EAS 100 Notes
EAS 100 Notes
EAS 100 Notes
Physics and chemistry are experimental sciences
Earth science = primary observational (experiments are also used)
Observation +hypothesis + tests
What makes an idea scientific?
Can be tested against observation or experiment
Hypothesis testing + formation of a theory (discarding / accepting /
revamping / new observations)
Principles / law general rules you follow
Wide spread application and well established but no known exceptions
when developed (overtime you may find one)
Ex. law of conservation of energy (1st law of thermodynamics)
system: a portion of the universe that can be separated from the rest
for the purpose of observing changes (isolated, closed, open) time is a
no matter is lost of gained
energy may be exchanged with surroundings
earth approximated a closed system (almost, but not technically)
matter and energy is exchanged with surrounding
tricky to control
most systems on the planet (not completely balances)
o ex. oceans
trace the flow of material or energy through systems
energy cycle
hydrologic cycle
rock cycle
when a cycle is quantified budget
energy pathways
energy inputs (solar radiation, geothermal energy, tidal energy)
energy loss (reflected into space, re-radiated)
solar radiation
energy comes from the sun as light, UV and other types of radiation
incoming radiation = usually shortwave (order of terawatts, tW)
outgoing radiation (reflected) = longer wavelengths (easier to track,
hard to move through things, converted to heat evaporation /
about 30% is reflected back into space
about 50% is converted to heat and re-radiated
about 25% goes into melting ice and evaporating water; energy is
stored in the hydrosphere
negligible amounts into winds, oceans or captured by living things
reservoir change
for most: rate of flow in = rate flow out.
volume of water in the reservoir is approximately constant
flow in > flow out, expands
flow out > flow in, contracts
ice sheet reservoir: contracting (shrinking) because melting >
residence time
** size of reservoir / flow rate = residence time
a measure of how long the average water molecule spends in the
typical residence time
o oceans and ice caps: 1000s of years
o streams and rivers: a few weeks (depends on flow velocity)
o atmosphere: a few days (troposphere = lowest level with
clouds and most of cycle)
usually focused on something in the water (bioaccumulation /
tracking how fast things move back and forth
rock cycle
cyclone of rock material at surface of the earth
rock types
processes ex. plate tectonics
magma / lava (underground magma and above-ground lava)
melting (800 1200 degrees depending on rock type)
molten rock is magma or lava
cooling and solidification igneous rock the bigger the crystal,
the bigger the magma changer it came from
weathering (different than erosion) in place, not transported
o reduced pieces
o may be deposited (deposition)
o glass / clear water transport
o frosted wind transport
erosion and transportation
o exposure allows: erosion = the wearing away of land or soil
by the action of wind, water, or ice transported after that.
sedimentary rock
o lithification
o can glue the rock together to make it harder
o clastic sedimentary rock = sediment pieces (sandstone)
o heat and pressure without melting
o can come from geothermal gradient
o magma chambers
o can squish and bake it to various degrees
o change characteristics of original
o re-crystallization
metamorphic rock
o presence of new minerals
o index minerals (ex. garnet in rocks)
o change in texture (patter that the pieces inside of it make)
o fabric
o **deferential pressure being forced to grow in a specific
** dont use texture to describe minerals**
rock cycle summary:
o magma cooling igneous rock weathering erosion
sediment transportation deposition lithification
sedimentary rock metamorphism metamorphic rock
melting magma.
solar system
earth orbits the sun at approximately 150 million km.
other planets extend to ~40 AU (astronomical units)
the Sun
the sun as a star
o a typical star
o ~700 000 km radius
o ~10^30 kg
o poetically known as Sol or Helios
the suns energy output
o total energy output 3.8 e26 W
o 1.8 e17 W reaches the earth
variation in suns behavior
o varies over time
o sunspots dark patches formed by turbulence within the sun
(associated with magnetic stroms on Earth)
o sunspot cycle: 11 year
source of solar energy
o nuclear fusion of hydrogen to make helium
o SOHO date, NASA determines internal layers of the sun
solar spectrum
o most output is EMR
o includes: radio waves, infrared, visible lights, UV
o X-rats, gamma rays
terrestrial planets
inner 4 = similar in size and probable structure
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth - asteroid belt next planets
rocky crust + denser rocky mantle
metallic core
**Jovian planets**
physical laws:
o planes = maintained in orbit by gravitational forces
o varies with distance
o force is proportional to 1/d^2
shape of orbits
o elliptical shape: sun is not the center of the ellipse (confirm)
o Keplers first law: law of the ellipses
speed of travel
o speed varies (faster when closer)
o Keplers second law: equal areas
orbit periods
o period is related to distance
o p^2 ~ d^3
o Keplers third law: orbital harmony
small bodies in highly elliptical orbits
may represent samples of early solar systems
composition = similar to Jovian planets
may contain samples of early solar system
Kuiper belt or Oort cloud
asteroids and meteors (called that if they enter earth system) (small
bodies of variable composition)
rock, metallic iron
sometimes strike called meteorites if they land.
primordial planet remnants
Geological Time
isotopic (radiometric) ages
o absolute ages
o atoms = built from subatomic particles (protons, electrons,
o protons determine what atom it is
o neturons affect mass and determine what isotope it is
o electron affect bonding patterns
subatomic particles
o nucleus (P and N surrounded by electron cloud)
o cloud determines some chemical properties
neutrons and isotopes
o neutrons help bind the nucleus together
o number of neutrons can bary
o carbon 12, 13, 14 (# = weight)
o radioactive decay
unstable isotopes break down (decay)
lose 2(n+p)
emit particles and/or energy: radioactivity
rate is predictable (enable measurement of geological
o half life (t_1/2)
**time for half of the parent atoms of an isotope to
decay into its daughter
measures decay rates
decay equation
o rate of decay can also be measured by decay constant
lamda = ln(2/t_0.5) = 0.69/t_0.5
o number of atoms at time, t = related to staring # of atoms
N_0 by
o N = N_0*e^(-lamda*time)
requirements for age determination
o Must know:
half-life or decay constant of the isotope
original amount of:
parent isotope in the sample
daughter isotope in the sample
final amount of parent or daughter isotope in the
**dating = what it came from**
o mineral grains must have formed at the same time as the
o dating sedimentary rocks? (use other methods)
o few rock contain materials that can be dated isotopically
o for sedimentary strata
relative ages
order of strata
order of strata
o principle of original horizontality (sedimentary strata =
initially horizontal)
o principle of superposition (in an undisturbed succession,
higher rocks = younger)
correlation by lithology
o compare successions of layers
o pick the most unique / unusual section
correlation by fossils
o compare similar fossils or fossil assemblages (grouping of
o can use time does not correlate with lithology
o not always specific to a specific time and/or material
o use assemblages for correlation and specific characters of
groups rather than a sing
time scale
correlation give relative timing of strata
correlation was used to develop a geological time scale
eras subdivided into periods
subsequently numberical ages were added using isotopic methods
** Know the eras and eons **
Hadeon Eon
Period before ealiest rocks
heating from radioactive decay melted most of early earth
intense meteorite bombardment (4-4.2 Ga)
suspect there was liquid water present
Archean Eon
starts with earliest known rocks
interior of earth was hotter than now (more radioactive isotopes)
atmosphere = mainly CO2 + nitrogen
O2 was stored in other mineral deposits and not necessarily in the
firs evidence of life around 3.5 Ga
Proterozoic Eon
start defined at at 2.5 Ga
tectonic system probably similar to present-day
single celled organisms became abundant
increasing O2 in atmosphere
cyanobacteria and algae
break up of Rhodinia
the snowball earth
rapid climate change
massive evolutionary changes
Phanerozoic Eon
Paleozoic Era
o Stars with first animal shell fossils (545 Ma)
o only habitable place was water
o rapid increase in animal diversity
o land coloized by plants around 400 Ma
o followed by first land animals (insects and amphibians)
Mesozoic Era
o Triassic Period
time of transition
Pangaea altered climate and circulation patterns
diversification of the survivors of the Permian extinction
more group hunting techniques
o Jurassic Period
big herbivores and carnivores
contrary to movies T-rex = not alive at this time
Pangaea splits
o Cretaceous Period
1st fossils of:
many insect groups
modern mammals and birds
flowering plants
Pangaea continues to separate
few new dinosaurs appeared
Cenozoic Era
o stars at a major extinction event 65 Ma
o rise of land mammals not too many predators
o 1st humans (humanoid) 7 Ma
o major climate shifts: global warming vs. global cooling
o currently earth is still undergoing changes plate tectonics
(partial melting and weathering), human alterations.
naturally occurring
fixed composition or range of composition
cannot be man made
repeating atomic structure (crystalline)
atoms and elements
about 90 = naturally occurring elements commonly portrayed on
the periodic table
top 8 elements in the crust = Fe, O, Si, Mg, Ni, S, Ca, Al
atoms and bonding
remember: electrons = responsible for chemical properties
unfilled outer shells = unstable
want to promote stability
atoms that have lost or gained electrons
(+) = cations
(-) = anions
higher charge difference = often strong bonds
ionic bonding
o attraction between ions of opposite charge transfer of
o most minerals (90%)
covalent bonding
o very strong attraction between two or more atoms
o share electrons in a mutually beneficial relationship
o 3D covalent bonding of carbon = diamond
metallic bonding
o hybrid bonding
o covalent bond where electrons = free to move amongst ions
electrical glue
Van der Waals
o more like static cling
o attracted to the electrons
o positions in the molecules that are more positively and
negatively charged
o layers are attracted to each toher
o very weak + easy to break
o bonding is solids typically produces a crystal lattice
o regular arrangement
o controls many mineral properties
** when looking at minerals impurities are not included in the
chemical formulas
mineral properties
crystal habits
o crystal shape
o reflects internal crystal structure constant inter facial
o very diagnostic of the mineral
o ex.
quartz hexagonal or euhedral
halite cubic
o given time and space
can grow very large
limited space minerals will interlock
o measure of the ease with which the surface can be scratched
o Mohs hardness scale
devised by Friedrich Mohs Austrian mineralogist
not a linear scale
o finger nail = 2.5
o knife blade = 5
cleavage vs. fracture
o Cleavage:
repeated geometrical break pattern
tendency of the mineral to break
cleavage face (plane)
planar surface that has broken through the weak
bond between atoms or molecules
# of planes and geometric pattern of the cleavage
= diagnostic
# of planes (1-4)
describe the angle at which they meet
cleavage and bonding
ability to cleave varies inversely with bond
o Fracture
** tendency of the mineral to break along irregular
surfaces of weakness
irregular brekas
NOT cleavage planes
irregular paths of bond weakness irregular fracture
ex. wavy, step-like what it resembles
o interaction of light (reflected and transmitted) within the
o controlled by composition
o color is NOT a diagnostic trait
o if you are describing a sample
o colour of mineral when powdered
o more diagnostic than colour
o sheen or reflectivity
o metallic or not
o quality of reflected light from a mineral surface
metals = good lustre
non-metals = earthy, glass, resinous, pearly, etc.
other properties
o magnetism
o effervescence (reactivity with HCl) indicates calcites or
o iridescence play of colors due to internal reflections (ex.
o striation distinct growth patterns
o fluorescence flow under UV (ex. scheelite)
record of geological processes and earth history
o look at texture, mineralolgy and chemical compositions
end products of processes involved in the generation of that rock
solid, cohesive aggregate of crystals or grains of one or more
minerals (exceptions = volcanic glasses non crystalline rocks)
all rocks = either igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic
the rock cycle
the transition (recycling of a rock type into another)
igneous rocks
born in fire (crystallization from molten rock)
extrusive and intrusive forms
various compositions and textures based on where they solidified,
temperature, pressure , whether water was present
o intrusive (plutonic rocks)
magma cools below the earths surface
surrounding rock acts as an insulator
magma cools slowly crystals have time to grow
relatively large + coarse grained (phaneric)
o extrusive (volcanic rocks)
rapid cooling at the earths surface in air or water
microscopic crystals, fine grained (aphanitic)
2 major types: lava + pyroclastics (fire fragment_ -
molten rocks and minerals+ ash (<2mm) to Pelees hair
(very fine hair-like mass) to bobs (up to few m3)
volcanic ash
small minerals and volcanic debris (dust and particuates)
volcanic ash is very important in climate change studies
composition types
o varies from felsic to mafic
o compositions between the two ends are termed intermediate
o rock type depends mainly on wt. proportion of: free quartz,
feldspars, Fe-Mg minerals
igneous material is (generally)
hard and isotropic due to their crystalline texture
formed under conditions very different than found at the Earths
brought to the surface via plate tectonics or volcanism
turning rocks to regolith
all rocks can be weathered by: eater, wind, ice, humans
rates are variable
controlled by: properties of parent rock, climate (the amount of
water present etc.), soil, time
break down of rocks at the earths surface (chemical and physical)
they move
physical weathering
physical breakup of material
creating features
increasing surface area
no compositional changes
stress applied exceeds strength
biological weathering
ice (thermal changes)
mineral crystallization
human activities
chemical weathering
mineral are dissolved and/or chemically altered
change particle size
weaken the integrity of the material
attacks the weakest materials in the rock first
chemical reactions
solution (dissolutions) dissolve carbonate minerals by adding
carbonic acid (rain water)
hydrolysis dissolve feldspars to form clays
hydration add water without releasing material
oxidation weathering of iron silicates to iron oxides
to weather or not to weather
o the more stable a mineral, the more slowly it reacts
o generally, minerals that formed at a high T and/or P at depth
= unstable at the Earths surface
o Bowens reaction series
unconsolidated material can be loosened and transported
sediment characteristics and sedimentary structures can tell us how
and how long the material has moved
sorting distribution of grain size in a sample, increased when
carried by water or wind
conglomerate = packed into a rick
sedimentary structures
many types
often diagnostic of a particular environment or mode of transport
dunes, ripples
bioturbation good environmental indicator
mudcracks the deeper the crack the more extensive the
temperature and moisture changes will be, in desert and permafrost
environment, can be saved in samples
secondary representative of happening after deposition
over time diagenesis
secondary procedures
sediment piles overlying wight increases extra space is
squeezed out (compaction) fluids may precipitate out and
cement the pieces together
o sedimentary rock
o chemical changes
sedimentary rocks: clastic/detrital
derived from pre-existing rocks (sediments)
carried in a fluid medium by suspension, solutions or traction
subsequently deposited, compressed, cemented, lithified
maned using clast or grain size
classes: conglomerate, breccia, sandstone, siltstone, mudstone /
claystone. shale
common in watemer, drier environments
crystals from precipitations or growth from solution
chemical sedimentary
rock: limestone (calcite), chert (opal/chalcedony/quartz),
dolostone (dolomite), iron formation (hematite/limonite/siderite),
evaporate (gypsum/anhydrite/halite/other salts), phosphorite
** organics (not rocks) depending on the condition will give you coal,
oil, gas.
continued weathering of sediments
definition (Canadian system of soil classification):
o naturally occurring
o unconsolidated must have undergone physical weathering
o mineral organic material
o at least 10cm thick
o occurs at the surface of the Earth
o capable of supporting plant grown
soil development form better on flatter surfaces
organisms biological component
relief determines erosion and if it is going to stay put
parent material what weathering processes are going to occur
soil structure
distinct layers (horizons) designated as O, A, B, or C with modifiers
(describes a process or content within the later) g, y, h, etc.
must have C dont need B
other countries may have other horizons
A horizon
zone of leaching or illuviation of mineral and organic matter (OM)
maximum OM accumulation
generally coarse texture than B
want a thick A for crop-growing
B horizon
zone of accumulate or illuviation
mineral (clay, oxides, slat) or OM transferred from the A horizon
C horizon
parent material (pre-existing sediment)
shows some weathering due to soil processes (primarily
wet warm climates
deep red, highly leached clayey
ultimate end product of chemicals weathering
a change in T and P
continued burial may change pressure conditions and/or
applies to sediments and sedimentary rocks
organic rich material also experience significant changes
raist the T and/or P a wee bit more
if T and/or P continues to increase, possibly due to:
o increasing sediment later thickness in basins
o converging plates
o proximity to hot magma bodies
enter the realm of metamorphisms
several types and scenarios
grade varies from low to high
name depends on the composition of the protolith, the grad and
whether pressure (stress) is directed or not
contact metamorphism
low to high grade
highest grade is immediately adjacent to heat source
need to memorize names
o unaltered limestone
o marble (all calcite)
o calcite + chlorite + serpentine
o garnet + pyroxene
regional metamorphism
many different types of pressure changes
look for layers and index (weird) minerals
metamorphic facies
the types of metamorphic rock can tell us much about its
environment of formation
used to infer plate tectonic behavior
rock cycle pathways and climate
several pathways in the rock cycle have other climatic influences
composition and style
concerned more with the pyroclastic aspect of eruptions
SiO2 content is critical in eruption style
to run or not to run
mafic rich magma/lava vs. more felsic rich
composition affect viscosity
viscosity affects explosiveness
the most dangerous ones
pacific ring of fire historys famous volcanic eruptions + major
climate and weather changes
most significant of the volcanoes = stratovolcanoes (composites)
strato volcanoes
AKA composite volcanoes
commonly intermediate in composition
variable viscosity
commonly include increased water content (phreatic)
source of many volcanic hazard
large scale eruptions
height and amount of material emitted into the atmosphere can
cause reduced solar radiation (temporary initially due to ash
content) + longer term temperature drops related to SO x aerosols
extensive period of volcanism (climate deterioration + suspected
culprit Permian extinction)
or a few really bid extinctions toba ~74000 BP
volcanic activity has contribute to mass extinction not the main
tectonic uplift
creates obstacles that control atmospheric flow patterns (rain
shadow effect, Chinooks, breezes)
differential heating
plate tectonics change relief
variable temperatures due to sun angles and heat capacity
changes precipitation patterns (affect on weathering? affects geo,
hydro, biosphere)
mass wasting
increased mass wasting
increased slow failures may cause
o damming of rivers causing flooding
o removal of vegetation and soil disturbances
carbon cycle
strongly affect by rock cycle
common link between climate components
o weathering removes it from atmosphere
o lithification confines it
o biological organisms need it
o metamorphism and volcanic eruptions release it