' Theory: Abt 344 Food Biotechnology 1+1
' Theory: Abt 344 Food Biotechnology 1+1
' Theory: Abt 344 Food Biotechnology 1+1
Biotechnology-scope-principles-genetic engineering-gene concept-DNA and RNA genetic codeorganization of genetic material in virus, prokaryotes and eukaryotes-genetic improvement of
microorganism-mutation-recombinant DNA technology-Industrial Fermentations-Fermentations
of alcohol, Citric acid, acetic acid and lactic acid-Antibiotic fermentation-fermentation for
enzymes, Vitamins and growth hormones, food fermentations-dahi (Curd)cheese-yoghurtsauerkraut pickles-bread-idli batter-microbes as food and feed-single cell protein-biomass
production of plants. In vitro propagation of ornamental plants-lilies, orchids, roses, asparagus
and chrysanthemum-mass production of food crops through tissue culture methods.
Biotechnology food-Development of Fruits and Vegetables into drugs, Vaccines and antibiotics.
Studies on sterilization technique-Media for tissue culture-development of mutants-recombinant
DNA technology-production-fermented food-alcohol-antibiotics-organic acid-Enzymes-In vitro
propagation of rice-micropropagation of ornamental plants.
1. Biotechnology-definition-scope in different areas of biotechnology viz., microbial
biotechnology, Plant biotechnology and animal biotechnology-principles of biotechnology
2.Genetic engineering-gene concept-DNA-RNA-fine structures of these genetic materialsgenetic code
3. Organisation of genetic materials in virus, prokaryotes and eukaryotes
4. Genetic improvement of microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) by mutation and recombinant
DNA technology
5. Industrial fermentations-alcohol fermentation by yeasts and bacteria
6. Citric acid fermentation, acetic acid fermentation and lactic acid fermentation
7. Antibiotic fermentations-penicillin, streptomycin and tetracyclines
8. Fermentation enzymes-amylases, proteases and cellulases
9. Mid semester examination
10. Fermentation of vitamins, growth hormones, dahi(curd) cheese, Yogurt, sauerkraut and
11. Bread fermentation and idli batter fermentation
12. Biomass production by microbes-bacteria, fungi and algae-biocides for the control of pests
and diseases
13. Microbes as food and feed-acceptability of single cell protein
14. Biomass production of plants-in vitro propagation of ornamental plants viz., lilies, orchids,
roses, asparagus and chrysanthemum
15. Mass production of food crops through tissue culture-methods viz., Callus induction and
regeneration of plant-rice
16. Biotechnology of food-definition and scope
17. Developing fruits and vegetable as carriers of drugs, vaccine and antibiotics
1. Preparation of tissue culture media
2. Development of bacterial mutants by Physical method
3. Development of bacterial mutants by chemical method
4. Development of bacterial transformant
5. Production of single cell protein (Yeast, spirulina)
6. Production of alcohol from molasses by yeast
7. Production of pickles-sauerkraut
8. Production of alcohol from molasses by bacteria
9. Production of penicillin
10. Production of enzyme cellulases by fungi
11. Production of vinegar
12. Production of wine in laboratory condition
13. Production of cheese in laboratory condition
14. Micropropagation of Rose and Chrysanthemum
15. Studies on callus induction and regeneration of rice
16. Studies on callus induction and regeneration of banana
17. Practical ?examination
1. Brown, C.M., I.Campbell and F.G.Prest, 1988.? Introduction to biotechnology, ELBS., Black
well Scientific Publication, Oxford.
2. Chakraverty, A., 1989.? Biotechnology and Other Alternative Technologies, Oxford and IBH
Publishing Co., Pvt., Ltd.,
3. Kalyan Kumar, De., 1992.? Plant tissue culture.? New Central Book Agency, Calcutta-9.
4. Ramachandran, S., 1989.? Biotechnology in Agriculture.? Oxford and IBH publishing Co.,
Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Pepplor, J.H., 1967.? Microbial technology.? Revinhold Publishing Corporation, New York.
6. Purchit, SS and S.K.Mathur, 1992.? Fundamentals of biotechnology.? Agro. Botanical
Publishers, India.
7. Rama, S.V.S., 1986.? Recent trends in Biotechnology and Biosciences.? Society of
biosciences, Iragati Press, Muzaffarnagar.
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