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(B) Carbon dioxide

MARCH 2022 (C) Chlorofluorocarbons
(D) Water vapor
5. Acid rain causes the following
1. Which of the following statements is (A) Staunted growth in plants
NOT correct about reproduction in (B) Irritation of respiratory tract
viruses (C) Skin cancer
(A) Penetrate into host cells for (D) Corrosion of metals
replication 6. Prolong exposure to loud noise can
(B) Manufacture their type of lead to
protein in the host cell (A) Cataract
(C) Replicate only on non living (B) Destruction of marine
things phytoplankton
(D) Enclose the nucleic acid into the (C) Mental illness
protein coat (D) Lung cancer
Study diagram of the 7. The highest level of organization of
invertebrate below and use it to life is exhibited in
answer questions 2 and 3. (A) A system
(B) A cell
(C) A tissue
(D) An organ
8. Which of the following organelles is
NOT found in a plant cell
(A) Ribosome
(B) Centriole
(C) Mitochondrion
2. The diagram is a/an (D) Cell membrane
(A) Earthworm 9. Oxygen moves into the cytoplasm of
(B) Planaria root hair cells by
(C) Sea anemone (A) Osmosis
(D) Trypanosome (B) Diffusion
3. If the animal looses a part of its (C) Transpiration
body, it would (D) Photosynthesis
(A) Regenerate it 10. Which of these substances will be
(B) Die most accessible for use in glycolysis
(C) Become permanently lost in the absence of glucose and
(D) Continue to shorten glycogen
4. Which of these gasses is implicated (A) Cellulose
in the ozone layer depletion (B) Lipids
(A) Oxygen (C) Proteins
(D) Starch (B) Epidermis
11. The final products of anaerobic (C) Palisade cell
respiration in plants is/are (D) Spongy cell
(A) Lactic acid only 16. The primary function of the part
(B) Ethanol and carbon(IV) oxide labelled II is to
(C) Carbon (IV) oxide and water (A) Absorb water
(D) Water only (B) Control water loss
12. A mango plant grows upward with (C) Trap solar energy
the aid of (D) Store sugar
(A) Auxin 17. Which of the following organisms
(B) Gibberellin does NOT posses a digestive tract
(C) Ethylene (A) Earthworm
(D) Cytokinin (B) Paramecium
13. Which of the following mineral salt (C) Tape worm
is a trace element (D) Obelia
(A) Zinc 18. The element common to protein,
(B) Nitrogen lipid and caborhydrate is
(C) Hydrogen (A) Hydrogen
(D) Potassium (B) Sulphur
14. Green leaves are tested for starch (C) Nitrogen
and not glucose as evidence of (D) Phosphorus
photosynthesis because 19. The recycling of nutrients in an
(A) The glucose produced is used up ecosystem ensures that nutrients
immediately to provide energy (A) Increases overtime
(B) The glucose formed is (B) Fluctuates irregularly
immediately converted to starch (C) Becomes depleted
and stored in the leaves (D) Remains unchanged
(C) There are no reagents for 20. A population of species living
glucose test in the leaf together and interacting with each
The diagram below is the illustration other is called
of a structure in plants. Use it to (A) A community
answer the next two questions (B) A habitat
(C) An ecosystem
(D) An environment
Study the food web below and use it
to answer questions 21, 22 and 23.

15. The part labeled I is the

(A) Stoma
21. Which of the following organisms in 26. The sharing of a limited space by a
the food web are carnivorous large number of living organisms
(A) Grass, toad, snake usually gives rise to
(B) Grasshopper, mouse, (A) Parasitism
toad ,snake (B) Commensalism
(C) Toad snake hawk (C) Competition
(D) Grass, grasshopper, mouse, (D) Symbiosis
hawk. 27. A reduction in human population
22. Which of the following organisms can be brought about by
are herbivorous (A) Uncontrolled family size
(A) Grass and grass hopper (B) High infant mortality
(B) Grasshopper and mouse (C) Increased fecundity
(C) Toad and snake (D) High life expectancy
(D) Mouse and snake 28. A disease that can be controlled by
23. The ultimate source of energy in the proper treatment of sewage is
food web is the (A) Cholera
(A) Food (B) Gonorrhea
(B) Sun (C) Measles
(C) Coal (D) Tetanus
(D) Petrol 29. In the colony of bees, the queen bee
24. Which of the following features (A) Cleans the nest
enable tape worm to survive in tit’s (B) Feeds the young larvae
environment (C) Forages for food
(A) Presence of young proglottids (D) Lays the eggs
(B) Absence of segmentation and 30. Which of the following organisms is
appendages unicellular
(C) Possession of flame cells (A) Moss
(D) Presence of hooks and suckers (B) Paramecium
25. Which of the following statements (C) Spirogyra
about succession is true (D) Fern
(A) Rain forest is a climax of plant 31. Which of the following is common to
succession both plant and animal cells
(B) Secondary succession usually (A) Cell membrane
starts on bare ground (B) Large cell vacuole
(C) Climax communities can be (C) Cell wall
achieved before the completion (D) Central nucleus
of succession 32. Wriggler is the larva of
(D) Primary succession usually (A) Butterfly
occurs in aquatic habitats (B) House fly
(C) Mosquito
(D) Weevil
33. Algae belongs to the phylum 39. During transpiration in plants, water
(A) Thallophyta vapor is lost to the atmosphere
(B) Bryophyta through the
(C) Spermatophyta (A) Xylem
(D) Pteridophyta (B) Stomata
34. Annelida possess the following (C) Guard cells
except (D) Phloem
(A) Segmented body 40. The deficiency of iron in human
(B) Coelom with distinct head body results in
(C) Alimentary canal (A) Anemia
(D) Disjointed appendages (B) Scurvy
35. In an ecosystem, pyramid of energy (C) Rickets
shows (D) oedema
(A) Rate of energy flow at successive 41. respiration in cockroach is through
trophic level the
(B) Number of individuals in the (A) air sac
food chain (B) tracheal tubes
(C) Mass of individuals at each (C) lung books
trophic level (D) gill
(D) Distribution of chemical energy 42. Which of the following organelles is
at each trophic level used for locomotion in euglena
36. In a cell, chromosomes are found in viridis
the (A) Pseudopodium
(A) Golgi body (B) Pellicle
(B) Nucleus (C) Flagellum
(C) Mitochondria (D) Cilium
(D) Ribosome 43. Which of the following processes
37. Which of the following is NOT a takes place during the dark stage of
method of controlling land pollution photosynthesis
(A) Recycling of waste (A) Reduction of carbon (iv) oxide
(B) Policy making on land pollution (B) Energization of chlorophyll
(C) Location of industries away from (C) Photolysis of water
residential areas (D) Formation of ATP
(D) Incineration of refuse 44. During the test for starch on a leaf,
38. The mode of nutrition in venus fly green leaves are boiled in alcohol to
trap is (A) Kill them
(A) Symbiotic (B) Decolorize them
(B) Saprophytic (C) Soften them
(C) Herbivorous (D) Produce a blue-black color
(D) Carnivorous 45. Which of these is NOT a green house
(A) Methane
(B) Water vapor
(C) Carbon (iv) oxide
46. Which of these gasses is NOT
1. (a) Discuss the effect of the
implicated in acid rain
following in air pollution
(A) Sulphur dioxide
(i) Carbon monoxide
(B) Oxides of Nitrogen
(ii) Carbon dioxide
(C) Carbon monoxide
(iii) Chlorofluorocarbons
(D) All of the above
(b) mention five effects of UV
47. Which of these is a halophyte
rays on the earth.
(A) Red mangrove
(c) explain the process of
(B) Cactus
Eutrophication in a water body
(C) Cashew
(D) Water lettuce 2. (a) Outline the major steps in cellular
48. Which of these plants will likely have respiration
sunken stomata
(b) write a balanced equation showing the
(A) Red mangrove
(B) Cactus
(C) Cashew i. aerobic respiration
(D) Water lettuce
ii. anaerobic respiration in animal cells
49. Which of these is a producer in a
detritus food chain iii.anaerobic respiration in plant cells
(A) Grass
3.(a) with the aid of an annotated diagram
(B) Cow dung
explain the life cycle of tape worm, taenia
(C) Spirogyra
(D) Palm tree
50. Which of these is NOT an effect of (b) describe an experiment to show that
global warming living things respire aerobically.
(A) Flooding of inland areas
(B) Rising sea levels
(C) Melting of glaciers
(D) Increase in the incidence of
communicable diseases

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