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Page 8 The Advocate News (Wilton-Durant, Iowa) Thursday, May 3, 2012


Oh what a difference four years makes

our years ago, I was attending the Uni- and phone number in the email. Finke works versity of Iowa, nearing the completion in communications at the White House. After of my Masters program in Health and calling and sending an email, I received an Sports Studies, while working both for the email from Finke saying that she had forwarded university as a teacher/web reporter and for my press request to Meki Bracken, the media the Muscatine Journal as a sports writer/ lead for Obamas Iowa City visit. Within an hour, I had an RSVP email from Bracken. photographer. There were many hoops to jump through. I As part of my assistantship at the university, I had an office in the Field House. It was had to submit information to the White House around this time that I got a chance to see then and wait 24 hours for the yay or nay. After receiving the invite, I had candidate Barack Obama to get to the Field House speak at the Field House. almost two hours before I got word that he would Obama was to speak and be speaking where we check in with an ID and regulars called the main go through security. I had deck. The same place to empty my pockets, go that basketball and football through a metal screener games were played for By Derek Sawvell and submit my camera bag many years, before the for a thorough exam. colossal structures known After that it was on to the press pool, where as Kinnick Stadium and Carver Hawkeye Arena were built. The same courts where I I picked out a prime spot, directly across from had taught countless badminton courses and the presidents podium, for photo taking. The wait was long but worth it, as the crowd of shot countless baskets. All I had to do was leave my office and 5,500 was sitting on pins and needles awaiting walk up a flight of stairs and there he was the Commander in Chief. As you can tell from our front page covthe future President of the United States. The university didnt have to reserve tickets for erage, I was treated to a bit of a local, Blake the event and when it was over, it was quite Anderson, getting to introduce Obama. Hes easy for me to walk up and shake his hand. a North Scott grad, which gave us an angle My guess was there was around 600 people for not only our sister publication, the North Scott Press, but our paper, as I called Anderson there. the next day for an interview. That was then While neither he nor I will ever truly know On April 22, I learned of President Obamas visit to the Field House April 25. Tickets to why he was chosen, I can say that for a 21the event were handed out on a first come, first year old young man, he is quite well-spoken, served basis by the university and within an humble, intelligent and great to talk with. instant, they were gone. That was OK, because Something tells me the White House did its I wasnt interested in being a spectator. I was homework in selecting him. Of course since the event happened on interested in getting into the White House Wednesday of last week, perhaps this is old press pool. I knew that AN publisher Bill Tubbs had news. By now you know that the president was attended an event at Alcoa in the Quad Cities combing the country talking about student loan when Obama visited a few months ago. He told rates. He was on his A game in Iowa City, me he received a RSVP email for the event speaking in exactly the same venue where I and just followed the directions. Sadly, the AN saw him four years ago. Anderson was right, the crowd was electric. received no such email. I was undeterred. Tubbs sent me a copy of his email on April In 2008, the youth vote came out in droves 23. I found Samantha Finkes email address all over the nation to vote for Obama. As the

Case in Point

President Obama shakes Blake Anderson's hand at the podium moments after Anderson introduced him at the University of Iowa April 25. At right, the President addresses a crowd of more than 5,500 people in the Field House.
Photos by Derek Sawvell

President settles in for a fight with Republican soon-to-be nominee Mitt Romney, its clear that he is already on a mission to attempt to lock up the youth a group that connects with him. A group he needs to win if he wants another term. To use the presidents words, the issue of not raising student loan interest rates is a no-brainer. As I write this, Republicans in Congress have come around quickly and the rates will surely not be raised. Yet there is controversy as to how to pay for them. The latest idea from the House was to take money from a fund in the health care bill allowing women to get breast and cervical cancer screenings to replace funds that the higher interest rates would have brought in. Time will tell if that sticks but mark my

words, the rates will not increase. While its clear that Congressional Republicans do not want to agree with anything Obama proposes, there are some issues that just dont have an other side when it comes to popularity among voters. Remember the payroll tax cut fiasco a few months ago? Nevertheless, I felt a little nostalgic as I attended the event. Gone are the days of just climbing the stairs to see Obama speak. Between the media and security that follow the president, there was literally a city within a city that day in Iowa City. As I wrote about last week with regard to certain entities now knowing who we are here at the AN, add the White House to the list. When a president comes this close to our communities, I will do my best to be there.

'Next time have the courage to sign your name'

Editor: On April 21, 2012, a letter was delivered to our post office box addressed to Barbara Reasner with a return address of Citizens of Durant, Durant, IA 52747. The letter was postmarked Quad Cities on April 20, 2012. There was neither a box number nor a street number on the envelope or letterhead for this organization. There was no signature on the letter or a list of names designating from where and whom this letter had originated. However the short typed note started with the word I, which leads me to believe the group has a small membership. The mailing also included five comments from the QuadCity Times blog-signed by M1M, retiredopiniongiver, Asylum, Zeike and last but not least, Weasal. Yes that is how Weasal was spelled. Its great to comment on a blog when no one knows who you are. The emails, texts and phone calls are other examples of not having the courage to directly address the board about your concerns. Its so easy to be critical when not having to defend your argument in public meeting. As a citizen of Durant, I do not belong nor can I remember being asked to join the Citizens of Durant or being asked to be included in their letter. I am unable to unequivocally state whether or not the entire Durant community belongs or not to this group. I am curious as to the membership numbers, the board of directors and where and when they meet. I might consider a request to attend the next meeting out of curiosity. My guess and its only a guess is they regularly meet on the phone to complain, receive and to circulate rumors. I reviewed the past school board minutes in the Advocate News and have not noted a citizen approaching the board to discuss the seriousness of being the laughingstock of the area. I have read the editorials of the Advocate News and The Quad-City Times; and in each, the editorials were critical of the boards decisions but were well written; and in no way did they attempt to make Durant the laughingstock of the area. Even the legal teams on both sides maintained a professional attitude in the press. Where is the laughingstock allegation coming from, perhaps from the legal system? Could the legal system be the source of this information? It seems the Citizens of Durant have no faith in our legal system to rule on the side justice. We are a nation of laws and at the end of the day win or lose everyone gets to have their day in court. I do believe if the ruling had gone against the plaintiff, even their legal team would have appealed. In this case, the school district lost and will comply with the ruling that is the end of story. An organization which does not sign their correspondence does not lend itself to represent the citizens of Durant. What is needed is for our citizens to attend school board meetings. From what I observed, the only time people come to the school board meeting is when an adult problem is to be discussed; not student problems, education problems, or ITBS scores or being the laughingstock of the area. Where does this leave me? I served 24 years in the United States military to protect your right to free speech. What I didnt sign up for was to protect anonymous, rumor-filled spiteful letters or phone calls to elected officials, doing their best for no pay, from individuals unable or unwilling to participate in the process. In the last school board election, there were three seats to fill, and only four people stepped forward to run. Only four citizens, from a population of approximately 2,500, took the initiative to be placed on the ballot. Doesnt say much for the organization Citizens of Durant or their members being actively involved in our democracy. Next time have the courage to sign your name. Doug Reasner Durant

'Well-rounded experience'
Editor: I will be voting for David Johnson on June 5, for the Democratic primary for State House. I served with David on the West Branch City Council, and was very impressed with his commitment to his constituents and attention to detail. His opponent has been touting his experience as a member of the school board, which Im sure is exceptional, but Davids commitment to education cannot be denied. As an employee of the University of Iowa, who certifies our veterans for the GI Bill (a bill that he used to get his education), he knows the value of funding public education. He is a product of public education. But education is only one piece of the puzzle. As a city council member, David had to balance the needs of many city departments vying for limited funds. These departments included, police, fire, water and sewer, streets and sidewalks, public library, parks and recreation as well as administrative costs. All of these factors played a role in the budget process. This is the type of well-rounded experience that is needed at the State House. This is not the type of experience that one gets serving on a school board. Please join me in voting for David Johnson on June 5th. Dorma Gunnells West Branch

'He will draw upon his experience'

Editor: At first, my reason for supporting Dick Schwab for the State of Iowa House District 73 was because of his commitment to improving Iowas educational system. Im a retired teacher and I appreciate Dicks present and past service as an elected Solon Community School Board member. But after hearing Dick talk about living the values of 4-H he learned as a youngster on the family farm in Minnesota, I went to the 4-H website to learn more. The four Hs are Head, Heart, Hands and Health as noted in the pledge: I pledge my head to clearer thinking; My heart to greater loyalty; My hands to larger service; And my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world. Now my main reason for voting for Dick is because he will draw upon his lifes experience to fulfill the 4-H pledge for the benefit of all of us. Please vote for Democrat Dick Schwab in the June 5, 2012 Primary Election. Patricia A. Ikan Solon

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