Dua Mashlool

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Dua Mashlool

This du-a'a known as "supplication of the youth stricken for his sin," is quoted from the work of Kaf -ami
and from Muhaj al Da-wat by Sayyid ibn tawus. Through Imam Hussain (asws) it is reported that one day
He and His Father, after performing Hajj, caught sight of a paralysed young man crying his eyes out in
repentance. They went near to console him and find out the reason of his sorry plight. He was a habitual
sinner, always teased his father, disobeyed him and treated him w ith contempt. One day, disgusted, the
father invoked curse upon him. So he was affected with paralysis. Then and there Imam Ali (asws) ibn abi
Talib(as) wrote his dua'a and gave it to him with instruction to recite after Isha salat. Next day fully cured,
he came to Imam Ali (asws) and said that he had recited the dua'a as told and went to sleep. He saw the
Holy Prophet (saw) in the dream. RasoolAllah (saw), gently touched his body with His hand and asked him
to remember this dua'a as it contain ismi azam (the great name of Alla h).

Recite this dua'a after Isha salat. It brings countless blessings. All your legitimate desires will be fulfilled.
It drives away poverty and sickness. Sins are for given. Debts are cleared. Enemies become friends.
Domestic affairs are set aright. Disputes are settled in your favour. Prisoners are set free mental worries
disappear. Prosperity, sound mind and healthy body stand by you at all times. Mercy and forgiveness of
sins are the main advantages the almighty Allah makes available if this dua'a is re cited regularly.

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

O Allah, I beseech You with Your


alla-hoomma inni as'aloka, belsmeka

the Name of Allah, the Most

Merciful, the Benign

bismilla hir rahma nir rahim.

O Lord of Majesty and Generosity;

ya zal jalale wal ikrame.

O Living; O Self-Subsisting,

ya hayyo. ya qayyoomo

O Ever- living, there is no God but


ya hayyo laa 1iiaha ilia anta

ya howa.

O You that are "He"

of whom no one knows what "He" is,

ya man la yaa.lamo ma howa.

wa la kaifa howa.

nor how "He" is,

nor where "He" is, except "He."

wa la aina howa wa la haitho

howa ilia howa.

O Lord of the Great Kingdom and


ya zal-moolke wal-malakoote

ya zal izzate wal-jabaroote,

O Lord of Honour and Omnipotence:

O Sovereign Lord, O Holy One!

ya maleko. ya qooddooso

O Peace; O Keeper of Faith;

ya salamo. ya mo'meno,

O Guardian O Revered One;

ya mohaimeno, ya ' azizo,

ya jabbaro ya motakabbero,

O Compeller; O Superb.

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

ya khaliqo ya baari'o

O Artist; O Beneficent;

ya mosowwero, ya mofeedo

O Administrator; O Severe (in wrath);

ya modabbiro, ya shadeedo

ya mobdio ya mo'eedo

ya mobeedo ya wadoodo,

O Creator, O Maker of all things from


O Inventor; O Restorer;

O Originator; O Most Loving:

ya mahmoodo ya ma'boodo,

O Praised; O Adored.

O You that are distant yet near;

ya ba'eedo ya qaareebo

O Answerer of prayer; O Observer;

ya mojeebo ya raqeebo

O Reckoner. O Innovator;

ya haseebo ya badeeo

O Exalted; O Unassailable;

ya rafeeo ya manee'o

O Hearer. O Knower;

ya sameeo ya aleemo,

O Forbearing; O Bountiful;

ya haleemo, ya kareemo,

O Wise; O Eternal;

ya hakeemo, ya qadeemo,

O Lofty; O Great.

ya alio ya azimo,

O most Compassionate; O Giver of all


ya hannano ya mannano,

O most perfect Requiter of good and

evil; O You whose help is sought for

ya dayyano ya moostaano,

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

O Majestic; O Glorious;

ya jaleelo ya jameelo

O Trusted; O Guardian;

ya wakeelo, ya kafeelo

O Alleviator of suffering; O Fulfiller

of hopes;

ya moqeelo ya moneelo

O Guide; O Magnanimous.

ya nabeelo' ya daleelo

O Giver of guidance; O Commencer;

ya hadee ya badee

O First; O Last;

ya awwalo ya akhiro

O Evident; O Hidden.

ya zahiro, wa batino,

O Established; O Everlasting;

ya qa'em-o, ya daa'emo,

O Knowing; O Ruler;

ya ' alimo, ya hakimo, ,

O Dispenser of justice; O Equitable;

ya qazio, ya ' adilo,

O You that disjoins and unites

ya fasilo, ya wasilo,

; O Pure; O Purifier;

ya tahiro, ya motah-hero,

O Powerful; O Almighty;

ya qadiro, ya moqtadiro,

O Great; O Magnificent.

ya kabeero, ya motakabbiro,

O One; O Matchless; O Eternal and


ya wahido, ya ahado, ya samado,

O You that begets not, nor is He


ya man lam walid wa lam yoolad

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

nor is there equal to You anyone

ya lam ya -kool -lahoo kofo-an


nor have You any spouse;

ya lam yakool-lahoo sahebaton

nor any bearer of Your burden;

wa la kana ma'ahoo waziroon,

nor any consultant to give You


wa lattakhaza ma'ahoo

nor do You need any supporter;

wa lah-taja ila zaheerin,

nor is there with You any other deity;

wa la kana ma'ahoo min illahin


la 1iiaha illa anta

There is no God but You,

and You are far exalted with great

excellence above all that which the
unjust folk do say concerning You

fata'a-laita, amma yaqooloozzalemoona 'oloowan kabeeran,

O High and Lofty;

ya alliyo, ya shamikho,

O most Glorious; O Opener;

ya bazekho, ya fattaho,

O Diffuser of fragrance; O Tolerant;

ya naffaho, ya moortaho,

O Reliever; O Helper;

ya mofarrejo, ya nasiro,

ya moontasiro, ya modriko,

O Victorious; O Overtaker;

ya mohliko, ya moon-taqimo,

O Resurrector; O Inheritor;

ya ba'eso, ya wareso,

O Seeker; O Conquerer;

ya talibo, ya ghalibo,

O Destroyer; O Avenger;

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

O You from Whom no fugitive can


ya man la yaffotohoo hareboon,

O Acceptor of repentance; O Everforgiving;

ya tawwabo, ya awwabo,

O Great Bestower; O Causer of all


ya wahhabo, ya mosab-be-bal

O Opener of doors (of relief and

O You that answers howsoever You
are invoked.

ya mofattehal abwabe,

ya man haitho ma do'eya ajaba,

O Purifier; O Giver of manifold


ya tahooro, ya shakooro,

O Excuser; O Pardoner;

ya ' afoo'o, ya ghafooro,

O Light of all lights; O Director of all

O Ever Blissful; O All- Aware;

O Protector; O Luminous;

ya nooral noore, ya modabberal

ya lateefo, ya khabiro,

ya mojeero, ya moneero,

ya baseero, ya naseero, ya

O Seer; O Supporter; O Great.

O Lone; O Unique;

O Everlasting; O Upholder;

O Sufficer; O Healer;
O Fulfiller of promises; O Deliverer
of welfare.

ya witro ya fardo

ya abado, ya sanado,

ya samado,

O Eternal and Absolute.

ya kafee, ya shafee,

ya wafee, ya mo'afee,

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

O Benefactor; O Beautifier;

ya mohsino, ya mojmilo,

O Bestower of grace; O Grantor of


ya mon'imo, ya mofzelo,

ya motakarremo, ya motafarredo,

O Gracious; O Peerless.

ya man' ala faqahara,

ya man malaka faqadara,

ya man batana, fa-khabara,

O You, who being worshipped,


ya man 'obeda fashakara

O You that being disobeyed forgives;

ya man 'oseya faghafara

O You that being Exalted,

O You that being Master of all, have
absolute power;
O You, who being hidden, are well

O You Whom no thought can fully


ya mal la tah-weehil fikaro,

nor sight perceive

ya la yod-rikohoo basaroon,

nor from whom any impression is


ya la yakhfa ' alaihe atharon,

O Nourisher of Mankind;

O Ordainer of every destiny.

ya razeqal bashare,

ya moqaddera koollee qadarin,

O You of Exalted position;

ya' ali-yalmakane,

O You Formidable in Your


ya shadeedal arkane,

ya mobad-delaz-zamane,

O Changer of times;

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

y'a qabelal qoorbane,

O Acceptor of sacrifice;

ya zal-manne, wal-ahsane,

O Lord of Honor and Supremacy;

ya zal-izze was-sooltane,

O All Merciful; O most


ya rahimo, ya rahmano,

O You full of favours and


O You that has each day a distinctive


ya man howa koolle yowmin fee


while no aspect of Your Glory is

erased by the prominence of another

ya man la wash-gholohoo
shanoon ' an shanin,
ya ' azimash-shane,

Oh Lord of great Glory

O You that are present in every place.

ya man howa be-koolle makanin,

O Hearer of all voices;

ya same'al-aswate,

O Answerer of prayers;

ya mojeeb-ad-da'wate,

O Giver of success in all


ya moonjehat- talebate,

O Fulfiller of all needs;

ya qazeyal-hajate,

O Bestower of blessings;

ya monzelal-barakate,

O You that takes pity on our tears.

ya rahemal 'aberate,

O You that raises from the pitfalls;

ya moqeelal-' asarate,

O You that relieves agonies;

ya kashefal-korobate,

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

ya-wali-yal hasanate,

O You that raises men in rank and


ya rafe'ad-darajate,

O You that accedes to requests;

ya mo'ti-yas-so'late,

ya moh-ye-yal amwate,

ya jame'ash-shatate,

O You that are the Cherisher of good


O You that brings the dead to life;

O You that gathers together that

which is scattered.

ya mottale'an ' alanni-yate,

O You that are informed of all

You that restores that which has been

ya radda ma qad fata,

O You that are not confused by a

multiplicity of voices;

ya man-la tash-tabeho '

alaihi-il aswato,

O You that are not harassed by a

multitude of petitions;

ya man la tozjero-hool mas'alato

and Whom no darkness can hide or


wa la tagh- shahooz-zolomato,

O Light of heaven and earth.

ya nooral-arze was-samawate

O Perfector of blessings;

ya sabeghanne'ame,

O Averter of calamaties;

ya dafe-an-neqame,

O Producer of zephyrs;

ya bare'al-nesame,

O Gatherer of nations;

ya jamea'l omame,

ya shafe-yas-saqame

O Healer of disease;

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

O Creator of light and darkness;

ya khaleqan-noore, waz-zolame,

ya zal joode wal-karame,

O Lord of generosity and


O You (on) whose throne no one can

set foot!

ya man la yata' o arshahoo


O You more generous than the most


ya ajwadal ajwadeena,

O You more munificent than the most


ya akramal-akrameena,

O You most keen of hearing than the

most keen of hearing;

ya asma'as-same'eena,

O You more keen of vision than the

most perceiving;

ya absaran-nazereena,

O Protecting neighbor of those that

seek Your neighborhood.

ya jaral-moostajeereena,

O Refuge of the fearful;

ya amanal-khaa'efeena,

ya zahral-lajeena,

ya wali-yal mo'meneena,

O supporter of those who take refuge

(in You)
O Patron of the faithful;

O Helper of those that seek Your

O ultimate Goal of those that aspire.

ya gheyathal mos-tagheetheena,

ya ghayatat-talebeena,

O Companion of all strangers;

ya saheba koolle gharibin,

O Friend of all the lonely ones;

ya moonisa koollee waheedin,

O Refuge of all outcasts;

ya malja-a koolle tariddin,

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

O Retreat of all persecuted ones;

O Guardian of all those who stray.

ya maawa koolee shareedin,

ya hafeza koolle zal-iatin,

O You that takes pity on the aged and


ya rahemash-shaikhil-kabire,

O You that nourishes the little baby;

ya razeqat- tiflis-saghire,

O You that joins together broken


ya jaber-al'azmil kaseere,

O Liberator of all prisoners;

ya fak-ka koolle aseerin,

O Enricher of the miserable poor;

ya moghni-yal-baa'esil-faqeere,

O Protector of the frightened


ya ismatal-khaa'efil moostajeere,

O You for Whom alone are both

destiny and disposal;

ya man lahoot-tadbeero

O You for Whom all difficult things

are simple and easy;

ya manil'aseero, alaihe sahloon


O You that does not need any


ya man la yahtajo ila tafseerin,

O You Mighty over all things;

ya man howa ' ala koolle shai-in


O You Knower of all things.

ya man howa be-koolle shai-in


O You Seer of all things.

ya man howa be-koollee shai-in


O You that makes breezes blow;

O You that cleaves the day-break;

ya moorselar-reyahe,

ya faleqal asbahe,

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

ya ba'esal arwahe,

O Reviver of the spirits;

O Lord of Generosity and Clemency;

O You in Whose hands are all keys.

ya-zaljoode was-samahe,

ya man be-yadehi koollo miftahin,

O Hearer of all voices;

ya same'a koolle sowtin,

O You earlier in time than all that

have passed away;

ya sabeqa koolle fawtin,

O Giver of life to every soul after


ya moh-yeya koolle nafsin ba'dal


O my Means of defense in
confronting hardships;

ya 'oddati fee shiddati

O my Guardian in strange lands;

ya hafezi fee ghoorbati,

O my Friend in my loneliness;

ya moonesi fee wahdati,

O my Master in my bliss;

ya wali-yee fee ne'mati,

O my Refuge at the time when the

journey does tire me out
and my kinsfolk hand me over to my

ya kahfi heena to'eenil-mazahibo

wa tosal-iemonil-aqaribo

and all my comrades forsake me.

wa yakhzo-loni koollo sahebin

O Supporter of those who have no


ya ' imada man la 'imada lahoo,

O Guarantor of those who have no


ya sanada man la sanada lahoo,

O Wealth of those who have no


ya zookhra man la zookra lahoo,

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

O Means of those who have no


ya hirza man la hirza lahoo,

O Refuge of those who have no


ya kahfa man la kahfa lahoo,

O Treasure of those who have no


ya kanza man la kanza lahoo,

O He who relies on those who have

none to rely on,

ya rookna man la rookna lahoo,

O Helper of those who have no


ya gheyasa man la gheyasa


O Neighbour of those who have no


ya jara man la jara lahoo,

O my Neighbour that are adjacent;

ya jare-yal-laseeqo,

ya rokni-yal-watheeqo,

O my Support that are firm;

O my God that are worshipped by

virtue of positive knowledge;

ya ilahi bit- tahqeeqi

O Lord of the Ancient House (the


ya rabbal-baitil-attiqi,

O You full of loving and kindness; O

nearest Friend.

ya shafiqo, ya rafiqo,

Liberate me from the choking fetters,

fukkani min hel-aqil-mazeeqe

Remove from me all sorrow, suffering

and grief,

wasrif ' anni koolla hammin wa

ghammin wa zeeqin

Protect me from the evil that I am

unable to bear,
and help me in that which I can bear,
O You that did restore Yusuf unto

wak-feni sharra ma la oteeqo

wa a'inni 'ala ma oteeqo,

ya radda yousofa ' ala ya' qooba,

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

O You that did cure Ayyub of his


ya kashefa zorre ayy-ooba

O You that did forgive the fault of


ya ghafera zambe dawooda,

ya rafe'a 'isabne maryama

O You that did lift up Isa

and saved him from the clutches of

the Jews;

wa moonje yaho min

aidil ya-hoode,

O You that did answer the prayer of

Yunus from the darkness;

ya mojeeba nidaa'e younosa fizzoloma-te

O You that did choose Musa by

means of Your inspired words;

ya mostafeya moosa bilkalemate,

O You that did forgive the omission

of Adam

ya man ghafara le-adama


and lifted up Idris to an exalted station

by Your mercy;

wa rafa'a idreesa makanan '

ali-yan be-rahmatehi,
ya man najja noohan minal

O You that did save Nooh from

O You that did destroy the former
tribe of Ad
and then Thamud, so that no trade of
them remained,
and destroyed the people of Noah
before that,
for verily they were the most unjust
and most rebellious;

ya man ahlaka 'aadan nil-oola

wa thamooda fama ab-qa

wa qowma noohin min qablo

innahoom kan-oo hoom azlama

wa atgha
walmo 'tafekata ahwa,

and overturned the ruined and

deserted towns;
O You that destroyed the people of
and annihilated the people of Sho'aib;

ya man dammara ' ala qowme


wa damdama, 'ala qowme


Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

O You that chose Ibrahim as a friend;

ya manit- tak-haza ibrahima


O You that chose Musa as one spoken


ya manit-takhaza moosa

and chose Muhammed (Your

blessings be upon him and his
Progeny, all of them) as Your

ya manit-takhaza mohammadan
sal-lal-aho ' alaihe wa alehi
ajma' eena habee-ban,

O You that gave unto Luqman


ya mo'teya loqmanal hikmata

wal-wahaba le-solaimana
and bestowed upon Sulaiman a
kingdom the like of which shall not be moolkan, la yambaghi le-ahedimmim-ba'dehi,
merited by anyone after him;

O You that did afford succour unto

the Zul Qarnayn against the mighty

ya man nasara zal-qarnaine ' aial-malookil-jababerate

O You that did grant unto Khizr long


ya man a'tal-khizral-hayata,

and brought back for Yusha, the son

of Nun, the sun after it had set;

wa radda le- yoosha 'abne noon ash-shamse ba'da ghoroobiha

O You that gave solace unto the heart

of Musa's mother;

ya man rabata, ala qalbe oome


and protected the chastity of Mariam,

the daughter of Imran;

wa ahsana farja ma-ryamab-nate


O You that did fortify Yahya, the Son

of Zakaria against sin;

ya man hassana yahya-bna

zakariya minaz-zambe,

and abated the wrath for Musa;

wa sakkana 'an moosal-ghazaba,

O You that gave glad tidings of (the

Birth of) Yahya unto Zakaria;

ya man bash-shera zakariyyabeyahya,

O You that saved Ismaeel from

slaughter by substituting for him the
Great Sacrifice;

ya man fada isma'eela minazzabhe be-zabhin ' azim,

O You that did accept the offering of


ya man qabela qoorbana habeela

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

and placed the curse upon Qabeel.

waj'alal-la'nata ' ala qabeela,

O Subduer of the alien hordes for

Muhammad - the blessings of Allah
be upon him and his Progeny -

ya hazemal-ahzabe le
mohammadin sal-lal-aho ' alaihe
wa alehi

bestow Your blessings upon

Muhammad and the Progeny of

salli ala mohammadin wa ' aale


and upon all Your Messengers and

upon the Angels that are near You

wa ' ala jami'il ambiyya'e walmoorsaleena wa malaa'ekatekalmoqarrabeena

and upon all Your obedient servants.

wa ahle ta-'ateka ajmaeena

wa as-aloka be-koolle mas-'alatin

And I beg of You all the requests
which anyone has begged of You with sa'alaka beha ahadoon mimman
razee-ta ' anho
whom You has been pleased

and unto whom You has assured the

granting thereof,

fahatamta lahoo ' alal ijabate,

O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,

ya allaho, ya allaho, ya allaho,

O Most Merciful, O Most Merciful, O

Most Merciful,

ya rahmano, ya rahmano, ya

O Most Beneficient, O Most

Beneficient, O Most Beneficient,

ya raheemo, ya raheemo ya

O Lord of Majesty and Grace, O Lord

of Majesty and Grace, O Lord of
Majesty and Grace.

ya zal-jalale wal-ikrame, ya zaljalale wal-ikrame, ya zal-jalale


Through You, Through You, Through

You, Through You, Through You,
Through You, Through You

behi, behi, behi, behi behi behi,


I beseech You with the help of all the

Names whereby You have named

as'aloka be-koolle ismin

sammaita behi nafsaka

or which You have revealed in any of

Your inspired Scriptures,

aw anza-itahoo fee shai-in min


or Which You have inscribed in Your

knowledge of the unknown;

awis-taatharta behi fee '1imilghaibe indaka

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

and (I beseech You) in the name of

the honored and exalted positions of
Your Throne,

wa bema'aqedil-izze min 'arsheka

and in the name of the utmost extent

of Your Mercy as expressed in Your
Book (the Quran)

wa be-moontahar-rahmate min

and in the name of that which "If all

the trees on earth were to become

wa bema low anna ma fil arze

min shajaratin aqlamoon

and the sea, with seven more seas to

help it, (were ink)

wal-bahro yamooddo-hoo

mim-ba'dehi sab'ato abhorin

the Words of Allah would not come to

an end.

ma nafedat ka-lematoollahe

Verily Allah is the Honoured, the

Wise" 31:27;

innal-laha azeezon hakeem,

And I beseech You with the help of

Your Beautiful Names which You
have praised in Your Book,

wa as'aloka be-asmaa'ekal
hoosnal-lati na'attaha fee

saying The most beautiful names

belong to Allah: so call on him by
them 7:180

faqoolta wa lillahil asmaa'oolhoosna fad-ooho beha

And You have said "Call unto Me and

I shall answer you 40:60

waqulta udooni astajib lakom

and You has said, "And when My

servants ask something of Me, lo, I
am near, and I grant the prayer of the
supplicant when he asks anything of
Me 2:186

wa qoolta wa iza sa'al-aka 'ibadi '

anni fa-inni qareeboon ojeebo
da'w-atad-da'e iza da'ane

And You has said, "O My servants

who have wronged yourselves,
despair not of the Mercy of Allah;

wa qoolta ya 'lbadeyal-lazeena
asrafoo ' ala anfosehim la taqnatoo min rahmatil-iahe

verilly Allah forgives all the sins;

innal-laha yaghferooz-zonooba

Therefore I pray unto You, My God,

and I ask You, My Cherisher and
and I hope from You, my Chief,

innahoo howal ghafooror ra'-him,

verily He is the Forgiving, the

Merciful." 39:53

wa ana as'aloka ya ilahi wa

a'dooka ya rabbe,

wa arjooka ya sayyadi

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

and I crave Your acceptance of my

prayer, O my Protector, even as You
have promised me,

wa atma'o fee ijabati,

ya mowlaya kama wa' ad-tani

and I call upon You even as You have wa qad da'owtoka kama amartani
commanded me
So, do unto me what pleases You to
do, O Generous One!

faf-al bi ma anta ah-lohoo, ya


And all Praise be to Allah, the

Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds,

wal-hamdo lil-iahe rabbil-' alameena,

and the blessings of Allah be upon

Muhammad and all His Descendants.

wa sal-lal-laho ' ala

mohammadin wa alehi ajma'een

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

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