combined in a lot of cases with irony. In the case of the poem I have choosen,
When we two parted is a poem of heart broken, expressing strong feelings
in a simple but full of meaning vocabulary, such as in other poems like So
well no go more a roving.(2)
The poem is divided in four stanzas and each one in eight verses. The
rhyme used by Byron follows this structure: abab cdcd efef ghgh ijij klkl
more clear, each even verse and each odd verse rhyme with its equivalent
even or odd verse. This structure gives to the poem a lot of rythm, giving the
sensation of musicality.
In this poem it is too difficult to find rhetorical figures, due to the most
important of all the poem is the strength of the words. Despite of this, it can
be seen, for example, in the third line a metaphor: half broken-hearted; the
poet is expressing us how he and his lover feel when they are two parted.
Another striking thing found in the poem is the second part of the
fourth stanza. It is the only stanza which repeats the rhyme of other verses
and not just
the rhyme, but the word itself. E.g. (4) To sever for years/
The poem, as I said before, is divided in four stanzas, and each stanza
talks about different visions of this love separation.
On the whole, the poem is all the time giving the feeling of the pain
that the poet has due to the separation of the two lovers; what we cannot
keep the identity of the woman a secret. It was discover when Byron wrote a
letter to his cousin Lady Hardy giving her of the last stanza:
Then --- fare thee well --- Fanny --Now doubly undone --To prove false unto many --As faithless to One --Thou art past all recalling
Even would I recall --For the woman once falling
Forever must fall.
business, she probably had more freedom and she felt alone and the solution
was to find a lover.
Moreover, unfaithfulness is a topic of all the times and the separation
of two lovers due to death or for something else happens then, now and
after. For that reason we can consider that this poem of pain is a poem for all
the times.