First Language Acquisition
First Language Acquisition
First Language Acquisition
FIRST LANGUAGE ACQUISITION 1. Who was the first person in investigate about the "Modern" research on child language acquisition? Was the German philosopher Dietrich Tiedemann, who recorded his observations of the psychological and linguistic development of his young son. 2. When began the psycholinguistic process research? In the second half of the twentieth century did researchers begin to analyze child language systematically and to try to discover the nature of the psycholinguistic process that enables every human being to gain fluent control of an exceedingly complex system of communication. 3. Why did behavioristic theory consider that children as Tabla rasa? According to behavioristic position the children were considered tabla rasa because they are a clean slate bearing, that don't have preconceived notions about the world or about the language. 4. What is the constructivists position about the first language acquisition? Constructivists say that the children come into world with very specific innate knowledge, predispositions, biological timetables, and they learn through interaction and discourse. 5. What is operant conditioning? The operant conditioning is a behaviorist theory exposed by Burrhus Frederic Skinner, in which the organism (human Being) emits response, or operant (a sentence or utterance), without necessarily observable stimuli; that operant is maintained (learned) by reinforcement (for example, a positive verbal or nonverbal response from another person). 6. How influenced the punishment or rewarding in the peoples behavior according to Skinner's theory? In relation to Skinners theory when consequences are rewarding, behavior is maintained and is increased in strength and perhaps frequency; but when consequences are punishing, or when there is a total lack of reinforcement, the behavior is weakened and eventually extinguished. 7. What is the mediation theory? Is exposed by Charles Osgood, in this theory the meaning was accounted for by the claim that the linguistic stimulus (a word or sentence) elicits a "mediating" response that is self-stimulating.
8. Which aspects did fail to account the mediation theory? This theory failed to account for the abstract nature of language, for the child's creativity, and for the interactive nature of language acquisition. They claimed that the child may acquire frames of a linear pattern of sentence elements and learn the stimulus-response equivalences that can be substituted within each frame. 9. Where come the nativist term? The term nativist is derived from the fundamental assertion that language acquisition is innately determined, that we are born with a genetic capacity that predisposes us to a systematic perception of language around us, resulting in the construction of an internalized system of language. 10. What is the Innateness hypothesis exposed by Chomsky? Chomsky claimed the existence of innate properties of language to explain the child's mastery of a native language in such a short time despite the highly abstract nature of the rules of language. This innate knowledge, according to Chomsky, is embodied in a "little black box" of sorts, a language acquisition device (LAD). 11. Why the nativist approach say that the language is a legitimate system? The child's linguistic development is not a process of developing fewer and fewer "incorrect" structures, not a language in which earlier stages have more "mistakes" than later stages. Rather, the child's language at any stage is systematic in that the child is constantly forming hypotheses on the basis of the input received and then testing those hypotheses in speech. As the child's language develops, those hypotheses are continually revised, reshaped, or sometimes abandoned. 12. What did enable to researchers the generative model? The generative model has enabled researchers to take some giant steps toward understanding the process of first language acquisition. The early grammars of child language were referred to as pivot grammars. It was commonly observed that the child's first two-word utterances seemed to manifest two separate word classes, and not simply two words thrown together at random. 13. What is the connectionism? The parallel distributed processing (PDP) model or connectionism, is a model in which neurons in the brain are said to form multiple connections: each of the 100 billion nerve cells in the brain may be linked to as many as 10,000 of its counterparts. Thus, a child's (or adult's) linguistic performance may be the consequence of many levels of simultaneous neural interconnections rather than a serial process of one rule being applied, then another, then another, and so forth. 14. What are the emphases of functional approaches?
Two emphases have emerged: A) Researchers began to see that language was one manifestation of the cognitive and affective ability to deal with the world, with others, and with the self. B) Moreover, the generative rules that were proposed under the nativistic framework were abstract, formal, explicit, and quite logical, yet they dealt specifically with the forms of language and not with the deeper functional levels of meaning constructed from social interaction. 15. How did describe Piaget the overall development? Piaget described overall development as the result of children's interaction with their environment, with a complementary interaction between their developing perceptual cognitive capacities and their linguistic experience. What children learn about language is determined by what they already know about the world. 16. What did say Gleitman and Wanner about the language learning in children? They noted in their review of the state of the art in child language research, "children appear to approach language learning equipped with conceptual interpretive abilities for categorizing the world. Learners are biased to map each semantic idea on the linguistic unit 17. What propose the "reciprocal model" of language development? The "reciprocal model" of language development by Holzman, proposed that "a reciprocal behavioral system operates between the language-developing infant-child and the competent language user in a socializing-teaching-nurturing role. 18. Which was the major criticism to competence-performance model? Major criticisms of the model focus on the notion that competence, as defined by Chomsky, consists of the abilities of an "idealized" hearer speaker, devoid any so-called performance variables. 19. What is the nativists position about the behaviorist theory? Nativists contend that a child born with an innate knowledge of or predisposition toward language, and that this innate property is universal in all human beings. The innateness hypothesis was a possible resolution of the contradiction between the behavioristic notion that language is a set of habits that can be acquired by a process of conditioning is much too slow and inefficient a process to account for the acquisition of phenomenon as complex as language. 20. What is the behaviorists view of cognition? The behaviorist view that cognition is too mentalistic to be studied by the scientific method is diametrically opposed to such positions as that of Piaget, who claimed that cognitive development is at the very center of the human organism and that language is dependent upon and springs from cognitive development.