The document discusses setting up a multi-company environment in T24. It covers setting up parameter tables, creating a new company record, and required actions after company creation like modifying user records and running auto-id starts. Key steps include setting up category, account class, transaction, and inter-company parameter files before creating a new company.
The document discusses setting up a multi-company environment in T24. It covers setting up parameter tables, creating a new company record, and required actions after company creation like modifying user records and running auto-id starts. Key steps include setting up category, account class, transaction, and inter-company parameter files before creating a new company.
The document discusses setting up a multi-company environment in T24. It covers setting up parameter tables, creating a new company record, and required actions after company creation like modifying user records and running auto-id starts. Key steps include setting up category, account class, transaction, and inter-company parameter files before creating a new company.
The document discusses setting up a multi-company environment in T24. It covers setting up parameter tables, creating a new company record, and required actions after company creation like modifying user records and running auto-id starts. Key steps include setting up category, account class, transaction, and inter-company parameter files before creating a new company.
• Introduce Introduce Multi Company concept • Parameters tables needs to set up • Steps to create Multi Company INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW
• T!" supports the operation of multiple companies #ithin
one system • These can operate independently or can share C$STOM%& 'les and(or certain controllin) *+static,- 'nancial information 'les • Transactions can take place involvin) accounts in di.erent companies APPLICATION DESIGN
• COMP/012&O$P codes are used to identify the various
operatin) companies • COMP/012&O$P code is part of the 3T!" Company3 key • 4or each of the T!" COMP/01 records for the same operatin) company5 the COMP/012&O$P must be the same • The format of the Company Code is6 CC GGG LLLL 7 CC Country Code 7 222 Company 2roup Code 7 8888 8ocal Code SETTING UP PARAMETERS SETTING UP PARAMATERS
• 9efore creatin) a Company some of the important 'les
needs to setup • Parameter 4iles are 7 C/T%2O&1 7 /CCO$0TC8/SS 7 T&/0S/CTIO0 7 I0T%&COP/&/M%T%& CATEGORY
• Cate)ory record should be created before the company
creation • Id of the record is ::;<< The follo#in) is the screen shot of the record ACCOUNT.CLASS
• /fter creatin) the cate)ory record then create the record in
the name of I0T%&CO in the application /CCO$0TC8/SS TRANSACTION
• Create the separate transaction records for the multi
company credit and debit in the T&/0S/CTIO0 table TRANSACTION
• Create the separate transaction records for the multi
company credit and debit in the T&/0S/CTIO0 table INTERCO.PARAMETER
• I0T%&COP/&/M%T%& 'le contains the details of #hether a
multi=company accountin) environment is bein) used and the identifyin) details of the customer account number for each company • Only one record *S1ST%M- on this 'le • If the record is missin) then T!" assumes that a sin)le company accountin) environment exists • If you re>uire inter=company accountin) then you must input and authorise this record ?S1ST%M@ before creatin) the second company • 9efore this record is authorised for an inter=company accountin) environment the record I0T%&CO must be present on the /CCO$0TC8/SS 'le INTERCO.PARAMETER STEPS TO CREATE MULTI COMPANY SETTING UP A MULTI-COMPANY ENVIRONMENT
• This Manual covers the steps to be taken in settin) up a
multi=company environment from the start • Same steps can be follo#ed #hen convertin) a sin)le company to a multi=company environment • Aescription has been divided into t#o main sections 7 /ctions to be taken outside T!" 7 /ctions to be taken #ithin T!" ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN OUTSIDE T24
• The follo#in) must be decided before settin) up multi=
company environment • Bhich di)its of the account number are to be used to identify the company to #hich the account belon)s • Cate)ory code for Inter Company accounts • Transaction codes for the Inter Company Transactions • Company )roup number and se>uence number in the Company key are to be used • Sub=division code for identifyin) each company is to be allocated ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN WITHIN T24
• /dd the application code MC to the 4ield /pplications for the
existin) COMP/01 • &un the application C&%/T%M/ST%&COMP9/TC 7 This #ill reverse out all the 9atch records and create ne# batch records for the existin) company #ith the company mnemonic at the front • 0ote6 7 4or the batch process the A/T%C/02% record #ill not be chan)ed to have the mnemonic at the front This is because this Process must be run only once and #ill cater for all companies in the system at the time INFORMATION REQUIRED
• The follo#in) information about the ne# company must be
obtained before creatin) the company record 7 Company 0umber and Mnemonic 7 local currency 7 'nancial year=end 7 sub=division number 7 8evel of the 'les to be shared or not shared 7 /pplications to be run under the company 7 /pplications re>uirin) the /uto Id function 7 0ame and address of the company 7 4rom other company records the account number check=di)it type and format STEPS
• Input and authoriDe the record I0T%&CO on the
/CCO$0TC8/SS 'le This record contains the cate)ory code for the Inter Company /ccounts • %nsure you are the only person on the system • Input and authoriDe the record S1ST%M on the I0T%&COP/&/M%T%& 'le • Create a record in the &%E/8$/TIO0P/&/M%T%& 'le #ith parameters set up for the follo#in)6 ?/8@ 7 /sset and 8iability revaluation5 ?4F@ 7 4orex5 ?4FSP@ 7 4orex spot revaluation5 and ?4F&9@ 7 4orex rebate revaluation • Si)n o. from the system before proceedin) further STEPS
• %nsure you are the only user on the system
• Check 9/TC0%BCOMP/01 to see if the records I98CTOA/1 and S1ST%M%0AO4A/1" are present These are no# obsolete and should be reversed • Create a ne# record in application ?COMP/01C&%/T%@ #ith record id as ?company code@ • Specify the details like 4inancial company 5Mnemonic5 Sub division code etcG • Then ?Eerify@ the above record usin) 4unction ?E@ • This runs the creation of a Company record usin) a special run throu)h the Company application #ith Dero authorisers • This #ill 7 Create all the re>uired 'les 7 Set up the 9atch records on the $nauthorised 'le 7 Copy to the $nauthorised 'le in I8A condition ACTIONS AFTER CREATING COMPANY
• The follo#in) steps are to be performed before lettin) other
users back onto the system 7 Modify $S%& records so that access to the ne# company is allo#ed 7 Input and /uthorise the A/T%S record for the ne# company On this record the &$0A/T% and 0%FTBO&HI02A/1 must be the same as on the 'rst company created 7 Create an /99&%EI/TIO0 for chan)in) to 0e# Company 7 $pdate the I0T%&COP/&/M%T%& S1ST%M record 7 8o)o. and 8o)in 7 /uthorise all the records #ith &ecord Status I0/$ 7 Input and /uthorise all the records #ith &ecord Status I8A ACTIONS AFTER CREATING COMPANY
• 0o# ne# company is ready
• 0o# 8o)o. and 8o)in /)ain • 8o)in into the 0e# Company by specifyin) Si)n on name and Pass#ord • &un /$TOIAST/&T for appropriate applications SUMMARY