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Intumescent Paint For Aerospace Purposes - Specification: British Standard Aerospace Series BS X 37:2004

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Intumescent paint for

aerospace purposes

ICS 49.040; 87.040
December 2009

BS X 37:2004

Committees responsible for this

British Standard
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical
Committee, ACE/44, Protective treatments and aircraft finishes, upon which
the following bodies were represented:

British Coatings Federation Ltd.

Ministry of Defence
National Centre of Tribology
Oil and Colour Chemists Association
Society of British Aerospace Companies

This British Standard, was

published under the authority
of the Standards Policy and
Strategy Committee on
27 May 2004
BSI 27 May 2004

Amendments issued since publication

Amd. No. Date Comments

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
British Standard:
Committee reference ACE/44
Draft for comment 03/311251 DC

ISBN 0 580 43677 2

BS X 37:2004

Committees responsible inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 1
4 Materials 2
5 Performance 2
6 Batch inspection 2
7 Marking 2
Annex A (normative) Type approval 5
Annex B (normative) Preparation of test panels 5
Annex C (normative) Test conditions for measurement
of thermal conductivity 6
Figure C.1 Test apparatus viewed from below 6
Figure C.2 Test apparatus viewed from above 7
Figure C.3 Test apparatus in cross-section 7
Table 1 Tests on liquid paint 3
Table 2 Tests on the dry film 4

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BS X 37:2004


This British Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee ACE/44 and is
one of a series for paints and varnishes suitable for aerospace purposes. It covers
the specification of an intumescent paint for use on ferrous and non-ferrous
metals, selected composites and wood.
It has been assumed in the drafting of this British Standard that execution of its
provisions is entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced people.
WARNING. This British Standard calls for the use of substances and/or
procedures that may be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken.
It refers only to technical suitability and does not absolve the user from legal
obligations relating to health and safety at any stage.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises of a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 7 and a back cover.
The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the
document was last issued.

ii BSI 27 May 2004

BS X 37:2004

1 Scope
This British Standard specifies requirements for the materials and performance of an ambient cure
intumescent paint suitable for use in the aerospace industry, which will produce a substantial layer of
protective foam when exposed to fire.
NOTE This product can produce toxic gases on exposure to fire, and therefore is not suitable for use in interior cabin areas.
Type approval requirements are provided in Annex A.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
BS 2015, Glossary of paint and related terms.
BS EN 23270/ISO 3270, Specification for temperatures and humidities for conditioning and testing paints,
varnishes and their raw materials.
BE EN 29117/ISO 9117, Methods of tests for paints Tests associated with paint film formation Paints
and varnishes Determination of through-dry state and through dry time Method of test.
BS EN ISO 1513/BS 3900-A2, Paints and varnishes Examination and preparation of samples for testing.
BS EN ISO 1514:1997/BS 3900-A3:1997, Paints and varnishes Standard panels for testing.
BS EN ISO 1517/BS 3900-C2, Paints and varnishes Surface-drying test Ballotini method.
BS EN ISO 2431/BS 3900-A6, Paints and varnishes Method of determination of flow time by
use of flow cups.
BS EN ISO 2812-1/BS 3900-G5, Paints and varnishes Determination of resistance to liquids
Part 1: General methods.
BS EN ISO 3668/BS 3900-D1, Paints and varnishes Visual comparison of the colour of paints.
BS EN ISO 3696:1995, Water for analytical laboratory use Specification and test methods.
BS EN ISO 11890-1:2000/BS 3900-A23:2000, Paints and varnishes Determination of volatile organic
compound (VOC) content Part 1: Difference method.
BS EN ISO 15528, Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes Sampling.
BS L 163, Specification for sheet and strip of aluminium-coated aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-
manganese alloy (solution treated, cold worked for flattening and aged at room temperature)
(Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.8, Mn 0.8).

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this British Standard, the terms and definitions given in BS 2015 and the following
scorched substance

BSI 27 May 2004 1

BS X 37:2004

4 Materials
4.1 Composition
The paint shall consist of a pigmented resin base with suitable intumescent ingredient and a curing agent.
The base and curing agent shall be mixed in specified proportions by volume and thinned as necessary with
the appropriate thinners as recommended by the manufacturer.
The system shall also contain an ambient cure seal coat, if and when required.

5 Performance
5.1 General
5.1.1 Test panels shall be prepared and coated as specified in Annex B.
5.1.2 Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be carried out in temperature and relative humidity
conditions conforming to BS EN 23270.
5.2 Tests on liquid paint
The paint shall be tested in accordance with Table 1.
5.3 Tests on the dry film
The dried paint film shall be tested in accordance with Table 2.

6 Batch inspection
Before despatch, a representative sample of each batch of material shall be taken in accordance with
BS EN ISO 15528. It shall be tested to conform to tests 1, 5 and 6 of Table 1 and, when prepared in
accordance with Annex B, the scheme shall conform to tests 1 to 6 of Table 2.
NOTE Samples of material and ingredients may be inspected at any stage of manufacture, and from any portion of the batch.

7 Marking
Each container shall be legibly and durably marked with at least the following:
a) a description of the material;
b) the number and date of this British Standard, i.e. BS X 37:2004;
c) the manufacturers name and recognized trade mark;
d) the batch number;
e) the date of manufacture;
f) mixing and thinning instructions.
NOTE This is in addition to any statutory requirements.

2 BSI 27 May 2004

BS X 37:2004

Table 1 Tests on liquid paint

Test Test panel, Conditions Test method Requirement
preparation and
paint system
1) Condition Components in BS EN ISO 1513 Shall be free from
their original or extraneous matter
laboratory and shall show no
containers skinning, gelling,
hard settlement or
other defect that
might prevent
application of a
defect-free film
2) Volatile organic When prepared for BS EN ISO Shall be less than or
compound (VOC) application as 11890-1:2000, equal to the reference
content specified in B.2.1 Method 1 valuea
3) Shelf life After 12 months at Tests 1), 5) and 6) of Shall conform to the
5 C to 35 C this table requirements
components in
their original
4) Pot life Eight hours after BS EN ISO 2431 Viscosity shall not
preparation of a increase by more
1 000 ml sampleb than a factor of two
from the initial value,
unless otherwise
specified by the
5) Application B.1, B.2.1 to B.2.4 24 h after Visual examination Paint film shall show
application with normal corrected an opaque even
vision finish, free from runs,
sags wrinkling,
pin-holing or other
6) Drying time B.1, B.2.1 to B.2.4 After application BS EN ISO 1517 Surface dry k 1 h
BS EN 29117 Through dry U 24 h
a The reference value shall be established during type approval unless agreed otherwise between manufacturer and purchaser
(see Annex A).
b For batch inspections, a sample size of 200 ml shall be tested.

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BS X 37:2004

Table 2 Tests on the dry film

Test Test panel, Conditions Test method Requirement
preparation and
paint system
1) Colour B.1, B.2.1, BS 3900-D1 As agreed between
B.2.2 manufacturer and
2) Resistance to B.1, B.2 1 000 h at 150 C Visual No intumescent action
thermal exposure examination occurring and shall still
with normal pass the requirements of
corrected test 4
3) Fluid resistance B.1, B.2, B.3 Using BS EN ISO To be done after dry air
tri-n-butyl-phosphate at a 2812-1 ageing and exposure to
temperature of 70 C and tri-n-butyl phosphate.
immersing the whole The film shall show no
panel for a period of three signs of softening, lifting
hours minimum, on or blistering. An
removal, the panel shall intumescent test (test 4)
be left for 30 min shall also be carried out.
minimum, wiped clean
with a lint free cloth,
soaked in a 75/25 v/v
mixture of white spirit
and xylene, left for one
hour and then visually
4) Intumescent B.1, B.2, B.3 Four panels, tested A minimum of four coated
test according to Annex C test panels shall be tested
and the degree of
intumescence (I) shall be
U50 for each test panela
5) Thermal B.1, B.2, B.3 Annex C Temperature k380 C
conductivity using an aluminium panel
of thickness 1.2 mm
6) Water Immerse for 24 h duration BS EN ISO After removal from test,
resistance at (40 2) C in water 2812-1 examine within three
conforming to at least hours. There shall be no
Grade 3 of blistering, and shall still
BS EN ISO 3696:1995. pass the requirements of
test 4.
a I = --------------

I is the degree of intumescence;
A is the average coating thickness; and
B is the height of char from substrate.

4 BSI 27 May 2004

BS X 37:2004

Annex A (normative)
Type approval

A.1 When the manufacturer is required to prove product conformity to this British Standard, the following
shall be provided:
a) test results conforming to this British Standard;
b) wet samples of all materials;
c) a declaration of composition, including the percentage and nature of all ingredients;
d) reference values, if required, e.g. VOC content.

A.2 After type approval has been granted, there shall be no change in the product formulation unless this
is approved by the approving authority.

Annex B (normative)
Preparation of test panels
B.1 Preparation of substrate
B.1.1 Where specified (see Table 1 and Table 2) use test panels made from aluminium sheet, conforming
to BS L 163 measuring approximately 150 mm 100 mm 0.8 mm unless otherwise specified.
B.1.2 Solvent-wash the test panels to remove protective contamination, in accordance with
BS EN ISO 1514:1997.
B.1.3 Adequately abrade the test panels, after appropriate cleaning to B.1.2, using 120/220-type alumina
grit, according to BS EN ISO 1514:1997.
B.2 Intumescent paint application
B.2.1 Prepare the paint by mixing the base and curing agent in the proportions specified and thin as
necessary with the appropriate thinners as recommended by the manufacturer.
B.2.2 Apply by spray the mixed paint on the test panels prepared in accordance with B.1 within 24 h of
preparation of panel. Allow to air dry for 15 min minimum.
B.2.3 Apply coats, as in B.2.2 to produce a total coating thickness in accordance with the manufacturers
B.2.4 Allow the coating to air dry in accordance with BS EN 23270 for the time recommended by the
B.2.5 Allow the coating to cure, after the final coat has been applied, before handling in accordance with
the manufacturers instructions.
B.3 Sealing (if or when required)
B.3.1 Seal the intumescent coating after a minimum of 4 h and a maximum of 24 h following application
of the final coat of intumescent paint.
B.3.2 Seal the intumescent coating with an appropriate seal coat or appropriate finish coat when required
and air cure. Minimum thickness shall be to the manufacturers instructions.
B.3.3 Allow the coating to cure after the final sealant coat has been applied, before handling in accordance
with the manufacturers instructions.

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BS X 37:2004

Annex C (normative)
Test conditions for measurement of thermal conductivity
C.1 Principle
A flame with a temperature of 1 000 C heats the coated surface of an intumescent coated metal panel.
The uncoated side is protected from the heat other than that which is allowed to conduct through the
coating and metal panel. The temperature of the uncoated side of the panel is measured after a specified
time to indicate if an intumescent effect has sufficiently reduced the conducted heat.
C.2 Apparatus
C.2.1 Test apparatus, consisting of an open topped container, with a 75 mm diameter hole cut in the
bottom, with support underneath for the flame from a burner to be able to be directed onto the hole.
A thermocouple shall be available to measure the temperature of the flame.
NOTE An example of the type of apparatus is shown in Figure C.1, Figure C.2 and Figure C.3, which are not drawn to scale.

C.3 Specimen
The test panel shall consist of 1.2 mm thick aluminium sheet, conforming to BS L 163, measuring
approximately 200 mm 200 mm and prepared and coated on the one side in accordance with Annex B.
A thermocouple shall be attached on the uncoated side.
C.4 Procedure
Secure the specimen over the hole, coating face down. Adjust the temperature of the hottest part of the
flame from the burner to (1 000 100) C. Immediately direct the hottest part of the flame onto the coated
side of the panel exposed through the hole in the apparatus. Measure the temperature in the flame and on
the uncoated side of the specimen at 1 min intervals for 15 min.
C.5 Results
Record the temperature on the uncoated side of the panel.

Figure C.1 Test apparatus viewed from below

6 BSI 27 May 2004

BS X 37:2004

Figure C.2 Test apparatus viewed from above


1 temperature probe, attached to cool side of specimen
2 aluminium panel
3 intumescent coating
4 flame
5 burner
Figure C.3 Test apparatus in cross-section

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BS X 37:2004

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