Li - Xiaojun - 2015 Skirted Foundation Report

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B.Eng., M.Eng.

This thesis is presented for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems

School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering

October 2015

This thesis contains published work and/or work prepared for publication, which has been
co-authored. The bibliographical details of the work and where it appears in the thesis
are outlined below.

1. Li, X., Tian, Y., Gaudin, C. & Cassidy, M. J. (2015). Comparative study of the compression and
uplift of shallow foundations. Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 69, pp. 38-45. (Chapter 2)
The estimated percentage contribution of the candidate is 60%.
2. Li, X., Tian, Y., Gaudin, C. & Cassidy, M. J. (2015). Coupled analysis of shallow foundations
subjected to uplift. Preparation for publication. (Chapter 3)
The estimated percentage contribution of the candidate is 60%.
3. Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y. & Cassidy, M. J. (2014). Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted
foundations on clay. In Proceedings of the 8 th International Conference on Physical Modelling
in Geotechnics (ICPMG2014), Perth, Australia, pp. 473-479. (Chapter 4)
The estimated percentage contribution of the candidate is 70%.
4. Li, X., Gaudin, C., Cassidy, M. J. & Tian, Y. (2015). Observations on the failure mechanism of
shallow foundations subjected to uplift. Preparation for publication. (Chapter 5)
The estimated percentage contribution of the candidate is 70%.
5. Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y. & Cassidy, M. J. (2015). Effects of preloading and consolidation on
the uplift capacity of skirted foundations. Gotechnique, DOI: 10.1680/geot./1615-P-1026.
(Chapter 6)
The estimated percentage contribution of the candidate is 70%.
6. Li, X., Tian, Y., Cassidy, M. J. & Gaudin, C. (2014). Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay.
ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering
(OMAE2014), San Francisco, USA, Vol. 3, pp. 1-8. (Chapter 7)
The estimated percentage contribution of the candidate is 80%.
7. Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y. & Cassidy, M. J. (2014). Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of
skirted foundations on clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 322-331.
(Chapter 8)
The estimated percentage contribution of the candidate is 60%.

Xiaojun Li
Print name Signature Date

Christophe Gaudin
Print name Signature Date

Mark J. Cassidy
Print name Signature Date

Yinghui Tian
Print name Signature Date

In accordance with The University of Western Australias regulations regarding Research

Higher Degrees, this thesis is presented as a series of papers that have been published,
submitted or completed for publication. The contribution of the candidate for the papers
comprising Chapters 2 to 8 are hereby set forth.

Paper 1

This paper is presented in Chapter 2, first authored by the candidate, co-authored by

Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian, Prof. Christophe Gaudin and Prof. Mark J. Cassidy, and
published as

Li, X., Tian, Y., Gaudin, C. & Cassidy, M. J. (2015). Comparative study of the
compression and uplift of shallow foundations. Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 69,
pp. 38-45.

The candidate developed the finite element model in collaboration with Assoc./Prof.
Yinghui Tian. The candidate prepared the results and wrote the draft paper. Further
interpretation of the results and the paper writing were conducted by the candidate with
contributions from Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian, Prof. Christophe Gaudin and Prof. Mark J.

Paper 2

This paper is presented in Chapter 3, first authored by the candidate, co-authored by

Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian, Prof. Christophe Gaudin and Prof. Mark J. Cassidy, and
completed as

Li, X., Tian, Y., Gaudin, C. & Cassidy, M. J. (2015). Coupled analysis of shallow
foundations subjected to uplift. Preparation for publication.

The candidate constructed the finite element model under supervision of Assoc./Prof.
Yinghui Tian. The candidate prepared the results and wrote the draft paper. Further
interpretation of the results and the paper writing were completed by the candidate in

Thesis format and authorship

collaboration with Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian, Prof. Christophe Gaudin and Prof. Mark J.

Paper 3

This paper is presented in Chapter 4, first authored by the candidate, co-authored by Prof.
Christophe Gaudin, Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian and Prof. Mark J. Cassidy, and published

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y. & Cassidy, M. J. (2014). Rate effects on the uplift
capacity of skirted foundations on clay. In Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG2014), Perth, Australia,
pp. 473-479.

The candidate planned and performed the experimental programme presented in this
paper under supervision of Prof. Christophe Gaudin, Prof. Mark J. Cassidy and
Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian. The experimental results were processed and interpreted by
the candidate. The technical report and paper were written by the candidate in
collaboration with Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian, Prof. Christophe Gaudin and Prof. Mark J.

Paper 4

This paper is presented in Chapter 5, first authored by the candidate, co-authored by Prof.
Christophe Gaudin, Prof. Mark J. Cassidy and Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian, and completed

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Cassidy, M. J. & Tian, Y. (2015). Observations on the failure
mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to uplift. Preparation for publication.

The candidate planned and carried out the experimental programme this paper is based
on under supervision of Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian and Prof. Christophe Gaudin. The
candidate processed the experimental data, prepared the technical report and drafted the
paper. Further refinement of the paper was completed by the candidate in collaboration
with Prof. Christophe Gaudin, Prof. Mark J. Cassidy and Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian.

Thesis format and authorship

Paper 5

This paper is presented in Chapter 6, first authored by the candidate, co-authored by Prof.
Christophe Gaudin, Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian and Prof. Mark J. Cassidy, and published

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y. & Cassidy, M. J. (2015). Effects of preloading and
consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations. Gotechnique, DOI:

The candidate planned and performed the experimental programme this paper is based on
under supervision of Prof. Christophe Gaudin and Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian. The
candidate processed the experimental data and wrote the technical report and draft paper.
Further interpretation and refinement of the paper were completed by the candidate with
contributions from Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian, Prof. Christophe Gaudin and Prof. Mark J.

Paper 6

This paper is presented in Chapter 7, first authored by the candidate, co-authored by

Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian, Prof. Mark J. Cassidy and Prof. Christophe Gaudin, and
published as

Li, X., Tian, Y., Cassidy, M. J. & Gaudin, C. (2014). Sustained uplift of skirted
foundation in clay. ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore
and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2014), San Francisco, USA, Vol. 3, pp. 1-8.

The candidate planned and conducted the experimental programme presented in this
paper under supervision of Prof. Christophe Gaudin, Prof. Mark J. Cassidy and
Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian. The candidate analysed the experimental data and wrote the
technical report and draft paper. Furtherer interpretation of the data and the final paper
were completed by the candidate in collaboration with Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian, Prof.
Christophe Gaudin and Prof. Mark J. Cassidy.

Thesis format and authorship

Paper 7

This paper is presented in Chapter 8, first authored by the candidate, co-authored by Prof.
Christophe Gaudin, Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian and Prof. Mark J. Cassidy, and published

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y. & Cassidy, M. J. (2014). Effect of perforations on uplift
capacity of skirted foundations on clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 51, No.
3, pp. 322-331.

The candidate planned and carried out the experimental programme in this paper under
the supervision of Prof. Christophe Gaudin and Prof. Mark J. Cassidy. The candidate
processed the experiment results, wrote the technical report and prepared the paper with
contributions from Prof. Christophe Gaudin, Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian and Prof. Mark J.

I hereby declare that, except where specific reference is made in the text to the work of
others, the contents of this dissertation are original and have not been submitted in whole
or in part for consideration for any other degree of qualification at this, or any other,

Xiaojun Li

October 2015


Journal papers

J.1. Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y. & Cassidy, M. J. (2014). Effect of perforations on uplift
capacity of skirted foundations on clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 51, No.
3, pp. 322-331.
J.2. Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y. & Cassidy, M. J. (2015). Effects of preloading and
consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations. Gotechnique, DOI:
J.3. Li, X., Tian, Y., Gaudin, C. & Cassidy, M. J. (2015). Comparative study of the
compression and uplift of shallow foundations. Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 69,
pp. 38-45.
J.4. Li, X., Tian, Y., Gaudin, C. & Cassidy, M. J. (2015). Coupled analysis of shallow
foundations subjected to uplift. Preparation for publication.

Conference papers

C.1. Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y. & Cassidy, M. J. (2014). Rate effects on the uplift
capacity of skirted foundations on clay. In Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG2014), Perth, Australia,
pp. 473-479.
C.2. Li, X., Tian, Y., Cassidy, M. J. & Gaudin, C. (2014). Sustained uplift of skirted
foundation in clay. ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore
and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2014), San Francisco, USA, Vol. 3, pp. 1-8.
C.3. Li, X., Gaudin, C., Cassidy, M. J. & Tian, Y. (2015). Observations on the failure
mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to uplift. Preparation for publication.

Technical reports

R.1. Li, X., Kerruish, B., Gaudin, C. & Cassidy, M. J. (2011). Drum centrifuge model
tests on the uplift of perforated mudmats in kaolin clay (Part I). GEO: 11574, Centre
for Offshore Foundation Systems, The University of Western Australia, Perth,

Publications arising from this thesis

R.2. Li, X., Gaudin, C., Cassidy, M. J. & Tian, Y. (2011). Drum centrifuge model tests on
the uplift of perforated mudmats in kaolin clay (Part II). GEO: 12663, Centre for
Offshore Foundation Systems, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
R.3. Li, X., Gaudin, C., Cassidy, M. J. & Tian, Y. (2012). Drum centrifuge test on
transient & sustained uplift of skirted foundations. GEO: 12658, Centre for Offshore
Foundation Systems, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
R.4. Li, X., Gaudin, C., Cassidy, M. J. & Tian, Y. (2013). PIV test on the uplift mechanism
of mudmats in drum centrifuge. GEO: 14721, Centre for Offshore Foundation
Systems, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
R.5. Li, X., Gaudin, C., Cassidy, M. J. & Tian, Y. (2014). Effects of preloading and
consolidation on uplift of a skirted foundation. GEO: 14732, Centre for Offshore
Foundation Systems, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.


Shallow foundations have been widely used in the offshore oil and gas industry as the
support of gravity-based structures, fixed platforms or subsea infrastructure such as
pipeline end manifolds and terminations. Depending on their application, they may be
subjected to uplift loadings due to buoyancy, overturning moments or retrieval operations.
Under uplift, negative excess pore pressures (also refer to suctions) may be generated in
the soil, which contribute to increasing the uplift resistance. This is beneficial during the
operation of offshore structures, e.g., to resist cyclic wave loading, but is impeditive for
retrieval of subsea structures. Traditional methods only consider the uplift of shallow
foundations under either purely drained or purely undrained soil conditions, in which the
pore pressure mechanism is ignored and the soil is simplified as a single-phase material
in numerical modelling. This thesis focuses on the uplift resistance of offshore shallow
foundations in clay and the underlying fundamental generation and dissipation of pore

Centrifuge and numerical modelling were performed to investigate the mechanism of

uplift. The uplift resistance was found to be a function of the rate of uplift, which governs
the suction generation and dissipation in the soil and the occurrence of breakout between
the foundation invert and the soil. The suction and the associated uplift resistance are
highly rate dependant and closely related to the preloading history prior to uplift. With
increasing uplift velocity, the resistance increases due to the generation of a higher
magnitude of suction from the reduced rate of excess pore pressure dissipation and
viscous enhancement of the soil strength. The application of preloading may decrease or
increase the subsequent uplift capacity depending on the magnitude and duration of
preloading, from which the soil may be remoulded and strengthened. The breakout, which
occurs prior to or after a peak loading, limits the sustainability of suction and
consequently the magnitude of the uplift resistance. Breakout is generated by either the
vertical effective stress at the foundation invert reducing to zero, or a change in boundary
conditions resulting in the separation of the foundation invert from the soil. A
combination of eccentric uplift and perforation can facilitate the development of a
breakout and significantly reduce the uplift capacity.


The research presented in the thesis provides a comprehensive understanding of the

suction generation and dissipation mechanisms in clay, and enables an integrated
approach to predict the uplift resistance of shallow foundations. Mitigation measures were
developed to establish an optimal strategy to facilitate the retrieval of shallow foundations
used to support subsea infrastructure.


First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my three supervisors
for their guidance during my PhD. I sincerely thank my coordinating supervisor Prof.
Christophe Gaudin for guiding me with great patience, continuously encouragement and
always-accessible support over the last four years. Great thanks extend to my co-
supervisor Prof. Mark J. Cassidy for his insightful suggestions on my research, and for
giving me the opportunities to visit COFS and University of Southampton, UK prior to
my PhD. I appreciate my second co-supervisor Assoc./Prof. Yinghui Tian for very
detailed help on my work and for allowing me to rush into his office for many unexpected

I acknowledge the discussions on some particular aspects of my project with Prof. Mark
F. Randolph, Prof. Susan Gourvenec, Prof. David White, Dr. Samuel Stanier, Dr. Xiaowei
Feng, Assoc./Prof. James Doherty, Asst./Prof. Shiaohuey Chow, Dr. Youhu Zhang, Dr.
Vickie Kong, Dr. Yue Yan, Dr. Divya S. K. Mana, Dr. Santiram Chatterjee, Mr. Michael
Cocjin, Mr. Raffaele Ragni, Mr Dengfeng Fu, Mr. Chao Han and many others. All of
your suggestions are illuminative and useful. I also thank my former supervisor Prof.
Fuping Gao for recommending me to continue my study at COFS.

Many thanks go to the technician staffs in the centrifuge lab who always stay behind my
thesis. I specially thank Assoc./Prof. Conleth OLoughlin for coordinating the test
schedules. The experiments could not be accomplished without assistances from Mr. Bart
Thompson (also my good running partner), Mr. Gregory Outridge, Mr. Manuel Palacios
and Mr. Kelvin Leong in test preparation and execution, Mr. David Jones in model
fabrication, Mr. John Breen, Mr. Shane De Catania, Mr. Guido Wager and Ms. Khin
Thida Seint in electronic instrumentation and software compilation.

I thank the COFS administrative team, particularly for the help from Ms. Monica
Mackman, Ms. Lisa Melvin, Ms. Rochelle Gunn, Mr. Ivan Kenny, Ms. Monika
Mathyssek-Kilburn, Ms. Dana Mammone and Ms. Eileen Rowles. I wish to thank all the
staffs, students and visitors at COFS and CEME who accompanied me in the past four
years. All of you create a wonderful environment for discussing, sharing and laughing.


Most importantly, my PhD life became enjoyable here by being driven out of the office
for running, cycling, swimming, rugby, volleyball, badminton, basketball and BBQ

The financial support from the Scholarship for International Research Fees (SIRF) and
University International Stipend (UIS) provided by the UWA, the Top-Up Scholarships
provided by the Lloyds Register Foundation (LRF) and the Australia-China Natural Gas
Partnership Fund are highly acknowledged. I also thank COFS for sponsoring me to take
part in the City to Surf running programme each year (the two Marathon finisher medals
are for you COFS!).

Last but not least, my gratitude goes to my parents for supporting and encouraging me all
the way. I thank my brother for taking the role of looking after our parents most of the
time. I am truly indebted to my wife Ivy as she gave up her career in China and came in
Australia to stay with me. Great thanks to my parents-in-law for taking care of my son,
Jason, who was born in the half way of my PhD. Indeed to my son, I feel so apologised
for not being able to spend much time with you until I get PhinisheD!



1.1 Background and motivation ............................................................................ 1.1
1.2 Aim of research ............................................................................................... 1.2
1.3 Methodology ................................................................................................... 1.3
1.4 Thesis outline .................................................................................................. 1.4
1.5 References ....................................................................................................... 1.6
Abstract................................................................................................................... 2.13
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 2.14
2.2 Finite element modelling .............................................................................. 2.15
2.2.1 Soil property ................................................................................. 2.15
2.2.2 Model and mesh ........................................................................... 2.16
2.3 Triaxial compression and tension tests ......................................................... 2.17
2.4 Undrained compression and uplift of shallow foundations .......................... 2.18
2.5 Compression and uplift of shallow foundations under partially drained
conditions ...................................................................................................... 2.21
2.6 Limitations of the model ............................................................................... 2.22
2.7 Conclusions ................................................................................................... 2.22
2.8 References ..................................................................................................... 2.24
Abstract................................................................................................................... 3.35

Table of contents

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 3.36

3.2 Finite element modelling .............................................................................. 3.37
3.2.1 Model description ........................................................................ 3.37
3.2.2 Mesh validation ............................................................................ 3.37
3.2.3 Soil property................................................................................. 3.38
3.3 Displacement rate effects on the uplift of shallow foundations .................... 3.39
3.3.1 Resistance and excess pore pressure responses ........................... 3.39
3.3.2 Backbone curves .......................................................................... 3.41
3.4 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the subsequent uplift capacity .. 3.42
3.4.1 Consolidation curves .................................................................... 3.43
3.4.2 Capacity due to fully consolidated preloading ............................. 3.44
3.4.3 Capacity following intermediately consolidated preloading ....... 3.45
3.5 Concluding remarks ...................................................................................... 3.46
3.6 References ..................................................................................................... 3.47
Abstract .................................................................................................................. 4.63
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 4.64
4.2 Experimental set-up ...................................................................................... 4.65
4.2.1 Facility ......................................................................................... 4.65
4.2.2 Model and instrumentation .......................................................... 4.66
4.2.3 Clay sample preparation and characterisation ............................. 4.66
4.2.4 Test programme and procedure.................................................... 4.67
4.3 Experimental results...................................................................................... 4.68
4.3.1 Typical measurements and observation of soil failure mechanisms
...................................................................................................... 4.68
4.3.2 Backbone curves .......................................................................... 4.70
4.4 Conclusions ................................................................................................... 4.72
4.5 References ..................................................................................................... 4.73
Abstract .................................................................................................................. 5.81
5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 5.82

Table of contents

5.2 Experimental set-up ...................................................................................... 5.83

5.2.1 Centrifuge and PIV apparatus ...................................................... 5.83
5.2.2 Model and instrumentation .......................................................... 5.84
5.2.3 Clay sample preparation and T-bar test ....................................... 5.84
5.2.4 ASR calibration ............................................................................ 5.85
5.2.5 Test programme and procedure .................................................... 5.86
5.3 Experimental results ...................................................................................... 5.87
5.3.1 Interpretation of excess pore pressure responses ......................... 5.87
5.3.2 Observations on the failure mechanism ....................................... 5.88
5.3.3 Observations on the breakout mechanism.................................... 5.89
5.4 Conclusions ................................................................................................... 5.90
5.5 References ..................................................................................................... 5.91
Abstract................................................................................................................. 6.105
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 6.106
6.2 Experimental set-up .................................................................................... 6.107
6.2.1 UWA drum facility .................................................................... 6.107
6.2.2 Model foundation and instrumentation ...................................... 6.108
6.2.3 Clay sample preparation and characterisation............................ 6.108
6.2.4 Test programme and procedure .................................................. 6.110
6.3 Experimental results .................................................................................... 6.111
6.3.1 Ultimate undrained bearing and uplift capacities....................... 6.111
6.3.2 Typical uplift response ............................................................... 6.112
6.3.3 Degree of consolidation ............................................................. 6.112
6.3.4 Effects of preloading and consolidation on uplift resistance ..... 6.114
6.4 Analytical modelling and discussion .......................................................... 6.116
6.4.1 Theoretical framework ............................................................... 6.116
6.4.2 Back calculated operative shear strength validation of the
framework ................................................................................................... 6.119
6.5 Concluding remarks .................................................................................... 6.121
6.6 References ................................................................................................... 6.122

Table of contents


CLAY 7.145
Abstract ................................................................................................................ 7.145
7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 7.146
7.2 Experimental set-up .................................................................................... 7.147
7.2.1 Facility and model ...................................................................... 7.147
7.2.2 Clay sampling and characterisation ........................................... 7.148
7.2.3 Test programme and procedure.................................................. 7.149
7.3 Experimental results.................................................................................... 7.150
7.3.1 Determination of undrained bearing capacity and sustained
loading levels .............................................................................................. 7.150
7.3.2 Sustained uplift displacement versus time responses ................ 7.151
7.3.3 Effect of sustained loading on subsequent transient uplift capacity
.................................................................................................... 7.152
7.3.4 Excess pore pressure response and its implication on breakout
failure mechanism ....................................................................................... 7.153
7.4 Conclusions ................................................................................................. 7.154
7.5 References ................................................................................................... 7.154
Abstract ................................................................................................................ 8.165
8.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 8.166
8.2 Determination of uplift capacity ................................................................. 8.168
8.3 Experimental set-up .................................................................................... 8.170
8.3.1 Facility ....................................................................................... 8.170
8.3.2 Model configurations, instrumentation, and calculation of
effective widths ........................................................................................... 8.170
8.3.3 Soil sample preparation and characterisation ............................. 8.171
8.3.4 Testing programme and procedure ............................................ 8.173
8.4 Test Results ................................................................................................. 8.173
8.4.1 Typical measurements of uplift force and excess pore pressure 8.173
8.4.2 Effect of perforation combined with skirt length ....................... 8.174
8.4.3 Effect of eccentric loading combined with perforation ............. 8.177

Table of contents

8.5 Discussion and recommendations ............................................................... 8.178

8.6 Conclusions ................................................................................................. 8.179
8.7 References ................................................................................................... 8.179
9.1 Summary of major outcomes ...................................................................... 9.199
9.2 Detailed findings ......................................................................................... 9.200
9.2.1 Uplift of shallow foundations under a range of soil drainage
conditions .................................................................................................... 9.200
9.2.2 Effect of preloading and consolidation on the subsequent uplift
capacity .................................................................................................... 9.201
9.2.3 Breakout failure mechanism of shallow foundations ................. 9.202
9.2.4 Comparison between compression and uplift ............................ 9.202
9.2.5 An optimal strategy to retrieve subsea foundations ................... 9.202
9.3 Recommendations for future research ........................................................ 9.203
9.3.1 Complex interface setting and post failure behaviour................ 9.203
9.3.2 Validation and extension of finite element modelling ............... 9.204
9.3.3 Combined loading analyses that incorporate the tensile
component ................................................................................................... 9.204
9.3.4 Pore-pressure-related cyclic-loading behaviours ....................... 9.204
9.4 Summary ..................................................................................................... 9.205

Table of contents


Table 1.1 Scaling factors in centrifuge modelling ......................................................... 1.9

Table 1.2 Influential factors considered in main chapters ........................................... 1.10
Table 2.1 Parameters of the MCC model ..................................................................... 2.26
Table 3.1 MCC model parameters ............................................................................... 3.51
Table 3.2 Parameters of backbone curves for suction.................................................. 3.51
Table 3.3 Parameters for strength gain ratios .............................................................. 3.51
Table 4.1 Test programme ........................................................................................... 4.75
Table 5.1 Summary of PIV tests .................................................................................. 5.95
Table 6.1 Model test programme ............................................................................... 6.126
Table 6.2 Parameters of proposed predictive method ................................................ 6.127
Table 7.1 Summary of sustained loading test ............................................................ 7.158
Table 8.1 Characteristics of model mudmats ............................................................. 8.184
Table 8.2 Summary of mudmat tests ......................................................................... 8.185
Table 8.3 Bearing capacity factors inferred from central uplift tests ......................... 8.186
Table 8.4 Ratio of uplift resistance to central uplift resistance for all mudmat tests . 8.186

List of tables


Figure 1.1 Application of shallow foundations and associated tensile loadings in offshore
structures: (a) & (b) gravity-based platforms; (c) jacket platform; (d) tension leg
platform; (e) (partially) empty storage tank; (f) wind turbines; (g) removal of
subsea infrastructures (modified from Acosta-Martinez (2009) and Mana
(2013)) .............................................................................................................. 1.11
Figure 1.2 Drum centrifuge at COFS, the UWA: (a) with protective cover; (b) without
protective cover ................................................................................................ 1.11
Figure 1.3 PIV set-up in the drum centrifuge (modified from Stanier and White
(2013)) .............................................................................................................. 1.12
Figure 2.1 Model and mesh of the triaxial tests ........................................................... 2.27
Figure 2.2 Model and mesh of the foundation tests (RP Reference Point) ............... 2.27
Figure 2.3 Total and effective stress paths for triaxial compression and tension at (a) K0
= 1 and (b) K0 = 0.6 (CSL Critical State Line, K0-CL K0 Consolidation Line,
ESP Effective Stress Path, TSP Total Stress Path; up and uq are the excess pore
pressures due to the changes of the mean total stress and deviatoric stress,
respectively) ..................................................................................................... 2.28
Figure 2.4 (a) Normalised resistance and (b) normalised average excess pore pressure,
which vary with the normalised displacement for compression and uplift of the
foundation......................................................................................................... 2.29
Figure 2.5 Vectors of normalised displacement as the foundation is displaced at failure
for (a) compression and (b) uplift (the displacements at failure are indicated in
Figure 2.4a) ...................................................................................................... 2.30
Figure 2.6 Contours of normalised principal in-plane shear strain as the foundation is
displaced at failure for (a) compression and (b) uplift ..................................... 2.31
Figure 2.7 Distributions of normalised excess pore pressure as the foundation is displaced
at failure for (a) compression and (b) uplift ..................................................... 2.32
Figure 2.8 (a) Normalised resistance and average excess pore pressure generation, which
vary with the normalised displacement for partially drained (a) compression and
(b) uplift (K0 = 0.6, V = vB/cv) .......................................................................... 2.33

List of figures

Figure 2.9 Total and effective stress paths (TSPs and ESPs) in the soil: (a) typical
locations; (b) compression; (c) uplift (CSL Critical State Line; K0 = 0.6, V =
vB/cv) ................................................................................................................ 2.34
Figure 3.1 Model and mesh configuration ................................................................... 3.52
Figure 3.2 Uplift of a strip foundation at different velocities: (a) normalised resistance
and (b) nominalised average excess pore pressure at the foundation base versus
normalised displacement curves....................................................................... 3.53
Figure 3.3 Uplift of a circular foundation at different velocities: (a) normalised resistance
and (b) normalised average excess pore pressure at the foundation base versus
normalised displacement curves....................................................................... 3.54
Figure 3.4 Effective stress paths for uplift of a shallow foundation under different
drainage conditions (CSL Critical State Line, K0-CL K0-Consolidatied Line,
URL Unloading-Reloading Line).................................................................. 3.55
Figure 3.5 Backbone curves of normalised resistance and normalised average suction at
the foundation base as a function of normalised velocity ................................ 3.56
Figure 3.6 Excess pore pressure dissipation curves under preloading at the centre of the
foundation......................................................................................................... 3.57
Figure 3.7 Time history of normalised foundation settlement under preloading......... 3.57
Figure 3.8 Normalised resistance versus normalised displacement curves after fully
consolidated preloading (circular foundation) ................................................. 3.58
Figure 3.9 Strength gain ratio due to fully consolidated preloading for strip and circular
foundations ....................................................................................................... 3.58
Figure 3.10 Normalised resistance versus normalised displacement curves following
intermediately consolidated preloading (circular foundation) ......................... 3.59
Figure 3.11 Strength gain ratio due to intermediate consolidation under different
preloadings for (a) strip and (b) circular foundations ...................................... 3.60
Figure 3.12 Comparison between the present predictions and centrifuge data: (a) qp/qu, ref
= 0.2; (b) qp/qu, ref = 0.4; (c) qp/qu, ref = 0.6; (d) qp/qu, ref = 0.8........................... 3.61
Figure 4.1 Sketch of circular and square skirted foundation models (mm in
demission) ........................................................................................................ 4.76
Figure 4.2 Model layout in drum centrifuge ................................................................ 4.76
Figure 4.3 Measurements of force and excess pore pressure versus displacement curves
for (a) circular and (b) square footings............................................................. 4.77

List of figures

Figure 4.4 Soil failure mechanisms after pulling out for (a) circular and (b) square footings
.......................................................................................................................... 4.78
Figure 4.5 Suction generation normalised by uplift resistance .................................... 4.78
Figure 4.6 Uplift resistance normalised by soil strength at skirt tips ........................... 4.79
Figure 4.7 Backbone curves for uplift resistance ......................................................... 4.79
Figure 5.1 PIV layout in the drum centrifuge .............................................................. 5.96
Figure 5.2 Models and instrumentations ...................................................................... 5.96
Figure 5.3 Soil undrained shear strength profiles ........................................................ 5.97
Figure 5.4 Standard error as a function of ASR ........................................................... 5.97
Figure 5.5 Time history of load resistance monitored by load cell (test T3) ............... 5.98
Figure 5.6 Excess pore pressure responses monitored by PPTs .................................. 5.99
Figure 5.7 Soil displacement vectors normalised by foundation displacement (vectors
scaled up by a factor of 10) ............................................................................ 5.100
Figure 5.8 Normalised soil displacement contours (intervals of 10% of foundation
velocity) .......................................................................................................... 5.101
Figure 5.9 Sketch of failure mechanisms during uplift .............................................. 5.102
Figure 5.10 Different stages to breakout during uplift (UD Undrained, PD Partially
Drained) .......................................................................................................... 5.102
Figure 5.11 Soil velocity vectors normalised by foundation displacement after breakout
(vectors scaled up by a factor of 10; UD Undrained, PD Partially
Drained) .......................................................................................................... 5.103
Figure 5.12 Normalised soil velocity contours after breakout (intervals of 10% of
foundation velocity; UD Undrained, PD Partially Drained) .................... 5.103
Figure 6.1 Model configuration and instrumentation: (a) side view; (b) upward
view ................................................................................................................ 6.128
Figure 6.2 Test setup in the drum centrifuge ............................................................. 6.129
Figure 6.3 Characterisation of the LOC kaolin clay sample: (a) undrained shear strength
and OCR; (b) soil degradation curve (LOC Lightly Over-Consolidated, OCR
Over-Consolidated Ratio) .............................................................................. 6.130
Figure 6.4 Twitch test results: (a) measured resistance profiles; (b) estimation of the
coefficient of consolidation, cv ....................................................................... 6.131
Figure 6.5 (a) Measured resistance and (b) excess pore pressures varying with normalised
depth for test T3-3 (see Figure 6.1 for the positions of TPTs/PPTs) ............. 6.132

List of figures

Figure 6.6 (a) Measured and corrected resistance and (b) excess pore pressures versus
normalised depth for tests B1 and B2 (see Figure 6.1 for the positions of
TPTs/PPTs) .................................................................................................... 6.133
Figure 6.7 Bearing capacity factor with normalised depth for tests B1 and B2 ........ 6.134
Figure 6.8 Time histories of (a) excess pore pressure at the centre of the foundation invert
(monitored by the PPT0 as shown in Figure 6.1) and (b) settlements of the
foundation (EPP Excess Pore Pressure) ...................................................... 6.135
Figure 6.9 Comparisons between the centrifuge test and FE results: (a) normalised excess
pore pressure dissipation at the centre of the foundation invert; (b) normalised
settlement of the foundation (FE Finite Element results by Gourvenec and
Randolph (2010)) ........................................................................................... 6.136
Figure 6.10 Development of penetration and extraction resistance for different levels of
preloading: (a) qp/qu-c = 20%; (b) qp/qu-c = 40%; (c) qp/qu-c = 60%; (d) qp/qu-c = 80%
........................................................................................................................ 6.137
Figure 6.11 Development of excess pore pressures at the centre of the foundation invert
for different levels of preloading: (a) qp/qu-c = 20%; (b) qp/qu-c = 40%; (c) qp/qu-c =
60%; (d) qp/qu-c = 80% ................................................................................... 6.138
Figure 6.12 Capacity and excess pore pressure ratios as a function of degree of
consolidation for different levels of preloading: (a) qp/qu-c = 20%; (b) qp/qu-c =
40%; (c) qp/qu-c = 60%; (d) qp/qu-c = 80% ...................................................... 6.139
Figure 6.13 Capacity and excess pore pressure ratios as a function of the level of
preloading for different degrees of consolidation: (a) U 1%; (b) U = 15%
31%; (c) U = 45% 53%; (d) U = 91% 93%.............................................. 6.140
Figure 6.14 Critical state framework for interpretation of remoulded and consolidated soil
strength (ISL Intact Strength Line, NCL Normal Compression Line, URL
Unloading and Reloading Line, CSL Critical State Line) .......................... 6.141
Figure 6.15 Comparison of soil strength ratios varying against (a) preloading level and (b)
consolidation degree ....................................................................................... 6.142
Figure 6.16 Comparisons between the test results and predictions by the framework in
vertical effective stress specific volume space ............................................ 6.143
Figure 7.1 Model configuration ................................................................................. 7.159
Figure 7.2 Curved design at foundation base (dimensions on the model scale) ........ 7.159
Figure 7.3 Undrained shear profile of clay sample .................................................... 7.159

List of figures

Figure 7.4 Typical test sequences: (a) installation of foundation; (b) ramping centrifuge
up to 200g and filling in water; (c) preload and consolidation; (d) sustained uplift
(* model scale) ............................................................................................... 7.161
Figure 7.5 Measured and net resistance versus normalised dispalcement responses 7.161
Figure 7.6 Normalised net resistance versus normalised dispalcement responses .... 7.162
Figure 7.7 Normalised sustained uplift displacement versus time responses during
sustained loading stage ................................................................................... 7.162
Figure 7.8 Transient uplift resistance following sustained uplift (* model scale) ..... 7.163
Figure 7.9 Excess pore pressure versus time responses during sustained loading
stage ................................................................................................................ 7.163
Figure 8.1 Symbols and notations .............................................................................. 8.187
Figure 8.2 Model mudmats (a) without perforations (B), (b) with large perforations (P1)
and (c) with small perforations (P2) ............................................................... 8.188
Figure 8.3 Model mudmat instrumented with PPTs and a ball shaft during testing .. 8.189
Figure 8.4 Calculation of effective width between perforations ................................ 8.189
Figure 8.5 Undrained shear strength profile for (a) sample one and (b) sample two 8.190
Figure 8.6 Typical measurement of uplift resistances and excess pore pressures versus
displacement (S1-1: no perforation, no skirt; S1-4: small perforations, no
skirt) ............................................................................................................... 8.191
Figure 8.7 Peak uplift distance varying with skirt length for central uplift tests (Mudmat
type: B = no perforation; P1 = big perforations; P2 = small perforations) .... 8.192
Figure 8.8 Secant stiffness varying with skirt length for central uplift tests (Mudmat type:
B = no perforation; P1 = big perforations; P2 = small perforations) ............. 8.192
Figure 8.9 Net uplift resistance and average suction varying with effective width for
central uplift tests (Mudmat type: B = no perforation; P1 = big perforations; P2 =
small perforations) .......................................................................................... 8.193
Figure 8.10 Net uplift resistance varying with average suction pressures (Mudmat type:
B = no perforation; P1 = big perforations; P2 = small perforations) ............. 8.193
Figure 8.11 Comparison of bearing capacity factors for varying skirt length ........... 8.194
Figure 8.12 Bearing capacity factors varying with effective width (Mudmat type: B = no
perforation; P1 = big perforations; P2 = small perforations) ......................... 8.194
Figure 8.13 Bearing capacity factors varying with perforation ratio (Mudmat type: B =
no perforation; P1 = big perforations; P2 = small perforations) .................... 8.195

List of figures

Figure 8.14 Measurement of uplift forces and excess pore pressures versus displacement
(S2-7: small perforations, no skirt, eccentricity = 40 mm) ............................ 8.196
Figure 8.15 Excess pore pressure profiles at mudmat inverts for eccentric uplifts (Mudmat
type: B = no perforation; P1 = big perforations; P2 = small perforations) .... 8.197


Note: Some symbols have multiple meanings in different chapters.


a, b, c backbone curve parameters

A area
Ash shaded area
Asoilplug area of soil plug
B width; remoulding rate factor (Chapter 5)
B0 width of mudmat foundation
cv coefficient of soil consolidation
d diameter of T-bar; thickness (Chapter 2); backbone curve
parameter (Chapter 3); parameter controlling the strength gain
due to fully consolidated preloading (Chapter 8)
d0 diameter of perforation
D diameter of foundation; width (Chapter 3 and 4)
e void ratio; eccentricity (Chapter 2)
e0 initial void ratio
e1 void ratio at p = 1 kPa on the INCL in e lnp space
ecs void ratio at p = 1 kPa on the CSL in e lnp space
Es secant stiffness
f(U) function of strength gain due to partially consolidation
f stress influence factor
Fup peak uplift force
Fup, net net peak uplift force
g gravitational acceleration of 9.8 m2/s
G' submerged self-weight
Gs specific weight
h skirt length or embedment
i number of cycles
Ip plasticity index
k gradient of soil strength profile; permeability (Chapter 1, 7 and 8)

List of symbols

K0 coefficient of geostatic stress

L image patch size
L0 length of mudmat foundation
m, n parameters controlling the strength gain due to partial
mv volume compressibility
M slope of the CSL in p q space
N specific volume on the NCL at v = 1 kPa in e ln v space
Nc bearing capacity factor
NT-bar bearing capacity factor of T-bar
N prototype/model scale
p mean total stress
p1, p2, p3 peak suction monitored by PPT1, PPT2 and PPT3
p average peak suction
p mean effective stress
p0 initial mean effective stress
pc mean effective stress on initial yield surface at q =0
q deviatoric stress or resistance
q0 initial deviatoric stress
qcorrect, qnet corrected or net resistance accounting for difference between
overburden and submerged weight of soil plug
qm measured resistance
qp preloading
qT-bar resistance of T-bar
qu peak resistance under compression (Chapter 6) and uplift
(Chapter 2, 7 and 8)
qu, ref, qupref undrained uplift capacity as a reference
qup peak uplift resistance
qup, correct peak of corrected resistance in uplift
qu-c undrained bearing capacity in compression as a reference
qu-u undrained bearing capacity in uplift as a reference
Qm measured resistant force
Qu undrained bearing force

List of symbols

R, Rq uplift capacity ratio

Ru excess pore pressure ratio
su soil undrained shear strength
su, i soil strength at cyclic number, i
su, i = 0.25 soil strength at cyclic number, i = 0.25
su0 soil undrained shear strength at skirt tip/foundation base level
su0, ref reference soil shear strength
sum soil undrained shear strength at mudline
sumax soil strength after fully consolidated preloading
suop, su-op operative soil strength
sup soil strength immediately after preloading
St soil sensitivity
t time
t0 initial time for consolidation
tm model time
tp prototype time
T normalised time
t50, T50 time and normalised time to 50% consolidation degree
t skirt wall thickness
u excess pore pressure
uave average excess pore pressure
uave, ref average excess pore pressure generation under fully undrained
ui, up0 initial excess pore pressure
up excess pressure monitored by PPTs; excess pore pressure due to
the change of mean total stress (Chapter 7)
uPPT0 excess pore pressure monitored by PPT0
uq excess pore pressure due to the change of deviatoric stress
ut excess pressure monitored by TPTs
|uPPT| magnitude of average excess pore pressure
nominal excess pore pressure generated due to preloading and
initial nominal excess pore pressure

List of symbols

U degree of consolidation
v velocity or specific volume
0 initial specific volume
pc current specific volume during consolidation
change of specific volume
V normalised velocity
V0 normalised velocity corresponding to zero strain rate effect
V50 normalised velocity corresponding to 50% full suction generation
Vref normalised velocity as a reference
w displacement or settlement
wf final settlement
wp peak uplift distance
W effective width
Wsoilplug submerge weight of soil plug
x horizontal axis; shortest drainage path (Chapter 2)
y equivalent width
z depth


interface frictional ratio; perforated area ratio (Chapter 2)

* equivalent perforation ratio
, max principle in-plane shear strain and maximum value
submerged unit weight of soil
w unit weight of water
strain rate
ref reference strain rate

rem soil degradation ratio due to cyclic loading

slope of the URL in e lnp space
slope of the NCL, ISL and CSL in e lnp space; coefficient of
strain rate effect (Chapter 3)
parameter controlling shape of consolidation curves
coefficient of strain rate effect (Chapter 2); frictional factor

List of symbols

(Chapter 5)
Poissons ratio
a, , r normal stresses along three cylindrical axes a, and r
v vertical effective stress; overburden pressure (Chapter 6)
v0 initial vertical effective stress
v0, max maximum vertical effective stress, e.g., OCR = v0, max/v0
vc critical vertical effective stress
vp, vp vertical effective and total stress immediately after preloading
vpc current vertical effective stress during consolidation
tc internal friction angle in triaxial compression test


ASR Artificially Seeding Ratio

COFS Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems
CSL Critical State Line
EPP Excess Pore Pressure
ESP Effective Stress Path
FE Finite Element
INCL Isotropically Normal Consolidation Line
ISL Intact Strength Line
K0-CL K0 Consolidation Line
LED Light-Emitting Diode
LL Liquid Limit
LOC Lightly Over-Consolidated
MCC Modified Cam Clay
NCL Normal Compression Line
OCR Over-Consolidated Ratio
PD Partially Drained
PIV Particle Image Velocimetry
PL Plastic Limit
PLEMs/PLETs Pipeline End Manifolds and Terminations
PPT Pore Pressure Transducers
RP Reference Point

List of symbols

TPT Total Pressure Transducer

TSP Total Stress Path
UD Undrained
URL Unloading-Reloading Line
UWA The University of Western Australia


1.1 Background and motivation

Offshore shallow foundations consist of concrete or steel bases that rest on the surface of
the seabed. They may feature peripheral or internal skirts to embed slightly in the soil and
provide additional capacity. Historically, shallow foundations have been widely used to
support various gravity-based structures, fixed platforms or as temporary foundations for
jacket installations and small subsea infrastructures such as the Pipeline End Manifolds
and Terminations (PLEMs/PLETs). Some typical examples of the application of offshore
shallow foundations are illustrated in Figure 1.1, and more descriptions of shallow
foundations can be found in Andenaes et al. (1996), Humpheson (1998), Neubecker and
Erbrich (2004), Watson and Humpheson (2007), Acosta-Martinez (2009), Randolph and
Gourvenec (2011) and Mana (2013).

It is notably common for shallow foundations to be subjected to upward tensile loadings

in ocean environments. Typical examples include overturning forces that are caused by
environmental loadings (e.g., winds, waves and currents) and the buoyancy from empty
storage tanks or floating structures. In particular, subsea infrastructures and their
underlying foundations (e.g., mudmats a type of shallow foundations) are required to
be removed from the seabed for maintenance, reuse in other drilling fields or at the end
of the field development in compliance with environmental regulations. Figure 1.1 also
illustrates various tensile loadings that are experienced by offshore shallow foundations.

The application of tensile loadings can generate negative excess pore pressure (which
causes the pore water pressure in the soil dropping blow the hydrostatic pressure, also
named as suction in the thesis), particularly in low permeable soils. Traditional design
methodologies assume that the magnitude of suction generated under undrained
conditions is sufficiently high to sustain a reverse end bearing failure mechanism beneath
the foundation, which is identical to the failure mechanism in compression but opposite
in direction. Thus, a bearing capacity equivalent to the compression can be mobilised.
Alternatively, foundation uplift is assumed to occur under fully drained conditions, for
which excess pore pressures are not generated, and only the frictional resistance of the

Chapter 1 Introduction

foundation skirt (if any) is considered. In both cases, the soil can be simulated as a single-
phase material in numerical modelling.

In fact, the generation of suction in the soil is rather complex and is affected by the
geometric configuration of the foundation (e.g., shapes, skirt lengths and perforations),
loading conditions during uplift operations (e.g., eccentric, varied rates of transient and
varied levels of sustained uplifts) and loading history (e.g., preloading due to self-weight
and active installation) prior to the uplift. Ignoring the complexity of suction development
in the soil may lead to inaccurate determination of the uplift resistance in designing
offshore foundations. Poor estimation of the suction force introduces difficulties in
removing subsea foundations in deep waters, where safety and cost are of concern. The
development of mitigation measures relies on the reasonable assessment of the suction
pressures as a function of soil parameters, foundation geometry and operational

In summary, the motivation of this project is to estimate more accurately the uplift
resistance of offshore shallow foundations for a wide range of conditions by better
understanding the generation and dissipation of suction in clay soils. The outcomes of
this study improve the understanding of various offshore uplift behaviours and provide
guidance to offshore foundation designs and deep-water retrieval operations.

1.2 Aim of research

The overall aim of the project is to provide a better understanding of the suction
generation and dissipation mechanisms in clay soils and more accurately predict the uplift
resistance of offshore shallow foundations. The specific objectives of the project are as

To investigate the effect of drainage paths on the suction development and its
associated uplift behaviour of shallow foundations, which is primarily attributed to
different geometric configurations of the foundations, such as shapes, skirt lengths
and perforations;

To examine the foundation performance under various operational conditions during

Chapter 1 Introduction

the uplift, which include eccentric, varied rates of transient and varied levels of
sustained uplift of shallow foundations;

To study the existence of loading history and resulting initial excess pore pressure
field on the subsequent uplift capacity of shallow foundations, which is caused by
applying a load (preloading) and consolidation prior to uplift;

To compare the similarities and differences between compressing and uplifting a

shallow foundation, with particular focus on the excess pore pressure generation and
its effect on the failure mechanisms;

To discuss the effects of various soil mobilisation phenomena such as the reverse end
bearing failure mechanism, suction relief mechanism and breakout on the uplift
performance of shallow foundations.

It is believed that the aspects considered in this project provide the first comprehensive
investigation into the suction generation and dissipation mechanisms in clay soils and
their implications on the uplift of offshore shallow foundations. The outcomes are
significant for understanding the uplift behaviour of other offshore foundations, such as
pipelines and anchors.

1.3 Methodology

Both geotechnical centrifuge and finite-element modelling were used to investigate the
present problem.

Geotechnical centrifuge is advantageous in modelling offshore soil-structure interaction

problems. First, soil behaviour is stress dependant, and the in-situ soil stress state at a
depth z in the prototype can be easily replicated in the centrifuge at a depth z/N by creating
a radial acceleration equivalent to Ng (g is the gravitational acceleration of 9.8 m2/s).
Second, the seepage and consolidation process in the soil can be accelerated by N2 times
compared to the in-situ time, which is significant in the present study because it reduces
the test duration. Scaling laws for centrifuge modelling are summarised in Table 1.1, and
more details can be found in Taylor (1995) and Garnier et al. (2007).

Chapter 1 Introduction

All tests in this project were performed in the drum centrifuge at the Centre for Offshore
Foundation Systems (COFS) and ARC Centre of Excellence for Geotechnical Science
and Engineering, The University of Western Australia (UWA). This centrifuge has the
merit of enabling multiple tests to be performed in one soil sample. As shown in Figure
1.2, the drum centrifuge comprises a round U-shape channel and a central tool table. The
former is used as the container of the soil sample for full channel tests (Chapters 4, 6, 7
and 8) and can be instrumented with small strongboxes for Particle Image Velocimetry
(PIV) analyses as illustrated in Figure 1.3 (Chapter 5). All kaolin clay samples used in
the tests were prepared following a standardised rigorous procedure to ensure the
uniformity of the entire test programme. The tool table is aligned at the centre of the
centrifuge, which can be halted during testing for checking and tool changing. A more
detailed technical description of this drum centrifuge can be found in Stewart et al. (1998).

Complementary numerical modelling was performed to validate and compare with the
centrifuge test results (Chapter 2 and 3). All analyses were performed using the
commercial software Abaqus version 6.11 (Dassault Systmes 2011). The soil behaviour
was represented by the Modified Cam Clay (MCC) constitutive model (Roscoe and
Burland 1968), which enabled the coupled analysis accounting for the pore pressure
response. As detailed in Chapter 2 and 3, the values of the parameters for the MCC model
represent the typical kaolin clay that is used at UWA (Stewart 1992; Chatterjee et al. 2012,
2013). This allows some comparisons between finite-element modelling and centrifuge

1.4 Thesis outline

Apart from the Introduction and Conclusion chapters (1 and 9 respectively), the remaining
chapters of the thesis are presented as a series of technical papers that are published
(Chapter 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8) or completed for future publication (Chapter 3 and 5). The thesis
presents the results from both centrifuge testing and finite-element modelling, and the
influential factors that are considered in the thesis belong in three categories: geometry,
operational condition and loading history. The specific factors that are considered in each
main chapter are outlined in Table 1.2. The details of the chapters are as follows.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 examines the potential of a coupled analysis of the uplift of shallow

foundations using finite-element modelling. The performances of short-term compression
and uplift of the shallow foundation are compared. The similarity in undrained capacity
and difference in excess pore pressure development between compression and uplift are
demonstrated by examining load paths at the element level. Some partially drained uplifts
are presented, highlighting the necessity for further study.

Chapter 3 simulates the partially drained uplift of shallow foundations and the effects of
the preloading and consolidation on the subsequent uplift capacity using the coupled
analysis established in Chapter 2. The backbone curves for both resistance and suction
pressure are obtained and compared to the corresponding results from the centrifuge
testing in Chapter 4. The centrifuge data obtained in Chapter 6 are also compared with
the finite-element results to discuss the consistency and potential discrepancies between

Chapter 4 considers the effect of various uplift rates on the suction generation and
resistance of both circular and square foundations using centrifuge modelling. The
transition from fully undrained to fully drained conditions is quantified. Empirical
expressions are also derived to describe the backbone curves of the variation of uplift
resistance with the uplift rate, which shows the effects of partial drainage and soil

Chapter 5 continues the study in Chapter 4 and examines the failure mechanisms of
uplifting square skirted and flat foundations using PIV analyses. The effects of the
partially drained condition and soil viscosity on the failure mechanisms are discussed.
The breakout process during uplift of the skirted foundation is also visualised and
discussed briefly.

Chapter 6 describes an experimental study on the effects of an initial excess pore

pressure field on the subsequent uplift capacity of a shallowly skirted foundation, which
is formed by applying different magnitudes and durations of preloading onto the
foundation prior to uplift. The degree of consolidation under a certain level of preloading
is quantified to generalise the results for design purposes. Meanwhile, a theoretical

Chapter 1 Introduction

framework based on the critical state concept is proposed to describe the variation of the
operative soil strength as a function of the preloading level and degree of consolidation.

Chapter 7 examines another type of failure caused by sustained uplift of a shallowly

skirted foundation using centrifuge tests. The displacement rate and breakout time of the
foundation under different sustained loading levels are examined. The suction variations
during uplift are monitored, which help reveal the reasons of the breakout. The effect of
sustained loading on the subsequent undrained uplift is also briefly discussed.

Chapter 8 investigates a practical problem of retrieving deep-water mudmat foundations

using centrifuge modelling. The effects of perforations, skirt length and eccentric uplift
on the uplift capacity are examined by associating them with the suction generation and
dissipation at the foundation invert. Different soil failure and suction relief mechanisms
during concentric and eccentric uplifts are discussed to find an optimal method to remove
mudmats from the seabed.

Chapter 9 summarises the main conclusions of the thesis by highlighting the key findings
and implications for the design of offshore shallow foundations and deep-water retrieval
operations. Recommendations are also provided for future research.

1.5 References

Acosta-Martinez, H.E. 2009. Physical modelling of shallow skirted foundations under

transient and sustained uplift. PhD Thesis, The University of Western Australia, Perth,

Andenaes, E., Skomedal, E., and Lindseth, S. 1996. Installation of the Troll Phase I
gravity base platform. In Proc. Offshore Technology Conference, Huston, USA. OTC

Chatterjee, S., White, D.J., and Randolph, M.F. 2013. Coupled consolidation analysis of
pipesoil interactions. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 50(6): 609-619.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chatterjee, S., Yan, Y., Randolph, M.F., and White, D.J. 2012. Elastoplastic
consolidation beneath shallowly embedded offshore pipelines. Gotechnique Letters 2(2):

Dassault Systmes. 2011. Abaqus analysis users' manual. Dassault Systmes Simulia
Corp., Providence, RI, USA.

Garnier, J., Gaudin, C., Springman, S.M., Culligan, P.J., Goodings, D., Konig, D., Kutter,
B., Phillips, R., Randolph, M.F., and Thorel, L. 2007. Catalogue of scaling laws and
similitude questions in geotechnical centrifuge modelling. International Journal of
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 7(3): 1-23.

Humpheson, C. 1998. Foundation design of Wandoo B concrete gravity structure.

Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour, Society for Underwater
Technology: 353-367.

Mana, D.S.K. 2013. Numerical & experimental investigation of offshore shallow skirted
foundtions. PhD Thesis, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.

Neubecker, S.R., and Erbrich, C.T. 2004. Bayu-Undan substructure foundations:

geotechnical design and analysis. In Proc. Offshore Technology Conference, Huston,
USA. OTC 16157.

Randolph, M.F., and Gourvenec, S.M. 2011. Offshore geotechnical engineering. Spon
Press, Oxon.

Roscoe, K.H., and Burland, J.B. 1968. On the generalized stress-strain behaviour of wet
clay. Engineering Plasticity, Cambridge University Press: 535-609.

Stanier, S.A., and White, D.J. 2013. Improved image-based deformation measurement in
the centrifuge environment. Geotechnical Testing Journal 36(6): 915-927.

Stewart, D.P. 1992. Lateral loading of piled bridge abutments due to embankment
construction. PhD Thesis, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Stewart, D.P., Boyle, R.S., and Randolph, M.F. 1998. Experience with a new drum
centrifuge. In Pro. Int. Conf. Centrifuge, Tokyo, Japan. Vol. 1, pp. 35-40.

Taylor, R.N. 1995. Geotechnical centrifuge technology. Blackie Academic &

Professional, Glasgow, UK.

Watson, P.G., and Humpheson, C. 2007. Foundation design and installation of the Yolla
A platform. In Proc. 6th Int. Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics Conf. Soc. for
Underwater Technology, London, UK. pp. 399-412.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Table 1.1 Scaling factors in centrifuge modelling

Parameter Dimension Scaling relationship

Acceleration [LT-2] N
Length [L] 1/N
Area [L2] 1/N2
Volume [L3] 1/N3
Force [MLT-2] 1/N2
Stress [ML-1T-2] 1
Strain - 1
Mass [M] 1/N3
Density [ML-3] 1
Velocity (dynamic) [LT-1] N
Time (consolidation) [T] 1/N2

Chapter 1 Introduction

Table 1.2 Influential factors considered in main chapters

Influential factors Geometry Operational condition Loading History

Perforation Skirt Shape Eccentric Varied rates Sustained Compression Preloading &
Main chapters length uplift of uplift uplift & uplift consolidation
Chapter 2: Comparison
Finite element

between compression

and uplift
Chapter 3: Rate &
preloading effects during
Chapter 4: Displacement

rate effect test
Chapter 5: PIV test on
Centrifuge tests

failure mechanism
Chapter 6: Preloading &

consolidation test
Chapter 7: Sustained

uplift test
Chapter 8: Perforated

mudmat uplift test
Note: PIV Particle Image Velocimetry

Chapter 1 Introduction

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

Figure 1.1 Application of shallow foundations and associated tensile loadings in

offshore structures: (a) & (b) gravity-based platforms; (c) jacket platform; (d) tension
leg platform; (e) (partially) empty storage tank; (f) wind turbines; (g) removal of subsea
infrastructures (modified from Acosta-Martinez (2009) and Mana (2013))

Figure 1.2 Drum centrifuge at COFS, the UWA: (a) with protective cover; (b) without
protective cover

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 1.3 PIV set-up in the drum centrifuge (modified from Stanier and White (2013))



This paper compares the compression and uplift capacity of a strip foundation from
numerical coupled analyses using the Modified Cam Clay (MCC) soil model. The focus
is on the failure mechanism and excess pore pressure development in the soil. Triaxial
compression and tension tests were first modelled to develop a rigorous understanding of
the excess pore pressure responses; then, the compression and uplift of a strip foundation
were modelled. The results show that the balance of excess pore pressures due to the
changes in mean total stress and deviatoric stress during the compression and uplift of a
strip foundation are different, although the ultimate undrained capacities are identical.
Furthermore, the resistance and excess pore pressure responses during uplift differ from
those in compression under the K0-consolidated condition because of the elastic
unloading. Although the failure mechanisms have identical shape and size between
undrained compression and uplift, the excess pore pressure distribution in the soil is
different and affects the load-displacement behaviours under partially drained
compression and uplift.

Keywords: finite-element modelling; shallow foundation; bearing capacity; pore

pressure; offshore engineering; soil-structure interaction

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

2.1 Introduction

Shallow foundations are commonly used in offshore engineering as foundations of fixed

platforms or subsea infrastructures. These foundations are subjected to both compression
and uplift loadings, which result from the self-weight of structures, environmental
loadings and retrieval operations. Therefore, the estimation of the ultimate capacity of
shallow foundations under both compression and uplift is significant for offshore design

Traditional solutions focus extensively on the undrained bearing capacity in compression,

for which the soil is treated as a single-phase ideal plastic medium, e.g., the Tresca or
Mises models, based on the assumption that the soil behaves under fully undrained
conditions (Terzaghi 1943; Davis and Booker 1973; Randolph et al. 2004). Following a
similar analysis, experimental and numerical studies have indicated that a reverse end-
bearing failure mechanism, which is identical to the compression mechanism but opposite
in direction, can be mobilised during the undrained uplift of shallow foundations (Craig
and Chua 1990; Acosta-Martinez et al. 2008; Mana et al. 2012, 2013; Chatterjee et al.
2013a). The soil underneath the foundation moves upward with the foundation (by
sustaining adhesion at the foundation invert), which results in an ultimate capacity that is
identical to compression.

However, saturated soils are two-phase materials and may be subjected to partially
drained conditions. In this study, the similarities and differences between compression
and uplift of a strip foundation are analysed using a coupled finite element method to
dissociate pore pressure responses from mechanical soil responses. The soil is represented
by the Modified Cam Clay (MCC) constitutive model. First, triaxial compression and
tension are modelled to build a basic understanding of the excess pore pressure interaction
mechanisms in the soil. Then, a plane strain shallow foundation model is established to
characterise the resistance and excess pore pressure responses under undrained
compression and uplift. The effect of the excess pore pressure distribution on the partially
drained uplift is also briefly discussed.

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

2.2 Finite element modelling

All analyses were performed with the commercial software Abaqus using the small-strain
finite element method (Dassault Systmes 2011).

2.2.1 Soil property

The standard MCC constitutive model was used to simulate the soil behaviour (Roscoe
and Burland 1968). The soil was assumed to be homogenous and normally consolidated.
The yield surface is considered isotropic, with an identical value of the parameter M in
compression and extension (see Table 2.1), so the model yields the same foundation
capacity under compression and uplift. This choice is justified by experimental evidences
that demonstrated that, under undrained uplift, a reverse end bearing failure mechanism
was developed and the same capacity was mobilised as in compression (Chen et al. 2012;
Li et al. 2014a). While the real soil may exhibit anisotropy, the present simplification is
appropriate, as a first approximation, to demonstrate different excess pore pressure
development between compression and uplift.

Initially, the soil was subjected to a uniform surcharge of 1 kPa to build a uniform initial
stress field at the beginning of the analyses and to ensure numerical stability. The
parameters of the MCC model are summarised in Table 2.1. The values represent the
typical properties of the kaolin clay used at the Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems
(COFS) at The University of Western Australia (UWA) (Stewart 1992; Chatterjee et al.
2012, 2013b).

The soil was considered either isotropically or K0-normally consolidated with the
coefficient of earth pressure K0 = 1 or 0.6, respectively. The initial size of the yield surface
can be determined by

pc' p0' (2.1)
M 2 p0'

where p0 and q0 are the initial mean and deviatoric effective stresses, respectively. The
initial void ratio is expressed as

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

e0 e1 ln p0' ( ) ln pc' (2.2)


e1 ecs ( ) ln 2 (2.3)

The definitions of M, , and ecs are provided in Table 2.1.

2.2.2 Model and mesh

Two numerical models were considered for the present study. First, an axisymmetric
model was built to examine the soil behaviour at the element scale by modelling the
triaxial compression and tension. As shown in Figure 2.1, an axisymmetric model was
built to represent a soil cell with unit diameter and unit height (1 1 m). Four-node
axisymmetric quadrilateral-, bilinear-displacement- and bilinear-pore-pressure elements
(CAX4P) were used to create the discrete soil domain. The top and bottom of the cell
were assumed to be fully smooth in the tangential direction; thus, uniform distributions
of stresses and pore pressure can be expected within the sample. A mesh study on this
triaxial model indicated that the results are not sensitive to the density of meshed due to
the uniform nature of stress and excess pore pressure distributions in the sample.

Then, a coupled analysis of compression and uplift of a strip foundation was performed
by considering a plane strain model. Only half of the model was built because of the
symmetry of the problem. As shown in Figure 2.2, the surface strip was assumed to be a
rigid body with width B = 1 m and a reference point at the geometric centre of the bottom.
The soil extended up to 5B from the edges of the foundation in both horizontal and vertical
directions to avoid boundary interferences (Gourvenec et al. 2006). The four-node plane
strain quadrilateral-, bilinear-displacement and bilinear-pore-pressure elements (CPE4P)
were used. Finer meshes around the corner of the strip were used to improve the accuracy
of the analyses. The mesh density around the foundation was examined, prior to the
formal simulation, to ensure an appropriate balance between accuracy and computational
efficiency. In the present model, a bearing capacity factor that is approximately 3% higher
than the theoretical value of 5.14 (Prandtl 1921; Reissner 1924) can be achieved. The
interface between the foundation and the top of the soil was assumed to be rough in the

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

tangential direction and did not allow any separation in the normal direction; thus, the
foundation base and underlying soil were fully bonded in both compression and uplift.
More discussion on the interface setting is given in Section 2.6. All boundaries were
assumed to be impermeable, except for the free soil surface.

2.3 Triaxial compression and tension tests

The procedure to model triaxial compression and extension is as follows: 1) the sample
was assumed to be normally consolidated, and it was subjected to confined pressures in
both axial and radial directions; 2) an upward or downward displacement of w = 0.5 m
was applied at the top of the sample without drainage at the boundaries.

Figure 2.3a presents the total and effective stress paths for triaxial compression and
tension from the initial isotropic conditions, i.e., K0 = 1 (q = 0), in p or p q space. Note
that p = (a + + r)/3 and p = p + u are the mean effective and total stresses,
respectively, and the deviatoric stress q = a r, where a, and r are the normal
(and principal) stresses along the three cylindrical coordinate axes, and u is the excess
pore pressure. The load paths begin at the intersection of the q = 0 line and the initial yield
surface and end on the expanded final yield surface because the soil hardens. As expected,
the total stress paths (TSPs) for compression and tension have identical slopes but travel
in opposite directions, and the effective stress paths (ESPs) for compression and tension
are symmetrical to the q = 0 line, which results in a difference in development of excess
pore pressures between compression and tension. According to Zdravkovi et al. (2003),
the generated excess pore pressures can be divided into two parts: the first part is
generated from the change of the mean total stress (up), and the second part is generated
from the change in deviatoric (or shear) stress (uq). As illustrated in Figure 2.3a, the
balance between these two parts of excess pore pressures is different for compression and
tension. In compression, up and uq are both positive and add together to develop positive
excess pore pressures. In contrast, in tension, up is negative, whereas uq is positive, so the
two parts partially cancel each other. This cancellation results in the generation of
negative excess pore pressures in the first stage of tension (up > uq) but positive excess
pore pressures in the later stage of tension and at failure (up < uq). This observation
suggests that although the overall resistance, which is defined by the effective stress, is

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

identical in magnitude in compression and tension, it results from different developments

and magnitudes of excess pore pressures.

Figure 2.3b shows the TSPs and ESPs for triaxial compression and tension under the K0-
consolidated condition, i.e., K0 = 0.6. The load paths begin at the interaction of the K0
consolidation line (K0-CL) and the initial yield surface and end on the expanded yield
surface. Similar to K0 = 1, the TSPs for compression and tension have identical slopes but
travel in opposite directions. In compression, both up and uq are positive and contribute
to the development of a positive excess pore pressure. However, in tension, the ESP
travels inside the initial yield surface (i.e., elastic unloading) before reaching the yield
surface in the tension side. During elastic unloading, only the excess pore pressure due to
the change in mean total stress up is developed, generating negative excess pore pressures.
After the ESP reaches the initial yield surface, positive uq is generated and reduces the
magnitude of the negative excess pore pressure generated.

2.4 Undrained compression and uplift of shallow foundations

The modelling procedure for undrained compression and uplift of a shallow foundation
in this section is as follows: 1) a surcharge of 1 kPa was applied on the soil to establish
an initial stress field, and 2) displacement-controlled compression or uplift of the
foundation was undertaken at a normalised velocity V = vB/cv of 10000, which is regarded
as sufficiently high to generate fully undrained conditions (Chatterjee et al. 2013b; Li et
al. 2014b). The coefficient of consolidation cv is estimated as

k k (1 e0 ) '
cv p0 (2.4)
mv w w

where k is the soil permeability, w is the unit weight of water, and mv is the volume
compressibility, which is determined from the initial void ratio e0 and the initial mean
effective stress p0.

Figure 2.4 presents the development with normalised displacement w/B of the normalised
resistance and normalised average excess pore pressure along the foundation invert for
both compression and uplift under undrained conditions. For better comparison, the sign

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

conventions for compression and uplift are ignored, and only magnitudes are presented.
The resistance qm and average excess pore pressure uave at the foundation invert are
normalised with the initial undrained shear strength su0 at the foundation base level. For
the plane strain conditions, the initial undrained shear strength can be expressed as

M e ln 2 e0
su 0 exp 1 (2.5)

where e0 and e1 are the initial void ratio and void ratio at 1 kPa mean effective stress on
the normally consolidated line, respectively. M, and are parameters of the MCC model
(Table 2.1).

As shown in Figure 2.4a, the ultimate undrained capacity is identical for both compression
and uplift (e.g., Nc = 5.30 that is slightly higher than the theoretical value of 5.14) and is
independent of the initial stress conditions, which are defined using the coefficient K0 of
earth pressure at rest. However, the mobilisation distance to reach the ultimate capacity
is different for K0 = 0.6. The load displacement response is stiffer in uplift than in
compression because of the elastic unloading, whereas in compression, the soil yields at
the beginning of loading, as illustrated in Figure 2.3b. Indeed, the stiffness is identical
between compression and tension under isotropically consolidated conditions (K0 = 1)
because both exhibit the identical effective stress paths that travel outside the initial yield
envelope, as shown in Figure 2.3a.

Figure 2.5 shows the vectors of normalised displacements for compression and uplift of
the shallow foundation for both K0 = 1 and 0.6 at the onset of failure, i.e., when qm/su0
reaches its maximum value of 5.30, as illustrated in Figure 2.4a. Figure 2.6 shows the
corresponding contours of the normalised principal in-plane shear strain (/max, where
max is the maximum shear strain occurred in the soil), which helps identify the failure
mechanism. Both figures indicate that a Prandtl-type mechanism is mobilised for both
compression and uplift under undrained conditions regardless of the value of K0. More
importantly, the mechanism has almost identical sizes, which validates the generally
accepted assumption that the undrained uplift generates a reverse end-bearing mechanism
and develops an identical ultimate capacity as compression, as noted in Figure 2.4a and
observed experimentally by Chen et al. (2012), Mana et al. (2012) and Li et al. (2014a)

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

among others. This result is also corroborated with the effective stress paths at the element
level (Figure 2.3), which intercept the same final yield envelope in compression and
tension at symmetrical points about the horizontal axis.

Although the identical ultimate undrained capacity is developed for compression and
uplift, different excess pore pressure fields are generated, for both K0 = 1 and 0.6. Figure
2.4b shows the average excess pore pressure responses underneath the foundation, which
were normalised by the initial soil strength for compression and uplift. The magnitude of
excess pore pressures generated in compression is higher than that in uplift, for both K0
= 1 and 0.6. As evident from Figure 2.4a, the normalised excess pore pressure, averaged
across the foundation invert, is identical to the normalised resistance in compression (i.e.,
all the bearing resistance originates from the generation of excess pore pressures, as
expected for undrained behaviour). In contrast, the normalised suction generated during
uplift is only about 80% of the normalised uplift resistance. The difference can be
interpreted from the stress paths developed at the element level, as shown in Figure 2.3,
bearing in mind that the stress paths in triaxial compression and extension tests cannot
fully represent the foundation tests. The excess pore pressure due to the change in mean
total stress up can be either positive in compression or negative in uplift, but the excess
pore pressure due to the change in deviatoric stress uq is always positive in both
compression and uplift. During compression, both up and uq contribute to the generation
of positive excess pore pressures to develop bearing resistance. In contrast, during uplift,
the generated excess pore pressure up is negative, and balances the positive excess pore
pressure uq generated after yielding, so the absolute magnitude of suction generated in
uplift is lower than the excess pore pressure developed during compression.

Figure 2.7 shows the excess pore pressure distributions in the soil at failure, which was
normalised with the ultimate undrained capacity (denoted as qu). In compression, only
positive excess pore pressures are generated in the entire soil domain, whereas in uplift,
both positive and negative pore pressures are generated depending on the stress paths
followed by a specific soil element. In uplift, negative excess pore pressures concentrate
underneath the foundation, where the soil is primarily subjected to tension in the normal
directions and shearing, whereas positive excess pore pressures are developed next to the
edge of the foundation, where the soil experiences compression without shearing.

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

2.5 Compression and uplift of shallow foundations under

partially drained conditions

Using coupled analyses, the uplift and compression capacity of shallow foundations can
be investigated under partially drained conditions. This is undertaken by applying a
reduced normalised loading velocity V = 3 and V = 0.3. Li et al. (2014b) demonstrated
from centrifuge results that a partially drained condition was generated for a normalised
velocity lower than 200.

Figure 2.8 shows the development of normalised resistances and normalised average
excess pore pressures with normalised displacement for compression and uplift of the
foundation under the two partially drained cases considered. The effect of partial drainage
can be assessed by comparing the uplift resistances and excess pore pressures with the
fully undrained case (V = 10000, shown as marked grey lines in Figure 2.8). To assist in
the interpretation, the total and effective stresses (TSPs and ESPs) at three different
locations in the soil, which are situated near the slip (or shearing) zones of the undrained
failure mechanism (as shown in Figure 2.6), are plotted in Figure 2.9 for the three
normalised velocities investigated, for both compression and uplift. It should be noted
that the deviatoric stress for TSPs and ESPs is taken as the difference between the vertical
and horizontal stresses (denoted as z x), in order to reflect the different shearing
directions under compression and uplift, whereas the deviatoric stress for the critical state
line and the initial yield surface are derived from the Mises stress (denoted by qMises).

As illustrated in Figure 2.8, the present modelling is capable of simulating both the
partially drained compression and uplift of shallow foundations, and is able to quantify
the peak resistance and excess pore pressures generation and dissipation. Overall, the
bearing capacity in compression increases with the reduction in normalised velocity due
to the increase in effective stresses as the excess pore pressure dissipates during loading.
In contrast, the uplift resistance decreases with the reduction in normalised velocity owing
to the dissipation of negative excess pore pressure (or suction). Both effects can be related
to the stress paths in the soil as drainage occurs. Figure 2.9 shows that the ESPs move
towards the TSPs as the velocity reduces for both compression and uplift, which indicates
the increasing dissipation of excess pore pressures. The soil underneath the foundation

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

primarily experienced hardening during compression, and unloading and softening during
uplift, especially under partially drained conditions (Point 1 and 2 in Figure 2.9). More
particularly, during uplift, the ESPs can potentially cross into the dry side of critical state
line, so the soil exhibits behaviour similar to over-consolidated soil. This feature, together
with the softening mentioned above, may contribute to the post-peak reduction response
of uplift resistance (Figure 2.8b). To satisfy continuity, the soil within the edge of the
undrained failure mechanism (Point 3 in Figure 2.9) is likely to be subjected to triaxial
tension during compression and triaxial extension during uplift of the foundation.

2.6 Limitations of the model

A full bonded interface between the foundation base and top of the soil was implemented
in the present study. This assumption is valid for shallow foundations in compression,
since the foundation is expected to remain in contact with the soil during the whole
loading process. This is indeed not the case for uplift, for which there are several
experimental evidences demonstrating that foundation breakaway occurs (e.g., Chen et
al. 2012; Li et al. 2014a). Several parameters influence foundation breakaway, including
uplift velocity, loading history and soil degree of consolidation. They are all related to the
variation in suction and effective stresses at the foundation invert. The present study
focuses on the development of excess pore pressures leading to maximum compression
and uplift resistance, which is believed to be reached before foundation breakaway.
Nevertheless, a more advanced interface model is necessary to simulate more realistically
the foundation breakaway and investigate the conditions it occurs and if it can be
facilitated in order to reduce the maximum uplift resistance and facilitate foundation
removal for instance.

2.7 Conclusions

This paper presents the results from a finite element coupled analysis of the compression
and uplift capacity of a strip foundation. It focuses on identifying the relevant failure
mechanism and excess pore pressure distribution under two different geostatic stress
conditions (K0 = 1 and 0.6). The analysis was informed with an identical analysis that was

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

undertaken at the element level, which allows clear observation of the total and effective
stress paths in compression and tension. The following conclusions are reached:

a) Failure mechanisms of identical sizes and shapes but evidently different directions
are generated during compression and uplift under fully undrained conditions, which
result in identical ultimate undrained capacities, which warrant the use of a unique
bearing capacity factor when the ultimate bearing capacity of a shallow foundation
is determined under undrained compression and uplift.

b) However, different excess pore pressure fields underneath the foundation are
generated because of the balancing contribution of the change in mean total stresses
and deviatoric stresses. Only positive excess pore pressures are generated in
compression, whereas both positive and negative excess pore pressures are generated
during undrained uplift.

c) The coupled analysis on partially drained compression and uplift of shallow

foundations demonstrate that the compression resistance increases, but the uplift
resistance decreases with a reduced loading velocity. Both are related to the excess
pore pressure dissipations in the soil as the effective stress paths moves towards their
corresponding total stress paths. The load-displacement responses can be explained
by the hardening or softening stress paths of the soil underneath and adjacent to the

This study has demonstrated the potential to use the MCC model to perform coupled
analysis of the uplift of shallow foundations under various drainage conditions. Further
work is in progress both numerically and experimentally to (i) develop a more realistic
soil-foundation interface to be able to model foundation breakaway, and (ii) thoroughly
explore the development of uplift resistance with various uplift rates and after various
periods of preloading under self-weight.

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

2.8 References

Acosta-Martinez, H.E., Gourvenec, S.M., and Randolph, M.F. 2008. An experimental

investigation of a shallow skirted foundation under compression and tension. Soils and
Foundation 48(2): 247-254.

Chatterjee, S., Mana, D.S.K., Gourvenec, S.M., and Randolph, M.F. 2013a. Large-
deformation numerical modelling of short-term compression and uplift capacity of
offshore shallow foundations. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering 140(3): 04013021.

Chatterjee, S., White, D.J., and Randolph, M.F. 2013b. Coupled consolidation analysis
of pipesoil interactions. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 50(6): 609-619.

Chatterjee, S., Yan, Y., and Randolph, M.F. 2012. Elastoplastic consolidation beneath
shallowly embedded offshore pipelines. Gotechnique Letters 2(2): 73-79.

Chen, R., Gaudin, C., and Cassidy, M.J. 2012. Investigation of the vertical uplift capacity
of deep water mudmats in clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 49(7): 853-865.

Craig, W.H., and Chua, K. 1990. Extraction forces for offshore foundations under
undrained loading. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 116(5): 868-884.

Dassault Systmes. 2011. Abaqus analysis users' manual. Dassault Systmes Simulia
Corp., Providence, RI, USA.

Davis, E.H., and Booker, J.R. 1973. The effect of increasing strength with depth on the
bearing capacity of clays. Gotechnique 23(4): 551-563.

Gourvenec, S., Randolph, M.F. and Kingsnorth, O. (2006). Undrained bearing capacity
of square and rectangular footings. International Journal of Geomechanics, 6(3): 147-157.

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y., and Cassidy, M.J. 2014a. Effect of perforations on uplift
capacity of skirted foundations on clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 51(3): 322-331.

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y., and Cassidy, M.J. 2014b. Rate effects on the uplift capacity
of skirted foundations on clay. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Perth, Australia. pp. 473-479.

Mana, D.S.K., Gourvenec, S.M., and Randolph, M.F. 2013. Experimental investigation
of reverse end bearing of offshore shallow foundations. Canadian Geotechnical Journal
50(10): 1022-1033.

Mana, D.S.K., Gourvenec, S.M., Randolph, M.F., and Hossain, M.S. 2012. Failure
mechanisms of skirted foundations in uplift and compression. International Journal of
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 12(2): 47-62.

Prandtl, L. 1921. Hauptaufstze: ber die Eindringungsfestigkeit (Hrte) plastischer

Baustoffe und die Festigkeit von Schneiden. Journal of Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics/Zeitschrift fr Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1(1): 15-20.

Randolph, M.F., Jamiolkowski, M.B., and Zdravkovi, L. 2004. Load carrying capacity
of foundations. In Proceedings of the Skempton Memorial Conference. Thomas Telford,
London, UK. pp. 207-240.

Reissner, H. 1924. Zum erddruck problem. In Proc. 1st International Congress on Applied
Mechanics. pp. 295-311.

Roscoe, K.H., and Burland, J.B. 1968. On the generalized stress-strain behaviour of wet
clay. Engineering Plasticity, Cambridge University Press: 535-609.

Stewart, D.P. 1992. Lateral loading of piled bridge abutments due to embankment
construction. PhD Thesis, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.

Terzaghi, K. 1943. Theoretical soil mechanics. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Zdravkovi, L., Potts, D.M., and Jackson, C. 2003. Numerical study of the effect of
preloading on undrained bearing capacity. International Journal of Geomechanics 3(1):

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

Table 2.1 Parameters of the MCC model

Parameter Value
Slope of the critical state line in p q space, M 0.92
Slope of the normally consolidated line in e lnp space, 0.205
Slope of the unloading-reloading line in e lnp space, 0.044
Void ratio at p = 1 kPa on the critical state line in e lnp space, ecs 2.14
Poissons ratio, 0.3
Permeability, k (m/s) 10-9

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

Figure 2.1 Model and mesh of the triaxial tests

Figure 2.2 Model and mesh of the foundation tests (RP Reference Point)

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations
ESP Compression

0.6 TSP uq up
+ +
q = a' - r' (kPa)

0.2 Initial yield surface


uq -
-0.6 +
Final yield surface
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
p' or p (kPa)
Final yield surface
up +
0.6 uq +
q = a' - r' (kPa)

-0.2 up
uq +
-0.6 Initial yield surface
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
p' or p (kPa)

Figure 2.3 Total and effective stress paths for triaxial compression and tension at (a) K0
= 1 and (b) K0 = 0.6 (CSL Critical State Line, K0-CL K0 Consolidation Line, ESP
Effective Stress Path, TSP Total Stress Path; up and uq are the excess pore pressures
due to the changes of the mean total stress and deviatoric stress, respectively)

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations
6 6
K0 = 1 K0 = 0.6

4 4

Nc == 5.14
2 2
Uplift - Displacement at failure
0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
|w/B| |w/B|
6 6
K0 = 1 K0 = 0.6

4 4

2 2

0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
|w/B| |w/B|

Figure 2.4 (a) Normalised resistance and (b) normalised average excess pore pressure,
which vary with the normalised displacement for compression and uplift of the

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

Figure 2.5 Vectors of normalised displacement as the foundation is displaced at failure

for (a) compression and (b) uplift (the displacements at failure are indicated in Figure

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

Figure 2.6 Contours of normalised principal in-plane shear strain as the foundation is
displaced at failure for (a) compression and (b) uplift

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

Figure 2.7 Distributions of normalised excess pore pressure as the foundation is

displaced at failure for (a) compression and (b) uplift

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

-8 6


V = 0.3 V = 0.3
-2 V=3 V=3
V = 10000 V = 10000
0 0
0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
w/B w/B
6 -6

4 -4

2 -2

0 0
0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
w/B w/B
(a) (b)

Figure 2.8 (a) Normalised resistance and average excess pore pressure generation,
which vary with the normalised displacement for partially drained (a) compression and
(b) uplift (K0 = 0.6, V = vB/cv)

Chapter 2 Comparative study of the compression and uplift of shallow foundations

Figure 2.9 Total and effective stress paths (TSPs and ESPs) in the soil: (a) typical
locations; (b) compression; (c) uplift (CSL Critical State Line; K0 = 0.6, V = vB/cv)



Coupled finite element analyses using the Modified Cam Clay (MCC) constitutive soil
model were used to investigate the uplift behaviour of shallow foundations, with a focus
on the uplift resistance and the suction development, as a function of uplift velocity and
preloaded consolidation prior to uplift. Results show that the uplift resistance of strip and
circular foundations increases with uplift rate, due to the increase of suction generation
in the soil. The effect of varied rates can be depicted by backbone curves and the level of
suction development is fitted by a simple hyperbolic function. The consolidation after a
compressive preloading for both strip and circular foundations increases the subsequent
uplift capacity due to the dissipation of excess pore pressure and the enhancement of soil
strength. As a result, higher levels of preloading and greater degree of consolidation
increase the uplift resistance, with the latter having a dominant effect. The trends of soil
strength gain are well predicted by general forms of expressions that may potentially
provide guidance for offshore foundation designs. The predicted results were also
compared with centrifuge test data, indicating an agreement in trends and highlighting
the difference due primarily to the soil remoulding effect.

Keywords: finite element method; coupled analysis; shallow foundation; suction;

consolidation; uplift

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

3.1 Introduction

Shallow foundations represent a type of foundations used to support gravity-based

structures and fixed platforms offshore. They also become increasingly used as the base
for a variety of subsea infrastructures, such as Pipeline End Manifolds and Terminations
(PLEMs/PLETs). These foundations are commonly subjected to tensile loads as the result
of overturning forces, structure buoyancy, the cyclical nature of wave and current forces,
or during retrieval at the decommission of projects.

Negative excess pore pressures or suction that is lower than the hydrostatic pressure can
be generated during uplift. It is commonly considered that under fully undrained
conditions, the suction generated at the foundation interface is sufficient to sustain joint
soil and foundation movement, leading to a reverse end bearing failure mechanism and
the same capacity as compression (Craig and Chua 1990; Puech et al. 1993; Watson et al.
2000; Acosta-Martinez et al. 2008; Mana et al. 2012, 2013). For this undrained case, the
total stress method can be used to solve the uplift capacity of foundations analogous to
compression by considering the soil as a single-phase material, e.g., Tresca material for
clays (Deng and Carter 2000; Song et al. 2008; Chatterjee et al. 2013a). However, under
partially drained conditions, the suction generated in uplift has time to dissipate, and
consolidation may occur. Furthermore, the consolidation caused by the dead loads and
self-weight of infrastructure applied onto the soil during installation and operation has a
significant influence on the subsequent uplift capacity (Colliat et al. 2011; Li et al. 2015a).
Coupled analysis is required in both situations to study the suction development under a
variety of loading history and drainage conditions to predict more accurately the uplift
resistance of shallow foundations for a wide range of operational conditions.

In the present study, finite element analyses using the Modified Cam Clay (MCC)
constitutive model were performed to simulate the uplift resistance and the associated
excess pore pressure responses for both strip and circular foundations. First, the
foundations are pulled out over a range of velocities covering seven orders of magnitude
to examine fully undrained to fully drained behaviours. Second, the uplift resistance under
various magnitudes and durations of preloading is estimated and compared with
centrifuge test data. Simple generalised relations are developed to predict the uplift
resistance and can be used to provide guidance for offshore foundation design.

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

3.2 Finite element modelling

All of the analyses presented here were implemented in the commercial software Abaqus
using the small strain finite element method (Dassault Systmes 2011).

3.2.1 Model description

Both two-dimensional plane strain (strip foundation) and axisymmetric (circular

foundation) models were constructed for the present study. As illustrated in Figure 3.1,
only half of the domain was modelled due to the symmetrical feature of the models. The
foundation, modelled as a rigid body, represents a strip with width B or a circular
foundation with diameter D. The soil domain is 5 5.5 B (or D) in dimension, which is
large enough to eliminate boundary effects. The bottom of the soil is fixed, and the side
boundaries are restrained in the horizontal direction but movable in the vertical direction
to allow settlement. All of the boundaries except one are assumed to be impermeable; the
free soil surface remains permeable to account for the effect of soil drainage conditions.
The interface between the foundation and soil is assumed to be fully bonded without
allowing separation during uplift. It is acknowledged that breakout (i.e., separation of the
foundation from the soil) may occur in reality. The fully bonded interface in this study is
a simplified assumption, which is capable of describing the suction generation. Further
discussion on this point is detailed in Section 3.3.1.

3.2.2 Mesh validation

Figure 3.1 also illustrates the mesh configuration of the present models. Four-node plane
strain or axisymmetric quadrilateral, bilinear displacement and bilinear pore pressure
elements (represented as CPE4P or CAX4P in Abaqus) were chosen to mesh the soil
domain (Dassault Systmes 2011). Finer meshes were used close to the foundation to
improve accuracy. A mesh sensitivity study was also carried out by comparing the
calculated undrained bearing capacity factors with existing theoretical solutions, i.e., 5.14
for strip (Prandtl 1921; Reissner 1924) and 6.05 for circular foundations with a fully
bonded interface (Cox et al. 1961). The mesh used in this study was proven to be able to

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

provide acceptably accurate results (within an error of 3% and 5% respectively compared

with the theoretical solutions).

3.2.3 Soil property

The standard Modified Cam Clay (MCC) constitutive model was employed to simulate
the soil behaviours (Roscoe and Burland 1968). The soil was initially subjected to a
surcharge of 1 kPa to build a uniform geostatic stress field and to maintain the numerical
stability that is necessary for the MCC model. Although it differs from typical offshore
soil conditions, where the shear strength increases linearly with depth, the uniform soil in
this study is appropriate for a comprehensive understanding of the uplift mechanism in
shallow foundations. The parameters necessary for the MCC model are summarised in
Table 3.1. The values of the parameters represent the typical properties of the kaolin clay
used at the Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems, The University of Western Australia
(Stewart 1992; Chatterjee et al. 2012, 2013b).

The soil was K0-normally consolidated at the beginning of the analysis. The coefficient
of the geostatic stress is

0 = 1 sin (3.1)

where tc is the internal friction angle for triaxial compression tests, which is related to
the slope of critical state line

6 sin
= (3.2)

in p q space where p and q are the mean and deviatoric effective stress respectively.
The initial size of the yield locus, pc, is represented by a pre-consolidation pressure

= 20 + 0 (3.3)

in which p0 and q0 are the initial mean and deviatoric effective stresses, respectively. The
initial void ratio is expressed as

0 = 1 ln 0 ( ) ln (3.4)

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift


1 = + ( ) ln 2 (3.5)

in which e1 is the void ratio at p = 1 kPa on the normal compression line. The definitions
of M, , and ecs are provided in Table 3.1. The model assumes an isotopic yield surface
and a value of the parameter M identical in compression and tension. This assumption is
justified as it can simulate experimental results (Chen et al. 2012; Li et al. 2014a), which
demonstrated that the uplift and compression capacities are identical under undrained
conditions, and is considered appropriate for a first study on the development of suction
under uplift.

3.3 Displacement rate effects on the uplift of shallow


The analysis procedure in this section 1) applies a surcharge onto the soil to create the
geostatic stress field and 2) applies displacement-controlled uplift of the foundation with
a normalised velocity V varying between 0.001 and 10000, which is assumed to span over
fully drained to fully undrained conditions. The normalised velocity is expressed as

= , (3.6)

where v is the uplift velocity, cv is the initial value of the coefficient of consolidation

(1+0 )
= = 0 (3.7)

in which k is the permeability of the soil, w is the unit weight of water and mv is the
volume compressibility that can be determined by the initial void ratio e0 and the initial
mean effective stress p0.

3.3.1 Resistance and excess pore pressure responses

Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3 present the responses of normalised resistance (qm/su0) and
normalised average excess pore pressure (uave/su0) against normalised displacement for

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

the uplift of strip and circular foundations at different velocities, respectively. The
average excess pore pressure (uave) is calculated as the mean value of the excess pore
pressure over the foundation base. Both results on the uplift resistance and average excess
pore pressure were normalised by the initial undrained shear strength of the soil at the
foundation invert, su0, determined by

1 () ln 2
0 = exp( 0) (3.8)

for the plane strain condition, or

1 () ln 2
0 = exp( 0 ) (3.9)

for the axisymmetric condition. With values of the parameters given in Table 3.1, the
undrained soil strength is calculated as 0.29 kPa for the plane strain condition and 0.25
kPa for the axisymmetric condition, resulting in a ratio of the soil strength to the vertical
effective stress, su0/v, of 0.29 and 0.25 respectively (with the vertical effective stress
equals to the surcharge, i.e., v = 1 kPa).

Overall, the uplift resistance reduces with the decreasing velocity due to the increasing
dissipation of negative excess pore pressures at the foundation invert. The normalised
resistance approaches the theoretical bearing capacity factor (i.e., Nc = 5.14 for strip and
6.05 for circular foundations, respectively) when the normalised velocity V > 300,
potentially indicating undrained soil conditions (Figure 3.2a and Figure 3.3a). The
drained soil condition can be inferred by the diminishing suction generation as the
normalised velocity V < 0.1 (Figure 3.2b and Figure 3.3b). It is worthy to note that the
uplift resistance under drained conditions is far larger than the real case, where the drained
resistance should degrade to zero for flat foundations because of zero suction generation
and breakout. The latter is not modelled by the present model, leading to the
overprediction of drained uplift resistance due to the soil skeleton being fully bonded to
the foundation; thus, it can sustain uplift even if no suction exists. The suction,
nevertheless, was not affected by the interface setting and demonstrates more consistently
its decreasing magnitude with decreased velocity. This study is significant for
demonstrating the pore pressure mechanism in uplifting.

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

The load-displacement behaviours can be related to the stress paths followed under
different drainage conditions; these are schematically illustrated in the critical state space
(Figure 3.4). All of the stress paths start at the intersection of the initial yield locus and
the K0-Consolidated Line (K0-CL) on the compressive side of p q space (point O). They
then unload from the initial yield locus on the compressive side to the tensile side due to
the uplift of the foundation (note that the direction of shearing has changed). Under the
fully undrained condition, the unloading path follows a vertical line due to the restraint
of zero volume change (path OA, which is superimposed in p e space). Under partially
drained conditions, the load paths follow the Unloading-Reloading Line (URL) in the p
e space, depending on the amount of volume change generated by the dissipation of
negative excess pore pressures (paths OB, OC and OD). After reaching the initial yield
locus, the stress paths move towards the Critical State Line (CSL) in various directions,
e.g., path AA1 for the fully undrained condition and DD1 for the fully drained condition
in which the negative excess pore pressures dissipate with the continuing shearing of the
soil. As mentioned in Li et al. (2015b), the stress paths could go into the dry side of the
CSL, under drainage close to fully drained conditions (paths OCC1 and ODD1), such that
the soil behaves as a heavily over-consolidated soil element and the resistance
displacement curves demonstrate a softening behaviour following a peak value (see
Figure 3.2a and Figure 3.3a). The reduction in stiffness of the load-displacement curves
in Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3 can be related to the decrease of shear modulus as the result
of the decrease of mean effective stress when drainage occurs in the soil during the initial
stage of uplift (see stress paths OB, OC and OD).

3.3.2 Backbone curves

Figure 3.5 presents the backbone curves of uplift resistance and suction generation for
both the strip and circular foundations, as a function of the normalised uplift velocity.
From these curves, the transition from fully undrained to fully drained conditions can be
accurately determined. The curves were created by extracting the maximum values of
resistance (qu) and average suction (uave) in Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3, which were
normalised by the corresponding values (qu, ref and uave, ref) under the fully undrained
condition that is expected to be mobilised at the highest velocity, i.e., V = 10000.

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

The backbone curves for resistance reconfirm that the transition from the fully undrained
condition to a partially drained condition occurs at a normalised velocity of approximately
300. This is in agreement with the experimental observations by Li et al. (2014b)
(CHAPTER 4 ) for shallow skirted foundations, and about one order of magnitude higher
than that for compression tests (Finnie 1993; Chung et al. 2006; Houlsby and Cassidy
2011). This result could be attributed to the shortening of the drainage paths due to the
downward movement of the soil around the foundation or the decreasing coefficient of
consolidation during uplift of the foundation. However, the transition from the partially
drained to the fully drained condition cannot be precisely predicted by the resistance due
to the fully bonded interface setting as mentioned above.

The backbone curves for suction are likely to be more accurate to reflect the effect of soil
drainage conditions where the fully undrained condition is achieved at V = 1000 and fully
drained condition mobilised at V = 0.001. The former is higher than that indicated by the
resistance related backbone curves because of the localised distribution feature of suction
pressures, e.g., at the foundation invert. The circular foundation has a quicker dissipation
of suction than the strip foundation due to the unconfined and three-dimensional boundary
of the circular foundation. The suction related backbone curves can be fitted by a simple
hyperbolic equation:

= 1+(/
, 50 )

where V50 is the normalised velocity that corresponds to 50% full suction generation in a
local area. Parameter c < 0 controls the sharpness of the backbone curves. As shown in
Figure 3.5, Equation (3.10) enables good fittings to the variation of negative excess pore
pressures with values of the parameters given in Table 3.2.

3.4 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the subsequent

uplift capacity

The procedure for this section is 1) to apply a surcharge onto the soil to simulate the initial
geostatic stress field, 2) to preload the foundation with a proportion of the undrained
bearing capacity (qp/qu, ref = 0.1 to 0.9) and wait for different periods of time to achieve

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

different degrees of consolidation (U = 0.1 to 1), and 3) to uplift the strip and circular
foundations under fully undrained conditions. The preloading levels and consolidation
ranges considered here encompass those that have been used in the centrifuge test by Li
et al. (2015a) (CHAPTER 6 ), thus enabling a comparison between the finite element
results and centrifuge test data.

As mentioned in Li et al. (2015b), identical capacities should be mobilised by

compressing and uplifting a shallow foundation under fully undrained conditions.
Therefore, the preloading and its associated consolidation should have the same effect on
the subsequent undrained uplift capacity as it did in compression (e.g., Fu et al. 2015;
Gourvenec et al. 2014). However, the present study is still meaningful as it allows for a
direct comparison with centrifuge results and can form the basis for the development of
more sophisticated uplift models in the future.

3.4.1 Consolidation curves

Figure 3.6 illustrates the dissipation of excess pore pressure with a normalised time (T =
cvt/B2, cvt/D2) at the centre of the foundation after application of preloading for strip and
circular foundations. The excess pore pressure (u) is normalised by its initial value at the
beginning of consolidation (ui). It can be observed that the Mandel-Cryer effect (Mandel
1950; Cryer 1963) for the circular foundation is more obvious than for the strip foundation
due to its more concentrated boundaries. With a higher preloading level, the Mandel-
Cryer effect is restrained, and the excess pore pressure tends to dissipate more quickly for
both foundations. The preloading affects the local dissipation rate of excess pore pressures.
However, the overall consolidation curves are almost unaffected by the preloading for
either the strip or the circular foundation, as shown in Figure 3.7, in which the
consolidation was expressed as the normalisation of the settlement of foundations with
its final settlement, i.e., U = w/wf. As such, the settlement curves due to different
preloadings can be fitted by a unique curve for a specific foundation type and the time to
achieve a certain degree of consolidation can be inferred by the fits. The consolidation
curves can be interpolated by a simple hyperbolic equation

= / = 1+(
50 )

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

in which T50 is the normalised time to achieve 50% consolidation, and parameter < 0
controls the sharpness of the curves. The values of T50 are 0.39 and 0.04 for the strip and
circular foundations, respectively, indicating that the consolidation rate of the circular
foundation is approximately one order of magnitude faster than that for the strip

3.4.2 Capacity due to fully consolidated preloading

Figure 3.8 illustrates the normalised resistance versus the normalised displacement curves
following full consolidation under different levels of preloading for the circular
foundation (similar results can be obtained for the strip foundation). In each case, fully
primary consolidation was completed prior to undrained uplift, with larger settlement
achieved by a higher preloading level. It can be observed that the increased preloading
and the subsequent full consolidation increase the undrained uplift capacity
proportionally but has no impact on the stiffness responses of resistance-displacement
curves before failure.

The strength gain can be expressed as a ratio of consolidated uplift capacity to a reference
capacity without applying preloading and consolidation, i.e., R = qu/qu, ref. Shown in
Figure 3.9 are fully consolidated strength gain ratios plotted against the normalised
preloading level for both the strip and circular foundations. As would be expected, the
higher preloading level results in the greater increase in uplift resistance. The relationship
between the strength gain ratio and the preloading level can be fitted by an exponential

= , (3.12)

where f(U) is a function that takes into account the strength gain due to partial
consolidation and equals one for full consolidation and zero without consolidation.
Parameter d is a constant relevant to the foundation geometry and boundary, which shows
slight differences in values between the strip and circular foundations, as summarised in
Table 3.3.

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

3.4.3 Capacity following intermediately consolidated preloading

Figure 3.10 demonstrates the normalised resistance versus normalised displacement

curves under intermediate consolidation for the preloading level of qp/qu, ref = 0.8 for the
circular foundation (again similar results can be obtained for the strip foundation). It can
be observed that the uplift capacity was gradually strengthened with an increasing degree
of consolidation, with few effects on the stiffness response before failure. The strength
gain ratios for both the strip and the circular foundations are illustrated in Figure 3.11 as
a function of the degree of consolidation for a range of preloading levels of qp/qu, ref = 0.1
to 0.9. Equation (3.12) can be extended to consider the strength gain ratio due to partial
consolidation, given the function f (U) as

() = +(1) (3.13)

where parameters m and n are constants for a specific foundation type, with values
summarised in Table 3.3. The function f(U) varies from 0 to 1, so that the uplift resistance
varies between the referenced capacity and the fully consolidated capacity, as indicated
in Figure 3.9, with a consolidation degree ranging from 0 to 1. As observed in Figure 3.11,
a longer consolidation time (i.e., higher consolidate degree) leads to greater gain of the
uplift capacity for a specific preloading level. Equation (3.12) combined with Equation
(3.13) has the ability to predict accurately the numerical results, with a slight
overestimation observed for the cases with levels of preloading higher than 0.8, where
plastic deformation occurs around the foundation edges due to the applied preloading.

Figure 3.12 illustrates the comparison of strength variations with a degree of

consolidation between the predictions from Equations (3.12) and (3.13) for the circular
foundation and the centrifuge data from Li et al. (2015a), who tested a shallow skirted
foundation (embedment ratio = 0.2). It has been indicated by the centrifuge tests that the
uplift resistance due to the preloading was controlled by the remoulding and strength
recovery of the soil due to preloading and subsequent consolidation. As the remoulding
effect was not modelled by the present model, it is thus impractical to try to achieve an
exact replication of the test results. However, the trend in the variation of the test results
are captured by the present predictions based on the finite element modelling. In addition
to the soil remoulding, there are other factors that may cause the differences, such as the

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

spatial variation of the strength (su0/v = 0.21 in the test compared to 0.25 in the present
model, as mentioned in Section 3.3.1) and the permeability of real soil in the centrifuge
testing and slightly different geometric configurations between the finite element and
centrifuge models.

3.5 Concluding remarks

Coupled finite element analyses were conducted to investigate the uplift behaviour of
both strip and circular foundations, with a focus on the responses of resistance and suction
development affected by either varied uplift rates or preloading and consolidation prior
to uplift.

The uplift resistance of shallow foundations is closely related to the suction generation
and is highly dependent on drainage conditions in the soil. Both the uplift resistance and
suction decrease with reduced uplift velocity. The load-displacement curves start to decay
due to either the continuous dissipation of suction as the soil is sheared or to the cross of
stress paths onto the dry side of the critical state space. The reduction in the stiffness of
load-displacement curves with decreasing uplift velocity is attributed to the reduction of
the shear modulus when suction dissipates, which is accompanied by the decrease of
mean effective stress in the soil. The transition from fully undrained to partially drained
conditions can be inferred by backbone curves of both uplift resistance and suction, with
the latter fitted by a simple hyperbolic function. The dissipation in the circular foundation
is faster than in the strip foundation, due to the formers unconfined and three-
dimensional boundary condition.

The uplift capacity is increased by both the higher preloading level and longer
consolidation time, due to the enhanced soil strength as excess pore pressure dissipates.
The effects of preloading and consolidation can be incorporated into simple non-
dimensional relations. The predictions from the present study successfully capture the
trends of the centrifuge test results on uplift of a shallow skirted foundation. Differences
were highlighted due to the inability of the present model to simulate soil remoulding, the
non-uniformity of strength and permeability in the real soil, and different geometric

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

In the present study, the interface between the foundation and soil is assumed to be fully
bonded, leading to large overestimation of the drained uplift resistance. More advance
interface settings, e.g., controllable separation, are therefore necessary to simulate uplift
processes more realistically. Alternatively, a more sophisticated geometry, such as a skirt
configuration, is needed to more directly compare with the centrifuge data.

3.6 References

Acosta-Martinez, H.E., Gourvenec, S.M., and Randolph, M.F. 2008. An experimental

investigation of a shallow skirted foundation under compression and tension. Soils and
Foundation 48(2): 247-254.

Chatterjee, S., Mana, D.S.K., Gourvenec, S.M., and Randolph, M.F. 2013a. Large-
deformation numerical modelling of short-term compression and uplift capacity of
offshore shallow foundations. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering 140(3): 04013021.

Chatterjee, S., White, D.J., and Randolph, M.F. 2013b. Coupled consolidation analysis
of pipesoil interactions. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 50(6): 609-619.

Chatterjee, S., Yan, Y., Randolph, M.F., and White, D.J. 2012. Elastoplastic
consolidation beneath shallowly embedded offshore pipelines. Gotechnique Letters 2(2):

Chen, R., Gaudin, C., and Cassidy, M.J. 2012. Investigation of the vertical uplift capacity
of deep water mudmats in clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 49(7): 853-865.

Chung, S.F., Randolph, M.F., and Schneider, J.A. 2006. Effect of penetration rate on
penetrometer resistance in clay. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering 132(9): 1188-1196.

Colliat, J.L., Dendani, H., Jostad, H.P., Andersen, K.H., Thorel, L., Garnier, J., and Rault,
G. 2011. Centrifuge testing of suction piles in deepwater Nigeria clay effect of stiffeners
and set-up time. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Frontiers in
Offshore Geotechnics, Perth, Australia. pp. 729-734.

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

Cox, A.D., Eason, G., and Hopkins, H.G. 1961. Axially symmetric plastic deformations
in soils. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A,
Mathematical and Physical Sciences 254(1036): 1-45.

Craig, W.H., and Chua, K. 1990. Extraction forces for offshore foundations under
undrained loading. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 116(5): 868-884.

Cryer, C. 1963. A comparison of the three-dimensional consolidation theories of Biot and

Terzaghi. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 16(4): 401-412.

Dassault Systmes. 2011. Abaqus analysis users' manual. Dassault Systmes Simulia
Corp., Providence, RI, USA.

Deng, W., and Carter, J.P. 2000. Uplift capacity of suction caissons in uniform soil. In
Proceedings of the International Conference on Geotechnical and Geological Engineering,
Melbourne, Australia.

Finnie, I.M.S. 1993. Performance of shallow foundations in calcareous soil. PhD Thesis,
The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.

Fu, D., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y., Bienen, B., and Cassidy, M.J. 2015. Effects of preloading
with consolidation on undrained bearing capacity of skirted circular footings.
Gotechnique 65(3): 231-246.

Gourvenec, S.M., Vulpe, C., and Murthy, T.G. 2014. A method for predicting the
consolidated undrained bearing capacity of shallow foundations. Gotechnique 64(3):

Houlsby, G.T., and Cassidy, M.J. 2011. A simplified mechanically based model for
predicting partially drained behaviour of penetrometers and shallow foundations.
Gotechnique Letters 1(3): 65-69.

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y., and Cassidy, M.J. 2014a. Effect of perforations on uplift
capacity of skirted foundations on clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 51(3): 322-331.

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y., and Cassidy, M.J. 2014b. Rate effects on the uplift capacity
of skirted foundations on clay. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Perth, Australia. pp. 473-479.

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y., and Cassidy, M.J. 2015a. Effects of preloading and
consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations. Gotechnique: Submitted.

Li, X., Tian, Y., Gaudin, C., and Cassidy, M.J. 2015b. Comparative study of the
compression and uplift of shallow foundations. Computers and Geotechnics: Submitted.

Mana, D.S.K., Gourvenec, S.M., and Randolph, M.F. 2013. Experimental investigation
of reverse end bearing of offshore shallow foundations. Canadian Geotechnical Journal
50(10): 1022-1033.

Mana, D.S.K., Gourvenec, S.M., Randolph, M.F., and Hossain, M.S. 2012. Failure
mechanisms of skirted foundations in uplift and compression. International Journal of
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 12(2): 47-62.

Mandel, J. 1950. Etude mathematique de la consolidation des sols. In Actes du colloque

International de mecanique, Poitiers, France. pp. 9-19.

Prandtl, L. 1921. Hauptaufstze: ber die Eindringungsfestigkeit (Hrte) plastischer

Baustoffe und die Festigkeit von Schneiden. Journal of Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics/Zeitschrift fr Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1(1): 15-20.

Puech, A., Iorio, J.P., Garnier, J., and Foray, P. 1993. Experimental study of suction
effects under mudmat type foundations. In Proceedings of the 4th Canadian Conference
on Marine Geotechnical Engineering, St. John's Newfoundland, Canada. pp. 1062-1080.

Reissner, H. 1924. Zum erddruck problem. In Proc. 1st International Congress on Applied
Mechanics. pp. 295-311.

Roscoe, K.H., and Burland, J.B. 1968. On the generalized stress-strain behaviour of wet
clay. Engineering Plasticity, Cambridge University Press: 535-609.

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

Song, Z., Hu, Y., and Randolph, M.F. 2008. Numerical simulation of vertical pullout of
plate anchors in clay. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 134(6):

Stewart, D.P. 1992. Lateral loading of piled bridge abutments due to embankment
construction. PhD Thesis, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.

Watson, P.G., Randolph, M.F., and Bransby, M.F. 2000. Combined lateral and vertical
loading of caisson foundations. In Proc. Offshore Technology Conference, Huston, USA.
OTC 12195.

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

Table 3.1 MCC model parameters

Parameter Value
Slope of the critical state line in p q space, M 0.92
(Internal friction angle for triaxial compression tests, tc) (23.5)
Void ratio at p = 1 kPa on the critical state line in e lnp space, ecs 2.14
Slope of the normal compression line in e lnp space, 0.205
Slope of the unloading-reloading line in e lnp space, 0.044
Poissons ratio, 0.3
Permeability, k (m/s) 10-9

Table 3.2 Parameters of backbone curves for suction

Foundation type c V50

Strip -0.63 1.50
Circular -0.68 2.89

Table 3.3 Parameters for strength gain ratios

Foundation type d m n
Strip 0.60 0.46 1.89
Circular 0.64 0.61 2.48

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

Figure 3.1 Model and mesh configuration

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

Nc = 5.14

2 vB/cv = 10000, 1000, 300, 100, 30,
10, 3, 1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01, 0.001
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1

-5 vB/cv = 10000, 1000, 300, 100, 30, 10, 3,
1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01, 0.001

Figure 3.2 Uplift of a strip foundation at different velocities: (a) normalised resistance
and (b) nominalised average excess pore pressure at the foundation base versus
normalised displacement curves

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

7 Nc = 6.05
qm/su0 3
vD/cv = 10000, 1000, 300, 100, 30,
2 10, 3, 1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01, 0.001
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1

-6 vD/cv = 10000, 1000, 300, 100, 30, 10, 3,
1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01, 0.001

Figure 3.3 Uplift of a circular foundation at different velocities: (a) normalised

resistance and (b) normalised average excess pore pressure at the foundation base versus
normalised displacement curves

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

Figure 3.4 Effective stress paths for uplift of a shallow foundation under different
drainage conditions (CSL Critical State Line, K0-CL K0-Consolidatied Line, URL
Unloading-Reloading Line)

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

qu/qu, ref, uave/uave, ref 1


0.6 Strip foundation

Strip foundation
Suction Strip
Circular foundation
Fitted line
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
V = vB/cv, vD/cv

Figure 3.5 Backbone curves of normalised resistance and normalised average suction at
the foundation base as a function of normalised velocity

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

2 qp/qu, ref = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3,

0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9


0.5 Circular Strip

foundation foundation
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
T = cvt/B , cvt/D2

Figure 3.6 Excess pore pressure dissipation curves under preloading at the centre of the

T = cvt/B2, cvt/D2
0.00001 0.001 0.1 10 1000
qp/qu, ref = 0.1,
0.2 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5,
U = w/wf

0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9


0.6 Circular Strip

foundation foundation
Fitted line

Figure 3.7 Time history of normalised foundation settlement under preloading

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift



qm/su0 U = 1, qp/qu, ref =
0.1,0.2, 0.3, 0.4,
-5 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8,
-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2

Figure 3.8 Normalised resistance versus normalised displacement curves after fully
consolidated preloading (circular foundation)

Circular foundation
1.8 Strip foundation
Fitted line - circular
R = qu/qu, ref

1.6 Fitted line - strip



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
qp/qu, ref

Figure 3.9 Strength gain ratio due to fully consolidated preloading for strip and circular

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

3 qp/qu, ref = 0.8, U =
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4,

0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8,
-3 0.9, 1
-0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

Figure 3.10 Normalised resistance versus normalised displacement curves following

intermediately consolidated preloading (circular foundation)

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift

1.8 Fitted line

qp/qu, ref = 0.1, 0.2,
1.6 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6,

R = qu/qu,ref
0.7, 0.8, 0.9


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fitted line
qp/qu, ref = 0.1, 0.2,
1.6 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6,
R = qu/qu,ref

0.7, 0.8, 0.9



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 3.11 Strength gain ratio due to intermediate consolidation under different
preloadings for (a) strip and (b) circular foundations

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift
1.4 1.4
Centrifuge data Centrifuge data
1.3 1.3
q/qu, ref = 0.2 q/qu, ref = 0.4
R = qu/qu, ref

R = qu/qu,ref
1.2 1.2

1.1 1.1

1 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(a) (b)
1.6 1.8
Centrifuge data Centrifuge data
1.5 1.6
q/qu, ref = 0.6 q/qu, ref = 0.8
R = qu/qu, ref


R = qu/qu, ref
1.1 1

1 0.8
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(c) (d)

Figure 3.12 Comparison between the present predictions and centrifuge data: (a) qp/qu,
ref = 0.2; (b) qp/qu, ref = 0.4; (c) qp/qu, ref = 0.6; (d) qp/qu, ref = 0.8

Chapter 3 Coupled analysis of shallow foundations subjected to uplift



Centrifuge tests have been carried out to investigate the uplift resistance of circular and
square skirted foundations under increasing displacement rates in lightly over-
consolidated kaolin clay. Uplift loads, displacements and pore pressures at the foundation
invert were monitored during testing. Results provide insights into the mechanism of
development of suction at the foundation invert and its contribution to the uplift resistance
in clay. Backbone curves for both circular and square footings were established,
accounting for the soil viscous effect generated at high uplift rate.

Keywords: centrifuge modelling; uplift; skirted foundation; rate effect; clay

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

4.1 Introduction

The effects of penetration rate on the bearing capacity of foundations have been
extensively investigated, notably via the research undertaken on the effect of strain rates
on the penetration resistance of soil characterisation tools. Backbone curves expressing
the normalised penetration resistance as a function of the normalised velocity V = vD/cv
(where v is loading velocity, D the footing dimension and cv the coefficient of soil
consolidation) have been well established by numerous penetrometer tests, e.g., T-bar,
ball and piezocone (House et al. 2001; Randolph and Hope 2004; Chung et al. 2006;
Schneider et al. 2007; Houlsby and Cassidy 2011). It is widely recognized that full
undrained behaviours are achieved for a normalised velocity greater than 30, while
drained conditions are achieved for a normalised velocity lower than 0.01. Partially
drained conditions prevail between these two values. At relatively low velocity, the
bearing capacity of penetrometers increases with decreasing loading rate, and is
dominated by the drainage conditions in soil. However, at higher velocity, the viscous
effects of soil become significant and the penetration resistance typically increases with
increasing loading rate by 5% 20% per log cycle (Einav and Randolph 2005). Lehane
et al. (2009) built a full velocity-ranged backbone curve, considering both the effects of
drainage conditions and the viscous rate effect of soil.

Similar findings have been obtained from studies focusing on penetration of shallow
foundations (Finnie 1993) or spudcan (Erbrich 2005; Cassidy 2012 among others). An
important aspect to note is that undrained conditions were also achieved for a normalised
displacement velocity higher than 30, although the boundary conditions may somewhat
be different between penetrometers, spudcans and shallow foundations.

For fully undrained conditions, a direct analogy between compression and uplift can be
made since for fully sealed conditions, uplift and compression capacities are theoretically
equal. There are, however, preliminary evidences that undrained conditions are achieved
at significantly higher displacement rates in uplift. Lehane et al. (2008) investigated the
rate effects on vertical uplift capacity of embedded anchor in clay, finding that the
normalised velocity resulting in fully undrained behaviour for footings subjected to uplift
are about two orders of magnitude higher than for footings loaded in compression. Chen
et al. (2012) also reported that fully undrained conditions were not fully reached at

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

normalised uplift velocity of ~ 3000 for uplift of mudmats. Both results relate to the
enhanced ability for excess pore pressures to dissipate, due to the development of pore
pressure relief mechanisms at the soil foundation interface.

There is an evident need to further examine the effect of loading rate on the uplift capacity
of skirted foundations, in order to establish the boundaries delimiting drained, partially
drained and undrained conditions, and accounting for the combined effect of drainage,
viscous effects and pore pressure relief mechanisms.

This paper presents a series of centrifuge tests on both circular and square skirted
foundations in kaolin clay. Loads and pressures at the footing inverts were monitored
during uplift. Backbone curves were obtained to investigate the effects of soil drainage
conditions and soil viscosity on the uplift of skirted foundations, and corresponding
failure mechanisms were also investigated.

4.2 Experimental set-up

4.2.1 Facility

The experiment was conducted in the drum centrifuge at the Centre for Offshore
Foundation Systems (COFS), The University of Western Australia (UWA). The facility
enables multiple uplift tests to be conducted within a single soil sample. The ring channel
of the centrifuge has an outer diameter of 1.2 m, an inner diameter of 0.8 m and a channel
height (sample width) of 0.3 m. An actuator was mounted onto the central tool table,
which can provide both vertical and radial movements by driving the servomotors. The
central tool table can rotate independently of the outer channel, allowing halt for check
or tool change without affecting the soil sample. A complete technical description of this
centrifuge is presented in Stewart et al. (1998). All the tests were performed at a centrifuge
acceleration of 200g, which means all model linear dimensions are scaled by 200 and all
loads by 2002 (see Garnier et al. (2007) for detail).

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

4.2.2 Model and instrumentation

Both circular and square skirted footing models were investigated. Both have overall
dimension of D = 60 mm (12 m in prototype) in diameter or width (see Figure 4.1). Note
that a curved base with curvature radius of 480 mm was designed to match the curved
soil mudline in the drum centrifuge and ensure a perfect contact between the footing
invert and the soil. This gives 0.94 mm difference between the centre and the edge of the
footing. Both models feature a skirt length of h = 12 mm (2.4 m in prototype) giving an
embedment ratio h/D = 0.2. Three Pore Pressure Transducers (PPTs) and two Total
Pressure Transducers (TPTs) were mounted onto the model inverts to monitor the pore
and total pressure variations during testing. A vent was also drilled to allow air to flow
through when installing models onto soil at 1g, which was sealed before ramping up
centrifuge. The uplift force was measured by a 2 kN capacity load cell attached onto
models, which was connected to the centrifuge actuator by a shaft as illustrated in Figure

4.2.3 Clay sample preparation and characterisation

Kaolin slurry with 120% water content (twice the liquid limit) was prepared in a vacuum
chamber, and then transferred into the centrifuge channel by a hopper at 20g over a fabric
drainage layer. Soil experienced consolidation, by ramping the centrifuge up to 200g,
which took four days to be completed. The soil height (including the drainage layer at
channel bottom) was 150 mm after consolidation. Then a layer of 30 mm was scraped off
the soil surface to create a lightly over-consolidated sample with a strength intercept, in
order to ensure a good quality contact between the foundation invert and the soil.
Reconsolidation at 200g was undertaken overnight before performing model tests. The
overall soil height was 120 mm, with a surface curvature of 480 mm matching the
curvature of the invert of the models (Figure 4.1).

T-bar tests were carried out before, during and after model tests. The soil undrained shear
strength was calculated by normalising the T-bar resistance with a bearing capacity factor
of NT-bar = 10.5 (Lehane et al. 2009; Low et al. 2010). The soil profile exhibited an
undrained shear strength at mudline of sum = 2.55 kPa, and a linear increase in strength
with depth, of a gradient of k = 1.21 kPa/m. This gives a strength heterogeneity ratio

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

kD/sum of 5.7. The soil coefficient of consolidation cv is taken as ~ 1.5 m2/year, relevant
to the stress level experienced by the soil underneath the foundation (House et al. 2001).

4.2.4 Test programme and procedure

Eighteen displacement control uplift tests were carried out in the drum centrifuge under
an acceleration of 200g at soil surface. The test programme is summarised in Table 4.1.
All model tests were carried out in different sites spreading over the centrifuge channel
with an edge-to-edge spacing of one and half model width.

Each model test experienced four stages of operation as detailed below:

1) The centrifuge was ramped down to 1g to connect the model with the actuator and it
was installed at a velocity of v = 0.05 mm/s until full contact with the soil surface
was achieved. The valve was subsequently closed to seal the foundation.

2) The centrifuge was ramped up to 200g and the channel was filled up with ~ 30 mm
water so that the models can be fully submerged. Eventually the load cell reached a
stable value, which is close to the submerged weight of models.

3) A preload was applied onto the model, equivalent to ~ 10% of the vertical undrained
bearing capacity (Qu) by assuming a bearing capacity factor Nc = 10 (Mana et al.
2012). The model was left consolidated under constant preload for about 10 minutes
in model scale, resulting in more than 90% of the consolidation to be completed, as
demonstrated by the settlement measurements.

4) Uplift was applied with various displacement rates ranging from v = 0.0005 to 3
mm/s (vD/cv = 0.6 to 3784.3, see Table 4.1 for details), hence covering four orders
of magnitude. During this stage, the uplift load and the total and pore pressures were
monitored. Peak values of force and pressure were also extracted for further study.

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

4.3 Experimental results

4.3.1 Typical measurements and observation of soil failure mechanisms

Figure 4.3 shows typical measurements of net uplift resistance (i.e., excluding the
submerged self-weight of the footing) and excess pore pressure (i.e., excluding the
hydrostatic pressure) varying with normalised displacement (w/D) for both circular and
square footings at three uplift velocities of v = 0.0005, 0.05 and 3 mm/s (vD/cv = 0.6, 63.1
and 3784.3) separately. The measured uplift resistance is expressed by normalising the
measured uplift load by plane area of models (qm = Qm/A) and only the excess pore
pressures monitored by the PPT at the geometric centre of the foundation base plate (uPPT0)
are presented for illustration due to the similarity in response with the other PPTs/TPTs.
Note that the negative values of excess pressure indicate the generation of suction at the
footing invert. Overall, the uplift resistance and the corresponding excess pore pressure
variations for circular and square foundations shows the similar variations with slightly
lower values monitored for the square footing.

At the slowest rate, i.e., v = 0.0005 mm/s (vD/cv = 0.6), the net uplift resistance is in the
order of 1 kPa. The uplift resistance is essentially sustained by the friction mobilised at
the outside and inside skirt soil interface, which can be verified by the visual observation
on the soil failures after uplift (Figure 4.4). The footing extraction only affects the soil
around the skirt under such a low rate, as illustrated in Figure 4.4. It is inferred that nearly
fully drained conditions are generated at an uplift rate of 0.0005 mm/s. This is discussed
in more details in Section 4.3.2.

At the highest uplift rate, i.e., v = 3 mm/s (vD/cv = 3784.3), significant suction is generated
at the foundation invert, with development mirroring the variation of uplift resistance for
both footing types. This implies that undrained conditions are potentially generated, with
the suction sustaining the internal soil plug and developing a reverse end bearing
mechanism. This is demonstrated in Figure 4.4, which shows the soil plug heave,
associated with downward soil movement around the foundation.

At intermediate uplift rate, e.g., at v = 0.05 mm/s (vD/cv = 63.1), suction is generated at
the foundation invert, but at a lower magnitude. Accordingly, both suction and skirt wall

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

frictions are likely to contribute to the uplift resistance. The soil deformation in Figure
4.4 shows plug heave, but to a lesser extent than at an uplift rate of 3 mm/s, demonstrating
that partially reverse end bearing mechanism, and partially drained conditions were

Also evident in Figure 4.3 is a breakaway point for uplift velocity of 0.05 and 3 mm/s, at
which suction is suddenly released, resulting in a significant reduction in uplift resistance.
It is noteworthy that the breakaway happens at a lower vertical displacement for the
fastest uplift rate and for both footing types (w/D = 0.07 to 0.09 at 3 mm/s against 0.13 to
0.15 at 0.05 mm/s). This is explained by the soil deformations as observed in Figure 4.4.
At v = 3 mm/s, and under undrained conditions, the soil around the outside skirt moves
downward, exposing the tip of the skirt to the free water after less uplift displacement
than at the intermediate uplift rate.

Most importantly, for both uplift rates, the breakaway occurs after the peak of suction
was mobilised. This indicates that any variation in development of suction at the
foundation invert is only due to change in drainage conditions. Suction relief mechanisms,
as observed by Chen et al. (2012) and Li et al. (2014), are not generated in the present set
of experiments. This enables establishment of the drainage boundary defining partially
drained and fully undrained conditions for foundation uplift, without interference of
suction relief mechanisms.

Figure 4.5 presents the peak of average excess pore pressures |uPPT| (monitored by the
three PPTs) normalised by the corresponding peak net uplift resistance (qup) as a function
of the normalised velocity. The ratio of suction to uplift resistance reaches a plateau from
a normalised velocity of approximately 100, where the suction generated contributes to
more than 90% of the uplift resistance. This potentially indicates a transition from
partially drained to undrained conditions. However, the averaging of pressure across the
three PPTs does not enable an accurate determination of the boundary, and a more
rigorous determination of the transition can actually be established from Figure 4.6, as
discussed in Section 4.3.2.

The normalised velocity delimiting partially drained to undrained conditions in the

present case appears to be one order of magnitude smaller than the one observed by

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Lehane et al. (2008) and Chen et al. (2012), with values of ~ 5000 and ~ 3000 respectively.
It is however approximately one order higher than the value of 30 generally accepted for
foundation in compression. This highlights that, in the absence of suction relief
mechanism, undrained conditions for uplift are achieved under faster displacement rates
than for compression. This is essentially due to the change in boundary conditions and
the associated change in drainage path length. In compression, the foundation embeds
deeper into the soil, increasing the length water has to travel to reach zones of hydrostatic
conditions. In contrast, under uplift, the drainage paths are shortened as the foundation is
pulled out of the soil. The shortening is further enhanced by the downward movement of
the soils associated with the reverse end bearing mechanism and consequently, undrained
conditions for uplift are achieved under a higher displacement rate than for compression.
This conclusion is valid for both the square and the circular footings.

4.3.2 Backbone curves

Figure 4.6 summarised the peak uplift resistance normalised by the soil strength at skirt
tips (su0) as a function of normalised velocity.

Both circular and square footings demonstrate the similar trend that the uplift resistance
increases with increased normalised velocity. However, the peak uplift resistances for
circular and square footings differ slightly at a normalised velocity regime from 10 to 100.
Under partially drained conditions, the magnitude of suction depends on the drainage path
length, which is different for both foundations as they exhibit two different plane

Further observation from Figure 4.6 indicates that the rate of increase of uplift resistance
varies with the normalised uplift velocity. The uplift resistance remains constant at
normalised velocity less than 5, where the soil underneath the footings is experiencing
drained conditions and the uplift resistance is generated by interface friction. Assuming
an interface friction factor of = 0.25, the skirt friction resistance equals the uplift
resistance as illustrated in Figure 4.6.

As the normalised velocity increases, the uplift resistance increases rapidly due to the
generation of suction at the footing invert, with the failure mode transitioning from skirt

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

friction to full reverse end bearing mechanism. The uplift resistance increase experiences
a transition point around the normalised velocity of 200 as defined in Figure 4.6, where
the normalised resistance is slightly higher than the bearing capacity factors Nc ranging
from 9.44 to 10.06 reported by Mana et al. (2010) for smooth and rough skirted circular
footings in compression, respectively, under undrained conditions, with an embedment
ratio of 0.2 and a heterogeneity ratio kD/sum of 5.7. Figure 4.6 provides a more accurate
estimation of the partially drained undrained boundary.

Beyond a normalised velocity of 200, the uplift resistance continues to increase, but at a
much slower rate. This increase is associated with soil viscous effects, as demonstrated

In order to build a general framework to predict the uplift resistance of skirted foundations
under various rates, the uplift resistance is normalised by a reference resistance (qupref
which relates to the undrained uplift at the velocity of v = 0.1 mm/s or vD/cv = 126.1) and
plotted in Figure 4.7 as a function of normalised velocity. This point corresponds to the
experimental data closest to the transition point where vD/cv = 200 and is used to construct
the backbone curve presented in Figure 4.7.

The backbone curve is established by interpolating the results with a hyperbolic function
of the form:

qup b
a (4.1)
qupref 1 cV d

where a, b, c, d are parameters for describing the shape of the backbone curve. a = 0.03
represents the drained resistance (equivalent to the normalised skirt wall friction), (a + b)
= 1 represents the undrained resistance at the reference rate, c = 500 and d = 1.65 are
parameters controlling the sharpness of the backbone curve. Equation (4.1) has been
widely used to predict the resistance for penetration tests and can only account for the
effect of soil drainage conditions (House et al. 2001; Chung et al. 2006). As illustrated in
Figure 4.7, Equation (4.1) fails to predict the increase in uplift resistance under fully
undrained conditions.

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

The enhanced uplift resistance after undrained conditions is explained by viscous effects.
Equation (4.1), therefore, can be modified to incorporate a soil viscous effect term
expressed as

qup b
(a ) 1 sinh 1 (V / V0 ) sinh 1 (Vref / V0 ) (4.2)
qupref 1 cV d

where , V0, Vref are parameters controlling soil viscous effects. = 0.16 is a rate
coefficient, which represents the percentage of soil strength increase per log cycle
(Randolph and Hope 2004; Einav and Randolph 2005). V0 = 1 is a normalised velocity
where rate correction start to reduce to zero (viscous effects can be neglected under this
rate). Vref = 10 is a reference normalised velocity where the rate correction term passes
through unity.

As demonstrated in Figure 4.7, Equation (4.2), including a viscous effect parameter, is

able to predict the foundation uplift capacity over the full range of drainage conditions.

4.4 Conclusions

A series of centrifuges tests were carried out to investigate the effect of the loading rate
on the uplift capacity of skirted square and circular foundations resting on kaolin clay.

The uplift rate investigated covered drainage conditions ranging from fully drained to
fully undrained conditions. It was observed that fully undrained conditions were achieved
at uplift rate approximately one order of magnitude higher than rates associated with
undrained conditions for foundations in compression. The reason is the shortening of the
drainage path as the foundation is uplifted from the soil and the surrounding soil is
dragged downwards with the development of a reverse end bearing mechanism.

At this higher velocity (compare to foundation in compression), the soil strength is

enhanced by viscous effect. This results in an uplift capacity, when undrained conditions
are reached, which is higher than the bearing capacity for identical drainage conditions
for compression. Note that strength increase due to consolidation post installation has not
been accounted for and prevents the determination of accurate bearing capacity factors

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

for uplift conditions. This will be investigated further in the second stage of this

4.5 References

Cassidy, M.J. 2012. Experimental observation of the penetration of spudcan footings in

silt. Gotechnique 62(8): 727-732.

Chen, R., Gaudin, C., and Cassidy, M.J. 2012. Investigation of the vertical uplift capacity
of deep water mudmats in clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 49(7): 853-865.

Chung, S.F., Randolph, M.F., and Schneider, J.A. 2006. Effect of penetration rate on
penetrometer resistance in clay. J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Engng., ASCE 132(9): 1188-

Einav, I., and Randolph, M.F. 2005. Combining upper bound and strain path methods for
evaluating penetration resistance. Int. J. Numer. Methods Engng. 63(14): 1991-2016.

Erbrich, C.T. 2005. Australia frontiers spudcans on the edge. In Proc. Int. Symp.
Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics, Perth, Australia. pp. 49-74.

Finnie, I.M.S. 1993. Performance of shallow foundations in calcareous soil. PhD thesis,
The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.

Garnier, J., Gaudin, C., Springman, S., Culligan, P.J., Goodings, D., Konig, D., Kutter,
B., Phillips, R., Randolph, M.F., and Thorel, L. 2007. Catalogue of scaling laws and
similitude questions in geotechnical centrifuge modelling. Int. J. Phys. Mod. Geotech.
7(3): 1-23.

Houlsby, G.T., and Cassidy, M.J. 2011. A simplified mechanically based model for
predicting partially drained behaviour of penetrometers and shallow foundations.
Gotechnique Letters: 1-5.

House, A.R, Oliveira, J.M.S., and Randolph, M.F. 2001. Evaluating the coefficient of
consolidation using penetration tests. Int. J. Phys. Mod. Geotech. 1(3): 17-25.

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Lehane, B.M., Gaudin, C., Richards, D.J., and Rattley, M.J. 2008. Rate effects on the
vertical uplift capacity of footings founded in clay. Gotechnique 58(1): 13-21.

Lehane, B.M., O'Loughlin, C.D., Gaudin, C., and Randolph, M.F. 2009. Rate effects on
penetrometer resistance in kaolin. Gotechnique 59(1): 41-52.

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y., and Cassidy, M.J. 2014. Effect of perforations on uplift
capacity of skirted foundations on clay. Can. Geotech. J. 51(3): 322-331.

Low, H.E., Lunne, T., Andersen, K.H., Sjursen, M.A., Li, X., and Randolph, M.F. 2010.
Estimation of intact and remoulded undrained shear strength from penetration tests in soft
clays. Gotechnique 60(11): 843-859.

Mana, D.S.K, Gourvenec, S.M., and Randolph, M.F. 2010. A numerical study of the
vertical bearing capacity of skirted foundations. In Proc. Int. Symp. Frontiers in Offshore
Geotechnics, Perth, Australia. pp. 433-438.

Mana, D.S.K., Gourvenec, S.M., Randolph, M.F., and Hossain, M.S. 2012. Failure
mechanisms of skirted foundations in uplift and compression. Int. J. Phys. Mod. Geotech.
12(2): 47-62.

Randolph, M.F., and Hope, S. 2004. Effect of cone velocity on cone resistance and excess
pore pressures. In Proc. Int. Symp. Engineering Practice and Performance of Soft
Deposits, Osaka, Japan. pp. 147-152.

Schneider, J.A., Lehane, B.M., and Schnaid, F. 2007. Velocity effects on piezocone
measurements in normally and over consolidated clays. Int. J. Phys. Mod. Geotech. 7(2):

Stewart, D.P., Boyle, R.S., and Randolph, M.F. 1998. Experience with a new drum
centrifuge. In Pro. Int. Conf. Centrifuge, Tokyo, Japan. Vol. 1, pp. 35-40.

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Table 4.1 Test programme

Model Velocity, Normalised

shape v (mm/s) velocity, vD/cv
Circular/Square 0.0005 0.6
Circular/Square 0.001 1.3
Circular/Square 0.005 6.3
Circular/Square 0.01 12.6
Circular/Square 0.05 63.1
Circular/Square 0.1 126.1
Circular/Square 0.5 630.7
Circular/Square 1 1261.4
Circular/Square 3 3784.3

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Figure 4.1 Sketch of circular and square skirted foundation models (mm in demission)

Figure 4.2 Model layout in drum centrifuge

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Figure 4.3 Measurements of force and excess pore pressure versus displacement curves
for (a) circular and (b) square footings

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Figure 4.4 Soil failure mechanisms after pulling out for (a) circular and (b) square

Figure 4.5 Suction generation normalised by uplift resistance

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Figure 4.6 Uplift resistance normalised by soil strength at skirt tips

Figure 4.7 Backbone curves for uplift resistance

Chapter 4 Rate effects on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay



Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) analyses were performed in the centrifuge to

investigate the uplift failure and breakout mechanisms of shallow foundations resting on
lightly over-consolidated kaolin clay. The effects of skirt length and displacement rate
are considered. Excess pore pressure underneath the foundation was monitored to provide
information on the soil drainage condition and the breakout of foundations. Results show
that a reverse Hill failure mechanism is mobilised in both skirted and flat foundations
under fully undrained soil conditions. With increasing soil drainage in the clay, the size
of the failure mechanism can be reduced or the failure mechanism can transform into a
combined Hill-sliding type. The breakout of the skirted foundation can be attributed to
either the decrease of effective stress or dramatical boundary changes such as the loss of
embedment or the formation of cracks around the foundation, depending on the soil
drainage condition in the clay.

Keywords: centrifuge modelling; Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV); shallow foundation;

uplift; clay

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

5.1 Introduction

Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) analysis is a nonintrusive technique originally

developed to measure flow fields and relevant features in fluid mechanics (Adrian 1991).
The analysis is based on a series of image pairs taken on the flow seeded with special
particles to visualise the deformation field. The image pairs are then divided into a grid
of patches in pixels. The displacement and velocity vectors of identified particles in the
patches are calculated by correlating them between two images using correlation
functions. With improving accuracy and precision, PIV analysis has been applied into
geotechnical modelling to measure soil deformations and further implemented into
centrifuge environment (e.g., White et al. 2003, 2005; Stanier and White 2013).

PIV has already been applied to investigating the soil flow mechanism around
foundations during uplift. Typical examples include Purwana (2006) on spudcan
extraction, Cheuk et al. (2008) on upheaval of a buried pipelines and Tian et al. (2013)
on tension of buried plate anchors. All of these are for deep or buried foundations and
few studies concentrate on shallow foundations. Mana et al. (2012) investigated the soil
flow mechanism around shallow skirted foundations. They compared the failure
mechanisms of foundations between compression and uplift under fully undrained
conditions. A reverse Hill failure mechanism (Hill 1950) was observed in uplift compared
to a Prandtl failure mechanism (Prandtl 1921) in compression. To the authors knowledge,
no study has revealed the soil failure mechanism of shallow foundations under partially
drained conditions. On the other hand, Li et al. (2014b) performed full model (not PIV)
tests on the uplift of shallow skirted foundations under a range of soil drainage conditions.
It was found that the decrease of uplift resistances with decreasing velocity is related to
the transition of soil drainage from undrained to drained condition and the associated
reduction of suction at the foundation invert. Nevertheless, the soil failure mechanism in
the transition regime is still not clear.

Furthermore, the breakout, which features an abrupt drop of resistance and suction during
uplift, plays an important role in controlling the extracting process for offshore shallow
foundations. This phenomenon has been studied theoretically by Foda (1982), Mei et al.
(1985) and Sawicki and Mierczyski (2003) and numerically by Zhou et al. (2008). They

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

divided the breakout into a two-stage or three-stage process, based on the assumption that
the effective stress at the interface between the foundation and soil governs the breakout.
Numerous model experiments (Byrne and Finn 1978; Das 1991; Chen et al. 2012; Li et
al. 2014a) and field tests (Bouwmeester et al. 2009) also indicated the importance of the
breakout in various uplift events. Nevertheless, there is lack of analysis on visualising the
breakout of shallow foundations.

In the present study, PIV analysis has been performed in the centrifuge to investigate the
uplift failure and breakout mechanism of shallow skirted and flat foundations. The uplift
velocity was varied, extending the study to partially drained conditions. The breakout of
the foundations was visualised and discussed briefly.

5.2 Experimental set-up

5.2.1 Centrifuge and PIV apparatus

The drum centrifuge at the Centre for Offshore Foundation System (COFS) at The
University of Western Australia (UWA) was employed to perform the tests (Stewart et al.
1998). This centrifuge has a U-shape ring channel with outer diameter of 1.2 m, inner
diameter of 0.8 m and channel height of 0.3 m. A tool table is mounted at the centre of
the drum, which can rotate independently of the outer channel and thus allow halt for
check or tool change during testing. An actuator attached onto the central tool table
provides either load or displacement control in vertical and radial direction by driving the
servomotors. The centrifuge is equipped with both wired and wireless data acquisition
system developed in-house at UWA, which can achieve real-time data transmission at the
frequency of 10 Hz (Gaudin et al. 2009). All the tests were operated at a centrifuge
acceleration of 200g at the top of the soil sample. Details of the scaling laws can be found
in Garnier et al. (2007).

PIV tests were conducted in separated strongboxes that can be screwed into the drum
channel (Figure 5.1). The strongboxes are modular and can be assembled with dimension
of 80 (width) 160 (height) 256 (length) mm. During each test, the side plate facing

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

the camera was replaced with a transparent Perspex window that allows the soil flow
mechanism to be observed and captured by the camera in front of the window. The PIV
system is equipped with a small format digital camera and a pair of Light-Emitting Diode
(LED) panels, both of which can be controlled in flight by software developed in-house.
The basic set-up of the PIV system is illustrated in Figure 5.1. More details on the
application of PIV technology in the drum centrifuge can be found in White et al. (2005)
and Stanier and White (2013).

5.2.2 Model and instrumentation

Two half-square model foundations were fabricated for the present study (Figure 5.2).
Both have overall width of D = 60 mm (12 m prototype), one without skirt (flat) and the
other with skirt length of h = 12 mm (2.4 m prototype), which lead to a skirt length ratio
of h/D = 0 and 0.2 separately. These dimensions were chosen to keep consistency with
previous studies, particularly Mana et al. (2012) and Li et al. (2014b). Top plates were 10
mm in thickness and the skirt wall 3 mm in width (t/D = 0.05), thus ensuring enough
strength and better visualization during testing. Black foam was glued all over the
symmetric side of the half models, which was squeezed against the transparent window
to provide a seal to ensure no water and soil can flow through. Meanwhile, a special shaft,
with the same width as the strongbox, was fabricated. This enabled support from the back
plate of the strongbox and thus helped further enhance the seal condition (see also Mana
et al. (2012)). One Pore Pressure Transducer (PPT) was instrumented through the top
plate of each model to monitor the pore pressure variations at foundation inverts from
installation to uplift. One vent on the model plate was drilled to allow air to flow through
during installation, which was then sealed by a plastic valve after installation. A load cell
was attached onto the top of the shaft to record reaction forces from the actuator during

5.2.3 Clay sample preparation and T-bar test

Kaolin slurry with 120% water content (twice the liquid limit) was poured into the pre-
fixed strongboxes in the drum channel at 20g. Each box was topped up 2 or 3 times to

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

accommodate the reduction in volume due to consolidation and settlement. After topping
up, the clay was left for consolidation at 200g for a further four days. This final soil height
was estimated to be around 120 mm.

T-bar tests were conducted during consolidation to verify if full consolidation was
achieved, that is, if a linear soil strength profile was produced. After full consolidation,
all the boxes were taken out from the channel and preserved in the water for further use.
For each sample, the top 10 mm of clay was scraped off to make a flat surface and Lightly
Over-Consolidated (LOC) clay with final soil height of 110 mm. One side plate of the
strongbox was removed, and black dyed sand passed through a 300 m sieve was seeded
randomly onto the side surface. This increased the contrast of the soil, a necessity for high
quality PIV analysis. The Perspex window was screwed on the side face of the strongbox,
and then the box was put back into the channel for further T-bar and PIV tests.

T-bar tests were performed in each strongbox at a standard penetration rate of 1 mm/s to
obtain the undrained shear strength (Stewart and Randolph 1991, 1994). Cyclic tests were
also included in each T-bar test to correct the drift of the data (Randolph et al. 2007). The
penetration resistance was first normalised by a constant bearing factor of 10.5 (Randolph
and Houlsby 1984; Low et al. 2010), and then was corrected at shallow depth with lower
bearing factors (White et al. 2010). Figure 5.3 summarises the corrected undrained shear
strength profile of the clay at the top 50 mm (10 m prototype) of clay for five strongboxes.
It can be seen that the strengths for all the boxes are quite uniform and follow a linear
variation with depth. The overall strength can be approximated by a linear function with
an intercept of sum = 0.92 kPa at the top of the clay and a gradient of k = 1.33 kPa/m. This
is equivalent to a heterogeneity ratio of kD/sum = 17.3.

5.2.4 ASR calibration

Stanier and White (2013) recommended that the density of the dyed sand seeded onto the
surface of the clay sample needed to be calibrated before formal PIV tests, in order to
obtain an optimised contrast. The density of the dyed sand can be expressed as an
Artificially Seeding Ratio (ASR) varying between 0 (i.e., no seeded sand) and 1 (i.e., fully
saturated by seeded sand). During calibration of the tests of this study, the dyed sand was

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

rained onto the exposed plane of clay sample in stages until the plane was fully saturated
with the texture. The images with different seeding densities were captured and analysed
by PIV method by comparing an image with its duplicate at different patch sizes of the
image, i.e., L = 25, 50 and 100 pixel respectively. As suggested by Stanier and White
(2013), a standard error due to different seeding densities can be derived, which changes
as a concave parabolic function of ASR, and its minimum value corresponds to the
optimised ASR. Figure 5.4 shows the standard error varying against ASR from the present
calibration. Although the dyed sand was not evenly seeded, it can still be confirmed from
the trend line of the present results that the optimised ASR that gives the best constant is
around 0.45. This value was used as benchmark for the formal model tests.

5.2.5 Test programme and procedure

Five model tests were carried out as summarised in Table 5.1. Influential factors
considered include: i) uplift velocity v = 0.001, 0.05 and 1 mm/s. This is equivalent to a
normalised velocity vD/cv = 1.3, 63.1 and 1261.4 by assuming an average coefficient of
consolidation cv = 1.5 m2/year, which corresponds to the stress level experienced in the
clay at the foundation level (House et al. 2001); ii) skirt length ratio h/D = 0 and 0.2.
Camera frame rate varies between 1 and 10 frames per second (fps) depending on the
displacement rates. This rate is capable of recording a minimum displacement interval of
0.001 mm for the lowest velocity test and 0.1 mm for the highest velocity test, thus
enabling a close observation of the interface behaviours. This is much improved
compared to previous studies performed in the UWA centrifuges (e.g., White et al. 2005;
Hossain and Randolph 2010; Mana et al. 2012).

Each model test was performed in a separated strongbox, which involves vented
installation, sealing the drainage hole at the top plates, compressive preloading and uplift
at different velocities, as illustrated in Figure 5.5 with the measured resistance monitored
by the load cell.

1) The foundation was installed at 1g at a sufficiently slow displacement rate, i.e., 0.05
mm/s, to ensure that the foundation kept contact against the window. The foundation
was driven into the sample until full contact between the clay surface and the

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

foundation base was achieved, which was confirmed by the load cell and pore
pressure monitoring during installation and also the visual observation through
CCTV cameras. Note that the air valve on the top plate was kept open during
installation and was closed after installation.

2) Ramp centrifuge up to 200g and then wait for ~ 30 minutes to allow the clay to settle
and any gap between the Perspex window and the clay to be fully closed. Water was
then placed on the sample to create an underwater environment.

3) Apply a fraction of compressive preload to ensure full contact between the clay and
the foundation base. Wait overnight under constant load to allow the pore pressure
underneath the foundation to stabilise, which can be implied by the PPT monitoring
and the settlement of the foundation.

4) Uplift the model at different velocities with a displacement-controlled method (see

Table 5.1) until the foundation or the skirt tip was clear of the clay surface.

5.3 Experimental results

5.3.1 Interpretation of excess pore pressure responses

Figure 5.6 shows the responses of excess pore pressure (excluding the hydrostatic
pressure) monitored by the PPT at the base of the foundation. The negative excess pore
pressures suggest the generation of suction at the interface between the foundation base
and the top of the clay. For the skirted foundation (h/D = 0.2), the excess pore pressure
changes were well captured by the PPT (Figure 5.6a). With decreased velocity, the
magnitude of generated excess pore pressure reduces. From test T1 to T2, the peak of
excess pore pressure reduces up to 16% with velocity decreasing by a factor of 20,
primarily due to the soil viscous effects rather than the drainage condition of the soil. The
reason is that in both tests T1 and T2, the foundation broke out at a similar distance of
w/D ~ 9% (as suggested by grey colour filled circles in Figure 5.6a), indicating that in
both tests the clay was almost under fully undrained conditions and the breakout of
foundation was unaffected by the slower rate of uplift. The further reduction of excess

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

pore pressure in test T3 compared to tests T1 and T2, arose from the partially drained
condition in the clay as indicated by the earlier breakout at w/D ~ 5% (see detailed
discussion in Section 5.3.3). It is noteworthy that the drainage condition at a specific
velocity seems to be shifted compared with the parallel full model tests in Li et al. (2014b),
attributed to their different boundary conditions (e.g., models were halved in PIV tests).
The distances to the peak of the excess pore pressures are around 2.5% of the width for
all three tests on the skirted foundation.

As shown in Figure 5.6b, the excess pore pressures variations could not be accurately
monitored for the flat foundation (h/D = 0). However, the little spike monitored by the
PPT in test T4 potentially suggests that the peak resistance and the breakout of foundation
occurred at w/D ~ 0.3%.

It is noted that excess pore pressures are used here as a default for uplift resistance. This
is because that resistances monitored by the load cell can be increased from that of simply
soil resistance owing to the side frictional forces between the Perspex window, the back
plate and the foundation and its attached shaft. Therefore, it is more reliable to monitor
pore pressure variations underneath the foundation, which should not be affected by the
friction forces.

5.3.2 Observations on the failure mechanism

Figure 5.7 illustrates the displacement vectors of the clay normalised by the foundation
displacement at the moment when the peak resistance was mobilised as suggested by the
PPT monitoring in Figure 5.6. The normalised displacements of the clay are also
presented as contour plots in Figure 5.8. Overall, a certain volume of the clay underneath
the foundations moves upward with foundation regardless of the skirted configurations,
which indicates the generation of suction pressures although in different levels. The clay
around the foundation flows towards the bottom of the foundation to maintain continuity
of kinematic failure mechanisms.

For the skirted foundation (h/D = 0.2), a clear reverse Hill type failure mechanism was
observed in tests T1 and T2, as sketched in the left side of Figure 5.9a and also observed

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

by Mana et al. (2012). The movement of the soil plug incorporated by the skirt was
affected by the progressive soil flow mechanism (Mana et al. 2012). The failure
mechanism in test T2 is slightly smaller than that in test T1, which could potentially
suggest that the fully undrained condition has not been reached in test T2 (although it
could be interpreted as being close to it). In test T3, the soil movement demonstrates a
failure mechanism combining Hill failure and sliding along the skirt as partially drained
condition in the clay governs the uplift, as observed in Figure 5.8c and sketched in Figure
5.9b. The magnitude of the displacement in the clay along the skirt differs from the
foundation displacement by up to 40% (Figure 5.8c), indicating that a significant sliding
occurred along the interface between the skirts and the surrounding clay due to the
dissipation of suction pressures, although the overall failure mechanism is still a Hill type
mechanism. Due to the partially drained conditions, the extent of the failure mechanism
in test T3 is much smaller than that of tests T1 and T2.

The Hill type failure mechanism was also observed in both tests T4 and T5, as observed
in Figure 5.7d and e, and Figure 5.8d and e. As expected, the flat foundation demonstrates
much shallower failure mechanism compared to the skirted foundation (Figure 5.9a). The
Hill failure mechanism in test T4 seems to be disturbed by a higher level of preloading
prior to uplift (thus more significant embedment and larger volume recovery during
uplift). The higher frame rate has proven to be able to capture the failure mechanism for
surface foundations where the operational distance is rather short, e.g., only ~ 0.3% of
foundation width as mentioned above. However, due to limited cases, the rate effects on
the failure mechanism of flat foundations could not be explicitly interpreted.

5.3.3 Observations on the breakout mechanism

The breakout of flat foundation was not properly observed due to the rather short
operational distance. However, this phenomenon could be captured accurately for the
skirted foundation. As shown in Figure 5.6a, the breakout is clearly indicated by the
abrupt drop of suction pressure after a peak. This can be attributed to either the decrease
of effective stress at the interface of the foundation base and the top of the clay or the
boundary changes during uplift such as the loss of embedment and the formation of cracks
around the skirt of the foundation.

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

Figure 5.10 illustrates three different stages leading to breakout during uplift of the skirted
foundation under fully undrained and partially drained conditions (corresponding to tests
T1 and T3 respectively). For both cases, the foundation was in full contact with the clay
with good seal condition maintained at the beginning of uplift. As uplift is applied, the
clay beneath the foundation was lifted up in test T1 due to the fully mobilised suction,
whereas in test T2 the clay underneath the foundation began to slide along the skirt. This
indicates that under undrained uplift, the suction is fully sustained before breakout, and
the breakout is caused by the loss of embedment or formation of cracks where the water
can ingress into the foundation bottom in a very short time, resulting in the disturbance
of the clay and the blurring of water in the gap, as observed in the stage III of Figure 5.10a.
However, under partially drained uplift, both the decrease of effective stresses and
boundary changes may contribute to the breakout (Figure 5.10b). First, the gap forms and
continues to grow during uplift due to the drainage of water from the far field to the
foundation bottom. Second, the clay around the foundation moves downwards, leading to
the shortening of skirt embedment and formation of cracks in the clay. Both effects result
in the foundation subjected to partially drained uplift breaking out earlier than that for
fully drained uplift (i.e., breakout distance w/D ~ 5% compared to w/D ~ 9% as
demonstrated in Figure 5.6).

Figure 5.11 and Figure 5.12 show the normalised displacement vectors and the
corresponding contours in the clay immediately after breakout, respectively. The effects
of soil drainage on breakout can be demonstrated. Firstly, the clay surface profile for
undrained test T1 is likely to change more dramatically than the partially drained test T3.
After breakout, the suction is totally lost in test T1 and the clay underneath the foundation
settles under its self-weight. However, there seems to be a certain amount of suction
existing around the skirt tip in test T3 after breakout due to the less significant boundary

5.4 Conclusions

PIV technology was employed to investigate the failure and breakout mechanisms of
skirted and flat foundations subjected to uplift in lightly over-consolidated kaolin clay.

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

The rate of uplift varies to investigate the effect of soil drainage conditions on uplift
failure and breakout mechanisms.

A Hill type failure mechanism was observed for uplift of both the skirted and flat
foundations under fully undrained conditions. With increasing drainage, the Hill failure
mechanism shrinks in size or the failure mechanism transforms into a combination of Hill
and sliding type, depending on the level of partial drainage occurring in the clay. A rather
shallower Hill failure mechanism is mobilised in the tests for the flat foundation.

The breakout is indicated by the loss of suction pressure underneath the foundation during
uplift. During undrained uplift, the breakout of the foundation is controlled by the
dramatical boundary change, such as the loss of embedment and the formation of cracks,
instead of the decrease of effective stress at the interface of the foundation and clay. Both
factors, however, contribute to the breakout of foundations under partially drained uplift.

5.5 References

Adrian, R.J. 1991. Particle-imaging techniques for experimental fluid mechanics. Annual
Review of Fluid Mechanics 23(1): 261-304.

Bouwmeester, D., Peuchen, J., Van der Wal, T., Sarata, B., Willemse, C.A., Van Baars,
S., and Peelen, R. 2009. Prediction of breakout force for deepwater seafloor objects. In
Proc. Offshore Technology Conference, Huston, USA. OTC 19925.

Byrne, P.M., and Finn, W.D.L. 1978. Breakout of submerged structures buried to a
shallow depth. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 15(2): 146-154.

Chen, R., Gaudin, C., and Cassidy, M.J. 2012. Investigation of the vertical uplift capacity
of deep water mudmats in clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 49(7): 853-865.

Cheuk, C., White, D.J., and Bolton, M.D. 2008. Uplift mechanisms of pipes buried in
sand. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 134(2): 154-163.

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

Das, B.M. 1991. Bottom breakout of objects resting on soft clay sediments. International
Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 1(3): 195-199.

Foda, M.A. 1982. On the extrication of large objects from the ocean bottom. J. Fluid
Mech. 117: 211-231.

Garnier, J., Gaudin, C., Springman, S.M., Culligan, P.J., Goodings, D., Konig, D., Kutter,
B., Phillips, R., Randolph, M.F., and Thorel, L. 2007. Catalogue of scaling laws and
similitude questions in geotechnical centrifuge modelling. International Journal of
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 7(3): 1-23.

Gaudin, C., White, D.J., Boylan, N., Breen, J., Brown, T., De Catania, S., and Hortin, P.
2009. A wireless high-speed data acquisition system for geotechnical centrifuge model
testing. Measurement Science and Technology 20(9): 095709.

Hill, R. 1950. The mathematical theory of plasticity. Clarendon Press, Oxford.

Hossain, M.S., and Randolph, M.F. 2010. Deep-penetrating spudcan foundations on

layered clays: centrifuge tests. Gotechnique 60(3): 157-170.

House, A.R., Oliveira, J.M.S., and Randolph, M.F. 2001. Evaluating the coefficient of
consolidation using penetration tests. Int. J. of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 1(3):

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y., and Cassidy, M.J. 2014a. Effect of perforations on uplift
capacity of skirted foundations on clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 51(3): 322-331.

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y., and Cassidy, M.J. 2014b. Rate effects on the uplift capacity
of skirted foundations on clay. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Perth, Australia. pp. 473-479.

Low, H.E., Lunne, T., Andersen, K.H., Sjursen, M.A., Li, X., and Randolph, M.F. 2010.
Estimation of intact and remoulded undrained shear strengths from penetration tests in
soft clays. Gotechnique 60(11): 843-859.

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

Mana, D.S.K., Gourvenec, S., Randolph, M.F., and Hossain, M.S. 2012. Failure
mechanisms of skirted foundations in uplift and compression. International Journal of
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 12(2): 47-62.

Mei, C.C., Yeung, R.W., and Liu, K.-F. 1985. Lifting of a large object from a porous
seabed. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 152: 203-215.

Prandtl, L. 1921. Hauptaufstze: ber die Eindringungsfestigkeit (Hrte) plastischer

Baustoffe und die Festigkeit von Schneiden. Journal of Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics/Zeitschrift fr Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1(1): 15-20.

Purwana, O.A. 2006. Centrifuge model study on spudcan extraction in soft clay. PhD
Thesis, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Randolph, M.F., and Houlsby, G.T. 1984. The limiting pressure on a circular pile loaded
laterally in cohesive soil. Gotechnique 34(4): 613-623.

Randolph, M.F., Low, H.E., and Zhou, H. 2007. In situ testing for design of pipeline and
anchoring systems. In Proceedings of the 6th International Offshore Site Investigation and
Geotechnics Conference: Confronting New Challenges and Sharing Knowledge, London,
UK. pp. 251-262.

Sawicki, A., and Mierczyski, J. 2003. Mechanics of the breakout phenomenon.

Computers and Geotechnics 30(3): 231-243.

Stanier, S.A., and White, D.J. 2013. Improved image-based deformation measurement in
the centrifuge environment. Geotechnical Testing Journal 36(6): 915-927.

Stewart, D.P., Boyle, R.S., and Randolph, M.F. 1998. Experience with a new drum
centrifuge. In Pro. Int. Conf. Centrifuge, Tokyo, Japan. Vol. 1, pp. 35-40.

Stewart, D.P., and Randolph, M.F. 1991. A new site investigation tool for the centrifuge.
In Centrifuge 91 (eds. Ko and McLean), Rotterdam, Netherlands. pp. 531-538.

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

Stewart, D.P., and Randolph, M.F. 1994. T-bar penetration testing in soft clay. Journal of
Geotechnical Engineering 120(12): 2230-2235.

Tian, Y., Gaudin, C., Cassidy, M.J., and Randolph, M.F. 2013. Considerations on the
design of keying flap of plate anchors. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering 139(7): 1156-1164.

White, D.J., Gaudin, C., Boylan, N., and Zhou, H. 2010. Interpretation of T-bar
penetrometer tests at shallow embedment and in very soft soils. Canadian Geotechnical
Journal 47(2): 218-229.

White, D.J., Randolph, M.F., and Thompson, B. 2005. An image-based deformation

measurement system for the geotechnical centrifuge. International Journal of Physical
Modelling in Geotechnics 5(3): 1-12.

White, D.J., Take, W.A., and Bolton, M.D. 2003. Soil deformation measurement using
particle image velocimetry (PIV) and photogrammetry. Gotechnique 53(7): 619-631.

Zhou, X.X., Chow, Y.K., and Leung, C.F. 2008. Numerical modeling of breakout process
of objects lying on the seabed surface. Computers and Geotechnics 35(5): 686-702.

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

Table 5.1 Summary of PIV tests

Test Skirt length, Uplift velocity, Normalised velocity,

name h/D v (mm/s) vD/cv
T1 0.2 1 1261.4
T2 0.2 0.05 63.1
T3 0.2 0.001 1.3
T4 0 1 1261.4
T5 0 0.05 63.1

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

Figure 5.1 PIV layout in the drum centrifuge

Figure 5.2 Models and instrumentations

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

Figure 5.3 Soil undrained shear strength profiles

Figure 5.4 Standard error as a function of ASR

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

Figure 5.5 Time history of load resistance monitored by load cell (test T3)

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

Figure 5.6 Excess pore pressure responses monitored by PPTs

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

Figure 5.7 Soil displacement vectors normalised by foundation displacement (vectors

scaled up by a factor of 10)

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

Figure 5.8 Normalised soil displacement contours (intervals of 10% of foundation


Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

Figure 5.9 Sketch of failure mechanisms during uplift

Figure 5.10 Different stages to breakout during uplift (UD Undrained, PD Partially

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to

Figure 5.11 Soil velocity vectors normalised by foundation displacement after breakout
(vectors scaled up by a factor of 10; UD Undrained, PD Partially Drained)

Figure 5.12 Normalised soil velocity contours after breakout (intervals of 10% of
foundation velocity; UD Undrained, PD Partially Drained)

Chapter 5 Observations on the failure mechanism of shallow foundations subjected to



Centrifuge tests investigating the effect of compressive preloading and consolidation on

the subsequent uplift capacity of shallow skirted foundations that rest on lightly over-
consolidated kaolin clay are reported. Both the uplift resistance and total/pore pressures
at the foundation invert were monitored during the installation, consolidation and uplift.
The results show that uplift performed immediately after the preloading generates a lower
capacity due to the remoulding of the clay and the reduction in soil strengths that result
from the application of preloading. The soil strength can be recovered and eventually
enhanced by the subsequent consolidation process. A theoretical framework, where the
variation of the soil operative strength with preloading and consolidation is interpreted
using the critical state concept, is proposed. The framework is verified through
retrospective prediction of the uplift resistance of the centrifuge model tests with good
agreement for a wide range of levels of preloading and degrees of consolidation
demonstrated. It will allow for prediction of tensile capacity of deep-water foundations in

Keywords: centrifuge; skirted foundation; kaolin clay; preloading; consolidation;


Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

6.1 Introduction

Skirted foundations are commonly used offshore to support fixed platforms or as subsea
manifolds and terminations in soft cohesive soils. They consist of a top plate and a
peripheral thin-walled skirt, which embeds the foundation into deeper and stronger soils
and provides additional resistance to horizontal loading. Depending on their applications,
skirted foundations may be subjected to tensile loads, which need to be resisted during
the operation period of the foundation or minimised if removal is required at the
decommissioning of the project. The resistance to tensile loads, or uplift, is a function of
the soil characteristics and foundation geometry as well as the loading history. During
installation and operation, skirted foundations experience preloading due to self-weight
and potentially due to ballasting or active suction installation. This preloading results in
excess pore pressures, which subsequently dissipate to increase the operative shear
strength of the soil and enhance the uplift capacity of the foundation.

The phenomenon of strength increase from consolidation is well characterised and has
been recently investigated to predict increase in the foundation bearing capacity as a
function of (i) the level of preloading applied (defined as the ratio to the un-preloaded
ultimate undrained bearing capacity), and (ii) the degree of consolidation achieved. Field
data (Lehane and Jardine 2003) and centrifuge data (Lehane and Gaudin 2005; Fu et al.
2015) indicate an increase in the bearing capacity of up to 40% that depends on the
over-consolidation ratio of the soil. Numerical analyses using the Modified Cam Clay
(MCC) model confirmed (Zdravkovi et al. 2003) and extended (Bransby 2002;
Gourvenec et al. 2014; Fu et al. 2015) these results to quantify the increase in the bearing
capacity with the degree of consolidation.

Parallel studies have recently investigated the parameters that affect the uplift capacity of
skirted foundations. Chen et al. (2012) conducted centrifuge tests that measured the uplift
capacity as a function of the foundation skirt length and the uplift rate. They demonstrated
that the uplift resistance directly correlated with the development of suction at the mat
invert and that fully undrained conditions (characterised by a full reverse end bearing
mechanism) were achieved at normalised uplift velocities up to three orders of magnitude
higher than those usually considered for shallow foundations in compression. Li et al.

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

(2014a) investigated means of reducing the uplift resistance to facilitate foundation

removal by introducing perforation on the mat and eccentricity in the load. The results
demonstrated that both methods reduce the uplift resistance by decreasing the suction
pressures generated at the foundation invert.

Both studies highlighted the important role played by the pore pressure in the soil
underneath the foundation in the development of the uplift resistance. Like the bearing
capacity, the loading history of the foundation and notably the excess pore pressure field
resulting from preloading are expected to affect the uplift resistance. The present study
aims to quantify and predict the uplift resistance of skirted foundations as a function of
the level of preloading experienced and the degree of consolidation achieved. Centrifuge
tests were performed on a circular skirted foundation with a prototype diameter of 9 m
and an embedment ratio of 0.2. The foundation was pulled out under undrained conditions
after active preloading of varying magnitudes was applied and maintained over increasing
periods of time. The resulting uplift capacity is discussed, and a theoretical framework is
proposed to depict the changes in the operative shear strength as a function of the
preloading parameters.

6.2 Experimental set-up

6.2.1 UWA drum facility

The drum centrifuge at the Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems (COFS), The
University of Western Australia (UWA), was employed to perform the tests (see Stewart
et al. (1998) for technical descriptions). The centrifuge consists of a round U-shaped
channel with an outer diameter of 1.2 m, inner diameter of 0.8 m and channel height
(equivalent to soil sample width) of 0.3 m, which is sufficiently spacious to enable
multiple tests to be conducted within one soil sample. A tool table is aligned at the centre
of the drum, which can be stopped during testing to operate on or change the model,
leaving the channel spinning independently. An actuator is attached to the centre of the
tool table to provide either load or displacement control in the vertical and radial
directions. All tests were performed under an acceleration level of 150 times the level of

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

gravity (150g). A comprehensive description of the scaling laws for centrifuge modelling
was developed in Garnier et al. (2007).

6.2.2 Model foundation and instrumentation

The skirted circular model foundation has an outer diameter of D = 60 mm, skirt length
of h = 12 mm and skirt tip thickness of t = 1 mm (Figure 6.1). This configuration is
equivalent to a prototype diameter of 9 m under an acceleration of 150g, a skirt length
ratio of h/D = 0.2 and skirt tip thickness ratio of t/D = 0.017. The foundation was
instrumented with two Total Pressure Transducers (TPT1 and TPT2) and three Pore
Pressure Transducers (PPT0, PPT1 and PPT2, see Figure 6.1 for configuration). Under
undrained behaviour, both transducers monitor changes in the pore pressure at the
foundation invert. The axial load was monitored by a 2 kN load cell located on the top of
the foundation mat and connected to the loading shaft. A drainage hole, equipped with a
mechanical valve, enabled the in-flight installation of the foundation skirt. The valve was
closed as foundation invert contacted with the soil surface. The experimental setup is
presented in Figure 6.2.

6.2.3 Clay sample preparation and characterisation

The soil sample was prepared from dry kaolin clay mixed with water at twice the liquid
limit (120%) in a vacuum chamber. The slurry was transferred into the drum channel at
an acceleration level of 20g over a layer of fabric to enable two-way drainage. The sample
was allowed to consolidate for over four days at the targeted acceleration level of 150 g
before a 3 mm layer of clay was scraped off the top to generate an evenly elevated surface.
This process produced a Lightly Over-Consolidated (LOC) clay sample that was 140 mm

T-bar cyclic tests were performed at a velocity of v = 1 mm/s to measure the undrained
shear strength of the sample before and after the skirted foundation tests. Cyclic
penetration-extraction loading sequences were included in each test to correct the drift of
the T-bar resistance (Randolph et al. 2007). The undrained soil strength was inferred using
a constant bearing capacity factor of 10.5 (Low et al. 2010), which was corrected at the

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

shallow embedment to account for the near-surface transition from a heave failure
mechanism to a full-flow mechanism and for the soil buoyancy (White et al. 2010). The
resulting undrained shear strength profiles are presented in Figure 6.3a in prototype
dimensions. The sample exhibits strength profiles that are reasonably homogeneous with
space and time. Over the depth of interest (e.g., corresponding to the soil likely mobilised
by the foundation compression and uplift), the soil strength profiles can be fitted using a
linear profile with a mudline strength of sum = 0.79 kPa and a gradient of k = 0.87 kPa/m.
This fitting yields a heterogeneity ratio of kD/sum = 9.9, where D is the diameter of the
foundation. The degradation of the soil strength due to the cyclic penetration of the T-bar
is plotted in Figure 6.3b. An ultimate degradation ratio of rem = 0.4 is inferred (equivalent
to a soil sensitivity of St = 2.5), which is consistent with the value obtained by Mana et al.
(2013) for the same type of kaolin clay.

The Over-Consolidated Ratio (OCR) profile can be derived from the variation of the
vertical effective stresses before and after scraping using an average unit weight of = 6
kN/m3, which was measured by taking core samples after testing. The profile is plotted
in Figure 6.3a and indicates an OCR of 1.25 at the skirt tip level.

Additional T-bar tests were performed to estimate the coefficient of consolidation of the
LOC clay. The tests featured twitch sequences, for which the penetration rate was
progressively halved from v = 3 mm/s to 0.0117 mm/s over one diameter (1d) or two
diameter (2d) intervals, where d is the diameter of the T-bar penetrometer (House et al.
2001). A constant velocity (v = 0.375 mm/s) test was also carried out and served as a
reference for undrained conditions. Figure 6.4a shows the penetration resistance profiles
for the twitch tests and the reference test. As the penetration velocity decreases below
0.375 m/s, the penetration resistance continuously increases, indicating partially drained
conditions. A backbone curve was constructed as the normalised resistance, qT-bar/qT-bar (v
= 0.375 mm/s), which varied with the normalised velocity, V = vd/cv, where d is the diameter
of the T-bar and cv is the coefficient of the consolidation of the soil. The experimental
curve was then fitted to an established backbone curve presented by House et al. (2001)
by adjusting the value of cv. The best fit, which was obtained using a least square method,
yielded a coefficient of consolidation, cv, of 3.28 m2/year, which represented the average
value along the tested depth (Figure 6.4b).

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

6.2.4 Test programme and procedure

Eighteen skirted foundation model tests were performed, as summarised in Table 6.1. The
first two tests (B1 and B2) were used as a reference to establish the ultimate undrained
bearing and uplift capacities, qu-c and qu-u, of the foundation without preloading applied
prior to the compression and uplift of the foundation. In the subsequent tests, different
levels of preloading, qp/qu-c, were applied and sustained over increasing consolidation
times, tm, as detailed in Table 6.1.

The test procedure for the uplift tests is illustrated in Figure 6.5a (test T3-3) and includes
the following three stages:

1) Installation: The foundation skirt was penetrated in flight at a displacement-

controlled model rate of 0.05 mm/s, with the valve opened to allow the water trapped
within the skirt to drain. At the end of the installation stage, the foundation was
maintained in place for 5 minutes, which is the time required to close the valve and
program the preloading sequence.

2) Preloading: Compressive preloading was applied under load control at the targeted
level, qp/qu-c, and maintained over a period tm. The total and pore pressures at the
foundation invert were monitored during the entire stage.

3) Uplift: Immediately after preloading, the foundation was pulled out at a velocity of v
= 0.5 mm/s (vD/cv = 288) until the skirt tip was clear of the soil surface. The pullout
load, total and pore pressures at the foundation invert were monitored during this

For the reference tests B1 and B2, step 2) was ignored, and the foundation was either
pushed onto the clay at a rate of v = 0.1 mm/s (vD/cv = 58) or pulled out at a rate of v =
0.5 mm/s (vD/cv = 288) directly after installation until failure was observed. A faster rate
is required for uplift than in compression to ensure undrained behaviour, as already
demonstrated by Chen et al. (2012) and Li et al. (2014b).

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

6.3 Experimental results

6.3.1 Ultimate undrained bearing and uplift capacities

Figure 6.6 presents the results of tests B1 and B2 and assesses the ultimate undrained
bearing and uplift capacities. The measured and corrected penetration resistance, qm and
qcorrect, and the excess pore pressures are plotted against the normalised penetration depth,
z/D, in Figure 6.6a and b, respectively. First, the corrected penetration resistance was
obtained by subtracting installation resistance, which was shown to be approximately 2.1
kPa in all the model tests. This corresponds to a friction ratio of approximately 0.3,
consistent with those reported by Gourvenec et al. (2007, 2009) and Mana et al. (2013)
for a stainless steel interface in LOC kaolin clay. Second, the corrected resistance
accounts for the difference between the overburden pressure and the self-weight of the
soil plug within the skirt during fully undrained compression or uplift (Tani and Craig
1995; Mana et al. 2012, 2013).

The ultimate undrained bearing capacity was established to be qu-c = 26.9 kPa. This value
corresponds to a bearing factor of Nc = 11.5, which falls between the lower and upper
bound solutions presented by Martin (2001) (Figure 6.7). The ultimate undrained uplift
capacity is slightly higher at qu-u = 33.1 kPa, which corresponds to a bearing factor of Nc
= 14.9. This value contradicts the results reported by Chen et al. (2012) and Li et al.
(2014a, c), who demonstrated that the uplift capacity could be estimated with the same
bearing capacity factor as that during compression if a reverse end bearing capacity is
mobilised during undrained uplift. This higher value is believed to result from (i) the 5
minute waiting period that followed skirt installation, during which soil relaxation
associated with a reduction of the vertical load measured occurred, and (ii) the higher
strain rate effects during uplift, which account for 16% and 6% of the ultimate capacity,
respectively. If both effects are ignored, the bearing factor reduces to 11.7, which agrees
with the factor obtained during compression (Figure 6.7).

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

6.3.2 Typical uplift response

The results of test T3-3 are presented in Figure 6.5a (measured penetration resistance)
and Figure 6.5b (excess pore pressure). At the contact of the foundation invert with the
soil, the normalised installation distance, z/D, is approximately 0.187, which is 7% less
than the skirt length ratio (h/D = 0.2). The difference corresponds to the internal plug
heave, as some of the material pushed by the skirt tip is displaced inside the foundation.
At the application of preloading, excess pore pressures are generated and begin to
dissipate as preloading is maintained constantly. The degree of consolidation was
estimated from the pore pressure measurements and is detailed in Section 6.3.3. During
uplift, the load reached a peak value over a very short displacement of less than 2% of the
foundation diameter before breaking out at displacements ranging from 3% to 15% of the
foundation diameter, depending on the parameters of the preloading stage. The peak load
is associated with a peak negative excess pore pressure at the foundation invert.
Remarkable agreement was observed between all pore pressure measurements, indicating
that suction is homogeneously distributed within the area monitored by the sensors. Once
the foundation was pulled out of the soil surface, the residual loads and negative excess
pore pressures were monitored from the soil plug trapped within the skirt of the

6.3.3 Degree of consolidation

Figure 6.8 presents the time histories of the excess pore pressures at the centre of the
foundation invert (monitored by the PPT0 as illustrated in Figure 6.1) and the settlement
of the foundation for tests featuring the longest consolidation time (approximately 17
hours in the centrifuge or 40 years in prototype), i.e., tests T1-4, T2-4, T3-4 and T4-4.
The initial time of consolidation, t0, was taken as the moment when the preloading
reached the targeted level, qp, as illustrated in Figure 6.8b. This value corresponds to an
initial excess pore pressure, up0, as reported in Figure 6.8a. Evidently, higher levels of
preloading generate larger excess pore pressures and greater settlements.

To determine the degrees of consolidation achieved in each test, the experimental results
were compared to the Finite Element (FE) results from Gourvenec and Randolph (2010),

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

in which the excess pore pressure dissipation at the centre of the foundation invert and
the settlement for shallowly skirted foundations (h/D 1) were presented as
dimensionless forms. The FE results for skirt length ratios of h/D = 0.15 and 0.3 are used,
which encompass the present case of h/D = 0.2. A dimensionless time to achieve a degree
of consolidation of 50%, T50 = 0.14, was interpolated from the FE results. The following
procedure was used to determine the experimental degree of consolidation:

1) The excess pore pressure response at the centre of the foundation invert was
normalised by the corresponding up0 and plotted against the dimensionless time, T =
cv(tm t0)/D2, where tm is the time and D is the diameter of the foundation. The value
of the consolidation coefficient, cv, was adjusted to yield the best fit with the FE
results from Gourvenec and Randolph (2010).

2) The time to reach 50% of the consolidated degree, t50, was calculated using t50 =
T50D2/cv, where cv is the adjusted coefficient of consolidation and T50 = 0.14, as
suggested above. Once t50 was established, the corresponding settlement and the final
settlement of the foundation can be inferred from the settlement curves (as suggested
by the circles in Figure 6.8b). The degree of the consolidations for each test is
obtained by normalising the settlements to the corresponding final settlement, i.e., U
= w/wf.

Figure 6.9 presents the comparison between the experimental and FE results from
Gourvenec and Randolph (2010) following the procedure above. Both the excess pore
pressures and the foundation settlements agreed well with the FE results when
coefficients of consolidation of 5.25 to 6.50 m2/year were used. The adjusted coefficient
of consolidation is in relatively good agreement with that established from the twitch tests
(Figure 6.4b), considering that the twitch tests yield an average value over the depth of
the sample, e.g., over a larger range of stress values.

This procedure is necessary because no tests were conducted until 100% of consolidation
was achieved; thus, the final settlements and final pore pressures are unknown (variations
in the water table during the test prevent an accurate estimation of the hydrostatic pore
pressure within the sample). The resulting degrees of consolidation for all tests are

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

presented in Table 6.1. They fall into four groups, i.e., U 1% (almost no consolidation),
15% 31%, 45% 53%, and 91% 93%, as illustrated in Figure 6.9b.

6.3.4 Effects of preloading and consolidation on uplift resistance

The entire set of experimental results for all preloaded uplift tests is presented in Figure
6.10 (measured penetration resistance) and Figure 6.11 (excess pore pressure at the centre
of the foundation invert). The results of test B2 are also plotted for comparison. The
figures are divided into four groups according to the levels of preloading applied, e.g.,
qp/qu-c = 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%. In each group, the degree of consolidation varies from
0% (no consolidation) to slightly more than 90%.

All tests exhibited an excellent repeatability during the installation and preloading stages.
The settlements of the foundation increase with both the level of preloading and the
degree of consolidation, with the highest settlement being 0.065D for qp/qu-c = 80% and
U = 91% (test T4-4 in Figure 6.10d). The excess pore pressures generated during the
application of preloading increase with the level of preloading and exhibit a steady
reduction as dissipation occurs (Figure 6.11).

The measured peak uplift resistances, qup, and peak excess pore pressures from either the
total pressure transducers, ut, or pore pressure transducers, up, during uplifting were
extracted and normalised by the corresponding values obtained from test B2. This
normalisation defines a capacity ratio, Rq, and an excess pore pressure ratio, Ru, which
are plotted against the degree of consolidation and the level of preloading in Figure 6.12
and Figure 6.13, respectively. Two fundamental observations emerged from Figure 6.12
and Figure 6.13:

1) The undrained uplift capacity of the circular skirted foundation increases linearly
with the degree of consolidation. This increase is more pronounced for higher levels
of preloading, reaching 50% for a level of preloading of 80% and a degree of
consolidation of 91%. In contrast, this increase is approximately 30% for the same
degree of consolidation but a level of preloading of 20%. Although the data are
relatively scattered, a trend of dissociation is apparent between the ratios Rq and Ru

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

as the degree of consolidation increases. However, the totality of the capacity

increase for lower degrees of consolidation can be attributed to the increase in suction
at the foundation invert associated with the increase in soil strength due to
consolidation. For higher degrees of consolidation, the increase in suction measured
at the centre of the foundation invert seems to contribute to only 50 to 80% of the
increase in capacity. This phenomenon may be attributed to a change in the
distribution of the suction at the foundation invert as the degree of consolation
increases, which results in the measurements at the centre to no longer be
representative of the average suction developed, or to a change in the contribution of
the overburden stresses generated by the large settlements of the foundation.

2) For the highest level of preloading (i.e., qp/qu-c = 80%), a reduction in the uplift
capacity is evident for degrees of consolidation lower than 30% (Figure 6.13a and b).
This reduction results from the remoulding of the clay generated by the application
of preloading and the associated reduction in shear strength, whose magnitude
increases with the level of preloading. With consolidation, the strength of the clay
increases from the remoulded value to values greater than the intact shear strength
measured by the T-bar. For low levels of preloading, the reduction of the shear
strength due to the application of preloading is either marginal or immediately
compensated by the increase due to consolidation. For levels of preloading equal or
higher than 80%, e.g., when the foundation nearly mobilises a full failure mechanism,
the reduction in strength is such that 30% of the consolidation is required for the
strength to regain its initial value. This requirement does not prevent higher levels of
preloading exhibiting the higher increase in capacity after full consolidation. Figure
6.12 shows that the rate of uplift capacity increase with degree of consolidation
positively correlates with the level of preloading.

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

6.4 Analytical modelling and discussion

6.4.1 Theoretical framework

The prediction of the ultimate undrained uplift capacity requires the determination of a
bearing capacity factor and an operative shear strength that represents the average
strength of the soil mobilised during uplift. As discussed above, the bearing factor can be
considered as the bearing factor for uplift, e.g., Nc = 14.9. Here, the relaxation and rate
effects discussed in Section 6.3.1 are taken into account, but a standard value of Nc = 11.7
can be used if these effects are absent. The determination of the operative shear strength
necessitates the consideration of the load history and the weakening and strengthening
from the applied preloading and subsequent consolidation.

To this end, a simple framework based on critical state theory is proposed, where the
changes in undrained shear strength during preloading and consolidation are correlated to
the changes in vertical effective stress level of the soil. The framework is presented in
Figure 6.14 and is based on the well-established relationship between the specific volume
and the vertical effective stress, which was used for interpreting the behaviour of risers
under episodic cyclic loading (White and Hodder 2010; Hodder et al. 2013). The path
ABCD illustrates the change in the effective stress and specific volume during preloading
and consolidation. A is located on an Intact Strength Line (ISL) that represents the
effective stress specific volume state in LOC clay. Undrained preloading generates
excess pore pressures, which reduces the effective stress from A to B at a constant volume.
Because only a fraction of the ultimate capacity is applied, B is located between the ISL
and the Critical State Line (CSL). During the subsequent consolidation, the effective
stress follows the Unloading and Reloading Line (URL) from B to C and may merge with
the Normal Compression Line (NCL) and pursue its path to point D at full consolidation.
The path from B to D may vary depending on the magnitude of the preloading relative to
the initial effective stress and the degree of consolidation achieved.

The NCL is defined as in the Modified Cam Clay (MCC) model:

= ln (6.1)

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

with N being the specific volume at v = 1 kPa and being the slope of NCL (also ISL
and CSL). The ISL is defined as follows:

= ln (6.2)

which corresponds to the initial stress state after installing the foundation (i.e., without
remoulding due to preloading). is the specific volume at v = 1 kPa on the ISL. The
URL depends on the initial stress, v0, and the initial specific volume, 0:

= 0 ln( /0 ) (6.3)

in which is the slope of the URL and 0 is the initial specific volume that can be
determined by the following:

0 = ln(OCR0 ) + ln OCR (6.4)

where OCR = v0, max /v0, in which v0, max is the maximum vertical effective stress
experienced by the soil. The parameters N and are related by the following equation:

= + ( ) ln OCR (6.5)

White and Hodder (2010) suggested that the soil strength can be related to the vertical
effective stress by a constant frictional factor, , as follows:

= (6.6)

Thus, the change in the undrained shear strength of the soil is equivalent to the change in
the vertical effective stress. The remoulded soil strength that results from the application
of preloading can be assumed to be similar to that caused by cyclic disturbances (Einav
and Randolph 2005) by relating the damage parameters, rem, to the level of preloading:


= = + (1 ) (1 /c )
0 0

where vp is the vertical effective stress immediately after the application of preloading,
qp is the preloading, and qu-c is the ultimate undrained bearing capacity without preloading

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

(as in test B1). rem = 0.4 represents the ratio of the full remoulded soil strength to the
intact strength (Figure 6.3b). Because the disturbance from the monotonic preloading is
expected to be less significant than that of the cyclic disturbance, in which the soil is
repeatedly sheared, a parameter, A, is introduced to account for the reduction in soil
strength due to a single shearing event. The values of A range from 1 (no remoulding) to
St (full remoulding). B (> 0) is the parameter that controls the rate of strength reduction.

The total stress after applying the preloading is vp =v0 + f qp, where f is a stress
influence factor that accounts for the vertical stress change caused by the preloading; its
value less than a unit due to its decay along the depth of soil (as that for Boussinesq
solution). Therefore, a nominal excess pore pressure immediately after application of
preloading can be obtained as follows:


= = 0 + 0 [ + (1 ) (1 /c )
] (6.8)

The operative soil strength after consolidation is related to the excess pore pressure
dissipation in the soil. The current level of pore pressure can be assumed to be linearly
related to the degree of consolidation:

= (1 ) (6.9)

The vertical effective stress at any time during the consolidation can be determined by
considering the difference between the applied total stress and the current pore pressure:

= = 0 + (1 ) (6.10)

By substituting Equation (6.8) into Equation (6.10), the current operative soil strength
due to any preloading and consolidation degree can be expressed as


= = { [ + (1 ) (1 /c )
]} (1 ) (6.11)
0 0 0 0

where sumax represents the fully consolidated soil strength, which can be determined as

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

=1+ (6.12)
0 0

During consolidation, the effective stress path follows the URL and may merge with the
NCL if the current vertical effective stress is higher than a critical value:

0 ln

= () (6.13)

Therefore, the change in the specific volume due to preloading and the subsequent
consolidation can be determined as follows:

= 0 = ln( / ) for



= ln( / ) ln( / ) for >


The proposed framework can be used to derive an operative shear strength to predict the
undrained capacity of a skirted foundation while accounting for the varying magnitude of
preloading and consolidation.

6.4.2 Back calculated operative shear strength validation of the


The operative soil shear strength can be back-calculated from the experimental results
and used to adjust the parameters of the proposed framework. A constant bearing capacity
factor of Nc = 14.9, as established from test B2, was assumed for all uplift tests. By
accounting for the difference between the weight of the soil plug and the overburden
pressure, the operative soil strength can be obtained by dividing the corrected ultimate
uplift capacities by the bearing capacity factor, i.e., su-op = qup /Nc.

Figure 6.15 presents the comparison between the back-calculated operative soil strength
normalised by the intact strength obtained from the T-bar tests and the operative shear
strength ratio predicted by the framework as a function of the level of preloading (Figure
6.15a) and the degree of consolidation (Figure 6.15b). The parameters used in the

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

framework are presented in Table 6.2. The parameters rem, , OCR and can be
determined by combining the T-bar tests (Figure 6.3), and moisture content tests on core
samples in which the specific volume in-situ vertical effective stress relationship can be
derived. The parameters and are inferred from the typical properties of kaolin clay
(Stewart 1992; Chatterjee et al. 2012, 2013). Parameters A, B and f are related to the soil
disturbance and stress non-uniformity due to preloading, which can be adjusted to fit the
test results. This yields A = 1.2, B = 0.06 and f = 0.3, which falls into the range mentioned
in Section 6.4.1.

Figure 6.15 demonstrates that the framework can capture the general variation of the
operative soil strength resulting from remoulding and consolidation; notably, it also
captures the reduction in the operative shear strength (and hence uplift capacity) observed
for a high level of preloading and low degrees of consolidation. At the beginning of
consolidation, the operative strength is dominated by the remoulding effects and degrades
with higher levels of preloading. In the subsequent consolidation, the soil strength
increases linearly as the degree of consolidation increases, as observed in the centrifuge
tests. Furthermore, the rate of the recovery is proportional to the preloading level, with
higher levels of preloading resulting in higher operative soil strength when full
consolidation is achieved.

Figure 6.16 shows the back-calculated specific volume changes obtained by substituting
the operative vertical stresses (inferred from the back calculated operative soil strengths)
into Equation (6.14) and Equation (6.15). The stress paths deduced from the framework
for the relevant levels of preloading are also plotted. The figure indicates that the test
conditions covered the full range of consolidation that should have resulted in the NCL
being reached in some cases.

A, B and f are empirical parameters, which depend on the soil strength degradation
characteristics (for A and B) and the geometry of the foundation (for f). The values
presented are only valid for the case considered. However, they are believed to be
appropriate for all surface loading problems on clays for which strength degradation
characteristics are similar to those of kaolin clay. Further work is required to establish
these parameters for a wider range of soil conditions.

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

6.5 Concluding remarks

Centrifuge tests have been conducted to examine the effects of the magnitude and
duration of preloading on the subsequent uplift responses of a shallowly skirted
foundation. The preloading was expressed as a percentage of the unconsolidated
undrained bearing capacity during compression. The degree of consolidation was
quantified by comparing the excess pore pressure dissipation and settlements of the
foundation with the FE results from Gourvenec and Randolph (2010).

The undrained bearing capacity factor for the compression of the foundation in the
undisturbed clay is approximately 11.5 and consistent with the bound solutions reported
by Martin (2001), while the bearing factor for undrained uplift is 30% higher than that
during compression. This is due to the relaxation between the end of the preloading and
the beginning of the uplift and to the higher strain rate effects resulting from the higher
uplift rate.

The application of compressive preloading results in a remoulding of the soil and a

reduction in the operative shear strength, whose magnitude positively correlates with the
level of preloading. This relationship results in an uplift capacity immediately after the
application of preloading that is lower than the compression capacity. With consolidation,
the soil regains strength, and the uplift capacity progressively increases to reach values
up to 1.5 times the benchmarked capacity during uplift for a preloading level of 80% and
almost full consolidation.

A simple critical state framework was proposed to describe the variation of the operative
soil strength with preloading and consolidation. The framework can capture the key
aspects of the soil behaviour and predict the uplift capacity of a circular skirted foundation
for a wide range of preloading levels and degrees of consolidation.

This paper provides a comprehensive study of the effect of preloading and consolidation
on the undrained uplift capacity of shallow foundations. The outcomes of the study,
including the proposed predictive framework, can be used for the stability design of
offshore foundations subjected to tensile loadings and to provide guidance to the retrieval
of deep-water foundations.

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

6.6 References

Bransby, M.F. 2002. The undrained inclined load capacity of shallow foundations after
consolidation under vertical loads. In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium
NUMOG VIII, Edited by G.N. Pande and S. Pietruszczak, Taylor & Francis Rome. pp.

Chatterjee, S., White, D.J., and Randolph, M.F. 2013. Coupled consolidation analysis of
pipesoil interactions. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 50(6): 609-619.

Chatterjee, S., Yan, Y., and Randolph, M.F. 2012. Elastoplastic consolidation beneath
shallowly embedded offshore pipelines. Gotechnique Letters 2(2): 73-79.

Chen, R., Gaudin, C., and Cassidy, M.J. 2012. Investigation of the vertical uplift capacity
of deep water mudmats in clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 49(7): 853-865.

Einav, I., and Randolph, M.F. 2005. Combining upper bound and strain path methods for
evaluating penetration resistance. International Journal for Numerical Methods in
Engineering 63(14): 1991-2016.

Fu, D., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y., Bienen, B., and Cassidy, M.J. 2015. Effects of preloading
with consolidation on undrained bearing capacity of skirted circular footings.
Gotechnique 65(3): 231-246.

Garnier, J., Gaudin, C., Springman, S.M., Culligan, P.J., Goodings, D., Konig, D., Kutter,
B., Phillips, R., Randolph, M.F., and Thorel, L. 2007. Catalogue of scaling laws and
similitude questions in geotechnical centrifuge modelling. International Journal of
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 7(3): 1-23.

Gourvenec, S.M., Acosta-Martinez, H.E., and Randolph, M.F. 2007. Centrifuge model
testing of skirted foundations for offshore oil and gas facilities. In Proceeding of the 6th
International Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics Conference, London, UK. pp.

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

Gourvenec, S.M., Acosta-Martinez, H.E., and Randolph, M.F. 2009. Experimental study
of uplift resistance of shallow skirted foundations in clay under transient and sustained
concentric loading. Gotechnique 59(6): 525-537.

Gourvenec, S.M., and Randolph, M.F. 2010. Consolidation beneath circular skirted
foundations. International Journal of Geomechanics 10(1): 22-29.

Gourvenec, S.M., Vulpe, C., and Murthy, T.G. 2014. A method for predicting the
consolidated undrained bearing capacity of shallow foundations. Gotechnique 64(3):

Hodder, M.S., White, D.J., and Cassidy, M.J. 2013. An effective stress framework for the
variation in penetration resistance due to episodes of remoulding and reconsolidation.
Gotechnique 63(1): 30-43.

House, A.R., Oliveira, J.M.S, and Randolph, M.F. 2001. Evaluating the coefficient of
consolidation using penetration tests. Int. J. of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 1(3):

Lehane, B.M., and Gaudin, C. 2005. Effects of drained preloading on the performance of
shallow foundations on overconsolidated clay. In Proceedings of the 24th International
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Halkidiki, Greece. pp. 891-

Lehane, B.M., and Jardine, R.J. 2003. Effects of long-term preloading on the performance
of a footing on clay. Gotechnique 53(8): 689-695.

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y., and Cassidy, M.J. 2014a. Effect of perforations on uplift
capacity of skirted foundations on clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 51(3): 322-331.

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y., and Cassidy, M.J. 2014b. Rate effects on the uplift capacity
of skirted foundations on clay. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Perth, Australia. pp. 473-479.

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

Li, X., Tian, Y., Cassidy, M.J., and Gaudin, C. 2014c. Sustained uplift of skirted
foundation in clay. In Proceedings of the ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on
Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2014) San Francisco, USA. Vol. 3, pp.

Low, H.E., Lunne, T., Andersen, K.H., Sjursen, M.A., Li, X., and Randolph, M.F. 2010.
Estimation of intact and remoulded undrained shear strengths from penetration tests in
soft clays. Gotechnique 60(11): 843-859.

Mana, D.S.K., Gourvenec, S.M., and Randolph, M.F. 2013. Experimental investigation
of reverse end bearing of offshore shallow foundations. Canadian Geotechnical Journal
50(10): 1022-1033.

Mana, D.S.K., Gourvenec, S.M., Randolph, M.F., and Hossain, M.S. 2012. Failure
mechanisms of skirted foundations in uplift and compression. International Journal of
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 12(2): 47-62.

Martin, C.M. 2001. Vertical bearing capacity of skirted circular foundations on Tresca
soil. In Proc. Int. Conf. Soils Mech. and Geotech. Engng. (ICSMGE), Istanbul, Turkey.
pp. 743-746.

Randolph, M.F., Low, H.E., and Zhou, H. 2007. In situ testing for design of pipeline and
anchoring systems. In Proceedings of the 6th International Offshore Site Investigation and
Geotechnics Conference: Confronting New Challenges and Sharing Knowledge, London,
UK. pp. 251-262.

Stewart, D.P. 1992. Lateral loading of piled bridge abutments due to embankment
construction. PhD Thesis, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.

Stewart, D.P., Boyle, R.S., and Randolph, M.F. 1998. Experience with a new drum
centrifuge. In Pro. Int. Conf. Centrifuge, Tokyo, Japan. Vol. 1, pp. 35-40.

Tani, K., and Craig, W.H. 1995. Bearing capacity of circular foundations on soft clay of
strength increasing with depth. Soils and Foundations 35(4): 21-35.

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

White, D.J., Gaudin, C., Boylan, N., and Zhou, H. 2010. Interpretation of T-bar
penetrometer tests at shallow embedment and in very soft soils. Canadian Geotechnical
Journal 47(2): 218-229.

White, D.J., and Hodder, M.S. 2010. A simple model for the effect on soil strength of
episodes of remoulding and reconsolidation. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 47(7): 821-

Zdravkovi, L., Potts, D.M., and Jackson, C. 2003. Numerical study of the effect of
preloading on undrained bearing capacity. International Journal of Geomechanics 3(1):

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted foundations

Table 6.1 Model test programme

Test Preloading, Preloading level, Consolidation model Consolidation prototype Normalised consolidation Consolidation
name qp (kPa) qp/qu-c time, tm (s) time, tp (year) time, T degree, U

B1* - - - - - -
B2* - - - - - -
T1-1 5.39 20% 14 0.01 0.0007 1%
T1-2 5.39 20% 971 0.69 0.05 31%
T1-3 5.39 20% 3205 2.29 0.16 53%
T1-4 5.39 20% 62149 44.34 3.15 92%
T2-1 10.78 40% 0 0.00 0.00 0%
T2-2 10.78 40% 903 0.64 0.04 28%
T2-3 10.78 40% 2852 2.03 0.13 49%
T2-4 10.78 40% 55038 39.27 2.55 91%
T3-1 16.17 60% 0 0.00 0.00 0%
T3-2 16.17 60% 906 0.65 0.05 23%
T3-3 16.17 60% 2851 2.03 0.16 50%
T3-4 16.17 60% 61237 43.69 3.51 93%
T4-1 21.56 80% 0 0.00 0.00 0%
T4-2 21.56 80% 341 0.24 0.02 15%
T4-3 21.56 80% 2421 1.73 0.11 45%
T4-4 21.56 80% 60094 42.88 2.78 91%
* Reference tests on undrained bearing capacities under compression B1 and uplift B2

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

Table 6.2 Parameters of proposed predictive method

Parameter Symbol Value

CSL: slope 0.205
URL: slope 0.044
Full remoulded strength ratio rem 0.4
ISL: specific volume at v = 1 kPa 2.84
Over-Consolidated Ratio OCR 1.25
Frictional strength parameter 0.21
Remoulding amount parameter A 1.2
Remoulding rate parameter B 0.06
Non-uniform stress influence factor f 0.3

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

Figure 6.1 Model configuration and instrumentation: (a) side view; (b) upward view

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

Figure 6.2 Test setup in the drum centrifuge

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

Undrained shear strength, su (kPa)

0 5 10 15 20
Skirt length
Depth from mudline, z (m)

4 Fitted line:
su = 0.87z + 0.79 (kPa)

Before test
8 After test


1 2 3 4
su, i/su, i = 0.25

0.8 rem = 1/St = 0.4

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Cycle number, i

Figure 6.3 Characterisation of the LOC kaolin clay sample: (a) undrained shear strength
and OCR; (b) soil degradation curve (LOC Lightly Over-Consolidated, OCR Over-
Consolidated Ratio)

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

Measured resistance, qT-bar (kPa)

0 200 400 600

2 Constant velocity

Depth from mudline, z (m)

test: v = 0.375 mm/s

6 Twitch test1: 1d intervals,

v = 3 to 0.0117 mm/s

10 Twitch test2: 2d intervals,

v = 3 to 0.0117 mm/s


House et al. (2001)
1d intervals
qT-bar/qT-bar (v = 0.375 mm/s)

2d intervals

Best estimation:
cv = 3.28 m2/year
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
V = vd/cv

Figure 6.4 Twitch test results: (a) measured resistance profiles; (b) estimation of the
coefficient of consolidation, cv

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

Measured resistance, qm (kPa)

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40

0.05 1) Installation
Normalised depth, z/D


3) Transient
0.15 uplift 2) Preloading &


Excess pore pressure, ut or up (kPa)
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40
TPT2 Residual
0.05 PPT0
Normalised depth, z/D

PPT2 Installation
0.1 distance


0.2 Peak


Figure 6.5 (a) Measured resistance and (b) excess pore pressures varying with
normalised depth for test T3-3 (see Figure 6.1 for the positions of TPTs/PPTs)

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

Resistance, qm or qcorrect (kPa)

-40 -20 0 20 40

Uplift (B2)

Normalised depth, z/D





0.3 qm
qcorrect Compression (B1)
Excess pore pressure, ut or up (kPa)
-40 -20 0 20 40

Uplift (B2)
Normalised depth, z/D




0.25 qm
0.3 PPT1, PPT2
PPT0 Compression (B1)

Figure 6.6 (a) Measured and corrected resistance and (b) excess pore pressures versus
normalised depth for tests B1 and B2 (see Figure 6.1 for the positions of TPTs/PPTs)

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

Normalised resistance, qcorrect/su0

-20 -10 0 10 20
Uplift (B2)
Normalised depth, z/D

0.1 No relaxation
No relaxation &
0.15 strain rate efffect


0.25 Nc by Martin (2001)

Lower bound
Upper bound Compression (B1)

Figure 6.7 Bearing capacity factor with normalised depth for tests B1 and B2

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

tp: 1 day 1 month 1 year 10 years


Measured EPP, up (kPa)

20 up0
T1-4 T2-4
T3-4 T4-4
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Model time, tm - t0 (s)
Model time, tm - t0 (s)
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000100000
Settlement, w (mm)


1.5 qp

2 wf
2.5 t0 Time
tp: 1 day 1 month 1 year 10 years

Figure 6.8 Time histories of (a) excess pore pressure at the centre of the foundation
invert (monitored by the PPT0 as shown in Figure 6.1) and (b) settlements of the
foundation (EPP Excess Pore Pressure)

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

up/up0 0.6 T2-4
0.4 T3-4
0.2 T4-4
0 FE: h/D = 0.15
FE: h/D = 0.30
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
T = cv(tm - t0)/D2
T = cv(tm - t0)/D2
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
U 1%
0.2 U = 15% 31%
U = w/wf

0.4 T2-4
T3-4 U = 45% 53%
0.8 FE: h/D = 0.15 U 90%
FE: h/D = 0.30

Figure 6.9 Comparisons between the centrifuge test and FE results: (a) normalised
excess pore pressure dissipation at the centre of the foundation invert; (b) normalised
settlement of the foundation (FE Finite Element results by Gourvenec and Randolph

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

Measured resistance, qm (kPa) Measured resistance, qm (kPa)

-60 -40 -20 0 20 -60 -40 -20 0 20
0 0
B2 B2
T1-1 T2-1
0.05 0.05
Normalised depth, z/D

Normalised depth, z/D

T1-2 T2-2
T1-3 T2-3
0.1 T1-4 0.1 T2-4

0.15 0.15

0.2 0.2

0.25 0.25
(a) (b)
Measured resistance, qm (kPa) Measured resistance, qm (kPa)
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40
0 0
B2 B2
T3-1 T4-1
Normalised depth, z/D

0.05 T3-2 0.05 T4-2

Normalised depth, z/D

T3-3 T4-3
T3-4 T4-4
0.1 0.1

0.15 0.15

0.2 0.2

0.25 0.25
(c) (d)

Figure 6.10 Development of penetration and extraction resistance for different levels of
preloading: (a) qp/qu-c = 20%; (b) qp/qu-c = 40%; (c) qp/qu-c = 60%; (d) qp/qu-c = 80%

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

Excess pore pressure, up (kPa) Excess pore pressure, up (kPa)

-60 -40 -20 0 20 -60 -40 -20 0 20
0 0
B2 B2
T1-1 T2-1
0.05 0.05

Normalised depth, z/D

Normalised depth, z/D

T1-2 T2-2
T1-3 T2-3
0.1 T1-4 0.1 T2-4

0.15 0.15

0.2 0.2

0.25 0.25
(a) (b)
Excess pore pressure, up (kPa) Excess pore pressure, up (kPa)
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40
0 0
B2 B2
T3-1 T4-1
0.05 T3-2 0.05 T4-2
Normalised depth, z/D

Normalised depth, z/D

T3-3 T4-3
T3-4 T4-4
0.1 0.1

0.15 0.15

0.2 0.2

0.25 0.25
(c) (d)

Figure 6.11 Development of excess pore pressures at the centre of the foundation invert
for different levels of preloading: (a) qp/qu-c = 20%; (b) qp/qu-c = 40%; (c) qp/qu-c = 60%;
(d) qp/qu-c = 80%

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

1.6 1.6

Ratio, Rq or Ru
Ratio, Rq or Ru
1.2 1.2

0.8 0.8

0.4 0.4
ut oruup
ut or p qup ut
ut or uup
p qqup
0 0
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Consolidation degree, U Consolidation degree, U
(a) (b)
1.6 1.6
Ratio, Rq or Ru


Ratio, Rq or Ru

0.8 0.8

0.4 0.4
ut or uup
ut p qup uutt or
or uup
p q up
0 0
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Consolidation degree, U Consolidation degree, U
(c) (d)

Figure 6.12 Capacity and excess pore pressure ratios as a function of degree of
consolidation for different levels of preloading: (a) qp/qu-c = 20%; (b) qp/qu-c = 40%; (c)
qp/qu-c = 60%; (d) qp/qu-c = 80%

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

1.2 1.2

Ratio, Rq or Ru
Ratio, Rq or Ru

0.8 0.8

0.4 0.4
ut or uup
p qqup ut
ut or up
up qqup
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Preloading level, qp/qu-c Preloading level, qp/qu-c
(a) (b)
1.5 1.6
Ratio, Rq or Ru

Ratio, Rq or Ru
ut or uup
ut p q up ut
ut or uup
p qup
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Preloading level, qp/qu-c Preloading level, qp/qu-c
(c) (d)

Figure 6.13 Capacity and excess pore pressure ratios as a function of the level of
preloading for different degrees of consolidation: (a) U 1%; (b) U = 15% 31%; (c) U
= 45% 53%; (d) U = 91% 93%

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

Figure 6.14 Critical state framework for interpretation of remoulded and consolidated
soil strength (ISL Intact Strength Line, NCL Normal Compression Line, URL
Unloading and Reloading Line, CSL Critical State Line)

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted

2 Predication: U = 0, 1%, 15%,

Soil strength ratio, su-op/su0

31%,45%, 53%, 91%, 93%

0.5 Centrifuge data: U

< 1% = 15% - 31%
= 45% - 53% = 91% - 93%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Preloading level, qp/qu-c
2 Predication: qp/qu-c = 20%,
Soil strength ratio, su-op/su0

40%, 60%, 80%


0.5 Centrifuge data: qp/qu-c =

20% 40% 60% 80%
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Consolidation degree, U

Figure 6.15 Comparison of soil strength ratios varying against (a) preloading level and
(b) consolidation degree

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted



Specific volume,

qp/qu-c =
2.3 20% 20%
40% 40%
60% 60%
80% 80%
9 18
Vertial effective stress, 'v

Figure 6.16 Comparisons between the test results and predictions by the framework in
vertical effective stress specific volume space

Chapter 6 Effects of preloading and consolidation on the uplift capacity of skirted



A series of centrifuge tests have been performed to investigate the uplift behaviour of a
shallow skirted foundation resting on clay subjected to various sustained loadings
expressed as a fraction of the undrained bearing capacity in compression. Displacements,
uplift loads, total and pore pressures underneath the foundation were monitored during
testing to provide insight on the development of negative excess pore pressure (suction)
at the foundation base and on the mechanism triggering breakout. The results indicate that
the displacement rate and the time the uplift load can be sustained depend on the
magnitude of the load, but also on the time the foundation experienced consolidation prior
to uplift. Breakout was not observed at a relatively large time scale under low sustained
loadings, while the foundation was pulled out directly under high loading levels. At
intermediate loadings, breakout was inferred from the sudden increase in displacement
rate. The breakout mechanism of the foundation is also discussed based on the
observation of pore pressure variations underneath the foundation.

The outcomes of the present study have the potential to provide a better understanding of
the suction mechanism for offshore foundations and to provide guidelines for offshore
retrieval operations.

Keywords: centrifuge test; skirted foundation; kaolin clay; sustained loading; breakout;

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

7.1 Introduction

Skirted foundations represent a type of shallow foundation that comprises a top plate and
peripheral or sometimes internal skirts. The use of skirts is beneficial to increase sliding
resistance by transmitting the loads on the foundation into deeper and usually stronger
soil. Skirted foundations are used to anchor floating-type platforms or to support
temporary subsea facilities. It is common for these foundations to be subjected to upward
sustained loadings due to buoyancy or to requirement of retrieval after project
decommission (Chen et al. 2012; Li et al. 2014). Therefore, the study of the sustainability
of skirted foundations is of significance in offshore operations.

The sustained uplift of skirted foundations was first investigated by Byrne and Finn (1978)
in a 1g test to relate foundation breakout to drainage conditions in the soil. Das (1991)
proposed an empirical expression considering the effect of soil thixotropy and in-situ time
on the sustainability of shallow embedded foundations. Centrifuge tests were also
performed that focused extensively on the effects of the skirt length, gap formation and
eccentric uplift on the capacity of the foundation under various sustained upward loadings
(Acosta-Martinez et al. 2008, 2010, 2012; Gourvenec et al. 2009; Mana et al. 2012a,
2013b). These results provide useful guidelines regarding offshore skirted foundations
under sustained loadings. The phenomenon of shallow foundation breakout was also
studied theoretically by Sawicki and Mierczyski (2003) and further numerically
developed by Zhou et al. (2008), suggesting that the effective stress at the interface
between the soil and foundation base could be a crucial factor governing the breakout

This paper presents centrifuge test results on the uplift of a shallowly skirted foundation
under various sustained loadings. The sustained loading levels are expressed as a fraction
of the undrained bearing capacity of the same foundation in compression. The
displacement, load and pressure variation at the foundation invert were monitored. The
effect of sustained loading on the subsequent transient uplift capacity was considered.
The breakout mechanism of the foundation under sustained uplift is also discussed in this

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

7.2 Experimental set-up

7.2.1 Facility and model

All model tests were performed in a drum centrifuge at the Centre for Offshore
Foundation Systems (COFS) at The University of Western Australia (UWA) (Stewart et
al. 1998). The drum centrifuge was selected because it enables multiple tests to be
conducted within a single soil sample. The ring channel of the centrifuge has an outer
diameter of 1.2 m, an inner diameter of 0.8 m and a channel height (soil sample width) of
0.3 m. A tool table is mounted at the centre of the drum, which can rotate independently
of the outer channel and thus be halted for verification or a tool change without disturbing
the soil sample. An actuator attached to the central tool table can provide both load and
displacement control in the vertical and radial directions by driving the servomotors. The
centrifuge is equipped with a wireless data acquisition system developed in-house at
UWA, which can achieve real-time data transmission (Gaudin et al. 2009). In the present
study, all tests were performed at a centrifuge acceleration of 200g. The details of the
scaling laws relevant to the modelling can be found in Garnier et al. (2007).

One circular model was fabricated for the present study (Figure 7.1). The model has an
overall diameter of D = 60 mm (12 m prototype) and a skirt length of h = 12 mm (2.4 m
prototype, excluding the thickness of the base), yielding an embedment ratio of h/D = 0.2.
The reaction force was measured using a 2 kN capacity load cell attached to the centre of
the model top, and any movement of the model was recorded by an actuator that was
fixedly connected to the model. Three Pore Pressure Transducers (PPTs) and two Total
Pressure Transducers (TPTs) were instrumented onto the model invert to monitor the
pressure changes during testing. A vent was drilled through the model plate to allow air
to flow when installing the model onto the clay; the vent was sealed by a plastic air valve
after installation. Additionally, the model was made with a curved base (curvature radius
= 480 mm on model scale) to ensure regular contact between the model invert and the
clay surface. This configuration results in a 0.94 mm elevation difference between the
centre and edge of the model (Figure 7.2).

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

7.2.2 Clay sampling and characterisation

Commercial kaolin powder was mixed with 120% water (twice the liquid limit) in a
vacuum chamber. The mixed slurry was transferred into a hopper and poured into the
centrifuge by a delivery nozzle at an acceleration of 20g. A fabric drainage layer was
placed at the channel bottom to achieve two-way consolidation. After three top-ups, the
channel was full of clay. The centrifuge was spun at 200g for four days to allow full
consolidation of the clay. The height (including the drainage layer) of the normal
consolidated sample was ~ 150 mm. A further ~ 30 mm of the top layer was scraped off
to form an evenly elevated surface and to match the curvature of the foundation invert.
Reconsolidation at 200g was performed overnight to allow the sample to settle down. The
final height of the Lightly Over-Consolidated (LOC) clay was confirmed to be 120 mm.
The properties of the clay have been well-characterised (Stewart 1992; Chen 2005;
Acosta-Martinez and Gourvenec 2006): specific gravity of Gs = 2.6, liquid limit of LL =
61%, plastic limit of PL = 27% and plasticity index of Ip = 34. The soil coefficient of
consolidation is taken to be cv = 1.5 m2/year, corresponding to the stress level experienced
by the clay underneath the foundation during testing (House et al. 2001).

A miniature T-bar was used to characterise the shear strength of the clay sample (Stewart
and Randolph 1991, 1994). The undrained shear strength was first obtained by
normalising the T-bar resistance by a bearing capacity factor of NT-bar = 10.5 (Lehane et
al. 2009; Low et al. 2010). However, a lower bearing capacity factor was used at shallow
depth to account for soil buoyance and soil heave (White et al. 2010). A cyclic test was
also included in each T-bar test to eliminate the offset of the data recorded (Randolph et
al. 2007). As demonstrated in Figure 7.3, the LOC clay sample exhibited a linearized
undrained strength against depth, with an average intercept of sum = 2.88 kPa at the surface.
The gradient of the soil profile was k = 1.23 kPa/m, corresponding to a strength
heterogeneity ratio of kD/sum = 5.8. T-bar tests were performed before and after model
tests. It is indicated in Figure 7.3 that during test, the soil strength became slightly stronger
with time, due to further consolidation within the clay and drying at the top of the clay.

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

7.2.3 Test programme and procedure

Overall, six sustained loading tests were performed at an acceleration of 200g. The tests
were performed in consideration of multiple uplift loadings, which were compared with
a benchmark test by penetrating the same foundation at a fast enough displacement rate
to be considered undrained. Displacement-controlled tests were also performed in the
same clay sample and reported in another publication (Li et al. 2014). Some tests are
referred to in the present study for comparison. The test sites were spread over the
centrifuge channel with an edge-to-edge spacing of one and half model width, which were
expected to be wide enough to avoid interference between tests.

Each model test underwent four stages of operation. The time histories of displacement
and measured force (normalised by the foundation cross sectional area) are presented in
Figure 7.4.

1) The foundation was first installed into the clay at 1g with the vent opened at a velocity
of v = 0.05 mm/s until the foundation base was in full contact with the clay surface.
The touchdown of the foundation was monitored by the load cell reading (Figure

2) The vent was subsequently closed to seal the foundation. The centrifuge was then
ramped up to the targeted 200g acceleration level, and the channel was filled with
water until the footing was fully submerged. The load cell experienced tensile loads
during this process and attained a stable value indicating the submerged weight of
the foundation (Figure 7.4b).

3) A compressed preload, equivalent to ~ 10% of the undrained bearding capacity in

compression (according to the post analysis), was applied to the foundation to
accommodate the settlement of clay during ramping up and establish full contact
between the clay top and the foundation base. The clay was consolidated under the
preload, and the degree of consolidation was monitored by the movement of the
actuator to which the foundation was attached (Figure 7.4c).

4) The foundation was finally pulled under various sustained loadings, where the exact
levels are expressed as a fraction of the undrained bearing capacity of the same

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

foundation in compression, as detailed in Section 7.3.1. It should be noted that the

centrifuge was preseted with a protecting velocity of v = 0.01 mm/s (model scale),
i.e., the fastest possible velocity that the actuator is allowed to reach under load
control mode. When breakout happened, the foundation was extracted with this
velocity (Figure 7.4d).

7.3 Experimental results

All results are presented at the prototype scale unless stated otherwise.

7.3.1 Determination of undrained bearing capacity and sustained

loading levels

The measured resistance (qm) is defined as the measured force (Qm, excluding the
submerged weight of the model) divided by the cross sectional area of the foundation (A).
The net resistance (qnet) is corrected by considering the difference between the submerged
weight of the soil plug incorporated by the peripheral skirt and the overburden pressure
provided by an undrained failure mechanism that can be mobilised in both compression
and uplift (Tani and Craig 1995; Mana et al. 2012b, 2013a):

qnet qm v' ( ) (7.1)

where v is the overburden pressure above the skirt tip level, Wsoilplug is the submerged
weight of the soil plug incorporated by the skirt and Asoilplug is the cross area of soil plug
which is approximated by the cross sectional area of the foundation. Figure 7.5 shows
both the measured and net resistance of the circular foundation in the displacement-
controlled compression and uplift tests. Overall, the corrected net resistance is smaller
than the measured resistance in both compression and uplift.

The net resistances of the foundation are also normalised by the soil undrained shear
strength at the current skirt tip level (su0) to account for the changes in embedment (Figure
7.6). These values provide benchmarking information on the bearing capacity of the
foundation in both compression and uplift. The normalised velocity V (defined as vD/cv)

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

~ 126.1 (corresponding to the model velocity v = 0.1 mm/s) was expected to be high
enough to achieve an undrained bearing failure mechanism for compression (Finnie and
Randolph 1994) and a full reverse end bearing failure mechanism for uplift (Li et al. 2014).
As illustrated in Figure 7.6, the bearing capacity factor Nc (defined as the peak of the
normalised resistance) was equal to 10.9 for compression and 10.6 for uplift, with both
mobilised at a normalised displacement of w/D of approximately 4%. The bearing
capacity factors for both compression and uplift, nevertheless, are slightly higher than
those calculated numerically by Gourvenec and Mana (2011). The difference is most
likely due to viscous enhancement and preloading effect in the centrifuge test, both of
which were not accounted for in the numerical model.

The measured undrained bearing capacity for compression is probed as qu = 80.8 kPa,
which mobilises at 4% normalised displacement, as observed in Figure 7.5. The applied
sustained stress levels, excluding the submerged weight of the foundation, were measured
to be 1.6 kPa, 7.2 kPa, 17.5 kPa, 27.8 kPa, 35.1 kPa and 46.3 kPa, which correspond to
2%, 9%, 23%, 36%, 46% and 58%, respectively, of the undrained bearing capacity of the
same foundation in compression. This is summarised in Table 7.1.

7.3.2 Sustained uplift displacement versus time responses

Figure 7.7 summarises the time history of the sustained uplift displacement normalised
by the foundation diameter under various sustained loading levels. Overall, the
displacement responses under sustained loading are linear up to foundation breakout (if
occurring), which is expected to be governed by the negative excess pore pressure
(suction) at the foundation base. For test C1 with a lower loading level, breakout was not
explicitly observed within the prototype 227 days of testing (Table 7.1). In contrast, in
tests C2, C3, C4 and C5, which were subjected to intermediate sustained loading levels,
breakout occurred at different times, depending on the sustained loading level. Once the
foundation became unsustainable, it broke out at a protecting velocity preset by the
centrifuge, as shown for test C3 in Figure 7.4d. It is noteworthy that the rate of the
displacement and time to breakout are also relevant to the elapsed time before sustained
uplift was applied, i.e., the consolidation time (Table 7.1). As indicated in Figure 7.7, the
foundation in test C3 moved approximately 20% slower and broke out approximately 41

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

days (prototype scale) later than test C2 although the former was subjected to 14% higher
sustained loading than the latter. This result could have been caused by the ten-fold longer
consolidation time in test C3. The foundation tends to be more stable with longer elapsed
time prior to uplift, due to the higher degree of consolidation in clay.

Due to the protecting velocity in the centrifuge, the foundation broke out directly when
the sustained loading reached more than 58% of the undrained bearing capacity in
compression, and the responses reveal a single linear variation with time, which may not
be the real situation in practice (test C6).

7.3.3 Effect of sustained loading on subsequent transient uplift capacity

To investigate the effect of sustained loading on the subsequent uplift capacity of the
foundation, test C1, without breakout observed after 227 days (Table 7.1), was extracted
transiently at a model velocity of 1 mm/s. This displacement rate was expected to be
higher enough to mobilise a reverse end bearing failure mechanism (Li et al. 2014). The
test that experienced transient uplift without prior sustained uplift was employed for

Figure 7.8 illustrates the responses of the measured uplift resistance against the
normalised displacement. It can be observed, although not obviously, that the introduction
of sustained uplift had an adverse effect on the subsequent transient uplift capacity. The
amount of 2%qu sustained loading (test C1) lead to an approximately 4% decrease of the
uplift capacity compared with the test without sustained loading in advance. The reason
for this difference could be that the suction generated was partially dissipated under
sustained loadings, thus making the foundation easier to extract. In addition, the
foundation in test C1, which was affected by sustained loading, also broke out earlier than
the foundation in the test without sustained loading due to the shortened skirt embedment
during sustained stage in test C1 (Figure 7.8).

The introduction of sustained uplift loadings has significant implications in real

operations. Offshore floating foundations, which are subjected to consistent tensile
loadings, e.g., buoyance, may be more vulnerable to extraction. In contrast, this effect is
beneficial in retrieving temporary subsea structures to reduce the unexpected large forces

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

from bottom suction. This is in contrast with compression, for which preloading typically
result in strength increase and additional bearing capacity.

7.3.4 Excess pore pressure response and its implication on breakout

failure mechanism

Figure 7.9 summarises the excess pore pressure responses at the foundation invert during
the sustained loading stage for tests in which breakout could be explicitly observed, i.e.,
tests C2, C3, C4 and C5. The sustained loadings (normalised by area) applied to the
foundation are also plotted in Figure 7.9 (short dashed lines) which can be assumed to be
the total stress added at the interface between the clay and foundation base. The negative
values of the excess pore pressure indicate the generation of suction underneath the
foundation. The breakout of the foundation can be expected from the sudden drop of
suctions (see circles in Figure 7.9).

As observed in Figure 7.9, when the foundation was subjected to sustained upward
loadings, negative excess pore pressures (suctions) were generated, which were higher in
magnitude than their corresponding applied sustained stresses. This effect triggered water
seepage toward the bottom of the foundation. As the loading was consistently sustained,
the suction gradually dissipated with time, and the foundation continued to move upward,
which was explicitly observed in test C2. Furthermore, the breakout of the foundation
appears to coincide with the moment when the magnitude of the suction equals to the
applied total stress. This finding could potentially suggest that the breakout of the
foundation is caused by zero effective stress at the interface between the clay and
foundation base. However, the seal condition around the foundation appears to be also
vital to the sustainability of the foundations. In the tests with higher sustained loadings,
e.g., C3, C4 and C5, an abrupt loss of suction was observed before excess pore pressure
dissipation can be observed obviously, which may suggest the appearance of a preferred
drainage path, such as cracks, around the external skirts, allowing water to rapidly flow
into the foundation base, leading to the sudden loss of suction and sustainability.

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

7.4 Conclusions

Centrifuge tests have been performed to investigate the uplift behaviour of a shallowly
skirted foundation under various sustained loadings in lightly over-consolidated kaolin
clay. The levels of sustained loading were expressed as a fraction of the undrained bearing
capacity of the same foundation in compression.

The foundation moves linearly with time when the load remains constant. The rate of
displacement increases with increasing sustained loading level but may also decrease due
to a prolonged consolidation time before uplift. The foundation broke out directly with a
mechanical protecting velocity in the centrifuge once losing its sustainability.

The introduction of sustained uplift has adverse effects on the subsequent transient uplift
capacity of the foundation and the breakout time. Further study is needed to better
understand this problem.

Based on the observation of excess pore pressure variations underneath the foundation, it
can be inferred that the breakout of the foundation under sustained uplift could depend
on either the effective stress at the interface of the clay and foundation base or the seal
condition around the foundation. Numerical modelling is in developing to simulate the
process to breakout and verify the proposed failure mechanism.

7.5 References

Acosta-Martinez, H.E., and Gourvenec, S.M. 2006. One-dimensional consolidation tests

on kaolin clay. Research Report GEO: 06385, The University of Western Australia, Perth,

Acosta-Martinez, H.E., Gourvenec, S.M., and Randolph, M.F. 2008. An experimental

investigation of a shallow skirted foundation under compression and tension. Soils and
Foundation 48(2): 247-254.

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

Acosta-Martinez, H.E., Gourvenec, S.M., and Randolph, M.F. 2010. Effect of gapping
on the transient and sustained uplift capacity of a shallow skirted foundation in clay. Soils
and Foundations 50(5): 725-735.

Acosta-Martinez, H.E., Gourvenec, S.M., and Randolph, M.F. 2012. Centrifuge study of
capacity of a skirted foundation under eccentric transient and sustained uplift.
Gotechnique 62(4): 317-328.

Byrne, P.M., and Finn, W.D.L. 1978. Breakout of submerged structures buried to a
shallow depth. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 15(2): 146-154.

Chen, R., Gaudin, C., and Cassidy, M.J. 2012. Investigation of the vertical uplift capacity
of deep water mudmats in clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 49(7): 853-865.

Chen, W. 2005. Uniaxial behaviour of suction caissons in soft deposits in deepwater. PhD
Thesis, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.

Das, B.M. 1991. Bottom breakout of objects resting on soft clay sediments. International
Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 1(3): 195-199.

Finnie, I.M.S., and Randolph, M.F. 1994. Punch-through and liquefaction induced failure
of shallow foundations on calcareous sediments. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Behaviour of
Offshore Structures, BOSS '94, Boston, USA. pp. 217-230.

Garnier, J., Gaudin, C., Springman, S.M., Culligan, P.J., Goodings, D., Konig, D., Kutter,
B., Phillips, R., Randolph, M.F., and Thorel, L. 2007. Catalogue of scaling laws and
similitude questions in geotechnical centrifuge modelling. International Journal of
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 7(3): 1-23.

Gaudin, C., White, D.J., Boylan, N., Breen, J., Brown, T., De Catania, S., and Hortin, P.
2009. A wireless high-speed data acquisition system for geotechnical centrifuge model
testing. Measurement Science and Technology 20(9): 095709.

Gourvenec, S.M., Acosta-Martinez, H.E., and Randolph, M.F. 2009. Experimental study
of uplift resistance of shallow skirted foundations in clay under transient and sustained
concentric loading. Gotechnique 59(6): 525-537.

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

Gourvenec, S.M., and Mana, D.S.K. 2011. Undrained vertical bearing capacity factors
for shallow foundations. Gotechnique Letters 1(4): 101-108.

House, A.R., Oliveira, J.M.S., and Randolph, M.F. 2001. Evaluating the coefficient of
consolidation using penetration tests. Int. J. of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 1(3):

Lehane, B.M., O'Loughlin, C.D., Gaudin, C., and Randolph, M.F. 2009. Rate effects on
penetrometer resistance in kaolin. Gotechnique 59(1): 41-52.

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y., and Cassidy, M.J. 2014. Effect of perforations on uplift
capacity of skirted foundations on clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 51(3):322-331.

Li, X., Gaudin, C., Tian, Y., and Cassidy, M.J. 2014. Rate effects on the uplift capacity
of skirted foundations on clay. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
Physical Modeling in Geotechnics (ICPMG 2014), Perth, Australia. Vol. 1, pp. 473-479.

Low, H.E., Lunne, T., Andersen, K.H., Sjursen, M.A., Li, X., and Randolph, M.F. 2010.
Estimation of intact and remoulded undrained shear strengths from penetration tests in
soft clays. Gotechnique 60(11): 843-859.

Mana, D.S.K., Gourvenec, S.M., and Randolph, M.F. 2013a. Experimental investigation
of reverse end bearing of offshore shallow foundations. Canadian Geotechnical Journal
50(10): 1022-1033.

Mana, D.S.K., Gourvenec, S.M., and Randolph, M.F. 2013b. A novel technique to
mitigate the effect of gapping on the uplift capacity of offshore shallow foundations.
Gotechnique 63(14): 1245-1252.

Mana, D.S.K., Gourvenec, S.M., Randolph, M.F., and Hossain, M.S. 2012a. Effect of
gapping on the uplift resistance of a shallow skirted foundation. In Proc. 7th Int. Offshore
Site Investigation and Geotechnics Conf., London, UK. pp. 403-410.

Mana, D.S.K., Gourvenec, S.M., Randolph, M.F., and Hossain, M.S. 2012b. Failure
mechanisms of skirted foundations in uplift and compression. International Journal of
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 12(2): 47-62.

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

Randolph, M.F., Low, H.E., and Zhou, H. 2007. In situ testing for design of pipeline and
anchoring systems. In Proceedings of the 6th International Offshore Sit Investigation and
Geotechnics Conference: Confronting New Challenges and Sharing Knowledge, London,
UK. pp. 251-262.

Sawicki, A., and Mierczyski, J. 2003. Mechanics of the breakout phenomenon.

Computers and Geotechnics 30(3): 231-243.

Stewart, D.P., and Randolph, M.F. 1991. A new site investigation tool for the centrifuge.
In Centrifuge 91 (eds. Ko and McLean), Rotterdam, Netherlands. pp. 531-538.

Stewart, D.P., and Randolph, M.F. 1994. T-bar penetration testing in soft clay. Journal of
Geotechnical Engineering 120(12): 2230-2235.

Stewart, D.P. 1992. Lateral loading of piled bridge abutments due to embankment
construction. PhD Thesis, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.

Stewart, D.P., Boyle, R.S., and Randolph, M.F. 1998. Experience with a new drum
centrifuge. In Pro. Int. Conf. Centrifuge, Tokyo, Japan. Vol. 1, pp. 35-40.

Tani, K., and Craig, W.H. 1995. Bearing capacity of circular foundations on soft clay of
strength increasing with depth. Soils and Foundations 35(4): 21-35.

White, D.J., Gaudin, C., Boylan, N., and Zhou, H. 2010. Interpretation of T-bar
penetrometer tests at shallow embedment and in very soft soils. Canadian Geotechnical
Journal 47(2): 218-229.

Zhou, X.X., Chow, Y.K, and Leung, C.F. 2008. Numerical modeling of breakout process
of objects lying on the seabed surface. Computers and Geotechnics 35(5): 686-702.

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

Table 7.1 Summary of sustained loading test

Ref. Preloading stage Sustained loading stage

Stress, Elapsed time, Stress, Sustainable time,
qm (kPa) t (day) qm (kPa) t (day)
C1 7.2 28.5 short 1.6 2%* > 227.1
C2 10.5 31.6 short 7.2 9% 135.4
C3 9.0 342.7 long 17.5 23% 176.6
C4 7.6 34.3 short 27.8 36% 65.5
C5 9.1 35.1 short 35.1 46% 22.5
C6 6.8 38.8 short 46.3 58% -
* qm expressed as percentage of qu
Note: all dimensions are in prototype scale.

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

Figure 7.1 Model configuration

Figure 7.2 Curved design at foundation base (dimensions on the model scale)

Figure 7.3 Undrained shear profile of clay sample

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

Figure 7.4 Typical test sequences: (a) installation of foundation; (b) ramping centrifuge
up to 200g and filling in water; (c) preload and consolidation; (d) sustained uplift (*
model scale)

Figure 7.5 Measured and net resistance versus normalised dispalcement responses

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

Figure 7.6 Normalised net resistance versus normalised dispalcement responses

Figure 7.7 Normalised sustained uplift displacement versus time responses during
sustained loading stage

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay

Figure 7.8 Transient uplift resistance following sustained uplift (* model scale)

Figure 7.9 Excess pore pressure versus time responses during sustained loading stage

Chapter 7 Sustained uplift of skirted foundation in clay



The retrieval of deep-water subsea installations resting on soft soil, such as mudmat
shallow foundations, can be a difficult and costly operation if significant resistance to
uplift is experienced. At the mudmat invert, suctions may develop, increasing the uplift
resistance to greater than the weight of the mat. In this paper, a series of centrifuge model
tests are performed to determine the uplift resistance of rectangular mudmats resting on
lightly over-consolidated kaolin clay. The study investigates the influence of perforation,
in combination with skirt length and eccentric uplift, on the uplift resistance and suction
generation at the foundation invert. The outcomes demonstrate that the central and
eccentric uplift of mudmats have different failure mechanisms, resulting in a different
distribution of excess pore pressure at the foundation invert. In contrast, perforations do
not change the failure mechanism and only alter the magnitude of suction generated. The
two different configurations of perforation investigated significantly reduce the suction
at the mat invert and the uplift resistance, and may potentially shorten the operating time
for centred uplift. The combination of perforation and eccentric uplift has the most
beneficial effect on the reduction of the uplift resistance.

Keywords: centrifuge modelling; mudmat; clay; perforation; uplift resistance; suction

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

8.1 Introduction

Mudmats are a type of shallow raft foundation used to support various temporary and
semi-permanent subsea structures, such as Pipeline End Manifolds and Terminations
(PLEMs/PLETs). They are an easily installed and economical solution commonly used
in deep water oil and gas developments. In order to provide sufficient resistance to
withstand horizontal loads from the thermal expansion of pipelines and jumpers, mudmats
are usually designed with skirts, which are embedded into the seabed by a fraction of the
mudmat width. Upon completion of the project, and in some instances to comply with
environmental regulations, mudmats must be decommissioned and removed from the

The standard removal procedure for mudmats is to attach cables to the load points on the
structures. These cables are then pulled by a lift vessel at sea level to extract the mudmat
from the seabed. The uplift forces required for removal from the seabed are resisted not
only by the self-weight of the submerged mudmat, but also by the suction forces
potentially developing at the mudmat invert. In soft soil with low permeability, such as
the clays or silts commonly encountered in deep waters, these suction forces can be equal
to twice the submerged weight of the mudmat (Bouwmeester et al. 2009). In extreme
cases, the suction forces may be greater than the lifting capacity of the vessel and lead to
hazards during removal (Reid 2007).

Various mitigation measures to reduce the generation of negative pressures (or suctions)
at mudmat inverts have been investigated, using both in-situ data and laboratory
experiments. It was expected that perforations would limit the development of suction at
the mudmat invert by shortening the drainage path. Lieng and Bjrgen (1995) reported
that even a small perforation (with respect to the total mudmat area) can lead to a
significant reduction in peak uplift resistance. During field trials, a reduction of about 50%
of the uplift resistance was observed for a perforation ratio of 3.1% (defined as the plane
area of perforating holes with respect to the total area). White et al. (2005) demonstrated
that a large number of small perforations were more efficient in reducing the uplift ratio
than a small number of large perforations. Their results can be used to maximize the ratio
of vertical compression to uplift resistance. An alternative mitigation solution involves
applying the uplift load with an eccentric movement to facilitate breakaway at the mudmat

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

invert and hence reduce the magnitude of the suction forces generated. From small-scale
model tests, Reid (2007) reported a reduction up to 66% (compared to the centred uplift
resistance) by applying the pullout load at the edge of the mudmat. Water jetting at the
invert is also a proven method to reduce uplift forces for offshore jack-up rigs embedded
foundations, as demonstrated by Gaudin et al. (2011). However, the logistics associated
with the jetting method are significantly more complex and costly than typical lifting

Chen et al. (2012) presented a comprehensive investigation of the uplift resistance of

mudmats, combining the effects of eccentric uplift, loading rate and skirt length in a
model test programme performed in a geotechnical centrifuge. Chen et al. (2012)
demonstrated that the uplift resistance was directly correlated to the development of
suction at the mat invert and that fully undrained conditions (characterised by a full
reverse end bearing mechanism) were achieved at normalised uplift velocities three orders
of magnitude higher than those usually considered for shallow foundations in
compression. This is because a suction relief mechanism develops at the foundation-soil
interface during uplift, but while the system is in compression, the pore pressure
dissipation mechanism is governed by pore pressures in the far field (Lehane et al. 2008).
In contrast, fully drained conditions that would lead to low uplift resistance require uplift
rates too slow to be practically undertaken in-situ and partially drained conditions may be
prevalent during uplift of prototype mudmats. Accordingly, the prediction of uplift
resistance is hindered by difficulties in assessing the relevant drainage conditions and the
associated bearing capacity factor. Additional results from Chen et al. (2012), associated
with eccentric uplift, indicated that a different failure mechanism was taking place,
favouring the suction relief mechanism and hence contributing to a significant reduction
in the uplift resistance.

In this paper, a series of model mudmat tests performed in a geotechnical drum centrifuge
is presented. The research aims to advance Chen et al. (2012)s study by linking
perforation and uplift eccentricity in order to (i) further understand the mechanism
governing suction development at the invert of a perforated mudmat, and (ii) provide
recommendations to optimise a retrieval strategy in order to minimise the uplift resistance
and the associated risk and cost. In particular, the generation of suction at the mat invert
and the uplift force versus displacement curves were monitored during centrifuge model

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

tests, and were considered as a function of the effective width, the mudmat skirt length
and the uplift eccentricity.

8.2 Determination of uplift capacity

As detailed in Chen et al. (2012), the ultimate uplift resistance of mudmats is controlled
by the operative shear strength of the soil and the failure mechanism during uplift. The
failure mechanism can be assumed to be either a reverse end bearing type (Craig and
Chua 1990; Acosta-Martinez et al. 2008; Gourvenec et al. 2009; Randolph et al. 2011;
Mana et al. 2012) or a breakout hemispherical type (Yu 2000; Rattley 2007) depending
on the level of suction mobilised at the mat invert. Following the compression convention,
the uplift capacity of mudmats in clay can be expressed as

qu Nc suop h (8.1)

where Nc is the bearing capacity factor, suop the operative shear strength of the soil at the
skirt tips, the submerged unit weight of the soil and h the skirt length, which accounts
for the embedment of the foundation. The second term on the right hand side of the
equation is the correction for overburden. For skirted foundations, the overburden stress
is cancelled by the weight of soil column incorporated by the skirts (see Figure 8.1).
Therefore, the uplift capacity of a skirted mudmat, regardless of the failure mechanism,
can be determined by

qu Nc suop (8.2)

Rigorous solutions to determine the bearing capacity factor of a strip footing on

homogeneous clay under vertical loading have been developed by Prandtl (1921) and
Reissner (1924) and yielded a value of Nc = 5.14. In non-homogeneous soil, Nc increases
with the soil heterogeneity kB0/sum, where B0 is the width of the footing, k the gradient of
the soil profile and sum the initial soil undrained strength at the mudline (Davis and Booker
1973; Randolph et al. 2004), as illustrated in Figure 8.1. The full reverse end bearing
capacity can be assessed using solutions derived from the undrained compression

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

capacity (Equation (8.2)), since for fully undrained conditions, uplift and compression
capacities are theoretically equal.

The ultimate bearing capacity of two or more parallel strips has also received attention
from Martin and Hazell (2005), Gourvenec and Steinepreis (2007) and Bransby et al.
(2010), providing insights into the effect of perforations on the bearing capacity of
shallow foundations under undrained soil conditions.

The operative shear strength of the soil, suop, is taken as the shear strength at the skirt tip,
su0, which can be determined using the standard T-bar test (Stewart and Randolph 1991;
1994), potentially enhanced by soil strain rate effects. Einav and Randolph (2005) and
Lehane et al. (2009), among others, reported that the soil strength increases with strain
rate by approximately 5% 20% per log cycle of increasing strain rate. This can be
expressed as

suop su 0, ref 1 log( ) (8.3)

where su0, ref is the soil shear strength at a reference strain rate ref (which can be taken as

su0 from the T-bar test) of 0.0001 s-1, and is a rate parameter of approximately 0.1 for
normally consolidated kaolin clay (Randolph et al. 2005). Atkinson (2000) suggested that
the average operational strain rate underneath a rectangular shallow foundation subjected
to vertical loading can be approximated as v/3B0 (where v is uplift velocity and B0 is the
width of the mat). Assuming that full contact is maintained between the foundation and
the soil during uplift, a similar approach may be assumed for the present scenario.

The uplift force during model tests can therefore be expressed as

Fup Nc suop A G (8.4)

where Fup represents the peak uplift force and G' the submerged self-weight of the
mudmat. Note that in the present study, the gross area A is used to calculate uplift force
regardless of the configuration of perforations.

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

8.3 Experimental set-up

8.3.1 Facility

The drum centrifuge at the Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems (COFS), The
University of Western Australia (UWA) was used to carry out the described tests, as it
enables multiple mudmat uplift tests to be conducted in one single soil sample. The ring
channel of the centrifuge has an outer diameter of 1.2 m, an inner diameter of 0.8 m and
a channel height (sample width) of 0.3 m. A servo-controlled actuator was mounted on
the central tool table to provide both vertical and radial movements. The tool table can be
coupled to the channel or may rotate independently of it, allowing it to be stopped for
examination or changing the tool, without affecting the soil sample. A complete technical
description of this centrifuge is presented in Stewart et al. (1998). Tests were performed
at a centrifuge acceleration of 150g, i.e., all model linear dimensions are scaled by 150
and all loads by 1502 (see Garnier et al. (2007) for details on similitude principles).

8.3.2 Model configurations, instrumentation, and calculation of effective


Three types of model mudmats were fabricated using aluminium plates, with dimensions
of 5 mm in thickness (d), 100 mm in length (L0) and 50 mm in width (B0). This represents
a prototype mudmat 15 m long and 7.5 m wide. The overall dimensions are identical to
models tested by Chen et al. (2012).

One non-perforated model (labelled B) and two types of perforated models (labelled P1
and P2) were considered (see Figure 8.2). Model P1 featured large perforations with 36
circular holes 6.0 mm in diameter (Figure 8.2b). The second model, P2, featured small
perforations, comprising 171 circular holes 2.7 mm in diameter (Figure 8.2c). Both
perforated models had the same perforation ratio, , of 0.19, defined as the ratio of the
area of the holes to the gross area. Each perforated model was made with removable skirts
with a length (h) of 0 mm, 5 mm and 10 mm (0 m, 0.75 m and 1.5 m in embedment
prototype, respectively), while the non-perforated mudmat models were fabricated with

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

the same skirt lengths for benchmarking. Both model and prototype dimensions are
summarised in Table 8.1.

The models were equipped with three Pore Pressure Transducers (PPTs), as illustrated in
Figure 8.2 and Figure 8.3, to monitor variations in excess pore pressure at the foundation
invert. As the PPTs housing was too large to be fitted between perforations, they were
installed in place of a single perforation as illustrated in Figure 8.2b and c. Note that extra
houses were mounted onto mats P2 to install the PPTs, thus resulting in slightly heavier
weights than mats P1, as indicated in Table 8.1. In order to examine the effect of central
and eccentric uplifts, three small holes (illustrated in Figure 8.2a) were drilled to allow a
vertical ball shaft to be screwed onto the model plate and connected to a loading cell by
a tong (illustrated in Figure 8.3). In each test, only one hole was used to mount the ball
shaft and the other two were glued to avoid extra perforations. Uplift was applied via the
ball shaft and the uplift resistance was measured by a 500 N capacity load cell.

The effective width (W) of each model was defined to represent the average length of
drainage paths between perforations (White et al. 2005). For mudmats with circular
perforations, the effective strip width W was calculated as

x 2( x d0 ) d0
W (8.5)

where d0 is the diameter of circular perforations and x represents the shortest drainage
path between the perforations, as illustrated in Figure 8.4. From Equation (8.5), it was
calculated that W is 6.07 mm (0.91 m in prototype) for mudmat P1 and 3.34 mm (0.5 m
in prototype) for mudmat P2. For the non-perforated mudmat B, W is simply taken as the
average of length and width, e.g., (B0 + L0)/2 = 75 mm (11.25 m in prototype).

8.3.3 Soil sample preparation and characterisation

Two soil samples were prepared for the present study. Kaolin slurry, prepared at a water
content of ~ 120% (approximately twice the liquid limit), was poured into the centrifuge
channel under an acceleration of 20g, over a preplaced 10 mm thick drainage blanket at
the bottom. Self-weight consolidation under two-way drainage was achieved by spinning

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

the centrifuge at 150g for approximately four days. The degree of consolidation was
monitored by measuring excess pore pressure dissipation via PPTs located at the bottom
of the channel and settlement of the top surface of the soil. After full consolidation was
achieved, a soil layer 5 to 15 mm thick was scraped off the surface to create a lightly over-
consolidated soil sample with an evenly elevated surface, enabling a good contact
between the model and the soil. The final height of both samples was 150 mm (including
the drainage layer).

T-bar tests were performed in both soil samples to evaluate the undrained shear strength.
Tests were carried out by using a 5 mm diameter, 20 mm long T-bar at a standard
penetration rate of 1 mm/s, ensuring undrained soil conditions (Stewart and Randolph
1991; 1994). As a first approximation, a constant bearing factor NT-bar = 10.5 derived from
plastic solution (Randolph and Houlsby 1984) and experimental calibration (Low et al.
2010) were adopted to convert the measured T-bar resistance into undrained shear
strength. Following the procedure proposed by White et al. (2010), lower bearing factors
were applied to characterise the T-bar penetration resistance at shallow depths, where full
flow of soil around the T-bar cylinder cannot occur. A cyclic test was also included as
part of each penetration test to obtain accurate calibration data for soil penetration
resistance (Randolph et al. 2007).

Figure 8.5 summarises the corrected undrained shear strength profiles at prototype scale
in both soil samples. In general, soil strength profiles in both soil samples exhibited an
excellent repeatability, with sample two featuring a more linear increase in strength with
depth. The corrected soil strength for both samples can be idealised as bilinear profiles.
At shallow depths (z 0.75 m and z 0.6 m for samples one and two, respectively), the
soil samples were over consolidated following the trimming process and exhibited a
constant shear strength with depth, with values of su ~ 3.26 kPa and su ~ 1.68 kPa for
samples one and two, respectively. Soil strength at higher depths can be idealised by
linear profiles with gradients of k ~ 1.01 kPa/m for sample one and ~ 1.06 kPa/m for
sample two, resulting in a heterogeneity ratio of kB0/sum ~ 2.3 and ~ 4.7, respectively.

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

8.3.4 Testing programme and procedure

Nine central uplift tests were performed in soil sample one and nine eccentric uplift tests
were performed in sample two, both under a centrifuge acceleration level of 150g, as
summarised in Table 8.2. Model mudmats were installed on the soil surface at 1g and
consolidation under the weight of the foundation was achieved at 150g. During
consolidation, the tiny gap (~ 0.7 mm) caused by the curved clay top and flat model base
can be closed during installation and consolidation, thus ensuring full contact at the
interface between soil and foundation. A constant uplift velocity of v = 3 mm/s, which
coincided with that adopted by Chen et al. (2012), was applied to the model once all
excess pore pressures at the mat invert were fully dissipated, indicating that full
consolidation under self-weight had been achieved. A constant water table of 50 mm
above the soil surface was maintained during each test.

8.4 Test Results

8.4.1 Typical measurements of uplift force and excess pore pressure

Typical central uplift load/displacement and excess pore pressure/displacement curves

are presented for tests S1-1 and S1-4 in Figure 8.6. The general patterns were consistent
with Chen et al. (2012)s observations that uplift resistance experienced a sudden increase
to reach a peak value (Fup) over a short distance (wp), then reduced to a semi-residual
value which was slightly higher than the submerged self-weight (G') of the model
mudmats due to the soil attached at the model invert. G' differed between tests due to the
different skirt lengths and configurations of perforation (see Table 8.1). G' also changed
slightly with uplift displacement due to the changing acceleration level along the radius
in the centrifuge (see dashed line in Figure 8.6), and this has been accounted for in the

The excess pore pressure displacement curves exhibit the same pattern as the load
displacement curves, indicating a close correlation between excess pore pressure
generation at the foundation invert and the uplift resistance. The negative values indicate
the generation of suction at the mudmat invert, with peak values represented by p1, p2 and

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

p3 being coincident with the peak uplift resistance, indicating that uplift resistance is
sustained by the development of suction at the mudmat invert. It is noteworthy that the
uplift force for perforated mudmats, e.g., S1-4 and the associated suction at the mat invert
is less sustainable compared to that for non-perforated mudmats, e.g., S1-1. This is
attributed to shortening of the drainage path resulting from perforation and the associated
acceleration in the dissipation of excess pore pressures. More details on the effects of
perforations will be provided in Section 8.4.2.

The peak values of the uplift forces (Fup), the peak value of the excess pore pressures
monitored by the three PPTs (p1, p2 and p3) and their average values p (= (p1 + p2 + p3)/3),
and the distance travelled to reach the peak uplift force (wp) for all the eighteen uplift tests
are summarised in Table 8.2 for further interpretation.

The distances required to reach peak uplift forces, wp, are presented in Figure 8.7 as a
function of the skirt length. The operational distance decreased with decreasing skirt
length, regardless of the configuration of perforations, and both perforated mudmats
exhibited a significantly lower operational distance during uplift compared to the non-
perforated mudmat. Figure 8.8 provides some insight into the secant stiffness (Es) of the
soil under vertical uplift, calculated as the normalised peak extraction resistance Fup/A
divided by the normalised skirt displacement wp/B0. Mudmats with perforations generated
a stiffer response than non-perforated mudmats, while the stiffness for all mats was
reduced with increased skirt length (Figure 8.8). This occurred because mudmats with
perforation and shallower skirts generate a much shallower compatible strain filed. As
shown in Figure 8.7, peak uplift force occurred faster for the perforated mudmats for the
same skirt length (while uplifted at the same velocity), suggesting that the perforated
design could be a promising method for saving uplift expenses by reducing operating time
in the field.

8.4.2 Effect of perforation combined with skirt length

Figure 8.9 presents the net peak uplift forces, Fup, net (= Fup G'), normalised by the gross
area (i.e., Fup, net/A) and the corresponding peak values of average excess pore pressures
( p ) varying with the effective width for central uplift tests. It is evident that the peak

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

uplift force decreases with reducing effective width and shallower skirt embedment. The
peak uplift forces for tests on the perforated mudmat (P1) were reduced by almost half
compared to the non-perforated mudmat (B), indicating that the perforation had beneficial
effects in reducing the uplift resistance of mudmats. For a same perforation ratio of 0.19,
the reduction in effective width resulted in a further reduction of uplift resistance of about
30%. For a specific configuration of perforation, the reduction in skirt length resulted in
a reduction of the uplift force by up to 50% for the largest effective width. This
improvement significantly reduced, however, with reduced effective width. As
anticipated, this reduction of peak uplift force either was associated with a concomitant
reduction in average peak suction, due to the shortening of the drainage paths by
perforations or decreased skirt embedment, which accelerated the dissipation of the
negative excess pore pressure generated by the uplift mechanism.

The net peak uplift forces (normalised by gross area A) are also plotted against the
associated average suctions in Figure 8.10. Figure 8.10 demonstrates that the uplift
resistance was essentially sustained by the suction at the foundation invert, independent
of the skirt length and the perforation. Consequently, the mudmat failure mode was a
reverse end bearing failure mechanism (see illustration in Figure 8.10), as observed and
described by Craig and Chua (1990), Acosta-Martinez et al. (2008), Gourvenec et al.
(2009), Randolph et al. (2011) and Mana et al. (2012) rather than a breakout contraction
type mechanism (Yu 2000; Rattley 2007). This demonstrates that fully undrained
conditions are experienced by the soil during uplift. Drainage conditions may be assessed
by calculating the dimensionless velocity vB0/cv (Finnie and Randolph 1994; Chung et al.
2006), where cv is the coefficient of consolidation of the soil, typically equal to 1.5
m2/year for kaolin clay at a stress level of about 10 kPa (House et al. 2001).

In the present study, the dimensionless velocity for the non-perforated mudmat was about
3000, where undrained soil conditions for uplift can be assumed according to Chen et al.
(2012). The dimensionless velocity for perforated mudmats was approximately one order
less than for non-perforated mudmats if normalised by the effective width W, i.e., vW/cv
~ 400 and ~ 200 for P1 and P2, respectively. This potentially leads to partially drained
conditions within the soil that would explain the lower uplift capacity. This is however
inconsistent with observations from Figure 8.10, and will be discussed further in the
following paragraphs.

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

To provide further insights into the drainage conditions and failure mechanisms
associated with skirt length and the configuration of perforations, the bearing capacity
factors for central uplift tests have been calculated from Equation (8.4) and are
summarised in Table 8.3. Figure 8.11 presents the bearing capacity factors for non-
perforated mudmats (B) as a function of skirt length in comparison with limit analysis
results from Randolph et al. (2004) for circular foundations and experimental results from
Chen et al. (2012). Results from Randolph et al. (2004) are presented for a soil
heterogeneity of kB0/sum = 0, 3 and 10, encompassing the heterogeneity of the soil samples.
The bearing capacity factors for non-perforated mats ranged from 6.84 to 8.37 with skirt
length ratio (h/B0) varying from 0 to 0.2. This agrees well with those obtained by Chen et
al. (2012) in soil samples of a similar heterogeneity ratio (ranging from 3.38 to 3.61)
indicating good repeatability of the present tests. They also compare reasonably well with
the limit analysis solutions of Randolph et al. (2004), although there is a trend for an
overestimation of the bearing capacity factor for flat foundations (i.e., h/B0 = 0).

Figure 8.12 presents the bearing capacity factors for all the three model mudmats as a
function of the effective width. There is an evident trend of reduction of bearing factors
with reduced effective width. It is also noteworthy that the effect of the embedment,
which increases bearing capacity factors (see Randolph et al. (2004)), reduced as the
effective width decreased. As mentioned previously, the reduction in bearing capacity
factors could be attributed to an accelerated dissipation of excess pore pressures with
increased occurrence of perforations. However, the load/displacement curves in Figure
8.6, and pullout stiffness in Figure 8.8, indicate that perforated mats exhibited a stiffer
load displacement response, and a faster generation of suction at the foundation invert.
Both observations demonstrate that the drainage conditions for perforated mats were also
undrained, and that the reduction in uplift capacity (and associated bearing capacity
factors) was essentially due to an earlier onset of suction breakaway at the mat invert
caused by the perforations.

No theoretical solutions have been established to determine bearing capacity factors for
perforated mudmats. The closest solution is the one developed by Martin and Hazell
(2005), who established bearing capacity factors using the method of characteristics for
two-dimensional surface multi-strip footings subjected to downward vertical loadings
under undrained conditions. Results from Martin and Hazell (2005) are plotted in Figure

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

8.13 for soil heterogeneity ratios ranging from 0 to 5. They indicated a trend of reducing
bearing capacity factor with increasing perforation ratio, beyond a value that depends on
the strength heterogeneity ratio.

The perforation ratio used by Martin and Hazell (2005) in Figure 8.13 is defined under
two-dimensional plane strain condition as the ratio of total footing spacing to the total
width, so a distinction cannot be made between the perforation ratio and the effective
width, as for the three-dimensional models. In order to enable a direct comparison with
the experimental results, an equivalent perforation ratio * was calculated for mudmats
P1 and P2, as illustrated in the inset in Figure 8.13. The equivalent perforation ratio *
was calculated by converting the shaded area Ash into an equivalent width y, resulting in
values of 0, 0.28 and 0.23 for mudmat B, P1 and P2, respectively. Bearing capacity factors
for the three mudmats are plotted in Figure 8.13, considering the equivalent perforation
ratio, for comparison with results from Martin and Hazell (2005).

Bearing capacity factors for the non-perforated mat agreed reasonably well with results
from Martin and Hazell (2005), accounting for the effects of heterogeneity ratio and skirt
length. The agreement was also satisfactory for the perforated mat P1, but not for the
perforated mat P2, as Martin and Hazell (2005) only modelled two-dimensional strips
that cannot account for the effect of different perforated patterns. Nevertheless, the results
suggest that Martin and Hazell (2005) might be used as a first approximation to evaluate
the effect of perforation on uplift capacity, provided that the effective width is not reduced
by more than a factor of 10, compared to a plain foundation of identical overall

8.4.3 Effect of eccentric loading combined with perforation

Figure 8.14 presents typical variation of uplift force and excess pore pressures with uplift
displacement for the eccentric uplift test S2-7. The mudmat experienced a rotational soil
failure mechanism (as illustrated in Figure 8.14) about a point located close the centre of
the mudmat. This resulted in positive excess pressures being mobilised at the end farthest
from the lifting side (instrumented with PPT1) and negative excess pore pressures at the
lifting side (instrumented with PPT3). The peak excess pore pressures at the mat for all
the eccentric uplift tests (refer to Table 8.2) is presented in Figure 8.15.

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Figure 8.15 presents the approximate excess pore pressure profile along the length of the
mudmats (L0) at failure. Note that PPT3 in test S2-6 ceased to function during the test, so
no data is available (Figure 8.15c). It can be seen that the perforation did not change the
general failure mechanism as detailed above, which remained rotational. The perforation
lead to lower suction being generated at the uplift side, but is unlikely to have significantly
affected the excess pore pressure on the opposite side, indicating that they are most likely
generated by the increase in bearing pressure resulting from the self-weight of the
foundation being applied on a smaller section of the mat as it is being uplifted. It is also
noteworthy that the centre of rotation of the mudmat moves away from the lifting point
with increasing skirt length. As the skirt length increases, a deeper failure mechanism is
generated, with breakaway at the mudmat invert occurring later during uplift. Compared
to the central uplift cases, the distance to reach peak loads for eccentric uplift cases are
more sensitive to skirt configuration of mudmats. As shown in Table 8.2, the peak uplift
distances was enlarged by 2.6 to 6 times for perforated mudmats with the longest skirt
(h/B0 = 0.2).

8.5 Discussion and recommendations

Table 8.4 summarises the ratio of measured uplift resistance to central uplift resistance
for all tests. The reported values enable comparison between eccentric and centric uplift
tests, and configurations of perforations. For the non-perforated mudmat, the eccentric
uplift considered reduced the peak resistance by 66% to 79% compared to central uplift
tests, decreasing with increasing skirt length due to the deeper failure mechanisms
mobilised with longer skirts. When a large number of small perforations were introduced
(mudmat P2), the peak uplift resistance was reduced by about 74% compared to the
central uplift of non-perforated mudmats, with less effect from the skirt length. In contrast,
a small number of large perforations (mudmat P1) yielded a reduction in uplift capacity
of only 45% indicating that the effective width is the relevant parameter when
determining the effect of perforation. In summary, the results indicate that eccentric uplift
appears to be more efficient in reducing the uplift resistance than perforation ratio (for
the range considered in this study), although both reduce the uplift capacity by generating
an early breakaway at the foundation invert. Eccentric uplift is indeed more efficient in
reducing the uplift capacity, as the breakaway can propagate more rapidly along a larger

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

surface. However, the efficiency of eccentric uplift is hindered by higher skirt embedment,
whereas the central uplift capacity of perforated mudmat is less affected by skirt lengths.

When eccentric uplift and perforations are combined, the mudmats experience the highest
reduction in uplift resistance, with a reduction of ~ 76% for mudmat P1 and ~ 93% for
mudmat P2 (i.e., the uplift force is only slightly larger than the self-weight of the mat),
with skirt length having only a relatively small effect.

8.6 Conclusions

A series of centrifuge tests were undertaken to assess the effect of perforations and
loading eccentricity on the uplift capacity of subsea mudmats. The results demonstrated
that the uplift capacity in all cases is essentially sustained by the generation of suction
pressures at the mudmat invert, and that undrained soil conditions prevailed for all tests,
regardless of the configuration of perforation. The reduction of uplift capacity, which can
reach up to ~ 80%, results from the breakaway of suction at the foundation invert, which
can be generated either by perforations or by eccentric uplift. Eccentric uplift was
observed to have a much greater effect in reducing the uplift capacity than perforations,
although the benefit reduces with increasing skirt embedment.

8.7 References

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Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Table 8.1 Characteristics of model mudmats

Mudmat Perforated ratio, Skirt length, h Perforated diameter, d0 Effective width, W Submerged weight, G'
type* (-) Model Prototype Model Prototype Model Prototype Model Prototype
(mm) (m) (mm) (m) (mm) (m) (N) (MN)
B - 0 0.00 - - 75.00 11.25 62 1.40
- 5 0.75 - - 75.00 11.25 66 1.49
- 10 1.50 - - 75.00 11.25 70 1.58
P1 0.19 0 0.00 6.0 0.90 6.07 0.91 52 1.17
0.19 5 0.75 6.0 0.90 6.07 0.91 56 1.26
0.19 10 1.50 6.0 0.90 6.07 0.91 60 1.35
P2 0.19 0 0.00 2.7 0.41 3.34 0.50 56 1.26
0.19 5 0.75 2.7 0.41 3.34 0.50 60 1.35
0.19 10 1.50 2.7 0.41 3.34 0.50 64 1.44
* B = mudmat without perforations; P1 = mudmat with large perforations; P2 = mudmat with small perforations

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Table 8.2 Summary of mudmat tests

Soil sample Mudmat Skirt Uplift Peak Peak Peak Peak Average Peak
& test no. type length, eccentricity, uplift force, suction, suction, suction, suction, uplift distance,
h (mm) e (mm) Fup (N) p1 (kPa) p2 (kPa) p3 (kPa) p (kPa) wp (mm)
S1-1 B 0 0 199.1 -21.8 -28.5 -25.6 -25.3 1.07
S1-2 5 0 224.0 -33.5 -39.2 -41.5 -38.1 1.51
S1-3 10 0 276.6 -44.2 -44.5 -44.7 -44.5 1.99
S1-4 P1 0 0 127.8 -16.7 -20.3 -19.6 -18.9 0.42
S1-5 5 0 140.5 -11.3 -24.0 -23.8 -19.7 0.63
S1-6 10 0 174.7 - - -28.3 -28.3 0.83
S1-7 P2 0 0 88.3 -4.5 - -11.4 -8.0 0.26
S1-8 5 0 102.2 -6.8 -12.8 -16.5 -12.0 0.31
S1-9 10 0 109.8 -11.2 -12.3 -12.7 -12.1 0.43
S2-1 B 0 40 75.1 9.5 -2.1 -22.1 -14.7 1.82
S2-2 5 40 98.3 12.7 -5.1 -43.0 -11.8 2.90
S2-3 10 40 130.2 14.7 -18.8 -34.8 -13.0 2.80
S2-4 P1 0 40 68.5 5.9 -2.1 -19.1 -5.1 0.42
S2-5 5 40 75.0 8.9 -1.0 -27.3 -6.5 2.04
S2-6 10 40 92.4 21.8 -8.7 - 6.6 2.54
S2-7 P2 0 40 60.5 1.8 0.1 -10.1 -2.7 0.86
S2-8 5 40 64.9 7.4 1.2 -13.5 -1.6 1.25
S2-9 10 40 82.4 18.3 -11.6 -13.3 -2.2 2.22

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Table 8.3 Bearing capacity factors inferred from central uplift tests

h (mm) h/B0 Nc
B P1 P2
0 0 6.84 3.76 1.74
5 0.1 7.88 4.26 2.10
10 0.2 8.37 4.70 2.14

Table 8.4 Ratio of uplift resistance to central uplift resistance for all mudmat tests

Mudmat type B B P1 P1 P2 P2
Eccentricity e/L0 = 0 e/L0 = 0.4 e/L0 = 0 e/L0 = 0.4 e/L0 = 0 e/L0 = 0.4
h/B0 = 0 1.00 0.21 0.55 0.23 0.25 0.06
h/B0 = 0.1 1.00 0.36 0.54 0.24 0.27 0.05
h/B0 = 0.2 1.00 0.44 0.56 0.24 0.26 0.09
Note: e/L0 = eccentricity

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Figure 8.1 Symbols and notations

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Figure 8.2 Model mudmats (a) without perforations (B), (b) with large perforations (P1)
and (c) with small perforations (P2)

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Figure 8.3 Model mudmat instrumented with PPTs and a ball shaft during testing

Figure 8.4 Calculation of effective width between perforations

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

(a) Undrained shear strength, su (kPa)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Prototype depth from mudline, z (m) 2

Idealized profile:

(b) Undrained shear strength, su (kPa)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Idealized profile:
Prototype depth from mudline, z (m)

Figure 8.5 Undrained shear strength profile for (a) sample one and (b) sample two

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Figure 8.6 Typical measurement of uplift resistances and excess pore pressures versus
displacement (S1-1: no perforation, no skirt; S1-4: small perforations, no skirt)

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay
B P1 P2

Peak uplift distance, wp (mm)




0 2 4 6 8 10
Skirt length, h (mm)

Figure 8.7 Peak uplift distance varying with skirt length for central uplift tests (Mudmat
type: B = no perforation; P1 = big perforations; P2 = small perforations)

B P1 P2
Secant stiffness, Es (MPa)

1 Es
0 2 4 6 8 10
Skirt length, h (mm)

Figure 8.8 Secant stiffness varying with skirt length for central uplift tests (Mudmat
type: B = no perforation; P1 = big perforations; P2 = small perforations)

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay
Uplift resistance:

h = 0 mm
40 h = 5 mm
h = 10 mm

0 P2 P1 B
1 10 100
Average suction, Suction:
-40 h = 0 mm
h = 5 mm
h = 10 mm
Effective width, W (mm)

Figure 8.9 Net uplift resistance and average suction varying with effective width for
central uplift tests (Mudmat type: B = no perforation; P1 = big perforations; P2 = small




Uplift resistance,

20 B
0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60
Average suction, (kPa)

Figure 8.10 Net uplift resistance varying with average suction pressures (Mudmat type:
B = no perforation; P1 = big perforations; P2 = small perforations)

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

Bearing capacity factor,


6 =0

Randolph et al. (2004)
2 Chen et al. (2012)
Present study: B
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Skirt length ratio,

Figure 8.11 Comparison of bearing capacity factors for varying skirt length

h/B0 = 0
Bearing capacity factor, Nc

h/B0 = 0.1

6 h/B0 = 0.2

0 P2 P1 B
1 10 100
Effective width, W (mm)

Figure 8.12 Bearing capacity factors varying with effective width (Mudmat type: B = no
perforation; P1 = big perforations; P2 = small perforations)

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

kB0/sum = 5
10 d0+x
Ash (d 0 x)d 0 - d 02 / 4
kB0/sum = 2 y Ash / 2(d 0 x)

Bearing capacity factor, Nc

8 * (d 0 2 y ) /(d 0 x)

y x
6 kB0/sum = 1
kB0/sum = 0
4 Present study:
2 P1
Martin & Hazell (2005)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Equivalent perforation ratio, *

Figure 8.13 Bearing capacity factors varying with perforation ratio (Mudmat type: B =
no perforation; P1 = big perforations; P2 = small perforations)

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Uplift force (N) 40


Excess pore pressure (kPa)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Uplift displacement (mm)

Figure 8.14 Measurement of uplift forces and excess pore pressures versus displacement
(S2-7: small perforations, no skirt, eccentricity = 40 mm)

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay


Excess pore pressures (kPa)

(a) h = 0 mm
-20 P1 Fup
-10 P2
PPT1 Mudmat
-50 -25 0 25 50
Excess pore pressures (kPa)

(b) h = 5 mm
-10 P2 Fup
PPT1 Mudmat
-50 -25 0 25 50
Excess pore pressures (kPa)

(c) h = 10 mm B
P2 Fup
PPT1 P1 Mudmat
-50 -25 0 25 50
Lateral distance along L0 (mm)

Figure 8.15 Excess pore pressure profiles at mudmat inverts for eccentric uplifts
(Mudmat type: B = no perforation; P1 = big perforations; P2 = small perforations)

Chapter 8 Effect of perforations on uplift capacity of skirted foundations on clay


9.1 Summary of major outcomes

This research is concerned with the generation and dissipation of suction in clay soils
associated with the uplift of offshore shallow foundations. Various influential factors,
e.g., foundation geometry, operational condition and loading history, have been
investigated to develop a thorough understanding of the uplift mechanism and predict the
uplift resistance more accurately. The major outcomes of the research are:

The uplift resistance of shallow foundations is highly dependent on the suction

generation level at the foundation invert, which is affected by the soil drainage

The uplift velocity required to mobilise fully undrained condition is approximately

one order of magnitude higher than in compression due to the changes in boundary
conditions associated with the shortening of the drainage paths during uplift.

The uplift capacity of shallow foundations is highly dependent on the initial effective
stresses and excess pore pressures field. The magnitude of preloading and the degree
of consolidation achieved during the preloading stage govern the remoulding and
subsequent enhancement of the soil strength, which further affects the subsequent
uplift capacity.

The breakout of shallow foundations is caused by either the reduction in effective

stress at the foundation/soil interface (from drainage and dissipation) or the
development and propagation of a crack at the interface (from a change in boundary
conditions around the foundation). It further controls the magnitude and the
sustainability of the uplift resistance.

The combination of perforation and eccentric uplift leads to a significant reduction

in uplift capacity due to early breakout. This potentially provides an optimal strategy
to retrieve subsea mudmat foundations.

Chapter 9 Concluding remarks

These outcomes of the research have been achieved through complementary centrifuge
testing and finite-element modelling. The remaining part of this chapter summarises the
detailed findings of the research and makes recommendations for further research.

9.2 Detailed findings

9.2.1 Uplift of shallow foundations under a range of soil drainage


While previous studies have primarily focused on the undrained uplift of shallow
foundations, the present study extends the existing research into considering the effect of
different soil drainage conditions on the uplift resistance and suction development. The
shallow skirted foundations were uplifted with velocities across four orders of magnitudes.
As such, the suction generation and uplift resistance under fully undrained, partially
drained to fully drained conditions can be observed. Both circular and square shaped
foundations were tested, showing only minor discrepancies between them. The transition
of the uplift resistance from fully undrained to partially drained conditions was identified
around a normalised velocity (vD/cv) of 200, which is approximately one order of
magnitude higher than that for foundations under compression. This is attributed to the
shortened drainage path as the foundation was uplifted and the soil around the foundation
tended to move downwards to maintain volume continuity. The uplift resistance increases
with increasing velocity, and the trends are described as backbone curves, where the
effects of partially drained soil conditions and viscous effects are quantified. The soil
drainage condition has significant effects on the uplift failure mechanism of shallow
foundations as well. A reverse Hill-type failure mechanism is mobilised under fully
undrained conditions. However, the failure mechanism can be reduced in size and transfer
into a Hill-sliding failure type with increasing drainage in the soil.

A coupled finite element modelling has been performed to simulate the uplift of shallow
foundations under fully undrained, partially drained to fully drained conditions. The load-
displacement response demonstrates a softening in stiffness and starts to decrease after a
peak under partially drained uplift, which can be interpreted within a critical-state
framework. The established model can well capture the suction generation under various

Chapter 9 Concluding remarks

uplifting rates. The transition from the fully undrained to partially drained condition is
consistent with that obtained by the centrifuge test. The excess pore pressure dissipation
in the circular foundation is slightly faster than that in strip foundation because the former
is unconfined and has three-dimensional boundaries.

9.2.2 Effect of preloading and consolidation on the subsequent uplift


The uplift capacity of shallow foundations is highly dependent on the preloading and its
associated consolidation prior to uplift, which can be caused by the self-weight of
structures, ballasting or active installation. The effects of different magnitudes and
durations of preloading on the subsequent uplift capacity of a shallow skirted foundation
were examined experimentally and numerically, with the focus on the generation and
dissipation of the excess pore pressures in lightly over-consolidated clay. The uplift
capacities were presented as ratios to the reference value of no preloading degree of
consolidation and as a function of the preloading level and degree of consolidation. The
results imply that the application of a compressive preloading decreases the subsequent
uplift capacity because of the remoulding and strength degradation of the clay. The
strength can be recovered and enhanced by the subsequent consolidation under
preloadings. Both the extent of remoulding and the rate of recovery are amplified by
higher preloading levels. The variation in the shear strength of clay was interpreted using
a critical-state framework as a function of the generation and dissipation of the excess
pore pressure during the preloading and consolidation stage. The framework is able to
capture the main features of the strength variations obtained from the centrifuge test.

In addition, the effects of preloading history on the subsequently uplift capacity were
simulated with the established finite-element model as mentioned in Section 9.2.1.
Compared with experimental tests, more comprehensive parameter studies were
conducted, and the results were presented as dimensionless forms and interpolated by
empirical relations. The outcomes have established the benchmark for future
development of more realistic model on uplift of offshore shallow foundations.

Chapter 9 Concluding remarks

9.2.3 Breakout failure mechanism of shallow foundations

Breakout is a common phenomenon when uplifting shallow foundations. It controls the

magnitude and the sustainability of uplift forces. The breakout failure mechanism of
shallow foundations under both transient and sustained uplift has been investigated. It is
found that the breakout can occur prior to or after a peak resistance is mobilised,
depending on the soil drainage and boundary conditions around the foundation. Under
sustained uplift, the foundation moves linearly with time, and breaks out as the result of
the loss of suction pressure underneath the foundation. The observation on suction
pressure variations beneath the foundation indicates that the breakout of shallow
foundations could be attributed to either the reduction in effective stress at the interface
of the soil and the foundation or the crack propagation at the foundation invert.

9.2.4 Comparison between compression and uplift

Both the centrifuge testing and finite-element modelling indicate that a reverse end
bearing failure mechanism can be mobilised in the undrained uplift of shallow
foundations, which results in a similar ultimate capacity as in compression. This warrants
the use of a unique bearing capacity factor for compression and uplift of shallow
foundations under fully undrained conditions. However, finite-element modelling results
demonstrate that different excess pore pressure generation levels and distributions are
observed between compression and uplift, because of the different interactions of excess
pore pressures due to the change of mean total stress and deviatoric stress in the soil. The
difference in the excess pore pressure development further affects the foundation
behaviour under partially drained compression and uplift.

9.2.5 An optimal strategy to retrieve subsea foundations

The retrieval of deep-water subsea mudmat foundations can be challenging and costly
because of the suction generation underneath the foundation during uplift. Centrifuge
tests were performed to provide a first insight into the mechanism of suction generation
and dissipation during uplift, from which recommendations were established. Typical
configurations of the mat perforation and skirt length were considered along with the
eccentricity of uplift. The results demonstrated that both perforation and uplift

Chapter 9 Concluding remarks

eccentricity significantly reduced the uplift resistance by developing a suction relief

mechanism beneath the foundation. The eccentric uplift appears more efficient than the
perforation but more sensitive to the skirt length. The eccentric uplift near the edge of the
foundation could reduce the peak uplift resistance by 66 79% compared to the
corresponding central uplift cases, whereas the investigated perforations yielded a
reduction of up to 74% relative to the non-perforated cases. The combination of
perforation and eccentric uplift results in the highest reduction of lifting resistance,
accounting for up to 93% reduction compared to the central uplift of non-perforated
mudmats, with a smaller effect from the skirt length. This means the uplift force is
reduced to slightly larger than the self-weight of the mudmats, potentially indicating an
optimal strategy to remove subsea mudmat foundations from the seabed.

9.3 Recommendations for future research

9.3.1 Complex interface setting and post failure behaviour

In the present finite-element modelling, the interface between the foundation invert and
the soil is perfectly bonded, so that no separation is allowed regardless of how the
drainage condition changes during the uplift. This setting is reasonable for investigating
foundation uplift under fully undrained conditions, because the suction is sufficiently high
to enable the soil to move with the foundation. However, this setting may overestimate
the uplift resistance when excess pore pressure dissipation dominates the foundation
behaviour during partially drained uplift. Therefore, a more advanced interface model is
required to simulate the progressive sliding along the skirts of the foundations and
separation of foundations under partially drained uplift.

Furthermore, the centrifuge tests imply that an unexpected loss of suction may occur as
dramatic boundary changes because of the perforation or shortened skirt length. This loss
of suction can result in a foundation breakout earlier than when an ultimate bearing
capacity can be mobilised. To more realistically simulate the foundation breakout
mechanism, an interface model is required, which can describe the dramatic changes in
boundary conditions and reduction in suction. Such a model could also simulate post
failure behaviour.

Chapter 9 Concluding remarks

9.3.2 Validation and extension of finite element modelling

The finite-element analyses in this thesis are based on some benchmark cases, in which
the foundation was simplified as a strip or circular surface foundation. This simplification
hindered comparisons with the centrifuge results in a straightforward manner. As the first
step of further development, the skirt configuration and lightly over-consolidated soil
profile should be incorporated into the present model to allow the validation of the finite-
element modelling using centrifuge data and the wider application into practical
engineering designs.

In addition, the offshore shallow foundations can have various shapes that require three-
dimensional modelling. The centrifuge tests also indicate that some features could not be
considered by two-dimensional modelling, such as the spatial arrangement of the
perforations on the mudmats under identical area ratio. Therefore, a three-dimensional
analysis is also a direction for future study with the aid of improved hardware and solving

9.3.3 Combined loading analyses that incorporate the tensile


Only the centred and normal vertical uplift of shallow foundations was considered in the
present research, except for a brief discussion on the recovery of mudmat using an
eccentric uplift. The uplift resistance may be affected by the horizontal and moment
components of the uplift load, and this is an important aspect of potential future work.
Most of the frameworks developed to investigate the combined capacity of shallow
foundation consider a vertical compressive load. The development of a combined yield
envelope considering a tensile vertical load and accounting for suction relief mechanisms
would be of particular significance for pipelines and plate anchors.

9.3.4 Pore-pressure-related cyclic-loading behaviours

Cyclic loadings are commonly encountered offshore because of the repeatable nature of
winds, waves and currents and on-off loading sequences. Nevertheless, only monotonic
loadings were investigated in this thesis. It is widely acknowledged that displacements

Chapter 9 Concluding remarks

accumulate under continuous cyclic loadings, and is accompanied by soil strength and
stiffness degradation. The displacement accumulation through cyclic loading can also
potentially facilitate foundation extraction. Furthermore, their relationships with the pore
pressure response in the soil have been less investigated. Particularly, it is worthy
examining the cyclic behaviours under partially drained conditions, where the
accumulation level of excess pore pressures is highly diverse.

9.4 Summary

The work in this thesis provides a comprehensive study on the suction generation and
dissipation in clay soils and its implications on the uplift behaviour of shallow
foundations. Both fundamental and practical aspects of the problem were addressed. The
results were obtained in general forms, so that they can be used to design offshore
foundations that are subjected to uplift loadings and provide guidance for deep-water
retrieval operations. The outcomes of this research can be applied to the uplift of other
shallowly embedded foundations such as pipelines and anchors.

Chapter 9 Concluding remarks


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