Public Health Informatics Review Questions
Public Health Informatics Review Questions
Public Health Informatics Review Questions
to handle the pump to help stop the outbreak. He continued to investigate, and
was able to associate the location of the water intake that supplied the pump. The
methodology that he used has become the foundation of all modern
epidemiological investigations of the disease outbreak. He also was the first to use
a rudimentary manual graphical information system. He pioneered what is now
today public health practice using information systems.
A) Public health functions span the spectrum from individual clinical diagnosis and
treatment through population wide epidemiological studies. The common thread
among these functions is that they are primarily intended to prevent the spread of
disease or the worsening of a condition, or to promote some healthy behavior. In
the case of Arcadia Hospital, they are granted federal funds by the ATSDR to help
diagnose and treat mercury poisoning in residents near a toxic waste site. This is a
prime example of clinical diagnoses and treatment for a specific population using
federal funds, classifying Arcadia Hospital as a public health agency functionally.
B) A public health agency can also be characterized as an organization dependent
HHS has explicitly recognized that public health activities require information
sharing between governmental and private agencies. Examples of permitted
disclosures to other public and private entities include disclosures to private
medical device manufactures or to cancer registries operated by private