Health Informatics

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Ministry of Education

Test Blueprint for Exit Examination

Program: Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Informatics

Prepared by:
1. Mr. Girma Gilano (Associate Professor at Arba Minch University) ([email protected])
2. Wondwossen Zemene (Lecturer at University of Gondar)

February, 2023
Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Table of Contents
1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Objective of test blueprint preparation...............................................................................................................................................................3
3. Expected profile of the Graduates....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4. General objective................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.1. Specific objectives............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
5. Themes and list of courses................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
6. Share of the Themes/Courses/Items in Percentage (%).......................................................................................................................................8
7. Learning outcomes in terms of the three domains (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor).............................................................................10
8. Test blueprint Table (Table of Specification)......................................................................................................................................................12
9. Conclusion......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18

1. Introduction

The Ministry of Education of Ethiopia has announced the implementation of exit exam for all undergraduate program students
(public and private), beginning with the 2022/2023 academic year, in order to improve the quality of graduates produced by
higher learning institutions. The exit exam aimed at checking whether students have acquired the required knowledge, skills and
attitudes or not. To implement this, it requires determining competency areas for a specific program, which is already completed.
Based on the competency areas prepared, it needs to plan the construction of tests.

Planning of a test is a first and vital step in the construction of an achievement test. An achievement test demands very systematic
and careful planning, as a fact that good planning is a symbol of success. Tests are the tools that provide scores that measure level
of student learning and study program learning outcomes. In order to achieve the valid and reliable measurement of student
learning and program learning outcomes, the development of valid and reliable test is the mandatory. Test should be able to
measure student performance in all dimensions of knowledge, skill and attitude. The carefully planned test construction
contributes to improve the overall quality of the test in terms of test content validity, difficulty level, discrimination power and test
reliability. Test preparation is not an easy task; it requires a careful planning and guideline to make the task simple. Test
construction needs the preparation of test blue print. Test blueprint is defined as a complete plan that explains how to develop a
test. The term refers to a map or specification of assessment to ensure that all aspects of the curriculum and educational domains
are covered by the assessment programs over a specified period of time. It helps curriculum developers/test constructors to match
various competencies with the course content and the appropriate modality of assessment.

Generally, test blueprint will help to ensure tests: 1) Appropriately assess the achievement of instructional objectives of the course;
2) Appropriately reflect key course goals, objectives and the material learned or covered during the instruction period; and 3)
Include the appropriate item formats along with the knowledge and skills being assessed.

Keeping this in mind, the team has prepared this test blueprint document in order to help the test developers or content specialists
in their process of valid and reliable test construction. The major points considered in the process of preparing this test blue print
guideline were the core competencies that have been already identified for the themes of courses, the course contents, course credit
hours, and the learning outcomes with their corresponding levels of achievement by learning domains. In line with these, the
number of test items that should adequately assess the performance of students in all the content topics will be determined through
discussion with the content specialists who construct the blueprint and test for their corresponding study program.

Therefore, the main purpose of this manual is to give direction on how to develop blueprint for content specialists so that they can
develop a test blueprint for their respective program.

2. Objective of test blueprint preparation

Test blueprint preparation is generally opted to assist the preparation of a test that is representative, broadly sampled, and
consisting of complete knowledge domain expected of the Ethiopian higher education students on completion of their study
program. The specific objectives of test blueprint are to:
 Facilitate the construction of a representative and balanced test items for the selected courses in accordance with the
competencies identified.
 Guide test developers or writers to write or set appropriate test items

3. Expected profile of the Graduates

A graduate's profile is the general description of the desirable qualities of graduates in real-world work. Graduates' profile helps to
determine the students’ conceptual knowledge, skills, and attitude that they possess. A graduate profile can be advanced through
experience in the real world. It is known that Health Informatics graduates would have the necessary understanding of theoretical,
analytical tools, and practical implementation of digital technologies and evidence based practice in the health care system.

Graduates should have knowledge and skills in managing the health information system and critical thinking on the various
innovative system development to improve quality of health care. Accordingly, graduates in Health Informatics are expected
to administer various health information systems; manage the health facility’s medical record units and various health information
offices; administrator health care network and systems; analyze, design and develop health care Apps and web-sites; develop and
administrator health care database; generate evidences to inform administrative and clinical decisions; monitor quality of routine
health information system; involve as instructor of Health Informatics in higher education; researcher in the health system and
planning, monitoring and evaluation officer at different level of the health system.
4. General objective

The aim of the program is to promote and support the use of health informatics Concept in health services delivery, health
management systems, research, learning and health policy development with the ultimate purpose of improving health outcomes
for the people.

4.1. Specific objectives

The specific objective of the Bachelor of Science degree in Health informatics program is to equip graduates with the knowledge,
skills, and attitude to:
 Produce equipped professionals who can develop, manage and lead Health information management systems.
 Evaluate the opportunities and limitations of health care technology and of its impact in improving the efficiency,  cost- effectiveness,
safety and quality of health care delivery.
 Design and implement informatics methods and tools to support education, and use of relevant educational technologies.
 Undertake project work in such a way that it is planned, implemented and interpreted with due regard for evidence, appropriate
modes of enquiry and the communication of its outcomes
 Produce HI professionals who can identify priority health needs of the health system.
 Produce HI professionals who behave according to ethical and legal principles.
 To produce HI professionals to become health leaders, communicators and educators
 Produce evidence-based health informatics practitioner and researcher.
 Produce HI professionals who can practice inter-professional collaborative health service.
 Inculcate in health informatics the ability for lifelong learning/ continuous professional development

5. Themes and list of courses

The undergraduate curriculum for Health Informatics program was nationally harmonized in 2018. The program consists of ten
Based on the MoE’s guideline, five core themes were selected for the national exit examination. Some of the selected themes were
blended with more than one theme because of the hybrid nature of the program that consists of a long-list of the core courses
related to health and information technology. Please, refer the list of courses included in undergraduate Health Informatics
program in table below.

The Health Informatics program consists of twenty-seven core courses categorized under ten themes. All the courses comprised of
theoretical and practical sessions aimed to equip graduates in knowledge, skill and attitude. Some of the courses were interrelated
and categorised by volume (I / II and basic/advanced).
According to the MoE’s guideline, it’s suggested to select 10-15 lists of courses for the national exit examination to evaluate the
expected level of competencies of graduates. Therefore, from the total of twenty-seven core courses included in the Health
Informatics curriculum, only fifteen courses were selected for the national exit examination. The courses were selected based on
the core competencies relevance to the health informatics graduates. Refer, the selected courses for the national exit examination
in the table below.

Table 1: List of core health informatics courses selected for the national exit examination

S. No List of Themes List of courses Course


1. Data Sources, standards and health information eHealth HeIn3024 4

Routine Health Information System HeIn3023 4

Sub-total 8

4. Basic Computer Skill System analysis and design HeIn2071 4

And Computer programming
Computer maintenance and troubleshooting HeIn2072 3

Health Informatics project management HeIn3073 3

Fundamental of programming HeIn2041 3

S. No List of Themes List of courses Course

Object oriented programming HeIn3042 3

Sub-total 16

10. Database Management Systems, Computer Advanced database management and administration HeIn3062 3
networking and Health Informatics Ethics and
Standards System and network configuration and administration HeIn4113 3

Mobile Computing HeIn3132 3

Health Informatics professional ethics HeIn3151 2

Sub-total 11

15. Web development programming Advanced web programming HeIn4122 3

Sub-total 3

17. Measurement of Health and Disease II and Health GIS and disease mapping HeIn3082 3
care Management II
Health Data analytics HeIn4084 3

Monitoring and Evaluation HeIn4034 3

Sub-total 9

Total 15 courses 47

6. Share of the Themes/Courses/Items in Percentage (%)

Share of themes (T) = x 100 ,Where “a” is the credit hour of a theme and “b” is the total credit hour of the program. Credit hour of a
theme is the sum of credit hours of courses in the theme.
Credit hour of the course
Share of courses per theme (C) = x 100
Credit hour of the theme
Share of items per course = Share of the course X Total number of items

The first theme shares 17.02%, the second theme shares 34.02%, the third them shares 23.40%, the fourth them shares 6.38% and the
last theme shares 19.14% from the total weight of the exit examination.

Table 2: Share of the Themes/Courses/Items in Percentage (%)

Themes and Course Credit Weight of Number of test items Cognitive

share of the Name hour course or from each course

themes in % proportion





Theme One 1 4 4/8 = 0.5 0.5*17.02 = 8.51 2 r 2 2 1 - - 1 1 9

Share = 17.02 2 4 4/8 = 0.5 0.5*17.02 = 8.51 3 3 - 1 - 1 1 9

items from
the total Theme one total 8 18

Theme Two 1 4 4/16 = 0.25 0.25*34 = 8.5 - 4 3 1 - - - 1 9

2 3 3/16 = 0.1875 0.1875*34 = 6.38 1 2 2 - - - - 1 6

Share = 34.02 3 3 3/16 = 0.1875 0.1875*34 = 6.38 - 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 6

items from
the total 4 3 3/16 = 0.1875 0.1875*34= 6.38 1 3 1 - - - 1 6

5 3 3/16=0.1875 0.1875*34=6.38 1 2 1 1 - - 1 6

Theme two total 16 33


Theme 1 3 3/11 = 0.27 0.27*23.40 = 6.38 1 2 2 - - 1 - - 6

2 3 3/11 = 0.27 0.27*23.40 = 6.38 1 2 2 - - 1 - - 6

3 3 3/11 = 0.27 0.27*23.40 = 6.38 2 3 - - - 1 - - 6

Share = 23.40
items from 4 2 2/11=0.18 0.18*23.40=4.26 1 1 1 - - - 1 - 4
the total
Theme three 11 22
total credit

Theme four 1 3 3/3 = 1 1*6.38 = 6.38 1 2 1 - - - 1 2 7

Share = 6.38 Theme four total 3 7

items from credit
the total

Theme five 1 3 3/9 = 0.34 0.33*19.14 = 6.38 2 1 2 - - - 1 1 7

Share = 19.14 2 3 3/9 = 0.33 0.33*19.14 = 6.38 2 1 1 1 - - 1 1 7

items from
the total 3 3/9 = 0.33 0.33*19.14 = 6.38 2 2 - - - - 1 1 6

Theme five total 9 20

Total for the program 47 20 31 19 6 4 8 12 100.0

7. Learning outcomes in terms of the three domains (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)

The exit examination will contain 80% of the learning out comes from cognitive, 8% from affective and 12% from psychomotor. This
learning out comes are distributed to each courses selected under the core competency.

Table 3: Learning outcomes in terms of the three domains

Share of Share of Competencies in (%)

Cr Courses
No. Themes Course Name Remark
Hours per theme Knowledge Skill Attitude

1 Data Sources, standards and RHIS 4 50 8.75 8.33 12.5

health information system
eHealth 4 50 8.75 8.33 12.5

2 System analysis and 4 25 10 8.33 0

Basic Computer Skill and

Computer programming Computer 3 18.75
maintenance and
troubleshooting 6.25 8.33 0

Health Informatics 3 18.75

management 5 8.33 12.5

Fundamental of 3 18.75
programming 6.25 8.33 0

Object oriented 3 18.75

programming 6.25 8.33 0

Database Management Advanced database 3 27

Systems, Computer management and
networking and Health administration 7.5 0 0
Informatics Ethics and
System and network 3 27
configuration and
administration 7.5 0 0

Mobile Computing 3 27 7.5 0 0

Health Informatics 2 18
professional ethics 3.75 0 12.5

4 Advanced web 3 100

Web development
programming 5 16.67 12.5

5 Measurement of Health and GIS and disease 3 34
Disease II and Healthcare mapping 6.25 8.33 12.5
Management II
Health Data 3 33
analytics 6.25 8.33 12.5

Monitoring and 3 33
Evaluation 5 8.33 12.5

Total (Aggregate) 47 80 12 8 100

8. Test blueprint Table (Table of Specification)

The detail specification of the items for the exit examination, contains the weight of each objective under the core competencies in
percentage from the total exit examination test questions.

Table 4: Test blueprint Table (Table of Specification)

Sh Competencies
Sh are
r Knowledge
are of
of the
d General Objective/ Specific Objectives/
Name the cou
Themes it Expected Competencies
Courses the rse
h to be measured Learning Outcomes
s in

Data RHIS 4 50 Equip students with - Describe HIS 2 2 2 1 - - 1 1 9
fundamental knowledge of -Discuss Ethiopian HIS
Sources, RHIS and enable them to -Identify HIS resources
standards 17.
apply principles of disease - Describe overview of health indicators
and health surveillance, data - Identify & calculate HMIS indicators
management, information - Identify HIS data sources
informatio dissemination and - Describe CHIS
n system demonstrate DHIS2 - Apply principles of disease surveillance and
- Apply data management principles
- Apply principles of information dissemination
and use
-Demonstrate data management using DHIS2
eHealth 4 50 Understand ehealth system, - Describe concepts of eHealth 3 3 - 1 - 1 1 9
eHealth and Clinical
Information systems, - Explain different eHealth systems (mHealth,
mHealth, and eHealth EHR, Tele health)
architecture and standards - Identify opportunities and challenges of eHealth
- Analyze Global and local eHealth experiences
- Explain eHealth architecture and standards

Basic System 4 34. 25 explore the structural and

-Discuss the various information system
- 4 3 1 - - - 1 9
02 object-oriented system
Computer analysis
analysis and design concepts and system development methodologies
Skill and and concepts, structural and OO
design -Demonstrate the systems analysis and design
Computer system development
methodologies, models and concepts And fact finding techniques
programmi software development
ng approaches -Identify different Information system in the
healthcare services

-Describe the information systems development

life cycles

-Develop system analysis document for a given

health system

-Develop Systems using model-based software

development by using the UML;

-explain software development evolution

Comput 3 18. Explore the types and -Understand and identify PC hardware 1 2 2 - - - - 1 6
75 installation, RAM types and components, Build, configure, upgrade and
installation, expanding
mainten maintain a computer,
computer using cards,
ance troubleshooting computer -Install operating systems and application software
problems, and installing OS -Providing basic knowledge of preventive
and application packages. maintenance and how to use windows built-in
diagnostic tools,
-Troubleshoot PC hardware and software
-Understand concepts of maintenance and
-Choose CPU that matches their motherboard and
install it,
-Choose different cards that match their
motherboard and install them,
-Install RAM, Cards and other devices, diagnose
computer problems and solve the problems
Health 3 18. prepare IT project managers,
-Understand the job roles of an IT project
- 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 6
75 novice or experienced, with
Informa manager;
project management skills -Recognize the key issues during the IT project
tics needed to better manage IT management procedures
project projects
-Describe the best practices in IT project
manage management processes;
-Build a performing organization and project team
-Develop Work Breakdown Structures (WBS)
-Establish project estimates and project schedules
-Create project plans
-Manage overall change control
-Control project execution processes

-Terminate a project with a close-out strategy
Fundamen 3 18. Describe, Design, compile 1 3 1 - - - 1 6
-Design, compile and execute C++ programs to
tal of 75 and execute C++ programs
programm to solve basic problems solve basic problems.
ing -Describe the concept of a variable.

-Describe and use C++ control structures.

-Describe and use functions, parameters, and
return values.
-Perform file input and output
-Solve problems requiring the use of arrays
Object 3 18. to develop business 1 2 1 1 - - 1 6
-Develop solutions for a range of problems using
oriented 75 applications using object-
programm oriented design methodology object-oriented programming.
ing with (Java, C#, Python) as -Summarize fundamental concepts of
an illustration programming programming
-Explain and used advanced concepts of
programming like
-Interface, Enumeration, Generics, Delegates,
Events, Lambda
-Expressions and Describe and use the I/O
Database Advanced 3 23. 2 Data File and Database -Configure database at any location in the 1 2 2 - - 1 - - 6
Management database 40 7 options, Transactions, computer directory.
Systems, managem
Concurrency Control -Create and use primary data file, secondary file,
Computer ent and
networking administra Techniques, Database log files
and Health tion Security and -Explain transaction model, atomicity and
Authorization, Designing durability
Ethics and
Standards SQL Server Indexes, -Describe and use techniques of concurrency
Backing up and Restoring control
-Take backup of the database as per the
a Database and Object- requirement and restore it whenever necessary
Based -Configure database at any location in the
Databases and XML computer directory.

System 3 27 introducing students to 1 2 2 - - 1 - - 6

-Confirm server specification

and different network devices
-Validate server compatibility and inter-
network and their characteristics
ion and -Configure and Create, manage users and groups
-Create and configure Manage a network LANs
-Manage disks and files;
-Back-up and restore system and user data
-Remotely administer a network
Mobile 3 2 3 - - - 1 - - 6
27 make students understand -Understand basic concepts of telecommunication
types, trends, applications of systems
g wireless technologies
-Understand architecture and feature of android
-Able to setup android environment for mobile
application development
-Understand activities and intends to apply themes
and styles
-Understand components of android UI
-Understand how to store data in android on built-
in storage and secondary storage
Health 2 18 introduced students to the 1 1 1 - - - 1 - 4
-Identify and discuss the major ethical principles
Informatic major ethical principles and
s legal issues and regulations that guide health information management
profession that guide health information -Apply and promote ethical standards of practice
al ethics management decision
making -Interpret professional values and obligations
inherent in the Ethiopian Health Information
Management Code of Ethics and Health
Information Portability and accountability
-Demonstrate appropriate health information
disclosure practices
-Maintain user access logs/systems to track
access to and disclosure of identifiable patient

-Explain the privacy standards and rules with
regard to health information use and disclosure.
-Apply confidentiality and security measures to
protect paper-based and electronic health
-Identify Health Information Management
departmental and organizational data and
information system security policies
-Identify and apply Global measures of cyber
Web Fruit 3 7 100 Understand concepts, 1 2 1 - - - 1 2 7
-Explain the concepts of Web development
development Crops techniques, server, of web
programming Productio page and connect to -Defining the techniques to develop web pages.
n and databases
-Connect Web Pages to databases.
-Understand Client and Server-description
Measurement GIS and 3 19. 34 Understanding the 2 1 2 - - - 1 1 7
-Describe spatial phenomena and fundamentals of
of Health and disease 14 fundamental principles and GIS
Disease II and mapping
elements of GIS; and basic -Describe uses of GIS for spatial epidemiology
Management practical skills working on and public health
II GIS functions employing -Demonstrate mapping and visual presentations
ArcGIS Desktop software -Recall and apply geospatial data/info tools
tools to visualize -Apply map projections and digitization
geographic -Demonstrate basic knowledge and skill on how to
capture, import, analyze and present geographical
data, create maps, query a
GIS database, and analyze
-Use individual ability to identify, formulate and
data using common analysis
solve spatial problems using GIS and presenting
the results in visual formats

Health 3 33 Understand the basics of raw -Describe the changing context of healthcare 2 1 1 1 - - 1 1 7

Data data reading, data cleaning services, including the trend value-based
analytics and management, data healthcare systems and the role of data in
analysis, data mining, promoting improved outcomes
predictive analytics, social -Import data from routine systems into data
media analytics and data warehousing system and use analytics tools.
visualization -Design data models that integrate patient data
from multiple sources to create comprehensive,
patient-centered views of data
-Design an analytic strategy to frame a potential
issue and solution for health improvement
-Identify meaningful patterns and trends in large-
scale data systems
-Analyze the distribution of disease and health
outcomes in relevant populations of interest (e.g.,
general population, health system members,
patient subgroups) as well as geographic regions
and represent data on Maps (GIS tools)
Monitorin 3 33 Understand monitoring and 2 2 - - - - 1 1 6
-Define and differentiate measurable aspects of
g and Evaluation concepts, design
health programs and services
Evaluatio and implementation of
n evaluation and M&E system -List and describe program theory and frameworks
-Define and differentiate Monitoring and
-Describe Purposes of Monitoring and Evaluation
-List and describe components of Monitoring and
Evaluation system
-Describe characteristics of Functional Monitoring
and Evaluation system
-Identify types of Monitoring and Evaluation of
health programs
-Describe how to monitor access to and quality of
health care
-Describe steps in program evaluation
-Identify Evaluation Designs and Methods
-Discuss basic steps in formulating indicators for

program monitoring
-Familiarized with Monitoring and Evaluation
system in the Ethiopian Health Sector

9. Conclusion
Exit examination can have a vital role in producing knowledgeable, skillful and attitudinally matured graduates. It contributes to
prepare competent graduates as it can serve as a quality check for effectiveness. It also helps in improving academic programs quality
and effectiveness. Furthermore, it can create the platform for cooperation among academic programs at different universities to work
jointly to improve the programs quality.

In view of this, this document is produced to assist the setting of the exit examinations for all programs, which is being delivered by
Ministry of Education. To meet the graduation profile, competency and learning outcome, exit exam competency selection and
identifying core course was done for 2015 EC graduating students. As a result, preparing test blueprint is necessary to prepare fairly
distributed items based on the above criteria.


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