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Name Student ID

Juan Roy Collie 0329004

Karen Lim Shi Chee 0329431

Lau Wan Yee 0328947

Lee Lin Hui 0322797

[DOCUMENT TITLE] | [Document subtitle]


No. Topic Page

1 Objectives 1

2. Introduction to Traversing 2-5

3. Apparatus used for traversing 6 - 12

4. Field Data
4.1 Compute angular error and adjust the angles
4.2 Compute course bearings and azimuths
4.3 Stadia Method
4.4 Compute course latitude and departure. 12 - 28
4.5 Determine the Error of Closure and Accuracy
4.6 Adjust course Latitudes and Departures
4.7 Compute station coordinates
4.8 Loop traverse plotted using coordinates (Graph)

5. Discussion 29

6 Summary 30

7. Group Members 30

[DOCUMENT TITLE] | [Document subtitle]

1.0 Objectives

To enhance students knowledge in the traversing procedure.

To enable students to get hands-on experience in setting up and using the

theodolites, tripod stand, levelling rod and others instruments and collect the

data of relevant fieldwork.

To learn the principles of running a closed field traverse.

To allow students to apply the theories that had been taught in classes to a

hand-on situation.

To allow students to learn the correct method in doing traversing.

To enable student to identify the errors and make adjustment to the data by

using the correct formula.

2.0 Introduction to traversing

A traverse consists of a series of connected lines called courses running through points on
the ground called traverse stations. These stations are connected by angles and distances.
Traverses are used in geodetic work.

Traversing is a method of using lengths and directions of lines between points in order to
determine the positions of these points. This method is normally associated with the
fieldwork of measuring angles and distances between points on the ground. Theodolites or
total stations are the instruments commonly used in traversing for measurement of angles
and even distances. Distances can also be measured using measuring tapes

There are two types of traverse surveying:

2.1 Open traverse

An open traverse originates at a starting station, proceeds to its destination, and ends at a
station which the position is not previously known. For instance, the line centre survey of a
highway and railroad. The open traverse is the least desirable type of traverse as it provides
no verification on fieldwork or starting data. Hence, it is not possible to perform
computational checks on errors in distances or directions. To minimize error, repeated
observation for measurements need to be taken.

Figure 1: Open Traverse

2.2 Closed traverse

A closed traverse starts and ends at the same point or starts and ends at different but known
point. An example of closed traverse would be a closed property boundary. Measurement
errors in a closed traverse can be quantified by summing the interior angles of the shape
formed by the traverse. The surveyor will adjusts the measurement by computations to
minimize the effect of accidental errors made in measurements.

Figure 2: Closed Traverse



There are two types of closed traverse:

Loop Traverse A loop traverse starts at a given point, proceeds to its destination,
and returns to the starting point without crossing itself in the process. Loop traverses
are often used to mark boundaries such as boundaries between two different
properties or between the homeowners property and the city or towns property.
Connecting Traverse A connecting traverse like an open traverse, except It starts
and ends at separate points, whose relative positions have been determined by a
survey of an equal or higher order accuracy. Connecting traverses are often used to
expand a new traverse into an existing traverse, such as when a property is

2.3 Traverse Stations

Traverse stations are a series of points line courses run between. The distances
(horizontal distance) between traverse stations are known as traverse sides which
are measured by using a tape or electronic measuring equipment. Traverse stations
must be established on the form ground. For newly commenced constructions, a

Figure 3: Traverse Station

system of traverse stations in the area must be established and surveyed.



2.4 Azimuths

The Azimuth of a line is the horizontal angle measured clockwise from any reference
meridian. Generally, azimuths are measured from the north, however it can
measured from the south for a particular surveys. Azimuths are vary from 0 to 360

Figure 4: Azimuths

require only a positive numerical value such as 56, 116, 237 and 343.

2.5 Bearings

The bearing of a line is the horizontal angle from the north or south end of the meridian that
varies from 0 to 90. Designations of east or west depending on the line directions are added
to obtain readings such as N46E, S63E, S52W and N16W.

Figure 5: Bearings

3.0 Apparatus used for traversing

3.1 Theodolite

A Theodolite is a key tool in surveying and engineering work. It is a device used

widely to determine the horizontal and vertical angles, distances, depths, etc.
Besides that, it is used to identify the ground level and the ways to construct super-
structure or sub-structure. A modern theodolite consists of a movable telescope
mounted within two perpendicular axes which are horizontal or trunnion axis and the
vertical axis. A Theodolite is able to rotate 360 degrees whilst placed on a tripod

stand. The calculations of the theodolite is based on the principal of trigonometry, as
used in triangulation network.

Theodolites are versatile instruments and are commonly used for the following tasks:

Measurement of horizontal angles and vertical angles

Setting out horizontal angles
Ranging and Levelling
Optical distance measurement
Controlling verticality

Figure 6: Theodolite



3.2 Tripod

Tripods provides a fixed base for all types of surveying instruments and sighting
equipment such as theodolites, total stations, levels or transits. In the past, different
equipment required different tripods. However, due to standardization by instrument
manufacturers, most of todays equipment utilize the same tripod. Tripods are made
of either metal or wood. Wooden tripods are recommended for precision surveys to
minimize errors because of expansion and contraction due to heat and cold. A stable
tripod is required for precision in measuring angles. A tripod should not have any
loose joints or parts which might cause instability.

Figure 7: Tripod

3.3 Tribrach / Optical Plummet

A tribrach is the detachable base of all theodolites, total stations, forced centring
targets, and most EDMs. Tribraches are equipped with a bulls eye bubble for
levelling and optical plummets for setting up precisely on a survey mark. Whenever
possible, the tribrach should be detached from the instruments and placed on the
tripods for either theodolite or EDM setups. This procedure speeds up the setting up
process and protects the instrument from accidents. In some cases, the same
tribrach can be used to perform angular or distance measurements, as well as GPS
observations from the same survey point.

Figure 8: Tribrach / Optical Plummet


3.4 Levelling Rod

A levelling rod also called levelling staff, is simply a tall staff with measurement
markings. It is a graduated wooden or aluminium rod, used with a levelling
instrument to determine the difference in height between points or heights of points
above a datum surface.

Figure 9: Levelling Rod



10 | P a g e
3.5 Measuring Tape

Measuring tapes are used in surveying to measure horizontal, vertical and slope
distances. They may be made of a ribbon or band of steel, an alloy of steel, cloth
reinforced with metal or synthetic materials. Tapes are issued in various lengths and
widths and graduated in a variety of ways. They are available in lengths of 20, 30
and 50 m. Centimetres, decimetres and metres are usually indicated on the tape.

Figure 10: Measuring Tape



11 | P a g e
3.6 Bulls Eye Level/ Horizontal Bubble

The bull's eye level is used for maintaining both level rods and sighting poles in a
vertical position. An out of adjustment bull's eye level can cause accumulative error
in level lines. Although the sighting pole is infrequently used for traversing, an out of
adjustment bull's eye level used on sighting poles can cause errors in both angle and
distance measurements. A simple method for checking for gross error in bull's eye
level adjustment is to check it against a previously checked door jamb or other
permanent building part. Other, more elaborate, checking procedures can be
developed using plumb lines or other devices.

Figure 11: Bulls Eye Level/ Horizontal Bubble



12 | P a g e
3.7 Plum Bob

A Plum bob is a weight with a pointed bottom that is suspended from a string to
determine a vertical reference line or the Y-axis. It is used to mark a point directly
under the theodolite. A plumb bob consists of a piece of metal (called a bob) pointing
downwards, which is attached to a cord. When the plumb bob is hanging free and
not moving, the cord is vertical. The plumb bob string with Gammon reel is the old
standard short distance sighting method, particularly for establishing temporary
points. Steadiness of the holder can be enhanced by the use of braces or any type of
framework. Various types of inexpensive string line targets are also available.

Figure 12: Plum Bob



13 | P a g e
4.0 Field Data

Theodolite Horizontal Height of

Station sighted Average
station angle instrument
A B 515840

D 515740 127.50
B 515640

B A 1474920

C 1474910 136.80
A 1474900

C B 792435

D 792335 136.00
B 792235

D C 804915

A 804815 136.00

C 804715

14 | P a g e
4.1 Unadjusted Field Angle

792335 C

Field data


A (Not to scale)

Station Field Angles

A 515740
B 1474910
C 792335
D 804815
Sum 3595840

4.2 Compute angular error and adjust the angles.

Total angular error
= 360 - 3595840
= 0120
Therefore, error per angle
= 00 20

15 | P a g e
Angle Adjustment

Station Field Angles Correction Adjusted Angle

A 515740 + 20 515800

B 1494910 + 20 1474930

C 792335 + 20 792355

D 804815 + 20 804835

Sum 3595840 36000

Adjusted angle


Field data


A (Not to scale)

16 | P a g e
4.2 Compute course bearings and azimuths

S 571325 W

792355 C
S 415800 E


N 221030W

N 10 E

Station Bearing Azimuth

515800 B
N 10 E 100000

17 | P a g e
C ?

N 221030W
1474930 B - 100000

792355 221030 792355
S 571325 W - 221030

D 571325
S 415800 E
- 804835
804835 415800

18 | P a g e
4.3 Stadia Method

= () + ()
D = horizontal distance between survey point and instrument.
V = vertical distance between middle stadia and instrument.
S = difference between top stadia and bottom stadia
= vertical angle of telescope from horizontal line when capturing the stadia readings.
K = multiplying constant given by the manufacturer of the theodolite (normally=100)
C = additive factor given by manufacturer of the theodolite (normally 0)

Raw Data

Top Top Bottom Bottom Vertical Vertical

Station stadia stadia stadia stadia angle, angle, 360 V2
(1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

AB 206.8 206.8 193.1 193.1 863620 2732300 863700

BA 206.8 206.8 193.4 193.4 873320 2722620 873340

BC 217.8 217.8 182.4 182.4 892020 2703920' 892040

CB 217.8 217.8 182.5 182.5 883500 2712400 883600

CD 211.5 211.5 188.5 188.5 883020 2712820 883140

DC 211.5 211.5 188.7 188.7 881740 2714140 881820

DA 222.5 222.5 177.5 177.5 885620 2710340 885620

AD 223.0 222.5 177.5 177.0 891940 2703940 892020

19 | P a g e
Average field Data

Station Top stadia Bottom stadia Vertical, 90 -

AB 206.80 193.10 863640 32320

BA 206.80 193.40 873330 22630

BC 217.80 182.40 892030 03930

CB 217.80 182.50 883530 12430

CD 211.50 188.50 883100 12900

DC 211.50 188.70 881800 14200

DA 222.50 177.50 885620 1340

AD 222.75 177.25 892000 04000

We can calculate the horizontal distance between two points by using the stadia method
which uses the top and bottom stadia.
The calculations are shown below:
Distance A B

= K S 2 () + cos()
= 100 (2.068 - 1.931) 2 (32320) + 0 cos(32320)
= 100 (0.137) 2 (32320) + 0
= 13.652
Distance B A
= K S 2 () + cos()

= 100 (2.068 1.934) 2 (22630) + 0 cos(22630)

= 100 (0.134) 2 (22630) + 0
= 13.376
Average Length = 13.514

20 | P a g e
Distance B C
= K S 2 () + cos()

= 100 (2.178 - 1.824) 2 (03930) + 0 cos(03930)

= 100 (0.354) 2 (03930) + 0
= 35.395
Distance C B
= K S 2 () + cos()
= 100 (2.178 1.825) 2 (12430) + 0 cos(12430)
= 100 (0.353) 2 (12430) + 0
= 35.279
Average Length = 35.337

Distance C D
= K S 2 () + cos()

= 100 (2.115 - 1.885) 2 (12900) + 0 cos(12900)

= 100 (0.230) 2 (12900) + 0
= 22.985
Distance D C

= K S 2 () + cos()
= 100 (2.115 - 1.887) 2 (14200) + 0 cos(14200)
= 100 (0.228) 2 (12430) + 0
= 22.780
Average Length = 22.883

21 | P a g e
Distance D A
= K S 2 () + cos()

= 100 (2.225 - 1.775) 2 (1340) + 0 cos(1340)

= 100 (0.450) 2 (1340) + 0
= 44.985
Distance A D
= K S 2 () + cos()
= 100 (2.2275 - 1.7725) 2 (04000) + 0 cos(04000)
= 100 (0.445) 2 (04000) + 0
= 45.494
Average Length = 45.240

22 | P a g e
4.4 Compute course Latitude and Departure

Cosine Sine Latitude Departure

Station Bearing, Length, L
(Cos ) (Sine ) (L Cos ) (L Sin )

N 10 E 13.514 0.9848 0.1736 +13.309 +2.346

N 221030W 35.337 0.9260 0.3774 +32.722 -13.336

S 571325 W 22.883 0.5414 0.8408 -12.389 -19.240

S 415800 E 45.240 0.7435 0.6687 -33.636 +30.252

Sum of Sum of
Latitude Departure
y x
Total Perimeter (P) = 116.974
= =
+0.006 + 0.022

23 | P a g e
4.5 Determine the Error of Closure and Accuracy


Total Error
Error in Latitude
= 0.023
y = + 0.006

Error in Departure

x = +0.022

Accuracy = 1 : (P/EC)
For average land surveying an accuracy of about 1:3000 is typical

Ec = ( ) + ( )

= (0.006)2 + (0.022)2

= 0.023 m

P = 116.974 m

Accuracy = 1: (116.974 / 0.023)

= 1: 5086

Therefore, the traversing is acceptable.

24 | P a g e
4.6 Adjust course Latitudes and Departures
The Compass Rule

Correction = [y] / P L


[x] / P L


y and x = The error in latitude or in departure

P = Total length or perimeter of the traverse

L = Length of a particular course

Station Unadjusted Corrections Adjusted

Latitude Departure Latitude Departure Latitude Departure

+ 13.309 + 2.346 -0.001 -0.003 +13.308 +2.343

+ 32.722 - 13.336 -0.002 -0.007 +32.720 -13.343
- 12.389 - 19.240 -0.001 -0.004 -12.390 -19.244

- 33.636 + 30.252 -0.002 -0.008 -33.638 +30.244

Total +0.006 +0.022 -0.006 -0.022 0.00 0.00

25 | P a g e
Latitude Correction

Correction to the latitude of course A B

= [ ]

= [116.974] 13.514

= 0.001

Correction to the latitude of course B - C

= [ ]

= [116.974] 35.337

= 0.002

Correction to the latitude of course C D

= [ ]

= [116.974] 22.883

= 0.001

Correction to the latitude of course D - A

= [ ]

= [116.974] 45.240

= 0.002

26 | P a g e
Departure Correction

Correction to the departure of course A B

= [ ]

= [116.974 ] 13.514

= 0.003

Correction to the departure of course B C

= [ ]

= [ ] 35.337

= 0.007

Correction to the departure of course C D

= [ ]

= [ ] 22.883

= 0.004

Correction to the departure of course D A

= [ ]

= [ ] 45.240

= 0.008

27 | P a g e
4.7 Compute station coordinates

N2 = N1 + Lat1-2
E2 = E1 + Dep1-2

N2 and E2 = Y and X coordinates for station 2
N1 and E1 = Y and X coordinates for station 1
Lat1-2 = Latitude of course 1-2
Dep1-2 = Departure of course 1-2

Station N Coordinate , Latitude E Coordinate, Departure

A 100.000 130.244 Start/return here for lat. check

+ 13.308 + 2.343 (Course lat. and dep.)
B 113.308 132.587
+ 32.720 - 13.343
C 146.028 119.244
- 12.390 - 19.244
Start/return here for dep.
D 133.638 100.000
- 33.638 + 30.244
A 100.000 130.244
*Compass-adjusted coordinates

28 | P a g e
Station y-axis x-axis
A 100.000 130.244

B 113.308 132.587

C 146.028 119.244

D 133.638 100.000

A 100.000 130.244

4.8 Loop traverse plotted using coordinates (Graph)

The adjusted loop traverse plotted by coordinates

N 146.028
E 119.244

N 133.638
E 100.000


120 N 113.308
E 132.587


N 100.000
E 130.244

90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135

29 | P a g e
5.0 Discussion
For our second Site Surveying field work assignment we were required to carry out a
Horizontal Control Survey across given stations in the Taylors University Car Park. We went
about our survey using the traversing method.

The traverse stations at which we were required to carry out the survey formed a
polygon, starting and finishing at the same points. Effectively we would be undertaking a
Loop Traverse which is of closed traverse type.

With the use of a Total Station and Levelling staff we were faced with the task of
finding the interior angles and distances between the given points. Much precaution had to
be taken in setting up and reading the data as accuracy was an important factor in
completing this survey. An accuracy of at least 1:3000 was required.

In order to carry out necessary calculations several data was required. With the use of
the total station we obtained:

Top and bottom stadia readings

Vertical angle from horizontal line when capturing the stadia readings
Horizontal angles between stations

To increase our accuracy, the readings were taken twice in order to obtain an average.

After obtaining all the necessary data, the equation:

= () + ()

was used to find the distance between stations, with S being the distance between top and
bottom stadia and being the vertical angle of telescope from horizontal when capturing
stadia readings.

Computing the angular error, course bearings and azimuths and latitudes and
departures were our next steps before calculating the error. In order to proceed our error
had to be acceptable. The final steps were to adjust the course latitudes and departures and
finally acquire coordinates for each point.

30 | P a g e
6.0 Summary
Overall the survey proved to be quite a challenge for our group as there was very
little room for error. We found ourselves having to repeat the surveying several times in
order to receive acceptable data and carry on with the computations. With the lack of
equipment proceedings were made even harder as we had to merge with another group.
Although the difficulties of this challenging survey, our group persevered and managed to
obtain good data enabling us to complete everything successfully.

7.0 Group Photo

Group members:

From left to right: Lee Lin Hui, Karen Lim Shi Chee, Lau Wan Yee, Juan Roy Collie.

31 | P a g e

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