The Pore Structure of Bread Crumbs

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Journal of Cereal Science 54 (2011) 203e210

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Its a maze: The pore structure of bread crumbs

Shuo Wang a, b, Peter Austin c, Sumana Bell a, b, *
Centre for Grain Food Innovation, 26 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington, Perth, Western Australia 6151, Australia
CSIRO Food Futures National Research Flagship, GPO Box 1600, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
CSIRO Process Science and Engineering, Waterford, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Bread has a foam-like structure, but to date there is little information about the morphology of void
Received 25 October 2010 structure in breads in three dimensions. In this paper, permeability testing and analysis of computer
Received in revised form aided micro-tomography data were used to investigate the structure of breads as a function of
29 April 2011
connectivity of voids in a range of breads. The ndings were related to bread properties obtained via
Accepted 23 May 2011
material testing. Results indicated that a single, massively interconnected, open cell was responsible for
approximately 99% of breads total porosity. Closed pores are also present with the number and average
volume of closed pores signicantly affecting strengths of bread crumbs. Bread behaved similarly to
Pore structure
foams described by Gibson and Ashby (1988). The role of open and closed pores in affecting bread
Micro-tomography toughness and texture requires further investigation via structuralemechanical models.
Visualization 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Material properties

1. Introduction equilibrate pressure inside bread with respect to atmospheric

pressure. Simultaneously, starch gelatinizes, providing strength to
The characterization of the foam structure in breads has been the dough matrix and all together bread is created. The fact that
a long standing goal in cereal science. The properties of the foam some of the gas cells in bread must be internally connected
inuence the perceptions of texture, starting from how the bread providing passage for air ow can be evidenced by blowing air into
looks to how it deforms during handling and mastication. Flour a slice of bread and feeling it coming out from the other side.
selection is based on desired bread quality attributes in appearance Presence of closed cells is also reported, as the permeability of air
and eating. The price of wheat in the global market is largely driven ow varied between different breads (Baker, 1939; Chaunier et al.,
by the composition and functionality of such ours. At the present 2008). A qualitative correlation is reported linking permeability of
time, high protein wheat ours are considered superior for making air ow with bread texture with ner texture corresponding to less
breads and are highly sought after by bread manufacturers world- permeable breads and brittle texture.
wide. Besides our, mixing and kneading doughs are also impor- A scaling law has been identied (Gibson and Ashby, 1988)
tant in making high quality breads. Presumably, the processing relating structure of foams with mechanical properties. An
affects dough quality and the crumb structure in breads. A inspection of data from a wide range of foams has shown that the
comprehensive understanding of the crumb structure in breads Youngs Modulus of foams, when normalized with respect to the
would lead to a better understanding of the structure and texture of modulus of the solid phase alone, is positively correlated with
breads. relative density of foams. The slope of the linear relation (on
The essential ingredients in making breads are our, water and logelog plot) between normalized Youngs modulus and relative
a leavening agent. Carbon dioxide is generated from the leavening density is found to be 2, if the cells are open and 1, if the cells are
reaction (yeast or soda), which accumulates in pre-existing gas cells closed. The relative density is dened as the density of the foam
inating the dough matrix. Much of the ination takes place during normalized with that of the solid phase without voids. A cell is
proong. Further expansion occurs during baking, which leads to considered to be open when the solid material is only around the
coalescence and eventual fracture of gas cells. The latter helps to edges of the void and closed when both the edges and faces are
made of the solid material. Thus, closed cells are isolated from
* Corresponding author. Centre for Grain Food Innovation, 26 Dick Perry Avenue,
other cells.
Kensington, Perth, Western Australia 6151, Australia. Tel.: 61 8 6436 8558. The interdependence between density and mechanical prop-
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Bell). erties of breads was utilized by Scanlon et al. (2000) in attempts

0733-5210/$ e see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
204 S. Wang et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 54 (2011) 203e210

to characterize the open cell quality of breads and in assessing 2. Materials and methods
how our quality affected mechanical and fracture properties of
breads. Measuring density of the solid phase in breads has not 2.1. Materials
proved to be simple. The density of the compressed bread
crumbs could increase by 2e40-times that of the corresponding For this study, ve different sandwich breads were sourced from
breads (Scanlon and Zghal, 2001). Such large variation in density commercial vendors. They will be referred to as A, B, C, D, and E.
of the solid matrix implied presence of stable, closed cells in cell Bread A was sourced from a retail market, while B, C, D, and E were
walls. An alternate approach of estimating density of solid phase obtained from a local bakery. Breads B, C, D, and E were made in this
by assessing proportion of ingredients in dough (dry starch, dry bakery by keeping dough moisture and our amounts constant
protein and other solid phases) has been reported (Babin et al., while varying the composition of our. Using locally available
2005; Keetels et al., 1996), but no denitive conclusion is commercial bakers our, a range of ours varying in amount of
obtained. Zghal et al. (2002) used a pycnometer to measure gluten proteins were generated by adding gluten and cake ours.
density of the solid phase and reported the slope of relative Five kilogram batches of dough were made in a spiral mixer and
Youngs modulus to relative density of breads to vary from 0.98 scaled off into 770 g pieces which were molded, proofed, and baked
to 1.75. The results implied that breads were mostly composed of in closed top sandwich tins. Fig. 1 shows photos of scanned images
closed cells, which does not explain why these breads did not of the bread crumb surfaces for all breads. Table 1 lists all properties
collapse coming out of the oven and maintained the expanded of different breads obtained via testing and analysis mentioned
structure acquired during baking. throughout the paper. This information will be referenced
Macroscopic inspection of bread slices and crumb structure is throughout the paper and is compiled for brevity.
a common practice to assess consistency and quality in large scale Breads were double bagged in plastic containers and stored in
manufacturing of breads. This visual texture relates to consumer a deep freezer until needed for testing. In the sample preparation
perception of bread quality and is affected by the cell distribution in stage of the experiments, breads were cut while frozen and allowed
bread crumb. Two-dimensional digital image analysis tools for to thaw to room temperature while covered by either saran wrap or
bread slices have been created and used as a means of providing a plastic sheet, limiting staling due to exposure to air.
objective assessment of visual texture of bread slices (Cauvain and
Young, 2006; Whitworth et al., 2005). They ascertain mean slice
2.2. Methods
characteristics and standard deviation through a loaf of bread,
providing objective information about appearance. Cell diameters
2.2.1. Permeability testing
ranging from 1.23 mm to 2.00 mm have been reported for breads.
A method, similar to that used by Chaunier et al. (2008), was
These tools provide a two-dimensional assessment of the distri-
developed for measuring permeability of breads utilizing Darcys
bution of cells, but cannot be used to ascertain open or closed
law. An apparatus passes compressed air at a measured rate
nature of the voids in breads.
through a sample material for a given amount of time. A computer
With the introduction of computer aided micro-tomography,
records the measured air pressure before and after passing through
non-destructive, non-invasive imaging of bread microstructure
the material. The total amount of air passing through the system is
in three dimensions was made possible. Methods are developed to
gauged by an outlet ow meter. Two valves are placed before and
characterize bread quality by creating three-dimensional recon-
after the inlet and outlet pressure transducers to control the air
structions from two-dimensional image slices and measuring cell
pressure within the system.
wall thickness in breads (Falcone et al., 2004, 2006; Lim and
Darcys law,
Barigou, 2004; Perez-Nieto et al., 2010). The above methodology
has been applied to distinguish textural differences between kDP
breads (Lape et al., 2008). The Wonder bread, which is known to y ; (1)
be soft in texture, was found to have the highest volume fraction
of cell walls as well as the highest void volume compared to relates uid ow rate (y, liters/second), permeability (k, Darcy),
artisan breads. viscosity of uid (m, Pascal seconds), pressure (P, Pascals), and
A method for visualizing voids in bread doughs using fast X-ray material thickness (x, meters), which for bread is the length of the
tomography analysis has been reported by Babin et al. (2006). The sample.
CT images were reconstructed in three dimensions and digitized on For measuring the permeability of bread, the system was rst
a 256 level gray scale. Gas cell size and cell wall thickness were base-lined without any test samples and checked for leaks. The
measured by granulometry, which provided measures for expan- pressure drop in the absence of bread due to the system was
sion as voids grew in three dimensions. The growth of bubbles in recorded. Frozen loaves of bread were cored by hand using a 2" pipe
dough was visualized by this method at various times during with a sharpened edge. These cores were immediately cut into
proong and baking. Results showed that many bubbles coalesced cylindrical pieces of approximately 8 cm long and left to thaw to
and ultimately fractured during baking. Primo-Martn et al. (2010) room temperature under the cover of plastic. The side of the
investigated the change in bread morphology as a function of cylinder was wrapped with medical tape and a 2" rubber seal was
proving condition by analysis of microCT imaging and visualization. placed at the top and bottom of the sample to provide a snug t
The connectivity of void structure in breads was not reported. with the sample container. This ensured that the air passed solely
Quantifying the characteristics of the pore structure provides through the core sample and not the sides of sample container. The
the information necessary to relate those characteristics to sample was then deposited into the sample container and
material properties. However, the arrangement of pores in bread compressed air was allowed to ow through the system for 5 min
crumb has thus far remained uninvestigated. The aim of this work while data was recorded.
is to establish the method for tracking the connectivity between
voids in breads using micro-tomography measurements in order 2.2.2. Mechanical testing of breads
to denitively establish the morphology of cell structure in bread An Instron 8872 Fatigue Testing System with a servo-hydraulic
crumbs and to relate cell structure with physical properties of actuator ( with a 250N Dynacell load cell
breads. and noise factor of 0.5 N was used to perform uniaxial
S. Wang et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 54 (2011) 203e210 205

Fig. 1. Bread crumb of A, B, C, D, E depicted in (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) respectively.

compression testing. Samples were compressed between two was compressed by the actuator arm at a rate of 10 mm per minute
cylindrical plates which were attached to the load cell and actuator to a nal height of 0.3 mm from a starting height of approximately
arm, respectively. Instrons WaveMatrix software was used to 15 mm. Data was recorded for the entire duration of the test. Each
program and control the actuator arm during compression. Time, type of bread was tested multiple times to mitigate effects of
compressive force, and displacement data were recorded by the heterogeneity. Recorded data was converted into true stress and
software as well. true strain using the following equations,
Bread slices were taken out of the deep freezer and cut using
a metal cookie cutter into circular samples of 2" diameter. Samples True Strain ln1  Dh=h0 (2)
were covered by plastic and left to thaw for 20 min. Samples were
placed on the cylindrical plate attached to the load cell. The load Stress F=A (3)
cell was zeroed with the weight of the material on it. The sample
where Dh is the measured displacement, h0 is the starting height
of the sample, F is the compressive force, and A is the calculated
cross sectional area of the sample.
Table 1
Compiled properties of different breads. See text for details. Determination of yield and densication criteria. The stress-
A B C D E strain curves from experimental testing indicated a gradual tran-
Protein (%) 13.20 11.83 11.50 10.15 9.47 sition between linear elastic, plateau, and densication regions,
Specic volume (cm3/g) 6.30 8.00 6.22 5.52 3.08 making it difcult to identify cross-over points. The second deriv-
Standard deviation of specic volume 0.63 1.14 0.24 0.27 0.32 ative of the stressestrain curves was taken to rectify these dif-
k (Darcy) 2.37 136.97 1.85 0.28 n/a culties. The zero values of the second derivative provide the points
Youngs modulus (kPa) 3.70 5.68 15.89 21.71 39.89
of inection on the curve, providing a method to distinguish
Yield strain 0.15 0.10 0.04 0.05 0.05
Yield stress (kPa) 0.54 0.58 0.67 0.99 2.11 between the linear elastic, plateau, and densication regions of the
Densication strain 0.47 0.44 0.32 0.33 0.33 foam. Therefore data curves were reduced by averaging and rst
Densication stress (kPa) 1.63 1.82 2.30 3.37 8.34 and second derivatives were calculated using Microsoft Excel. The
Porosity (%) 79.75 84.00 72.48 79.00 72.87
onsets of yield and densication were considered to be the values at
Standard deviation of porosity 4.40% 0.97% 3.53% 3.03% 11.35%
Number of pores 1706 614 1826 1779 7872
which the second derivative was equal to 0. Fig. 3c shows an
Standard deviation of number of pores 337 72 662 433 66 example plot of this process for D bread. The values for yield point
Volume of largest pore/total pore 99.95% 99.97% 99.66% 99.70% 98.59% and densication point were cross-referenced with the original
volume data to calculate Youngs modulus, yield stress, yield strain,
Average closed pore volume 2.00 3.04 6.42 8.46 10.00
densication stress, and densication strain and are given in
(mm3  104)
Table 1.
206 S. Wang et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 54 (2011) 203e210

2.2.3. MicroCT scanning

Computer aided X-ray micro-tomography (microCT) scanning is
a commonly used technique to identify and investigate the micro-
structure of materials non-destructively. A SkyScan 1172A MicroCT
machine running Control software (version 1.5 build 8) equipped
with a Hamamatsu 10Mp camera with a pixel size of 11.48 um was
used in this study. Scans were acquired at an accelerating voltage of
59 kV and a current of 149 mA. Scan exposure times of 79 ms were
used, and 16 frames were averaged for each exposure to reduce
noise. A rotation step of 0.3 degrees was used for all scans. The
camera was operated in 1Mp mode, with camera pixels binned into
4  4 groups to increase pixel area and decrease scan times. Images
were reconstructed using NRecon (version
Samples to be scanned were prepared by cutting frozen slices into
cubes of approximately 10 mm per side. Three samples were taken
from each type of bread: one from an upper section, one from
a middle section, and one from a bottom section. Samples were
loosely wrapped in saran wrap to prevent movement of the specimen
in the test chamber. MicroCT scanning produced a stack of 470 images
each of 1000  1000 pixels. Image pixel sizes varied from 16 to 20 mm
resulting in resolutions of 50e60 mm (based on 3 pixel resolutions).
Tests were carried out with thawed samples at room temperature.

2.2.4. Image analysis and visualization

Creating three-dimensional models of bread structure from X-
ray tomography images required a signicant amount of computing
power. A single stack of images stored as bitmap images is
approximately 1GB in size. For this investigation, stacks of CT
scanned images were combined on a iVECs (
visualization machine (Intel Xeon machine running Windows 7
64-bit with 96 GB of ram and an nVidia Quadro FX5800 graphics
card) using Avizo Earth 6.1 (formerly Amira).
Each microCT image of the stack of 470 was layered sequentially.
The dimension of the each image was 1000 pixels  1000 pixels.
Each pixel within the image had a value that represented its
grayscale intensity which ranged from 0 (black) to 255 (white),
depicting the amount of absorption by the material with 0 values
being void space due to no absorption. This resulted in a three-
dimensional collection of pixel intensity data with dimensions of
1000  1000  470. This dataset was segmented into two parts
representing void space or cell wall based on the intensity of the
pixels and analyzed. Fig. 2a is a sample of what such a representa-
Fig. 2. a) Theoretical representation of segmented bread as a dataset with 0 repre-
tion might look like in two dimensions. senting cell wall and 1 representing void space. b) Dataset after applying Hosh-
The analysis implemented the HosheneKopelman algorithm eneKopelman algorithm to label each pore cluster. Labeling proceeds downwards rst
(Hoshen and Kopelman, 1976), which is widely used for cluster and then to the right. (Hoshen and Kopelman, 1976).
identication. For this study, clusters are considered to be grouping
of void space in the three-dimensional dataset. The algorithm core was the sole variable since pressure drop due to the material
iterates over a dataset searching for a specic item, void space in remained consistent. Permeability of the bread samples is listed in
this case. When a void space is found, it is determined whether or Table 1.
not the void space is connected to any other void spaces. If it is not The viscosity of air was taken to be 1.82  105 Pa s at a room
connected, it is given a unique identication number; otherwise, it temperature of 20  C when calculating permeability (CRC, 1984).
inherits the same identication number as the voids it is connected Pressure measurements were recorded by the computer in atmo-
to. Fig. 2a and b shows a theoretical representation of segmented spheres and converted to Pascals. Pressure drop due to the B sample
bread before and after applying the HosheneKopelman algorithm. was extremely small, resulting in high Darcy value compared to the
Notice the unique identication numbers of various clusters. other samples.
When completed, void clusters are uniquely labeled and iden-
tied and can be analyzed for information such as size, shape, 3.2. Compression testing
porosity, and orientation for all the clusters (Liu et al., 2009).
3.2.1. Stressestrain plots
3. Results Stress-strain curves were derived from force-displacement data as
described in Section 2.2.2 and plotted for all bread samples to esti-
3.1. Permeability mate a representative stressestrain curve. Fig. 3a shows the resulting
stressestrain curve of six specimen of bread D from uniaxial
Pressure drop due to sample cores was consistent throughout compression testing. Notice that ve of the curves are clustered
the duration of the experiment. The ow rate through the sample following a similar path, while one deviates signicantly. This outlier
S. Wang et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 54 (2011) 203e210 207

a atmosphere either directly or through another pore via broken cell

40 walls. To denitively establish if the cells continued to remain open
35 in the bulk of the bread samples, three-dimensional analysis is

3.3.1. Open cells

-Stress (kPa)

Three-dimensional visualization is a method to explore the
internal structure of breads and examine their textural character-
15 istics. Since each type of bread had three separate sections that
10 were microCT scanned, models were generated and analyzed for all
sections. Data was converted from volumetric pixels to millimeters
cubed, standardized for total volume as necessary, and averaged.
0 Appendix A discusses this process in more specic detail. Table 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 presents averaged statistical data derived from the computational
-Strain analysis of the 3-D models generated by Avizo.
b 50 Porosity is the amount of void volume within the total volume,
45 as measured by counting pixels after thresholding. Thresholding at
a grayscale value of 40 instead of 20 or 60 affects less than 1% of
pixels, so thresholding is not a signicant source of error. The
number of pores is the number of unique pores found and labeled
-Stress (kPa)

during the Hoshen-Kopelman algorithm iteration. Each pore has
multiple data associated with it, one of which is the volume.
20 Volume of Largest Pore/Total Pore Volume is the percentage of void
15 space encompassed by the largest pore cluster in the model.
10 Average Closed Pore Volume is the arithmetic mean volume of
5 pores ignoring the open cell.
0 Bread is clearly highly porous with the samples from this study
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 ranging between 72% to 84% porosity. This is above the percolation
-Strain threshold, meaning that bread is innitely connected. Additionally,
a single pore generally comprises more than 99% of the total
c 25 porosity of bread, similar to the void volume fraction of bubbles in
Original Data proofed dough (Babin et al., 2006). These two facts together mean
20 Averaged Data
that not only is bread percolating on all sides, but the cause for the
First Derivative
15 Second Derivative percolation is a single pore. However, since the percolating pore
does not comprise all void space, other pores must be closed cells
-Stress (kPa)

10 which are embedded within the cell walls.

5 3.3.2. Closed cells

Whereas the open pore of bread comprised a massive portion
of the total porosity with no distinct impact on material proper-
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
-5 Yield Point Collapse Point ties, analysis of closed pores demonstrated linkages. The distri-
bution of the closed cells in the breads tested is shown in Fig. 4aef.
-10 Bread A had the smallest and most uniformly size closed cells with
-Strain the highest densication point. It also had the lowest Youngs
modulus with other breads following based on their average
Fig. 3. Using stressestrain curves to compare breads: a) demonstrating the process to
derive an average curve and disregarding outlier samples, b) compilation of averaged closed pore volumes. As the Youngs modulus of breads increased,
stressestrain curves for different breads; order from low to high stress at 1.2 strain is the volume and density of the closed pores increased as well, as
bread B, A, C, D, and E, c) method used to obtain yield and densication points, where shown in Fig. 4.
the second derivate is 0; the magnitude of the second derivative has been reduced by
a factor of 10.
4. Discussion

may be due to heterogeneity of the material and was disregarded. An 4.1. Physical properties
average mean and standard deviation of the remaining curves was
calculated. If there were no outliers, an average mean and standard The Youngs moduli of breads increased linearly as specic
deviation was taken for all curves. This averaging was performed for volume decreased (R2 0.84) and exponentially with increase in
all breads and resulting curves are shown in Fig. 3b. the number of pores. Both behaviors are in line with observa-
Note that the magnitude of stress of bread increased as specic tions made by Gibson and Ashby (1988) for foams. As the open
volume decreased. All breads exhibited the three phases of cell is a single cell in breads, an increase in the number of pores
a cellular solid (linear elasticity, plateau, and densication) as reects an increase in the number of closed cells. However, no
described by Gibson and Ashby (1988). simple correlation is identied between specic volume and
stress-strain data for densication. Permeability appears to be
3.3. Image analysis and visualization a highly sensitive function for closed cells. As closed cells are
proving to be critical to bread texture, permeability measure-
CT scan images show that in two-dimensional space some pores ments could provide a simple tool for assessing bread texture
are enclosed by cell wall while others are connected to the along with specic volume.
208 S. Wang et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 54 (2011) 203e210

Fig. 4. Visualization of cells embedded within the cell wall for A, B, C, D, and E breads in (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e), respectively. Density of the closed pores increases with material
hardness. Visualization of closed pores in cake (f) is shown for comparison. Ranges of volumes in mm3 are 0e0.001 (red), 0.001e0.01 (green), 0.01e0.1 (yellow), and 0.1 teal. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).

4.2. Shape and texture of closed cells disrupting the continuity of the open cell. To conrm
this hypothesis of how clusters of closed cells impacted friability,
As the concentration of the clusters of closed cells increased, so a white cake (cakes are more friable than breads) was analyzed for
did the friability of breads (Fig. 5). This led to a hypothesis that in cell structure (Fig. 4-f). The porosity of the cake was 62.4% with the
tearing a slice of bread, crack propagation was facilitated by clusters open cell still occupying 99.94% of the void space. The closed cells

Fig. 5. Breads with similar loaf volumes, but different toughness.

S. Wang et al. / Journal of Cereal Science 54 (2011) 203e210 209

permeated the structure although the open cell was also present. Appendix A. Averaging of statistical analysis of three-
Pieces could be broken off from both bread e and cake f, but not dimensional models
from bread A, B or C. Thus the tortuosities and the extensively,
permeating nature of the open cell provide qualitative explanation As mentioned in Section 2.2.2, three separate samples of each
for why pieces can be chipped off cakes, but must be torn off type of bread were microCT scanned that produced three unique
breads. three-dimensional models. Because of the heterogeneity of bread
What controls the shape and cell structure in bakery prod- as a material, each model produced different numerical results
ucts? The effect of processing on crumb structure of breads is from computational analysis. The table below displays the hetero-
well acknowledged in cereal science (Marchant et al., 2008). The geneity between samples as well as the various calculations that
rule of thumb in preparing cakes has been to lightly mix the were considered. All parameters in the table are either dimen-
our in the cake batter with the aim to form a weak gluten sionless or in pixels.
matrix. For breads, ours are sourced to form strong gluten Table A.1. Example of various data derived from analysis of
matrices. Bread doughs exhibit stress softening, which could three-dimensional model.
lead to formation of voids in doughs (Chakrabarti-Bell et al.,
2010). Breads and cakes, with all closed cells, will collapse
under ambient conditions. On that basis, it stands to reason that Bread D Bottom Middle Top
a non-uniform distribution of open cells would lead to total or X (pixel) 554 554 590
partial collapse, forming misshapen products. Such malforma- Y (pixel) 490 447 414
Z (pixel) 469 470 470
tions commonly occur in large scale productions of cakes and
Total volume (pixels3) 127,314,740 116,389,860 114,802,200
breads. Thus, the control of processing could be a key to CT scan resolution (mm/pixel) 0.01698 0.01833 0.01766
controlling both shape and texture of bakery products. The Number of pores 1634 1437 2265
interaction between processing, pore structure in doughs and Total pore volume 97,751,315 95,968,506 89,272,680
Volume of pores without largest pore 410,735 146,446 279,473
impact on bread texture would be addressed in future studies
Largest pore/other pores 237.0 654.3 318.4
using structuralemechanical models utilizing nite element Largest pore volume/total pore volume 99.58% 99.85% 99.69%
analyses for deformation of breads. Porosity 76.78% 82.45% 77.76%
Average pore volume 59,823.3 66,783.9 39,413.9
Average closed pore volume 251.5 101.9 123.4
5. Summary and conclusions Volume open pore/total volume 76.5% 82.3% 77.5%
Volume closed pore/total volume 0.32% 0.13% 0.24%
New methods for comprehensive characterization of foam
structure in breads have been developed. The visualization
workow for analysis of pore clusters in tomography data in three
The data used in Table 1 is an average mean of the three different
dimensions was applied to breads. The results from the workow
samples from each type of bread. For example, the Average Closed
showed that breads and cakes exhibit a maze-like structure as all
Pore Volume of Bread D given in Table 1 is calculated by converting
the open cells were connected, creating a single, large, highly
from volumetric pixel to cubic millimeters by multiplying by
tortuous cell that is open to atmosphere and accounted for 99% of
the cubed mm/pixel measurement, which is ((251.52  0.01698 
total porosity. The three-dimensional visualization helped to
0.01698  0.01698) (101.98  0.01833  0.01833  0.01833)
isolate the closed cells from the open cell in breads. This is the
(123.44  0.01766  0.01766  0.01766)/3). There is more data
rst time such delineation of closed and open pores in bakery
presented in here in the Appendix than used in Table 1. Excess data
products is reported. Whether closed cells existed in single or
was disregarded for the purpose of brevity.
cluster forms appeared to affect the mechanical properties of
breads. The existence of an extensive, open cell explains why
breads (and cakes) do not collapse under ambient conditions References
when taken out of the oven. Hypotheses have been proposed for
the importance of the extensively propagating open cell in Babin, P., Della Valle, G., Chiron, H., Cloetens, P., Hoszowska, J., Pernot, P.,
Reguerre, A.L., Salvo, L., Dendievel, R., 2006. Fast X-ray tomography analysis of
controlling toughness of breads. Future work utilizing structure-
bubble growth and foam setting during breadmaking. Journal of Cereal Science
mechanical models has been proposed for investigating the role 43, 393e397.
of open and closed pores on the physical properties and texture of Baker, J.C., 1939. The permeability of bread by air. Cereal Chemistry 16, 730e733.
breads. Cauvain, S.P., Young, L.S., 2006. Baked Products: Science, Technology, and Practice.
Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.
Chakrabarti-Bell, S., Bergstrm, J., Lindskog, E., Sridhar, T., 2010. Computational
modeling of dough sheeting and physical interpretation of the non-linear rheo-
Acknowledgments logical behavior of wheat our dough. Journal of Food Engineering 100, 278e288.
Chaunier, L., Chrusciel, L., Delise, C., Della Valle, G., Malvestio, J., 2008. Permeability
We would like to thank Jie Liu (Commonwealth Scientic and and expanded structure of baked products crumbs. Food Biophysics 3, 344e351.
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