Section Four
Section Four
Section Four
Section Four of the portfolio connects the curriculum and professional standards to the
artifacts that were introduced in Section Three. This section will be broken down into two parts:
Curriculum and Professional Education Standards and the Curriculum and Professional
Standards Chart. The standards include, The Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support
Consortium (InTASC), The NYS Code of Ethics for Educators, the Ontario Teacher Ethical
Standards, P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards for ELA, Math and Social Studies,
NYS Learning Standards, Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum Expectation, DOE Claims
& CAEP Standards, International Society for Technology Education for Teachers and Students
(ISTE), International Literacy Association (ILA) Professional Standards, and the Council for
Exceptional Children (ECE). I will connect each of these standards to each of my artifacts to
demonstrate the value that I place on these professional standards. It is important for educators to
be able to refer to these professional and curriculum standards as they reflect best practices and
methods that should guide teachers throughout their careers. They ensure that teachers, by
INTASC Standards.
teaching standards that outline what teachers should know about be able to do. They outline the
common principles and foundations of teaching practice for all grade levels and subjects. The
principles and foundations outlined by these standards are also those that are essential to improve
student achievement. These standards define what effective teaching and learning look like. They
provide guidelines related to the learner and learning, content, instructional practice and
professional responsibilities. They reflect the importance of understanding how our students
learn and develop so that we can provide them with a tailored education that will meet their
unique needs. They maintain that teachers must have a profound and flexible understanding of
their content areas and be able to apply knowledge in real world settings. They also provide that
• Content Knowledge:
• Institutional Practice:
Standard 6: Assessment
• Professional Responsibilities:
The following artifacts are connected with the InTASC standards and demonstrate my ability
The NYS Code of Ethics for Educators is a public statement that sets expectations and
principles to guide practice and encourage professional excellence in the education field. These
principles should hold educators accountable for their actions within the classroom and the
greater school community. There are 6 principles within the NYS Code of Ethics for Educators.
The following artifacts are connected with the NYS Code of Ethics for Educators:
strong commitment from teachers to students and their learning. Through this document,
educators demonstrate responsibility in their relationships with students, parents, guardians and
every other individual that they encounter. It is important that educators employ all of the
principles and qualities outlined in this document. The four standards are care, respect, trust and
integrity. Below, I have broken down which artifacts connects with each of the four standards.
P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards (ELA, Math and Social Studies).
The New York State Common Core Learning Standards for ELA, Math and Social
Studies define the expectations that must be met for students throughout the school year. These
curriculum standards are important to ensure that students are being taught the same material
across the state. Teachers need to ensure that they are teaching all of the standards so that their
students are prepared for their next year, and for life.
The following artifacts connect to the P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards:
Similar to the P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards, the Ontario Ministry of
Education Curriculum Expectation defines the expectations that must be met for students in
Ontario throughout the school year. They are a guide to the knowledge that students must gain,
The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) provides standards for
the accreditation process. There are five CAEP Standards and they define quality in terms of
organizational performance. These standards provide the basis for accreditation reviews and
judgments. They want to ensure that there is evidence that proves that the providers graduates are
International Society for Technology Education for Teachers and Students (ISTE).
important that teachers provide ample opportunities for their students to connect and utilize
technology to learn. The ISTE provides for 7 standards for educators that include the teacher as
Literacy is such an important aspect of a child’s education. The ILA Standards were
developed by literacy experts across the United States. They focus on the knowledge, skills, and
The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) provides professional ethical principles and
standards that respect the needs and uniqueness of individuals with exceptionalities. These
standards also provide for respect for these individuals’ families. The document includes 12
The following artifacts connect to the CEC standards:
Standard #7:
Planning for
Learner & Principle 2: Reading N/A CAEP N/A N/A N/A Grade 4
Learning: Promote Literature Standard 5 Standard 1.
Standard #1: Student RL4.3: Making
Learning Learning Describe in inferences
Developmen depth a about texts
t character, using stated
setting, or and implied
Learner & event in a story ideas from
Learning or drama, texts as
Standard #2: drawing on evidence
Learning specific details
Differences in the text Standard 1.
Analyze tex
Instructional and explain
Practice how specifi
Standard #7: elements in
Planning for them contri
Instruction to meaning
Learner & Principle 2: N/A N/A CAEP N/A N/A Standard 6: N/A
Learning: Promote Standard 1 Using
Standard #1: Student evidence,
Learning Learning instructiona
Developmen l data,
t research,
Learner & professiona
Learning l
Standard #2: knowledge
Learning to inform
Differences practice.
Standard #6:
Standard #7:
Planning for
Learner & Principle 3: N/A N/A CAEP N/A N/A N/A N/A
Learning Educators Standard 2
Developmen Commit to
t Standard Their Own
#1: Learner Learning
Learner & Principle 1: N/A N/A CAEP N/A N/A Standard 2: N/A
Learning Educators Standard 2 Maintainin
Developmen Nurture the g a high
t Standard Intellectual, level of
#1: Learner Physical, professiona
Developmen Emotional, l
t Social, and competenc
Civic e and
Learner & Potential of integrity
Learning Each Student and
Standard #2: exercising
Learning professiona
Differences l judgment
to benefit
ities and
The standards outlined in this section are important to keep teachers on track throughout
their teaching careers. They enforce a professional pedigree and keep teachers accountable to a
uniform curriculum. They also ensure that there is consistency in education across grade levels,
throughout the entire province or state. It is important that educators adhere to professional
standards to ensure that ethics and morals are also being maintained province wide. It should be
evident through my collection of artifacts and the alignment to the professional and curriculum
standards, that I adhere to these principles and standards and value that they are of utmost
importance to educators. The next section will provide you with a reflection of my experiences
that I have acquired creating this portfolio.