Anaesthesiology Syllabus
Anaesthesiology Syllabus
Anaesthesiology Syllabus
ANAESTHESIOLOGY, PAIN AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE .................................................. 1
Domains and Competencies: a reminder ..................................................................................... 3
Part 1: General Core Competencies, Learning objectives ............................................................ 5
Domain 1.1: Disease Management, Patient Assessment and Preoperative Preparation ........ 5
Domain 1.2: Intraoperative patient care and Anaesthetic techniques .................................... 7
Domain 1.3: Postoperative patient care and Acute pain management .................................. 8
Domain 1.4: Emergency medicine: management of critical conditions including trauma and
initial burn management........................................................................................................ 10
Domain 1.5: Medical and Perioperative Care of the critically ill / Multidisciplinary Intensive
Care Medicine ......................................................................................................................... 11
Domain 1.6: Practical anaesthetic procedures / Invasive and Imaging techniques / Regional
blocks ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Domain 1.7: Quality, Safety, Management and Health economics ....................................... 17
c. Specific Attitudes ................................................................................................................ 18
Domain 1.8: Anaesthesia Non-Technical Skills (ANTS) ........................................................... 18
Domain 1.9: Professionalism and Ethics ................................................................................ 18
Domain 1.10: Education, Self-directed Learning, Research ................................................... 20
Part 2: Specific Core Competencies ........................................................................................... 21
Domain 2.1: Obstetric Anaesthesiology ................................................................................. 21
Domain 2.2: Airway surgery and management ..................................................................... 23
Domain 2.3: Thoracic and Cardiovascular Anaesthesiology .................................................. 24
Domain 2.4: Neuroanesthesiology ......................................................................................... 25
Domain 2.5: Paediatric Anaesthesiology ............................................................................... 27
Domain 2.6 Anaesthesiology in remote locations / Ambulatory Anaesthesiology ................ 28
Domain 2.7: Multidisciplinary pain management.................................................................. 29
Obstetric Anaesthesiology
Airway Management and Surgery
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Anaesthesiology
Paediatric Anaesthesiology
Anaesthesiology in remote locations / Ambulatory Anaesthesiology
Multidisciplinary Pain management
Both general and specific core competencies in each domain have been expressed in the form of a
list of competence statements.
The level of acquisition/expertise for each competence defined in each domain ranges from A to
A: Has knowledge of, describes
B: Performs, manages, demonstrates under supervision
C: Performs, manages, demonstrates independently
D: Teaches or supervises others in performing, managing, demonstrating.
For each domain of expertise, a detailed list of learning objectives has been identified, that
constitute the present syllabus.
These learning objectives have been broken down into Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes that are
deemed necessary to achieve the required level of competencies in each domain.
The learning objectives are realistic endpoints that should be attained by the end of the
anaesthesia residency period. They are built upon previous knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired
during the undergraduate education in medicine, that are required to hold a diploma/master degree
in human medicine.
The learning objectives also represent measurable endpoints that should serve as a basis for the
development of future evaluation modalities in order to objectively and reliably measure the
acquisition of competencies throughout the curriculum.
- Diabetes mellitus and complications (hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia,
- Obesity and metabolic syndrome
- Thyroid gland dysfunction (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism)
- Parathyroid gland dysfunction
- Adrenal gland dysfunction
- Diabetes insipidus
- Thermoregulation
Understanding disease processes, natural evolution and knowing the influence on the
management of perioperative period
Knowledge of the effects of anaesthetic agents on physiology of major systems such as
cardiac, respiratory, neurologic
Treatment of above-mentioned diseases, in order to optimize patients before anaesthesia
and surgery in cooperation with other physicians
Pharmacology and interactions of perioperative drugs
Fasting guidelines
Airway assessment including bedside tests to assess difficult ventilation and intubation
Other medical history (personal and family history of previous anaesthesia, allergy, drug
abuse, habits)
The transplant patient undergoing general surgery
The elderly comorbid patient, with declining organ function and decreased physiologic
reserve, undergoing general surgery
b. Clinical skills
Patient assessment based on history and physical examination, use of appropriate
examinations and laboratory tests
Evaluation of the preoperative ASA physical status
Specific consideration in airway management (c.f. domain airway)
Interpretation, considering the value and limitation of:
o Electrocardiogram, and other methods assessing cardiovascular function
(echocardiography, ergometry myocardial scintigraphy, coronarography)
o Pulmonary function test and arterial blood gas analysis
o Common radiological testing with special emphasis on chest X-ray
o Coagulation
o Liver and renal function test
o Endocrine function
o Drug monitoring
Selection and planning of the anaesthesia technique, including monitoring and other
equipments required for the procedure
Decision-making relating to postponement or cancellation of surgery
Accurate preoperative record keeping
c. Specific attitudes
Effectively communicate with patients, let patients know of risks and benefits of various
techniques used, and treat patients with respect and courtesy in answering all questions and
concerns they may have
Establishing effective interaction with patients and their relatives
Develop strategies to provide informed consent and disclosure of risk (information leaflets,
Discuss alternatives with the patient, the surgeons and other team colleagues
b. Skills
Technical skills:
Rapid sequence induction
Maintenance of an adequate airway
Advanced Life Support
Aseptic techniques
Peripheral and central venous access for volume resuscitation, arterial catheterization and
arterial blood gas collection
ECG recording and interpretation
c. Specific attitudes
Effective communication: with other members of the operating room and with patients;
Team work: working together with other health care professionals to ensure smooth patient
care and safety.
Vigilance and situational awareness
a) Extubation- criteria for postoperative extubation
b) Maintenance of patent oral and nasal airway
c) Airway complications: stridor/laryngospasm, airway obstruction
a) Postoperative respiratory physiology
b) Residual muscular block
c) Postoperative respiratory depression
d) Modes of ventilation and weaning from ventilator in the postoperative period when
e) Respiratory complications: hypoxia, hypercarbia, bronchospasm; atelectasis; aspiration
pneumonia; pulmonary oedema, pneumothorax.
a) Fluid and electrolyte management
b) Arrhythmias
c) Postoperative ischemia
d) Hemodynamic complications: shock of different aetiologies, sepsis, hypertension
e) Resuscitation, transfusion and coagulation disorders
f) Oliguria and renal failure
Postoperative pain treatment
a) Pre-emptive multimodal analgesia
b) Pain assessment: VAPS (Visual Analogue Pain Scale)
c) Pharmacology of opioids, NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), local
anaesthetics, alpha-2 agonists
d) PCA (Patient Controlled Analgesia), advantages of one pain relief delivery system over
another, of specific doses, rates and details of these delivery systems
e) Regional anaesthesia and analgesia in pain management
f) Paediatric postoperative pain treatment
g) Knowledge of side-effects and complications of regional techniques (PDPH, nerve
Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
a) Physiology
b) Management (Pharmacology- and treatment)
Haemorrhage (Postoperative bleeding)
Postoperative confusion and altered mental states
TURP syndrome
Nerve and muscular damage through malpositioning
b. Skills
Technical skills:
Basic vascular access
Basic airway management
Management of arrhythmias and DC
Regional anaesthesia techniques: neuraxial and peripheral nerve blocks
Clinical and case management skills:
Trainees are expected to understand relevant principles, apply knowledge in practice and to
demonstrate clinical skills and case management in the following areas:
c. Specific Attitudes
Demonstrate knowledge of the policies to safely and effectively treat postoperative pain,
monitor its efficacy and promote safety within a multidisciplinary team
Demonstrate responsibility for the Acute Pain Service and management of patients in a
timely and professional manner; follow up on patients who experienced complications
and/or side effects in PACU
Ability to safely perform invasive procedures in emergency such as: central vascular
access, intraosseous access, arterial access, cardiac pacing, pleural drainage, spinal
stabilizations; when necessary and under supervision: pericardiocentesis, paracentesis
Domain 1.5: Medical and Perioperative Care of the critically ill / Multidisciplinary
Intensive Care Medicine
a. Knowledge
Organization of Intensive Care Units and ICU standards including:
o Evaluating and taking into consideration the difficulty and complexity of the tasks in
relation to resources, qualifications, as well as local organization.
Identifying patients with need for treatment beyond local competencies according
to national organization and take initiative to organize transport for these patients
o Coordinating the multidisciplinary approach of patients and providing cooperation
with all relevant partners, with proper respect for their medical competences and
roles in specific situations.
o Contribute to the holistic vision of a homogeneous team interacting both with
patients and peers, and providing consensual information.
o Medical auditing in intensive care
General principles of ICU management:
o Airway management and respiratory support including non-invasive techniques
o Hemodynamic management including advanced cardiovascular monitoring and
inotropic and vasoactive therapy
o Fluid and electrolyte support including relevant aspects of blood product transfusion
o Renal replacement therapy
o Neurological management
o Enteral and parenteral nutritional support
o Infectious diseases and antibiotic therapy; antiviral therapy; rules for hospital
o Prevention of complications such as thromboembolism, ventilator associated
injuries, stress ulceration, renal failure and nosocomial infection
o Transportation
o Sedation and pain management including treatment of delirium and anxiety of the
critically ill patient using both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic means
o Appropriate knowledge and use of use scoring systems (APACHE; SAPS; TISS; NEMS)
Aetiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment plans according to international
standards of specific critical conditions:
Respiratory failure
Pulmonary oedema
Airway obstruction and stenosis
COLD/COPD and Asthma
Renal failure
Chronic and acute (RIFLE)
Gastrointestinal failure
Peritonitis of various aetiologies (including colitis and intestinal ischemic
Liver failure
Digestive fistulas
Neurological failure
Head/Face injury and spine injury
Airway and chest injuries
Aortic injuries
Abdominal trauma
Pelvic and long bone injuries
Massive transfusion
Burns and electrocution
Hyper- and hypothermia
Inflammatory diseases
Infectious diseases
Sepsis including sepsis bundle strategy
Severe community acquired infections (e.g. meningitis)
Severe nosocomial infections (e.g. MRSA)
Fungal infections
Coagulation disorders
Transfusion reaction
Obstetric complications
HELLP syndrome, Pre-eclampsia, Eclampsia
Septic abortion
Amniotic fluid embolism
Organ donor and the transplanted patient
b. Skills
Technical skills:
o Intubation under emergency situations
o Bronchoscopy (including lavage and sampling)
o Percutaneous tracheostomy
o Pleural drainage
o Ventilation in prone position
o Basic and advanced life support
o Central vascular access (including for haemodialysis)
o Arterial access
o PA catheterization (Swan-Ganz)
Basic ultrasound techniques for:
o Ultrasound-guided central venous line placement;
o Recognition of severely abnormal ventricular function (right or left ventricle; hypoor hyperkinesia);
o Measurement of inferior vena cava diameter;
o Recognition of large pericardial, pleural, or abdominal effusion;
o Recognition of urinary retention (distended bladder).
o Maintenance of cerebral perfusion
o Management of the unconscious patient
c. Specific attitudes
Establishing effective communication and interaction with ICU colleagues and other
Establishing effective communication and interaction with ICU patients and their relatives.
Recognizing psychological issues relevant to ICU patients and their relatives.
Strategies to provide informed consent and disclosure of risk when consulting with ICU
patients and their relatives.
b. Skills
Airway management (Face mask, laryngoscope and different blades, LMA and other
supraglottic airways, endotracheal tubes, double lumen tubes, fibreoptic intubation):
o Routine airway management
o Drills in the algorithm for the difficult mask ventilation
o The rapid sequence induction
o Drills in the handling of the difficult airway (including fibreoptic intubation asleep
and awake)
o Drills in cricothyroidotomy and jet ventilation
Insertion of arterial and central venous lines, pulmonary artery catheter insertion and
General anaesthesia:
o Conscious sedation
o Inhalational induction of anaesthesia
o Resuscitative techniques (BLS, ALS, ATLS, PALS)
Check and operate following monitoring and technical devices: gas supply, anaesthesia
delivery systems, vaporizers, breathing systems, anaesthetic ventilator machines, infusion
pumps/rapid infusion devices, CNS monitoring, warming devices, blood salvaging devices,
EEG and anaesthesia depth monitors
Performs following regional anaesthetic techniques:
o Patient positioning, according to surgical procedures, in the pregnant patient as well
as in specific pathological conditions (e.g., rheumatic patient)
o Peripheral blocks of the upper extremity (single shot and catheter techniques),
Including intravenous, axillary and interscalene blocks
o Peripheral blocks of the lower extremity (single shot and catheter techniques)
including intravenous, femoral, obturator
o Common central neuraxial blocks such as spinal, epidural (thoracic/lumbar) and
combined spinal/epidural
Placement and insertion of chest drains
c. Specific attitudes
Safe delivery of perioperative anaesthesia care, being aware of ones own limits when
performing procedures, anticipates problems and can act accordingly, including calling for
help early
Complies with national and European minimum standards of monitoring
Has knowledge and uses protocols developed by the European and National specialist bodies
b. Skills
Understands and applies standards of quality, security and recommendations in daily
Understands the importance and uses checklists and follows guidelines
Supports and provides data for both local and national data systems
Applies standards of quality and safety with respect to organizational aspects (time
management strategies, etc)
Applies organizational knowledge to provide a cost-effective organization
c. Specific Attitudes
Demonstrates awareness for critical incidents and reports them
Demonstrates favourable attitudes towards patient safety
b. Skills (Aberdeen)
Task management
o Planning and preparing
o Prioritizing
o Providing and maintaining standards
o Identifying and utilizing resources
Team working
o Coordinating activities with team members
o Exchanging information
o Using authority and assertiveness
o Assessing capabilities
o Supporting others
Situation Awareness
o Gathering information
o Recognizing and understanding
o Anticipating
Decision making
o Identifying options
o Balancing risks and selecting options
o Re-evaluating
o To work as a team member but to assume responsibilities and to delegate duties as a
team leader when necessary
o Informed consent
o Patient confidentiality and privacy
o Error and incidents disclosure
Principles of communication with colleagues including:
o Methods (verbal, written, consultation or referral)
o Manner (courtesy, integrity, respect)
o Adequate record keeping (including medicolegal implications)
Personal issues including:
o Balancing family and work, and the importance of non-professional activities
o Depression; recognition and care plans
o Substance abuse; recognition and access to appropriate referral
o Mentoring and teaching
o Leadership responsibilities and styles; team behaviours
o Stress and crisis management
o Principles underpinning conflict resolution
o Use and influence of role model
b. Skills
Clinical and case management skills:
Trainees are expected to integrate and demonstrate the application of the above knowledge and
attributes to their clinical practice by:
Applying principles of medical ethics to problem solving; for example in the following areas:
end-of-life and palliative care; withholding and withdrawing treatment; Jehovahs witnesses;
NTBR order; patient unable to display judgment; minor patient.
Effective communication with patients and their relatives; for example, breaking bad news,
error and incident disclosure, diagnosing and explaining brain death, requesting organ
Effective communication with colleagues and other actors of the multidisciplinary team
through appropriate handover, patient referral, consultation request or assistance.
Appropriate behaviours and communications in the case of tensions and conflicts arising
among members of the multidisciplinary team.
Displaying optimal maintenance of anaesthesia and other medical records.
c. Specific Attitudes
Specialist practice
Trainees are expected to develop and attain attributes in the 4 roles a specialist in
anaesthesiology: Medical expert; Leader; Scholar; Professional
To work as a team member but to assume responsibilities and to delegate duties as a team
leader when necessary
To commit to lifelong continuing professional education and to maintain an inquisitive
Professionalism, Ethics and the Law
To be aware and act according to medico-legal obligations related to medical practice
To commit and believe in the four main ethical principles and in professional values such as
altruism, fidelity, social justice, honour and integrity, and accountability
Patient considerations
To commit and believe in the rights of patients to autonomy, confidentiality, informed
consent, comprehension of the risks of anaesthesia techniques (patient-centeredness)
To appropriately and respectfully care for patients irrespectively of race, culture, gender,
sexual orientation, and socio-economic status
To commit to ethical principles of research
b. Skills
Trainees are encouraged to identify their learning needs; they will also acquire skills in scientific
learning as a medical specialist including:
Conducting and appraising literature searches
Appraising journal articles including the application of statistics
Applying the principles of evidence-based medicine to clinical practice
Carrying out oral presentations and professional communication
Presenting quality assurance exercises or projects
Developing facilitation skills, such as tutoring in small-group learning and conducting smallgroup meetings
c. Specific Attitudes
Trainees will develop an appreciation of and commitment to continuing education and scientific
enquiry, including:
Valuing rigorous educational and scientific processes
Distinguishing between practice with a sound scientific basis and that which requires further
objective assessment
Committing to informed consent, confidentiality and all other ethical principles of research
Critical appraisal: to have insight into ones own limitations, abilities and areas of expertise
Committing to lifelong continuing professional development
o Renal diseases
Anaesthetic care of the high risk obstetrical patient, including trauma
Anaesthetic management of complications:
o Obstetric haemorrhage: Ante partum, peripartum and postpartum
o Pulmonary embolism
o Amniotic fluid embolism
o Foetal death
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and advanced cardiac life support of the parturient
Post-operative pain management in obstetrics
Maternal medications and breastfeeding
Anaesthesia for non-obstetric surgery during pregnancy
Anaesthesia for assisted reproductive technologies
Intrauterine and neonatal surgery
Maternal mortality
b. Skills
Pre-assessment skills, including an appropriate history, physical examination (including
airway assessment, cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological examination)
Airway assessment
Rapid sequence induction
Emergency airway management
Epidural catheter placement for labour analgesia with a 80% success
Spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section with more than 90% success
Spinal and epidural techniques in difficult cases
Combined spinal / epidural analgesia and anaesthesia
Epidural blood patch
Management of high regional block
Management of local anaesthetic toxicity
Management of severe obstetric haemorrhage
Experience with the anaesthetic management of EXIT procedure is desirable
Clinical drills for:
1. Airway emergencies
2. Failure to intubate algorithm in obstetrics
3. Advanced life support in the obstetric patient
4. Resuscitation of the neonate
5. Management of pulmonary aspiration during general anaesthesia
c. Specific attitudes
The resident should be aware of the ethical issues (consent, foetal vs maternal rights,
maternal/paternal conflicts)
The resident must be able to discuss the available analgesia methods with the patient
including risks and alternatives
The resident must establish effective communications and interactions with obstetrician,
midwife, neonatologist and labour and delivery nurse. Communication skills and exchange of
information in this environment are essential for the best possible outcome.
b. Skills
Technical skills:
Tracheal intubation
o Oral and nasal intubation
o Use of special tubes
o Placement and removal of packs
Securing the difficult airway
o Recognizing the high-risk airway
o Use of stylets and bougies
o Fibreoptic intubation (under sedation and awake)
o Laryngeal mask airway intubation
o Failed intubation or ventilation drill
o Needle and surgical cricothyroidotomy
Managing the extubation of the difficult airway patient
Management of postoperative facial and airway swelling
Clinical and case management skills:
Trainees are expected to understand relevant principles, apply knowledge in practice and to
demonstrate clinical skills and case management in the following areas:
Assessment of the airway of patients undergoing ENT and maxillofacial surgery and
development of a airway management plan
Partial airway obstruction including: Epiglottis, foreign bodies, laryngeal and oropharyngeal
tumours, cysts and abscesses
Anaesthesia for major maxillofacial surgery involving prolonged anaesthesia, major blood
loss, hypothermia and multiple procedures
Anaesthesia for facial trauma in the emergency and semi-elective setting
Dental procedures on the mentally handicapped
Establishing, maintaining and protecting an airway in the face of abnormal anatomy and
simultaneous surgical intervention
c. Specific Attitudes
Establishing effective cooperation and communication with the surgeon in situations with a
shared airway
Strategies to anticipate difficult airway situation and to establish safe anaesthetic
management plans
b. Skills
Technical skills:
Performance of lung separation techniques
o Double lumen tracheal intubation
o Bronchial blockers
o Clinical and fibreoptic control of tube positioning
o Lung separation in difficult airway patients (including tube exchange devices)
Correct placement of thoracic epidural catheters
Correct patient positioning, particularly in the lateral decubitus position
Basic skills in the management of anaesthesia and perioperative care for cardiac operations
performed on-pump and off-pump (valve corrections or replacements, myocardial
revascularization, combined operations)
Clinical and case management skills:
Evaluation of patients undergoing cardiac surgery and development of a anaesthetic
management plan
Anaesthetic management for pacemaker implantation
Perform defibrillation
Assessment of patients undergoing thoracic surgery and development of an anaesthetic
management plan
Understanding the principles, applied basic sciences, and management of anaesthesia and
perioperative care for
o Thoracotomy and:
Lung resection, including pneumonectomy and lung reduction surgery
Mediastinal mass resection
Oesophageal surgery
Surgery on the thoracic aorta
o Tracheal and bronchial surgery (including use of lasers and stents)
o Thoracoscopic procedures
o Mediastinoscopy
Management of hypoxia and ventilation during one-lung anaesthesia
Recognition, differential diagnosis and management of postoperative respiratory distress
Understanding chest tube drainage systems and suction
Evaluation and management of postoperative pain
c. Specific Attitudes
Learn to establish effective communication with the surgical team during critical phases of
the surgical procedure (for example: chest opening, on/off-pump, lung separation, etc)
Recognizing psychological issues relevant to patients scheduled for cardiac surgery
b. Skills
Technical skills:
Monitoring in neuroanaesthesia, setting up and calibration, placement of cannulae,
interpretation of variables
Fibreoptic intubation will be emphasized
Clinical and case management skills:
Pre-anaesthesia preparation for neuroanaesthesia
Positioning of patients
Reducing raised ICP
Suspected cervical spine injury
Intraoperative air embolism
Management of a head injury
c. Specific Attitudes
Communicate and empathize with patients in order to relieve their anxiety
Effectively communicate with other specialties in order to manage patients.
Perform appropriately under stressful situations.
b. Skills
Technical skills:
Airway management (ventilation, laryngeal mask and intubation) in all age groups
o Fibreoptic intubation through the LMA
o Nasal-pharyngeal tube CPAP/assisted ventilation
Peripheral vascular (venous and arterial) access
Intra-osseous access
Regional anaesthesia and analgesia, including caudal anaesthesia
c. Specific Attitudes
Establishes effective communication and interaction with children and their parents,
takes into account psychological issues of the hospitalized child
Medico-legal issues specific to paediatric practice, for example informed consent,
consent for clinical research, disclosure of risk when relevant
b. Skills
Organization skills
Organization of the remote locations to have the standards that adhere to operating room,
including appropriate human resource
Organization and management of a location for post anaesthesia surveillance and monitoring
Technical skills
Preanaesthetic preparation of the equipment in remote site (anaesthesia machine,
disposable material, drugs),
Challenges of anaesthesia in remote locations:
o Vascular access with specific consideration for potential distant access
o Airway management with specific consideration for potential difficult airway access
Clinical and case management skills
Appropriate patient evaluation and selection for anaesthesia
Safe transport of the patient to and from the remote location
Appropriate monitoring of the patient with specific consideration for potential distant
monitoring (window, camera)
Detection and treatment of potential anaesthetic complications, in particular those
associated with sedation (airway obstruction, apnoea)
Anaesthetic practice in a variety of remote locations :
i. Radiology : CT, MRI, angiography, embolization
ii. Nuclear medicine : radiation therapy (children)
iii. Endoscopy : upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy, colonoscopy, laryngoscopy,
iv. Cardiology : angiography, cardiac defibrillation, catheter placement
v. Dentistry : dental care under general anaesthesia (children)
vi. ECT (electroconvulsive therapy)
vii. Emergency room
Self protection (x-ray, nuclear medicine and MRI procedures)
c. Specific attitudes
Organizational aspects and logistics in remote location or an ambulatory practice
Multidisciplinary team work and effective communication
o Central pain
o Post-amputation pain
o Complex regional pain syndromes
Cancer pain
Headaches and oral and facial pains
Pain in special situations:
o Pain in pregnancy and labour
o Pain in infants, children and adolescents
o Pain in older adults
o Pain relief in patients with cognitive impairment
o Pain relief in substance abusers
o Pain relief in areas of deprivation and conflict
Multidisciplinary Pain Clinics
Organization of a pain clinic, referrals, circuit and flux of patients. Role of the different medical
specialties and healthcare professionals in Pain Clinics
b. Skills
Evaluation and effective management of acute pain: procedural, postoperative, emergency
services and during transport. Reach expertise in peripheral blocks and placement of
catheters for acute pain management
Evaluation of patients with chronic pain: history, physical examination and requesting and
interpretation of additional tests
Knowing the options for treating patients with chronic cancer and non-cancer pains
Proficiency in the pharmacological management of patients with chronic pain, with special
emphasis in multimodal analgesia and the adequate use of opioids
Perform central, plexus, and peripheral blocks and tissue infiltrations, for diagnostic or pain
management purposes. Placement of catheters for long term use
Knowing when other interventional and non-interventional therapies are required,
requesting assistance from pain specialists
Effective communication with patients and their families. Informs and discusses treatment
options and clinical goals
Accurate record keeping (logbook), including treatments and procedures. Documentation of
pain evolution
c. Specific Attitudes
Establish effective interactions with the multidisciplinary team of health professionals
working in the Pain Clinic
Consider that patients have the right to be heard, believed, and informed, regarding their
pain and its management
Recognize the principle of minimum intervention, using the simplest and safest techniques
likely to be effective to achieve the clinical goal
Develop skills to inform patients about the best treatment options based on the available
medical evidence. Explain the risk / benefit of the treatments, and obtain verbal or written
agreement for the use of opioids. Kindly answers all questions and concerns patients may
Become skilled at discerning pain from simulation, often related to drug abuse or workers
Effectively communicates with the primary care physician discussing treatment options and
the follow-up of the patient.