate to issues
safety, they strive to have all clinical staff mem- such as patient falls, giving patients the wrong
bers, including doctors, nurses, and medical tech- dose or wrong medication, and failure to hand
nicians as well as others on the hospital staff who wash between patients during rounds. Hospitals
play a role in patient care, understand and accept also usually have protocols in place to address
the responsibility to identify and help to mitigate nonclinical problems, such as fires, bomb threats,
patient safety risks. Commonly, hospitals appoint intruders, and power outages. It is now common
safety officers to head the culture of safety activ- for safety issues to be part of medical staff meeting
ities. Such activities include establishing the use agendas and various standing committees of the
of checklists and operating room timeouts, blood hospital. Through these efforts, the frequency of
bank storage and delivery protocols, hand- patient injuries has dropped dramatically.
washing routines, and drug administration algo-
rithms. Institutions with an effective culture of CULTURE OF SAFETY IN ORAL-
safety establish safety monitoring and injury re- MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY
porting protocols.7,8 In addition, policies are de-
signed to mandate root cause analysis of patient OMS practices with a culture of safety see several
injuries, followed by meetings to develop and benefits. The incidence of patient injuries de-
implement preventative practices that are then creases, an obvious positive outcome. Injuries
disseminated throughout the organization. As not only affect the health and satisfaction of the
with any initiative of this magnitude, the institu- patient suffering the harm, but can affect a prac-
tion’s leadership plays a critical role in ensuring tice’s local reputation and be a trigger of legal
its success. action. Thus, patient safety is a winning strategy.
Workplace injuries are also deleterious to a prac-
HOSPITAL SAFETY PRACTICES tice. Doctors and staff injuries on the job often
result in lost workdays, a decrease in practice
Because most oral-maxillofacial surgeons work to income, and lowered morale. Therefore, a practice
some degree in hospitals, they are familiar with that has developed a culture of safety should take
some of the practices hospitals now use to help steps to make patients and new employees of the
protect patients from injuries. In the operating practice aware of the high priority the organization
suite, most hospitals require surgeons to have pa- places on keeping everyone as safe as possible.8,9
tients initial the site of surgery before they begin The culture of safety in an OMS dentoalveolar
the anesthesia process. Initialing the site of sur- practice has several dimensions. These dimen-
gery has helped decrease the incidence of wrong sions are as follows:
site surgery, including the amputation of the wrong
body part. Anesthesiologists often use checklists 1. Clinical care safety
to prepare to give anesthesia, helping make sure 2. Intraoffice guest and health care team safety
the proper equipment and drugs are available, 3. Safety from extraoffice dangers.
any known allergies or previous untoward reac- Each plays an important role when embracing
tions are identified, and the correct patient re- the culture of safety concept.
ceives the correct care. Blood products are
triple-checked to ensure they are appropriate
OMS offices have a strong track record of taking
Box 1 steps to avoid patient harm in the provision of clin-
Culture of safety definition ical care. These steps relate to various aspects of
patient management. Dentoalveolar surgery–
A culture of safety is the establishment of orga-
nizational behavior in which members of the related precautions include ensuring the correct
organization place a high priority on identi- tooth to be removed or surgical site to be operated
fying and rectifying safety issues. on is double-checked by the surgeon and assist-
ing staff. This step is similar to the timeout strategy
Developing and Implementing a Culture of Safety 407
used in hospital operating rooms. This step helps expiration date of drugs, double-checking that the
slow down what is often a hectic schedule at the correct drug and dosage are being administered
moment when haste may lead to critical errors. to the right patient, double-checking that indwelling
Other evidence-based safety measures include lines are indeed in a vein before using them for drug
keeping incisions distal to lower third molars over administration, and double-checking that patient
the lateral cortex of the ascending ramus, avoiding allergies and other history of adverse drug reac-
overelevation (retraction) on the lingual aspect of tions are documented and reviewed before giving
lower third molars, carefully elevating maxillary a patient any drug, including prescriptions. Small
molar teeth before or instead of using extraction patients and those under the age of 12 require
forceps, and carefully measuring the distance adjustment of dosages of anesthetic drugs and
over the inferior alveolar canal before the implant other medications to avoid untoward reactions.
site preparation. Rotary equipment is a common Patients can also suffer nonphysical injuries
threat to patient safety. Such equipment can when receiving health care. Following HIPPA
develop heat in the cutting area and along the (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability)
shaft capable of burning patient tissue. Irrigation regulations will minimize these risks. In addition,
prevents heat accumulation at the surgical site, because patients often use credit cards to pay
but not elsewhere on the drill. Recently autoclaved for services, office computer equipment should
instruments not allowed to properly cool are have software in place that lessens the chances
another source of patient burn injuries. A spinning of identity theft.
burr can easily cut tissue outside of the surgical The final aspect of clinical care safety involves
site if allowed to rotate while inserting or removing being cognizant of and making appropriate care
the drill from the site. Similar unwanted cuts can modifications for patients with medical conditions.
occur if the surgeon is not focused on the scalpel A well-planned and executed protocol for docu-
blade while it moves to and from the planned inci- menting and updating patient health issues is
sion site. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are important to prevent or be prepared to manage
trained in numerous other means of lowering the medical emergencies affecting ambulatory office
incidence of unplanned surgical injuries. patients. This area is another area where having
Anesthetic injuries are also possible. Their pre- an emergency management case or cart and con-
vention usually revolves around careful prepara- ducting periodic drills are essential.
tion to manage emergencies and precisely
monitoring the patient while anesthetized. Pulse INTRAOFFICE GUEST AND HEALTH CARE
oximeters and end-tidal carbon dioxide monitors TEAM SAFETY
are important means of detecting patient hypoxia
or bradypnea. When these monitors are added to Injuries in the OMS office can occur to nonpatients
the surgeon’s and assistant’s visual monitoring of as well. These injuries can affect individuals
the anesthetized patient, problems potentially accompanying patients, delivery people, cleaning
leading to patient injuries are highly unlikely. Pre- crews, and others that fall into the category of of-
paring for managing anesthetic emergencies is fice guests. Safety concerns affecting guests typi-
also part of a culture of safety. Again, oral and cally relate to problems such as wet floors, loose
maxillofacial surgeons typically ensure the ready rugs, and other tripping hazards and things
availability of airway adjuncts, drug reversal located where they might cause head injuries,
agents, and resuscitation equipment and supplies. such as low hanging objects or heavy objects sus-
Checklists can be useful for this task. Regular sur- ceptible to falling from elevated sites. Because
gical team emergency drills are another compo- many patients may have young children accompa-
nent of emergency preparation. After surgery, nying them, office reception areas should be
clear protocols should be in place for when screened to remove items that may risk harm to
patients may be moved, how they are monitored young guests. Regularly monitoring for all potential
during recovery and by whom, and formal criteria hazards is part of an office culture of safety.
for discharge to the care of their escort. Finally, Clinical care team safety is another facet of pre-
for child patients, long-acting local anesthetics venting injuries. The OSHA (Occupational Safety
should be avoided. and Health Administration) has many regulations
Medication errors are more likely in a hospital in place that mandate certain employee safety
setting simply because of the larger variety and fre- practices. The owners of OMS practices are usu-
quency of administration compared with an OMS ally well aware of those requirements that include
office. However, oral and maxillofacial surgeons the safe use of chemicals, radiation, and power
and their team should take similar steps to protect equipment. In addition, the increase in the use of
patients. These steps include checking the universal precautions during the 1980s made the
408 Hupp
wearing of protective garments, masks, and is usually fully under the control of the surgeon
eyewear become routine. Similarly, the adoption and their staff. Much of this control is lost once
of protocols involving the proper use and disposal patients, guests, and care team members leave
of sharps has also improved workplace safety. the office. An office site controlling its own external
Because back injuries are common in the work- walkways and parking facilities does have some
place, protocols for lifting heavy objects or control over things such as tripping or slipping
patients should be established. The main thrust hazards and should regularly monitor those parts
of an office seeking to grow a culture of safety of the property, including ensuring proper ice
for the patient care team is not just to develop and snow removal when applicable. The owners
safety practices but also to ingrain in team mem- of the practice who identify dangers in public areas
bers an unwavering adherence to established pro- near their property, such as broken sidewalks or
tocols and comfort in reminding those forgetting to nonfunctioning street illumination, can alert public
follow them (Box 2). agencies to the areas in need of repair. The dan-
gers of external office assaults or robberies on
the premises might be mitigated by security
fencing, escorts to vehicles, and video monitoring
Although complex and time-consuming to estab- equipment. Other dangers may be totally out of
lish, creating a culture of safety in the OMS office anyone’s control, including electrical outages,
severe weather, fires, floods, and earthquakes. In
these cases, an office with a culture of safety
Box 2 should develop contingency plans of how office
Safety threats in oral-maxillofacial surgery staff should react to protect patients and guests,
practice as well as themselves, in the event of an actual
or threatening emergency. These protocols should
Clinical care examples be in writing and known to members of the staff to
Treatment at wrong site/on wrong tooth help minimize the chances of preventable injuries.
Nerve damage from incisions, retraction, or
Tuberosity fracture
Although protecting patients, guests, and em-
Soft tissue burns ployees from injuries makes perfect sense, estab-
Damage outside of surgical field lishing a true culture of safety can be challenging.
Damage to vital structures during implant It is easy to take shortcuts in patient care that
placement bypass safety protocols, because many shortcuts
take less time and less thought and focus than
Hypoxia during advanced forms of anesthesia
ensuring safety practices are followed. Employees
Drug overdose or incorrect drug used may not understand or care why a culture of safety
Premature discharge after anesthesia is important. Having a culture of safety in place
does put the onus on everyone to be vigilant
Care team and guest examples
when at the office to look for hazards and take
Tripping and slipping the steps necessary to remove or reduce the risk.
Electrical shocks Therefore, it is mandatory that an office’s sur-
Chemical burns geons take the lead in instituting a culture of safety
and in continuing to nurture it over the long run.
Radiation overexposure
Discussions of safety matters should be a stan-
Injury from sharps and power equipment dard agenda item for office meetings. Staff mem-
Contraction of infectious diseases bers identifying ways to improve office safety
Back injuries
should receive encouragement, and all staff
should understand that helping foster office safety
External threats is an essential part of their job. Surgeon leaders
Tripping and slipping need to “walk the walk,” closely following safety
protocols and making it clear by word and deed
Assaults and robberies
that safety is an organizational priority.
Severe weather The OMS dentoalveolar office, like a hospital,
Floods, earthquakes, and fires can be the site of injuries to patients, guests, and
Electrical outages employees. By establishing and promoting an
office culture of safety, preventable injuries can
Developing and Implementing a Culture of Safety 409
be minimized. Like other measures used to ma- patients – results of the Harvard Medical Practice
nage risk and potential liability, a culture of safety Study I. N Engl J Med 1991;324:370–6.
can provide valuable peace of mind to those 6. Schamel J. How the checklist came about. Flight Service
responsible for ensuring the success of an OMS Station History. 2012. Available at:
office. org/History/checklst.htm. Accessed April 20, 2015.
7. Does improving safety culture affect patient out-
REFERENCES comes? The Health Foundation. 2011. Available at:
1. Hoffman G. The history of car safety. Aol/Autos. 2007. Does%20improving%20safety%20culture%20affect
Available at: %20outcomes.pdf?realName5fsu8Va.pdf. Accessed
history. Accessed April 20, 2015. April 20, 2015.
2. Treadwell JR, Lucas S, Tsou AY. Surgical checklists: a 8. Develop a culture of safety. Institute for Healthcare
systemic review of impacts and implementation. BMJ Improvement. Available at:
Qual Saf 2014;23:299–318. Pages/Changes/DevelopaCultureofSafety.aspx. Ac-
3. Gawande A. Complications: a surgeon’s note on an cessed April 20, 2015.
imperfect science. New York: Picador; 2002. 9. Yamalik N, Perea Pérez B. Patient safety and dentistry:
4. Gawande A. The checklist manifesto. New York: what do we need to know? Fundamental patient safety,
Picador; 2009. the safety culture and implementation of patient safety
5. Brennan TA, Leape LL, Laird NM, et al. Incidence of measures in dental practice. Int Dent J 2012;62(2):
adverse events and negligence in hospitalized 189–96.
Tr i g e m i n a l N e r v e I n j u r i e s
Avoidance and Management of
Iatrogenic Injury
Sami A. Nizam II, DMD, MDa, Vincent B. Ziccardi, DDS, MDb,*
Trigeminal nerve injuries Iatrogenic injury Dentoalveolar surgery
Neurosensory disturbances after dentoalveolar surgery remain a significant concern for patients
and surgeons.
Mechanisms of trigeminal nerve injures resulting from dentoalveolar injury include surgical end-
odontic therapy, removal of impacted teeth, local anesthetic nerve blocks, implant placement,
bone grafting, and management of oral and maxillofacial pathology.
Current literature indicates third molar removal has the highest overall risk for injury to either the
inferior alveolar nerve or lingual nerve, occurring in 0.4% to 22% of cases.
Iatrogenic injury to the trigeminal nerve can remain a source of concern and litigation even for the
most experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons.
Mechanisms of trigeminal nerve injuries resulting lingual nerve injuries and 90 inferior alveolar nerve
from dentoalveolar injury include surgical end- injuries and reported similar findings to the previ-
odontic therapy, removal of impacted teeth, local ously mentioned study. In regards to inferior
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; b Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rutgers University School of
Dental Medicine, 110 Bergen Street, Room B854, Newark, NJ 07103-2400, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
alveolar nerve (IAN) injury, third molar surgery was Panoramic radiograph should be considered a
again the most common (60%), followed by local standard of care in the preoperative evaluation of
anesthetic injections (19%), implants (18%), and patients with impacted third molars. In 1990,
endodontic surgery (18%). The higher prevalence Rood and Shehab5 published their landmark
for implant-related injury likely highlights the article correlating panoramic radiographic imaging
increasing prevalence of implant placement by with potential IAN injury. They described three fac-
nonsurgeons. They also reviewed lingual nerve tors that were considered to indicate high potential
injury in their population and found 73% to be for IAN injury because of proximity of the impacted
caused by third molar removal and 17% by local third molar roots with the IAN. These radiographic
anesthesia injections. findings included radiolucency of the IAN canal
shadow across the root of the impacted molar,
PREOPERATIVE EVALUATION deviation or deflection of the IAN canal, and inter-
ruption of the white line delineating the superior
As with any surgical procedure, patient evaluation and inferior margins of the IAN canal. Two of these
begins with review of chief complaint, medical his- signs are present in the panoramic film depicted in
tory, and physical examination. This should be Fig. 1. Signs that were considered clinically impor-
augmented with appropriate imaging studies. Af- tant were deflection of third molar root by canal
ter data have been collected, a true appreciation and narrowing of third molar root. Many studies
of risks and benefits can be presented to the have confirmed these as reliable indicators of
patient as part of the informed consent process. involvement of the IAN and most practitioners still
Patient selection, indicated procedures, risks, use these criteria in the preoperative evaluation of
and benefits can be discussed with the patient us- patients before third molar surgery.5
ing American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial With the advent and availability of cone-beam
Surgeons Parameters of Care as a guide.3 computed tomography (CBCT), many oral and
Current literature indicates third molar removal maxillofacial surgery practices use this advanced
has the highest overall risk for injury to either the imaging modality in the preoperative risk assess-
inferior alveolar nerve or lingual nerve, occurring ment of patients with complex impacted third
in 0.4% to 22% of cases. This is well appreciated molars. This is not advocated for the routine eval-
by the oral and maxillofacial surgery community uation of every third molar patient because of cost
because there is a significant body of research and radiation exposure; however, it remains a use-
devoted to the issue of trigeminal nerve injury ful supplementary imaging modality in those pa-
including prevention, assessment, and manage- tients identified on panoramic radiographs as
ment. Patients older than age 35 have an increased being high risk for IAN injury because of local pa-
risk of IAN injury presumably from denser cortical thology or the relative position of the impacted
bone, fully developed root structure, concomitant tooth with the IAN canal. Most of the reported
medical conditions, and decreased healing poten-
tial. The type of impaction and operator experience
correlate with increased risk of nerve injury, specif-
ically depth and angulation of the impactions. The
more tissue manipulation and/or bone removal
required correlates with increased risk of injury.
For instance, there is an increased chance of injury
in horizontally impacted teeth when compared with
mesioangular, vertical, or distoangular impactions.
Third molars removed in the operating room under
general anesthesia have also been shown to have
increased chance of injury, presumably from
increased forces and overall more difficult case se-
lection.4 The authors have also hypothesized that
local anesthetic nerve blocks given to patients un-
der general anesthesia could potentially have an
increased incidence of nerve injuries because pa-
tients are unable to respond to injections while un-
der general anesthesia. For this reason, the
authors do not administer nerve blocks to patients Fig. 1. Multiple impacted teeth with root darkening
under general anesthesia, but rather use local infil- at the apex of #18 and diversion at the apex of tooth
tration techniques. #19 evident on panoramic radiograph.
Trigeminal Nerve Injuries 3
research focuses on those patients determined to American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial
be high risk by Rood’s criteria. It is known that Surgeons Parameters of Care states “Indications
exposure or contact of a tooth root with the IAN for cone beam computed tomography for routine
increases the chance of nerve injury 20% to third molar surgery should be documented before
30%.6 Researchers have focused on assessment ordering scans and follow the principles of ALARA
of decortication of the IAN canal by the root of (as low as reasonably achievable),” essentially
the third molar as a risk factor. Nakamori and col- leaving the decision to the surgeon’s discretion.3
leagues7 found that when Rood’s criteria were Lingual nerve injury during third molar removal
present, there was a greater than 50% chance of occurs at a similar rate of 0.4% to 22% of cases.
decortication of the IAN canal. The group MRI studies have elucidated the preoperative po-
cautioned, however, that teeth that were deemed sition of the nerve to be at or above the height of
superimposed and did not meet Rood’s criteria the lingual alveolar crest in 10% of patients and
still had a 32% chance of demonstrating decorti- in contact with the lingual plate in 25% of cases
cation of the canal. Guerrero and colleagues8 in the third molar region.12,13 Fig. 3 demonstrates
examined just this group and determined that an example where a high lingual nerve was
CBCT is more accurate than panoramic radio- damaged during extraction of tooth #32 and sub-
graphs; however, clinically this did not result in a sequently reconstructed. Anatomic factors, such
difference in neurosensory outcome for patients. as lingual angulation of the impacted tooth and
Selvi and colleagues9 recently examined the need for vertical sectioning, increase the risk of
high-risk group of patients and found that in partic- lingual nerve injury.4 Ultrasound has also recently
ular, darkening of the root did correlate with been described as an alternative imaging modality
cortical perforation on CBCT. Furthermore, a for assessing the path of the lingual nerve in this
decortication of the canal greater than 3 mm corre- region. Benninger and coworkers14 using ca-
lated with an increased risk of injury at time of sur- davers described the path of the nerve as traveling
gery.9,10 Fig. 2 presents a sagittal and coronal CT on average 13.2-mm anteriorly from the distolin-
image of the same patient presented in Fig. 1 that gual aspect of the third molar before it turned infe-
was selected for further imaging based on Rood’s rior and medial to innervate the tongue on
criteria. ultrasound studies. They additionally reported the
Proponents of advanced imaging, such as nerve being 7.3-mm inferior to the lingual alveolar
CBCT or traditional CT scanning, state that crest on average, with this number remaining
advanced imaging allows for formulation of surgi- similar between dentate and edentulous patients.
cal plans and therefore avoidance of iatrogenic This 13.2-mm anterior travel along the lingual cor-
injury to the nerve. This is highlighted by Umar tex places it in intimate contact with the second
and colleagues,11 where 200 teeth demonstrating molar site and provides a route for potential iatro-
contact with the IAN on imaging were removed genic injury during third molar surgery.14
with a 12% incidence of temporary hypoesthesia Preoperative evaluation for implant patients also
and no permanent deficits. Opponents argue that begins with thorough physical examination. Bone
there have been no randomized clinical trials stock availability and bone defects can be appre-
demonstrating actual outcome benefit with ciated through bimanual palpation. If a thin ridge
advanced imaging. In light of current controversy is encountered and bone height will be removed
over the role of advanced imaging, the most recent for implant placement, this vertical change needs
Fig. 4. (A) Panoramic image of patient with bilateral IAN damage caused by improper planning before placement
of ceramic implants. Also note osteotomy shadows bilaterally, which represent temporary implants removed by
secondary surgeon that also contributed to nerve injury. (B) Same patient demonstrating bilateral compression of
the IAN at the mental foramen and body region.
Trigeminal Nerve Injuries 5
the patient record. It may be advised to document Partial intentional odontectomy or coronectomy
pertinent negative findings at this time, such as provides another option (discussed elsewhere in
intact lingual plate, no bone fractures, no active this issue). Contraindications for intentional partial
bleeding from socket, and no visualization of the odontectomy include significant medical comor-
IAN noted. Fig. 6 presents intraoperative photo- bidities, such as immunocompromization, patients
graphs of the same patient in Figs. 1 and 2. Wide planned for or having received radiation therapy,
access was obtained with releasing incisions in patients with poorly controlled diabetes, and the
an operative room setting with the patient under presence of local pathology that contradicts use
general anesthesia. Note the exposure of the IAN of this technique.27 Horizontally impacted teeth
as preoperative CT predicted. The site was recon- have been reported as a relative contraindication,
structed using gelatin sponge as a protective bar- although a recent article by Monaco and col-
rier over the nerve and then grafted with leagues28 reporting on this technique found no
allogeneic bone and finally collagen membrane. complications when treating horizontal impactions.
If control of hemorrhage becomes necessary, Orthodontic extrusion is another potential op-
the appropriate agent must be selected. Alkan tion for extraction of third molars at high risk; how-
and colleagues24 reviewed four commonly used ever, the authors have minimal experience with
hemostatic agents and found oxidized regener- this techniques and it has had limited review in
ated cellulose to cause an increase in compound the literature. Orthodontic anchorage is first ob-
action potentials and decrease in nerve conduc- tained with banding of the first molars and a stain-
tion velocity at 1 hour, with full sensory recovery less steel lingual arch wire welded too it. The
by 4 weeks. They found a gelatin sponge to anchorage is further strengthened with a stainless
demonstrate an increased compound action po- steel sectional wire from second molar to first
tential at 4 weeks, although their sponge was bicuspid. Tooth angulation dictates bracket posi-
coated with silver potentially causing this effect. tion. Vertical or distal angulated teeth require
They cautioned against the use of bone wax bracket placement on the occlusal surface
because of case reports of chronic inflammation centered in an axial position. Mesially or horizon-
and embolization to the lungs. They concluded tally inclined teeth require bracketing on the distal
that bovine collagen was the safest agent in surface of the crown and possibly stripping of a
regards to adverse effects on neural function. portion of the crown. Regardless of impaction
Collagen conduits are a popular choice for nerve type, advanced imaging is necessary to appre-
entubulization techniques clinically. ciate vector of forces required to erupt the roots
Once hemostasis is obtained, a single suture away from the canal. After 1 week of soft tissue
should be placed for partial closure distal to the healing, a cantilever wire is placed off the buccal
second molar. A review of recent literature tube on the first molar to the bracket placed on
revealed this to be the best overall closure method the impacted third molar. This is then adjusted
in regards to edema and ease of application.25 every 4 to 6 weeks until the tooth is extruded. A
One must also be aware of proximity to the lingual panoramic radiograph is then taken once clinical
nerve and not take an excessive bite of lingual tis- extrusion has been confirmed. Standard third
sue to avoid incorporating the lingual nerve with molar impaction techniques can be used once
suturing, which can directly damage the nerve the risk of injury to the IAN is minimized.29
with the needle, and potentially compressing the Intraoperative techniques can be used to mini-
nerve after tie down of the suture.26 mize nerve injuries during placement of dental
implants in the mandible. This starts with local material. In an in vitro model, mineral trioxide aggre-
anesthesia techniques where some have advo- gate was found to be the only root end filling mate-
cated the use of infiltration versus a block, allowing rial that was incapable of inducing neurotoxicity
the patient to respond to pain if there is encroach- even while setting.34 Because of its favorable
ment on the nerve.30 If a flap is being reflected and biocompatibility it provides an excellent material
it is in the second molar region, the practitioner choice when the IAN is in close proximity. If guided
must be cognizant of the potential for proximity bone regeneration is planned and graft material is
to the lingual nerve.14 Careful retraction of the placed at the apex one must ensure it is not com-
flap in the mental nerve region and skeletonization pacted into the canal. Fig. 7 depicts intraoperative
of the nerve as it exits the mandible may also be photographs of the same patient in Fig. 5. The nerve
necessary to avoid traction injuries. During osteot- had presumably been damaged from aggressive
omy preparation, use of periapical radiographs curettage or rotary instrumentation at the time of
with marking pins has been shown to decrease injury. Foreign body was noted within the resultant
the chance of neurovascular encroachment, scar tissue and submitted to pathology.
particular in cases of marginal vertical height.31 Although no preoperative evaluation can avoid
Some also advocate the use of stoppers on os- local anesthetic-related nerve injury, injection
teotomy burs to avoid overpenetration.15 Osteot- technique can play a role. When performing
omy sites should be palpated with blunt probe to mental nerve or inferior alveolar nerve blocks, the
ensure there is no decortication of the nerve canal. surgeon should aspirate before injection. If a pa-
Surgical guides have been demonstrated to in- tient reports an immediate jolt or shock-like sensa-
crease accuracy, although these guides must be tion, the needle should also be withdrawn and
properly positioned to avoid inaccuracy when redirected to avoid intraneural injection. The event
transferring from the virtual plan to the patient. A should be documented in the chart to help differ-
2-mm safety zone should still be followed to allow entiate cause in the event a nerve injury occurs.32
for any potential inaccuracies. Thermal injury can The use of high-concentration local anesthetics
occur even without direct penetration because of should be avoided, and multiple blocks if at all
lack of appropriate irrigation or high-drill speeds. possible. In particular 4% prilocaine and 4% arti-
If graft materials are placed and there is decortica- caine are 7.3% and 3.6% more likely to cause
tion of the canal, this material may be mechanically paresthesia when used for IAN nerve blocks.35
pressed into the canal causing nerve injuries. Additionally, these agents have a higher chance
Finally, at the time of implant insertion, the implant of producing neuropathic pain compared with
must not be placed beyond the apical extent of the other commonly used local anesthetic agents.36
osteotomy by countersinking if the IAN is known to
be close apically.32 WHEN INJURY OCCURS
Apical surgery begins with review of existing
imaging. Landmarks should be identified to help Unfortunately, despite the best preparation and
guide the surgeon intraoperatively and maintain surgical techniques, injuries may still occur. Time
safe distances from the IAN and mental foramen.
Three incision designs can be used: (1) sulcular,
(2) papilla sparing, and (3) a semilunar flap.33 Typi-
cally releasing incisions are used with the first two
and these should be planned at least one tooth
anterior or posterior to the identified mental fora-
men. The dissection for all incisions should then
be subperiosteal and if near the mental nerve this
structure should be identified and protected to
avoid iatrogenic injury during instrumentation. Ac-
cess to the periapical lesion and root should be ob-
tained using anatomic references that were
selected before surgery. Caution must be exer-
cised when instrumenting the cavity being cogni-
zant of anatomic danger zones mentioned
previously. Once the periapical lesion has been Fig. 7. Damaged IAN nerve at apicoectomy site #19
removed, hemostasis is achieved using known he- shown in Fig. 5. The nerve appears to be damaged
mostatic agents.24 If the nerve is exposed, a resorb- from either rotary instrumentation or aggressive
able collagen barrier should be placed over the curettage. A foreign body was also noted within the
nerve to provide a barrier from the root end filling scar tissue and sent for pathologic examination.
8 Nizam II & Ziccardi
from injury dictates actions that can be taken. Wit- with a patient who returns with a postoperative
nessed or open injuries mandate immediate or de- neurosensory deficit.
layed early intervention depending on surgeon skill First and foremost, a baseline complete neuro-
level. If the patient is in the operating room and sensory examination is conducted and docu-
appropriate equipment is available, immediate mented in the chart. This begins with history and
repair may be attempted. If not, the ends of the a description of the sensory deficit or pain. It
nerve can be tagged with nonresorbable suture, must first be classified as painful or unpleasant
such as nylon or polypropylene, and the wound (dysesthesia) or absent, decreased, or altered
closed. Note is made of the site and type of injury (paresthesia, hypoesthesia, or anesthesia). Con-
and prompt referral can be made to a microneuro- stant pain is usually a result of a long-term injury
surgeon.26 Prior research has shown benefit to that has resulted from lack of afferent input from
anti-inflammatory medications following acute the periphery (differentiation) and is seen in
nerve injury, and consideration should be given patients with neuroma formation. If pain is intermit-
to a steroid, NSAIDs, or both.20 tent, one must determine if pain is stimulated or
Most nerve injuries, however, are not witnessed merely spontaneous and the length of each
and are noted at postoperative follow-up. The key episode. A visual analog scale is then used to
to ensuring the best overall patient outcome is quantify the pain on a scale of 1 to 10. The patient
identification of mechanism, appropriate neuro- should be questioned what if any pain medications
sensory testing, and timely surgical intervention if have been attempted and if so what their effects
necessary. An algorithm is provided in Fig. 8 that have been. If the patient’s complaint is caused
may provide guidance to the practitioner faced by decreased sensation it should be quantified
on a level of 1 to 10 and compared with the oppo- provide static light touch sensation. These fibers
site side. For either type of injury, interference with are evaluated by lightly touching the skin without
activates of daily living should be documented. Of indentation with the wooden end of a cotton
special note, if a lingual nerve injury has occurred, swab. If the patient cannot feel the contact, the
alteration of taste sensation (paraguesia) should pressure is then increased and the skin is lightly in-
be noted.26 dented. If this can be felt at the higher threshold it
After the chief complaint and symptoms have is recorded as felt, however, at a higher threshold.
been elucidated, attention is next directed at phys- If sensation is still not present even at the higher
ical examination. The patient should be seated threshold then this is recorded and the examiner
comfortably and all tests are administered with moves on to level C testing. Alternatively and
the patient’s eyes closed in a quiet environment. more accurately, Semmes-Weinstein filaments
The contralateral normal side is always tested first may be used. These are a graded set of filaments
to establish baselines. The examination starts with with increasing pressures required to deform each
mapping of the altered region. This can be done by filament. The filaments can be used in stepwise
using the wisp of a cotton-tip applicator in a brush fashion to accurately assess the patient’s
stroke fashion and having the patient raise his or threshold for detection.37,38
her hand when they no longer sense the cotton. Level C testing measures response to noxious
This is then marked and the process is repeated stimulus, which are carried by scantily myelinated
from different directions until the area is marked A delta fibers or nonmyelinated C fibers. Testing is
in its entirety. Photographic documentation can similar to level B in that initially light contact is
also be taken at this time. At this point, neurosen- made with a dental needle. If the patient does
sory testing differs if the patient suffers from anes- not feel this, contact is then made once again,
thesia/paresthesia versus dysesthesia.4 however this time slightly indenting the skin. If
If the patient has reduced or no sensation, levels the patient feels this it is recorded as an abnormal
of function are tested in a stepwise approach. response. If the patient does not feel this it is also
Level A testing evaluates larger-diameter A alpha recorded; however, further pressure need not be
and A beta fibers that are 5 to 12 mm in diameter. applied. Further testing by thermal means is not
This is performed implementing a cotton swab necessary; however, it may provide insight into
with the cotton drawn into a wisp. Testing is car- the exact damaged fibers. Ethyl chloride spray
ried out by applying 10 strokes on the normal provides cold stimulus and heat can be applied
side and the patient is asked to determine the di- with warmed gutta-percha or warm water dipped
rection of stroke for each. This process is then cotton-tip applicators. The results of these tests
repeated on the altered side and results are once are then recorded and the patient is diagnosed
again recorded by documenting how many out of as being normal, mildly impaired, moderately
the 10 attempts were correctly identified. A score impaired, severely impaired, or anesthetic. De-
of 9/10 or greater is considered normal. Two- grees of impairment can be ascertained from per-
point discrimination is then performed using a Bo- formance at each level of testing using Zuniga and
ley gauge or college pliers and a millimeter ruler. Essik’s algorithm seen in Fig. 9.4,37,39
The normal side is again tested first by starting If the patient suffers from dysesthesia, the three
with the calipers at zero and lightly touching the levels are again examined; however, in this context,
area. The patient is asked to identify if this feels all three levels are always examined regardless of
as one or two objects. The distance is then incre- outcome at any specific level. The goal of this ex-
mentally widened until the patient can discriminate amination is to identify the type of dysesthesia.
two separate points. After this the process is Starting with level A, testing is carried out as before
repeated on the side of pathology in similar by stroking the region with a cotton wisp. If the pa-
fashion. Within the inferior alveolar nerve and tient experiences pain that stops on removal of the
lingual nerve distributions the patient should wisp, this is termed allodynia or abnormal pain
have two-point discrimination of 4 mm and response to unpainful stimulus that ceases with
3 mm, respectively. Because there is a large vari- removal of stimulus. Level B is used to reveal if
ation from patient to patient, numbers should be the patient has hyperpathia, which is present if the
correlated to the contralateral nonpathologic patient has delayed-onset pain, increased intensity
side. If the patient has normal responses, the ex- on repeated stimuli, or pain that continues after the
amination need not continue. If abnormal re- stimulus ends. Level C testing tests for hyperalge-
sponses are recorded the examiner moves to sia. As before, a dental needle is used at a normal
level B testing.37 threshold to evoke pain and a slightly higher
Level B testing measures the smaller A beta fi- threshold if no reaction takes place. If the patient
bers of approximately 4- to 8-mm diameter, which has pain out of proportion to the examination on
10 Nizam II & Ziccardi
Fig. 9. Grading algorithm for evaluating trigeminal nerve injury by Zuniga and Essik. (From Lieblich SE. Endodon-
tic surgery. Dent Clin North Am 2012;56(1):121–32, viii–ix; with permission.)
the contralateral nonpathologic side this is consid- sprouting has occurred from adjacent nerves, or
ered hyperalgesia.37 there is a central mechanism to the pain. If, how-
Diagnostic nerve blocks may serve as a useful ever, the pain is relieved by diagnostic nerve
adjunct in localizing the lesion in a patient who is block, microsurgery may be indicated.4
dysesthetic. The blocks can be administered first After confirmation of nerve injury, classification,
more peripherally and then more centrally to help and documentation of injury, one may return to the
locate the lesion. Failure of the local anesthetic beginning of the algorithm in Fig. 8. The next step
block to eradicate symptomatology may indicate is to obtain imaging, which may start with a
that the nerve was not blocked, collateral macro panoramic radiograph to identify if any obvious
Trigeminal Nerve Injuries 11
pathology is evident. If suspicion exists and a for surgical intervention. If the patient has no return
possible mechanical injury is detected, advanced of sensation, minimal return that is not improving,
imaging, such as CBCT or traditional CT, may be or dysesthesia that is responsive to peripheral
obtained. If this confirms the suspicion and there blockade, a referral to a microneurosurgeon is pru-
is loss of continuity of the canal or encroachment dent at this time. Our own results have shown sta-
by foreign body, a referral should be made to a mi- tistically significant better sensory outcomes if
croneurosurgeon as soon as possible. If an repair is conducted before 6 months and in partic-
implant is encroaching on the canal this should ular for IAN injury. Additionally, it has been shown
be backed out or removed as soon as possible. that after 3 months, a complex array of central and
Fig. 10 shows the same patient with IAN injury peripheral changes that are unlikely to respond to
shown in Fig. 4 at time of surgery. Unfortunately, surgical manipulation may occur.42 This 3-month
the implants were not removed at time of identifi- referral decision point allows for examination, con-
cation of injury, relegating her to surgical explora- sent, and scheduling within 6 months by a micro-
tion and repair of the nerve. At this time no reliable neurosurgeon. If the patient is experiencing
method is available for lingual nerve imaging; how- continued improvement, the patient is then fol-
ever, with the advent of 3-T MRI, new imaging se- lowed on a monthly schedule and reassessed
quences, and advanced ultrasound, this may soon when no further improvement occurs or 12 months
be a possibility. have been reached. Conflicting data exist in re-
If no obvious pathology is noted, the patient gards to late repair of the IAN and lingual nerve.
should start a regimen of serial neurosensory Good outcomes have been noted in some studies
testing along with NSAIDS and possible consider- even after the 12-month mark, whereas others
ation for corticosteroids. An identical examination note drastic decreases in success.43,44 Because
should be performed at each appointment to allow conflicting evidence is present at this time, it
for comparison over time. Follow-up schedule seems prudent to respect wound healing physi-
should include examinations at 1 week, and 1, 2, ology and avoid the irreversible scaring that
and 3 months. Controversy still remains as to affects neural tracts by staging any delayed inter-
optimal time for surgical intervention. What is vention by no later than 1 year. Fig. 11 depicts a
known is that 75% of iatrogenic injuries to the third case of late repair. Large neuroma and scar tissue
division of the trigeminal nerve recover without formation is evident requiring resection of a large
intervention.40 Perhaps one of the best in vitro portion of the lingual nerve and subsequent cadav-
studies to date was performed by Jääskeläinen eric nerve graft (AxoGen, Alachua, FL).
and colleagues41 in 2004. They intraoperatively Dysesthesia that is unresponsive to peripheral
monitored 40 IAN nerves during bilateral sagittal nerve blocks is likely caused in part by central
split osteotomy (BSSO). They found that simple mechanisms, and surgical repair may not be indi-
demyelinating injuries recovered to baseline on cated (see Fig. 8). Benoliel and coworkers45
neurophysiologic testing within 3 months of injury. recently published a review article on this subject
For the reasons described previously, serial detailing terminology, mechanisms, and treat-
neurosensory testing is performed until the ment. They suggested the term painful traumatic
3-month point and a decision is made as to need trigeminal neuropathy to describe painful lesions
Fig. 10. This is the same patient in Fig. 3 who suffered bilateral IAN damage during implant placement. Unfor-
tunately the nerves were not decompressed immediately after identification of injury. (A) Right IAN after resec-
tion of nonviable segment and primary neurorrhaphy and before Axoguard (AxoGen, Alachua, FL)
entubulization. (B) The left IAN suffered less damage and required only external and internal decompression
on exploration.
12 Nizam II & Ziccardi
Fig. 11. (A) A late lingual nerve repair. Note a large neuroma and large amount of perineural scar tissue forma-
tion. (B) Because of the condition of the proximal and distal stump a large amount of nerve tissue was excised to
allow viable tissue neurorrhaphy. A cadaveric nerve graft (AxoGen) was placed. (C) The nerve graft was then sur-
rounded with a Neuragen collagen conduit (Integra Life Sciences) to protect from further perineural scar tissue
Amitriptyline Gabapen n
Nortriptyline/Duloxe ne Pregabalin
Gabapen n 1
Gabapen n/Pregabalin 2
Fig. 12. Stepped approach for treatment of painful traumatic trigeminal neuropathy. (1) If anticonvulsants fail
strong consideration should be given for combining a selective norepinephrine receptor inhibitor (SNRI). (2) If
this is contraindicated consideration should be given to opioids. TCA, tricyclic antidepressant. (From Zuniga JR,
LaBanc JP. Advances in microsurgical nerve repair. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1993;51(1 Suppl 1):62–8; with
Trigeminal Nerve Injuries 13
and so forth) and may be contraindicated or poorly panoramic images and computed tomography.
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nisms of action but have been found to be less Inferior alveolar nerve sensory disturbance after
effective. The newer antiepileptic drugs including impacted third molar evaluation using cone beam
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side effect profile and may be started in patients a pilot study. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012;70:
who refuse TCAs or have a contraindication. If 2264–70.
either class fails, then the other class is tried. If 9. Selvi F, Dodson TB, Nattestad A, et al. Factors that
this fails, then combination therapy is instituted are associated with injury to the inferior alveolar
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a source of concern and litigation even for the
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This article provides the most up-to-date evi-
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prevention, and management of these injuries to
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Soft Tissue Grafting
A ro u n d Te e t h a n d
I mplants
George R. Deeb, DDS, MDa,*, Janina Golob Deeb, DDS, MSb
Free gingival graft Subepithelial connective tissue graft Recession Soft tissue defect Allograft
Esthetic appearance and functional longevity for teeth and implants often requires conversion of
unfavorable soft tissue traits to more favorable ones.
Improvement of tissue quality and quantity can be accomplished with many different techniques
and materials, and largely depends on clinical presentation of the case and the familiarity of the
clinician with the procedures and materials available.
Identification of causal factors, selection of appropriate surgical technique, and evidence-based
material selection lead to predictable success when improving soft tissue characteristics around
teeth or implants.
THE IDEAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOFT optimal soft and hard tissue health.3 However, in
TISSUE TOOTH/IMPLANT INTERFACE patients maintaining proper plaque control, the
absence of attached gingiva around teeth does
The presence of healthy attached tissue at the not result in an increased incidence of soft tissue
tooth and implant soft tissue interface correlates recession.1,4 It has been shown in long-term
with long-term success and stability in function studies that even minimal amounts of keratinized
and esthetics. Not only can a lack of keratinized tissue can provide long-term stability of soft tissue
tissue facilitate plaque aggregation around teeth margin in the presence of good plaque control.1
and implants but it can also lead to recession of Early studies suggested that the recession of
free soft tissue margin in the esthetic zone. The soft tissue margin around implants may be the
thicker periodontium is less prone to recession, result of the remodeling of the periimplant soft tis-
because of the thickness of the cortical bone as sue barrier. Lack of masticatory mucosa and the
well as the thickness of the surrounding gingiva. mobility of periimplant soft tissue were related to
Treatment of mucogingival deficiencies has more pronounced soft tissue recession around im-
become a large part of practices involving teeth plants.5 Plaque-induced inflammation has been
and implants. The ramifications of not having an shown to cause recession when mucosal margins,
adequate keratinized tissue surrounding teeth rather than gingiva, are surrounding implants.6
have been studied extensively for decades,1,2 Thicker keratinized tissue facilitates plaque
and have also extended into implantology. The removal around implants. Plaque has been found
presence of gingiva is strongly correlated with as the causal factor in periodontal diseases7 as
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, 521
North 11th Street, Richmond, VA 23298, USA; b Departments of Periodontics and General Practice, School
of Dentistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, 521 North 11th Street, Richmond, VA 23298, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
well as periimplant inflammation, and its removal is When considering correction of recession it is
paramount in tooth and implant long-term health. important to identify the presence and the amount
Facilitating plaque removal is not the only indica- of gingiva as well as causal factors contributing to
tion when considering improvement of soft tissue displacement of soft tissue margin. Causal factors
structure surrounding teeth or implants. Esthetic of soft tissue recession around teeth include the
demands for implants have become as high as quantity and quality of surrounding keratinized
those for natural dentition. Exposed metal or any attached tissue, supporting alveolar bone, and
visible discrepancies in soft tissue volume or mar- the level of plaque control of the affected area.
gins suggesting an implant-supported prosthesis Causes of soft tissue defects surrounding implants
in anterior regions have become largely unaccept- include poor implant spatial positioning, incorrect
able by patients. Implant-supported restorations abutment contour, excessive implant diameter,
and teeth restored side by side should be in har- horizontal biologic width formation, and peri-
mony, not only when it comes to prosthetic supra- odontal phenotype.11
structures but also in levels of gingival margins,
thickness, color, and contour of adjacent gingiva. CLASSIFICATION OF RECESSION
Several soft tissue grafting procedures has been
developed to improve both the volume of kerati- Several classification systems have been devel-
nized tissue and the soft tissue contour around im- oped to assess and quantify the amount of sur-
plants. Concepts for these surgical techniques rounding soft tissue and osseous components.
have been drawn from procedures developed to Sullivan and Atkins12 introduced a classification
enhance soft tissue support around teeth. system in 1968 to describe recession around
teeth. This classification system was based on
DEVELOPMENT OF MUCOGINGIVAL the width and length of recession. It was already
DIAGNOSIS AND SURGERY established at that time that those parameters
determined the amount of root coverage obtain-
The term mucogingival surgery was first intro- able with soft tissue grafting procedures.
duced by Friedman8 in 1957 in reference to cor- Miller13 introduced his classification system in
recting relationships between mucosa and 1985 (Box 1). He related the extent of the soft tis-
gingiva around teeth. In the following decades, sue recession to the location of the mucogingival
that term has expanded to include numerous pro- junction as well as the height of interproximal clin-
cedures used to correct and alter defects, ical attachment adjacent to the surface affected by
position, thickness, and the width of keratinized the recession.
tissue surrounding teeth. As implantology has Miller’s13 classification is a helpful diagnostic
expanded and esthetic demand for prosthetic re- tool in treatment planning and setting realistic ex-
placements has grown, periodontal plastic surgery pectations for both patients and clinicians. Root
procedures have been developed around implants coverage can be predictably obtained in class I
and edentulous ridges restored with pontics and and II groups, only partially in class III, and not at
removable prostheses. The term periodontal plas- all in class IV. Properly diagnosing the soft tissue
tic surgery was introduced by Miller9 in 1988 and recession is helpful in choosing a proper soft tis-
presently includes procedures to prevent or cor- sue grafting technique and setting expectations
rect oral soft tissue defects of anatomic, develop- for surgical outcome.
mental, traumatic, and disease-related origin. In 1999, the International Workshop for Classifi-
cation of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions
GINGIVAL RECESSION AROUND TEETH AND formed by the American Academy of Periodontol-
IMPLANTS ogy agreed on a new classification system for peri-
odontal diseases. Category VIII on developmental
The displacement of the soft tissue margin in an or acquired deformities and conditions was added
apical direction from the cementoenamel junction to provide more comprehensive diagnostic tool for
leads to exposure of the root surface of a tooth, soft tissue characteristics around teeth and eden-
and is referred to as a marginal soft tissue reces- tulous ridges (Table 1).14
sion.10 When the soft tissue margin recedes
apically around an implant, it can lead to exposure ESTHETIC CONSIDERATIONS
of the abutment or implant body depending on the
extent of displacement, as well as the design of the Loss of gingival symmetry is most notable on ante-
implant and its suprastructure. In both cases, the rior teeth15 and implants, especially with regard to
term soft tissue margin is inclusive of either mu- the principles of gingival zenith positions and
cosa or gingiva, whichever is present at the site. levels.
Soft Tissue Grafting Around Teeth and Implants 427
Table 1
Developmental or acquired deformities and conditions
Fig. 1. (A) Thick, flat periodontal biotype is characterized by dense fibrotic gingiva, large zone of attached
gingiva, smaller embrasures, and square-shaped teeth. (B) Thin periodontal biotype has a thin, scalloped gingiva
with a narrow zone of attachment. The teeth are triangular, and the thin periodontium often reveals undulating
contours of the prominent roots of the teeth and bone.
dehiscence defects, which continues until the Kan and colleagues17 recommend that the
bone margin is reached. placement be 1 mm palatal in relation to the facial
Kan and colleagues17 evaluated the dimensions emergence profiles of the adjacent teeth, and not
of the periimplant mucosa around 2-stage maxil- less than 1 mm because of the risk of losing the
lary anterior single implants. The investigators facial bone and soft tissue.
concluded that the level of the interproximal
papilla around the implant is independent of the The Implant Should Be Placed with the
proximal bone level next to the implant, but is Platform at the Level of the Gingival Zenith
related to the interproximal bone level next to the and 3 mm Apical to the Soft Tissue Margin
adjacent tooth. Greater periimplant mucosal di-
Gingival zenith position (GZP) does not line up with
mensions were noted in the presence of a thick
the middle of the facial surface of the tooth or ver-
periimplant biotype compared with a thin biotype.
tical bisected midline (VBM) for all anterior tooth
groups. The largest discrepancy between GZP
and VBM was noted in maxillary central incisors
with GZP located 1 mm distal to the VBM.16 The
The relationship between the bone and soft tissue lateral incisors showed an average of 0.4 mm
ultimately defines the final esthetic result. The discrepancy, whereas the canines showed almost
three-dimensional relationship between the no deviations of the GZP from the VBM.16
implant and surrounding bone determines the
soft tissue contours and interdental papilla. Implants Should Be Placed with a Minimum of
1.5 mm Between the Adjacent Tooth and
Implants Should Be Placed 3 mm Below the Implant
Facial Gingival Margin in an Apicocoronal
Esposito and colleagues19 indicated a strong cor-
Dimension for the Following Reasons
relation between bone loss of adjacent teeth and
To allow for prosthetic abutment placement horizontal distance of the implant fixture to the
and formation of biologic width. tooth. The greatest amount of bone loss was noted
To allow for creation of a natural emergence at the lateral incisor position.
To allow for restorative margins to be placed Implants Should Be Placed with an
subgingivally. Interimplant Distance of at Least 3 mm in a
To allow for age-related recession without im- 2-Stage Protocol
mediate exposure of the implant abutment Tarnow and colleagues20 in their retrospective
study of patients with 2 adjacent implants found
that when implants were placed within 3 mm of
Implants Should Be Placed in a Buccolingual
each other they developed 1.04 mm of interprox-
Dimension 1 to 2 mm Palatal from the
imal bone loss compared with implants placed
Anticipated Facial Margin of the Restoration
with greater than 3.0 mm of bone between them,
Schneider and colleagues18 recommend a 2-mm which lost only 0.45 mm of bone. The loss of height
palatal placement in anticipation of a 1.4-mm of interproximal bone has an effect on papilla
lateral bone loss as a guideline. support.
Soft Tissue Grafting Around Teeth and Implants 429
Fig. 2. (A) Preoperative view of a #9 edentulous ridge planned for a single-tooth implant. (B) Surgical guide in
place during implant placement. Note that the guide pin is palatal in order maintain the buccal plate and prevent
recession of the soft tissue. (C) Intraoperative view with a 3.0-mm healing abutment in place. The 3.0-mm healing
abutment is flush with the gingiva and ensures that proper emergence can be achieved. (D) Screw-retained pro-
visional with the correct gingival contours. (E) The provisional restoration in place along with the veneer showing
acceptable esthetic outcome. (F) Postoperative panoramic film showing the implant and provisional crown in
430 Deeb & Deeb
are critical. Screw-retained restorations avoid When performing the socket preservation proce-
cement-caused periimplant inflammation. Screw- dure, anatomic features of the socket which will
retained restorations also allow retrieval and become a future implant site should be assessed
adjustment of the contours of the restoration, and improved with grafting techniques. Closure af-
which are critical in guiding papilla restoration. ter extraction can be manipulated in ways to create
Contact points on adjacent teeth as well as emer- or move keratinized tissue for future implant place-
gence dictate the final result. ment. Covering bone graft with a membrane or soft
tissue graft results in expansion of gingival tissue.
Obtaining primary closure by advancing the flap
often comes at the expense of displacing or losing
facial keratinized tissue.
Extraction Sockets
Patient factors that define the success of an
In the absence of keratinized tissue or when implant placement include bone level, buccal
gingiva is present but inflamed and fragile, it is bone thickness, soft and hard tissue relationship,
important to incorporate procedures to preserve and gingival biotype.29
and augment surrounding connective tissue in Bone grafting for socket preservation or ridge
early phases of treatment (Fig. 3A–H). Following augmentation techniques can be implemented to
extraction in an anterior segment with deficient improve osseous characteristics of the site. The
gingiva, the clinician might choose not to proceed bone support will define the soft tissue architec-
with an immediate implant placement but rather ture after healing. Connective tissue grafts or
resort to a staged approach. pedicle grafts can be used to augment deficient
Fig. 3. (A) Preoperative view of a patient with a thin, scalloped periodontium with external resorption of tooth
#9. (B) Extracted tooth with external resorption visible on the buccal aspect of the tooth. (C) Postextraction view
showing buccal wall defect. (D) Rigid collagen membrane bridging the buccal wall dehiscence before placement
of bone graft into the socket. The connective tissue graft for socket coverage has been harvested. (E) Connective
tissue graft sutured into place over the socket preservation procedure. (F) Natural tooth bonded into place post-
operatively and without contacting the ridge. (G) One-week postoperative view showing improved bulk and co-
lor after socket preservation procedure. (H) Four-month postoperative result.
Soft Tissue Grafting Around Teeth and Implants 431
soft tissue components. Autogenous grafts can be of greater prosthesis retention during the healing
allowed to heal in part by secondary intention stage (Fig. 4).
further enhancing the amount of keratinized tissue
available for future implant placement. Treatment Planning for Soft Tissue Grafting
Note that immediate implant placement into Around Teeth and Implants
sockets with deficient facial keratinized tissue
The ultimate goal of soft tissue grafting is to
and thin buccal bone may lead to unpredictable
improve the prognosis of affected teeth or im-
height and contour of soft tissue margin and
plants. Prognosis depends on the ability to
esthetic outcome. Delaying implant placement
practice good plaque control and to maintain
and creating healthy and adequate amounts of
healthy soft tissue margins. In esthetic areas,
gingiva first yields more predictable esthetic
achieving optimal soft tissue contours around
teeth, implants, or prostheses is also of great
SOFT TISSUE MANAGEMENT AT THE TIME OF Numerous techniques involving soft tissue
IMPLANT PLACEMENT manipulation from adjacent or distant donor sites
have been developed to cover exposed roots and
Sites augmented with subepithelial connective tis-
enhance soft tissue structure in areas with deficient
sue grafts (SCTG) at the time of implant placement
or absent gingiva. Conventional periodontal plastic
have better esthetics and thicker periimplant tis-
surgical techniques are generally separated into
sues.30 When SCTG is used with immediate
pedicle grafts and free soft tissue grafts (Box 2).
implant placement and provisionalization in the
esthetic zone it significantly improves mainte-
nance of facial gingival level.31 FREE SOFT TISSUE GRAFTING
Grunder32 measured the dimension of the labial When treatment planning a soft tissue graft it is
volume before and 6 months after implant place- important to consider the goal. Indications can
ment in the maxillary anterior area with or without be driven by esthetic demands with the purpose
SCTG using a flapless tunnel technique. The non- of establishing a harmony with regard to health,
grafted group had an average 1.063-mm loss of height, volume, color, and contours of gingiva
volume, whereas the grafted group presented with the surrounding dentition.
with a slight gain of 0.34 mm. These results In addition, indications are often related to
confirmed the effectiveness of placing a soft tissue inability to remove plaque efficiently around teeth
graft at the time of immediate implant placement in and implants surrounded by thin mucosa, resulting
the esthetic zone.32 in recession. Longitudinal evaluations conclude
In totally edentulous patient, firm keratinized tis- that minimizing inflammation is sufficient and is
sue surrounding the implants and adequate necessary to maintain attachment levels despite
vestibular depth are among the determining fac- the width of keratinized tissue surrounding teeth.34
tors for long-term implant success. In the staged Therefore it is important to educate patients about
approach of mandibular implant reconstruction, how to properly exercise oral hygiene and to
adequate vestibular depth and gingiva surround- consider soft tissue surgery in appropriate circum-
ing the implants can be readily established at the stances when enhanced soft tissue will result in an
time of implant placement or when the implants improved prognosis of the grafted tooth or
are uncovered. implant.
However, in cases in which extractions and In cases in which the sole goal is to increase the
alveolar ridge reduction are done in the mandible amount of keratinized tissue, the most suitable
immediately before implant placement, surgeons technique remains a free gingival graft. When the
have a challenging task to maintain adequate ker- desired outcome includes coverage of exposed
atinized tissue and vestibular depth on buccal and root, connective tissue grafting provides more pre-
lingual aspects of the implants. Securing both dictable outcomes.35
flaps apically to a fixed and stable bony anchorage
greatly reduces the likelihood of prolapse of the THE FREE GINGIVAL GRAFT
buccal vestibule and elevation of the lingual floor
into prosthetic space as well as beyond the The term free gingival graft was introduced in 1966
implant margins. This fixed anchorage is by Nabers36 and this graft is now referred to as free
especially important in patients who cannot wear epithelialized soft tissue graft. This technique orig-
prosthetic devices during the healing phase.33 inally used tissue removed after gingivectomy, but
Single-stage surgery with the placement of healing was later modified to include palatal or mastica-
abutments allows the patient the additional benefit tory gingiva as a primary donor source.37
432 Deeb & Deeb
Fig. 4. (A) Five lower implants placed for an immediate loaded full-arch provisional restoration. (B) Close-up view of a
fissure burr being used to make an interimplant osteotomy of the lingual cortical bone as a means of stabilizing flaps in
an apical position. In this example the lingual cortex is being perforated because of the wide buccolingual dimension
of the alveolar ridge as well as to avoid inadvertent damage to the implants. (C) Intraoperative view showing the su-
turing sequence. The operator passes from the buccal tissues through the alveolus and through the lingual tissues
before tying the knot over the ridge to secure the tissues. (D) Intraoperative view with 3 transalveolar sutures in place.
The sutures are placed in the interimplant bone and secured. The rest of the final closure is completed in chromic gut
suture. Note the preservation of keratinized tissue and apical position of the flaps. (E) Intraoperative view after implan-
tation showing the needle being passed through the alveolus in order to show the placement of the transalveolar os-
teotomy in a 5-mm apical position. For altering vestibular height the osteotomy should be placed apically, as shown.
For use the buccal flap should be engaged before entering the osteotomy and the lingual flap on exiting, as in Fig. 3. (F)
Immediate postoperative view of the closure using the transalveolar suture (arrow) securing the flaps in an apical po-
sition in order to increase vestibular depth. (G) One week after surgery showing favorable healing and stable tissue
adaptation around the implants. The transalveolar sutures (arrows) are still intact.
The autogenous free gingival graft can be subdi- it is not suited when root coverage is attempted.
vided by thickness of the donor tissue into 3 The thin free gingival graft heals the fastest but
categories: also has the highest percentage of secondary
shrinkage after healing (25%–30%).38,39 The donor
1. Thin (0.5–0.8 mm)
site is shallow and therefore heals mostly
2. Average (0.9–1.4 mm)
3. Thick (1.5 to >2 mm)
The average-thickness graft is best suited for all
The thin graft is well suited to increasing the types of grafting except root coverage. This graft
amount of keratinized gingiva and provides the provides acceptable appearance and better pro-
best color match. A thin graft has to be placed in tection against future recession than the thin graft.
intimate contact with an intact blood supply of The donor site is deeper, which can cause more
the recipient site with the incision on the recipient complications following surgery. A palatal stent is
site placed submarginally. Placement over an recommended to protect the donor site and
exposed root surface should be avoided because ensure blood clot stabilization.
Soft Tissue Grafting Around Teeth and Implants 433
Fig. 5. (A) Preoperative view of a patient presenting for a 2-implant overdenture with a thin periodontium and
recession. (B) Intraoperative view after implant placement. The blue lines will be deepithelialized and closed in a
double papilla fashion (arrows) in order to increase the keratinized tissue. (C) The final closure over the connec-
tive tissue grafts. The arrows indicate the double papilla closure. These grafts increase keratinized tissue and
convert the patient to a thicker periodontal biotype.
434 Deeb & Deeb
the recipient bed should extend 3 mm past the SOFT TISSUE GRAFTING ON IMPLANTS
edge of the denuded root surface and include VERSUS TEETH
removal of aberrant frenum.
When root coverage is also the objective of the Free gingival grafting provides a wider zone of ker-
procedure, the initial horizontal incision should atinized tissue and promotes a tight adaptation of
be placed at the level of the desired new gingival denser tissue around implants, which allows better
level. The level of gingiva anticipated following plaque control and gingival health. Only a small
grafting can be either at the cemento-enamel junc- number of studies are available reporting long-
tion for Miller class I and II recession defects or term stability of exposed implant coverage
below it for class III and IV. The larger donor tissue compared with studies performed on teeth. From
is easier to stabilize, therefore rendering root available data, it is suggestive that gained soft tis-
coverage more successful. Thick grafts that cover sue coverage on teeth remains stable in the long
only 1 tooth are harder to suture and stabilize, term compared with implants (Figs. 6 and 7).
making them less predictable for use in root The technique used by Burkhardt and col-
coverage procedures. leagues47 to cover approximately 3 mm of soft tis-
Gingival grafts should be excised from the donor sue recession on buccal aspect of implants
site with recipient site size and shape in mind and resembles in every step techniques used to cover
contoured to the recipient area.36 exposed root surfaces with SCTG on teeth. How-
Suturing the graft to the recipient site should ever, despite achieving immediate recession
completely immobilize the graft to encourage the coverage of more than 100% following surgery,
anastomosing of capillaries by maintaining inti- that gain was not maintained and shrank to 66%
mate contact with the recipient site vascular bed. at the 6-month follow-up. In contrast, similar soft
The thicker grafts should be slightly stretched to tissue defects on implants were treated by Zuc-
keep capillaries open, thus enabling the establish- chelli and colleagues48 also using connective tis-
ment of the blood supply to the graft. Interrupted sue grafts. At 1 year they observed a mean
sutures are used on the edges. Sling sutures coverage of 96% and a significant increase in the
around grafted teeth ensure intimate contact of amount of keratinized tissue. The main difference
the graft interproximally and elimination of the between the two studies was the removal of the
dead space between graft and recipient bed. crown and reshaping and polishing of the implant
At present, free gingival grafts are not used as abutment before surgery, allowing better adapta-
often as in the past because of less than optimal tion between the graft and abutment. Reshaping
esthetics and a more uncomfortable postoperative and polishing the implant abutment closely
course than newer subepithelial techniques. resembles the way grafting is performed over
Fig. 6. (A) Adolescent patient with an inadequate zone of keratinized tissue around the facial aspect of the
mandibular incisors. (B) Split-thickness dissection of the anterior mandible to prepare the recipient bed for
palatal free gingival grafting. Note that the flap has been positioned apically in order to avoid coronal migration.
(C) Free gingival graft harvested from the palate. (D) Palatal donor site with Surgicel and Periacryl dressing over-
sewn with chromic gut suture. (E) Palatal graft sutured into place using chromic gut suture. (F) One week after
surgery showing an increased zone of attached tissue.
Soft Tissue Grafting Around Teeth and Implants 435
Fig. 7. (A) A single-tooth implant showing a lack of keratinized tissue. (B) Supraperiosteal dissection in prepara-
tion for the free gingival graft. (C) A template in place before graft harvest. (D) The free gingival graft secured
into the recipient bed. (E) The final result showing increased keratinized tissue. Coverage of the porcelain at the
apical portion of the restoration was not achieved (and rarely is).
root surfaces with root planning, reshaping, condi- favored a prolonged period of revascularization
tioning, and placement of grafts in close proximity and delayed healing.51
to recipient surfaces. Addition of abutment and
crown modifications provides more space and Technique for Subepithelial Connective Tissue
better adaptation of the graft into the recipient Graft
site. Provisional crowns can be modified to guide Donor site for subepithelial connective tissue
and sculpt soft tissue during healing.49 graft
Masticatory mucosa on the palate between palatal
SUBEPITHELIAL CONNECTIVE TISSUE GRAFT raphae and maxillary posterior teeth is the most
common location for the donor site for SCTG
This technique is currently used in most soft tissue (see Fig. 16). It is composed of connective tissue
grafts performed in periodontal plastic surgery. and loosely organized glandular and adipose tis-
The connective tissue graft, also known as SCTG sue.52 The best-quality connective tissue is found
was introduced in 1980 by Langer and Calagna.50 closest to the teeth; however, harvesting tissue
Its use was described for root coverage and ridge closer than 2 mm to the teeth places those teeth
augmentation procedures. at risk for developing postoperative gingival reces-
The donor site was the patient’s palate, the graft sion caused by inadequate blood supply to the
was 1 to 2 mm thick, and split-thickness recipient apex of the retained flap.
bed preparation was suggested to provide double Surgeons harvesting SCTG from the palate must
blood supply to the newly added tissue graft.50 be familiar with the anatomy and characteristics of
The autogenous SCTG is divided by thickness of this donor site. It is important to avoid the nerves
the donor tissue into 3 categories: and vessels located in the greater palatine groove
1. Thin (0.5–0.8 mm) at the junction of vertical and horizontal palate. The
2. Average (0.9–1.4 mm) palatal vault height varies from 7 mm to 17 mm,
3. Thick (1.5 to >2 mm) with an average distance of 12 mm from the neuro-
vascular line.
The thickness of the graft proved to have an ef- The incision is started 2 mm from the soft tissue
fect on the amount of shrinkage and the rate of margin on the palatal aspect of the teeth and it
healing of the graft that occurred following sur- should end 2 mm above the neurovascular line.
gery. Rapid revascularization can be expected The width of donor tissue can therefore vary from
when uniform thin or intermediate grafts are 3 to 13 mm, with an average width of 8 mm.
placed on a periosteal recipient site. An uneven, The size of SCTG needed depends on the de-
thick graft placed on a site of denuded bone mands of the recipient site; however, for most
436 Deeb & Deeb
Fig. 8. (A) Preoperative clinical view showing 2 dental implants with inadequate keratinized tissue on the facial
aspect. (B) Supraperiosteal dissection to prepare a bed for free gingival grafting. The apical flap margin is sutured
to periosteum to prevent coronal migration during healing. (C) Palatal free gingival graft harvest. (D) Palatal
donor sites. These sites can be dressed with Surgicel and Periacryl. (E) Free gingival grafts sutured into place using
3.0 chromic gut. (F) Eight weeks after surgery showing increased keratinized tissue.
Soft Tissue Grafting Around Teeth and Implants 437
mucosa. When covering an SCTG with a flap lack- TECHNIQUE FOR PEDICLE FLAP WITH
ing keratinized tissue, the outer surface over the VERTICAL INCISIONS
graft heals as nonkeratinized mucosa for a soft tis-
sue margin. To alter the surface of a new soft tis- The horizontal incision is made at the desired level
sue margin from mucosa to keratinized tissue of the future gingival margin, usually at the level of
once the graft has established its own blood sup- the CEJ. The incision extends to the interdental
ply, overlying mucosa can be released and apically area adjacent to the terminal grafted tooth. When
positioned leaving SCTG exposed to keratinize the second incision is used parallel to the first inci-
over. sion, it should be spaced as far apically from the
first one as the recession measures on the
PARTIAL-THICKNESS DOUBLE PEDICLE GRAFT exposed root. These incisions are then connected
with mesial and distal vertical incisions that extend
The use of a double pedicle flap should be consid- beyond the mucogingival junction to allow manip-
ered when the objective of grafting includes the in- ulation of the flap in the coronal direction. The
crease of keratinized tissue. The overlying double recipient bed is prepared with split-thickness
pedicle slides laterally interproximal papillary kera- dissection to free the flap from the periosteum.
tinized tissue over the grafted root surface and, SCTG is sutured in place, extending to the
compared with a coronally positioned pedicle edges of the recipient bed (Fig. 10B). The flap is
flap deficient in keratinized tissue, results in a then coronally advanced for as many millimeters
larger increase of keratinized tissue (3.0 mm vs as the recession measured before grafting (see
1.8 mm) (Fig. 9).59 Fig. 10).
Fig. 9. (A) Punch technique used for uncovering at stage 2 surgery. (B) Healing abutment placed at stage 2 sur-
gery. Note the horizontal ridge deficiency and narrow zone of attached tissue. (C) Papilla-sparing incision with
vertical releases is being elevated in preparation for connective tissue grafting to buccally augment the zone
of attachment. (D) Palatal connective tissue graft being sutured in place. (E) One week after surgery showing
buccal and vertical augmentation of the site. (F) The connective tissue donor site 1 week after surgery. (G) Final
restoration at 1 year after surgery showing improved buccal and vertical soft tissue contours.
438 Deeb & Deeb
Fig. 10. Connective tissue graft and pedicle flap (A) Preoperative view of lower left premolar area. Note receding
soft tissue margin with minimal amount of keratinized tissue present on tooth #21 and amalgam restoration ex-
tending onto root surface. (B) Intraoperative view showing recipient site with pedicle flap and SCTG sutured to
obtain desired root coverage apically of amalgam restoration. (C) Four weeks postoperatively, teeth #20 and #21
present with improved soft tissue support and good root coverage apically of margins of preexisting
TECHNIQUE FOR ENVELOPE FLAP coronally to the CEJ. Papillary tissue is under-
mined but not reflected. The pouch must extend
This technique can also be called the single-tooth far enough laterally and apically to allow passive
tunnel or pouch technique. The SCTG is sutured placement of the SCTG. Dissection for this tech-
into a recipient tunnel donor site without reflecting nique is more difficult and tactile sensation is the
a traditional flap. The envelope flap maintains only method of negotiating the preparation of the
ample blood supply from the adjacent papillary, recipient site between periosteum and mucosa
overlying mucogingival and underlying mucoper- or gingiva. The suturing technique is also more
iosteal sides. challenging; however, fewer sutures are needed
A small scalpel blade is placed in the sulcus and because of good graft stability under the envelope
a split-thickness pouch is developed under the flap. The suturing technique is designed to pull the
surface of the mucogingival tissue. The recipient donor tissue into the tunnel preparation of the
bed preparation must extend to the papilla slightly recipient site (See Fig. 11).
Fig. 11. Connective tissue graft tunnel. (A) Preoperative clinical view showing root exposure and a thin zone of
keratinized tissue. (B) Subepithelial tunnel being prepared in a split-thickness dissection to receive the connective
tissue. (C) Single-incision technique used to harvest the connective tissue graft. (D) Connective tissue graft placed
into the subepithelial pocket. (E) Connective tissue graft and buccal flap sutured to the level of the CEJ. (F) One-
month postoperative visit showing root coverage as well as an increased zone of keratinized tissue.
Soft Tissue Grafting Around Teeth and Implants 439
SEMILUNAR AND LATERAL SLIDING FLAPS thoroughly root planed and conditioned with either
citric acid,61 tetracycline, or ethylenediaminetetra-
Semilunar coronally positioned flaps and laterally acetic acid (EDTA). The implant surface can be
sliding flaps are mostly used without adding cleaned with air-power abrasive with sodium bi-
SCTG and are suitable for high vestibules with carbonate powder and application of tetracycline
thick and wide adjacent keratinized tissue that (Fig. 13).
can be transpositioned. Because of limitations of Elimination of endotoxins, demineralization, and
flap mobility and the numerous alternatives that removal of the smear layer provide exposure of
are now available, these techniques remain in dentinal tubules, which seems to be essential for
use for single teeth or implants in specific circum- new attachment procedures on the root surface.
stances (Fig. 12). Citric acid causes a greater degree of morpho-
logic alterations than EDTA62 or tetracycline
PINHOLE SURGICAL TECHNIQUE HCl63–65 and is considered to be a better root-
In recent years a novel surgical approach to root conditioning agent.
coverage, called the pinhole surgical technique, Deviating from the protocol can result in dam-
has been gaining exposure. Chao60 introduced it age to the tooth, demineralization, and lack of ce-
for Miller class I, II, and III recession defects and mentogenesis. Chemical conditioning of the
reported favorable predictability for root coverage dentin has been shown to stimulate the attach-
and defect reduction up to 18 months following the ment of fibroblasts65 as well as gingival keratino-
procedure. cytes, which could favor the reformation of a
junctional epithelium.66
ROOT SURFACE AND IMPLANT SURFACE Some clinical studies have failed to observe
TREATMENT improved outcomes of surgical technique when
using citric acid.67
Root or implant surface should be smooth and de-
contaminated before receiving the tissue graft. ALTERNATIVES TO AUTOGENOUS SOFT
Grooves or notches on the root surfaces should TISSUE GRAFTS
be properly contoured because they create dead
spaces between the graft and root surface. De- The concept of avoiding the secondary donor sur-
fects, calculus, and restorative materials should gical site adds great appeal to materials that repre-
be eliminated or reshaped with fine diamond burrs sent an alternative to autogenous donor sites for
or hand instruments. Root surface should be soft tissue grafting. Although these new materials
Fig. 12. Lateral sliding flap. (A) Canine with an inadequate zone of keratinized tissue. (B) Lateral pedicled flap
design just before split-thickness dissection. (C) Flaps mobilized and sutured into place using 4.0 chromic gut.
(D) Final result showing an increase in keratinized tissue.
440 Deeb & Deeb
Fig. 13. Allograft for connective tissue graft tunnel. (A) Preoperative clinical view showing recession and root
exposure. (B) Root preparation with EDTA after scaling and root planning. (C) Alloderm acellular dermal graft
being hydrated and measured. (D) Placement of Alloderm into recipient site tunnel preparation without flap
elevation. (E) Final closure of the coronally advanced flap over the Alloderm. (F) Postoperative clinical result,
showing complete root coverage in the upper left quadrant.
do not surpass the gold standard (SCTG), they do In systematic review evaluating esthetic soft
provide patient satisfaction and esthetics and are tissue management for both teeth and dental
available in abundance. implants, xenogeneic collagen matrix was compa-
rable with SCTG in terms of mean keratinized tis-
Allograft sue gain; however, it did not achieve the same
Allografts such as acellular dermal matrix (ADM) root coverage.73
have been used around teeth and implants to sub- Similarly, in another systematic review of the
stitute the autogenous connective tissue grafts, most effective techniques for soft tissue manage-
especially for larger recipient sites or when obtain- ment around dental implants, the technique using
ing autogenous tissue is not feasible and would an animal-derived collagen matrix was able to
lead to much higher postoperative discomfort. Al- achieve its goal, but at the cost of a worsened
lografts and autografts yield similar predictability esthetic outcome.30
for root coverage techniques; however, connec-
tive tissue autografts result in superior defect Guided Tissue Regeneration
coverage, higher keratinized tissue and attach-
Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) has been used
ment gain, and lower residual probing depths
for treatment of recession defects around teeth
(see Fig. 13).68–72
and implants using resorbable and nonresorbable
Allografts also provide an alternative to replace
barriers in combination with various bone grafts
an autogenous free gingival graft (Fig. 14).
and biologic agents.
Wei and colleagues73,74 conducted a study
GTR-based root coverage can be used suc-
comparing the effectiveness of ADM and free
cessfully to repair gingival recession defects.
gingival graft for increasing the width of attached
However, most studies that compared GTR and
gingiva. The results suggested that tissue formed
SCTG concluded that SCTG resulted in statisti-
at the ADM-treated site did not parallel any known
cally better root coverage, width of keratinized
mucosa and was more similar to scar tissue.
gingiva, and complete root coverage.76–79 Ten-
Xenograft year follow-up comparing SCTG and GTR for
root coverage found that the long-term stability
Xenografts that include thick collagen matrices of root coverage (ie, the reduction of recession
have been introduced as an alternative to auto- depth) and esthetic results perceived by patients
grafts or allografts for use as free gingival or con- were significantly better using SCTG compared
nective tissue grafts. with GTR surgery using bioabsorbable barriers.80
McGuire and Scheyer75 showed that xenoge-
neic collagen matrix with a CAF represents a viable
Living Cellular Construct
alternative to SCTG in the treatment of recession
defects, without the morbidity of soft tissue graft Living cellular constructs (LCC) are derived from
harvest. autogenous or allogenic sources.
Soft Tissue Grafting Around Teeth and Implants 441
Fig. 14. Allograft for free gingival graft (A) Anterior mandibular preoperative view showing a narrow zone of
keratinized tissue. (B) Subperiosteal dissection in preparation for Alloderm augmentation. Note that the flap
has been sutured inferiorly to the apical periosteum. (C) Operative view showing the Alloderm secured in place
over the periosteal bed with interrupted and sling sutures. (D) Eight-week postoperative view showing an
increased zone of keratinized tissue.
Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is of autologous origin addition of PRF to a CAF in treatment of Miller
and has been reported in the literature as being class I and II recession defects resulted in superior
used for enhancing healing of the palatal donor root coverage compared with CAF alone.84
site81 and for papilla reconstruction.23 Search of site-appropriate tissue in the oral cavity
PRF was also used to treat multiple gingival re- has included application of living cellular sheet (LCS)
cessions.82 The natural fibrin architecture of PRF in oral soft tissue therapy as a free gingival graft.85,86
seems responsible for releasing large amounts of LCS is an allogenic graft composed of cultured
growth factors and matrix glycoproteins. These keratinocytes and fibroblasts in bovine collagen
biochemical components of PRF are involved in and has been used for more than 14 years to treat
wound healing and tissue regeneration.83 The patients with cutaneous wounds.87–90 (Fig. 15).
Fig. 15. (A) Preoperative view showing an inadequate zone of keratinized tissue in the anterior mandible. (B) Supra-
periosteal dissection completed in order to receive the graft. Note that the flap is secured inferiorly to the apical
periosteum. (C) The Mucograft is sutured into place using a combination of interrupted and sling sutures in order
to ensure graft immobility. (D) Final 12-week postoperative result showing an increased zone of keratinized tissue.
442 Deeb & Deeb
Based on histologic findings, the authors sug- comparisons of the mean keratinized tissue
gested that LCS-treated sites resembled gingiva gain.69
rather than alveolar mucosa. Compared with sites
treated with autogenous grafts, tissue generated Biologic agents
at LCS-treated sites presented with more site- Biologic agents have been explored in conjunction
appropriate tissue that was deemed superior in with soft tissue grafting to improve migration and
terms of color and texture match to adjacent un- differentiation of cells in grafted sites. The data
treated tissue, absence of scar formation, or ke- from systematic review by Fu and colleagues69
loidlike appearance as well as mucogingival concluded that the adjunctive use of biologic
junction alignment. Besides superior esthetics, agents did not exert a significant effect on mean
LCC also scored better in patient satisfaction; root coverage and mean amount of keratinized tis-
however it was inferior to free gingival graft in sue gain.
Fig. 16. SCTG ridge augmentation. (A) Preoperative view showing an inadequate bucolingual dimension under
pontic #8 in the anterior maxilla. (B) Intraoperative view showing harvesting of SCTG from the palatal donor site
by single-incision approach. (C, D) Donor site sutured (C) and covered with periodontal dressing (D). (E) Split-
thickness dissection for recipient site preparation using single vertical incision and tunnel preparation. Care
was taken to avoid disruption of gingival collars surrounding implants. (F, G) Sutures (arrows) were used to facil-
itate advancement of the graft into the recipient site. (H, I) SCTG sutured to recipient site before (H) and after (I)
the reinsertion of the implant-supported temporary prosthesis. (J) Healing after 8 weeks. Placement of connective
tissue graft augmented soft tissue support on the facial aspect of pontic #8. (K, L) Placement of connective tissue
graft in edentulous area enhanced the esthetics, volume of soft tissue, and papillae under the implant-supported
provisional prosthesis as shown by comparing before (K) and 8 weeks following surgery (L).
Soft Tissue Grafting Around Teeth and Implants 443
Fig. 17. (A) Surgicel is sutured to the donor site. (B) Application of a hemostatic agent made of an oxidized poly-
anhydroglucuronic acid is easy and effective in improving hemostasis.
SOFT TISSUE GRAFTS FOR RIDGE Miller98 described a surgical technique using 1
AUGMENTATION vertical incision creating a tunnel between soft tis-
sue and bone, and inserting into it a connective tis-
Soft tissue grafts can be used for ridge augmenta- sue graft to augment deficient alveolar ridge. This
tion to improve esthetics and enhance pontic technique is useful for management of soft or
adaptation (See Fig. 16). hard tissue defects under existing restorations on
Seibert91,92 presented a classification of ridge teeth or implants as well as improving soft tissue
deformities and described a full-thickness onlay support around new ones.
grafting technique. Other investigators described
the use of connective tissue grafts to restore de-
Donor and Recipient Wound Site Protection
fects in bucolingual dimension.93–96 Allen and col-
leagues97 established that, following surgery, Donor sites often present with more postoperative
shrinkage was complete in 6 weeks and SCTG re- complications than recipient sites. Techniques for
mains volumetrically stable over several years. protection of donor sites include removable
Fig. 18. (A) Free gingival graft sutured to recipient site. (B) The placement of dressing is helpful in maintaining
vestibular depth and protecting the recipient site. (C) No root coverage is attempted for Miller class IV soft tissue
defect. (D) Placement of free gingival graft augmented the amount of keratinized gingiva and improved vestib-
ular depth, as is evident when comparing before (C) and 4 weeks following surgery (D).
444 Deeb & Deeb
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The authors thank the following graduate dental esthetics: asymmetric and symmetric situa-
students at Virginia Commonwealth University for tions. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;
their contributions of photographs for this publica- 130(2):141–51.
tion: Dr Anya Rost, Dr Fadi Hassan, Dr Sarmad Ba- 16. Chu SJ, Tan JH, Stappert CF, Tarnow DP. Gingival
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S u r g i c a l Tre a t m e n t o f
Impacted Canines
What the Orthodontist Would Like the
Surgeon to Know
Adrian Becker, BDS, LDS, DDO*, Stella Chaushu, DMD, MSc, PhD
Impacted canine Surgical exposure Open or closed exposure Attachment bonding
Immediate traction Steel ligature connector
If there is an existing malocclusion that requires orthodontic treatment, a full orthodontic appraisal
is needed for planning the overall mechanotherapy.
It is incumbent on the oral and maxillofacial surgeon and the orthodontist to evaluate the 3-dimen-
sional location of the tooth and assess whether the tooth or teeth are salvageable.
Excepting the very simplest and mildest forms of impaction, orthodontics will be necessary to
properly resolve the impaction and align the tooth.
Videos of two very high impacted canines using cone beam computed tomography
accompany this article at One is located high
on the palatal side of the incisor root apices and the second in the line of the arch, high
above the premolar with interference from abnormal premolar roots
2. To maintain a patent exposure, an excessive which he or she may not be prepared. Perhaps
amount of gingival tissue and bone must be oral hygiene is poor or there is frank caries in
removed, to the detriment of the periodontal other teeth, or simply that the patient is unwilling
outcome.3–5 or financially unprepared to wear braces.
3. Autonomous eruption is unlikely to occur and
the surgeon feels the necessity for a much THE ORTHODONTIST MUST BE THE “MASTER
more radical open exposure and/or the tooth OF CEREMONIES”
is “gently” elevated to “free” it from the sur-
rounding tissues, or if bone channeling is per- If there is an existing malocclusion that requires or-
formed. These procedures are highly suspect thodontic treatment, a full orthodontic appraisal is
for inflicting irreversible damage to the perio- needed for planning the overall mechanotherapy.
dontium4 or the cementum layer of the root.6 The orthodontist will undertake a clinical examina-
4. Immediate application of traction cannot be em- tion, including plaster casts and the routine radio-
ployed because there is no orthodontic appli- graphs needed for any orthodontic case. For a
ance or temporary orthodontic bone anchor patient with an impacted maxillary canine, there
present, from which to apply the traction force. will be the additional requirement of accurately
5. The tooth needs to be moved away from the locating the impacted tooth in 3 planes of space
root of an adjacent tooth, particularly when and in relation to the adjacent teeth. Further radi-
there are signs of resorption of that root.7 ography, together with cone beam CT, will often
6. The tooth is located in a grossly ectopic site.8 be required to diagnose resorption of the roots of
the incisors and to confirm the integrity of the
Surgery without orthodontic coordination may outline and texture of the impacted tooth itself.9,10
occasionally result in: When all the information is collated, a treatment
plan will be formulated to resolve the overall
1. The surgeon exposing an impacted tooth before malocclusion and to decide the future of the
an orthodontic appraisal has been made. This impacted tooth, which may lead to a decision to
may be one of the teeth that the orthodontist extract permanent teeth. In general, the choice of
would wish to sacrifice in the course of subse- tooth for extraction devolves on a premolar in
quent orthodontic treatment, because overall each quadrant. However, no tooth is sacrosanct
and comprehensive considerations may demand and, if the choice is between an erupted healthy
the remedial extraction of 4 permanent teeth. premolar and a deeply buried canine in an ectopic
2. Rehealing of the surrounding tissues over the location, whose periodontal outcome may be
exposed tooth, making it once again compromised in the final analysis, the canine
inaccessible. should be extracted.4
3. The surgeon bonding an attachment to an Excepting the very simplest and mildest forms
aspect of the crown of the tooth in a strategi- of impaction, orthodontics will be necessary to
cally incorrect position during the operation, resolve properly the impaction and align the tooth.
which may make subsequent orthodontic trac- This being so, the dental arches need to be aligned
tion difficult to direct or control. and leveled and adequate space provided in the
4. Poor timing, because active traction may be canine location, to place a heavy archwire in the
impossible to apply for several months or years, bracket slots and, thus, to establish a sound
during which reburial of the tooth may still occur. anchorage base from which to apply traction to
5. A successful treatment from the surgical and or- the tooth. This preparatory step takes time—occa-
thodontic standpoints, but that may become a sionally, as much as a year or more—but ortho-
periodontal disaster if the root apex of an dontists are well-practiced at achieving these
impacted tooth is in a severely displaced initial goals.
location. The orthodontist may consider that, Clearly then, the orthodontist is the person who
although it may be possible to achieve a good or- is ultimately responsible to the patient for the suc-
thodontic resolution of the impaction and align- cess of the treatment plan as a whole. The oral and
ment of the tooth into its place in the dental maxillofacial surgeon is responsible only for the
arch, the periodontal prognosis may be compro- success of the immediate operative procedure,
mised, after the difficult orthodontic root move- in which he or she provides access to the tooth,
ments of the tooth, with the outcome showing previously denied. It is incumbent on both the
insufficient bony support, poor soft tissue cover, oral and maxillofacial surgeon and the orthodontist
and an unsightly and elongated clinical crown. to evaluate the 3-dimensional location of the tooth
6. Committing the patient to orthodontic treatment, and, together, assess whether the tooth or teeth
because this is the “best” line of treatment, but for are salvageable. If the canine position is beyond
Surgical Treatment of Impacted Canines 451
reasonable bounds, extraction will be advised. For the direction he or she will have planned, to reduce
the oral and maxillofacial surgeon, an assessment the impaction and align the tooth.
of the location of the crown of the canine in the 3
planes of space and in relation to the roots of the THE SURGICAL PROCEDURE
adjacent teeth is essential, because the surgeon
is only interested in exposing the crown and pre- There are several appropriate surgical procedures
venting damage to the adjacent teeth. Orientation that need to be contemplated and these are
of the root of the tooth is not relevant to his or her classified into open procedures and closed proce-
ability to achieve success in the exposure dures. Each method must additionally take into ac-
procedure. count the elimination of a supernumerary tooth or
For the orthodontist, the assessment also in- odontome, if appropriate.
volves the 3-dimensional orientation of the long
The Palatal Canine and the Open Exposure
axis of the tooth and an exact positional diagnosis
of its root apex. If the apex is in the line of the arch in
the buccolingual plane and in the mesiodistal The palatal area is composed of tightly bound
plane, then the crown of the tooth will only need attached mucosa, which means that a palatally
to be tipped into its place in the arch, a relatively impacted canine that is erupted through it, after
simple biomechanical exercise. For as long as the an open exposure procedure, will be invested
tooth is not fully engaged in the main archwire, no with attached epithelium in the final instance. After
root movements are possible and, thus, any devia- this procedure, the canine must be left exposed to
tion of the location of the apex, particularly in the the oral environment and care taken to ensure that
buccolingual plane, will demand complicated up- healing of the adjacent soft tissues will not recover
righting and torqueing mechanotherapy, which is the tooth and again make it inaccessible. This may
technically difficult to perform and reduces the be done by clearing a broad area of soft tissue,
periodontal prognosis of the tooth in the long term.4 including the entire dental follicle, oral mucosa
Accordingly, the orthodontist’s evaluation as to and bone, down to the cementoenamel junction
whether surgical exposure should be undertaken (CEJ) and placing a surgical pack to cover the
at all must be considered of primary importance. area (Fig. 1). This pack would normally be left for
It follows that the surgeon’s essential role is to pro- 2 to 3 weeks in the hope that the tooth remains
vide optimal conditions for the orthodontist to be visible when the pack is removed, and to provide
able to proceed to apply forces to the tooth in access for later bonding of an attachment in the
Fig. 1. (A) Panoramic view showing palatally impacted maxillary canine and other dental anomalies. (B) Occlusal
view to show the palpable bulges indicative of relatively superficial, palatally displaced, canines (arrows). (C)
Open exposure of the 2 canines. (D) A suture-stabilized periodontal pack covers the exposed area, with the
aim of preventing healing over of the palatal soft tissue and maintaining access to the tooth. (Treatment by grad-
uate student Dr O. Yitschaky.)
452 Becker & Chaushu
relative comfort of the orthodontist’s office. A word will still be invested with the same healthy attached
of caution arising from overzealous surgical expo- gingiva, but the clinical crown length, the gingival
sure is at this juncture. To ensure that the tooth level, the alveolar crest height and the periodontal
does not become recovered by the tissues during parameters will be much more favorable.13 This
the healing period, bone and mucosal tissue are method is particularly useful when the impacted
often pared back liberally around the tooth. tooth is situated deeply. An open procedure would
Together with a complete elimination of the dental leave a very wide mucosal deficiency in the palate.
follicle, the entire crown down to the CEJ is Conversely, a superficially palpable canine should
revealed and a surgical pack placed to maintain be left open after the exposure, with or without a
the patency of the open exposure site. Exposure surgical pack as a dressing.
of the tooth down to the CEJ and excessive
removal of bone and soft tissue will have a detri- The Labial Canine and the Window Technique
mental effect on the periodontal outcome of an A labially impacted canine, on the other hand, is
otherwise successfully treated case, because the usually palpable above the level of the attached
junctional epithelium that encircles the cervical gingiva and covered only by a thin and mobile
few millimeters of crown enamel will be severed oral mucosa. To expose the tooth by opening a
irreparably and be pushed apically. The outcome semilunar window in the oral mucosa directly
will be seen many months later when the ortho- over it is very simple, very popular, and often per-
dontic treatment has been completed, in the formed by the orthodontist. However, this will
form of a long clinical crown, with loss of bone result in the tooth being drawn down with no
height, gingival recession, and poor periodontal attached gingiva on its labial side and with only
appearance. On occasion, particularly with the this thin, mobile, and easily traumatized covering
more deeply located teeth, the surgeon will for its long-term protection (Fig. 3). The only time
moderately luxate the tooth, with the intention of that this is acceptable is when there is a broad
“loosening it up” or “to check if it is ankylosed” band of attached gingiva within which the incision
by pushing an elevator beyond the CEJ and into is made, leaving a portion of the thicker tissue
the sensitive cementum covering the root surface. above the cut. This will then become the labial
This has been claimed by many to facilitate spon- gingiva when the tooth is brought into alignment.
taneous eruption and even to positively redirect its There are 2 alternatives to the window tech-
eruption path. However, this common practice, nique, each of which will produce superior results
whose intention is to facilitate the orthodontist’s in terms of the periodontal health and appearance.
later resolution of the impaction, may actually
initiate a cervical root resorption process or an The Labial Canine and the Apically
ankylotic union at that site. The development of Repositioned Flap Technique
these pathologic entities will then prevent eruption
of the tooth, causing the failure of all attempts at The first is the apically repositioned flap, which is only
orthodontic traction.6,11 suitable for the canine which is not displaced mesi-
ally or distally from its normal location in the arch. It
involves raising a flap from the keratinized gingiva
The Palatal Canine and the Closed Exposure at the crest of the ridge or from the gingival margin
Technique of the retained deciduous canine. It is elevated above
Alternatively, the orthodontic attachment may be the height of the labial canine and to reveal the follicle
bonded as an integral part of the surgical proce- of the canine. The follicle is opened over its labial sur-
dure in the office of the oral and maxillofacial sur- face only and the flap sutured tightly to the cervical
geon. This method demands a less radical surgical half of the crown of the tooth, leaving the coronal
procedure, eliminating the need for exposure half exposed (Fig. 4). Either at the same time or at
down to the CEJ and leaving the deeper part of a subsequent visit to the orthodontist, an attachment
the dental follicle intact.12 This is because contact may be placed on the tooth, although the vertical
with and control of the tooth may be maintained force of the upward-displaced and tightly sutured
through the ligature wire that is tied to the attach- flap creates a mild extrusive force on the canine
ment. This is the thinking involved in the closed that will often improve its position quite markedly in
exposure procedure (Fig. 2, Video 1, available a short time.14,15
online at
The Labial Canine and the Closed Exposure
com/). In essence, hard and soft tissue preserva-
tion, particularly in the CEJ area, and full replace-
ment of the surgical flap create an environment The second alternative is appropriate even in
at the completion of treatment, in which the tooth cases where the labial canine is displaced in the
Surgical Treatment of Impacted Canines 453
Fig. 2. (A) Panoramic view of impacted maxillary canine high at the level of the incisor root apices. (B) Anterior
section of the lateral cephalogram shows the impacted canine in the same long axis as the incisors. (C) A 3-dimen-
sional screen shot extracted from the cone beam CT. (D) Transaxial slices from the cone beam CT to show the rela-
tionship of the canine with the central and lateral incisors. (E) The orthodontic setup with the preoperative
auxiliary labial archwire in its passive (vertical) state. (F) Minimal exposure of the canine from the palatal aspect.
Note that the labial-facing surface of the crown has not been exposed, to avoid exposing the incisor roots. Metic-
ulous hemostasis and moisture control are necessary at this point and are best achieved by the surgeon to enable
the orthodontist to perform reliable attachment bonding. (G) With the attachment in place, the ligature exit site
must be decided before resuturing. It will be appreciated that the tip of the canine is mesial to the roots of the
central incisor and there is no direct route to the canine’s location in the arch. (H) The deciduous canine has been
extracted and the full flap resutured to its former place. The twisted steel ligature from the bonded attachment
pierces the flap overlying the impacted tooth. (I) The active loop of the auxiliary labial archwire is ensnared hor-
izontally in the steel ligature to produce vertical traction. (J) After many months of vertical traction and addi-
tional posterior movement of the tooth using a miniscrew in the palate, the tooth has erupted and a new
eyelet bonded to its labial surface for its renewed traction in the direction of the main archwire.
454 Becker & Chaushu
Fig. 3. (A) Open surgical exposure through the oral mucosa. (B) Successful alignment of the tooth; however, that
labial aspect of the tooth is invested with thin and easily ulcerated oral epithelium. (Courtesy of Dr G. Engel, Je-
rusalem, Israel.)
mesiodistal plane, making the technique more uni- limiting these complications insofar as it erupts
versally applicable. The same partial thickness flap the canine down through the evacuated socket of
is raised from within the keratinized gingiva of the the extracted deciduous canine, leaving the labial
crest of the ridge, as with the apically repositioned part of the socket wall intact (Fig. 5).17
flap technique. The follicle of the canine is opened
to a very minimal extent over the middle of the
crown, with an aperture only large enough to BONDING THE ATTACHMENT
accommodate a small, preferably, eyelet attach- Some surgeons will not undertake the task of
ment, yet large enough for hemostasis to be bonding the attachment at the time of surgery,
secured, because bonding must be performed preferring to opt for an open procedure to expose
immediately. The remainder of the follicle is left the tooth and then placing a pack to maintain
intact. The attachment is bonded and the gold patency and access to the tooth. The pack will
chain or twisted steel pigtail ligature is drawn be removed 2 to 3 weeks later and the patient re-
downwards and held in place by the sutured turned to the orthodontist to continue orthodontic
edge of the flap.15,16 treatment, including the placement of an attach-
ment on the canine. Inevitably, time elapses and
the wound will partially close over in many cases.
The Midalveolar Canine and the Tunnel
Even when performed promptly, the healing tissue
(Closed Exposure) Technique
surrounding the exposed tooth is hemorrhagic and
Generally considered together with the labial ca- may ooze exudate, particular for those canines
nines because surgical access to it is performed that are located more deeply in the palate. Acid
on the labial side of the alveolar process, the mid- etch bonding under these circumstances will
alveolar impaction is often the result of a mesioan- almost certainly fail and a second surgical expo-
gular canine impacting against the distal aspect of sure to reestablish access may be necessary.
the lateral incisor. In these cases, exposing the Thus, bonding the attachment at the time of sur-
crown of the tooth in the usual manner will require gery is preferable, both to permit a choice of surgi-
the removal of a relatively large area of overlying cal procedures and to ensure a more reliably
labial plate of bone, which will result in the erupted bonded attachment.18
tooth exhibiting a long, unaesthetic, clinical crown, It goes without saying that a surgeon is perfectly
and reduced bone support on the labial side. Cres- capable to bond an attachment to an exposed
cini’s tunnel technique is an excellent method of tooth! But does the oral and maxillofacial surgeon
Fig. 4. (A) The unerupted canine of this 16-year-old girl has been in this situation for 2 years and has not pro-
gressed. (B) A flap has been raised from the crest of the ridge incorporating a thick band of attached gingiva
and sutured apically on the teeth, exposing half of the crown. (Surgery by Prof L. Shapira.) (C) At 9 months post-
operatively, the canine has erupted spontaneously, invested with an optimal periodontal environment.
Surgical Treatment of Impacted Canines 455
Fig. 5. (A) A cone beam CT 3-dimensional screen shot of a very high midalveolar canine, whose location is the
result of the mesial curvature on the roots of the first premolar. The deciduous canine has a completely unre-
sorbed root. (B, C) Transaxial cone beam CT cuts in the deciduous canine and first premolar areas, respectively,
show the relationship between the canine and the premolar roots. (D) Orthodontic preparation before surgery
was performed to create space in the arch for the canine and the roots of the premolar were moved distally, to
distance the apices from the canine eruption path. The illustration shows a full flap raised from the cervical mar-
gins of lateral incisor, deciduous canine, and premolar teeth, after extraction of the deciduous canine. The crown
of the canine was exposed minimally in the incisal area. (E) An eyelet attachment has been bonded to the canine
and the twisted stainless steel ligature has been drawn down and through the socket of the extracted deciduous
canine, leaving the entire labial wall intact. (F) The flap has been sutured back to its former place and traction is
applied to the hooked end of the twisted steel ligature by the “swinging gate” offset in the labial archwire. (G)
The case at completion. (H) A panoramic view on the day the orthodontic appliances were removed.
know about the preferred bonding site for the spe- pigtail ligature that is connected to the attachment
cific case in treatment? Is it important for the be made to exit the surgical field? Should this
attachment to be placed in the midlabial aspect connector be drawn directly toward the space
of the canine, just like the brackets on the other that will have been prepared in the arch or in a
teeth, or is it acceptable or even preferable in spe- different direction? (Video 2, available online at
cific cases to locate it on the palatal, mesial, or
distal aspects? Does it matter if it is sited close Bonding site preference depends entirely on the
to the cusp tip or near the cervical area of the intended direction of the initial traction force that
crown? How should the gold chain or twisted steel will be applied to the tooth.19 For the simpler
456 Becker & Chaushu
impactions, where a palatally impacted canine is orthosurgical modality for the treatment of
adjacent to the line of the arch, the tooth needs impacted teeth.
to be drawn direct to the labial archwire into the
space provided. If the attachment in this case is 1. Choice of surgical technique: This choice re-
bonded mistakenly to the palatal aspect of the lates to the periodontal outcome and depends
tooth, direct ligation to the archwire will cause on the location of the tooth and on the planned
the tooth to rotate adversely and end up 180 direction of traction, where one technique may
rotated when it reaches the wire. On the other be more suited than another.
hand, an attachment sited in the midbuccal posi- 2. Extent of surgical exposure: Exposure of the
tion will generate a favorable rotation as the tooth area around the CEJ, the unnecessary elimina-
moves toward the archwire. tion of the entire dental follicle, when partial
In direct contrast, should the canine lie mesial to removal will suffice, and the aggressive removal
the root of the lateral incisor, which is a frequent of alveolar bone and of the soft tissue is
occurrence, then this tooth will obstruct the direct damaging. The more radical the surgery, the
path of the canine to the labial archwire. In this sit- greater and the more permanent will be the
uation, the canine must first be distanced from the periodontal consequences.
root of the lateral incisor. To achieve this, a pala- 3. Bonding the attachment: The acid-etch
tally placed attachment will be useful to avoid bonding procedure is highly technique sensi-
any rotation, as the tooth is moved in a vertically tive. It is a procedure that an oral surgeon
downward and/or posterior direction.7 Much later, uses quite rarely. To expect the oral and maxil-
when the tooth has cleared the obstruction and lofacial surgeon to bond a small attachment un-
lies erupted in midpalate with an unobscured der the conditions of an open, bleeding surgical
path to the archwire, the orthodontist will substi- field and to know exactly where to position it, is
tute the attachment for another. This will be placed unfair and, for the orthodontist, self-defeating.
in a more strategic location on the crown, for the Accidental detachment of a bonded device at
tooth to be drawn to the archwire. the time of surgery will involve repeat surgery.
An experienced and skilled orthodontist will have It has been shown that when this is performed
planned the location on the orthodontic appliance by the orthodontist and surgeon working as a
from which the traction force will be applied to the team, the procedure is highly reliable.
attachment on the impacted tooth, which therefore 4. Bonding site selection: Bonding on the wrong
presumes that placement of an attachment on one site on the crown of the tooth will introduce a
aspect of the tooth rather than another, will make a rotational component when traction is applied.
considerable difference to the outcome. Both the The degree of rotation will increase markedly
exact bonding site of the attachment and the direc- before the tooth reaches the labial archwire.
tion that the gold chain or twisted steel ligature exits Correcting the rotation toward the end of treat-
the surgical wound should, as far as possible, be ment will unnecessarily extend treatment time
decided in advance to enable the orthodontist to considerably.
exercise full control over the movement of the 5. Directing the connector: Drawing the gold chain
tooth. Directional planning of forces is fully in the or steel pigtail ligature connector in the wrong
realm of the orthodontist, who is answerable for direction means either applying traction in the
both the initial response of the tooth and for its later wrong direction or that a second round of sur-
artistic alignment. gery will be needed to reorient it.
For the orthodontist, the outcome of the surgical 6. Surgical flap closure: In a closed exposure
episode is of crucial importance and is often the procedure, the soft tissue flap needs to be sutured
“make or break” factor of the entire treatment back to its former place. In some cases, the
plan. Because surgical exposure is a critical pro- connector should be drawn down and held in its
cedure where the possibilities for failure are place by the sutures at the cut edge of the flap.
many, it surely behooves the orthodontist to be In others, particularly for a palatal canine that
present even if only in a supervisory capacity. has to avoid the adjacent lateral incisor root, the
connector needs to be drawn through the middle
IT IS ALL A QUESTION OF MAKING THE RIGHT of the flap to permit traction in a path that avoids
CHOICES clashing with this potential obstruction.
7. The application of immediate traction: The
In the light of the many points raised in the forego- value of applying traction immediately after
ing description, we present a list that summarizes the flap is closed, as the last task to be per-
the many aspects where choices need to be made formed in the operating room, should not be
to suit the special circumstances surrounding the underestimated. Immediate force application
Surgical Treatment of Impacted Canines 457
using a mechanism that imparts a light force invested in preparing the other teeth to act in con-
over a wide range can be placed with ease cert as a multiple orthodontic anchor base is time
while the patient is anesthetized. In many well spent. However, the presence of a palatally
cases, there is rapid eruption seen at the next impacted maxillary canine associated with marked
visit to the orthodontist. However, the oral and resorption of the root of the adjacent incisor is one
maxillofacial surgeon cannot be expected to of the rare instances that must be considered an
place this mechanism and must opt instead orthodontic emergency. In an earlier study, we
for making sure the connector is exposed and showed that distancing the canine from the imme-
not irritant or sharp, leaving activation to the diate vicinity will effectively arrest the resorption
orthodontist at the next visit. This and subse- process and will later permit the orthodontic
quent adjustments will be much more difficult movement of the affected incisor without its un-
for the orthodontist to achieve and uncomfort- dergoing further resorption. Accordingly, in these
able for the patient to tolerate, and there are cases surgery should be arranged as soon as
many cases for which considerable delay is possible, even before the placement of an ortho-
incurred because of the inability to properly dontic appliance. At the same time the tooth is
activate a traction mechanism. exposed in the palate and an attachment bonded
to the tooth, a miniscrew bone anchor should be
This is a very long list of possible bad choices and placed at a convenient site in the posterior palate.
operational errors of judgment that emanate from Elastic thread or an elastic chain should then be
ignorance on the part of the surgeon for the require- applied under tension between the steel ligature
ments of the orthodontist and vice versa, or simply from the bonded attachment to the head of the
a lack of coordination between the two. Making the miniscrew (Fig. 6). This will need to be reapplied
wrong choices will lead to longer overall treatment 3 or 4 times more until, in favorable circumstances,
and/or poorer periodontal outcome and even to the the palatal tissue bulges as the canine is drawn
difference between success and failure. What can away from the anterior teeth, to erupt in the midpa-
go wrong will go wrong! Thus, any factor that can latal area.20 Once the tooth shows positive signs of
streamline the treatment must be adopted. None eruption, a full maxillary fixed orthodontic appli-
of these prophesies of doom need occur if the ance may be placed. This will need to be reapplied
orthodontist is present at the surgical procedure 3 or 4 times more until, in favorable circumstances,
as an essential and active member of the team. the palatal tissue bulges as the canine is drawn
away from the anterior teeth, to erupt in the midpa-
IS THIS TREATMENT URGENT? latal area. Once the tooth shows positive signs of
movement away from the anterior teeth, a full
For the overriding majority of cases, there is no ur- maxillary fixed orthodontic appliance may be
gency to expose the impacted tooth and time placed, with confidence that further root
Fig. 6. (A) A palatal canine was exposed minimally in an adult patient in whom there was some concern as to
whether the tooth would respond to traction. An attachment was bonded to its palatal aspect. (B) After fully
suturing the flap back to its former place, a miniscrew was inserted in the posterior palate and an elastic chain
stretched between the hooked end of the pigtail ligature and the miniscrew, to apply extrusive traction. The
elastic chain was changed several times until evidence of canine movement could be seen as a bulge in the palate.
Only at that point were orthodontic appliances placed to achieve a successful orthodontic outcome. (From Becker
A. Orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth. 3rd edition. Oxford (United Kingdom): Wiley Blackwell Publishers;
2012; with permission).
458 Becker & Chaushu
resorption will not occur.20 This approach may 9. Chaushu S, Chaushu G, Becker A. The role of digital
also be used when treating an adult in whom there volume tomography in the imaging of impacted
may be concern that the impacted canine is anky- teeth. World J Orthod 2004;5(2):120–32.
losed and may not therefore respond to orthodon- 10. Becker A, Chaushu S, Casap-Caspi N. Cone-beam
tic traction. With the increased risk of noneruption computed tomography and the orthosurgical man-
that exists with advancing age,21 checking if there agement of impacted teeth. J Am Dent Assoc
will be positive movement of the canine before em- 2010;141(Suppl 3):14S–8S.
barking on expensive orthodontics, may save the 11. Becker A, Chaushu G, Chaushu S. Analysis of failure
patient much time, discomfort, and money. in the treatment of impacted maxillary canines. Am J
Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;137(6):743–54.
SUPPLEMENTARY DATA 12. Becker A, Chaushu S. Palatally impacted canines:
the case for closed surgical exposure and immedi-
Supplementary data related to this article can be ate orthodontic traction. Am J Orthod Dentofacial
found online at Orthop 2013;143(4):451–9.
2015.04.007. 13. Chaushu S, Dykstein N, Ben-Bassat Y, et al. Peri-
odontal status of impacted maxillary incisors uncov-
REFERENCES ered by 2 different surgical techniques. J Oral
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ment of impacted canines associated with invasive 20. Becker A, Chaushu S. Long-term follow-up of
cervical root resorption. Angle Orthod 2013;83(5): severely resorbed maxillary incisors after resolution
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8. Becker A. Extreme tooth impaction and its resolu- impacted maxillary canines. Am J Orthod Dentofa-
tion. Semin Orthod 2010;16:222–33. cial Orthop 2003;124(5):509–14.
Preprosthetic Surgery
Hillel Ephros, DMD, MDa,*, Robert Klein, DDSb, Anthony Sallustio, DDSc
Stability Retention Vestibuloplasty Dental prosthesis Skin graft Tuberosity Torus
The need for preprosthetic surgery may be caused by anatomic variations, gradual loss of support-
ing tissues, or a lack of foresight during earlier stages of treatment.
Functional, comfortable, and esthetically pleasing prostheses often require collaboration between
the surgeon and restoring dentist.
All denture bearing hard and soft tissues should be evaluated with great care before denture
Surgical improvement of existing anatomy should at least be considered in every patient for whom a
conventional prosthesis is planned.
Even the partially implant-borne prosthesis may benefit from preprosthetic surgery.
Preprosthetic surgery comprises a unique and for preprosthetic surgery, focusing on the core
evolving group of soft and hard tissue procedures. concepts and detailing selected procedures that
Although the focus of such procedures has shifted continue to be useful in the successful oral rehabil-
dramatically over the last 30 years, the funda- itation of partially and fully edentulous patients.
mental concepts remain unchanged. Prepros-
thetic surgery exists to serve the needs of GOALS
dentists who provide patients with replacements
for missing teeth and associated tissues. The pur- In the introductory paragraph of his 1972 article
pose is to facilitate the fabrication of prostheses or “Objectives of Preprosthetic Surgery,” Lawson
to improve the outcome of prosthodontic treat- asks: “Why should it be assumed that a full den-
ment. The surgeon’s role is to produce an environ- ture is the one type of dental restoration for which
ment in which esthetics and function may be the mouth is already perfectly designed?”1 In fact,
optimized by manipulating, augmenting, or replac- the quality of dentures and the patients’ experi-
ing soft and/or hard tissues. With the emergence ence can often be enhanced significantly by surgi-
of implants as predictable anchors for a wide vari- cal preparation. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons
ety of dental prostheses, many preprosthetic pro- must understand the criteria for successful pros-
cedures, particularly those that were developed to theses and let the needs of patients and the
prepare the jaws for dentures, have become less dentist/prosthodontist dictate the selection of
relevant and may be headed toward obsoles- applicable preprosthetic procedures. Lawson’s
cence. They have been displaced by a newer set criteria include insertion, comfort, retention, stabil-
of surgical interventions designed to prepare sites ity, adequate occlusion, satisfactory appearance,
for implant placement. Dr Michael Block reviews and no damage to the oral tissues.
these procedures elsewhere in this issue. The dis- The surgical/prosthetic collaboration begins
cussion that follows provides a historical reference with treatment planning based on diagnostics
that are adequate to ensure appropriate proce- Surgical procedures that address skeletal dis-
dure selection. These diagnostics should include crepancies, particularly anteroposterior and
a thorough clinical examination, mounted study vertical issues, may be indicated.
models, and a panoramic radiograph supple- Damage to the oral tissues must be minimized
mented by periapical films and other imaging as even with consistent denture use over long pe-
needed. Medical, surgical, anesthetic, and psy- riods of time. Maximal denture-bearing surface
chological risk assessment should all be done as area distributes the compressive load; high-
for any other elective surgery. In the realm of pre- quality, immobile soft tissue in that area handles
prosthetic surgery, communication between the that load most effectively. Removal of bony un-
surgeon and restoring dentist is crucial. For each dercuts may allow the masticatory load to be
of the criteria listed earlier, the team must deter- spread as widely as possible. Skin graft vestibu-
mine whether existing anatomy is satisfactory loplasty provides a larger surface area for den-
and, if not, what intervention might best serve ture contact and replaces moveable alveolar
the needs of the patients and the restoring dentist. mucosa with immobile, tough soft tissue that
Insertion requires adequate interarch space is capable of bearing the masticatory load.
and a clear path free of bony protuberances,
sharp undercuts, and bulbous soft tissue BONY RECONTOURING PROCEDURES
prominences. Applicable procedures may Preoperative Planning
include alveoloplasty, tuberosity reduction,
torus, and exostosis removal. As with any other surgical procedure, planning be-
Comfort is related to the seating of a pros- gins with a thorough history and physical examina-
thesis on good-quality soft tissue overlying tion. An understanding of patients’ surgical and
smooth bone. Examples of procedures that prosthetic expectations must be clear and a deter-
may enhance comfort are alveoloplasty, mination made as to whether these goals can be
lingual balcony reduction, removal of redun- achieved.1 Special emphasis is placed on systemic
dant soft tissue, frenectomy, and skin graft conditions that may directly affect bone healing.
vestibuloplasty. The clinical examination focuses on bony projec-
Retention is resistance to vertical displace- tions and undercuts, large palatal and mandibular
ment and is optimized by an intimate relation- tori, and other gross ridge abnormalities. The inter-
ship between the prosthesis and the arch relationship should be evaluated in 3 dimen-
underlying soft tissue. The surface area of sions. Radiographs are reviewed for bony
contact should be maximized and sealed pathology, impacted teeth, retained root tips, de-
peripherally. Procedures designed to address gree of maxillary sinus pneumatization, and the po-
retention include frenectomies and various sition of the inferior alveolar canal and mental
vestibuloplasties.2 foramina.3 This section focuses on bony reduction
Stability is resistance to lateral displacement and recontouring procedures.
from functional horizontal and rotational
stresses. It depends on adequate ridge height Alveoloplasty
as well as the quantity and quality of soft tis- Alveolar bone irregularities may be found at the
sue in the denture-bearing area. In general, time of tooth extraction or after healing and re-
severely resorbed maxillae and mandibles modeling has occurred. The goal for alveoloplasty
are poor candidates for bony augmentation is to achieve optimal tissue support for the
when implants are not part of the restorative planned prosthesis, while preserving as much
plan. When bone is adequate, procedures bone and soft tissue as possible.4
such as lingual balcony reductions, removal
of redundant soft tissue, and skin graft vesti- 1. An incision along the crest of the alveolus, or a
buloplasty may enhance stability.1,2 sulcular incision before tooth extractions, is
Adequate occlusion requires a reasonable created with adequate extension to allow
skeletal relationship between the jaws. For proper visualization of the area of interest.
patients with severe skeletal class II or III rela- Generally, extension approximately 1 cm
tionships, orthognathic surgery may be indi- mesial and distal to the site is adequate.
cated as a preprosthetic procedure. 2. A full-thickness envelope flap is then elevated.
Satisfactory appearance is at or near the top Vertical releasing incisions may be necessary
of the list of patient expectations and can for exposure; however, this may lead to a
only be achieved when the restoring dentist greater amount of patient discomfort postoper-
is able to set teeth properly in the context of atively. Extensive flap reflection may lead to de-
the facial skeleton and overlying soft tissues. vitalization of bone and should be avoided.
Preprosthetic Surgery 461
3. The degree of bony abnormality will dictate the Maxillary Tuberosity Reduction
most effective method for alveoloplasty. Smaller
The intermaxillary space necessary for proper
irregularities at an extraction site may only
prosthesis fabrication may be decreased because
require digital compression of the socket walls.
of vertical excess of the maxillary tuberosity.
A rongeur, bone file, handpiece with bur, or a
Generally, the intermaxillary distance should be
mallet and osteotome are all viable options for
at least 1 cm when patients are placed into the
bony recontouring (Fig. 1). Irrigation with normal
correct or planned vertical dimension of occlu-
saline during the procedure is critical to maintain
sion.4 A dental mirror passing freely between the
bony temperature less than 47 C.6
tuberosity and retromolar tissue suggests
4. The site is inspected carefully and irrigated
adequate vertical clearance. The mirror can then
copiously with normal saline. Undetected resid-
be placed on the lateral aspect of the tuberosity,
ual free bony fragments may lead to delayed
and patients are instructed to open and close. If
postoperative healing or possibly infection.
the mirror intrudes on the mandible’s path during
5. The mucoperiosteal flap is reapproximated and
function, horizontal reduction of the tuberosity
the site palpated to ensure removal of all irreg-
may be required. A determination as to the extent
ularities. Excess soft tissue should also be
of soft tissue and bony contribution to the problem
removed at this time. The flap is then closed
is made radiographically. A panoramic view is rec-
with a running resorbable suture, as fewer
ommended to ensure an adequate assessment of
knots may be more comfortable and hygienic
the relationship between the maxillary sinus and
for patients.7
residual alveolus, particularly if bony reduction is
Historically, intraseptal alveoloplasty offers an contemplated.
alternative technique to remove large bony under-
1. Local anesthetic with epinephrine is adminis-
cuts while maintaining vertical ridge height (Fig. 2).
tered, and a crestal linear or elliptical incision is
However, this method should be used judiciously
made from the posterior tuberosity to a point
while maintaining adequate ridge width to accom-
anterior to the site of interest (Fig. 3). When an
modate possible future implant placement.7
Fig. 1. Alveoloplasty techniques using hand and rotary instruments. (A) Flap elevation, alveoloplasty using ron-
geurs. (B) Alveoloplasty using rotary instrumentation. (C) Final contouring and smoothing using a bone file.
(From Peterson LJ, Ellis E, Hupp JR, et al, with six contributors, editors. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial sur-
gery. St Louis (MO): C.V. Mosby; 1988; with permission.)
462 Ephros et al
Fig. 2. Intraseptal bone is removed and digital pressure applied to collapse ridge and eliminate undercuts. (A)
Alveolar bone after extractions. (B) Intraseptal bone removed to depth of socket with rotary instrumentation.
(C) Intraseptal bone removed with a rongeur. (D) Finger pressure applied to in-fracture labial plate of bone
and eliminate undercuts. (E) Cross-sectional view of pre-extraction alveolus. (F) Cross-sectional view after alveo-
loplasty. (From Peterson LJ, Ellis E, Hupp JR, et al, with six contributors, editors. Contemporary oral and maxillo-
facial surgery. St Louis (MO): C.V. Mosby; 1988; with permission.)
Fig. 3. Incisions for tuberosity reduction: (A) Single crestal incision (red dashed line) used when minimal reduc-
tion is planned. (B) Elliptical incision with anterior release. (From Peterson LJ, Ellis E, Hupp JR, et al, with six con-
tributors, editors. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. St Louis (MO): C.V. Mosby; 1988; with permission.)
Preprosthetic Surgery 463
elliptical design is selected, the width of the el- unlimited keratinized, attached tissue. The site
lipse is estimated by the magnitude of antici- is then closed with a running resorbable suture
pated tissue removal. The buccal side of the (see Fig. 4D).
ellipse is placed first, well within the zone of
attached tissue. When minimal reduction is antic- In the case of solely soft tissue tuberosity reduc-
ipated, a single crestal incision may be used. tion, excess tissue can be removed by simple wedge
2. Before flap elevation, excess fibrous tissue is resection. Tension free closure is then achieved by
removed by undermining the mucosa with a undermining the buccal and palatal flaps subperios-
beveled incision and excising a wedge on the teally. Additional submucosal tissue can be under-
palatal side of the wound and, if indicated, on mined and removed to aid in closure (Fig. 5).
the buccal side as well (Fig. 4A).
3. A buccal release at the anterior end of the inci- Torus Removal
sion provides significantly enhanced access The cause of maxillary and mandibular tori is un-
and visibility, particularly when horizontal as clear.8 In dentate individuals, removal is often un-
well as vertical bony reduction is planned. The necessary unless normal speech, mastication, or
mucoperiosteal flap is then elevated in both general patient comfort is affected. However, after
buccal and palatal directions allowing access teeth are lost, tori may complicate or even pre-
to the bony tuberosity (see Fig. 4B). clude denture fabrication. Large, lobulated tori
4. Depending on the circumstances and operator with undercuts must be treated, whereas the
preference, bone can be removed with hand restoring dentist may deem smaller, smooth,
and/or rotary instruments (see Fig. 4C). The broad-based tori insignificant.
site should be smoothed with a bone file, in-
spected for residual bony fragments, and irri- Maxillary (palatal) torus removal
gated copiously with normal saline. Before surgery, potential complications should be
5. Any excess soft tissue can be excised from the discussed with patients, including wound
palatal aspect as this side of the wound has dehiscence, prolonged pain, and oral-nasal
Fig. 4. (A) Beveled incision to eliminate bulky tissue while preserving mucosa. (B) Elevation of buccal and palatal
mucoperiosteal flaps. (C) Removal of excess bone from the tuberosity. (D) Closure with interlocking continuous
suture technique. (Courtesy of [A] Alan Samit, DDS, West Orange, NJ; and From [B, C] Peterson LJ, Ellis E,
Hupp JR, et al, with six contributors, editors. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. St Louis (MO): C.V.
Mosby; 1988; with permission.)
464 Ephros et al
Fig. 5. Soft tissue tuberosity reduction. (A) Maxillary tuberosity with excess soft tissue. (B) Removal of tissue be-
tween buccal and palatal arms of the incision. (C) Flap edges after undermining and removing excess tissue. (D)
Primary closure after any necessary mucosal trimming. (From Fonseca RJ, Davis WH. Reconstructive preprosthetic
oral and maxillofacial surgery. St Louis (MO): W.B. Saunders; 1986; with permission.)
communication caused by thin overlying palatal 2. Depending on the size of the torus and the nature
bone following torus removal. A maxillary impres- of its attachment to the underlying bone, removal
sion is taken and study model poured. The torus may be accomplished with rongeurs, a rotary in-
is then removed from the cast until flush with the strument with an acrylic bur, or a mallet and os-
surrounding palate, and a splint is formed with re- teotome. It is recommended that large tori be
lief provided in the area of the torus. The splint may sectioned with a fissure bur and then removed
be made from acrylic or thermoplastic (suck down) with the mallet and osteotome. Final contouring
material. Soft tissue liner may be used when the is done with an egg-shaped bur and/or bone file.
splint is placed postoperatively to aid in patient 3. The site is irrigated copiously with normal sa-
comfort and prevent hematoma formation. line. Excess soft tissue may be trimmed, and
the flaps are reapproximated with interrupted
1. Local anesthesia with epinephrine is adminis- resorbable sutures.
tered, and a midline incision is made with poste- 4. The stent is relined with tissue conditioner and
rior and/or anterior releases (Y shape incision at inserted.
each end [Fig. 6]). Great care is taken to elevate
full-thickness mucoperiosteal flaps without
Removal of Mandibular Tori
tearing the thin overlying mucosa. A modified
palatal flap has been described to avoid incision 1. Local anesthesia is achieved with inferior alve-
lines over possible palatal perforations.9 olar and lingual blocks. Infiltration at the site
Fig. 6. Palatal torus removal. (A) Palatal torus. (B) Incision design. (C) Exposure of the palatal torus with retraction
sutures. (From Peterson LJ, Ellis E, Hupp JR, et al, with six contributors, editors. Contemporary oral and maxillo-
facial surgery. St Louis (MO): C.V. Mosby; 1988; with permission.)
Preprosthetic Surgery 465
may aid in hemostasis as well as facilitate for smoothing on the lingual surface of the
dissection. mandible and their use is recommended.
2. Incision over the crest of the ridge, or along the 5. The site is irrigated copiously with normal sa-
lingual sulcus of teeth when present, is made line; the tissue is adapted and palpated for ir-
with extension to ensure adequate visualization regularities, and closure is achieved with a
of the tori to be removed. Vertical incisions may running resorbable suture.
interfere with the blood supply to the thin over- 6. Some sources advise placement of a gauze
lying mucosa covering the tori and should be pack under the tongue in the floor of the mouth
avoided4 (Fig. 7). for approximately 6 to 12 hours to prevent he-
3. Elevation of the delicate lingual mucoperiosteal matoma formation.6
flap requires great care. A periosteal elevator or
Seldin retractor is placed beneath the torus to
protect the floor of the mouth during removal.
4. Depending on the size of the torus and the na-
ture of its attachment to the underlying bone, Many maxillary dentures are fabricated working
removal may be accomplished with rongeurs, around a pronounced labial frenum (Fig. 9A).
a rotary instrument with an acrylic bur, or a The result is a deeply notched prosthesis, irrita-
mallet and osteotome. A trough to guide proper tion of the mucosa, and the loss of surface area
osteotome cleavage can be created initially that might otherwise contribute to retention and
with a bur paralleling the lingual cortex to avoid stability. A variety of frenectomy techniques are
unfavorable fractures. Final contouring is done used; but if the moveable tissue interposed be-
with an egg-shaped bur or bone file. Specially tween mucosa and periosteum is not addressed,
designed bur guards are available that help the frenectomy is incomplete as a preprosthetic
protect the lingual soft tissues by exposing procedure.
only the surface of the bur in contact with the The maxillary labial frenectomy for denture
bone (Fig. 8). S-shaped bone files are designed patients should be a limited submucosal
Fig. 7. Mandibular torus removal. (A) Infiltration of local anesthesia at site to facilitate elevation of thin mucosa
overlying a mandibular torus. (B) Incision placed over the alveolar crest. (C) Flap elevation to ensure adequate access
and allow retractor placement to protect the floor of the mouth. (From Peterson LJ, Ellis E, Hupp JR, et al, with six
contributors, editors. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. St Louis (MO): C.V. Mosby; 1988; with permission.)
466 Ephros et al
Fig. 8. (A, B) Bur guard designed to protect lingual tissues during mandibular torus removal.
Fig. 9. (A) Hyperplastic maxillary labial frenum. (B) Incision at base of frenum with Dean scissors. (C) Submucosal
and supraperiosteal dissection. (D) Cross-sectional view of submucosal and supraperiosteal tunnels. (E) Completed
frenectomy with the new vestibular height established by periosteal tacking suture. (Courtesy of [D] Alan Samit,
DDS, West Orange, NJ.)
Preprosthetic Surgery 467
Fig. 10. (A) Split-thickness skin graft harvest using a dermatome. (B) Placement of a semiporous membrane over
the donor site.
Fig. 11. (A) Labial incision: note preservation of crestal attached gingiva. (B) Labial dissection: note development
of extensive periosteal bed free of moveable tissue.
Preprosthetic Surgery 469
Fig. 13. (A) Lingual dissection accomplished by the gentle use of a gloved finger. (B) Suture placed through the
mucosal edge of the lingual flap. The awl will be introduced through a submandibular cutaneous puncture.
470 Ephros et al
Fig. 14. (A) Both ends of the suture are fed through the eye of the awl. (B) The awl is withdrawn and carefully
brought around the inferior border of the mandible without exiting the skin. (C) The awl is passed into the labio-
buccal vestibule. This technique is done for each of the 4 sutures, right and left, anterior and posterior to the
mental nerve. (D) One end of the suture is removed from the eye of the awl, and the awl is then passed through
the mucosa near the edge of the labio-buccal flap. (E) The suture is now ready to be tied down lowering the floor
of the mouth and securing the labio-buccal mucosa at its new vestibular depth. (From [E] Fonseca RJ, Davis WH.
Reconstructive preprosthetic oral and maxillofacial surgery. St Louis (MO): W.B. Saunders; 1986; with permission.)
formation unlikely and allows the graft to Sloughing of outer layers of the graft is expected
remain well adapted during the critical early at week one; but by week 4 the graft is well adapt-
stages of healing. ed, and impressions may be taken by the restoring
dentist to begin the restorative phase of treatment
Donor site management and oral wound care (Fig. 16).
are performed as have been described for any
type of skin graft. The most critical instruction to
patients is to ensure that no alcohol comes into Other Skin Graft Procedures
contact with the graft for the first 10 to 14 days. Prosthodontic rehabilitation of patients with oral
Mouthwashes as well as alcoholic beverages will cancer is a major challenge. Denture-bearing tis-
interfere with graft healing. sues affected by surgery and/or radiation therapy
are not only changed morphologically but also
may acquire characteristics that impede or even
preclude denture construction. Implants may not
be an option for some who have undergone head
and neck cancer treatment. Although a complete
discussion of functional postablative reconstruc-
tion is well beyond the scope of this publication,
there is one relatively minor procedure used in
this population that may be appropriately included
on the preprosthetic menu. The pig-in-the-blanket
technique for enhancing tongue mobility is a sim-
Fig. 15. The rectangular graft is divided as shown to ple and efficacious method of managing patients
produce 2 segments. Each is placed into the recipient who have undergone wide local excision of lateral
bed, tacking the wider end at the midline and work- tongue/floor-of-the-mouth squamous cell carci-
ing posteriorly, right and left. noma. In these patients, there is often scarring
Preprosthetic Surgery 471
Fig. 16. (A) Preoperative view demonstrating shallow vestibules with superiorly positioned muscle attachments
and a minimal zone of crestal attached tissue. (B) Postoperative view with well-adapted skin graft, significant
labio-buccal vestibular depth, and floor of mouth lowered. (C) Postoperative view with well-adapted skin graft:
note skin pigmentation maintained at the recipient site. (D) Postoperative view with well-adapted skin graft, sig-
nificant labio-buccal vestibular depth, and floor of mouth lowered. (E) Postoperative view with well-adapted skin
graft, significant labio-buccal vestibular depth, and floor of mouth lowered. (F) Prosthesis demonstrating
maximal extension fabricated after skin graft vestibuloplasty.
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generally a significant improvement in tongue contributors, editors. Contemporary oral and maxil-
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Note: Page numbers of article titles are in boldface type.
United Kingdom National Health Service, policy Xenografts, bovine or equine, for the extraction
statements on third molar removal, 365 socket, 359
United States Military, policy statements on third soft tissue grafting around teeth and implants with,
molar removal, 365 440