Blood Bowl 7s A

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(for LRB 5.0) DISCLAIMER / CREDITS BloodBowl 7s (BB7s) is a modification of Games Workshops BloodBowl game.

This set of rules is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Blood Bowl is a trademark of Games Workshop Limited, and is used without permission. No challenge to their status is intended. Advertisements created by Sp0n on ( OVERVIEW BloodBowl is played at many different levels, ranging from the huge spectacle of the money spinning Majors to an unfriendly kick around on the local village green. BB7s represents the lower end of this scale and as such there are a number of modifications to the standard rules to reflect this level. The players are often unpaid and untalented, squads fewer in number, training sessions virtually unheard of, the game rife with bribery and corruption and the pitch smaller than normal. All of which contributes to a faster and more free flowing game. THE PITCH The pitch is 20 squares long and 11 squares wide. Each of the wide zones is 2 squares wide. There are two lines of scrimmage (one for each team), rather than just one in the middle of the pitch. These are 6 squares in from each End Zone (i.e. 6 squares apart from each other). SETTING UP THE GAME Each coach may set up 7 players between their End Zone and their line of scrimmage. In Blood Bowl Sevens the teams set up apart from each other. The standard restrictions apply with the exception that there is no minimum number of players set up on the line of scrimmage and no more than one player may start in each wide zone (normally two). THE KICK OFF After both players have set up, the coach of the kicking team places the football anywhere on the field except between the kicking teams Line of Scrimmage and the kicking teams End Zone. The kick off then proceeds as usual but a touchback only occurs if the ball goes off the field (as normal) or crosses back over the kicking teams Line of Scrimmage. Note: this may result in the ball finishing in front of the kicking team in no mans land.

THE KICK OFF TABLE The following Kick Off table is used. Roll 2D6 and consult the chart: Roll 2 Result Dog loose on the pitch: A dog has slipped its leash and decided to join in the fun. At the start of each players turn if the ball is on the ground then it immediately scatters one square. This effect lasts until a touchdown is scored or the half ends, at which point some semblance of control is restored. How long have we been playing?? Its not uncommon for the timekeeper to forget how long the teams have been playing and so make a quick adjustment. Roll one D6. On the roll of 1-3 the clock is moved back; move both players turn markers one square back. If this takes either turn marker to below 1 then neither turn marker moves. On the roll of 4-6 the clock is moved forwards; move both players turn markers one square forwards. If this takes both turns to 8 or more then the half ends immediately. Back in the game! Eager to get back on the pitch as soon as possible, any KOs are immediately moved to Reserves ready for the next drive. Even upper: A local fan decides that their team needs a little encouragement. If one side is losing they may immediately draw one Desperate Measure. If needed to declare before the match then apply the effects immediately instead. Bad Kick: The ball scatters a number of squares equal to the roll of two D6 on the kick-off, instead of only one D6. Changing Weather: Make a new roll on the Weather table. Apply the new Weather roll. If the new Weather roll was a Nice result, then a gentle gust of wind makes the ball scatter one extra square in a random direction before landing. Quick Snap! The offence start their drive a fraction before the defence is ready, catching the kicking team flat-footed. All of the players on the receiving team are allowed to move one square. This is a free move and may be made into any adjacent empty square. Broken Floodlights! Under cover of the encroaching darkness the kicking team sneak forwards after punting the ball. All players on the kicking team are allowed to move one square. This is a free move and may be made into any adjacent empty square. Mass Brawl!! Occasionally things get a little out of hand on the pitch, parental lineage is questioned or teams remember a previous slight. Either way its not long before a full scale brawl ensues. Roll a D6 for each player (including those in Reserves). On a roll of a 6 they are knocked out (thick skull cannot be used). CHAAAARGE! One of the defence tries to grab an advantage and starts before the offence is ready, trying to catch the receiving team flat-footed. One player on the kicking team may immediately take a Blitz action. Chuck a Rock: Each coach rolls two D6s and totals the result; the high scorers fans are the ones that threw the rock. A tie means that both teams are affected. Decide randomly which player in the other team was hit (only players on the field are eligible). Place the player prone and immediately make an Armour roll.

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PICKING A BLOOD BOWL SEVENS TEAM A Coach has 600gp with which to pick their Blood Bowl Sevens team. They may choose a team from any of those in Living Rule Book 5 (LRB5). Use the standard rules for choosing your Blood Bowl Sevens team, but with the following changes: 1. All team costs are divided by 1,000. So if a player usually costs 80,000gp in Blood Bowl, they will cost a total of 80gp to sign to your Blood Bowl Sevens team. Similarly, an Apothecary will cost 50gp (50,000gp / 1000). This reflects the unprofessional nature (low sponsorship and low pay) of the Blood Bowl Sevens leagues. 2. You must have between three and ten players on your team roster. Any other and the team will be expelled from the Blood Bowl Sevens league. Future purchases may not take the team above 10 players (the coaches run out of enough fingers to count them on otherwise). 3. Fan Factor, Assistant Coaches and Cheerleaders are for the professionals, not BB7s. None of these may be purchased. 4. Being an unprofessional league, good (or even bad) coaching staff are hard to find and players very rarely turn up for training anyway. Team re-rolls may not be purchased. 5. Players with restrictions of 0-1 may not be purchased. Players with restrictions of 0-2 become 0-1, restrictions of 0-4 become 0-2 and restrictions of 0-6 become 0-3. Other restrictions are unaffected. 6. Star Players may not be purchased, not even as freebooters. Blood Bowl Sevens is an unprofessional league and a Star Player wouldnt be seen dead in such a place let alone playing for a Blood Bowl Sevens team.

THROWING THE BALL As an unprofessional league, Blood Bowl Sevens players are not as athletic as their professional counterparts, however they are also not subject to the same sorts of pressures on the ball carrier. To represent this, the maximum range for throwing is reduced to Long Pass, however a Pass will only fumble on an unmodified roll of a 1. INJURIES Lacking the sophistication of professional fouls, the BB7s players struggle to put opposing players out for considerable periods of time. For the purposes of league play, ignore all Miss Next Game results. FREE PLAYERS The Undead Raise the Dead spell and Nurgles Rot abilities only work on a 4+ instead of automatically. This is because the necromancers are mere acolytes of the dark arts or that the Rot is not as potent. THE CROWD Due to poor attendances, there is no crowd as such. Players pushed out of bounds are placed in the Reserves box instead of making an Injury roll for them.

STAR PLAYER POINTS Players do not gain Star Player points in Blood Bowl Sevens. Instead, after every game, choose one player on your team rooster that took part in the match and roll a D6 and consult the Star Player Roll table as normal. This roll is made automatically and is the only manner in which a player can gain new skills. You must pick a player on your roster after each match you play and make a roll for them on the Star Player Roll table. You are not allowed to decline choosing a player and making the roll. You may pick a player that has already received a Star Player Roll (SPR) but the more skills a player receives, the greater the chance of them being noticed by a professional team and drafted into the professional Blood Bowl league (see The Draft below). NB: The Skill Leader may not be taken. THE DRAFT As players become more experienced there is a chance they will be noticed by a professional major league team. When this happens there is little a coach can do as their best player is poached on the promise of a huge salary, all the beer they can drink and a bevy of beautiful women. It is little wonder that not many players refuse such an offer. Every time you make a roll on the Star Player table you must make an additional roll to see if a professional Blood Bowl team has drafted the player in question. Roll one D6 and consult the table below: SP Rolls None 1 2 3 4 5 6 or more Title Rookie Experienced Veteran Emerging Star Star Super Star Legend Draft 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

If the score is less than the score shown on the Draft column then the player has not yet drawn the attention of a professional team and will continue playing for his Blood Bowl Sevens team. If the roll is equal to or more than the score required then the player is drafted into the professional Blood Bowl league and never seen by his Blood Bowl Sevens team again. You must immediately remove the player from your Roster and adjust your Team Rating accordingly. MATCH WINNINGS After a match, each coach must calculate their teams match winnings. Winnings can (and often do) differ due to bribery, corruption and illegal betting syndicates. The coach that won the match receives D8 x 10gp. The coach that lost the match receives D6 x 10gp. TEAM RATING A Blood Bowl Sevens Team Rating is calculated in the following manner. Add up the entire cost of the team in gold pieces, including any money that is in the team treasury. This number is then divided by 10 to give the teams base Team Rating score, which for starting teams will always be 60. In addition, an extra 10 points is added to the Team Rating for every SPR a player on the team roster has received. So if you had a team where three players had received 1 SPR each and one player had received 2 SPR, then you would add an additional 50 (5 SPR x 10) to your Team Rating. If a player is drafted out of your team you will need to make sure you amend your team rating appropriately, subtracting the cost of the player and any SPR they may have had from your Team Rating. INDUCEMENTS The standard Blood Bowl rules for inducements are not used. Instead use the Desperate Measures (below). DESPERATE MEASURES If the opposing team has a team rating that is more than 50 points higher than your own, you may use a Desperate Measure to try to even the odds in the match. Its important that you are able to keep the Desperate Measure selected secret until you use it, and so we recommend using the random number counters supplied with the game to pick it. Alternatively you may roll for the effect and make a note of it (in which case your opponent knows whats coming!!).

Desperate Measures (D12*) Result 1 - Razzle-Dazzle Action: One of your players has been practicing hard for the up-coming match because he has heard a scout from a big professional team will be watching. Declare: After one of your players has completed an action. Effect: That player may immediately take a second action. Note that the restriction on one Pass action per turn, etc still applies. 2 Banana Skin Action: One of your players has been snacking on an energy-boosting banana. Declare: When an opposing player enters a tackle zone of one of your players. Note that players without tackle zones may not use this Desperate Measure. Effect: Place the opposing player prone and make an Armour roll for them. This is not a turnover unless the opposing player was carrying the ball. 3 - Hangover! Action: One player on the opposing team has been out celebrating the night before the match and turns up late. Declare: Before the match. Effect: One random player on the other team must miss the first drive of the match. 4 Spy Action: You have hired a spy to steal your opponents playbook (scribbled on the back of a beer mat) in order to give you the edge in the match. Declare: After the opponent rolls the dice for a Pass or Catch. Effect: Forces the opponent to re-roll the result. 5 - Biased Referee Action: The referee has been bribed to turn a blind eye. Declare: When an opponent rolls a Foul action. Effect: The opposing player is grabbed by the referee and the moving team immediately suffers a turnover (as they attempt to argue the call). The Foul does not take place. 6 - Is It A Touchdown? Action: The referees view is momentarily obscured. Declare: When an opposing player scores a touchdown. Effect: The opposing team immediately suffers a turnover and the touchdown does not count this turn. They may score as normal from next turn onwards. 7 Assassin Action: You have hired an assassin before the match to take one opposing player out of the match. Declare: At the end of any of your turns, but before the opponent starts their turn. Effect: The assassin hits an opposing player with a poison dart. Pick one player on the opposing team and place them in the KnockedOut box in their dugout. 8 - Illegal Drugs Action: One of your players has been taking some performance enhancing drugs prior to the match. Declare Before the match. Effect: Choose one player on your team. That player has either their strength or their agility increased by 1 for the duration of the match. After a touchdown is scored or at the end of a half, roll a D6 for the player. On the roll of a 1 the player suffers an allergic reaction to the drugs and must miss the rest of the match 9 - Magic Scroll Action: A suspicious looking man from a betting syndicate gives you a spell scroll prior to the match. Declare: At any point during the match. Effect: Counts as having a Wizard on your team, allowing you to cast one spell. 10 - Grudge Match Action: Both teams have an ugly history of playing against each other Declare: Before the match. Effect: Your team may take any number of foul actions per team turn, rather than just one. 11 - Knuckle-Dusters Action: One of your players has smuggled some knuckle-dusters onto the pitch. Declare: When one of your players takes a block action. Effect: The victim of the block automatically fails their Armour roll make an Injury roll instead. 12 - Set Piece Action: In preparation for the big match your team has actually been practicing! Declare: When one of your players takes a pass action. Effect: You may add +1 to both the Pass and to the Catch rolls.

*if you dont have a D12 roll 2D6 (roll one at a time). If the second D6 is a 4, 5 or 6 then add 6 to the first roll.

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