CS2255 Data Base Management Systems Question Bank

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CS2255 Data Base Management Systems question bank



PART A - Two Mark Questions

1. What is first normal form?

2. Define Boyce codd normal form
3. What is meant by functional dependencies?
4. What are the uses of functional dependencies?
5. Explain trivial dependency?
6. What are axioms?
7. What is meant by computing the closure of a set of functional dependency?
8. What is meant by normalization of data?
9. Define canonical cover?
10. List the properties of canonical cover.
11. What are the desirable properties of decomposition?
12. What is 2NF?
13. Define Functional Dependencies.
14. What are the main characteristics of functional dependencies?
15. Define Closure of Functional Dependency.
16. Define the three Armstrong’s Axioms or rules of inference.
13. Define union, decomposition, and Pseudo-transitivity rules.
14. Define normalization of data and denormalization.
15. Explain shortly the four properties or objectives of normalization.
16. Define Partial Functional Dependency.
17 Define functional dependency.
18. State the inference rules of functional dependency.
19. What is normalization?
20. What is a prime attribute?
21. Define full functional dependency.
22. What is lossy decomposition?
23. What do you mean by lossy-join decomposition?
24. What is lossless-join decomposition?
25. What are the two problematic issues in the design of relational databases?
26. What do you mean by Determinant?
27. What is a trivial functional dependency?
28. Explain the terms reflectivity, augmentation and transitivity?
29. Define the terms self-determination, decomposition, union and composition.
30. What is transitive dependency?
31. Explain how to identify the functional dependencies of a relation using an example.

1. What is decomposition? Explain with the help of an example.

2. Explain the different normal forms in detail.
3. Explain the process of Functional Dependency.
4. What are the inference rules for functional dependencies?
5. Compare BCNF and 3NF with suitable example.
6. Explain First Normal form and second normal form with suitable example.
7. Explain the 4NF and 5NF with suitable example.
8. Explain the Domain-Key normal form (DKNF) with suitable example.
9. What is Denormalization? Explain with suitable example.

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