Is Consciousness A Ew Form of Energy?

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Journal of Conscientiology, IAC - International Academy of

Consciousness, July-December 2017, Vol. 20, o. 63, UK, p. 27

Is Consciousness a ew Form of Energy?

Syed Ismyl Mahmood Rizvi

ABSTRACT: This paper is aiming to investigate the physical substrates of

conscious process. It will argue: How does the conscious process establish
relations between their external stimuli and internal stimuli in order to create
reality? Within this framework, the paper will also attempt to locate the origins
of consciousness in the brain.
Keywords: consciousness, conscious energy, thought mechanism, neural signal,
brain waves


How far down may we go in search of the capacity of consciousness in the

hierarchy of nervous systems – vertebrates, invertebrates, single-celled
organisms? (Chakravarthy, 2014) Neurons are not essential for the basic life
process (Damasio, 2010), as Protozoans like Paramecium can swim, find food
and mates, learn, remember (Nakagaki et al., 2000; Adamatzky, 2012) and have
conjunction, all without synaptic computation.
When we become conscious then it increases signals in our brain. When the
signals are increased (e.g. signals are the complex behavior of ion channels on
the branches of the neurons) then they contribute to the shape of brain waves,
and the physical stimuli that gave rise to the signals no longer available. For
example, if we add neural energy by recalling a memory or by adding a new
memory then the mass of the memory may increase at each recall or addition,
and if the neural energy is taken away from the neuron, it decreases its mass.
This clearly shows that consciousness (or consit) is interdependent on the brain
waves in distinct distributed proportions. But the brain waves are not
consciousness. From this separate probability distribution, we may find out the
arbitrary conditional probabilities of one set of consciousness given another set
of brain waves. Calculating these conditionals may help us to define the
inference problem for the mechanism of consciousness.
According to the integrated information theory of consciousness, any
physical system will have subjective experience to the extent that it is capable of
integrating information. In this view, experience, i.e. information integration, is
a fundamental quantity that is, in principle, measurable, just as mass or energy
is. Information and integration are, on the other hand, the very essence of
subjective experience. Indeed, the theory claims that the level of consciousness
of a physical system is related to the repertoire of different states (information)
that can be discriminated by the system as a whole (integration). (Balduzzi &
Tononi, 2008; Tononi, 2004). The level of tension across the neural networks
determines the state of consciousness. The type and volume of traffic over those
networks determines the experiences of consciousness (Ross, 2009). In human
brain, cognition and consciousness are, at any one time, thought to involve tens
of thousands of neurons. Hebb’s (1949) ‘cell assemblies’, Eccles’s (1992)
‘modules’, and Crick and Koch’s (1990) ‘coherent sets of neurons’ are each
estimated to contain some 10,000 to 100,000 neurons which may be widely
distributed throughout the brain (Scott, 1995).
As long as we add more neurons, we will need more speed and energy to
recall or recycle them, and this will repeat in an endless cycle. Neural
electromagnetic waves do not, of course, travel at the speed of light, about 30
cm/ns in free space. In the axon of a neuron, electromagnetic speeds are closer
to 30 nm/ns, because of the low current densities from ionic current sources and
the high capacitance per unit area of a membrane (Burger, 2009). As much
distance a signal (e.g. neural electromagnetic waves) would travel in the brain
its mass would increase and this would eventually slow its speed. As the
wavelength of electromagnetic radiation decreases, the amount of energy it
emits increases (McDowell, 2015). Memory is enhanced not only by the rate of
spike firing but equally by their relative timing. The spiking of neurons in the
hippocampus and the visual cortex with which it interacts are greatly influenced
by synchronous oscillations of brain waves (Sejnowski & Delbruck, 2012).
Synaptic transmission and axonal transfer of nerve impulses are too slow to
organize coordinated activity in large areas of the central nervous system.
Numerous observations confirm this view (Reinis et al., 2005). The duration of
a synaptic transmission is at least 0.5 ms, thus the transmission across thousands
of synapses takes about hundreds or even thousands of milliseconds. The
transmission speed of action potentials varies between 0.5 m/s and 120 m/s
along an axon. More than 50% of the nerves fibers in the corpus callosum are
without myelin, thus their speed is reduced to 0.5 m/s. How can these low
velocities (i.e. classical signals) explain the fast processing in the nervous
system? (Musha, 2009) Additionally, there exist other energy states of both
optical and vibrational nature (Jelínek & Pokorný, 2001; Pokorný et al., 1997;
Deriu et al., 2010) which tubulin and the whole microtubule can support. These
states can be excited by energy supply provided by mitochondria (Cifra et al.,
2010). If these states are discovered then they may help us to solve “how
neuronal synchrony, e.g. gamma synchrony EEG (30 to 90 Hz), the best
measurable correlate of consciousness does not derive from neuronal firings”
(Penrose, 2011). Consciousness is an active force or mechanism that can,
among other things, control or cause change in the human energy field, as well
as, potentially, the universal field. Consciousness is a four or higher-
dimensional force. Recent work in physics seems to indicate that higher
dimensional forces may be at work (Lansky, 2011).

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