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GeoL. Soc. MaLaYdia, BuLLetin 42, December 1998,. pp.


Meridian-parallel faults and Tertiary basins of Sundaland

Petronas Research & Scientific Services
Lots 3288 & 3289 Kawasan Institusi
43000 Bandar Baru Bangi

Abstract: The pre-Tertiary core of Sundaland contains numerous North-South striking regional faults
in addition to, but fewer major faults in Northwest and other directions (Fig. 1). One N-S regional fault
extends from the Thailand-China border via the Gulf of Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia into Central
Sumatra is the longest at -2,000 km (abbreviated as TBB for Thai-Bentong-Bengkalis). Two other long
faults are the Vietnam Shear off the east coast of Indochina and another N-S fault in the gulf parallel
to TBB. The other regional faults range in length between 200 km and 700 km. In the Malay Peninsula,
the TBB coincides with the Raub-Bentong suture that existed since the Middle Triassic. Faults within
the suture shows overprinting of normal faulting (down to east), upon dextral slip that in tum post-dated
sinistral slip. N-S faults in the peninsula are considered the oldest set and date from the Jurassic or
earlier. The TBB segment in Sumatra is the Bengkalis trough on which dextral slip had continued to
affect Miocene strata. Similarly, N-S regional faults in the Tertiary basins of North Sumatra, Central
Sumatra, South Sumatra, Sunda basin complex, Arjuna basin, Central Thailand basin complex, Mekong,
Nam Con Son, Malay and Penyu basins deformed strata as young as early Late Miocene. These regional
faults show mainly dextral slip except the Peusangan (North Sumatra) and the northerly trending faults
in Terengganu (Peninsular Malaysia). Left-lateral slip implies that the Terengganu faults are lag
structures in the general extrusion of SE Asian crustal slabs towards SE and S. The sinistral slip on the
Peusangan fault is attributed to spreading of the Andaman Sea basin since about 11 Ma ago. The
geological history suggests that by the Middle Triassic, Sundaland had combined into a single microplate.
Some of the meridian-parallel faults, such as the TBB probably have existed since that time. Other N-
S faults may be younger, but perhaps most developed in the Mesozoic and a number ofthese structures
became reactivated in the Cenozoic. It seems probable that lateral slip directions were different at
different times, but that the latest tectonic displacement sense had been dextral. The origin of most of
the N-S regional faults is problematic. The Vietnam Shear may be attributed to the opening of the South
China Sea basin from Oligocene to about mid-Miocene. The TBB is a mid-Triassic suture between
continental blocks. Those N-S faults traversing Cenozoic sediments are probably reactivated pre-
Tertiary structures. The widespread distribution of these faults in Sundaland may mean that the entire
region participated as a single unit in large-scale translations or rotations that have been suggested by
paleomagnetic studies. Or, was Earth's rotation responsible for the formation of regional N-S faults in
The regional meridian-parallel faults of Sundaland have functioned as (1) originators/initiators of
Tertiary basins such as the Mekong and Nam Con Son, as (2) determinants of basin location (Central
Thailand and the Gulf of Thailand; sub-basins: Balam-Pematang troughs, Bengkalis trough, Benakat
gully, Asri, Seribu, Arjuna, and relatively small basement depressions in the Malacca Strait), and as (3)
modifiers of basin geometry (Peusangan fault in the North Sumatra basin; the large dextral offsets offold
series in the Malay basin). N-S faults across fold crests of the Malay basin are non-tectonic and formed
by tightening of the folds in a persistent compressive stress regime.

INTRODUCTION the major faults within the core region strike north-
south. Regional faults of other directions, notably
In geographical terms, Sundaland comprises those striking NW to NNW do exist, but are fewer
the Sunda Shelf, Strait of Malacca and adjacent in numbers. Several of these N-S faults are closely
larger Sunda islands (Sumatra, Java, Borneo) and associated with north-south elongated Tertiary
Peninsular Malaysia (Fairbridge, 1966). basins, such as faults (3) and (4) in the Gulf of
Geologically, Sundaland corresponds with Thailand and in central Thailand (Fig. 2). The
approximately the same region that became Vietnam Shear (fault 8) separates continental crust
tectonically stabilised at the transition of the in the west from oceanic and attenuated continental
Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Northward, geological crust of the South China Sea basin to its east. The
Sundaland grades into Indosinia (Fig. 1). Many of regional faults striking northwest are A in Sumatra,

Paper preJented at GSM Petroleum Geology Conference '97

102 H.D. TJIA

T 20

' .. - ..

. ~


Figure 1. Major North-South and some regional faults of SE Asia. Notice that offaults in other
directions, only those of regional extent are shown. Compiled from various sources listed in the
References. 1. Peusangan-Ranong-Klong Marui; 2. Arun-98 Fault-Tanjung Pura-Tanjung Morawa;
3. Central Thailand and Gulf of Thailand north-south basins associated with N-S faults; 4.
Bentong- Bengkalis line; 5. East Tectonic zone in Peninsular Malaysia; 6. Terengganu group ofN-
S faults; 7. N-S faults in Malay basin; 8. Vietnam Shear; 9. Kerumutan Line; 10. Lematang trough;
11. Bangka fault; 12. Sunda fault; 13. Arjuna fault; 14. Balingian fault; 15. Tubau fault; 16. Pangi
fault; 17. Kadamaian fault; A. Sumatra fault zone; B. Axial Malay fault zone; C. Three Pagodas
fault zone; D. Mae Ping (Wang Chao) fault zone; E. Red River fault zone and Yinggehai basin; G
West Baram-Tinjar Line; H Balabac fault.
Ceoi. Soc. Ma LaYdia, BuLLetin 42
B-C in Myanmar-Indochina, D and E in Indochina. extinct and located at the south end of the long
Two important but shorter NW faults are the West ridge. It is beyond the scope of this paper to
Baram-Tinjar Line (G) and the Balabac fault (H), speculate about a possible relationship between
both located outside Sundaland proper. Only one the N-S structures in the adjacent oceanic plate
regional fault set striking north-northeast is known: with those occurring in the Southeast Asian
the Ranong-Marui fault (1) along the Thai segment continental plate. The linearity and regional extent
of the peninsula. Elsewhere in the region are only of the north-south faults in Sundaland suggest these
known shorter NE-faults, such as in the South structures to have been associated with significant
Sumatra basin (see Fig. 7). strike-slip movements. Most that have been studied
Figure 1 demonstrates the remarkable presence show right-lateral displacements, while left-lateral
of meridian-parallel faults in Sundaland. It is offsets are rare. Some of the regional N-S faults
noteworthy that the neighbouring East Indian were active up into the Late Miocene; others are
Ocean plate has extremely long north-south known to have been in place since the advent of the
structures: transform faults several thousand Mesozoic. Is the parallelism of old and younger
kilometres long. Also striking N-S is the prominent north-south faults just a fortuitous coincidence, or
Ninety East Ridge. This is an aseismic ridge and do the younger faults follow existing zones of
is considered to record the northward progression weakness? In recent years Cretaceous and younger
of the East Indian Ocean plate past a hot spot, now paleomagnetic records have been interpreted to

Mae Sal
After S. Polachan et a/., 1991


<3 E)

Figure 2. North-South belt of Tertiary basins in Thailand after

Polachan et al. (1991).
December 1998
104 HD, TJIA

indicate separate movement histories of certain From a study of regional time structure maps,
parts of Sundaland. However, the consistent surface geology maps, and seismic cross sections,
meridian-parallel fault strikes distributed over such four major strike-slip faults trending between 5
a wide region further indicate that at least during degrees west of north and north were identified
the Tertiary, Sundaland has been a single tectonic (Fig. 3; Gondwana, 1981; Situmorang and Barlian
block. Any translational or rotational displacement Yulianto, 1985). Drag folds, distinct offsets, some
should have left generally similar magnetic records exhibited at basement level, and in strata as young
within Sundaland. In this article will be discussed as Late Miocene indicate dextral slips on these
the geometry and origines) of regional north-south faults. The gas-bearing Arun Reef strikes oblique
faults and their relationship to Southeast Asian to the Arun fault, an orientation consistent for the
Tertiary basins. The discussion will be based on structure to have experienced dextral drag along
published and on some unpublished information the fault. The Arun fault is traceable over 150 km
from a number of well-explored are'as. distance. The 98 Fault (named after its alignment
along this meridian) is more than 210 km long and
NORTH SUMATRA BASIN forms an up to 15 km wide zone striking west b y
north. The pre-Middle Miocene beds (Baong
The North Sumatra basin is filled by more than Formation) are dextrally offset some 50 km, while
10 km of Tertiary sediments. About 40 per cent of throw at not more than 600 m is comparatively
the basinal area is onshore and the remainder insignificant. The fault zone is also marked by a K-
underlies the shelf to the east (Fig, 3). Tectonic S band of relatively low geothermic gradient
elements comprising pre-Tertiary basement highs, sandwiched between areas of high heat flow. The
basin outlines and troughs at basement level, show Tanjung Pura fault is more than 10 km wide an
strong N-S alignments (Fig, 4), while the general strikes 350-355, Right-lateral slip is indicated
Tertiary, structural grain of Sumatra is NW-SE. by drag folds at the surface and by a drastic change


KEY: Hyaocarba'ls _

S1Jike-sIip taUt

Tertiery sIrUcttnII treros _.. _.


~ CONVERGENCE OF oIdIcmtlre 100

1]1a & Najoan (1981)


Figure 3. North-south faults in the North Sumatra basin, Indonesia (Gondwana, 1981).
Ceo!. Soc. MaLaYJia, BuLLetin 4~)
of isopach patterns, especially in the Middle Baong parallel to the four major faults of Northern
sands. The 8-km wide Tanjung Morawa fault zone Sumatra mentioned earlier but shows wrench
strikes 350 -360
0 0
All these northerly trending motion in the opposite sense. The different motion
fault zones are distinct from the Middle Miocene senses have been attributed to a difference in stress
Baong Formation to deeper levels. Above this regime . Northern-most Sumatra to the west of the
formation, the wrench faults manifest by wide zones Peusangan fault has probably been subjected to
of ductile deformation. stresses resulting from spreading of the Andaman
Alignments of volcanic centres (including the basin. Curray et al. (1978) put the onset of spreading
active Bur ni Telong and the Bur ni Geureudong), at 10.8 Ma. The dextral slips on the Arun, 98,
linear formation boundaries, bathymetric Tanjung Pur a and Tanjung Morawa faults resulted
lineaments in the Indian Ocean off North Sumatra, from the convergence direction of the Indian Ocean-
and the distinct change in Tertiary structural trend Australian plate with this segment of Southeast
from the general NW-SE to a WNW-ESE strike Asia (Fig. 3).
have been interpreted as representing a major west-
by-north fault, the Peusangan fault (Tjia, 1977). CENTRAL AND SOUTH SUMATRA
The fault follows the long, linear middle course of BASINS
the Peusangan river. Lateral displacements shown
by some of the above features amount to at least 9 Four major N-S troughs are known from the
km in left-lateral sense. The Peusangan fault is Central Sumatra basin. Two of these, the Balam




os O


. ,.... p.oI. Io\OUIdIIlte8

" ..
Figure 4. North-south basin and horst pattern in the North Sumatra basin.
After Moulds (1989) .
December 1998
106 H.D. TJIA
and Pematang troughs, occur between 1000 40'E be called the Tebingtinggi zone after one of the
and 10100'E longitudes (Fig. 5). Northerly striking large islands traversed by the zone. Both
folds are present in the Pematang trough. Parallel Tebingtinggi and Bengkalis North-South zones form
to the shoreline is a wide zone of reverse faults clear interruptions of the NW structural grain of
verging SW. Northward across this zone into the Sumatra.
Strait of Malacca, the N-S trend is continued by a The South Sumatra basin is separated from the
basement high known as the Aruah-islands nose. Central Sumatra basin by a broad area that is
The trend persists into Malaysian waters as a wide marked by one major and several other NE-striking
zone containing the Angsa, Port Kelang and Sabak faults, known as the Jambi depression (Fig. 7).
grabens. The Port Kelang graben possesses strong This direction is perpendicular to the NW-SE
N-S structural elements and borders. The combined "Sumatra" trend expressed as basement lineaments.
length of these N-S structures across the strait is In addition, a distinct, 25-km wide N-S structural
about 200 km. North-south control by the Balam element occurs as the Benakat gully (Fault 10 on
and Pematang troughs does not extend into beds Fig. 1; see also Pulunggono, 1983). The gully is
younger than the lower Miocene strata. Middle bounded by en echelon NNE-striking normal faults;
Miocene and younger deposits have acquired the the overall structural pattern suggesting right-
NW-SE, so called Sumatra trend. Some lateral component of displacement on the bounding
hydrocarbon fields contained in structural highs faults. The Benakat gully can be traced over a
near the edges of the two troughs (such as Benar, distance of about 150 km between the eastern
Duri, Duri Baratlaut) are elongated NNW-SSE. shoreline of Sumatra and the Bukit Barisan on the
The direction of elongation is consistent if these west side of the island.
structural highs are drag folds resulting from
dextral slip on the boundary faults. SUNDA BASIN COMPLEX AND ARJUNA
In Central Sumatra, the 15-km wide well-
defined N -S Bengkalis trough runs from Bengkalis
island to the pre-Tertiary massif of the Tigapuluh In the southwest corner of the Java Sea have
Mountains in the interior; a distance of more than been mapped N-S structures of the Sunda basin
200 km (Eubank and Makki, 1981; Fig. 6). It has complex and also off West Java (Fig. 8). In the
been suggested that northward across the Strait of Sunda complex are east-by-north trending basins
Malacca, the structure joins the Bentong suture of (Seribu and Asri; containing sediment thickness in
Peninsular Malaysia (Tjia, 1989). The suture is excess of2.5 seconds TWT) and associated basement
only known from lower Triassic and older formations highs together occupying an area about a hundred
and tectonic activity on that segment had probably kilometres wide. These trends are perpendicular
ceased by the beginning of the Cenozoic. Earlier to the roughly E-W lineaments of the pre-Tertiary
left-lateral motion on the almost linear N-S suture basement. The structural pattern suggests that
was succeeded by dextral fault slip. Villaroel (1985) the Sunda basin complex developed from E-W
interpreted the structural patterns in the Bengkalis tension. The northerly faults on the west side of
trough to have partly resulted from dextral the Asri basin are en echelon right-stepping, while
wrenching that affected deposits as young as the the almost E-W fault forming the south end of the
Middle Miocene. Folds within the trough and Asri basin is associated with also right-stepping en
reverse faults adjacent to the trough trend NNW. echelon faults (Wight et al., Fig. 17, 1997). If all the
The fold strikes are consistent with dextral drag on mentioned faults developed under the same stress
the bounding faults, while the reverse faults are regime, its maximum principal stress direction was
perpendicular to the reoriented maximum principal approximately North-South.
stress that resulted from dextral slip on the N-S The Arjuna basin offshore West Java is a N-S
faults (see Handin and Hager, 1957; Harding, 1990). faulted depression some 35 km wide with sediments
Villaroel demonstrated in sections that contain oil- over 2.5 seconds TWT thick (Fig. 8). The preferential
water-contacts, that fault gouge produced by the occurrence of the thicker sequences on the east side
wrenching and juxtaposition of shaly strata against of the basin suggests a half-graben. In this region
reservoir sands provided seals. Right-lateral of the Java Sea, the pre-Tertiary basement
wrenching along N-S fault zones in the Central lineaments are ENE or highly oblique to the Arjuna
Sumatra basin also manifest as flower structures structures, suggesting that the two groups of
and associated left-stepping en echelon faults (see structures developed independently. N-S faults
illustrations in Yarmanto and Karsani Aulia (1989). are known to the west of the basin, while to the
Some 70 km east of the Bengkalis trough is a east is a 60-km broad N-S basement horst. The
50-km broad area marked by the occurrence ofN- horst separates the Arjuna basin from the Belitung
S faults. Provisionally, this belt ofN-S faults may basin farther to the east. This is a half-graben
Ceo!. Soc. MaLaYJia, BuLLetin 42



20 km


Figure 5. The Sumatran Balam-Pematang troughs and extensions in the Figure 6. The Bengkalis Trough in the Central Sumatra Basin. After Heidrick
Strait of Malacca. Source: Yarmanto and Karsani Aulia (1989) and various and Karsani Aulia (1933). -L

articles in the Proceedings of Indonesian Petroleum Association conventions. o

108 H.D. TJIA
elongated parallel to the basement tectonic grain. the Bongkot Field in the Gulf of Thailand) and to
Roughly north-south trending faults are known in sinistral wrenching on regional NE-SW faults. The
the shallower basement in the north part of the master wrench faults are the NW-trending Red
Belitung basin. River, Mae Ping and Three Pagodas; the NE-striking
Northern Thailand, Uttaradit, Ranong and Klong
Marui are the conjugate shear fractures . Polachan
et al. have explained that the large left-lateral offsets
Polachan et al. (1991) have discussed the of geological features mapped across the NW-faults
development of the Cenozoic basins of Thailand. have resulted from pre-Oligocene wrenching. Since
They have contended that most ofthe 60 odd basins, then, the same faults reversed in motion sense but
onshore as well as offshore, are mainly N -S striking these were not sufficient to obliterate the effect of
half-grabens or grabens which primarily had begun the older wrench movement.
to develop in the Late Oligocene (Fig. 2). The N-S Figure 2 shows that almost all Cenozoic basins
bounding faults have been interpreted as in Thailand are contained in a 150 km wide zone
extensional fractures that are spatially related to running north-south over a distance of 1,000 km.
dextral wrench motion on regional NW -SE (Leo, This is most probably an important zone of weakness
1997, showed such structural pattern in detail for in the pre-Tertiary basement. The geographical

, 100 ,




50 km

Figure 7. Basement configuration ofthe South Sumatra basin and the

N-S Benakat Gully (or Gulley). After a PertaminalBeicip map.
Geot. Soc. Il1aLaYdia, BuLLetin 42
distribution of the basins appears left-laterally offset elongated in N55E direction (CCOP, 1991). Its
as much as 75 km along interpreted faults running pre-Tertiary basement has been faulted into many
subparallel to the Mae Ping and Three Pagodas faults. horsts and grabens elongated in NE or ENE
From the available published information one directions. Overall these structures form groups of
may agree with Polachan's et al. kinematic model S-shaped patterns. A major normal fault cuts N-S
for the development of the N-S Cenozoic basins in across the west end of the basin. The basin is
Thailand. However, one may further conclude that separated by a broad NE-striking basement high,
those basins had preferentially formed within a N- the Con Son Swell, from the N am Con Son basins
S tectonic belt in the pre-Tertiary basement This to the south.
tectonic belt extends from the Gulf of Thailand to The Nam Con Son basins form a complex of
the northern border in central Thailand. depressions and highs dominated by N-S trends
(Fig. 9 and CCOP-map, 1991). Three of the major
MEKONG AND NAM CON SON BASINS, N-S faults are indicated on Figure 9. These faults
SOUTH CHINA SEA appear to coincide with those named by Matthews
et al. (1997: Huong Dong Bac, Lan Tay and Eastern
The Mekong and N am Con Son basins are faults) . Based on differences in dominant sub-
epicontinental and are located offshore southern basin elongation, three broad bands in N-S direction
Vietnam (Fig. 9), containing over 7 km and over 10 across the N am Con Son basin complex can be
km of Tertiary sediments and volcanics, distinguished. In the east is the longest band, 150
respectively. The oldest sediments known from the km wide, that contains sub-basins elongated N500E
Mekong basin are Oligocene; those in the N am Con and N-S. The middle band, a hundred kilometres
Son basins are upper Lower Miocene. The Mekong wide, has sub-basins trending N300E and N-S
basin is almost 500 km long, 100 km wide and is lineaments. The western-most band is characterised




Figure 8. The Sunda basin complex and Northwest Java basin with north-trending structures. SW corner ofthe Java
Sea, Indonesia. After PertaminalBeicip map.

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09 .. ' ... "~'~~~..~~w';;~~;;~-""s

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~i~~:. ~1I1I1I1I1I1111I111I11I1I1I1~lIlIlIr ~~~:
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---_ . . .. _ ..... - .--- ------ - -- -- -- -- -- -- --- - . . .... .. ............ __... --- - - -.---- -- - - 5>
07 A

"~ 09
Figure 10. The NW-trending Yinggehai basin-plan suggests dextral slip on the
Red River fault zone and the Vietnam Shear. Modified after CCOP map (1991).
..,. ~
100 km
~ Figure 9. The Mekong and Nam Con Son basins strike NW and oblique to the N-
- S Vietnam Shear. Other regional N-S faults are within the basins. Modified after
CCOP map (1991).
by N -S sub-basins and highs distributed over a of these three structures: basin, NW Red River
width of about 130 km. fault, the associated en echelon faults, and N-S
Between the continental crust ofIndochina and Vietnam Shear suggests that the Yinggehai basin
the Sunda Shelf in the west and the South China is a pull-apart depression (Fig. 10). In that case,
Sea basin in the east is a regional N-S lineament the Vietnam Shear and the Red River fault moved
for which the name ''Vietnam Shear" is proposed. as dextral wrench faults. Roques et al. had also
This lineament is shown in Taylor and Hayes (1983) interpreted the fault pattern they described as a
and extends from 17N to 3N latitude. At the dextral wrench system (their Fig. 10, p. 351).
north end, the Vietnam Shear joins the NW-trending Dextral slip on the Vietnam Shear could explain
Red River fault by way of the Yinggehai or Song the NE-striking Mekong and N am Con Son sub-
Hong basin. Roques et al. (1997) shows the north basins to have developed as mega-tension gashes
end of the Vietnam Shear to be associated with left- (Fig. 11). Earlier slip on the Red River fault was
stepping, en echelon extensional faults. The pattern left-lateral (Tapponnier et al., 1982, 1986).

Re-c)rtel,ted maximum prtnclpal stress

by dextral wrenching
.,P LATe


Figure 11. Model explaining the origin ofthe Mekong and N am Con Son basins
as mega-tension gashes resulting from dextral wrenching along the Vietnam
December 1998
112 H.D. TJIA

CENTRAL GRABEN, STRAIT MALACCA southernmost Thailand to Malacca on the Strait of

Malacca, a N-S distance of 400 km. The suture
In the pre-Tertiary basement of Strait Malacca, most probably continues across the strait as the
south of the Langkawi Islands were mapped several Bengkalis Trough of Central Sumatra (Fig. 6). The
depressions. The larger depression is now known suture zone is as wide as 18 km within which can
as the Central Graben, 20 km wide and 55 km long be distinguished a western zone of schist and
in N-S direction (Liew, 1995). The graben's axis phyllite with large serpentinite lenses and an
roughly coincides with the 9942'E meridian. The eastern zone of olistostrome. Olistoliths or matrix
long axis strikes a few degrees east by north. The contain fossils ranging from Ordovician up to Lower
pre-Tertiary basement of the Central Graben Triassic. Before the end of the Triassic, a Gondwana
contains numerous narrow sub-grabens and horsts crustal fragment in the west docked along the suture
trending NNE to NE which is oblique to the axis. with Cathaysia in the east (see e.g. Metcalfe, 1988;
The en echelon arrays of narrow grabens suggest Tjia, 1989). Faults associated with the suture show
dextral wrenching parallel to the strike of the evidence ofleft-Iateral followed by right-lateral and
Central Graben (Fig. 12a). On existing maps, no finally overprinted by normal faulting. Dextral
bounding faults are shown at basement level. The slip on the bounding faults of the Bengkalis Trough
Central Graben area is within the north-south affected strata as young as Middle Miocene. A
trending, so called Kerumutan Line that in Sumatra major segment of the eastern limit of the Central
bends southeast and follows the Triassic(?) suture Domain of Peninsular Malaysia also includes large
named as the Mutus Assemblage (Eubank and N-S striking faults (Geological Survey of Malaysia,
Makki, 1981). The Kerumutan Line separates the 1985) associated with pull-apart basins that
Mergui microplate from the Malacca microplate accumulated up to about 7 km of Jurassic-
(Pulunggono and Cameron, 1984). Cretaceous continental sediments. Dextral strike
The dextral wrench pattern exhibited by the slip in the Middle(?) Jurassic formed the pull-aparts.
Central Graben is consistent with dextral strike- Subsequently, a compressive stress regime in Early/
slip faulting on the northerly striking faults in the Late Cretaceous caused folding and/or uplift of the
North Sumatra Basin (Fig. 12a). sedimentary graben fillings (Tjia, 1996).
Liew (1995) noticed that the many small Segments of three N-S faults in Terengganu
basement grabens in the Strait of Malacca can be have been recently studied in the field. The regional
grouped into four N -S trending bands and associated geological map (Geological Survey of Malaysia,
these bands with basement structures of the North 1985) shows some of the N-S fault segments, while
Sumatra and Central Sumatra basins. From NW others were traced on satellite thematic mapper
to SE the N-S bands of grabens are: Tamiang-Yang images (Fig. 13). The Besut fault zone was studied
Besar High related grabens; Asahan Arch-Aruah in a quarry in the so called Boundary Range Granite
Nose related grabens; Pematang-Balam Troughs at the border between Kelantan and Terengganu
related grabens, and Bengkalis Trough related states. The radiometric age ofthe granite is Carnian
grabens. Liew proposed that the bands of grabens (227 Ma). The sheared rock in the quarry has
represent en echelon zones of weakness in the pre- strikes between 345 0 and 360 0 , dipping 70 degrees
Tertiary basement that were reactivated by dextral east. One of the shear zones is 25 m wide; the
wrenching parallel to the NW-SE elongation of the fracture planes are smooth or subhorizontally
Malacca Strait. The southwestern limit of this striated, indicating a response to wrenching (Fig.
zone is the dextral Sumatra Fault, but no 14). Spalling flakes on the fault planes probably
representative regional fault is known on the indicates left-slip. The regional geological map
northeastern side of the strait. shows across this particular locality a straight 45-
km long fault. Near the southern end of this fault,
MERIDIAN FAULTS IN PENINSULAR a stream outcrop shows it to comprise more than
MALAYSIA 20-m wide flasered granitic rock next to flasered
hornfels of the country rock. The coarse foliation
Onshore Peninsular Malaysia, N-S fault zones exhibited by the flasers strike between 155 and 0

are known to cut across rocks as young as 180 and dips are very steeply westward. Associated

Cretaceous (Fig. 12b). The Geological Survey of slickensides are subhorizontal and prod steps
Malaysia (1992) has maintained that this trend indicate left-lateral slip. The Besut fault zone
represents the oldest fault set. The other important follows the 1020 25' East meridian and seems to
fault zones striking in the NNW-WNW sector are continue offshore along the straight eastern
considered younger. Individual N-S fault segments boundary of the N arathiwat High in the Gulf of
are in the 50 to 70 km range. The longest combined Thailand.
fault set is the Bentong Suture that extends from The Kampung Buluh fault belt strikes northerly
Geol. Soc. MaLaYJia, BuLLetin 42
6 m

- , -b

4 !:i
DEPTH> 1 km (f)




NORTH 1()() I<J/omt!JtJaS I

Figure 12a. En echelon fault pattern in the Tertiary Figure 12b. Major faults in Peninsular Malaysia compiled from published maps by the
sediments of the Central Graben, Strait of Malacca, Geological Survey of Malaysia and from Landsat satellite images.
consistent with dextral wrenching parallel to the N -S long ......
axis of the depression. Modified after Liew (1995).

0 10 20 30

0-1 '


Figure 14. A 25-metre wide strand of shears of the Besut

fault zone in the Bukit Yong, QMC granitoid quarry,
Terengganu, Malaysia. The shears strike south and dip 70
degrees west (towards the right hand side).

Figure 13. Regional N-S faults ofTerengganu, Peninsular Malaysia: Besut, Kampung
Buluh belt and Ping-Teris.
subparallel to 10245 1E to 10247'E meridians. carbonaceous phyllite striking north and dipping
Extrapolated to the north, the fault belt seems to almost vertically east. Over a total width of 30
graze the Tok Bidan structure and extends into the metres across the foliation, at least five fault zones,
so called Mid-Ridge prospect of the Malaysia- each 0.5 m to 1.5 m wide, striking 345-350 dipping
Thailand Joint Development Area. The Kampung 77 degrees east alternate with phyllite sequences.
Buluh fault belt is identified by two subparallel Contorted quartz bodies of several decimetres across
fault zones in the Bandar Permaisuri (former name are encased in the phyllite. On a phyllonite surface
Kampung Buluh) area and another Northerly are fault striae that pitch 30 degrees towards SSE
striking fault zone 3 km more to the east. The with fault-plane markings, such as bruised steps,
western Kampung Buluh fault zone is defined by pluck spalls and fault drumlins, indicative of right-
several metres-wide strands of mylonite or breccia. lateral displacement. Thin 90/90 fractures cross
One of the strands, 6 metres wide, strikes 350 and the fault zones and are associated with left-lateral
dips 80 degrees east. It consists of phyllonite drag. Another outcrop north of the quarry shows
enclosing metasandstone boudins, larger fault-sliced the Ping-Teris fault as a dextral wrench.
metasandstone clasts, and contorted quartz bodies.
Planar quartz veins and dykes parallel to MALAY BASIN, SOUTH CHINA SEA
stratification and foliation are post-faulting
emplacements. Younger vertical faults cut the The 500 km long and 200 km wide Malay basin
phyllonite mass. These younger faults either strike mainly trends NW but its northern part rather
310 and have left-lateral drag, or strike 10 with suddenly changes into N-S direction (Fig. 15). The
right-lateral drag. To the west and to the east of change in strike occurs around the 10315 East 1

the major fault strands are several other parallel, meridian, which is also marked by the presence of
metres-wide fault strands. Drag along these major N-S regional fault zones: the illar-Kuda and Kapal-
faults (strike 350, dip 80 east) is always sinistral. Bergading. West of these fault zones, folds and
Across the strike, the fault zone is at least 100 m faults strike north; to their east in the main basin,
wide. The fault zone is within Carboniferous folds and basement faults strike approximately E-
metasediments according to the regional geological W. The main basin is now considered to have
map. Part of the eastern Kampung Buluh fault originated as an aulacogen in pre-Oligocene time
zone outcrops in the north slope of Bukit Cenggal, ('fjia, 1994). Subsequently, this major, NW-trending
where the rocks are silicified pelite and schist zone of weakness in the pre-Tertiary basement
deformed into tight isoclinal folds striking north accommodated the extrusion of Southeast Asia by
with limbs that dip very steeply west or are vertical. becoming a sinistral wrench fault, to which the
Three folding phases can be distinguished. Folding name Axial Malay fault was given. The wrench
phases 1 and 2 were coaxial, strike N -S and motion produced E-W half grabens and grabens
produced the tight isoclines. The third and youngest that became special loci of deposition. Beginning
folding phase produced broad warps about east- in late Early Miocene and continuing into Late
west trending axes. Granitoid sills are also Miocene, reorganisation of plate movement patterns
isoclinally folded. Over a width of more than a in this part of the world caused the Axial Malay
hundred metres across the strike, the outcrop is fault slip sense to reverse. This reversal produced
laced by north-striking, often more than a metre- inverted anticlines of the half-graben fills and the
wide mylonite bands and intervals encasing schist overlying strata. The location of anticlines and
and quartz boudins. Left-lateral drag is indicated. their E-W strikes were predetermined by the
The total width of the eastern Kampung Buluh orientation of the half-grabens and grabens in the
fault zone may be more than 600 m. This is basement (Tjia and Liew, 1996). Continued
suggested by the presence of north-striking shear compression has tightened the anticlines and
zones in partly weathered schist-phyllite in a produced N-S tension faults across the crests.
roadcut some 500 m east of the studied outcrop. In the main Malay basin the existence of several
The Ping-Teris N-S fault zone runs along other regional N-S faults are suggested by the offset
102531E meridian and may continue offshore along of fold bundles and by zonal alignment of smaller
the west edge ofthe Northwest Malay basin. It is faults. Some of the smaller faults are en echelon,
a major dextral strike-slip fault that onshore consistent with dextral slip. Along the major N-S
appears to separate black carbonaceous phyllite in faults, dextral displacements amount to -60 km on
the east from banded, grey tuffaceous(?) metapelite the Dulang fault and -40 km on the Mesah fault
on its west side. One segment of the fault zone was (Fig. 15). In an earlier paper ('fjia, 1994) I have
studied in an earth quarry near Kampung Padang mistakenly proposed that these large dextral offsets
Ping on a right-hand tributary of the Telemong on the regional N-S faults post-dated the anticlines,
river in Terengganu. The outcrop is of black, whose juxtapositions show the displacements. It
Decemher 1998
116 H.D. TJIA

has been pointed out by colleagues that N-S faults of N-S regional faults in eastern Sundaland,
that could represent the Mesah fault zone cut including Kalimantan is probably only for want of
sequences older than the upper Lower Miocene 1- regional studies. The Bentong Suture in Peninsular
Group (Md Nor Mansor and Rudolph, 1993 ). From Malaysia existed since the Middle Triassic and other
the current understanding that the anticlines N -S faults in the peninsula are usually considered
occupy pre-Oligocene half-grabens, I have to as the oldest set, that is Jurassic or older. The
conclude that the large dextral offsets on the southern extension of the Bentong Suture into
regional N -S faults of the Malay basin may be Central Sumatra - the Bengkalis Trough - has
contemporaneous with left-lateral slip on the Axial dextral faults active up to Pliocene time. Similarly,
Malay fault, that is, taking place in pre-late Early the N-S faults in the Sumatra hydrocarbon basins,
Miocene time. in the Malay basin, in the Sunda basin, and in the
NW-Java basin appear to have been active into the
CONCLUSIONS Miocene or probably even into the Pliocene .
Exceptional left-lateral slip senses on regional
Regional meridian-parallel faults a re well meridian-parallel faults are on the Peusangan fault
represented in the continental part of Southeast in North Sumatra, the Besut and Kampung Buluh
Asia. The longest is the -2,000 km Central faults in Terengganu state of Malaysia. The slip
Thailand-Bentong-Bengkalis Fault zone (fault # 4 sense on the Peusangan fault is probably due to
on Fig. 1). Two other important structures are the spreading of the Andaman Sea basin that began
Gulf of Thailand fault (3 ) and the Vietnam Shear almost 11 Ma ago. The sinistral offsets of the
(8). Other regional N-S faults have known lengths Terengganu faults are of unknown origin, but the
between 200 km and 700 km. The apparent absence faults could be secondary structures associated with

..... ....... .... ... ...... ........ , .. .......... ......

.......... ; WR~u)A FAULT: :::::::::;::;: ::::;:; ;::::
.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: MAJOR FAULT ZONES
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Figure 15. Major fault zones and folds in the Malay basin. Modified from Tjia and Liew (1996).
Ceo!. Soc. /1I/a LaYJia, BllLLetin 42
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Manuscript received 13 October 1998

GeoL. Soc. MaLaYJia, Bulletin 42

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