Annuit y due is a series of equal cash flows occurring at equal t ime int ervals over a specified t iod. Lease payment s are a really good example of an annuity due.
Annuit y due is a series of equal cash flows occurring at equal t ime int ervals over a specified t iod. Lease payment s are a really good example of an annuity due.
Annuit y due is a series of equal cash flows occurring at equal t ime int ervals over a specified t iod. Lease payment s are a really good example of an annuity due.
Annuit y due is a series of equal cash flows occurring at equal t ime int ervals over a specified t iod. Lease payment s are a really good example of an annuity due.
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Fi nanci al Mat hemat i cs Annui t y Due
2010 ht t p: / / w w w .w eal l st ar t somew her
1 Cal cul at i ng Fut ur e Val ue Annui t y Due
FV = R_ (1 + r) n - 1 r _ (1 + r)
FV refers t o f ut ur e val ue R refers t o t he r egul ar pay ment s per compoundi ng per i od n refers t o t he number of compoundi ng per i ods r refers t o t he i nt er est r at e per compoundi ng per i ods
An annuit y is a series of equal cash flows occurring at equal t ime int ervals over a specified t ime period. Annuit y due refers t o t he fact t hat t he regular payment s ar e being made at t he begi nni ng of each per iod, hence t he name, annuit y due, payment is due i mmedi at el y .
Lease payment s are a really good example of an annuit y due. Lease arrangement s are a ser ies of regular payment s at t he beginning of each per iod occurr ing at equal t ime int ervals ( usually mont hly) over a specified t ime ( usually unt il t he end of t he lease arr angement ) .
The following t imeline should classify what we mean when we say t hat payment s are made at t he beginning of each period. The t imeline depict s a 6 per iod annuit y, wit h regular $100 payment s being made at t he begi nni ng of each per iod, occurr ing at equal t ime int ervals over a specified t ime per iod.
You will not ice t hat t he fut ure value annuit y due formula is very similar t o t he fut ure value ordinary annuit y formula. Because you receive a cash flow one per iod earlier it has t ime t o accumulat e for anot her per iod y ou i ncr ease i t s v al ue by ( 1+ r ) . Since every cash flow in t he annuit y has moved one period ear lier, t he fut ure value of t he ent ire annuit y get s t o accumulat e for an ext ra per iod and increases by ( 1+ r)
We will now t ake a look at some examples.
Fi nanci al Mat hemat i cs Annui t y Due
2010 ht t p: / / w w w .w eal l st ar t somew her 2 Ex ampl e 1 Jake rent s out a building t o an account ing pract ice. The lease arrangement is for 10 years. Every t hree mont hs Jake receives $10, 000 in rent . Payment s are made upfront . This money goes int o an account earning 7% p. a. compounded quart erly. What will be t he value of t he account at t he end of t he 10 year lease arrangement if Jake never wit hdraws from it ?
I t s always best t o det ermine what you are t rying t o find. I n t his example we are t rying t o find t he f ut ur e val ue, FV, of Jakes account at t he end of t he 10 year lease arrangement .
The lease arrangement is for 10 years and int erest is compounded semiannually. The number of compounding periods is 10yrs x 4 mont hs = 40.
The int erest rat e per compounding period is 0. 07 4 = 0. 0175.
Fv = R_ (1 +i) n -1 i _ (1 +i) FV = ? R = $10, 000 r = 0. 07 4 = 0. 0175 n = 10yrs x42 = 40
At t he end of t he 10 year lease arrangement Jake will have $582, 357.
Fi nanci al Mat hemat i cs Annui t y Due
2010 ht t p: / / w w w .w eal l st ar t somew her 3 Ex ampl e 2 Jake is awfully greedy and decides t hat he would rat her have $800, 000 in his lease account by t he end of t he 10 year lease arrangement . How much will Jake have t o charge every 4 mont hs?
So what are we t rying t o find? We are t rying t o find t he amount of regular payment s t hat Jake will charge, t hat being R, given t hat he want s t he f ut ur e val ue of his lease account t o be $800, 000.
Fv = R_ (1 +i) n -1 i _ (1 +i)
FV = $800,000 R = ? r = 0. 07 4 = 0. 0175 n = 10yrs x 4 = 40
Jake will need t o charge $13, 737 in rent every 3 mont hs t o have accumulat ed $800, 000 in t he lease account by t he end of t he 10 year lease arrangement .
Fi nanci al Mat hemat i cs Annui t y Due
2010 ht t p: / / w w w .w eal l st ar t somew her 4 Cal cul at i ng Pr esent Val ue Annui t i es Due
PV = R_ 1 - (1 + r) -(n-1) r _ + R
PV refers t o pr esent v al ue R refers t o t he r egul ar pay ment s per compoundi ng per i od n refers t o t he number of compoundi ng per i ods r refers t o t he i nt er est r at e per compoundi ng per i ods
Again you will not ice t hat t he present value annuit y due formula is very similar t o t he present value ordinary annuit y formula. Since t he init ial payment is made at t he beginning of each period inst ead of at t he end, we add back t his ver y first payment , R, t o t he present value ordinar y annuit y formula.
Ex ampl e 3 Jake is get t ing greedier and greedier each quest ion. Jake now want s t o det ermine t odays value of t he lease agreement , if he was t o charge $13, 737 each every 3 mont hs. Assume t hat t he account is st ill 7% p. a. and is compounded quart erly.
Pv = R_ 1 -(1 +i) -(n-1) i _ +R PV = ? R = $13, 737 r = 0. 07 4 = 0. 0175 n = 10yrs x 4 = 40
Todays value of t he lease agreement is $399, 673.
Fi nanci al Mat hemat i cs Annui t y Due
2010 ht t p: / / w w w .w eal l st ar t somew her 5 Ex ampl e 4 Jake decides t hat t his is simply not enough! Jake want s t odays value of t he lease agreement t o be $500, 000. How much will Jake have t o charge every 3 mont hs for t he present value of t he lease arrangement t o be $500, 000?
I n t his example we are t rying t o find R, t he regular payment s t hat Jake will have t o charge per compounding period.
Pv = R_ 1 -(1 +i) -(n-1) i _ +R PV = $500,000 R = ? r = 0. 07 4 = 0. 0175 n = 10yrs x 4 = 40
$Suu,uuu = R_ 1 - (1 +u.u17S) -(40-1) u.u17S _ +R
$Suu,uuu = 28R +R
Fact or i se R $Suu,uuu = R (28 +1)
R = $Suu,uuu (28 +1) = $17,241
Jake will need t o charge $17, 241 in rent every 3 mont hs for t he lease agreement t o have a present value of $500, 000.
Ex ampl e 5 I f Jake does decide t o charge $17, 421 in rent every 3 mont hs, what will be t he fut ure value of t he lease account ? Assume t hat t he account is st ill 7% p. a. and is compounded quart erly.
Fv = R_ (1 +i) n -1 i _ (1 +i) FV = ? R = $17, 421 r = 0. 07 4 = 0. 0175 n = 10yrs x42 = 40