Peter Owen I PETER OWEN BOOKS AN IMPRINT OF RUNNING PRESS PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA A QUINTET BOOK Fir!it publ ished in 1993 by Running Press Copyright 1993 Quintet Publlshins Limited, Al l rights reserved, No P<' rt of this publication mlly be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in lIny form or by lIny means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the of tile copyright holder. 987654321 Digit on the right indicates the number of this printing Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publiclltion Number 92-54943 ISBN 1-56138-225-6 This book was designed and produced by Quintet Publishing Limited 6 Blundf:11 Street London N7 9BH Project Editor: Uiur" Standelson Creetive Director: Richard Dewing Designer: James U1wrence Editor: Lydia DlIrbyshi re II lustrllt or: Peter Owen I'hot ogrllpher!i: Paul Forrester, George Steel e Typeset in Grellt Britain by Central SOuthern Typesetter!i, Eastbourne MCinufactured in Singapore by J Film Process pte Ltd Printed in Singapore by Stllr Standerdlndustries Pte Ltd Published by Courege Books, lin Imprint of Running Press Book Publishers 125 South Twenty-second Street PhilCidel pt)llI, 19103 WARNING Synthetic rope melts when heated. Friction may therefore cause the rope to weaken and break. The result,. especiaDy for climbers. could be fatal . Readers are strongly advised to exerdse extreme caution in situations where synthetic ropes may be exposed to friction damage, Page no 6 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 CONTENTS Introduction STOPPER KNOTS Overhand knot Overhand loop Multiple overhand knot Heavi ng line knot Figure-ot-eight knot HITCHES Half hit ch Highwayman's hitch (ow hitch Timber hitch Transom knot Constri ctor knot Clove hitch Clove hitch, dropped over a post Clove hitch, made on a ring fi sherman's bend Cat's paw Bill hitch Rolling hitch Round turn e! nd two half hitches Italian hitch Prusikknot LOOPS Figure-ot-eight loop Threaded figure-of-eight Bowline Bowline, casting method Climber's bowl ine Bowline on a bight Bowline, rope under tension Spanish bowline
GP Cl CA Sl FS Page no 46 47 48 49
53 54
59 60
67 68 70 71
72 73
79 KEY: GP "" General Purpose Cl "" Climbi ng CA = ( ampl ng SL = sailing FS = Fishi ng Angl er's loop Three-part-crown Alpine butterfly knot BENDS Reef knot Capsized reef knot Thief knot Surgeon's knot Fisherman's knot Double fisherman's knot Hunter's bend Sheet bend Fi gure-of-eight bend Carrick bend RUNNING KNOTS Running bowline Hangmen's knot Noose Tarbuck knot SHORTENINGS Sheepshank Loop knot FISHING KHOTS Blood knot Half tucked blood knot Blood loop dropper knot Turle knot Water knot Grinner knot Double grinner knot Double loop knot Needle knot Glossary GP CL CAS L FS
A knot is simply a cDlmeclion in a thread, cord or length of rope formed either by pnssing one free end - known as a working end - through a loop and drawing it tight or by intertwining or tying together pieces of thread, cord or rope. However, there are several quite distinct groups of knot - hitches and bends, binding knots, stopper knots, knot s that form nooses or loops QlId knots that join small lines together. Each knot serves a different purpose, and although it is not necessary to know a large number of different knots - four or five should suffice in most circumstances - it is important to know which blOt is best suited to the conditions in which it is to be used. You should also bear in mind thai any knot, no matter how carefully and securely tied, will reduce the breaking sirain of a line by between 5 and 20 percent. Just before it breaks, a knot slips. The more tightly you can draw a knot when you are tying it , the greater the strain it will withstal1d before it slips.
6 ROPE MANUFACTURE Traditionally made rope is formed of the fi bers of materials that have been twisted together. If you look at an ordinary piece of three-strand rope, you will find that it is laid right-handed - that is, no ma tt er which way up you hold it, the strands appear to ascend upward and to the right. This is because when it is made, the first group of fibers are twisted to form right-hand yarni the yarn is then twisted together the other way to form left-hand strands; and the strands are twisted together to form right-laid rope. The tension created by the alternate di recti on of the twists holds the rope toget her and gives it strength. Even when a st rand is uncoiled from the rope, the remaining two strands wi ll cling toget her, leavi ng a clearly defined gap in which the missing strand should li e. The way a separated strand is laid-up is a vital concept to grasp for it is t, he basic principle on which ropemaki ng is based. Natural tiber ropes Unti l about the ti me of World Wa r II, rope was made from na tural materials - hemp and manill a, cotton, coir, fl ax or sisal. Now, however, a range of synthetic fibers means that there is a specialized rope for every possible application. Most rope made from natural fibers is three- strand and right-laid. Left-hand rope is much scarcer and is often four-s trand. There is also a six-strand rope, which is made in France, but this type of rope has a hollow core, which has to be filled wi th cheap stuff. Four-strand rope is approxi mately 10 percent weaker than its three- strand equivalent, and remarkable, cable-laid line (that is, three three-strand ropes laid up left-handed to form a ni ne-strand cable) is 40 percent weaker than the same size of hawser- laid (that is, ordinary three-strand) rope. There are many obvious problems associated wi th natural fiber rope. When wet it swells, making it extremely difficult to untie the knot - the rope also tends to become qui te brittle. Elements such as ha rsh sun and chemi cals also tend to wea ther the rope. Synthetic ropes Even though natural rope is strong, it is not as strong as it would be if the fibers ran the whole length of the rope. Synthetic ropes, on the other ha nd, can be made [rom one conti nuous length. The filaments do not have to be twisted together to make them cohere. A wide range of synthetic ropes has been developed since World War II, but they all share some characteristics: size for size they are lighter than ropes made from nat ural fibers; they are available in a variety of colors; and they are cheaper than Rop" is madr up of fibers twisted together, filch in tke opposite direction 10 the previous one to form Ihe yam; these are twisted loge/ker Ihe opposite way 10 form slra'lds whick in lum are Iwis/M to form right-laid rope. COMMONLY USED ROPE E l A, ST ICA, T ED ' I J ~ G ( ( S I S A, l 7 ( ~
z ~ ~ 0 Wkichevtr way you examine " right-hand laid rope, notia c how the strands a/ways n IlSand upward lind to the ~ right . Left-mmd lIIid rope is a 0 fllrity. Z s T ~ A, ... 0 Y A, R ... FIBERS z o ~ v => " o z Sy111hrtic rope can be either laid-up (above) or braided ill IIle 5Ilme li.'fiy that natural fiber rope is: all Oilier braided slleatll surroUllds an inner core (below); tile lalier is markedly superior to thai of laid-up ropt', eSI7f!cially in climbing situations. laid-lip rope is tire dlearer of the two. natural fiber ropes. In addition, synthetic ropes have a high tensile strength and outstanding load-bearing qualities; they are capable of absorbing shocks; they are immune to rot, mildew and degradation from salt water; and they are resistant to chemical damage and corrosion from oils, petrol and most solvents. Moreover, because they absorb less water than ropes made of natural fibers, their breaking strains remain more constant when they are wet. Nylon (polyamide) ropes are strong and stretch, which make them useful for towing. Nylon ropes also absorb shock loads extremely well, and they do not float. Polyester ropes, on the other hand, give very little stretch, although they are nearly as strong as nylon ropes. Polypropylene is used to make a popular general-purpose rope, which is often used by sailors, but it floats, which may rule it out for some instances. Polyethylene rope is not as strong as other types of synthetic rope and is not widely used. One of the strongest of the synthetic substances is aramide, but it is expensive and sensitive to ultraviolet light. One of the main disadvantages of synthetic ropes, however, is that they are so smooth that some knots slip undone. The old-fashioned fiber ropes had their own built-in resistance to slippage, but synthetic rope may need to be secured by an extra half hitch or tuck. Partly to overcome this, one kind of synthetic rope is made in the old way, by first choppi ng up the filaments into shorter lengths, and then, twisting them in alternate directions, by building up the strands and then the rope itself. This is known as laid-up rope. The other group of synthetic ropes are plaited 8 or braided. Plaited usually describes rope that i5 formed of solid plaits of four- or eight-stranded. Braided rope has a sheath of 16 or more strands surrounding an inner hollow braided core or a solid core of parallel or only slightly twisted filaments. Another major problem that may be encountered with synthetic ropes is that they melt when they are hea ted, and it is possible for sufficient heat to be generated simply by two ropes rubbing against each other. This is, obviously, of vital importance to mountaineers, who should always be quite certain that none of their ropes is likely to rub against another. Jt is even possible for the heat generated by friction to cause the rope that is tied in a knot to fuse together, so that it can never again be untied. A rope that is twice the diameter of another will be four times as strong. It is not necessarily always true, however, that the stronger of two ropes is the one to select. In some circumstances, elasticity may be more important than strength - if the rope has to bear shock loads, for example - an.d then a rope made of polyester polyamide would be better. Do not buy rope that is too stiff. Laid-up rope that is made from relatively thick multifilaments that are twisted tightly together will give excellent resistance to wear but may be awkward to tie, and knots may not hold well. Remember that, despite what the salesman may tell you, rope does not get more supple with time. Beware, too, of very soft twisted rope. Sailors should not use a rope that floats for anchoring purposes in ports. A floating rope will inevitably be severed by the propellers of motor boats. Floating lines should be used only for rescue work, light buoys and so forth. How TO CHOOSE A ROPE Rope should be chosen accordi ng to the situation for which it will be used - considering carefully both the material and the type (braided or laid- up). Pu"""" .....,. CUmbing Towing AnChorage Moon"" Halyards Fishing Material purpose Polyester X X X ""'" X X X X X X "". .-M X X Sealing ends When you buy synthetic rope (TOm a chandlery, an electrically heated knife is used to cut the rope to Ihe required lengt h. This gives a sharp edge and seals the end. When you cut synthetic rope yourself, however, you will probably use an ordinary sharp knife and then melt the end of the rope with a cigarette li ghter or an electric ring. looking after rope Rope is expensive so always look after it. Try to avoid dragging it over sharp or rough edges, or over surfaces where particles of dirt and grit will penetra te the fibers. Do not force rope into harsh kinks. Use floating lines only for rescue work, li ght buoys, etc. COILING A ROPE The junction of coiling is that ropt will be immediately ufll'SSibJl'ulld u7I/a7lgll'd whell 1I=l1'd. Coiltd rupt is usl'jul if you want to sling the rope on your backpack OT OWl" your shouldl'r. Ill: \ --) ( ----- - -....., dlJi ---------
9 SOME BREAKING LOADS (l bs) Diame-kr 1In : 25.4mm 6mm 8mm 10mm aramldcore 2_ 5510 .... nykJn, 3-strand 1650 2980 4590 polyester, 3strand 1250 22'0 3500 polyester, 16-brald 2200 3750 5730 1100 2000 3000 poIythene, 3-strand 880 1540 2400 Before coiling it, always make sure tha i the rope is dry, even if it is synthetic. If it has been in sea water, rinse it with fres h water to remove any deposits of salt. At the end of the season, wash ropes thoroughly in a detergent, carefully removing any oil or tar stains with petrol or trichloroethylene. Tying knots weakens ropes. The sharper the curve and the tighter the nip, the greater is the chance that the rope will break, and when it does so it will brea k immediately outside the knot. Many often-used knots are surprisi ngl y harmful to rope, the worst offender being the simple overhand knot (see page 12). Never use two ropes of different materials together because only the more rigid of the two will work under strain. o o c
o z z o ~ u ~ Q o z Selecting knots One of the main reasons for selecting one knot rather than another is the relative s trength of the knots. This is especially true for climbers and mountaineers, but it is also a consideration for mariners. Other characteristics such as speed and ease of tying, bulk and reliability will also influence the choice. Climbers gene rally use knots tha t aTe bulky and that have several wrapping turns, which are designed to absorb strains and to avoid weakening the rope unnecessarily. Knots used by climbers must be checked regularly, eSpecially if stiff rope is used, because it is more difficult to tie than more flexible line and the knots may be less secure. Anglers use similar, but much smaller, barrel- shaped knots, partly to improve their chances of a good ca tch and partl y to safeguard expensive fishing gear. Generally, you should also untie knots as soon as possible afler use. This will be easier if you choose a suitable knot in the firs t place. And remember that knots that disappear when they are sli pped off their foundations such as the clove hitch and Prusik knot (see pages 24 and 34) are no less strong or secure. Finally, remember that tying knots requires practise. You must be able to tie them quickly and easily when you are halfway lip a mountain or at sea. The only way to gain the necessary skill and confidence is to practise each knot over and over aga in until the steps become automatic and you do not have to think about them. In some circumstances your life or the lives of your companions could depend on it. ROPE PARTS STANDING END R 0 P E I G H T HOW TO USE THIS BOOK The di"'gr",ms Ih"'l compl etely different knot .
GENERAL PURPOSE accompany the The knots in thi s book can descriptions of the knots be used i n different are intended to be self situ",tions: general expl ;!.natory. Theauows purpose, cl imbing, CAM"NG indicate the directions in umping, 5.) iling and which you should push or fishing; these n e shown pull the working ends of below u symbols. CllMllIoIG your line, while the Each knot in the book is dotted lines indicate accompanied by the intermedi",te positions of rel ev;!.nt symbolJs; ~ the rope. Always follow designed to give you at", S A I l I 101 G the order indicated of glance i nformation about going over or under a the uses of a particular length of line; reversing knot. 11 this order could result in a f I S N I 101 G 10 OVERHANO KNOT OVERHAtlO lOOP "-" MULTIPLE OVERNANO KNOT STOPPER KNOTS
This group of knots is most often used to prevent the end of a length of rope, string or small stuff slipping through an eye or a hole. Stopper knots can also be used to bind the end of a line so that it will not unravel, and they can also be used as decoration. At sea they are frequently used to weight lines or on running rigging, and they are also used by climbers, campers and fishermen. The simple overhand knot, which is the basis of so many other knots, is a stopper knot. Sailors tend to Il se the Jigure eight knot for general use and multiple overhand knots to weigh down or decorate the ends of knots.
11 HEAVING lltlE KtlOT f i GURE EIGHT KNOT / I I I I I \ / I / / , I I I t?' ' - --""<3IIr-----
12 Also kllown ns: THUMB KNOT This is the knot that forms the basis of mos t other knots . In its own right it is used as a simple stoppe r knot in the end of a line. It is not, howeve r, widely used by sai lors as it is extremely difficult to untie when the rope is wet. Tight overhand knots on small stuff can also be difficult to undo. . ~ OVERHAND LOOP t;;;;J This is a rather ungainly knot, but it is extremely useful in circumstances where a bulky stopper is required. It is, in fact, the loop that most people would tie without thinking i f they needed to fasten a knot in the end of a length of string. The drawback is that the line wi!! probably have to be cut because the knot is difficul t to untie. j;;;;;; .1 , / . ~ I ~
MULTIPLE OVERHAND KNOT Also known as: BLOOD KNOT This knot's alternative na me has a rather gruesome derivation: the knot USL>d to be tied in the ends of the lashes of the cat Q' nine ta ils, the whi p used for flogging in both the British Army and Navy until the punishment's official abolit ion in 1948. A far less grisly use is as a weight in the cords with which Capuchin monks tie their habits. Sai lors use the knot as a stopper or weighting knot on small sluff, although it is difficu lt to untie when the line is wet. When you lie the knot, keep the loop open and slack, and then pull gentl y on both ends of the line simultaneously, twisting the two ends in opposite di rections as you do so. ~I _ L - ___ ~ ~ ____________________ ~ o 13 14 HEAVING LINE KNOT Also known as: FRANCISCAN KNOT, MONK'S KNOT This knot is principally used for sailing when a heavy line is to be thrown ashore or aboard another boat. It is attached to a heaving line- that is, a light line - which can be thrown ahead so that the heavier line can be pulled across the gap. The knot is tied to the end of the lighter ) line to give it the necessary additional weight. Heaving lines are usually 1f.z-.. inch in diameter and may be up to 80 feet long. They should float and be fl exible, and it is important that they be strong enough to bear a man' s weight. The knot's alternative names derive from its use 10 weight the ends of the cords that Franciscan monks use as belts.
(-\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I > = ~ I 15 I J \ I ' -
IZS FIGURE EIGHT KNOT Also knmon as: FLEMISH KNOT, SAVOY KNOT This interlacing knot has for long been regarded as an emblem of interwoven affection, appearing in heraldry as the symbol of fait hful love. It also appears in the arms of the House of Savoy. The knot, which is made in the end of a line, with the upper loop around the standing pari and the lower loop around the working end, is widely used by sailors on the running rigging . ... _ .. ----- _L---- _.----- _L------..........--...-
FIGURE-OfEIGHT CHAIN This popular decorative chain can be made, quite simply, by making a series of figure-of-eight knots all in the same dire<:tion. II can be used as a belt or strap (or ... shoulder bag. 16 - ~ \ HIGHWAYM A N ' S HIT C H T I MBER HITCH C ONSTR IC TOR KHOT (lOVE HI TCH HITCHES
Hitches are knots that are used to secure a rope to a post, hook, ring, spar or rail or to another rope that plays no part in the actual tying. Hitches do not keep their shape on their own. Because they are often used by sailors jar mooring, lashing and fastening f they must be able to withstand parallel strain.
~ HIGHWAYMAN' S HITCH Also known as: DRAW HITCH The name highwayman's hitch comes from the fact the knot was supposedly used by robbers to insure a swift release for thei r horses' reins and thus a rapid get-away. A single pull on the working end unti es the knot, but the standing part can safely be put under lension.
IZE HALF HITCH The half hitch is among the most widely used of fastenings, but it is, in fact, a temporary knot, formed of a single hitch made around the standing part of another hitch - as in a round tum and two half hi tches, for example. The knot is not meanl lo lake any strain but is ra ther used to complete and strengthen ot her knots, which may then be used for tying, hanging or hooking. T WO H " ' l ~ HI TCH tS $IHG l E H AL F HITCH 18 Tilt o/roious uS<? oflhe Higlmraymol1's l1il(/1 is to tet/rtr horses Imd stmy dogs, 11111 ;/ is useful ill other ways, such us IVWI'rill8 oI!;ects Gild mnk;lIg tem)lomry fasten ings. 19
Cow HITCH Also knowlI as: L ANYARD /l lTel I This hitch, composed of two single hitches, is generall y made around a ring and is probably the least secure of all the hitches, and it should be regarded as only a temporary fasten ing. It s name sugges ts its most common use - as a means of tethering livestock. , / / o ~ TIMBER HITCH Whfll a single hitch is added to tile "corer elld 0[11 log or spr,r, with Illil1l/>I'r hi/dllli the jurl/lcr end, the resil/ting KiIliclr ii i/eli mabies tile load to be draXXed wi/holll il swhrginSaroumi , 21 This dist inctive-looking knot is really only a temporary noose, formed by twisting the worki ng end around its own part and not around the standing part. Three twists are usually sufficient to secure the rope around such objects as tree trunks, planks or poles so that they may be raised or lowered or dragged or pulled. More twists may be needed if the object to be moved is especially thick. Unfortunately, this knot is easily tied incorrectly. I I m I U ~ I Tying logetiler the cross-bars (Jfu kil l' is best donI' with 11 TranSlllll/mol , 22 . IA
TRANSOM KNOT Gardeners will find thl' transom knot particularly useful for making trelli ses or tying up bean poles. It is si milar to the constri ctor knot (see page 23), and, as wit h thai knot, the ends may be t ri mmed off for neatness. Alt hough i t can be prized undone, it is probably easier simply 10 cut through the diagonal, when the two halves will fall apart. /' Tile COlls/rictor knot is popular as an all-purpose knot becallse it is a firm kllol which does/I'/ slip. ~ CONSTRICTOR KNOT This knot has grown in popularity in recent years, and it has dozens of uses . It can be used on the ends of ropes as permanent or temporary whipping; it can be used to secure fabric bags such as those containing bouquet garni; i t can be used in woodworking to hold two pieces in position while the glue dries. 23 The knot is formed from an overhand knot, trapped beneath a crosswise round turn, which holds it firmly in place. The constrictor knot will stay tied and grip firmly, and, in fact, the rope may have to be cut free unless the last tuck is made with a bight to produce a slipped knot. m I U ~ I Also known as: BOATMAN'S KNOT, PEG KNOT The name clove hitch firs t appeared in Falconer's Dictionary of the Marine in the 18th century, but the knot was probably known for centuries before then. The main advantage of the clove hitch is that, given practise, it can be tied around a post with just one hand, which makes it particularly useful for sailors who may, for example, need to tie a dinghy to a ballard with one hand while 24 holding onto a guard rail with the other. Although it is often recommended as a mooring knot, the clove hitch is not, however, totally secure if the strain is intermittent and at an inconstant angle, and while it will afford a temporary hold, it should be replaced by something more stable as soon as is practicable. Adding a stopper knot or making one or two half hitches around the standing part of the rope will make the knot more secure, Campers often use it to secure tent poles, which is the origin of one of its alternative names, the peg knot.
Iftllr Clave hilch is loaet as a mooring kiwi, a sloppt'r kllol sI,o,lid be added for srmty. o 25 The big ht in a slipped dove hitch enables the knot to be quickly undone when the rope is under strain . I I U I
~ ~ CLOVE HITCH, DROPPED OVERA POST The knot formed when two overlapping half hitches <He dropped over a post is widely used in sailing for mooring to bO!1ilfds on quaysides. It is also useful in camping for tightening guy ropes. 26 / CLOVE HITCH, MADE ON A RING This particular version of the clove hitch is more commonly used in mountaineering than in sai ling, for in sailing the ring is usually narrower than the rope, which ca n become bad ly chafed and therefore dangerous. Climbers use it to regulate the lengt h of rope between the climber and the piton (that is, the peg or spi ke driven into rock or a crack to support the rope). 27 m . IZE FISHERMAN'S BEND A l so known as: A NCHOR BEND If the cow hi tch is the least secure of the hitches, the fi sherman's bend is the most stable. Simpl y formed by making two turns around the post or through the ring and then tucking the working CD 28 end through both turns, the knot is widel y used by sail ors to moor their boats at the quayside. Extra security can be provided by adding a half hitch. The knot's other na me - the anchor bend- deri ves from the fact that sailors use it to tie on the anchor ring, although a stopper knot should be added (or safety's sake. fl S HERMAN " S l END WI T H AN ADDED HALf HIT C H
CAT'S PAW o 29 Because the strain is equal on both sides, this is the best hook knot for rope of medium diameter. It has long been used by dock workers and sailors to sling heavy loads, and the name ca t' s paw has been current since at leasllhe early 18th century. When a single pa rt of a loaded rope is hung over a hook, the line is weakened by about one-t hird. A cat's paw, securely drawn up, gives the additional assurance thai, should one leg break, the other will lasllong enough to allow the load to be safely ioweI'd to the ground. o 0' I I V ~ I r;:<i IZD BILL HITCH This knot can be made and untied easil y, and it is suitable for use wi th large diameter ropes. It is not, however, used for sailing purposes very much and tends to be associated with campi ng activities. It is good for hoisting light objects aloft . o
o 30 / CD Tire maill Rollillg hitch is its ability to s/idetQsily%llg Ot( lint to which it iso/taclitd. Dileo/ traditiO/la/llses of/he lorol is formakillg Ihejlag irlllyard/as/ to IlIebllrgce staff or fo r hoislirrg thelIa/yard ilOriumlally. 31 ROLLING HITCH
Also known as: M AGNER'S /fiTCH, MAGNUS HITCH This useful knot is basicall y a clove hi tch with the first turn repeated. It is employed by bot h mariners and mountaineers and is the most effective way of securing a small rope to a larger line that is under strain. As long as the smaller rope is perpendicular to the larger, the knot will slide easi ly along; once tension is exerted on the standing pari and working end of the smaller rope, the knot locks in position. If you place your hand over the knot and slide it along the thicker line it will slide off the end and uncoil into a straight length of rope. The name rolling hitch has been used since the 1840s; before then the knot was known as magner's or magnus hitch. m
~ ~ ROUND TURN AND TWO HALF HITCHES Use this versatile knot whenever you need to fasten a line to a ring, hook, handle, pole, rail or beam. It is a strong, dependable knot, which never jams. It has the additional advantage that once one end has been secured with a round turn and two half hi tches, the other end can be tied wi th a second knot, which ma kes it invaluable for fastening unwieldy objects to automobile roof racks. 32
TWO HA lf HITCHES ITALIAN HITCH Also hlOwn as: MUNTER FRICTION HITCH, SLIDING RING HITCH This addi tion to the mountainee rs' lexicon of knots was int roduced in 1974, and it is the official means of belaying (that is, fixing a rulUling rope around a rock or a cleat) of the TIIC / I ~ l i l 1 / l l l i l c l l is 1111 inlloval i!Jf: climbillg kll ot IIsed for belaying; ils cI,fe! advantage being its means oj absorb/lIS the ellergy of Q jail. 33 Union Internationale des Associations d' Alpi nisme. The rope is passed around and through a ca rabiner and will check a climber' s fall by locking up. AJternativel y, the rope can be paid out or pulled in to provide slack or tension as required. The major disadvantage of the knot is that it is easy to tie incorrectly. I I
34 Ij PRUSIK KNOT This knot is named after Dr Carl J'rusik, who devised it in ]931. It is a comparatively simple knot to tie, which is used by climbers to attach slings to a rope so that they slide smoothly when the knot is loose but hold firm when a sideways load is imposed. Although the knot does not always slide easily, once the load is in place it can be released only by removing the weight and freeing the turns of the rope. The Prusik knot is useful for anyone who has to scale awkward heights- tree surgeons and (avers, for example - as well as for climbers, who use it as a safety mechanism when abseiling or rappelling (that is, descending a steep rock face by using doubled rope fixed ilt a higher point). The knot must be tied with rope thai is considerably thinner than the line around which it is tied, and it is important to note that it may slip if the rope is wet or icy. 1HRI"'0(0 fiGURE liGHT 10WlII<I( C ll"'I'R ' 10WliHI 10Wll"' 0" ... liGHT Loops
Loops are made to be dropped over an object, unlike hitches, which are made directly arollnd the object and- follow its shape. They are knots formed by folding back the end of a rope or Line into an eye or loop and OWl fastening it to its standing part so that the knot is fixed and does /lot move, Sailors find loops, especially the bowline, indispensable.
35 5''''"1511 10WlI"' "'"GlER ' S lOO' T"Rll .... RT C R 0." "'l""' IUTTERflY kNOT o o
/Zl] FIGURE EIGHT LOOP Thl' Figuretight /0011 15 particularly suitnl for use with mool'rn hatntsstS bccauSt'of IItl' symmetry. It is strong. uncomplirol cd Qnd IInlikl'ly /0 wa,k ilSl!lfloose. 36 Also kflOWII as: FIGURE EIGHT ON TIlE BIGHT Alt hough this knot is di fficult to adjus t and ca nnot easily be untied after loading, its adva ntages outweigh these drawbacks. 1\ is a comparatively simple knot to ti e, and it stays tied, even when stiff rope is used. In addition, because ils appearance is unmistakable, it can be qui ckly checked, which is important when it is used by d i.mbers. This general purpose loop is 0111110 often used by climbers to atta(h a line to a carabiner. / THREADED FIGURE EIGHT This is a variation of the figure eight loop. The most frequent uses of the threaded figure eight are for tying on to the rope and for anchoring non-climbing members of a tea m. This is probably the commonest way of attaching rope to the harness. Tying-on using a Bowline is equally satisfactory, but not as popular. 37 A stopper knot must be added when the threaded figure eighlloop is used to tie on 11 line.
o o o o ~ IZE BOWLINE The bowli ne is simple, strong and stable. It is one of the best known and most widely used of knots, especially among sailors, and is generally tied to form a fixed loop at the end of a line or to attach a rope to an object. At sea it is used on running riggi ng and for hoisting, joining and salvage work. Tie a bowline by forming a loop in the standing pa rt of the line. Pass the working end up through the eye of the loop, around the back of the standing part and then down through the 38 eye again. For safety's sake, finish the bowline off with a stopper knot to prevent it from turning into a sli p knot. Among the knot' s advantages are t he facts that it does not slip, come loose or jam and that it can be quickly and easily untied, even when the line is under tension. A major disadvantage can be that if it is tied with stiff rope, it is liable to work loose as the li ne cannot "bed down" properly. The running bowline makes a noose that falls open as soon as the tension is removed from the line. The left-handed bowli ne is not as secure as the bowline itself and should be avoided. If the bowline is tied too loosely it may turn into a slip knot. Always finish it off with a stopper knot. / BOWLINE, CASTING METHOD Use the method of tying a bowline illustrated here when you need to fasten a line around an object. When synt hetic rope is used to tie this knot, it might be less reliable. It is a good idea to secure the end with an extra half-hitch, or tuck it and trap it beneat h one of the rope's strands. o o o o ~ I Z B CLIMBER'S BOWLINE Also known as: BULIN KNOT Climbers use the bowline - which is known by them as the bulin knot-as a safety measure during ascents, when it is clipped into the carabiner. Climbers also tie this knot directly around their waists so that they can adjust the length of line before undertaking an ascent. Whenever it is used in this way, the knot must be finished off with a stopper knot. 40 \ ) The Climber's bowIiue is fosl to tie alld is easily umlOllc after it has beelr iWllvily loaded, bill il dOtrs have II tellde/lcy 10 work loose, especially i[lIlc rope is stiff. II shOldd always, therefore, be llsed in c(mjullctiOll willI II Stopper kilO!, 4'
o o BOWLINE ON A BIGHT This is an ancient knot, but one that is still in use today, especially in sea rescues. If the person who is being rescued is conscious, he or she places a leg through each loop and hangs on to the standing part. If the casualty is unconscious, both legs are placed through one loop while the other loop is passed under the armpits . The knot is equally suitable for salvaging inanimate objects. 42 The knot is formed fro" two loops of equal size. The loops overlap olher but be opened out and used separately.
) BOWLINE, ROPE UNDER TENSION This knot is used by sai lors to altach boats to rings. The standing part remains taut throughout, whi le the worki ng end is tied to create a secure fastening. 43 o o ~ ~ o o -" SPANISH BOWLINE Also known as: CHA.IR war TIlis is an extremely strong knot that is used by firemen (when it is known as the chair knot), coastguards and mountain rescuers. Li ke the bowline on a bight, it is an ancient knot, which is formed of two separate and independent CD , 44 loops that hold securely, even under considerable strain. One loop is slipped over the casualty's head, around the back and under the armpits; the other loop goes around hoth legs, just behind the knees. It is vital that each loop is adj usted to size and locked into position, otherwise an unconscious casualty could easily fall - perhaps to his or her death - through the loops. / Tht Spanish bowline is II u-rsatill' kno, which is lised ill mallY silualions including r=:lI ing peoplefrol'll the seQ and hOisting objects in If hori:wntal position. 45 o o o o ~ Ii ANGLER'S LOOP Also known as: PERFECTION LOOP The angler's loop is known to have been in use since the 18705. It is, as its name suggests, most frequently employed by fi shermen. In addition to fi shing line, it call be tied wi th string or fine synthetic li ne . Authorities differ about whether it is a sui table knot for rope. It is difficult to untie, which may militate against its use at sea, and it is prone to jam. It is also a ra ther bulky knot. 46 OIICC the angkr's loop is ma5lercd. il fal! be lied very qllickly. ami il is a/St.) a very secllre and stable knOI, Campers liSt' it hi 11 variety of ways. . 1:<' THREE-PART CROWN This is a secure knot, but it is not generall y used by sailors because it is difficult to untie after it has supported a heavy weight. It is sometimes used by campers to hang food and gcar. II can also be used as a decorative knot from which to hang objects. 47 o o ~ ~ o o 48 ALPINE BUTTERFLY KNOT This symmetrical knot is sometimes used by climbers, who loop it around the chest. It will hold equally well whichever end is he ld; it can be tied quickl y; the loop does not shrink when the knot is tightened; and it (<In be easily untied. Its main disadvantage is that i t is difficult to tie and with the increased use of the Italian hitch, the Alpine Butterfly knot has lost much of its popularity. I llf II,.. O T CA ' !l ll Cl IIllf 11" 01 ( ~ " " 1 0 TH I Ef II"'OT S U I GIO" ' ! .,..OT FlSHEI"' A "" S l("'Of BENDS
Bends are used to join the ends of two lengths of rope to form one longer piece, Ideally, to insure that the knot is secure, the two ropes that are to be joined should be of the same kind and have the same diameter, Unusually however, the sheet bend (see page 57) is secure even when it is used to join ropes of different diameters,
49 DOUILl fl S HIIIMAN ' S JIC"OJ HU"1EI ' ! IE"O "' SHEET IE"O flGUlI1 liGHT I l " 0 ~ " z w m
gD REEF KNOT Also known as: SQUARE KNOT This is an ancient knot, which was known during the Late Stone Age. The Ancient Greeks knew it as the Hercules knot, and it was also tied in Ancient Rome. It is often the onl y knot - apa rt from the granny knot - Ihat many people know, and when the ends are only partly drawn through the knot to leave loops and to form a doubl e reef bow, it is frequently used to tie shoe laces. Its traditional and proper use is WAINU4 THIIIIIOT II NOT A IAFI.IHD AND IHOUlD NIVIII. tllD WitH 10,.1 0' DlfnlIM' DIAMIUI$.
The reef of a sail is that part which is roll ed and tied up by the ree f points to reduce the area caught by the wind, and the ease with which a reef knot can be sli pped apart made it perfect for reefing sails. When one end of a reef knot is pulled sharply or is subjected 10 strain, the knot will untie and become unstable. Capsized reef knots have caused accidents and should be used with caution. 50 to join the two ends of a rope when reefing a sail. Bot h short ends of the knot are on the same side- if they are not, it is a thief knot-and the knot is flat- if it is not, it is a granny knot. The fecf knot is more secure than both the thief knot and the granny knot, but it should be used only as a temporary measure and with lines of the same diameter that wil l not be subject to strain. If il has to be used wi th lines that will bear considerable weight, stopper knots should be tied in the short ends. \ 51 Usually the red knot can by pulling sharply on one of the short ends. A cow hitch is The Rcefknol is a mulli purpose kiwi which is symmetrical and made from two /rights. lis beauty IiI'S in its simplic;ty. then formed, which can easily slide off the straight length of rope. ~ o z THIEF KNOT \ "- \ " " , According to legend, sailors on whaling ships used this knot to tie their clothes bags. Thieves would retie them with reef knots, thus revealing that the bags had been burgled. The thief knot is very similar to the reef knot, but the short ends are on opposite sides. -- --
The Reeflowt lying side--by- sidewith the Thief Knot shows clearly how easy it is to confuse the two krwts. 52 ( i SURGEON' S KNOT As its name suggests, this knot is used by s urgeons to tie off blood vessels, and it seems to have been in use since about the end of World \ 53 War II. The knot has a good grip, hvisting as it is drawn up and the diagonal is wrapped around it. It is less bulky and flatter than some of the other knots used by surgeons - the carrick and the reef knot, for instance - which tend to leave visible \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ) V z " ~ Q Z
i FISHERMAN'S KNOT Also known as: ANGLER'S KNOT, ENGLISH KNOT, ENGLISHMAN'S BEND OJ< KNOT, HALIBUT KNO'l', TRUE-LOVER'S BEND 011 KNOT, WATERMAN'S kNOT The fisherman's knot should not be confused with the fisherman's bend (which is actually a hitch, see page 28). They are quite different knots. This knot was invented during the 19th century, although some writers have suggested that it may have been known to the Ancient Greeks. It is formed from two identical 54 overhand knots, which are pushed against each other so that the short, working ends of the ropes lie in opposite directions, almost paral!el to their standing parts. Generally, the two component knots can be easily separated and undone. It should be used to join lines of equal diameter, but it is not suitable for ropes with large or even medium diameters. It is widely used by anglers to join fishing line, and it is also suitable for string and twine. The knot is not, in fact, as strong as the line from which it is formed when it is under great strain . r.;< i DOUBLE FISHERMAN' S KNOT Also known as: GRAl'EVINE KNOT This is one of the strongest knots for joi ning ropes or for forming slings, and it is used not only, as its name suggests, by anglers to secure thei r IinC's but also by climbers on small st uff. It is a comparatively bulky knot and is not, for tha t reason, suitable for anything more substantial than thin line or stri ng. The ends can be taped or seized to the working parts to minimize the risk of the knot working loose. Climbel'5 lape the ends to stop them catching on the rock (ace. __ 11 - 55 z " ~ ~ Q Z
~ HUNTER'S BEND Also known as; RIGGER'S BEND On 6 October 1968 The Times (London) carried a report on the front page describing how Dr Edward Hunter, a retired physician, had invented a new knot. The article generated a lot of interest in both Europe and the United States, but at the height of the publici ty it was found that the knot had already been described by Phil D. Smith, an American, in about 1950 in a publication called Knots for Mountaineers. Phil Smith had been working on the waterfront in San Francisco during World War II when he had devised the knot, which he had named a rigger's bend. It is also easy to untie. [t is based on two overhand knots and is stronger than the fisherman's bend, the sheet bend and the reef knot, although it is not as strong as the blood knot. The Hun/er's bend is a useful gelleral purpose knot, which is stable alld has a good grip. It is also easy to ulilie. ~ SHEET BEND Also knowll as: COMMON BEND, FLAG BEND The sheet bend is unusual in thai it can be G) used to join li nes of unequal dia meters. It is probably the most often used of all the bends, but il is nOll00 percent secure and should never be used in circumstances where it is going to be subject to grea t strain. Its breaking strain is further reduced in proportion to the difference in the diameters of the lines jOi ned . Although the knot may be seen in Ancient Egyptian paintings, the name did not appear in print in 1794. The sheet was originally the rope attached-fClthe clew (t he lower or after corner) of a sail, which was used for trimming the sail , and it was from this usage that the knot derived its name. It is also traditionally used to join the two corners of a flag to the rope used for raising or lowering it. On such occasions it is someti mes referred toas a flag bend. It can also be used to make a rope fast to anythi ng with an aperture- a handle on a s pade, for exa mple- through which the line can be passed and trapped under itself. When the knot is tied wit h the short ends on opposite sides it becomes a left-handed. sheet bend, but this is to be avoided as this knot is not secure. A slipped sheet bend is formed by placing a bight bdween Ute loop of the heavier rope and the standing part of the lighter rope. The slipped knot may be more easily untied when the rope is under strain. 57 z o ~ ~ o z / I I / / / FIGURE EIGHT BEND / Also known as: FtEMISH BEND OR KNaf Although this is a simple knot to ti e - simply make a figure eight knot in one end and follow it around with the other working end - it is one of the strongest bends that can be ti ed in both rope and st ring. - -----. //-- ............... ----- 58 - ---o- -,:c " - - - - - - - - - - --- - -- - ~ ~ CARRICK BEND rope is wet. When it is used, its main purpose is to join large-diameter hawsers and warps, and in these circumstances it is usually left in its flat form with the ends seized (that is, secured by binding with turns of yarn) to the standing parts. In its flat form it is sometimes also used to fasten scarves and belts, and its symmetrical appearance has made it a great favorite with illustrators of military uniforms. CD Also known as: COWBOY KJ"rQT, SPLIT KNOT, WARP KNOT This stable knot, which is formed from two overhand loops crossing each other, was the most widely used knot on old sailing ships. Its common names suggest some of the other ci rcumstances in which the carrick bend may be found - it is known as the cowboy knot to cowhands, the split knot to knitwear manufacturers and the warp knot to sailors. Today, however, it is less often used aboard ship because it can be difficult to unt ie when the When it is drawn up it capsizes into a completely different shape, and for this reason, although it has been recommended as a knot for mountaineers, it may be unsuitable as it is probably too bulky to pass through a carabiner. ---- ~ . ~ ..-"-- -- ....... ","'" ..------..... - ,
An attractive knot, known as the Japanese ParI knot, is tied in the same way as the Canick Bend using doubled ends. 59 z o ~ II.U I'I I'II I'I G . O W ~ I I ' I E H A I'I G M AI'I' S KI'I O T RUNNING KNOTS
Running knots are also known as slip knots or nooses. Their main characteristics are that thelj tighten around the objects on which they are tied but slacken when the strain is reduced. This group a/knots is divided into two kinds: those that are tied by passing a bight through a fixed loop at the end of a line and those that are formed from a closed bight knotted at the end of a line or along it . Running knots must be among the oldest knots known to man, They were used in prehistoric times to make weapons and snares to trap animals,
60 1'1 0 0 S ( T AR I U( II. KI'IOT
~ RUNNING BOWLINE This is probably the only running knot to be used by mariners. It is found on the running riggi ng or it may be used to raise fl oating objects that have fallen overboard. At sea during the 19th century i t was used to tighten the squaresai l to the yardarm in hi gh 61 winds, and at the same time in the country it was used by poachers. [t has many other uses, being strong and secure, easy to slide and si mple to undo. Tying it does not weaken the rope. The knot is mostl y used for hanging objects with ropes of unequal diameters. The weight of the object creates the tension needed to make the knot grip. ~ " ~ z z z "- ,
HANGMAN' S KNOT Also known as: JA.CK K ETCH'S KNOT This knot is one of the running knots that is formed by knotting a dosed bi ght at the end of a li ne. Its name reveals its macabre use, and its alternative name comes from the notorious hangman and executioner Jack Ketch, who di ed in 1686. It is a strong noose, which slides easily. The number of turns can vary between seven and thi rteen, although an odd number should always be used.
o 62
NOOSE This simple knot can be used as the first knot in tying up a package. On a larger scale, it is sometimes used to put tackle cables under stress. It is made of string or small stuff. The noose ca n also be used as a hitch, when it has two main functions. When a noose is tied around somethi ng large - a tree trunk, for example - only a fairly short length of line is required. If a constrictor knot or a dove arrow hi tch were used, on the ot her hand, far more rope would be needed. When nooses are used as hitches they are very secure. A noose can also be used when it is difficult to get close to the object around which the knot is to be tied. It may, for instance, be possible to pass the end of a line around the base of an inaccessible object, tie a noose and tighten it. A stopper knot should be added to prevent the noose slipping. 63 CD ~ c ~ z Zz o ~ z ~ " '" ~ z ~ 0 z z z ~ => ~ CD TARBUCK KNOT Like the hangman' s knot, this knot is formed by knotting a closed bight at the end of a line. It was devised for use by climbers when the rope was likel y to be subjected to heavy or unexpected stress because the knot absorbed the shock. It has recently fall en from fa vor, however, because double-braid (sheat h and core) ropes can now absorb any shocks and the knot would, in any case, damage the sheath of these new types of rope. This is, nevertheless, a useful general purpose knot, which grips under st rain although it can be slid along the standing part. It is not, however, a particul arly secure knot. 64 I I I , I ' ~ SHEEP$HAt-Il( SHORTENINGS
As their name implies, these invaluable knots are used to shortell/ong lines. Short ropes may be needed temporarily to tow a car or haul a load, for example, and a shortened rope is always more secure than two cut lengths joined together with another knot. In any case, a longer rope may be needed at some later date, and a rope shortened by means of a knot can always be lengthened at some later date. Shortenings can also be used to take up weakened or damaged lengths of line so that they are not subjected to any strain. These knots are well worth mastering.
65 lOO P Kt-IOT " z z o I ~ ' ~ SHEEPSHANK The sheepshank is a seafarer's knot: it does not chafe, it unties easily, and it has a good jamming action. It is an easily tied knot, which hol ds under tension - in fact, as soon as the tension is released, the knot falls apart. The number of half hitches can vary from three to five, and that number determines both the fi rmness of the grip of the knot and the length by which the line is shortened. In addition to shortening lines without the need to cut them, the sheepshank is used at sea for towing boats and on the running rigging. It can also be used to keep slack lines outof the way, which could have numerous applications, including keeping bell ropes tidy. When the knot is used to shorten a damaged line, it is important that the damaged section of rope passes through both of the half hitches. The Sllaps/lDnk is able to wry the length ofa rapt to suit the immediate requirement wit/lOul hlWing tocutlheropt!. . "" 67 Loop KNOT One of the best ways of shortening a damaged rope is to tie a loop knot. This simple fastening takes up the weakened part of the line in the center of the knot so that it is not put under strain. The knot is often used for towing automobiles and trucks. Pull the eods of the compleh?d Sheepshank and the knot becomes quite decorative. " o z z " , BlOOD KtlOT BLOOD lOOP DROPPER KNOT HAlf TUCKED BLOOD KNOT ---1/ - ~ WATER KI'lOT FISHING KNOTS
Because the conditions on a river bank may not be ideal, it is important that fishermen thoroughly master the art of tying a variety a/knots before they set out. Knots must be tied securely and correctly if they are to be oj any use, and wet and windy weather or poor light are not the ideal conditions in which to attempt to tie a knot for the first time. Practise tying the knots that are described on the pages that follow until you are confident that you can tie them accurately and quickly - then you are ready to tie them on the river bank.
68 ~ : I I I I " " I : . . . . . - - GRIN"'ER KIoI01 DOUILE GRINNER 1(1'101 "\) OQUBl( lOOP KI<01 tlEEPL( KtlOT The knots used in fishing are different from those used by mariners, climbers and campers because they are tied in fine monofilament, and the very na ture of monofilament means tha t once fas tened, these knots cannot usually be untied. Each knot that a fisherman uses performs a different fu nction, and it is possible that as many as eight knots at a time may be required. A knot may be used to join two lengths of fishing line, it may join a line to a leader, or it may attach a lure, hook sinker or swivel to a line, for example, and a knot that is perfect for one task will not necessarily serve another purpose. When you work with monofilament you will find that moistening the line by dipping it in water or lubricating it with saliva will help you to draw it up smoot hly and bed it down tightly. You will also find that a pair of pliers is essentia l when you are using one of the heavier monofilament lines. It is almost impossible to draw a line really ti ght with your bare hands. Resist the temptation to add a lubricant such as silicone to help draw the knot tight: the lubricant will remain in the knot and will add to the chances of the knot slipping while the line is in use. The finer the gauge of line you use to tie a knot, the easier it is to draw it up tight and seat it securely. The diameter of the line may also influence the kind of knot you tie, for some knots that work well with fine monofilament cannot be drawn up tight when they are tied in heavier gauge line. Remember that when you ti e two lengths of monofilament together, the knot will be more secure if the lines are made by the same manufacturer. This is the case even if you are tying toget her lines of different diameters. Different manufacturers produce lines tha t differ in the degree of stiffness, and this can affect the success of the knot. Once the knot is firmly seated, it should be trimmed . Do not try to burn the tag end as you will only weaken the knot. Use a pair of nail clippers, scissors or cutting pliers or a pai r of purpose-made cutters to trim the end at an angle of 45 degrees so close to the knot that the end does not protrude. It is important the tag end does not extend; if it does, it might catch on the hook or get caught up in weeds. You will find that some knots can withstand a considerable strain that is consistently applied while they fail when they are subjected to a sudden jerk. You can test the characteristics of different knots for yourself by asking a friend to hold the ends of some lengths of line while you pull on the other ends. Wear gloves to protect your hands when you do this. 69 Most fishing line, known as monofilament. is made of nylon because it is tough alld flexible. It comes in brmkillg strains of8 OUIlCes up to 1()() pounds fo r very strollg lilIes used in derp-sea biggame fishing.
" ~ z ~ 0 :I: Z ~ ~ ~ 0 Ii BLOOD KNOT Also kllow" as: BARREL KNOT The name barrel knot der ives from the appearance of the numerous wrapping turns that are required to complete this knot, which has a relatively high breaking strain. It is widely used to ti e nylon line in a host of situations, although it is most successful when the line is of mOTe or less equal thickness. Because anglers tie their knots in such fine line, once they are drawn up tightl y it is almost impossible to untie them - the line usually has to be cut. During the 19th cent ury, anglers and , , 70 tackle makers used to be able to keep secret the intri cacies of the va rious knots they tied because it was so diffi cult to unravel them. Just before World War L however, an engineer on board an ocean-going liner, Jock Purvis, went to the infinite troubl e of dissecting and reconstructing a specimen blood knot, keeping the cut sections in paraffin wax and using a microscope to examine the twists and turns of the line. Purvis's findings were published in the angling press in 1910. When you tie a blood knot, it is best to leave it slack so that you can count the turns. This will mean tha t the ends will have to be cut nea tly, but the grip is excell ent.
i BLOOD LOOP DROPPER KNOT Also known as: DROPPER LOOP When fishermen want more than one fly on a line at the same time, they use a weighted line wi th a series of hooks at intervals along it. Additional flies are known as droppers; and this is the loop that is used to attach them to a paternoster because the loop is fonned at a right angle to the line. 71 " ' ~ z ~ -0 z ~ " ~ 0 ill HALF-TUCKED BLOOD KNOT Also known as: CLINCH KNOT Anglers use this knot when they need to ti e a swivel or eyed hook to their lines. It is an easy knot to master and can be tied quickly. However, it is only really successful when it is used with fine monofilament. This is not a sui table knot for heavy lines. 72 CD
73 i TURLE KNOT This knot is used by fishermen to tie flies with turned-up or turned-down eyes to the tippet. It is not suitable for use with ring-eye hooks. The knot was named after Major Turle of Devon, England, in 1884. The line is passed through the eye of the hook, the knot is tied and then the hook is drawn through the loop of the knot. , , ~ Z:Z: 0- ~ z ~ G ) i WATER KNOT Also known as: COVE KNOT It seems likely that this strong knot was known to Izaak Walton (1593-]683), and the earliest printed reference to it is believed to have been in 1496. It is especially useful because it can be
74 used to join Hnes of different sizes, and the breaking strength can be even further enhanced by tucking the ends three mOTe times to create a quadruple overhand knot with both lines and then drawing them carefully together as you would a multiple overhand knot (see page 14). til GRINNER KNOT Also known as; DUNCAN LOOP KNOT, UN/-KNOT This is an excellent and justifiably popular knot for joining either a fly or an eyed hook to a leader (that is, a length of nylon that forms the junction between the fly-line and the fly) or to a tippet (the thin, terminal section of a leader). 75 TheGrinnerblOlondthe ,.;: I/) Half-tuckedbloodhwtaretht Z Z twobestmethodsaftyingJly 0 to/ine. Theyart difficultto ..... Z master and flyfishtnntl1 will \/I G'l benefit from p1l1c/isingal h(tTTlt.
, , ~ z ~ -0
"'z ~ ~ ~ Ii DOUBLE GRINNER KNOT Also known as: PARACUM KNOT This knot is actually two grinner or uni-knots tied back to back. It is used by fishermen who are trying to catch large fish with small flies on very fine tippets as it is an effective way of join- ing together tw"o sections of a tippet or a leader. 76 Ii DOUBLE LOOP KNOT Also known as: SURCEON'S LOOP This knot is tied in the same way as the surgeon's knot (see page 53) except that it is made with a single length of line. This non-sli p loop can be tied very quickly. Interlocked loops are an easy and quick way of attaching to a line hooks thai are already tied to a length of nylon. Make two double loop knots in the end of a line, leaving the loops quite long. Thread one loop through the other, pass the end of the hook through the line loop and puilihem carefully together. 77 " ~ Z ~ 0 I Z ~ ~ ~
iii NEEDLE KNOT Also known as: NEEDLE NAIL KNOT The needle knot is used to effect a smooth join between the fly- line and the butt end (that is, the thick part) of the leader. Not only is this an extremely strong way of fastening monofilament to a fly-line, it is also unlikely to ca tch or snag on debris as the line is fished. FLY L I t-I E 78 MOHOFILAMNT GLOSSARY
B ~ c k i n g line monofilament or a braided polyester line with a breaking s train of 15-19 pounds used under the fIy-line to bulk out a fly- reel spool. II prevents the fi ne fl y-line from twisting and forming into tight coils. When a largejish that makes a long run is caught, the backing line can also be allowed to run out after the fly-line. Bend verb used to describe the action of tying two ropes together by their ends; thus the name of various knots used to tie one rope to another or to an object. Bight the slack section of a rope, extending from the working end to the standing end (qq.v), especially when it is formed into a loop when a rope is bent back on itself. A knot tied "in the bight" or "on the bight" does not require the ends for the tying process. Breaking strafn or strength (BS) the rope man ufacturer' s estimate of the load that will cause a rope to part; the calculation takes no account of wear and tear, shock loading or knots, and it ca nnot be regarded as a safe working load ('f. v .). The manufacturer's calculation is based on the strengt h of a line when it is dry. Lines are weaker when they are knotted or wet. Butt the thick part of a leader, the other section havi ng been joined to the fl y-line. it is usuall y monofilament with a breaking strain of 19-22 pounds, although braided monofilament is sometimes used. Cable a large rope or anchor warp ('l.v.) or chain. Cable-laid rope formed of three right-handed hawsers laid up left-handed to form a larger, nine-stranded rope or cable. Capsize verb used to describe the distortion in the shape of a knot that loosens or sl.ips when it is under stress; some knots are deliberately capsized as a way of tying or untying them. Carabiner a metal coupling link with a safety closure used by mountaineers. Clear verb used to describe the action of loosening tangles in ropes. Cleat a small piece of wood or metal with projecting ends on which a rope may be fastened. Co rd the name given several tightly twisted yarns ('l.v.) to make a line with a diameter of less than 'h inch.
Cordage a collective name for ropes and cords, used especially to describe the ropes in a ship's rigging. Core or heart the inner part or heart of a rope or sennet ('l.v.) of more tha n three strands and in most braided lines; it is formed from a loosely twisted strand or from a bundle of parallel yarns and runs the length of larger ropes. It may be a cheap, weak filler or serve specificall y as a s trengthener or stiffener. Dog verb used to describe the winding back of the tail end of a rope around itself or around another rope (often larger) wi th the lay ('l.v.) to secure it temporarily against a lengthwise pull. Dogged the word used to describe a draw loop that is prevented from undoing accidentally by whipping (q .v.) it or sticking something through it. Double: line: si milar to a loop ('l.v.), but both strands of line are used toget her rather than working wi th the loop that is formed. Dropper a short length of monofilament bearing a wet fly and joined to the leader between the end fl y and the fl y-line. Some leaders are commercially made with d roppers attached; alternatively, droppers may be attached to a plain leader by means of a blood knot (see page 70). See also team of fli es, below. Eight-plait strong but flexible rope formed from four pairs of strands, two of which spiral clockwise and two of which spiral antidockwise; such rope does not ki nk. End usually the end of a length of rope that is being knotted, but see standing end and working end. Eye a loop formed at the end of a length of rope by seizing or splicing (qq.v.J. Fid a tapering wooden pin used to work or loosen strands of a rope. Fout describes a rope that cannot s lide because it is tangled or caught. Fray verb used to describe the unraveli ng, especially of the end, of a length of rope. Grommet a ring, usually of twisted rope or meta\, used to fasten the edge of a sail to its stay, to hold an oa r in place, etc. Hanger see pendant . Hawser a rope or cable large enough for towing or mooring; it usually has a circumference of 5-24 inches. " o ,. o Heart see core. Hitch a knot that secures a rope to a post, ring, spar, etc. or to another rope. Kemmantel modern synthetic rope made of a smooth outer sheath of tightly braided fi bers fitted over a core of filaments. lanyard a short rope or cord, usuall y three stranded and often braided or ornamented, used to secure objects or rigging or as a handle for tools and gear. lay the di rection, either left- or right-handed, of the twist of the strands forming a rope. Lead the di rection taken by the working end (q.v.) through a knot. Leader the length of nylon t hat for ms the junction between the fly-line and the may be tapered mechanically and thus be knotless or it may be reduced in diameter by using sections of lines with different diameters. Because it is less bulky than the fly-line itself, more delicate presentation of the fly is possible. In addi tion, when a floating li ne is used, lengthening the leader makes it possible to fis h in deeper water. Line the generic name for cordage with no specific purpose, although it can be used to refer to rope with a defi nite use - e.g., fishing line, clothes line. Loop a part of a rope bent so that its parts come together or cross. Marline a thin line of two, often loosely twisted, strands, used for twisting round the ends of ropes or cables to prevent fraying. Mar1ing the act of lashing or binding wit h marline (q.u.), taking a hi tch at each turn. Mar1inspike or mar1inespike a pointed iron instrument for separating the strands of a rope in splicing or marling (qq. v.). Nip the binding pressure within a knot that prevents it from slipping. Pendant or hanger a short length of rope wi th an eye spliced (q.v.) in one end and a hook in the other. Plain-laid rope three-stranded rope, twisted- i.e., lai d - to the right. Point a conical or decorative end of a rope used to help reeve (q.v.) it through holes and eyes. Reeve verb used to describe the act of slipping the end of a rope through a block, ring or cleat (q.v. ). Rope a thick, strong cord measuring more than 1 inch in circumference made from intertwis ted strands of fi ber, thi n wire, leather stri ps, etc. Safe working load (SWL) the estimated load that can be placed on a rope without it given its age, condi tion, the knots used and any shock loading. NB: safe working load may be as li ttle as one-sixth of the manufacturer's quoted breaking strength (q. vJ. 80 Seized fastened or attached by binding with turns of yarn. Sennit brai ded cordage made in flat or round or square form from between three and nine cords. Slack the part of rope that is not under tension. S-Iaid rope left-handed rope. Small stuff twine, string or cord (q .v.), or rope that has a circumfe rence of less than 1 inch or a diameter of less than Ih inch. Soft laid loosely twisted rope. Splice verb used to describe the act of joining ends of rope by interweaving strands. Standing end the short area at the end of the standing part (q. u.). Standing part the part of a rope that is fixed or under tension as opposed to the end that is free (the working end) wi th which the knot is tied. In fishing, the standing pa rt is wound around the reel. Stopper a short length of rope or chain used to limit the running of a line or to hold lines whi le they are cleated (q . v .) . Strand yarns twisted together in the opposite di rection to the yarn itself; rope made with strands (not braided) is known as laid line. Tag end the part of a fishing line in which the knot is tied; see working end. Team offties two, three or four wet flies attached to the same leader by means of short lengths of monofilament (or droppers, see above) . When three fl ies are used, the top one (which bounces off the surface of the water) is known as the bob fly or top dropper, the middle one is known as the middle dropper and the bottom one is known as the point or tail fl y. Tippet or point the thi n, termina l section of the leader to which the fly is tied. It is usually 12-18 inches long. Turn one round of a rope - i.e. , the basic element of the knot; a turn is usually achieved by passing the working end around the standing part or a standing loop. To take a turn is to make a single round with the rope around a cleat (q.v.) or ballard. Warp verb describing the act of moving a vessel from one place in a harbor to another by means of ropes or hawsers; a warp is, thus, a rope or hawser used for that purpose. Whipping the act of tightl y wrapping small stuff around the end of a length of rope to prevel1tit---- unlaying and fraying. Working end the part of a rope used in tying a knot; the opposi te of standing end (q.v.) . Yarn the basic element of a rope or cord. Z-Iaid right-handed rope. , EXPERT INSTRUCTIONS FOR TYING KNOTS CORRECTLY AND SAFELY
Knots, Splices and Rope Work
A Practical Treatise Giving Complete and Simple Directions for Making All the Most Useful and Ornamental Knots in Common Use, with Chapters on Splicing, Pointing, Seizing, Serving, etc.