Crash Dump Analysis: Jakub Jermář Martin Děcký

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Crash Dump Analysis

Jakub Jerm
Martin Dck
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 2
IA-32 Overview

32 bit CISC architecture

Starts with 80386

Also known as x86, i386, i586, i686, etc.

Strong inheritance of 8086, even 8080

Some RISC characteristics after Pentium (P5, i586)

Variable instruction size

Non-orthogonal instruction set

Most instructions can have memory operands

Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 3
IA-32 Overview (2)

Very few GPRs (8)

Actually only 6 or 7 practically usable (ABI dependent)


Implicit stack

Complicated memory management

Several operational modes

Real mode (8086), V86 (virtual 8086), 16bit Protected mode

(80286), 32bit Protected mode (80386+), SMM,

Paging and segmentation

Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 4
Little vs. Big Endian

Memory is usually addressed in bytes (8 bits)

There are at least two native ways how to store

larger data structures in sequence of bytes

v = 0xAA884400
big end first
most significant byte first
AA 88 !!
! " 2 3
#itt#e end first
#east significant byte first
!! 88 AA
! " 2 3
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 5

Storing data using larger element sizes

v = 0xAA884400

Element size: 16 bits

!! AA88
! " 2 3
!! AA 88
! " 2 3
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 6
IA-32 Manuals

Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software

Developer's Manual

Volume 1: Basic Architecture

Volume 2A + 2B: Instruction Set Reference

Volume 3A + 3B: System Programming Guide

Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization

Reference Manual
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 7

System V Application Binary Interface, Intel386

Architecture Processor Supplement

This is the authoritative source of information

At least for systems using GNU GCC toolchain

(GNU/Linux, *BSD, most Unixes, etc.)

We will use and present a simplified view which is

sufficient for common cases (integer arguments)
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 8
IA-32 Registers
A$ A%
($ (%
)$ )%
D$ D%
)* D* '* ** ,* -*
return 1a#ue
. .
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 9
ABI in a Nutshell

Arguments passed on stack

In reverse order (the last argument is pushed first)

Return value

For simple integer types in EAX

Otherwise on the stack

Implicit stack pointer

Some instructions use ESP as implicit register

Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 10
ABI in a Nutshell (2)

Frame pointer

Usually (not always) stored in EBP

Volatile (scratch, caller-saved) registers


Non-volatile (preserved, callee-saved) registers


Stack aligned on 4B boundary

Some compilers use even larger alignment

Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 11
IA-32 Instructions

Hundreds of instructions

Most of them have several variants (operands as

registers, operands as memory addresses, etc.)

Informal classification

General purpose (arithmetic, logic, jumps, etc.)

System instructions (altering processor mode)

FPU instructions

SIMD and other instructions (MMX, SSE, etc.)

Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 12
IA-32 Instructions (2)

Most general purpose instructions have two


register register

immediate register

memory register

immediate memory

INST opl, opr

AT&T syntax

opr 2opr INST opl

Intel syntax

opl 2opl INST opr



Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 13
IA-32 AT&T Syntax

Left operand source

Right operand destination

Register names prefixed by % (e. g. %eax)

Immediate operands prefixed by $ (e. g. $0x1)

Operand size encoded as instruction suffix

b (byte, 8 bit), w (word, 16 bit), l (long, 32 bit)

Example: movl $0x1, %eax

Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 14
IA-32 AT&T Syntax (2)

Memory operands

Using implicit segment register

displacement(base, index, scale)

base and index are GPRs

scale is 1, 2, 4 or 8 (defaults to 1 if not specified)

displacement is an immediate offset

Effective address is calculated as

EA = displacement + base + index * scale
0x8111f30, 0x8(%ebp), -0x28(%eax),
-0x2(%esi, %eax, 2)
mov (%esp), %edi
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 15
IA-32 AT&T Syntax (3)

Memory operands with explicit segment register

segment_register:displacement(base, index, scale)

Segmentation is not used widely in modern OSes

Cannot be turned off

Mostly used for thread-local storage and in kernel

movl %gs:0x10, %eax

When accessing memory, the segment base is

always applied (added) to the effective address

Also in the case of implicit segment registers

Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 16
Common Instructions

Real programs tend to use a limited set of

instructions most of the time







Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 17
Common Instructions (2)


Single byte instruction, opcode 0x90

No operation (actually XCHG EAX, EAX)

Important role for optimization and debugging


Move between registers

Memory loads and stores

Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 18
Common Instructions (3)


Evaluate effective address in memory operand

Compiler often use it as a fast calculator

EA = displacement + base + index * scale

leal (%edx, %edx, 8), %eax
EAX EDX + 8 * EDX = 9 * EDX
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 19
Common Instructions (4)


Addition, subtraction, logical exclusive OR, logical

AND, logical OR

Example: xorl %ebx, %ebx


Increment, decrement

Only one operand

Example: incb %al

Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 20
Common Instructions (5)


Push a register
content on the stack

Example: pushl %ecx

ESP 2ESP - 4


Pop a value from the


Example: popl %edx

EDX ( 2 ESP)
ESP 2ESP + 4
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 21
Common Instructions (6)


Call function

Example: call -0x8da0

ESP 2ESP - 4
(ESP) 2EIP + inst_size
EIP 2EIP - 0x8da0


Return from function


Example: ret
ESP 2 ESP + 4
EIP 2 (ESP - 4)
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 22
Common Instructions (7)


Compare two operands

Like SUB, but the result is discarded

Modifies bits in EFLAGS register

Example: cmpb $0x2f, (%esi)


Test bits

Like AND, but result is discarded and EFLAGS modified

Example: test %eax, %eax

Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 23
Common Instructions (8)


Unconditional jump

Relative address in operand or a long jump


Conditional jumps (there are many more)

The condition ~ state of bits in EFLAGS

Jump if (not) equal, less (signed), below (unsigned),

greater (signed), above (unsigned)

Relative address in operand (128 B)

Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 24
Function Prologue
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
subl $imm, %esp
movl %ebx, 4(%esp)
pushl %edi

Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 25

Function Epilogue

popl %edi
movl 4(esp), %ebx
movl %ebp, %esp
popl %ebp

popl %edi
movl 4(esp), %ebx
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 26
Stack and Code Example

Remember the foo(), bar() and foobar()

from previous slides?

Compile using gcc -O1

Disassemble and single step main() and foo()

Observe the stack

Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 27
Stack and Code Example (2)
main3 0us4# 5eb0
main6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
main633 sub# 8!9875es0
main6:3 and# 8!9fffffff!75es0
main6;3 sub# 8!9"c75es0
main6!9c3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
main6!9f3 ca## -!93f >foo?
main6!9"3 #ea1e
main6!9"@3 ret
foo3 0us4# 5eb0
foo6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
foo633 sub# 8!9"75es0
foo6:3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
foo6;3 ca## 6!9@ >bar?
foo6!9e3 add# 8!9"!75es0
foo6!9""3 #ea1e
foo6!9"23 ret
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 28
Stack and Code Example (2)
main3 0us4# 5eb0
main6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
main633 sub# 8!9875es0
main6:3 and# 8!9fffffff!75es0
main6;3 sub# 8!9"c75es0
main6!9c3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
main6!9f3 ca## -!93f >foo?
main6!9"3 #ea1e
main6!9"@3 ret
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!

Initial state

No instructions executed

Inherited stack pointer from

main()'s caller
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 29
Stack and Code Example (2)

Save previous frame

pointer on the stack
main3 0us4# 5eb0
main6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
main633 sub# 8!9875es0
main6:3 and# 8!9fffffff!75es0
main6;3 sub# 8!9"c75es0
main6!9c3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
main6!9f3 ca## -!93f >foo?
main6!9"3 #ea1e
main6!9"@3 ret
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 30
Stack and Code Example (2)

Establish a new, fixed

frame pointer in EBP

It points to where we saved

the previous one
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
main3 0us4# 5eb0
main6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
main633 sub# 8!9875es0
main6:3 and# 8!9fffffff!75es0
main6;3 sub# 8!9"c75es0
main6!9c3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
main6!9f3 ca## -!93f >foo?
main6!9"3 #ea1e
main6!9"@3 ret
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 31
Stack and Code Example (2)

Allocate some space on the


Will not be used

main3 0us4# 5eb0
main6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
main633 sub# 8!9875es0
main6:3 and# 8!9fffffff!75es0
main6;3 sub# 8!9"c75es0
main6!9c3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
main6!9f3 ca## -!93f >foo?
main6!9"3 #ea1e
main6!9"@3 ret
!98!:be3 Ainit6!9"a
!98!:be83 !9feffbBdc
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 32
Stack and Code Example (2)

Align the stack pointer on

16 B boundary

Not required by the ABI

Performance reasons
main3 0us4# 5eb0
main6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
main633 sub# 8!9875es0
main6:3 and# 8!9fffffff!75es0
main6;3 sub# 8!9"c75es0
main6!9c3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
main6!9f3 ca## -!93f >foo?
main6!9"3 #ea1e
main6!9"@3 ret
!98!:be!3 !98!:bec
!98!:be3 Ainit6!9"a
!98!:be83 !9feffbBdc
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 33
Stack and Code Example (2)

Allocate some more space

on the stack

Will not be used

main3 0us4# 5eb0
main6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
main633 sub# 8!9875es0
main6:3 and# 8!9fffffff!75es0
main6;3 sub# 8!9"c75es0
main6!9c3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
main6!9f3 ca## -!93f >foo?
main6!9"3 #ea1e
main6!9"@3 ret
!98!:bc3 Af0start6!92c
!98!:bc83 !92;
!98!:bcc3 Af0A4C
!98!:bd!3 !9"33f
!98!:bd3 !98!@!cda
!98!:bd83 !98!:!d3c
!98!:bdc3 !98!:bcc
!98!:be!3 !98!:bec
!98!:be3 Ainit6!9"a
!98!:be83 !9feffbBdc
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 34
Stack and Code Example (2)

Copy the incoming

argument (argc) to the
outgoing argument (a)
main3 0us4# 5eb0
main6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
main633 sub# 8!9875es0
main6:3 and# 8!9fffffff!75es0
main6;3 sub# 8!9"c75es0
main6!9c3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
main6!9f3 ca## -!93f >foo?
main6!9"3 #ea1e
main6!9"@3 ret
!98!:bc!3 "
!98!:bc3 Af0start6!92c
!98!:bc83 !92;
!98!:bcc3 Af0A4C
!98!:bd!3 !9"33f
!98!:bd3 !98!@!cda
!98!:bd83 !98!:!d3c
!98!:bdc3 !98!:bcc
!98!:be!3 !98!:bec
!98!:be3 Ainit6!9"a
!98!:be83 !9feffbBdc
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 35
Stack and Code Example (2)

Call foo()
main3 0us4# 5eb0
main6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
main633 sub# 8!9875es0
main6:3 and# 8!9fffffff!75es0
main6;3 sub# 8!9"c75es0
main6!9c3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
main6!9f3 ca## -!93f >foo?
main6!9"3 #ea1e
main6!9"@3 ret
!98!:bbc3 main6!9"
!98!:bc!3 "
!98!:bc3 Af0start6!92c
!98!:bc83 !92;
!98!:bcc3 Af0A4C
!98!:bd!3 !9"33f
!98!:bd3 !98!@!cda
!98!:bd83 !98!:!d3c
!98!:bdc3 !98!:bcc
!98!:be!3 !98!:bec
!98!:be3 Ainit6!9"a
!98!:be83 !9feffbBdc
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 36
Stack and Code Example (2)

Save the previous frame

pointer to the stack
foo3 0us4# 5eb0
foo6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
foo633 sub# 8!9"75es0
foo6:3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
foo6;3 ca## 6!9@ >bar?
foo6!9e3 add# 8!9"!75es0
foo6!9""3 #ea1e
foo6!9"23 ret
!98!:bb83 !98!:bec
!98!:bbc3 main6!9"
!98!:bc!3 "
!98!:bc3 Af0start6!92c
!98!:bc83 !92;
!98!:bcc3 Af0A4C
!98!:bd!3 !9"33f
!98!:bd3 !98!@!cda
!98!:bd83 !98!:!d3c
!98!:bdc3 !98!:bcc
!98!:be!3 !98!:bec
!98!:be3 Ainit6!9"a
!98!:be83 !9feffbBdc
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 37
Stack and Code Example (2)

Establish a new frame

pointer in EBP

It points to the address

where the previous one is
foo3 0us4# 5eb0
foo6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
foo633 sub# 8!9"75es0
foo6:3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
foo6;3 ca## 6!9@ >bar?
foo6!9e3 add# 8!9"!75es0
foo6!9""3 #ea1e
foo6!9"23 ret
!98!:bb83 !98!:bec
!98!:bbc3 main6!9"
!98!:bc!3 "
!98!:bc3 Af0start6!92c
!98!:bc83 !92;
!98!:bcc3 Af0A4C
!98!:bd!3 !9"33f
!98!:bd3 !98!@!cda
!98!:bd83 !98!:!d3c
!98!:bdc3 !98!:bcc
!98!:be!3 !98!:bec
!98!:be3 Ainit6!9"a
!98!:be83 !9feffbBdc
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 38
Stack and Code Example (2)

Allocate some space on the


Will not be used

foo3 0us4# 5eb0
foo6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
foo633 sub# 8!9"75es0
foo6:3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
foo6;3 ca## 6!9@ >bar?
foo6!9e3 add# 8!9"!75es0
foo6!9""3 #ea1e
foo6!9"23 ret
!98!:ba3 !98!@!;e8
!98!:ba83 dbgAdesc
!98!:bac3 8
!98!:bb!3 "
!98!:bb3 !
!98!:bb83 !98!:bec
!98!:bbc3 main6!9"
!98!:bc!3 "
!98!:bc3 Af0start6!92c
!98!:bc83 !92;
!98!:bcc3 Af0A4C
!98!:bd!3 !9"33f
!98!:bd3 !98!@!cda
!98!:bd83 !98!:!d3c
!98!:bdc3 !98!:bcc
!98!:be!3 !98!:bec
!98!:be3 Ainit6!9"a
!98!:be83 !9feffbBdc
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 39
Stack and Code Example (2)

Copy the incoming

argument of foo() to the
outgoing argument for
foo3 0us4# 5eb0
foo6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
foo633 sub# 8!9"75es0
foo6:3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
foo6;3 ca## 6!9@ >bar?
foo6!9e3 add# 8!9"!75es0
foo6!9""3 #ea1e
foo6!9"23 ret
!98!:ba!3 "
!98!:ba3 !98!@!;e8
!98!:ba83 dbgAdesc
!98!:bac3 8
!98!:bb!3 "
!98!:bb3 !
!98!:bb83 !98!:bec
!98!:bbc3 main6!9"
!98!:bc!3 "
!98!:bc3 Af0start6!92c
!98!:bc83 !92;
!98!:bcc3 Af0A4C
!98!:bd!3 !9"33f
!98!:bd3 !98!@!cda
!98!:bd83 !98!:!d3c
!98!:bdc3 !98!:bcc
!98!:be!3 !98!:bec
!98!:be3 Ainit6!9"a
!98!:be83 !9feffbBdc
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 40
Stack and Code Example (2)

Call bar()
foo3 0us4# 5eb0
foo6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
foo633 sub# 8!9"75es0
foo6:3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
foo6;3 ca## 6!9@ >bar?
foo6!9e3 add# 8!9"!75es0
foo6!9""3 #ea1e
foo6!9"23 ret
!98!:b;c3 foo6!9e
!98!:ba!3 "
!98!:ba3 !98!@!;e8
!98!:ba83 dbgAdesc
!98!:bac3 8
!98!:bb!3 "
!98!:bb3 !
!98!:bb83 !98!:bec
!98!:bbc3 main6!9"
!98!:bc!3 "
!98!:bc3 Af0start6!92c
!98!:bc83 !92;
!98!:bcc3 Af0A4C
!98!:bd!3 !9"33f
!98!:bd3 !98!@!cda
!98!:bd83 !98!:!d3c
!98!:bdc3 !98!:bcc
!98!:be!3 !98!:bec
!98!:be3 Ainit6!9"a
!98!:be83 !9feffbBdc
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 41
Stack and Code Example (2)

Step through and return

from bar()

bar()'s return value is in

foo3 0us4# 5eb0
foo6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
foo633 sub# 8!9"75es0
foo6:3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
foo6;3 ca## 6!9@ >bar?
foo6!9e3 add# 8!9"!75es0
foo6!9""3 #ea1e
foo6!9"23 ret
!98!:ba!3 "
!98!:ba3 !98!@!;e8
!98!:ba83 dbgAdesc
!98!:bac3 8
!98!:bb!3 "
!98!:bb3 !
!98!:bb83 !98!:bec
!98!:bbc3 main6!9"
!98!:bc!3 "
!98!:bc3 Af0start6!92c
!98!:bc83 !92;
!98!:bcc3 Af0A4C
!98!:bd!3 !9"33f
!98!:bd3 !98!@!cda
!98!:bd83 !98!:!d3c
!98!:bdc3 !98!:bcc
!98!:be!3 !98!:bec
!98!:be3 Ainit6!9"a
!98!:be83 !9feffbBdc
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 42
Stack and Code Example (2)

Free some stack space

Not necessary because of

the next instruction
foo3 0us4# 5eb0
foo6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
foo633 sub# 8!9"75es0
foo6:3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
foo6;3 ca## 6!9@ >bar?
foo6!9e3 add# 8!9"!75es0
foo6!9""3 #ea1e
foo6!9"23 ret
!98!:bb!3 "
!98!:bb3 !
!98!:bb83 !98!:bec
!98!:bbc3 main6!9"
!98!:bc!3 "
!98!:bc3 Af0start6!92c
!98!:bc83 !92;
!98!:bcc3 Af0A4C
!98!:bd!3 !9"33f
!98!:bd3 !98!@!cda
!98!:bd83 !98!:!d3c
!98!:bdc3 !98!:bcc
!98!:be!3 !98!:bec
!98!:be3 Ainit6!9"a
!98!:be83 !9feffbBdc
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 43
Stack and Code Example (2)

Destroy foo()'s stack

foo3 0us4# 5eb0
foo6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
foo633 sub# 8!9"75es0
foo6:3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
foo6;3 ca## 6!9@ >bar?
foo6!9e3 add# 8!9"!75es0
foo6!9""3 #ea1e
foo6!9"23 ret
!98!:bbc3 main6!9"
!98!:bc!3 "
!98!:bc3 Af0start6!92c
!98!:bc83 !92;
!98!:bcc3 Af0A4C
!98!:bd!3 !9"33f
!98!:bd3 !98!@!cda
!98!:bd83 !98!:!d3c
!98!:bdc3 !98!:bcc
!98!:be!3 !98!:bec
!98!:be3 Ainit6!9"a
!98!:be83 !9feffbBdc
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 44
Stack and Code Example (2)

Return back to main()

Return value is again in EAX

foo3 0us4# 5eb0
foo6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
foo633 sub# 8!9"75es0
foo6:3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
foo6;3 ca## 6!9@ >bar?
foo6!9e3 add# 8!9"!75es0
foo6!9""3 #ea1e
foo6!9"23 ret
!98!:bc!3 "
!98!:bc3 Af0start6!92c
!98!:bc83 !92;
!98!:bcc3 Af0A4C
!98!:bd!3 !9"33f
!98!:bd3 !98!@!cda
!98!:bd83 !98!:!d3c
!98!:bdc3 !98!:bcc
!98!:be!3 !98!:bec
!98!:be3 Ainit6!9"a
!98!:be83 !9feffbBdc
!98!:bec3 !98!:c!
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 45
Stack and Code Example (2)

Destroy main()'s stack

main3 0us4# 5eb0
main6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
main633 sub# 8!9875es0
main6:3 and# 8!9fffffff!75es0
main6;3 sub# 8!9"c75es0
main6!9c3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
main6!9f3 ca## -!93f >foo?
main6!9"3 #ea1e
main6!9"@3 ret
!98!:bf!3 Astart6!98!
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 46
Stack and Code Example (2)

Return from main()

main3 0us4# 5eb0
main6"3 mo1# 5es075eb0
main633 sub# 8!9875es0
main6:3 and# 8!9fffffff!75es0
main6;3 sub# 8!9"c75es0
main6!9c3 0us4# !98<5eb0=
main6!9f3 ca## -!93f >foo?
main6!9"3 #ea1e
main6!9"@3 ret
Crash Dump Analysis MFF UK IA-32 47
IA-32 ABI Cheat Sheet
EAX return value
EBP frame pointer
ESP stack pointer
non-volatile registers
volatile registers

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