Saraswati Vidya Niketan Human and Social Biology Name: Form
Saraswati Vidya Niketan Human and Social Biology Name: Form
Saraswati Vidya Niketan Human and Social Biology Name: Form
Name: Form:
(d) Digestion 18. Species that are most likely able to adapt to
12. In humans, the failure of a moveable joint a changing environment are those that
to function properly may be the result of reproduce by
damage to (a) Asexual means
(a) Cilia (b) Self pollination
(b) Ligaments (c) Cross fertilization
(c) Spiracles (d) Self fertilization
(d) None of the above 19. A natural community interacting with its
13. Into which system do endocrine glands abiotic environment is a description of
secrete hormones into? (a) A Population
(a) Circulatory (b) An organ system
(b) Nervous digestive (c) An organism
(c) Reproductive (d) An ecosystem
14. What is the result of a cross between a 20. A poor land use practice that usually leads
homozygous tongue roller and to the loss of soil nutrients is
heterozygous Tongue roller? (a) Reforestation
(a) 2 TT, 2 Tt (b) Recycling
(b) 2 TT, 2 TT (c) Overcropping
(c) 2 Tt , 2 Tt (d) Sewage control
(d) 2 Tt, 2 tt 21. Which pollutant is produced by the burning
15. Two couples just got married. The chances of coal and oil and can lead to acid rain?
of them getting a son is (a) Phosphate
(a) 100% (b) Sulphur dioxide
(b) 50% (c) Lead
(c) 25% (d) Hydrogen chloride
(d) 0%
For each phrase used in questions 22 to 24,
16. In order to determine the hair colour
phenotype of an individual, you could select the correct process to which it is related
(a) X ray the person from the list below:
(b) Dissect the person (a) Photosynthesis
(c) Observe the person (b) Alcohol fermentation
(d) Analyze their blood sample (c) Aerobic respiration
17. A woman carrying the gene for haemophilia (d) Lactic acid
marries a man who is a haemophiliac. What 22. Results in muscle fatigue.
percentage of their children is expected to 23. The most efficient energy liberating
have haemophilia? process.
(a) 0% 24. The process in which light energy is
(b) 50% absorbed.
(c) 75%
(d) 100%
June, 1987
Questions 25 to 29 are based on the diagram below: 29. The heart chamber indicated by T is the
(a) Right atrium
(b) Left atrium
(c) Right ventricle
(d) Left ventricle
(a) Adrenal
(b) Pancreas
(c) Pituitary
(d) Thyroid
(e) Testes
30. This gland is called the master gland which
Diagram of the heart
is located in the brain.
25. The blood vessel indicated by P is known as 31. This gland produces testosterone.
the 32. The islets of langerhans which produces
(a) Aorta insulin is located here.
(b) Vena cava 33. In humans, impulses that control the
(c) Pulmonary artery voluntary muscles travel along the nerves of
(d) Pulmonary vein (a) Somatic nervous system
26. Deoxygenated blood from the lower part of (b) Autonomic nervous system
the body returns to the heart by way of (c) Lymphatic system
structure (d) Immune system
(a) P 34. Inflammation of the certain membranes in
(b) Q the human respiratory system is known as
(c) R (a) Meningitis
(d) W (b) Bronchitis
27. When blood is pumped by chamber V it will (c) Anaemia
circulate to the (d) Goiter
(a) Liver 35. In humans, immediately after ovulation the
(b) Brain egg enters the
(c) Legs (a) Follicle sac
(d) Lungs (b) Cervix
28. Which parts indicate the atria? (c) Oviduct
(a) U and V (d) Uterus
(b) S and T 36. The uterine lining of most mammals is
(c) S and U prepared to receive a developing embryo by
(d) T and V hormones secreted by the
(a) Ovaries
June, 1987
(b) Oviducts
(c) Vagina
(d) Pancreas
37. The pregnancy period of humans last
(a) Ovulation and implantation
(b) Fertilization and birth
(c) Birth and puberty
(d) None of the above
38. The liquid that contain sperms and
secretions from glands in the male
reproductive system is
(a) Testosterone
(b) Progesterone
(c) Semen
(d) None of the above
39. The structure that attaches the foetus to
the placenta is the
(a) Umbilical cord
(b) Amniotic sac
(c) Corpus luteum
(d) Hands of the foetus
40. Nitrifying bacteria manufactures nitrates
(a) Water
(b) Ammonia compounds
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Chlorophyll