The Implementation of Process Standard of Teaching English at SMK Negeri 1 Gianyar

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e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 1 Tahun 2013)


Sutena, Wayan., Padmadewi,Nyoman, Artini, L., P.

Language Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program Ganesha University Of

Education Singaraja, Indonesia

e-mail: [email protected],padmadewi
[email protected] , [email protected]
The present study only focused on the implementation of process standard in teaching English in
terms of planning, teaching process, assessment as planned in the lesson plan and the problems faced
by the teacher in implementing the process standard of teaching English in SMK Negeri 1 Gianyar. The
subjects of the study were the students, and the English Teachers in SMK Negeri 1 Gianyar. There were
some instruments used by the researcher to help him in collecting data such as checklist, observation
sheet, and interview guide. The data were described based on the planning, implementation of process
standard in teaching and the assessment as planned in the lesson plan. The implementation of process
standard in the lesson plan in SMK N 1 Gianyar can be categorized as good as indicated by overall mean
score of relevance of 70.33% in term of the implementation and the expectation of the process standard
in lesson. Meanwhile the implementation process standard in teaching and learning process was
considered not relevant to the expectation of standard since it was only 32% components implemented
the subjects. All the subjects did not apply the types of assessment as planned in the lesson plans. This
research found there were three problems encountered by teachers in implementing the process
standard such as classroom management, the difficulties in finding the proper source of material which
make the lesson interesting, and efforts to choose appropriate strategies to execute these standards in
Keywords: Process standard, Lesson plan, Assessment, Language learning and language teaching

INTRODUCTION every SMK (vocational high school) is not

It is unavoidable that curriculum is exactly the same from time to time. It has
considered to play an important role in many changes along with the progress of
educatio It means that a curriculum takes science and technology. Dantes (2003)
part as a guiding instruction. states that a curriculum should be
Vocational schools (SMK) is one continually developed or constructed in line
level of education to prepare students to with the world demand. It means that it is
become skillful and ready to use graduates very important to establish a schedule for
in the workforce. This type of school has ongoing review every year to ensure the
recently been given special attention by the curriculum is kept current, relevant and age-
government to reduce the number of white appropriate. It is developed continuously
collar unemployment. Vocational school since the practitioners need the better result
students are prepared to become experts in education.
who can compete in the international world, The curriculum that is currently used
and for this purpose the ability to in SMK (vocational high school) is school
communicate in English is an absolute based curriculum or it is called Kurikulum
requirement. Tingkat satuan Pendidikan ( KTSP). This
The curriculum as a guidance to curriculum is designed based on PP No.
conduct its teaching and learning used in 19/2005 which states that school and

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 1 Tahun 2013)

school committees, or madrasah and customer. Many students who have been
komite madrasah develop KTSP and the studying English for three years in SMK
syllabus based on basic framework of (vocational high school) still find some
curriculum and graduate competency problems in achieving communicative
standards under the supervision of district competence. Problem in speaking is only
or city department which is responsible for one instance out of many. These
education. In designing KTSP, there are phenomena are in contradictory with the
eight national standards of education concept of teaching English based on the
should be considered by every school. One content standard, especially concerning
of the standards that should be met is with the English teaching.
content standard in teaching English On the basis of the phenomena
(BNSP, 2006, p. 10) which are stated previously, it is important
With regard to standard of content, to conduct a study on process of teaching
especially concerning with the English English based on the process standard of
teaching, there are four basic skills which the Minister of National Education of the
should be developed, namely listening, Republic of Indonesia No. 41 in 2007. This
speaking, reading and writing. The final process Standard has determined four
goal of teaching and learning English in guidelines that the teacher should consider
vocational high school as stated in the when teaching English, including; planning,
standard content is that the students can learning process, assessment and
achieve communicative competence both in supervision.
written and spoken and use four skills of However, the present study only
communication within daily life at the end of focuses on the implementation of process
their study ( BNSP, 2006, p.12) standard in teaching English in terms of
SMK Negeri 1 Gianyar is as planning, learning process, assesment used
educational unit which is one favorite school in lesson plan and the problems faced by
for junior high school students’ graduate, the teacher in implementing the process
then learning English has become one of standard of teaching English in SMK Negeri
the priorities in order to produce graduates 1 Gianyar. It aims at obtaining the
who can compete in this global era. information or data of the implementation of
Therefore, the process of learning in the process standard of teaching English which
educational unit were held in an interactive, had been already implemented and the
inspiring, fun and challenging way which problems faced by the teacher in
motivate the students to actively participate implementing the process standard. The
and provide enough space for innovation, result of this research will be important not
creativity, and independence according to only to the improvement of teaching and
their talents, interests, and physical and learning English in SMK Negeri 1 Gianyar
psychological development of participants but also to the decision makers of education
learners. Moreover, in the process of as well as to other educational
learning provides exemplary educators. Any stakeholders.
educational institution of learning prosess This study is concerned with giving
plans an implementation process of description to the implementation of the
learning, assessment of learning outcomes process standard of teaching English
and learning prosess for proper supervision. including the planning, teaching process,
The learning process is expected running learning assessment used in the lesson
effectively and efficiently. Based on the plan and the problems faced by the
above, one of the standards in the National teachers in the implementation of process
Standards is applied to meet the need for standard of teaching English in SMK Negeri
standards in the evaluation of the process 1 Gianyar.
of learning English Considering that the of process
However, up to now, communication standard of teaching is not new, it is
skills in English most of the graduates of considered significant to conduct the
vocational high school (SMK) is still low, present study this year, regarding the fact
especially if they are dealing with a job that that the implementation of process standard
requires communicating with foreign of teaching English has been implemented

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 1 Tahun 2013)

for several years, and therefore, it should - Output standard is national standard of
be evaluated to provide empirical evidence education which tells minimum ability of
of its implementation. The result of this will the students, involving cognitive,
give some important insights to the psychometric and affective ability which
teachers, decision makers in education, and must be mastered by the learners. So
to other educational stakeholders. that, they can be said passed from the
The teachers who are the subjects school.
of the present study would get feedback - Content standard is national standard of
about their teaching preparation,, education, tells the wide and the merit of
implementation of process standard in the material which is implemented is
teaching learning activity, implementation of school- based curriculum and it involves
process standard in assessment and also standard of competence, basic
understand the problem they faced and try competence, indicator, and those are
to solve them. Through this knowledge, the widespread in syllabus and lesson plan
teachers would be able to improve their in school-based curriculum in order to
teaching quality. The result of this study achieve the output standard which has
would also be useful for other English been already précised.
teachers to broaden their knowledge, thus it - Standard process is national standard of
would give contribution to the improvement education relates to teaching and
of their teaching by using the process learning process which also involves
standard of teaching English. teaching standard method, teaching
The result of this study would strategy, learning material, in order to
become a source of information for the achieve output standard which has
decision makers of education, especially précised.
the information related to the - Teachers and officers standard is
implementation of process standard of national standard of education tells
teaching English. Advanced policies minimum standard that must be
concerning the implementation of process completed by every person, under the
standard of teaching English, such as is institution.
implementation, improvement, termination, - Material standard is national standard of
or revision can be made based on the result education which relates to minimum
of this study. criteria in terms of field, classroom, court,
From the information provided in the result library, laboratory, workshop, playground,
of the study, SMKN 1 Gianyar would obtain media, books, book reference, learning
considerable insights about the resources in order to achieve standard
implementation of process standard of has already précised.
teaching English in their department. - Management standard is national
Therefore, decisions could be made in standard of education tells us about
order to improve the program. This planning, application, and supervising on
improvement would provide a better school-based of education, in and
education for the students. Finally, it would effective management system of
yield better output to be contributed to the education.
parents and society. The school itself would - Budgeting standard is budget for
get prestige as the quality of the output is education which is needed for education
high. operational so that, educational program
can meet its purpose.
National Education Standard - Assessment standard is national
The Board of National Education standard relates to procedure, and
Standard (BSNP) points to the eight assessment instrument in evaluating the
National Education Standard. They are; students achievement in learning.
output standard, content standard, teachers
and officers standard, material standard,
process standard, management standard, Process Standard
budgeting standard and assessment In order to reform the national education
standard(Depdiknas,2007) system has set the vision, mission and
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 1 Tahun 2013)

strategy of development of national implementation of the learning process,

education. National education vision is the learning outcomes assessment, and
realization of the educational system as a supervision of the learning process for the
social institution is strong and authoritative implementation of the learning process
to empower all citizens of Indonesia effective and efficient.
develops into a quality human being so as Steps in Teaching and Learning Activities
to proactively respond to the challenges According to Standard Process
and ever-changing times. Related to the Permendiknas no. 41 year 2007
vision established a set of principles to states that implementation of the learning is
serve as the foundation of education in the an implementation of the lesson plan. It
implementation of education reform. One includes pre-activity, whilst activities and
such principle is held education as a post activity.
process of acculturation and the Pre- activity
empowerment of learners that last a In a pre- activity, the teacher should: a.
lifetime. In the process required teachers Prepare students psychologically and
who provide exemplary, build willpower, and physically to follow the process learning. b.
develop the potential and creativity of Ask questions that relate knowledge
learners. The implication of this principle is before the material will be studied
a paradigm shift in the educational process, c. Explain the learning objectives or basic
example from the teaching paradigm to a competences that will achieved
learning paradigm. Learning is a process of d. Convey the range of material and
interaction with teachers and learners explanations fit the description of
learning resources in a learning activities syllabus
environment (Permendiknas No.41 Tahun
2007) The learning process needs to be Whilst activity
planned, implemented, assessed, and Whilst activity is conducted to
monitored in order to run effectively and motivate learners to actively participate and
efficiently. Given the cultural diversity, the provide enough space for innovation,
diversity of backgrounds and characteristics creativity, and independence according to
of learners, as well as demands to produce their talents, interests and physical and
quality graduates, the learning process for psychological development of participants
each subject should be flexible, varied, and learners.
meets the standards. Learning process at The teacher should use methods
every elementary and secondary education which are appropriate with characteristics of
unit should be interactive, inspiring, fun, the learners. In the whilst activity, it includes
challenging, and motivating the students to process of exploration, elaboration and
actively participate and provide enough confirmation.
space for innovation, creativity, and a. Exploration
independence according to their talents, In exploration activities, the teacher:
interests, and physical and psychological - Involves students seeking a broad and
development of the learners. In accordance deep information about topic/ theme of
with the mandate of the Government the material to be studied;
Regulation Number 19 of 2005 on National - Uses a variety of learning approaches,
Education Standards one standard that instructional media, and other learning
should be developed is the standard resources;
process (Permendiknas No.41 Tahun - Facilitates interaction between students
2007). Process standards are national with other students, teachers,
standards relating to the implementation of environmental, and other learning
learning in the educational unit to achieve resources;
competency. Process standard contains - Involves learners actively in all activities
minimum criteria learning process in learning; and
primary and secondary education unit in the - Facilitates learners to experiment in the
entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia. laboratory, studio, or field.
The standard covers the process of b. Elaboration
planning the learning process, the In the elaboration of activities, teacher

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 1 Tahun 2013)

- Familiarize students read and write the e. Submit lesson plans at the next meeting.
diverse through certain tasks are
- Facilitate learners through the provision
of tasks, discussing to bring new ideas RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
both orally and in writing; The model of data analysis in this
- Provide an opportunity to think, analyze, study was based on Miles and Huberman
resolve problems, and act without fear; (1994). The analysis consisted of data
- Facilitate learners in cooperative learning collection, data reduction, data display, and
and collaborative; conclusion drawing verification.
- Facilitate learners to compete in a In exposing finding and discussion,
healthy improving learning achievement; the researcher used the term to address the
- Facilitate learner make a report subject of the study. The terms used are:
conducted exploration both orally and in Subject 1, Subject 2 and Subject 3.
writing, individually or in groups; The model of data analysis in this
- Facilitate the learners to present the study is based on Miles and Huberman
results of individual work and groups; (1994). The analysis consisted of data
- Facilitate the learners to do exhibitions, collection, data reduction, data display, and
tournaments, festivals, and products conclusion drawing/verification.
- Facilitate the learners engage in a. Data collection
activities that foster pride and confidence Data analysis in this study started with
of learners. data collection. The rough data in the
c. Confirmation form of transcription sheet were collected
In confirmation of activity, the teacher through the interview notes on observed
should: events and the relevant documents
- Give positive feedback and collected were reconstructed and
reinforcement in verbal form, writing, summarized for the main issues.
gesture, or a gift to the success of b. Data reduction
learners; Sugiyono (2010 :338) states that data
- Confirm the results of exploration and reduction is summarizing, choosing the
elaboration of participants students main information, focusing on the
through a variety of sources, important things, searching theme and
- Facilitate learner to reflect on to obtain pattern, and throwing unnecessary
learning experience that has been done; things. Data reduction also refers to the
- Facilitate learners to gain experience process of selecting, focusing,
significant in achieving the basic simplifying, abstracting, and transforming
competencies. the data that appear in written-up field
Post Activity notes or transcriptions. In the activity of
In post activity, the teacher should: data reduction, it included making
a. Together with learners and/ or own synopsis, producing analytical notes,
making summary / conclusion lessons; b. developing vignettes and producing
Have assessment and/ or reflection of temporary reports based on the design of
the activities that have been conceptual framework and the research
implemented consistently and questions.
programmed; c. Data display
c. Provide feedback on process and After data reduction, the next step was
learning outcomes data display. The forms of data display
d. Plan as follow-up activities in the form of for qualitative study data could be in the
remedial learning, enrichment programs, forms narrative text, graph, matrix,
counseling service and/ or providing network, and chart. Looking at displays
good task individual and group tasks helped the researcher to understand
according to the learning outcomes of what was happening and to do some
students; things-further analysis or caution on that
understanding. Data display in this study

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 1 Tahun 2013)

started with cross-checking tentative ct 1 the

findings, synthesizing, and writing case LKS
report. Su 71% 29% 35% 65% Exerci
bje ses in
d. Conclusion Drawing/Verification ct 2 the
The last step in qualitative data analysis LKS
was drawing conclusion and Su 67% 33% 23% 77% Exerci
verification. Conclusions from the bje ses in
explanatory display were drawn and ct 3 the
verified, and revised from feedback. A LKS
format for within-case report based on
study questions and the interim reports
was built. Drawing first conclusions was
done by noting patterns and themes Discussions
making contrast, comparing, and The Discussions of this research
clustering. Explanation to the were divided in terms of planning,
conclusion was put in a text and made implementation, and assessment as
explicit. This process led to planned in the lesson plan. It was found that
reformulation, added clarity and ideas the components of the lesson plans
for further analysis. Confirmation and prepared by subject 1 were categorized 71
verification was carried out through % relevant and it was 29% from those
triangulation by data source and by components which were not considered
method (observation, interview, relevant. The components of lesson plan
document collection). which were prepared by the subject 2 were
considered 71 % relevant and it was 29 %
FINDING of those components were not considered
Based on the study that was relevant. The components of lesson plan
conducted by the researcher, the subject of prepared by the subject 1 were considered
a study was a source where information 67% relevant and it was about 33 % of
about an object was obtained. Since the those components were not considered
present study is about the implementation relevant.
of process standard of teaching English, the In terms of implementation of
subjects were determined purposively, process standard in teaching English in
which were resulted in those who could give SMK 1 Gianyar, it was found that The
information about what is being components of the implementation process
investigated. Thus, in this case, the standard in teaching and learning process
subjects were the students, and the English was only applied 38% by the subject. On
Teachers in SMK Negeri 1 Gianyar. The the other hand, about 62% from those
observation in this study was conducted to components were not applied by the subject
gain information to answer all the research 1 in the process of teaching and learning
questions about how the process standard process. The components of the
of teaching English implemented in SMK implementation process standard in
Negeri 1 Gianyar. It is a non-participant teaching and learning process were only
observation. The researcher was present at applied 35% by the subject 2. On the other
the scene of action but did not interact or hand, about 65% from those components
participate. The finding of the study can be were not applied by the subject in the
seen in the following table below: process of teaching and learning process.
Lesson Plan Implementat Asse the subject 3 only applied 23% of the
Su ion ssme components of the implementation process
bje Rele Irrele Rele Irrele nt standard in teaching and learning process.
ct vanc vanc vanc vanc On the other hand, about 77% from those
e e e e components were not applied by the subject
Su 71% 29% 38% 62% Exerci in the process of teaching and learning
bje ses in process.

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 1 Tahun 2013)

It was also found that all the subjects did The term also implies the prevention of
not apply the types of assessment as disruptive behavior. As a result, it helps
planned in the lesson plans of the subjects the teacher to be able to achieve the
in their lesson plan. It was found that the students competences more easily.
types of assessment as planned by the Team teaching was considered as one
subjects in their lesson plan are spoken and of the solutions. One class should be
written test. However, most of them did not handled by two teachers so the
apply the assessment as planned in their attention and control to each student
lesson plan. They prefer to evaluate the could be maximized.
students using the exercises in the LKS. 2. The difficulties in finding the proper
The impeding factors in the implementation source of material demanded in making
of process standard of teaching English in the lesson interesting. The teacher
SMK Negeri 1 Gianyar. needs to employ various learning
The findings of this study indicated materials from various sources to
that the English teachers at SMK N 1 enrich the students’knowledge.
Gianyar still could not apply some of the Unfortunately, the availability of those
components that should be fulfilled in the things was limited in terms of number
lesson plan. Some of them even did not use and type, so it was hard to find the
the steps and method that they have written proper and various learning materials
in their lesson plan. It means that the and the sources to be implemented in
process of teaching and learning could not the classroom.The solution the teacher
be done optimally to achieve its should be creative in using the
target.Based on the interview conducted availability sources or searching for
with the subjects, there were some more outside of the school.
impeding factors in teaching English, 3. The teachers were lack of efforts to
namely: execute the process standards in
1. Classroom management can be teaching .
impeding factor in teaching English. The results of this study provide vivid
Considering to the number of the description of the real practice of EFL
students is too big. Based on this fact, it teaching in a vocational school.
is really useful for the teacher to find the Theoretically, teachers are aware of the
solution for the problem. As the ability of process standards and understand that
the teacher in controlling or managing the standards should be followed up in
his/her classroom will bring a good the classroom. However, in reality they
atmosphere for the students to accept do not have adequate efforts to execute
the lesson given. It was difficult to apply these standards in their teaching.
the standard process of teaching Therefore, these findings can be
English since there were too many considered as an important input for,
students in one class. The Number of curriculum development. In professional
students in SMK Negeri 1 was generally development activity in vocational
37 in which the number of students in schools in Indonesia in general or Bali in
class was suggested not more than 32. particular.
It will bring a positive atmosphere to the
students to immerse the knowledge Implication of the Findings of the Study
transferred by the teacher. Meanwhile, Based on the findings of the study
big class will create some difficulties for stated above, a few implications are
the teacher in classroom management. claimed to the result of the study as stated
As what stated previously, classroom as follows:
management is a skill in crating and 1. The result of this study was a source of
maintaining optimal learning conditions information for the decision makers of
and return it if there is disruption in the education, especially the information
learning process (Depdiknas, 2008). It related to the implementation of process
can be said as a process of ensuring standard of teaching English. Advanced
that classroom lessons run smoothly policies concerning standard process,
despite disruptive behavior by students. such as seminar, workshops and its

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 1 Tahun 2013)

implementation can also be made management, the difficulties in finding

based on the result of this study. the proper source of material which
2. The result of this study could be used as make the lesson interesting, and
additional information dealing with the efforts to execute these standards in
strengths and the weaknesses of the teaching.
implementation of standard process in
teaching English SMK N 1 Gianyar. Recommendation
Furthermore, by knowing the result of It is on the basis of the result of the
the study, the teachers may maximize study, there are some recommendations
the strengths for teaching improvement offered in this study, namely :
and minimize the weaknesses for better 1. The schools are recommended to hold
teaching more seminars or workshops providing
3. From the description and explanation more sources about standard process to
provided by the study, SMK N 1 Gianyar improve teachers’ knowledge so that
obtained considerable insights about the they would be able to implement it
implementation of standard process in properly.
their institution. Therefore, evidence- 2. The teaching learning activities should
based decisions can be made in order be more learner-centered and employ
to improve the teaching learning more variation of teaching methods and
process. media to facilitate the learning process.
4. This research gave a clear description The schools should also control and
about the implementation of standard supervise the process standard
process and some problems implemented by its teachers, so that
encountered by the teachers in they will be more motivated to
implementing standard process in implement their best teaching for the
teaching English , and it is expected the best results. Moreover, it was
institution could find the solution. recommended to the schools to
complete the learning facilities such as
Conclusion providing more learning media and
Based on the findings and discussion learning sources (cassettes, books, etc),
the researcher concluded some points to support the teaching learning process
related to the implementation of process and for the optimal learning outcome.
standard in teaching English in SMK Negeri 3. It is also suggested to the decision
1 Gianyar. The result of this study can be maker to take some actions in relation
concluded as follows : with the improvement of process
1) The implementation of process standard implementation especially by
standard insertion in lesson plan in considering the recommendation
SMK N 1 Gianyar can be categorized mentioned above.
as good as indicated by overall mean 4. Finally, it was expected to the further
score of relevance of the research to conduct a more elaborate
implementation and the expectation of observation to the implementation of
the process standard in lesson process standard, so that more facts or
70,33%. information can be gathered or
2) In terms of the implementation explored.
process standard in teaching and
learning process was considered not
relevant to the expectation of standard
since it was only 32% component REFERENCES
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