Exhibit D
Exhibit D
Exhibit D
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From Madison ! Spear"sh: real liberal media for #e great sta$ of Sou# Dakota
2 0 1 4
Posted by caheidelberger
I can think like Chad and Annette. It makes me ill, but I can do it.
Annette Bosworth may have just found her next attorney. After betraying
Joel Arends and monkey-wrenching Brandon Taliaferro's best efforts
to defend her, the former fake Senate candidate, petition fraudster, and
drama queen may be the least appealing legal client since Ted Klaudt.
But Attorney General Marty Jackley, U.S. Attorney Brendan Johnson,
and Hughes County States Attorney Wendy Kloeppner may have just
delivered the indefensible doctor a defense attorney: Christopher Robert
Jansen. The Selby attorney served a term as Walworth County states
attorney from 2009 to 2012, then resigned a few weeks early to enter
private practice after voters turned him out in favor of James Hare. And
Tuesday, Jackley, Johnson, and Kloeppner had him arrested for three
counts of first-degree rape. The three alleged victims are under the age of
One would think that no reasonable client would want to pick Jansen for
counsel right now. "Innocent until proven guilty" doesn't stop defendants
from minimizing their exposure to possible bad press. But in
the "writhing snakepit of treachery and mind games" of Team Bosworth,
no press is bad press. In Bosworth and husband Chad Haber's reading of
Chad's bible, The 48 Laws of Power, the client no attorney wants and the
attorney no client wants are the perfect unpredictable, attention-getting,
water-stirring, misdirecting match.
Jansen would also be the next poster boy for Chad Haber's hashtag
exploitation of child rape victims. As the centerpiece of his quixotic but
devious bid for the Libertarian nomination for attorney general, Haber is
charging that Attorney General Jackley has a "big pedophilia problem" in
his failure to prosecute child rapist Richard Mette as vigorously as he
should have. Haber needs to stop the Attorney General's new prosecution
of child rape from puncturing Haber's political narrative. Haber thus
needs to bring Jansen into his wife's camp and pump him for
information with which Haber could spin Jansen's prosecution into
persecution. He needs to make Jansen's story just another aspect
of corruption in South Dakota, just like Jackley's prosecution of Haber's
Expect Bosworth to announce Jansen as her attorney, and expect Haber
to launch a new hashtag any day.
* * *
Even if The 48 Laws of Power can be read as a bastard's
handbook, he wrote it to demystify the dirty tricks of the
executives he encountered during a dispiriting period as a
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Candidate for Bosworths Next Attorney:
Accused Child Rapist Jansen
8/4/14, 2:49 PM Madville Times
Page 2 of 6 http://madvilletimes.com/2014/07/candidate-for-bosworths-next-attorney-accused-child-rapist-jansen/
Hollywood screenwriter. "I felt like a child exposing what the
parents are up to and laughing at it," he says. "Opening the
curtain and letting people see the Wizard of Oz."
....Greene claims that most of the emails he receives are from
readers who used his first book to understand and outwit
manipulative people, but surely he has inadvertently created a few
scoundrels himself? "There are people on the borderline and
maybe the book helps them to move into that sociopathic realm
so then I feel bad," he concedes, "but mainly it's positive" [Dorian
Lynskey, "Robert Greene on His 48 Laws of Power: 'I'm Not Evil
I'm a Realist'," The Guardian, 2012.12.93].
* * *
Update 15:17 CDT: OopsJansen might have trouble representing
Bosworth from the Hughes County Jail. At Jansen's first hearing in
Pierre this afternoon, Jansen did not seek and the judge did not set bail.
State's attorney Kloeppner says the state believes Jansen is a danger to
the community and to himself.
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24 Responses to Candidate for Bosworths Next Attorney:
Accused Child Rapist Jansen
mike from iowa
2014. 07. 31 AT 15: 45
This could get uglier in a hurry. On a side note-the alternate universe(PP)
mentioned John Thune's efforts to make union financial dealings transparent.
Roger Cornelius
2014. 07. 31 AT 15: 57
The headline in the RCJ was "Thune to Fight Union Corruption", it appeared the
same day that South Dakota Democrats were fighting Republican legislature for
transparency over the GOED/EB-5 scandal.
mike from iowa
2014. 07. 31 AT 16: 00
Thanks Roger. I just happened to see this at PP's blog while I checked out his
coverage of Jansen's arrest.
2014. 07. 31 AT 16: 03
Safest place for him to be because there might be someone(s) who would do him
harm, plus providing room and board?
There are people who do not take too kindly of people who are, or have been
accused of, sexually abusing children.
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