Joint MLE

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Joint Maximum Likelihood Estimation for

High-dimensional Exploratory Item Response Analysis

arXiv:1712.06748v1 [stat.ME] 19 Dec 2017

Yunxiao Chen
Department of Psychology, Emory University
Xiaoou Li
School of Statistics, University of Minnesota
Siliang Zhang
Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University


Multidimensional item response theory is widely used in education and psychology

for measuring multiple latent traits. However, exploratory analysis of large scale item

response data with many items, respondents and latent traits is still a challenge. In

this paper, we consider a high-dimensional setting that both the number of items and

the number of respondents grow to infinity. A constrained joint maximum likelihood

estimator is proposed for estimating both item and person parameters, which yields

good theoretical properties and computational advantage. Specifically, we derive error

bounds for parameter estimation and develop an efficient algorithm that can scale to

very large data sets. The proposed method is applied to a large scale personality assess-

ment data set from the Synthetic Aperture Personality Assessment (SAPA) project.

Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the proposed method.

KEY WORDS: Item response theory, high-dimensionality, diverging number of items, joint
maximum likelihood estimator (JMLE), alternating minimization, projected gradient de-
scent, matrix completion, SAPA project

1 Introduction

Multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) models have been widely used in psychology
and education for measuring multiple latent traits based on dichotomous or polytomous
items. The concept of MIRT dates back to McDonald (1967), Lord et al. (1968) and Reckase
(1972), and is closely related to linear factor analysis (e.g. Anderson, 2003) that models
continuous multivariate data. We refer the readers to Reckase (2009) for a review of MIRT
models. An important application of MIRT models is exploratory item factor analysis,
which serves to uncover a set of latent traits underlying a battery of psychological items.
Such exploratory analysis facilitates the understanding of large scale response data with
many items, respondents and possibly many latent traits.
A key step in MIRT based analysis is parameter estimation, which can be numerically
challenging under the high-dimensional setting, i.e., when the number of items, the sample
size, and the dimension of the latent space are large. The most popular method for es-
timating item parameters is the maximum marginal likelihood estimator (MMLE). In this
approach, respondent specific parameters (i.e., their latent trait levels) are treated as random
effects and the marginal likelihood function of item parameters is obtained by integrating
out the random effects. Item parameter estimates are obtained by maximizing the marginal
likelihood function. This approach typically involves evaluating a K-dimensional integral,
where K is the number of latent traits. When K is moderately large (say, K ≥ 10), eval-
uating the integral can be numerically challenging. Many approaches have been proposed
to approximate the integral, including adaptive Gaussian quadrature methods (e.g. Schilling
and Bock, 2005), Monte Carlo integration (e.g. Meng and Schilling, 1996), fully Bayesian
estimation methods (e.g. Béguin and Glas, 2001; Bolt and Lall, 2003; Edwards, 2010), and
data augmented stochastic approximation algorithm (e.g. Cai, 2010a,b). However, even with
these state-of-the-art algorithms, the computation is time-consuming.
An alternative approach to parameter estimation in MIRT models is the joint maximum
likelihood estimator (JMLE; see, e.g. Embretson and Reise, 2000). This approach treats

both the person and item parameters as fixed effects (i.e., model parameters). Parameter
estimates are obtained by maximizing the joint likelihood function of both person and item
parameters. Traditionally, the JMLE is less preferred to the MMLE. This is partly because,
under the usual asymptotic setting where the number of respondents grows to infinity and
the number of items is fixed, the number of parameters in the joint likelihood function also
diverges, resulting in inconsistent estimate of item parameters (Neyman and Scott, 1948;
Andersen, 1973; Haberman, 1977; Ghosh, 1995) even for simple IRT models.
In this paper, we propose a variant of joint maximum likelihood estimator, which adds
L2 constraints to the parameter space. This constrained joint maximum likelihood estima-
tor (CJMLE) is computationally efficient and statistically solid under the high-dimensional
setting. In terms of computation, an alternating minimization (AM) algorithm with pro-
jected gradient decent update is proposed, which can be parallelled efficiently. Specifically,
we implement this parallel computing algorithm in R with core functions written in C++
through Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP, Dagum and Menon, 1998) that can scale to very
large data. For example, according to our simulation study, the algorithm can fit a data set
with 25,000 respondents, 1000 items, and 10 latent traits in 12 minutes on a single Intel(R)
machine (Core(TM) i7CPU@[email protected] GHz) with eight threads (OpenMP enabled). The-
oretically, we provide error bounds on parameter estimation, under the setting that both
the numbers of items and respondents grow to infinity. Specifically, we show that the item
parameters can be consistently estimated up to a scaling and a rotation (possibly oblique).
Consequently, the latent structure of test items may be investigated by using appropriate ro-
tational methods (see e.g. Browne, 2001). Both our computational algorithm and theoretical
framework are new to the psychometrics literature.
Our theoretical framework assumes a diverging number of items, which is suitable when
analyzing large scale data. To the best of our knowledge, such an asymptotic setting has not
received enough attention, except in Haberman (1977, 2004) and Chiu et al. (2016). Our
theoretical analysis applies to a general MIRT model that includes the multidimensional

two-parameter logistic model (Reckase and McKinley, 1983; Reckase, 2009) as a special
case, while the analyses in Haberman (1977, 2004) and Chiu et al. (2016) are limited to
the unidimensional Rasch model (Rasch, 1960; Lord et al., 1968) and cognitive diagnostic
models (Rupp et al., 2010), respectively. Our technical tools for studying the properties of
the CJMLE include theoretical developments in matrix completion theory (e.g. Candès and
Plan, 2010; Candès and Tao, 2010; Candès and Recht, 2012; Davenport et al., 2014) and
matrix perturbation theory (e.g. Stewart and Sun, 1990).
We apply the proposed method to a data set from the Synthetic Aperture Personality
Assessment (SAPA) project (Condon and Revelle, 2015) that is collected to evaluate the
structure of personality constructs in the temperament domain. Applying traditional ex-
ploratory item factor analysis methods to this data set is challenging because (1) the data
set is of large scale, containing 23,681 respondents, 696 items, and possibly many latent
traits, (2) the responses are not continuous and thus linear factor analysis is inappropriate,
and (3) the data contain “massive missingness” by design that is missing completely at ran-
dom. The proposed method turns out to be suitable for analyzing the data set. Specifically,
the prediction power of the MIRT model and CJMLE is studied and the latent structure is
investigated and interpreted.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we propose the CJMLE and an
algorithm for its computation. Theoretical properties of CJMLE are developed in Section 3,
followed by simulation studies and real data analysis in Sections 4 and 5. Finally, discussions
are provided in Section 6. Proofs of our theoretical results are provided in Appendix.

2 Method

2.1 Model

To simplify the presentation, we focus on binary response data. We point out that our
framework can be extended to ordinal and nominal responses without much difficulty. Let i =

1, ..., N indicates respondents and j = 1, ..., J indicates items. Each respondent is represented
by a K-dimensional latent vector θi = (θi1 , ..., θiK )⊺ and each item is represented by K
parameters aj = (aj1 , ..., ajK )⊺ . Let Yij be the response from respondent i to item j, which
is assumed to follow distribution

exp(a⊺j θi )
P (Yij = 1∣θi , aj ) = . (1)
1 + exp(a⊺j θi )

This model can be viewed as an extension of the multidimensional two-parameter logistic

model (M2PL; Reckase and McKinley, 1983; Reckase, 2009). That is, if θi1 is set to be 1 for
all i, then (1) becomes

exp(aj1 + ∑Kk=2 aj2 θi2 )

P (Yij = 1∣θi , aj ) = ,
1 + exp(aj1 + ∑Kk=2 aj2 θi2 )

which takes the same form as a multidimensional two-parameter logistic model with K − 1
latent traits. Similar to many latent factor models, Model (1) is also rotational and scaling
invariant, as will be discussed in Section 3.

2.2 Constrained Joint Maximum Likelihood Estimator

The traditional way of estimating item parameters in an item response theory model is
through the marginal maximum likelihood estimator. That is, the latent vector θi s are fur-
ther assumed to be independent and identically distributed samples from some distribution
F (θ). Let yij be the observed value of random variable Yij . The marginal likelihood function
is a function of a1 , ..., aJ , defined as

LM (a1 , ..., aJ ) = ∏ ∫ ∏ P (Yij = 1∣θi , aj )yij (1 − P (Yij = 1∣θi , aj ))1−yij F (dθi )
i=1 j=1
N J exp(a⊺j θi yij )
F (dθi ).
1 + exp(a⊺j θi )
= ∏∫ ∏
i=1 j=1

Marginal maximum likelihood estimates (MMLE) of a1 , ..., aJ are then obtained by maxi-
mizing LM (a1 , ..., aJ ). Appropriate constraints may be imposed on a1 , ..., aJ to ensure iden-
tifiability. In this approach, the latent trait θi s are treated as random effects, while the item
parameters a1 , ..., aJ are treated as fixed effects. When K is large, the marginal maximum
likelihood estimator suffers from computational challenge brought by the K-dimensional in-
tegration in (2). The computation becomes time-consuming when K is moderately large
(say when K ≥ 10) even with the state-of-art algorithms.
An alternative approach is the joint maximum likelihood estimator (JMLE; see e.g. Em-
bretson and Reise, 2000). In this approach, both θi s and aj s are treated as fixed effects and
their estimates are obtained by maximizing the joint likelihood function

LJ (θ1 , ..., θN , a1 , ..., aJ ) = ∏ ∏ P (Yij = 1∣θi , aj )yij (1 − P (Yij = 1∣θi , aj ))1−yij
i=1 j=1
N J exp(a⊺j θi yij )
1 + exp(a⊺j θi )
= ∏∏
i=1 j=1

Traditionally, the JMLE is less preferred to the MMLE. This is partly because, under the
usual asymptotic setting where the number of respondents grows to infinity and the number
of items is fixed, the number of parameters in LJ also diverges, resulting in inconsistent
estimate of item parameters even for the Rasch model that takes a simple form (Andersen,
1973; Haberman, 1977; Ghosh, 1995).
Under the high-dimensional setting, N , J, and K can all be large, so that MMLE is
computationally infeasible. Interestingly, JMLE becomes a good choice. Intuitively, the
number of parameters in the joint likelihood is in the order K(N + J), which can be sub-
stantially smaller than the number of observed responses (in the order of N J) when K is
relatively small. Consequently, under reasonable regularities, JMLE yields satisfactory sta-
tistical properties, as will be discussed in Section 3. In fact, Haberman (1977) shows that
under the Rasch model, the estimation of both respondent parameters and item parameters
is consistent, when J and N grow to infinity and J −1 log(N ) converges to 0. Unfortunately,

the results of Haberman (1977) relies on the simple form of the Rasch model and thus can
hardly be generalized to the general model setting as in (1).
Computationally, (3) can be optimized efficiently. That is because maximizing (3) is
equivalent to maximizing its logarithm, which can be written as

lJ (θ1 , ..., θN , a1 , ..., aJ ) = log LJ (θ1 , ..., θN , a1 , ..., aJ )

N J (4)
= ∑ ∑ a⊺j θi yij − log(1 + exp(a⊺j θi )).
i=1 j=1

Due to its factorization, lJ is a biconvex function of (θ1 , ..., θN ) and (a1 , ..., aJ ), meaning
that lJ is a convex function of (θ1 , ..., θN ) when (a1 , ..., aJ ) is given and vise versa. As a
consequence, (4) can be optimized by iteratively maximizing with respect to one given the
other. This optimization program can be further speeded up by parallel computing, thanks
to the special structure of lJ . See Section 2.4 for further discussions.
Following the above discussion, we propose a constrained joint maximum likelihood esti-
mator, defined as

(θ̂1 , ..., θ̂N , â1 , ..., âJ ) = arg min −lJ (θ1 , ..., θN , a1 , ..., aJ ),
θ1 ,...,θN ,a1 ,...,aJ

s.t. ∥θi ∥2 ≤ C, ∀i, (5)

∥aj ∥2 ≤ C, ∀j,

where ∥ ⋅ ∥ denotes the Euclidian norm of a vector and C is a positive tuning parameter that
imposes regularization on the magnitude of each θi and aj . When C = ∞, (5) becomes exactly
a JMLE. The constraints in (5) avoid overfitting when the number of model parameters is
This estimator has the property of rotational invariance. To see this, we rewrite the joint
likelihood function in the matrix form. Let AJ×K = (a1 , ...., aJ )⊺ , ΘN ×K = (θ1 , ..., θN )⊺ , and

MN ×J = (mij ) ≜ ΘA⊺ . Then the joint log-likelihood function can be rewritten as

lJ (Θ, A) = lJ (M ) = ∑ ∑ mij yij − log(1 + exp(mij )).
i=1 j=1

The rotational invariance property of the CJMLE is described by the following proposition.

Proposition 1. Let (Â, Θ̂) be a minimizer of (5). Then for any K × K orthogonal matrix
Q, (ÂQ, Θ̂Q) is also a minimizer of (5).

The CJMLE is even invariant up to a scaling and an oblique rotation if the estimate
(Â, Θ̂) satisfies ∥âj ∥2 < C for all j or ∥θ̂i ∥2 < C for all i. We summarize it by the following

Proposition 2. Let (Â, Θ̂) be a minimizer of (5). Suppose that ∥âj ∥2 < C for all j or
∥θ̂i ∥2 < C for all i. Then there exists an invertible K × K non-identity matrix R, such that
(ÂR−1 , Θ̂R) is still a minimizer of (5).

Like the tuning parameter in ridge regression, our tuning parameter C also controls the
bias-variance trade-off of estimation. Roughly speaking, for a large value of C, the true
parameters θi∗ and a∗j are likely to satisfy the constraints. Thus, the estimation tends to
have a small bias. In the meanwhile, the variance may be large. When C is small, the bias
tends to be large and variance tends to be small.

2.3 Practical Consideration: Missing Responses

In practice, each respondent may only respond to a small proportion of items, possibly due
to the data collection design. For example, in the SAPA data that are analyzed in Section 5,
each respondent is only administered a small random subset of 696 items (containing on
average 86 items) to avoid high time costs to respondents.
Our CJMLE can be modified to handle missing responses, while maintaining its com-
putational advantage. In addition, as will be shown in Section 3, under a reasonable reg-
ularity condition on the data missingness mechanism, the CJMLE still has good statistical

properties. Let Ω = (ωij )N ×J denote the non-missing responses, where ωij = 1 if item j is
administered to respondent i. Then the joint likelihood function becomes

lJΩ (Θ, A) = lJΩ (ΘA⊺ ) = ∑ mij yij − log(1 + exp(mij )),

i,j∶ωij =1

and our CJMLE becomes

(Θ̂, Â) = arg min −lJΩ (ΘA⊺ ).

s.t. ∥θi ∥2 ≤ C, ∀i, (6)

∥aj ∥2 ≤ C, ∀j.

If ωij = 1 for all i and j, no response is missing and (6) is the same as (5). From now on, we
focus on the analysis of (6), which includes (5) as a special case when ωij = 1 for all i and j.

2.4 Algorithm

We develop an alternating minimization algorithm for solving (6) that is often used to fit
low rank models (see e.g. Udell et al., 2016). This algorithm can be efficiently paralleled. In
this algorithm, we assume the number of latent traits K and tuning parameter C are known.
In practice, when having no knowledge about K and C, they are chosen by a T-fold (e.g.,
T = 5) cross validation.
To handle the constraints in (6), a projected gradient descent update is used in each
iteration. A projected gradient descent update is as follows. Let x be a K-dimensional
vector. We define projection operator:

⎪ if ∥y∥2 ≤ C;
2 ⎪ y

ProxC (y) = arg min ∥y − x∥ = ⎨ √ (7)
x∶∥x∥2 ≤C ⎪
⎪ C
⎪ y if ∥y∥2 > C.
⎩ ∥y ∥

Here, ProxC (y) returns a feasible point (i.e., the constraint ∥ProxC (y)∥2 ≤ C ) that is most

close to y. Consider optimization problem

min f (x)
s.t. ∥x∥ ≤ C,

where f is a differentiable convex function. Denote the gradient of f by g. Then a projected

gradient descent update at x(0) is defined as

x(1) = ProxC (x(0) − ηg(x(0) )),

where η > 0 is a step size decided by line search. Due to the projection, ∥x(1) ∥2 ≤ C.
Furthermore, it can be shown that for sufficiently small η, f (x(1) ) < f (x(0) ), when f satisfies
mild regularity conditions and ∥g(x(0) )∥ ≠ 0. We refer the readers to Parikh et al. (2014) for
further details about this projected gradient descent update.

Algorithm 1 (Alternating Minimization algorithm for CJMLE).

1 (Initialization) Input responses yij , nonmissing response indicator Ω, dimension of

latent factor K, constraint parameter C, iteration number m = 1, and initial value
Θ(0) and A(0) .

2 (Alternating minimization) At mth iteration, perform parallel computation for each


• For each respondent i, update

(m) (m−1) (m−1)

θi = ProxC (θi − ηgi (θi , A(m−1) )), (9)

where gi (θi , A(m−1) ) is the gradient of

(m−1) (m−1)
li (θ, A(m−1) ) = ∑ −yij ∑ θk ajk + log(1 + exp( ∑ θk ajk ))
j∶ωij=1 k=1 k=1

with respect to θ = (θ1 , ..., θK )⊺ at θi . η > 0 is a step size chosen by line search,
(m) (m−1)
which guarantees that li (θi , A(m−1) ) < li (θi , A(m−1) ).

• For each item j, update

(m) (m−1) (m−1)

aj = ProxC (aj − ηg̃j (aj , Θ(m) )), (10)

where g̃j (aj , Θ(m) ) is the gradient of

˜lj (a, Θ(m−1) ) = ∑ −yij ∑ ak θ(m) + log(1 + exp( ∑ ak θ(m) ))
ik ik
i∶ωij=1 k=1 k=1

with respect to a = (a1 , ..., aK )⊺ at aj . η > 0 is a step size chosen by line
(m) (m−1)
search, which guarantees that ˜lj (aj , Θ(m) ) < ˜lj (aj , Θ(m) ).

3 (Output) Iteratively perform Step 2 until convergence. Output Θ̂ = Θ(M ) , Â = A(M ) ,

where M is the last iteration number.

The algorithm guarantees that the joint likelihood function increases in each iteration.
The parallel computing in step 2 of the algorithm is implemented through OpenMP, which
greatly speeds up the computation even on a single machine with multiple cores. The
efficiency of this parallel algorithm is further amplified, when running on a computer cluster
with many machines.

3 Theory

The proposed CJMLE has good statistical properties under the high-dimensional setting,
when J and N both grow to infinity. We assume the number of latent traits K is fixed and
known and the true parameters Θ∗ and A∗ satisfy

A1. ∥θi∗ ∥2 ≤ C and ∥a∗j ∥2 ≤ C for all i, j.

We first derive an error bound for Θ̂Â⊺ −Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺ , where Θ∗ and A∗ are the true parameters.
It requires an assumption on the mechanism of data missingness – missing completely at

A2. ωij s in Ω are independent and identically distributed Bernoulli random variables with

P (ωij = 1) = .

Note that under assumption A1 and A2, we observe on average n responses, that is,

E ∑ ∑ ωij = n.
i=1 j=1

With assumptions A1 and A2, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 1. Suppose that assumptions A1 and A2 are satisfied. Further assume that n ≥
(N + J) log(JN ). Then there exist absolute constants C1 and C2 , such that

1 J +N
∥Θ̂Â⊺ − Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺ ∥2F ≤ C2 CeC (11)
NJ n

is satisfied with probability 1 − C1 /(N + J).

We call the left hand side of (11) the scaled Frobenius loss. We provide some remarks
on Theorem 1. First, under the asymptotic regime that N and J both grow to infinity,
the probability that (11) is satisfied converges to 1. Second, the left hand side of (11) is
a reasonable scaling of the squared Frobenius norm of the error ∆ = Θ̂Â⊺ − Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺ . This
is because ∆ is a N × J matrix and thus ∥∆∥2F has N × J terms. When both N and J
grow to infinity, the unscaled ∥∆∥2F may diverge with a positive probability. Third, when
n ≥ (N + J) log(JN ) as assumed, the right hand size of (11) converges to 0. In particular,
if no response is missing, then n = N J and the right hand size of (11) converges to 0 with a
√ √
speed O(max{1/ J, 1/ N }). Fourth, the constant C plays a role in the right hand size of

(11). For any C satisfying A1, the larger C being used in (6), the larger the upper bound in
(11). Ideally, we’d like to use the smallest C that satisfies A2. Finally, the error bound in
Theorem 1 can be further used to quantify the error of predicting respondents’ responses to
items that have not been administered due to the missing data design.
We then study the recovery of A∗ , as it is of our interest to explore the factor structure
of items via the loading matrix. However, due to the rotational and scaling invariance
properties, it is not appropriate to measure the closeness between A∗ and  by any matrix
norm directly. Following the canonical approach in matrix perturbation theory (e.g. Stewart
and Sun, 1990), we consider to measure their closeness by the largest principal angle between
the linear spaces V ∗ and V̂ that are spanned by the column vectors of A∗ and Â, respectively.
Specifically, for two linear spaces U and V , the largest principal angle is defined as

sin ∠(U, V ) ≜ max min sin ∠(u, v),

u∈U ∶u≠0 v∈V ∶v≠0

where ∠(u, v) is the angle between two vectors. In fact, sin ∠(U, V ) ≥ 0 and equality is
satisfied when U = V .
If the largest principal angle between V ∗ and V̂ is 0, then V ∗ = V̂ , meaning that there
exist a rank-K matrix R, such that A∗ = ÂR. In other words, A∗ and  are equivalent up
to a scaling and an oblique rotation. Roughly speaking, if the largest principal angle is close
to zero and A∗ has a simple loading structure, the simple structure of A∗ may be found by
applying a rotational method to Â, such as the promax rotation (Hendrickson and White,
In what follows, we provide a bound on sin ∠(V ∗ , V̂ ). We make the following assumption.

A3. There exists a positive constant C3 > 0, such as the Kth largest singular value of

Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺ , denoted by σK , satisfying

σK ≥ C3 N J,

when N and J grow to infinity.

Theorem 2. Suppose that assumptions A1, A2, and A3 are satisfied and n ≥ (N +J) log(JN ).
∗ 2 1
J +N 4
sin ∠(V , V̂ ) ≤ (C2 CeC ) 2 ( ) .
C3 n

is satisfied with probability 1 − C1 /(N + J).

Theorem 2 has a straightforward corollary.

Corollary 1. Under the same assumptions of Theorem 2, sin ∠(V ∗ , V̂ ) converges to 0 in

probability as N, J → ∞.

We point out that Assumption A3 is mild. The following proposition implies that as-

sumption A3 is satisfied with high probability when θik s and a∗jk s are independent samples
from certain distributions.

Proposition 3. Suppose that θik s are i.i.d. samples with mean 0 and variance δ12 and
a∗jk s are i.i.d. samples with mean 0 and variance δ22 , then there exists a constant C3 > 0,

σK / N J ≥ C3 in probability, when N and J grow to infinity.

4 Simulation

4.1 Study I

We evaluate the performance of CJMLE and verify the theoretical results by simulation
studies. The number of items J takes value 300, 400, ..., 1000 and for each given J, sample
size N = 25J. The number of latent traits K = 5, 10 are considered and are assumed to be
known. We sample θik s from a truncated normal distribution,

θik ∼ TN(µ, σ, l, u),



cate cate
1.0 q=0.87 q=0.87
q=0.95 q=0.95
q=1 q=1

0.5 3

0.0 0

300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

(a) K=5 (b) K=10

Figure 1: The scaled Frobenius loss under different simulation settings (dashed line: no
missing (q = 1); dotted line: moderate missing (q = 0.95); solid line: massive missing (q =

where the underlying normal distribution has mean µ = 0 and standard deviation σ = 1 and
the truncation interval [l, u] = [−1.5, 1.5]. This implies that ∥θi ∥2 ≤ 2.25K. The loading
parameter ajk s are generated from a mixture distribution. Let δjk be a random indicator,
satisfying P (δjk = 1) = 0.8. If δjk = 0, ajk is set to be 0 and if δjk = 1, ajk is sampled from the
truncated normal distribution TN(0, 1, −1.5, 1.5). Under this setting, about 20% of the ajk ’s
are 0, which mimics a simple loading structure where each item does not measure all the
latent traits. Similarly, ∥aj ∥2 ≤ 2.25K. Missing data are considered by setting n = (N J)q ,
where q is set to be 0.87, 0.95, and 1, corresponding to the situations of “massive missing”,
“moderate missing”, and “no missing”. To provide some intuition, when J = 1000 and
N = 25, 000, only about 11% and 43% of the entries of (yij )N ×J are not missing when q = 0.87
and 0.95, respectively. For each N , J, and K, 50 independent replications are generated.
We verify the theoretical results. To guarantee the satisfaction of assumption A1, we set
C = 2.25K. Results are shown in Figures 1 and 2. In the two panels of Figures 1, the x-axis
records the value of J and the y-axis represents the scaled Frobenius loss ∥M̂ − M ∗ ∥2F /(N J).
The lines in Figure 1 are obtained by connecting the median of the scaled Frobenius loss

0.3 0.4

cate 0.3 cate

0.2 q=0.87 q=0.87
q=0.95 q=0.95
q=1 q=1


300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

(a) K=5 (b) K=10

Figure 2: The largest principal angle between V ∗ and V̂ under different simulation settings
(dashed line: no missing (q = 1); dotted line: moderate missing (q = 0.95); solid line: massive
missing (q = 0.87)).

among 50 replications for different Js, given K and q. For each setting of J, K, and q,
an interval is also plotted that shows the upper and lower quartiles of the scaled Frobenius
loss. According to Figure 1, for each missing data situation, the scaled Frobenius loss tends
to converge to 0 as N and J simultaneously grow. In addition, we observe that the less
missing data, the smaller the scaled Frobenius loss. Results from Figure 1 are consistent
with Theorem 1.
In Figure 2, the x-axis records the number of items J and the y-axis records the largest
principal angle between the column spaces of A∗ and Â, sin ∠(V ∗ , V̂ ). Similar as above, the
median and upper and lower quartiles of the largest principal angle among 50 independent
replications are presented. According to Figure 2, the largest principal angle between the
two spaces V ∗ and V̂ tend to converge to 0 when both N and J diverge, for given K and q.
In addition, having less missing data yields a smaller principal angle. Results from Figure 2
are consistent with Theorem 2.




cate 0.15 cate
J=100 J=100
J=200 J=200
J=400 0.10 J=400


0.0 0.00

1k 2k 3k 4k 5k 6k 7k 8k 9k 10k 1k 2k 3k 4k 5k 6k 7k 8k 9k 10k

(a) Scaled Frobenius loss (b) Largest principal angle

Figure 3: The scaled Frobenius loss and largest principal angle when J = 100 and N varies
from 1,000 to 10,000 under the “no missing” setting.

4.2 Study II

We then investigate the situation when J is fixed and N grows. Specifically, we consider
K = 5, J = 100, 200, 400, and N grows from 1,000 to 10,000. The generation of θik and ajk
is the same as in Study I and C is still set to be 2.25K. For ease of presentation, we only
show the “no missing” case (q = 1). The patterns are similar in the presence of missing
data. Results are shown in Figure 3. The left panel of Figure 3 plots sample size N (x-axis)
versus scaled Frobenius loss (y-axis) and the right panel plots sample size N (x-axis) versus
largest principal angle (y-axis). According to Figure 3, when J is fixed and N grows, both
the scaled Frobenius loss and the largest principal angles first decrease and then tend to
stabilize around some positive values. This result implies that the CJMLE may not perform
well when either J or N is small.

5 Real Data Analysis

We apply the proposed method to analyzing selected personality data1 from the Synthetic
Aperture Personality Assessment project in Condon and Revelle (2015). The SAPA Project
is a collaborative online data collection tool for assessing psychological constructs across
multiple domains of personality. This data set was collected to evaluate the structure of
personality constructs in the temperament domain. The data set contains N = 23, 679 re-
spondents’ responses to J = 696 personality assessment items. The items are from either the
International Personality Item Pool (Goldberg, 1999; Goldberg et al., 2006) or the Eysenck
Personality Questionnaire - Revised (Eysenck et al., 1985). The data contain “massive miss-
ingness” by its design and the missingness mechanism can be classified as missing completely
at random. The mean number of items to which respondents answered is 86.1 (sd = 58.7;
median = 71). The mean number of administrations for each item is 2,931 (sd = 781; median
= 2,554). All the items are on a six-category rating scale and in this analysis we dichotomize
them by truncating at the median response of each item. The readers are referred to Condon
and Revelle (2015) for more detailed information about this data set.
We first explore the latent dimensionality of data. Specifically, we consider the dimension
K = 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 and the constraint tuning parameter C = 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. The
combination of K and C that best predicts the missing responses are investigated by five-fold
cross validation. Let Ω0 be the indicator matrix of non-missing responses. We randomly split
the non-missing responses into five non-overlapping sets that are of equal sizes, indicated by
Ω(t) = (ωij )N ×J , t = 1, 2, ..., 5, satisfying ∑5t=1 Ω(t) = Ω0 . Moreover, we denote Ω(−t) = ∑s≠t Ω(s) ,
indicating the data excluding set t. For given K and C, we find the CJMLE for each Ω(−t)
(t = 1, ..., 5), denoted by (Â(t) , Θ̂(t) ), by solving (6). Then the fitted model with parameters
(Â(t) , Θ̂(t) ) is used to predict non-missing responses in set t. The prediction accuracy is
The data set is available from

measured by the following log-likelihood based cross-validation (CV) error:


⎪ ⎫

(t) (t) ⎪

⎪ ⎪
− ∑ ⎨ ∑ yij log m̂ij + (1 − yij ) log(1 − m̂ij )⎬ ,
t=1 ⎪ ⎪
⎩i,j∶ ωij =1

⎪ (t) ⎪

where m̂ij are entries of the matrix M̂ (t) = Θ̂(t) (Â(t) )⊺ . The combination of K and C that
yields smaller CV error is preferred, as the corresponding model tends to better predict
unobserved responses. Results are shown in Figures 4 and 5. Except when K = 1, for each
value of K, the log-likelihood based CV error first decreases and then increases and achieve
the minima at C = 4. When K = 1, the CV error decreases as C increases from 2 to 10.
This may be due to a bias-variance trade-off, where bias decreases and variance increases
as C increases. When K = 1, the bias term may dominate the variance, due to stringent
unidimensionality assumption. In addition, the CV errors when K = 1 is much higher than
the smallest CV errors under other choices of K, as shown in Figure 5. It means that a
unidimensional model is inadequate to capture the underlying structure of the 696 items.
Figure 6 shows the smallest CV error when K = 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25. Specifically, the
smallest CV error is achieved when K = 15 and C = 4, meaning that in terms of prediction,
15 latent traits tend to best characterize this personality item pool in the temperament
We then explore the factor loading matrix Â, where K = 15 and C = 4 are chosen based
on the CV error above. The loading matrix after promax rotation has good interpretation.
Specifically, we present 10 items with highest absolute value of loadings for each latent trait,
as shown in Tables 1 and 2, where “(+)” and “(−)” denote positive and negative loadings.
The latent traits are ordered based on the total sum of squares (TSS) of loadings. In fact,
items heavily load on latent traits 2-12 seem to be about “compassion”, “extroversion”,
“depression”, “conscientiousness”, “intellect”, “irritability”, “boldness”, “intellect”, “per-
fection”, “traditionalism”, and “honesty”, respectively. Except for latent traits 6 and 9 that
seem to be both about “intellect”, all the others among traits 2-12 seem to be about different

K=1 K=15
57010000 57000000
CV error

CV error
57009000 56950000

57008000 56900000
57007000 56850000
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
K=5 K=20
CV error

CV error
56865000 56950000

56860000 56900000

2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
K=10 K=25

CV error

CV error

56880000 56900000

56840000 56850000

2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 4: Log-likelihood based cross-validation error under different combinations of K and



56950000 C=10
CV error

56900000 C=6


1 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 5: Log-likelihood based cross-validation error under different combinations of K and



CV error


5 10 15 20 25

Figure 6: Smallest log-likelihood based cross-validation error when K = 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25.

well-known personality facets. Items that heavily load on latent traits 1, and 13-15 seem to
be heterogeneous and these latent traits are worth further investigation.

6 Discussion

In this paper, we propose a constrained maximum likelihood estimator for analyzing large
scale item response data, which allows for the presence of high percentage of missing re-
sponses. It differs from the traditional JMLE, by adding constraint on the Euclidian norms
of both the item and respondent parameters. An efficient parallel computing algorithm is
proposed that is scalable even on a single machine to large data sets with tens of thousands
of respondents, thousands of items, and more than ten latent traits, with good timings. The
CJMLE also has good statistical properties. In particular, we provide error bounds on the
parameter estimates and show that the linear space spanned by the column vectors of the
factor loading matrix can be consistently recovered, under mild regularity conditions and the
high-dimensional setting that both the numbers of items and respondents grow to infinity.
This result implies that the true loading structure can be learned by applying proper rota-
tional methods to the estimated loading matrix, when the true loading matrix has a simple
structure (i.e., each latent trait only measures a subset of the items). These theoretical

Trait 1 (TSS = 348.5) Trait 2 (TSS = 279.4) Trait 3 (TSS = 231.1)
(−) Am not interested in other (+) Feel others’ emotions. (−) Keep in the background.
people’s problems. (+) Am sensitive to the needs of (−) Am mostly quiet when with other
(−) Can’t be bothered with other’s others. people.
needs. (+) Feel sympathy for those who are (−) Prefer to be alone.
(−) Don’t understand people who get worse off than myself. (−) Dislike being the center of
emotional. (+) Sympathize with others’ feelings. attention.
(−) Am not really interested in (+) Have a soft heart. (−) Want to be left alone.
others. (+) Inquire about others’ well-being. (−) Seek quiet.
(−) Pay too little attention to details. (+) Sympathize with the homeless. (−) Keep others at a distance.
(−) Don’t put my mind on the task at (+) Am concerned about others. (−) Tend to keep in the background
hand. (+) Know how to comfort others. on social occasions.
(−) Am seldom bothered by the (+) Suffer from others’ sorrows. (−) Hate being the center of
apparent suffering of strangers. attention.
(−) Am not easily amused. (−) Am afraid to draw attention to
(−) Shirk my duties. myself.
(−) Rarely notice my emotional
Trait 4 (TSS = 217.2) Trait 5 (TSS = 215.4) Trait 6 (TSS = 206.1)
(+) Have once wished that I were (+) Get to work at once. (+) Think quickly.
dead. (+) Complete my duties as soon as (+) Can handle complex problems.
(+) Often feel lonely. possible. (+) Nearly always have a ”ready
(+) Am often down in the dumps. (+) Get chores done right away. answer” when talking to people.
(+) Find life difficult. (−) Find it difficult to get down to (+) Can handle a lot of information.
(+) Feel a sense of worthlessness or work. (+) Am quick to understand things.
hopelessness. (−) Have difficulty starting tasks. (+) Catch on to things quickly.
(+) Dislike myself. (+) Keep things tidy. (+) Formulate ideas clearly.
(−) Am happy with my life. (+) Get started quickly on doing a (+) Know immediately what to do.
(−) Seldom feel blue. job. (+) Come up with good solutions.
(−) Rarely feel depressed. (+) Start tasks right away. (+) Am hard to convince.
(+) Suffer from sleeplessness. (−) Leave a mess in my room.
(−) Need a push to get started.
Trait 7 (TSS = 198.3) Trait 8 (TSS = 178.9) Trait 9 (TSS = 175.4)
(−) Rarely show my anger. (−) Would never go hang gliding or (+) Need a creative outlet.
(+) Get irritated easily. bungee jumping. (−) Don’t pride myself on being
(+) Lose my temper. (+) Like to do frightening things. original.
(+) Get angry easily. (+) Love dangerous situations. (−) Do not have a good imagination.
(+) Can be stirred up easily. (+) Seek adventure. (+) Enjoy thinking about things.
(+) When my temper rises, I find it (+) Am willing to try anything once. (−) Do not like art.
difficult to control. (+) Do crazy things. (+) Have a vivid imagination.
(+) Get easily agitated. (+) Take risks that could cause (−) See myself as an average person.
(−) It takes a lot to make me feel trouble for me. (−) Consider myself an average
angry at someone. (+) Take risks. person.
(−) Rarely get irritated. (−) Never go down rapids in a canoe. (−) Am just an ordinary person.
(−) Seldom get mad. (+) Act wild and crazy. (+) Believe in the importance of art.

Table 1: Results from analyzing SAPA data (Part I): Top 10 items with highest absolute
value of loadings on each latent trait.

Trait 10 (TSS = 147.5 ) Trait 11 (TSS = 135.4) Trait 12 (TSS = 134.0)
(+) Want everything to add up (+) Believe in one true religion. (−) Use flattery to get ahead.
perfectly. (−) Don’t consider myself (−) Tell people what they want
(+) Dislike imperfect work. religious. to hear so they do what I want.
(+) Want everything to be ”just (−) Believe that there is no (+) Would never take things
right.” absolute right and wrong. that aren’t mine.
(+) Demand quality. (−) Tend to vote for liberal (+) Don’t pretend to be more
(+) Have an eye for detail. political candidates. than I am.
(+) Want every detail taken (−) Think marriage is (−) Tell a lot of lies.
care of. old-fashioned and should be (−) Play a role in order to
(+) Avoid mistakes. done away with. impress people.
(+) Being in debt is worrisome (+) Tend to vote for (−) Switch my loyalties when I
to me. conservative political feel like it.
(+) Am exacting in my work. candidates. (+) Return extra change when a
(+) Dislike people who don’t (+) Believe one has special cashier makes a mistake.
know how to behave themselves. duties to one’s family. (−) Use others for my own ends.
(+) Like to stand during the (−) Not regret taking advantage
national anthem. of someone impulsively.
(+) Believe that we should be
tough on crime.
(+) Believe laws should be
strictly enforced.
Trait 13 (TSS = 120.3) Trait 14 (TSS = 117.5) Trait 15 (TSS = 111.7)
(+) Like to take my time. (−) Am interested in science. (−) Dislike loud music.
(+) Like a leisurely lifestyle. (−) Trust what people say. (+) Like telling jokes and funny
(+) Would never make a (−) Find political discussions stories to my friends.
high-risk investment. interesting. (−) Seldom joke around.
(+) Let things proceed at their (+) Don’t [worry about] (−) Prefer to eat at expensive
own pace. political and social problems. restaurants.
(+) Always know why I do (−) Would not enjoy being a (+) Laugh aloud.
things. famous celebrity. (−) Most things taste the same
(+) Always admit it when I (+) Believe that we coddle to me.
make a mistake. criminals too much. (−) People spend too much time
(−) Have read the great literary (−) Enjoy intellectual games. safeguarding their future with
classics. (−) Believe that people are savings and insurance.
(+) Am more easy-going about basically moral. (+) Amuse my friends.
right and wrong than most (−) Like to solve complex (−) Love my enemies.
people. problems. (−) Am not good at deceiving
(+) Value cooperation over (−) Trust people to mainly tell other people.
competition. the truth.
(+) Don’t know much about

Table 2: Results from analyzing SAPA data (Part II): Top 10 items with highest loadings
on each latent trait.

developments are consistent with results from the simulation studies. Our simulation results
also imply that the high-dimensional setting that both the numbers of respondents and items
grow to infinity is important. When either the sample size or the number of items is small,
the CJMLE may not work well. The proposed model is applied to analyzing large scale data
from the Synthetic Aperture Personality Assessment project. It is found that a model with
15 latent traits has the best prediction power based on results from cross validation and the
majority of the traits seem to be homogeneous and correspond to well-known personality
The proposed method may be extended along several directions. First, the current algo-
rithm and theory focus on binary responses. It is worth extending them to multidimensional
IRT models for ordinal response data, such as the generalized partial credit model (Yao and
Schwarz, 2006) which is an extension of the multidimensional two-parameter logistic model
to analyzing ordinal responses. Second, even after applying rotational methods, the obtained
factor loading matrix may still be dense and difficult to interpret. To better pursue a simple
loading structure, it may be helpful to further impose L1 regularization of the factor loading
parameters, as introduced in Sun et al. (2016). Third, it is also important to incorporate
respondent specific covariates in the analysis, so that the relationship between baseline co-
variates and psychological latent traits can be investigated. Finally, the current theoretical
framework assumes the number of latent traits as known. Theoretical results on estimating
the number of latent traits based on the CJMLE are also of interest, which may provide
guidance on choosing the number of latent traits.

7 Appendix

7.1 Proof of Theorem 1

Proof. The proof of Theorem 1 is similar to that of (Davenport et al., 2014, Theorem 1).
Thus, we only state the main steps and omit the details. Let

¯lJ (M ) = lJ (M ) − lJ (0), (12)

where 0 is an N × J matrix whose entries are all zero. Then, we have the following lemma
from Davenport et al. (2014).

Lemma 1 (Lemma A.1 of Davenport et al. (2014)). There exist constant C0 and C1 such
that for all α, r, N, J and n,

⎛ √ √ ⎞ C1
P sup√ ∣¯lJ (M ) − E ¯lJ (M )∣ ≥ C0 αLγ r n(N + J) + N J log(N + J) ≤ , (13)
⎝∥M ∥∗ ≤α rN J ⎠ N +J

where Lγ = 1 under the settings of the current paper and ∥ ⋅ ∥∗ denotes the nuclear norm of
a matrix.

Let α = C and r = K in the above lemma, we have

¯lJ (M ) − E ¯lJ (M )∣ ≥ C0 C K n(N + J) + N J log(N + J)⎞ ≤ C1 . (14)

⎛ √ √
P sup
⎝∥M ∥∗ ≤C √KN J

⎠ N +J


H = {M = (mij )1≤i≤N,1≤j≤J ∶ mij = a⊺j θi , ∥θi ∥2 ≤ C and ∥aj ∥2 ≤ C, for all i, j} . (15)

Note that if M ∈ H, then

√ √ √
∥M ∥∗ ≤ N J rank(M )∥M ∥∞ ≤ C KN J. (16)

Thus, from (14), we further have

√ √
P ( sup ∣¯lJ (M ) − E ¯lJ (M )∣ ≥ C0 C K n(N + J) + N J log(N + J)) (17)
M ∈H

⎛ √ √
≤ P sup ¯lJ (M ) − E ¯lJ (M )∣ ≥ C0 C K n(N + J) + N J log(N + J)⎞ (18)
⎝∥M ∥∗ ≤C √KN J

≤ . (19)
N +J

We use the following result, which is a slight modification of the last equation on p.210 of
Davenport et al. (2014).

nD(M ∗ ∥M̂ ) ≤ 2 sup ∣¯lJ (M ) − E ¯lJ (M )∣, (20)

M ∈H

where M̂ = Θ̂Â⊺ , D(M1 ∥M2 ) denotes the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the joint
distribution of {Yij ; 1 ≤ i ≤ N, 1 ≤ j ≤ J} when the model parameters are M1 and M2 . In
addition, we have the following inequality, which is a direct application of Lemma A.2 in
Davenport et al. (2014) and the third equation on page 211 of Davenport et al. (2014). For
any M1 , M2 such that ∥M1 ∥, ∥M2 ∥∞ ≤ C,

∥M1 − M2 ∥2F ≤ 8βC N JD(M1 ∥M2 ), (21)

with βC = (1 + eC )2 /eC under our settings. Combining (19), (20) and (21), we can see that
with probability 1 − NC+J

16βC N J √ √
∥M̂ − M ∗ ∥2F ≤ × C0 C K n(N + J) + N J log(N + J). (22)

Note that for C ≥ 0, βC ≤ 4eC . Thus, we can rearrange terms in the above inequality and

simplify it as

√ ¿
1 À1 + N J log(N + J) .
K(J + N ) Á
∥M̂ − M ∗ ∥2F ≤ 64CeC ×Á (23)
NJ n n(N + J)

For n ≥ (N + J) log(N J), we further have

N J log(N + J) NJ 1
≤ 2
≤ . (24)
n(N + J) (N + J) 4

Combine the above equation with (23) and note that K is assumed fixed, we complete the

7.2 Proof of Theorem 2

Proof. Denote M ∗ = Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺ and M̂ = Θ̂Â⊺ . Let σ1∗ ≥ σ2∗ ≥ ⋯ ≥ σmin{N,J}

≥ 0 be the
singular values of M ∗ and v1∗ , ..., vmin{N,J}

be the corresponding singular vectors. Similarly,
we let σ̂1 ≥ σ̂2 ≥ ⋯ ≥ σ̂min{N,J} ≥ 0 be the singular values of M̂ and v̂1 , ..., v̂min{N,J} be the
corresponding singular vectors. Due to the form of M ∗ and M̂ , only their first K singular
values can be nonzero.
We first show that V ∗ = span{v1∗ , ..., vK

}. Let M ∗ = U ΣV ⊺ be the singular decomposition
of M ∗ , where V = (v1∗ , ..., vK

), ΣK×K = diag(σ1∗ , σ2∗ , ..., σK

), and UN ×K be the left singular
matrix. Then
Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺ = U ΣV ⊺ . (25)

According to assumption A3, for large enough N and J, σK > 0. Thus, Θ∗ is of full column
rank, implying that K×K matrix (Θ∗ )⊺ Θ∗ is of full rank. Thus, (A∗ )⊺ = ((Θ∗ )⊺ Θ∗ )−1 (Θ∗ )⊺ U ΣV ⊺ ,
or equivalently, A∗ = V (((Θ∗ )⊺ Θ∗ )−1 (Θ∗ )⊺ U Σ)⊺ . It implies that V ∗ ⊂ span{v1∗ , ..., vK

}. Sim-
ilarly, we have V = A∗ (Σ−1 U ⊺ Θ∗ )⊺ , implying that span{v1∗ , ..., vK

} ⊂ V ∗ . Thus,

span{v1∗ , ..., vK

} = V ∗.

We then focus on the event E1 :

C 2 J +N
√ 1
⊺ ∗ ∗ ⊺
∥Θ̂Â − Θ (A ) ∥F ≤ N J (C2 Ce ) ( ) ,

which holds with probability at least 1 − C1 /(N + J) according to Theorem 1. Under this
event and by Weyl’s perturbation theorem (see, e.g. Stewart and Sun, 1990), we have

∣σK − σ̂K ∣ ≤ ∥Θ̂Â⊺ − Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺ ∥2 ≤ ∥Θ̂Â⊺ − Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺ ∥F ,

where ∥ ⋅ ∥2 denotes the spectral norm of a matrix and the second inequality is due to the
relationship between matrix spectral norm and matrix Frobenius norm. Thus, when event
E1 happens and for sufficiently large N and J,

σ̂K ≥ σK − ∥Θ̂Â⊺ − Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺ ∥F
C 2 J +N
√ ⎛ 1 4⎞
≥ N J C3 − (C2 Ce ) ( ) (26)
⎝ n ⎠

> 0,

which is because ∥Θ̂Â⊺ − Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺ ∥F is of order o( N J) when n ≥ (N + J) log(JN ) and N
and J grow to infinity. Then following the same proof above, we have

span{v̂1 , ..., v̂K } = V̂ .

Following the Modified Davis-Kahan-Wedin sine theorem (Theorem 20) in O’Rourke et al.
(2013), we have
∥Θ̂Â⊺ − Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺ ∥2
sin ∠(V ∗ , V̂ ) ≤ 2 ∗

Because of the relationship between the matrix spectral norm and Frobenius norm and

assumption A3, we have

∥Θ̂Â⊺ − Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺ ∥2 ∥Θ̂Â⊺ − Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺ ∥F ∥Θ̂Â⊺ − Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺ ∥F

sin ∠(V ∗ , V̂ ) ≤ 2 ∗
≤2 ∗
≤2 √ .
σK σK C3 N J

Under the event E1 , we have

∗ 2 1
J +N 4
sin ∠(V , V̂ ) ≤ (C2 CeC ) 2 ( ) .
C3 n

7.3 Proof of Propositions

Proof of Proposition 1.
To show that (ÂQ, Θ̂Q) is also a minimizer of (5), one only needs to show that

(a). (Θ̂Q)(ÂQ)⊺ = Θ̂Â⊺ ;

(b). ∥âj ∥2 = ∥âj Q∥2 , ∀j;

(c). ∥θ̂i ∥2 = ∥θ̂i Q∥2 , ∀i.

(a) is true, because (Θ̂Q)(ÂQ)⊺ = Θ̂QQ⊺ Â = Θ̂(QQ⊺ )Â = Θ̂Â⊺ , where the last equality is
because Q is a orthogonal matrix. (b) is true because multiplying by a orthogonal matrix
does not change the Euclidian norm of a vector. (c) is true for the same reason.

Proof of Proposition 2. We consider the situation that ∥θ̂i ∥2 < C for all i and the case when
∥âj ∥2 < C for all j is handled similarly. Let R be an invertible matrix with singular values
dK ≥ dK−1 ≥ ⋯ ≥ d1 , satisfying

min dk ≥ 1 and max d2k ≤ .
k k maxi∈{1,...,N } ∥θi ∥2


(a). (Θ̂R)(ÂR−1 )⊺ = Θ̂Â⊺ .

(b). ∥θ̂i R∥2 ≤ C.

(c). ∥âj R−1 ∥2 ≤ C.

(a) is trivial. (b) is due to

∥θ̂i ∥2 C
∥θ̂i D∥2 ≤ ∥D∥22 ∥θ̂i ∥2 ≤ ≤ C,
maxi′ ∈{1,...,N } ∥θ̂i′ ∥2

where ∥ ⋅ ∥2 denotes the matrix spectral norm. The proof of (c) is similar to that of (b).

Proof of Proposition 3.
First note that σK is the Kth eigenvalue of A∗ (Θ∗ )⊺ Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺ . Note that A∗ (Θ∗ )⊺ Θ∗ (A∗ )⊺
and (A∗ )⊺ A∗ (Θ∗ )⊺ Θ∗ share the same nonzero eigenvalues. Therefore, we only needs to show
that with probability tending to 1, the minimum eigenvalue of (A∗ )⊺ A∗ (Θ∗ )⊺ Θ∗ satisfies

λmin ((A∗ )⊺ A∗ (Θ∗ )⊺ Θ∗ ) ≥ C32 N J, (27)

for some positive constant C3 .

λmin ((A∗ )⊺ A∗ (Θ∗ )⊺ Θ∗ ) ≥ λmin ((A∗ )⊺ A∗ ) × λmin ((Θ∗ )⊺ Θ∗ ) ,

we bound the two minimum eigenvalues on the right hand side separately. By law of large
number, (A∗ )⊺ A∗ /(Jδ12 ) converges in probability to the K × K identity matrix. Therefore,
by applying Weyl’s theorem again, with probability tending to 1, as J grows to infinity, we
(A∗ )⊺ A∗ 1
λmin ( 2
)≥ .
Jδ1 2

Similarly, we can show that with probability tending to 1, as N grows to infinity,

(Θ∗ )⊺ Θ∗ 1
λmin ( 2
)≥ .
N δ2 2

Combining the above two,

δ12 δ22
λmin ((A∗ )⊺ A∗ ) × λmin ((Θ∗ )⊺ Θ∗ ) ≥ N J,

with probability tending to 1, as N and J grow to infinity. Thus, (27) is satisfied by choosing
δ 1 δ2
C3 = 2 .


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