Molecular Farming in Plants
Molecular Farming in Plants
Molecular Farming in Plants
Applications of r DNA
technology in Agriculture
Modification of production traits /introducing novel
traits in crops
Improving colour and smell of flower, taste of food
Modifying starch, protein and oil content
Facilitating the accumulation of vitamins and
minerals in food
Altering the properties of fruits and vegetable
Introducing male sterility
Increasing the levels of total soluble solids
Metabolic engineering
Molecular farming
Molecular Farming
Application of genetic engineering techniques to
Molecular farming in
Potential vehicles for protein production:
for bulk production- leaves of tobacco &alfalfa,
for edible products- tomato, potato, maize,
wheat, rice
Production strategies
Stable expression: constitutive and tissue
Transient expression: using plant virus (Cp
gene)as vector
Fructanbeet- transgenic
Production of short oligofructans GF2, GF3, GF4.
Gene for enzyme 1-SST from Jerusalem artichoke
1.In neutraceutical market
2.As substitute of sugar in foods and drinks
3.Low-calorie sweetner
4.Encourage growth of beneficial gut flora and
First functional Ab:
Antibodies produced
T3 (F1)
Nascent chains targetted to ER lumen for processing and assembly of Ab
2.ScFv:most commonly used and most successful
variable regions of H and L chains are responsible for antigen binding
Seq. L chain variable region + Seq. H chain variable region
synthetic gene
3.Secretory Ab (sIgA):protection against dental caries caused by S.
:Microbial infections at mucosal
T1 (H)X T2 (L)X T3 (J) XT4 (Sc)
Topical application on human teeth & prevented colonization of S.
mutans upto 4 months.
Effective as produced in murine hybridoma,effective binding to antigen.
Recombinant Hirudin
Anticoagulant peptide (~7-kDa)in salivary glands
of Hirudo medicinalis.
Most potent inhibitor of thrombin-high
therapeutic value in the treatment of thrombosis.
Advantages over heparin
-Low immunogenecity
-doesnt require endogenous cofactor for
- does not react with other proteins in the
Endoprotease factor Xa
cleavage site
Expression in transgenic plant protein targeted to oil bodies
Crush seeds
Oil body
Remove ,spin, treat with protease
Recombinant Vaccines
Edible vaccines: It can be produced for those